Results for 'Big Tech'

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  1. Big Tech, Algorithmic Power, and Democratic Control.Ugur Aytac - 2024 - Journal of Politics 86 (4):1431-1445.
    This paper argues that instituting Citizen Boards of Governance (CBGs) is the optimal strategy to democratically contain Big Tech’s algorithmic powers in the digital public sphere. CBGs are bodies of randomly selected citizens that are authorized to govern the algorithmic infrastructure of Big Tech platforms. The main advantage of CBGs is to tackle the concentrated powers of private tech corporations without giving too much power to governments. I show why this is a better approach than ordinary state (...)
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  2. Big Tech won't make health care any better.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Jacobin 25 (10):1.
    Apple CEO Tim Cook claimed in 2019 that his company’s greatest achievement will be “about health.” But the pandemic has shown that Big Tech’s involvement in health care is all about data collection.
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  3. Big Tech corporations and AI: A Social License to Operate and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in the Digital Age.Marianna Capasso & Steven Umbrello - 2023 - In Francesca Mazzi & Luciano Floridi (eds.), The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Verlag. pp. 231–249.
    The pervasiveness of AI-empowered technologies across multiple sectors has led to drastic changes concerning traditional social practices and how we relate to one another. Moreover, market-driven Big Tech corporations are now entering public domains, and concerns have been raised that they may even influence public agenda and research. Therefore, this chapter focuses on assessing and evaluating what kind of business model is desirable to incentivise the AI for Social Good (AI4SG) factors. In particular, the chapter explores the implications of (...)
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  4. Big Tech and the Smartification of Agriculture.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2022 - Https://Projects.Itforchange.Net/State-of-Big-Tech/Big-Tech-and-the-Smartification-of-Agriculture-a- Critical-Perspective/.
    The paper outlines critical aspects concerning the increasing use of big data in agriculture and farming. In particular, the aim is to shed light on the emerging dominance of the platform economy in the field of agriculture and food production. To analyze those power structures shaping this dynamic, we start with brief observations on the general relationship between digitization and agriculture and explain the platform economy, its general business model, and the proprietary forms of market power emerging from it. Subsequently, (...)
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  5. Sphere transgressions: reflecting on the risks of big tech expansionism.Marthe Stevens, Steven R. Kraaijeveld & Tamar Sharon - forthcoming - Information, Communication and Society.
    The rapid expansion of Big Tech companies into various societal domains (e.g., health, education, and agriculture) over the past decade has led to increasing concerns among governments, regulators, scholars, and civil society. While existing theoretical frameworks—often revolving around privacy and data protection, or market and platform power—have shed light on important aspects of Big Tech expansionism, there are other risks that these frameworks cannot fully capture. In response, this editorial proposes an alternative theoretical framework based on the notion (...)
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  6. Big Tech und die Pandemie – Smarte Retter in der Not?Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Zeitschrift LuXemburg 1 (1):1.
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  7. Überwachungskapitalistische Biopolitik: Big Tech und die Regierung der Körper.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - forthcoming - Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft.
    The article introduces the concept of "surveillance-capitalist biopolitics" to problematize the recent expansion of "data extractivism" in health care and health research. As we show, this trend has accelerated during the ongoing Covid pandemic and points to a normalization and institutionalization of self-tracking practices, which, drawing on the "quantified self", points to the emergence of a "quantified collective". Referring to Foucault and Zuboff, and by analyzing key examples of the leading "Big Tech" companies (e.g., Alphabet and Apple), we argue (...)
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  8. Wie Big Tech die Pandemie "lösen" will.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2020 - Republik 2020 (9.5).
    Apple, Facebook und Google geben sich dieser Tage als Retter in der Not, die ihre Daten­hoheit für das Gute nutzen. Damit verbuchen sie enormen Macht­zuwachs – und bauen das System für eine datafizierte Biopolitik weiter aus.
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  9. Pandemic solutionism: the power of big tech during the COVID-19 crisis.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2023 - Digital Culture and Society 8 (1):43-65.
    In this article, we investigate how Big Tech companies have used the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic to increase their social, political, infrastructural, and epistemic power. We focus on four companies that were outspoken in their efforts to combat the virus: Alphabet (also known as Google), Apple, Facebook, and Amazon (GAFA). During the crisis, these companies evolved as adaptive entities that responded to the state of emergency by promptly rolling out various technological solutions, exemplifying what we call ‘pandemic solutionism’, (...)
