Results for 'Gnosi'

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  1. (1 other version)Ley y gnosis. Una Historia Intelectual De La Tariqa Tijaniyya.Antonio de Diego González - 2020 - Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.
    La Tijāniyya es la ṭarīqa sufí más influyente en África Subsahariana, con casi cien millones de seguidores, y una de las principales del mundo. En estos dos últimos siglos se ha convertido en uno de los movimientos sociales y espirituales islámicos más importantes a nivel mundial. Su presencia desde el Magreb y el Sahel hasta Indonesia o Estados Unidos así lo atestigua. -/- Su conjunción entre un conocimiento gnóstico (ḥaqīqa), otorgado según la tradición por el mismísimo Profeta Muḥammad a Ahmad (...)
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  2. Il concetto di Dio dopo Auschwitz. Hans Jonas e la Gnosi.Fabio Fossa - 2014 - Pisa PI, Italia: ETS.
    Il pensiero di Hans Jonas è comunemente inteso nel segno di una netta reazione all’interpretazione gnostica del sé e del mondo. Egli si dedicò allo studio della gnosi dalla metà degli anni venti fino al secondo dopoguerra, e il frutto delle sue ricerche è raccolto nei due volumi di Gnosi e spirito tardoantico (1934, 1964). Questa lettura polemica della sua filosofia è davvero in grado di rendere conto dei rapporti che la proposta jonasiana, come filosofia della biologia e (...)
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  3. The Sleeper Awakes: Gnosis and Authenticity in The Matrix.David P. Hunt - 2007 - In Faith, Film, and Philosophy: Big Ideas on the Big Screen. Downers Grove, IL, USA: InterVarsity Press. pp. 89-105.
    I first argue that the Matrix trilogy is a Gnostic cyber-epic; I then use this interpretive lens to review the films' treatment of fundamental questions in epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory.
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  4. Christian Gnosis: From Saint Paul to Meister Eckhart. [REVIEW]Samuel Bendeck Sotillos - 2010 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 29 (1):135-136.
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  5. Prajna: The Discernment of Direct Awareness Knowningness (Gnosis, Jnana).Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Prajna and the discernment of knowningness.
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  6. Der christliche Gnostizismus in der Metaphysik Sebastian Francks.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Die Sebastian Franck-Forschung hat sich bisher recht ausführlich mit den Themen "Sebastian Franck als Historiker" oder "Sebastian Franck als Kritiker der Theologie" beschäftigt. Weniger Aufmerksamkeit bekam bisher der Gnostizismus im Denken des radikalen Reformers. Seit der Jahrtausendwende ist allerdings ein stärkeres Interesse an einer bestimmten Strömung des Gnostizismus zu erkennen, nämlich der Hermetik. Es gab einige Arbeiten, die den Einfluss von Hermes Trismegistos bzw. der hermetischen Schriften auf Franck aufzeigen konnten. Dieser Aufsatz geht der Frage des Einflusses des christlichen Gnostizismus (...)
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  7. Der Einfluss von Agrippa von Nettesheim auf Sebastian Franck.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Sebastian Franck hat Teile von Agrippas De Vanitate Scientiarum übersetzt und kommentiert. Von daher ist der Einfluss der Philosophie von Agrippa auf Franck bekannt. Es gab allerdings bisher keine ausführlichen Untersuchungen zu den Einflüssen von Agrippa auf Franck. Diese Lücke versucht dieser Aufsatz zu schließen. Beim Vergleich der metaphysischen Systeme von Franck und Agrippa stellt sich heraus, dass es bedeutende Einflüsse im Bereich der Seelenlehre und der Christologie gab. Sowohl Agrippa als auch Franck sind Anhänger der platonischen Lehre der drei (...)
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  8. Reorganization of a Spinal Motoneuron Nucleus following Autologous Nerve Graft in the Rat.Dieter M. Weinert - 2016 - Norderstedt, Deutschland: BoD.
    Autologous nerve grafts are steadily regarded as the method of choice for bridging the nerve gaps resulting after peripheral nerve lesions with substance defects. Microsurgical techniques and the perineurial suture of corresponding fascicles have improved the functional results following peripheral nerve graft. -/- However, regeneration success is often disappointing, despite the most thorough technique and expertise. The loss of spinal motoneurons associated with