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  10. COVID-19: A Dystopian Delusion: Examining the Machinations of Governments, Health Organizations, the Globalist Elites, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Legacy Media.Scott D. G. Ventureyra (ed.) - 2022 - Ottawa, ON, Canada: True Freedom Press.
    Since March of 2020, the world has been brought to its knees by unscientific and unethical mandates. These mandates have destroyed the world economy and the lives of countless innocent individuals. The “cure” that has been offered by medical bureaucrats and politicians has been more deadly than the disease (COVID-19). The imposition of ludicrous lockdowns, mask-wearing, coerced vaccination, and vaccine passports have not only proved to be ineffective, but also much more harmful than SARS-CoV-2 and all its variants. COVID-19 has (...)
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  11. Okay, Google, Can I Trust You? An Anti-trust Argument for Antitrust.Trystan S. Goetze - 2023 - In David Collins, Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Mark Alfano & Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Trust. Lexington Books. pp. 237-257.
    In this chapter, I argue that it is impossible to trust the Big Tech companies, in an ethically important sense of trust. The argument is not that these companies are untrustworthy. Rather, I argue that the power to hold the trustee accountable is a necessary component of this sense of trust, and, because these companies are so powerful, they are immune to our attempts, as individuals or nation-states, to hold them to account. It is, therefore, literally impossible to trust (...)
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  12. Exploitation in the Platform Age.Daniel Susser - forthcoming - In Beate Roessler & Valerie Steeves (eds.), Being Human in the Digital World. Cambridge University Press.
    In this chapter I consider a common refrain among critics of digital platforms: big tech "exploits" us. It gives voice to a shared sense that technology firms are somehow mistreating people—taking advantage of us, extracting from us—in a way that other data-driven harms, such as surveillance and algorithmic bias, fail to capture. Exploring several targets of this charge—gig work, algorithmic pricing, and surveillance advertising—I ask: What does exploitation entail, exactly, and how do platforms perpetrate it? Is exploitation in the (...)
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  13. Cornelius Castoriadis’ agonistic theory of the future of work at Amazon Mechanical Turk.Tim Christiaens - 2024 - Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 1 (1):1-20.
    Digital innovations are rapidly changing the contemporary workplace. Big Tech companies marketing algorithmic management increasingly decide on the Future of Work. Political responses, however, often focus on managing the impact of these technologies on workers. They leave the question of how these technologies are designed or how workers can determine their own futures unanswered. This approach risks surrendering the Future of Work debate to techno-determinist imaginaries aligned with corporate interests. Using Cornelius Castoriadis’ early writings on worker struggles in French (...)
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    Institucionalidade, governamentalidade e inteligência artificial.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Gilberto Miranda Junior - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação.
    O presente artigo insere-se no contexto do Programa de Mestrado Profissional (PROF-FILO UFABC) e articula parte da discussão feita na dissertação. Seu objetivo é correlacionar o avanço das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação e o enfraquecimento das Democracias Liberais do Ocidente, tendo como pano de fundo a governamentalidade algorítmica. Em um primeiro momento, a partir do conceito de governamentalidade do filósofo francês Michel Foucault faremos um diálogo com os pensadores alemães Ulrich Beck e Jürgen Habermas, discutindo de que forma (...)
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  15. Freedom From Domination and Our Technological Predicament.Hans de Zwart - manuscript
    Our technologically mediated world is dominated by tech giants. This impacts our freedom. The classic liberal conception of negative freedom can’t adequately address this impact. Freedom as non-interference doesn’t see how the potential power of these giants is making us less free, even if we are not aware of this power. This paper uses a neorepublican lens to look at our relationship with surveillance capitalists like Google and Facebook. Exploring three ways of framing this relationship, it argues that these (...)
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  16. Putting Flourishing First: Applying Democratic Values to Technology.Kinney E. Zalesne & Nick Pyati - 2023 - Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Ethics.
    When product design teams gather at the whiteboard in big-tech office parks and startup garages around the world, they ask themselves: How will customers use our technology? Is it better than our competitors’? How much money can we make? But one question that’s rarely asked: does our technology advance human flourishing? -/- In a new white paper by Harvard professor Danielle Allen and her colleagues Eli Frankel, Woojin Lim, Divya Siddarth, Josh Simons, and Glen Weyl entitled “The Ethics of (...)
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  17. Six provocations for metaverse datafication: an emergent cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon.Chris Hesselbein, Paolo Bory & Stefano Canali - 2024 - Information, Communication and Society:1-19.
    Although the ‘metaverse’ is still the feverish pipedream of tech companies and venture capitalists, it is also a powerful imaginary for channelling enormous resources towards deepening and extending ongoing processes of digitalization and datafication. It is thus likely that an increasing amount of human activity – both professional as well as leisure-related – will take place in metaversal spaces, and that the paradigm of ‘Big Data’ is about to be expanded with massive amounts of new and varied or multimodal (...)
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  18. Utopian Social Delusions in the 21st Century.Starks Michael - 2017 - Henderson,NV, USA: Michael Starks.
    This collection of articles was written over the last 10 years and edited them to bring them up to date (2017). All the articles are about human behavior (as are all articles by anyone about anything), and so about the limitations of having a recent monkey ancestry (8 million years or much less depending on viewpoint) and manifest words and deeds within the framework of our innate psychology as presented in the table of intentionality. As famous evolutionist Richard Leakey says, (...)
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    The 6th Annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium, Texas Tech University.Outreach & Engagement Texas Tech University (ed.) - 2024 - Lubbock, Texas, USA: Texas Tech University.
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  20. The Garden City Now A Tattered City: Effects And Ethical Implications Of Poor Waste Management In Port Harcourt, Rivers State.Sotonye Big-Alabo - 2019 - GIS Business 14 (4):130-137.
    The issue of poor waste management has become a very important issue of concern to various scholars in environmental studies. Effective waste management in Port Harcourt has been seen as one of the greatest issue being faced in Rivers State. It cannot be over emphasized that the generation of waste and its adverse effect has increased over time. This paper critically looks into the ethical implications and effects of poor waste management in Rivers state with focus on Port Harcourt. Hence, (...)
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  21. Boko Haram And Terrorism In Nigeria: Ethical Implications And Responses Of The Christians.Sotonye Big-Alabo & Tamunopubo Big-Alabo - 2020 - Academic Leadership 21 (7):108-115.
    This study investigated Boko Haram and terrorist activities in Nigeria while looking at the ethical implications and responses of the Christians. The study was guided by two objectives which are to; analyse whether the acts of terror carried out by Boko Haram are ethical and examine the responses of the Christians with respect to Boko Haram acts of terror. However, the methods of exposition and critical analysis was used and content analysis was used to analyse data collected. Data was collected (...)
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  22. Hobbesian Conception of Human Nature: Moral Implications for Nigeria Society.Sotonye Big-Alabo - 2019 - International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (vi):49-54.
    This work is on Hobbesian Conception of Human Nature: Moral Implications for Nigeria Society. It will be absurd indeed to discuss about Ethics and Society without talking about the concept of human nature. In other words, there is no philosophy of life without a theory of human nature. Human nature can be defined as the psychological and social qualities that characterized humankind, especially in contrast with other living things. The problem here is that Hobbes believes that the state of nature (...)
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  23. Paul Taylors Biocentric Ethics: A Survey of Contemporary Environmental Conflicts.Sotonye Big-Alabo - 2019 - The PHILOSOPHICAL QUEST 6 (2):99-111.
    This work is on Paul Taylors Biocentric Ethics: A Survey of Contemporary Environmental Conflicts. When we accept the concept of biocentrism there is bound to exist conflicts between interests and cultural values of humans and the well-being of nonhuman living beings. These conflicts as we shall see need fair resolution principles because they are equal competing claims. Thus, the concept of equality here deals with the fact already established. This work exposes that both humans and nonhuman living beings of the (...)
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  24. Xenophobic Attacks on Nigerians in South Africa: Ethical implications and Responses of the Nigerian Government.Big-Alabo Sotonye & Big-Alabo Tamunopubo - 2020 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 7 (3):36-41.
    This study examines the xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa, its ethical implications and responses of the Nigerian government. The study was guided by two objectives while it adopted the normative theory by Plato and Aristotle. The study looked at conceptual clarification like the concept of xenophobia. The study adopted ex-post research design while data was sourced through secondary source such as textbooks, journal articles, newspapers, magazines and internet while the data generated was analyzed through content analysis. The findings (...)
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  25. Ethical Considerations and Science Diplomacy on Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic in Nigeria.Sotonye Big-Alabo & Remigius Achinike Obah - 2020 - Academic Leadership 21 (6):347-356.
    The study investigated ethical considerations and science diplomacy on coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic in Nigeria. The outbreak of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in Nigeria has spread quickly to about 34 states out of the 36 states and over 5000 persons have tested positive as at the time of this research after the first index case of an Italian and there is a projection that in coming days and weeks the number of infected persons and states will increase. The study was (...)
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  26. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AND ETHICAL RELATIVISM: A SHADOW PANDEMIC RAVAGING NIGERIA.Sotonye Big-Alabo - 2022 - Journal of Socialization: Journal of Thought Results, Research and Development of Sociology of Educational Science 9 (1):1-9.
    Gender-Based violence (GBV) is a disturbing phenomenon prevalent in all regions of the world. GBV is seen as any harmful act that is carried out against a person’s consent and that it is as a result of socially ascribed (gender) dissimilarities between males and females. The study exposes that the fight against GBV have been unsuccessful because of several factors which includes the acceptance of such actions by some traditions and cultures therefore bringing to the fore conventional ethical relativism, in (...)
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    Thought-Provoking Blend of Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]R. Ricardo, Big Berd & A. J. - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson From Quantum and Information Theories”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories”.
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  28. Are Big Gods a big deal in the emergence of big groups?Quentin D. Atkinson, Andrew J. Latham & Joseph Watts - 2015 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 5 (4):266-274.
    In Big Gods, Norenzayan (2013) presents the most comprehensive treatment yet of the Big Gods question. The book is a commendable attempt to synthesize the rapidly growing body of survey and experimental research on prosocial effects of religious primes together with cross-cultural data on the distribution of Big Gods. There are, however, a number of problems with the current cross-cultural evidence that weaken support for a causal link between big societies and certain types of Big Gods. Here we attempt to (...)
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  29. Small Tech, High Touch: A Permutation.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Bio-Science Research Bulletin 38 (2):81-85.
    In an earlier paper published in a neutrosophic math journal (IJNS), we discussed a new approach to technology, which may be called as ‘opti-realism’ or ‘pess-optimism’ as alternative to utopianism based on technocracy, which may lead the world into global technototalitarianism. In this article, we submit a new approach to Nature and technology, which is more modest and humble, rather than a techno-utopianism version of reality that most futurists argue for. Our proposed approach resembles more to Myer-Briggs 16 types of (...)
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  30. Big Data, epistemology and causality: Knowledge in and knowledge out in EXPOsOMICS.Stefano Canali - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Recently, it has been argued that the use of Big Data transforms the sciences, making data-driven research possible and studying causality redundant. In this paper, I focus on the claim on causal knowledge by examining the Big Data project EXPOsOMICS, whose research is funded by the European Commission and considered capable of improving our understanding of the relation between exposure and disease. While EXPOsOMICS may seem the perfect exemplification of the data-driven view, I show how causal knowledge is necessary for (...)
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  31. Big data and their epistemological challenge.Luciano Floridi - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):435-437.
    Between 2006 and 2011, humanity accumulated 1,600 EB of data. As a result of this growth, there is now more data produced than available storage. This article explores the problem of “Big Data,” arguing for an epistemological approach as a possible solution to this ever-increasing challenge.
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  32. Big Data and Changing Concepts of the Human.Carrie Figdor - 2019 - European Review 27 (3):328-340.
    Big Data has the potential to enable unprecedentedly rigorous quantitative modeling of complex human social relationships and social structures. When such models are extended to nonhuman domains, they can undermine anthropocentric assumptions about the extent to which these relationships and structures are specifically human. Discoveries of relevant commonalities with nonhumans may not make us less human, but they promise to challenge fundamental views of what it is to be human.
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  33. Big Bang, Actual State of Our Universe, Fine-Tuning, Anthropic Principle.Paul Merriam & M. A. Z. Habeeb - manuscript
    We can ask, (1) given the state of the universe at the big bang, what is the probability that the universe would have ended up in its current actual state? What is the probability distribution for the possible states the universe could have evolved into? We can ask, (2) given the current actual state of the universe, what is the probability the big bang would have been in the state it was? What is the probability distribution over different possible states (...)
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  34. Big Data - Aspects philosophiques.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Le big data peut générer, par inférences, de nouvelles connaissances et perspectives. Le paradigme qui résulte de l'utilisation du big data crée de nouvelles opportunités. L'une des principales préoccupations dans le cas du big data est que les scientifiques des données ont tendance à travailler avec des données sur des sujets qu'ils ne connaissent pas et n'ont jamais été en contact, étant éloignés du produit final de leur activité (l'application des analyses). Une étude récente (Tanner 2014) indique que cela peut (...)
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  35. Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Exploring the Role of Machine Learning in Predicting Patient Outcomes and Improving Healthcare Delivery.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Fernando Rogelio Simonato - 2023 - International Journal of Computations Information and Manufacturing (Ijcim) 3 (1):1-9.
    Healthcare professionals decide wisely about personalized medicine, treatment plans, and resource allocation by utilizing big data analytics and machine learning. To guarantee that algorithmic recommendations are impartial and fair, however, ethical issues relating to prejudice and data privacy must be taken into account. Big data analytics and machine learning have a great potential to disrupt healthcare, and as these technologies continue to evolve, new opportunities to reform healthcare and enhance patient outcomes may arise. In order to investigate the patient’s outcomes (...)
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  36. Big Data Analytics and How to Buy an Election.Jakob Mainz, Rasmus Uhrenfeldt & Jorn Sonderholm - 2021 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (2):119-139.
    In this article, we show how it is possible to lawfully buy an election. The method we describe for buying an election is novel. The key things that make it possible to buy an election are the existence of public voter registration lists where one can see whether a given elector has voted in a particular election, and the existence of Big Data Analytics that with a high degree of accuracy can predict what a given elector will vote in an (...)
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  37. From tech to tact: emotion dysregulation in online communication during the COVID-19 pandemic.Mark M. James - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5):1-32.
    Recent theorizing argues that online communication technologies provide powerful, although precarious, means of emotional regulation. We develop this understanding further. Drawing on subjective reports collected during periods of imposed social restrictions under COVID-19, we focus on how this precarity is a source of emo-tional dysregulation. We make our case by organizing responses into five distinct but intersecting dimensions wherein the precarity of this regulation is most relevant: infrastructure, functional use, mindful design (individual and social), and digital tact. Analyzing these reports, (...)
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  38. Big Data, Scientific Research and Philosophy.Giovanni Landi - 2020 - Www.Intelligenzaartificialecomefilosofia.Com.
    What is the epistemological status of Big Data? Is there really place for them in a scientific search for new empirical laws?
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  39. Etica Big Data în cercetare.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Principalele probleme cu care se confruntă oamenii de știință în lucrul cu seturile mari de date (Big Data), evidențiind principale aspecte etice, luând în considerare inclusiv legislația din Uniunea Europeană. După o scurtă Introducere despre Big Data, secțiunea Tehnologia prezintă aplicațiile specifice în cercetare. Urmează o abordare a principalelor probleme filosofice specifice în Aspecte filosofice, și Aspecte legale cu evidențierea problemelor etice specifice din Regulamentul UE privind protecția datelor 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, "GDPR"). Secțiunea Probleme etice detaliază aspectele specifice (...)
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  40. Finite Tech, Unknowable Nature.James Fontini - 2022 - Alienocene 12.
    The article sketches a view of nature as a movement undermining totality. Awareness of our entanglement in an inherently incomplete movement forces us to rethink or reinvent our relationship to nature. The view provided here has been developed by drawing heavily from the later work of Martin Heidegger, moving with and beyond it in an examination of the limitations of Western philosophy in approaching questions of nature and ecology. Thinking ecologically becomes a question of grammar and the binding (and unbinding) (...)
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  41. Big Data Ethics in Education and Research.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2023 - It and C 2 (3):26-35.
    Big data ethics involves adherence to the concepts of right and wrong behavior regarding data, especially personal data. Big Data ethics focuses on structured or unstructured data collectors and disseminators. Big data ethics is supported, at EU level, by extensive documentation, which seeks to find concrete solutions to maximize the value of big data without sacrificing fundamental human rights. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) supports the right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data in the (...)
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  42. Megadatele (Big Data) pe Internet.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - It and C 1 (1):23-27.
    Termenul Big Data se referă la extragerea, manipularea și analiza unor seturi de date care sunt prea mari pentru a fi tratate în mod obișnuit. Din această cauză se utilizează software special și, în multe cazuri, și calculatoare și echipamente hardware special dedicate. În general la aceste date analiza se face statistic. Pe baza analizei datelor respective se fac de obicei predicții ale unor grupuri de persoane sau alte entități, pe baza comportamentului acestora în diverse situații și folosind tehnici analitice (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Big Data.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2019 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Odată cu creșterea volumului de date pe Internet, în media socială, cloud computing, dispozitive mobile și date guvernamentale, Big Data devine în același timp o amenințare și o oportunitate în ceea ce privește gestionarea și utilizarea acestor date, menținând în același timp drepturile persoanelor implicate. În fiecare zi, folosim și generăm tone de date, alimentând bazele de date ale agențiilor guvernamentale, companiilor private și chiar cetățenilor privați. Beneficiem în multe feluri de existența și utilizarea Big Data, dar trebuie să ne (...)
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  44. Big Data and reality.Ryan Shaw - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    DNA sequencers, Twitter, MRIs, Facebook, particle accelerators, Google Books, radio telescopes, Tumblr: what do these things have in common? According to the evangelists of “data science,” all of these are instruments for observing reality at unprecedentedly large scales and fine granularities. This perspective ignores the social reality of these very different technological systems, ignoring how they are made, how they work, and what they mean in favor of an exclusive focus on what they generate: Big Data. But no data, big (...)
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  45. Big Data Ethics.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Big Data ethics involves adherence to the concepts of right and wrong behavior regarding data, especially personal data. Big Data ethics focuses on structured or unstructured data collectors and disseminators. Big Data ethics is supported, at EU level, by extensive documentation, which seeks to find concrete solutions to maximize the value of Big Data without sacrificing fundamental human rights. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) supports the right to privacy and the right to the protection of personal data in the (...)
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  46. Big Data - Aspecte filosofice.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Big Data poate genera, prin inferențe, noi cunoașteri și perspective. Paradigma care rezultă din utilizarea Big Data generează noi oportunități. Un motiv de îngrijorare majoră în cazul Big Data se datorează faptului că oamenii de știință de date tind să lucreze cu date despre subiectele pe care nu le cunosc și cu care nu au fost niciodată în contact, fiind înstrăinați de produsul final al activității lor (aplicarea analizelor). Un studiu recent afirmă că ceasta poate fi motivul unui fenomen cunoscut (...)
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  47. Big Data technology.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Big Data must be processed with advanced collection and analysis tools, based on predetermined algorithms, in order to obtain relevant information. Algorithms must also take into account invisible aspects for direct perceptions. Big Data issues is multi-layered. A distributed parallel architecture distributes data on multiple servers (parallel execution environments) thus dramatically improving data processing speeds. Big Data provides an infrastructure that allows for highlighting uncertainties, performance, and availability of components. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12784.00004 .
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  48. Big Data Analytics in Project Management: A Key to Success.Tareq Obaid & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (7):1-8.
    This review delves into the influence of big data analytics on project management effectiveness and project success rates. By examining applications, accomplishments, hindrances, and emerging developments in the context of big data analytics and project management, this review provides insights into its transformative potential. Results indicate that big data analytics fosters improved project performance, more robust risk management, and heightened adaptability. However, challenges related to data quality, privacy, and project manager training remain to be addressed. This review underscores the value (...)
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  49. Big Data: truth, quasi-truth or post-truth?Ricardo Peraça Cavassane & M. Loffredo D'ottaviano Itala - 2020 - Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences 42 (3):1-7.
    In this paper we investigate if sentences presented as the result of the application of statistical models and artificial intelligence to large volumes of data – the so-called ‘Big Data’ – can be characterized as semantically true, or as quasi-true, or even if such sentences can only be characterized as probably quasi-false and, in a certain way, post-true; that is, if, in the context of Big Data, the representation of a data domain can be configured as a total structure, or (...)
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  50. Becoming fully present in your body: Analysing mindfulness as an affective investment in tech culture.Jaana Parviainen & Ilmari Kortelainen - 2019 - Somatechnics 9 (2-3):353–375.
    Tech companies have eagerly utilised mindfulness techniques in order to increase both creativity and productivity among their managers and employees. However, while a growing number of studies within fields of clinical psychology and psychiatry suggest that mindfulness provides myriad health benefits, such literature does not critically evaluate the societal and affective influences of mindfulness and other wellness practices on working bodies. By focusing on discourses related to mindfulness training, this paper explores the conception of ‘being present’. Drawing on the (...)
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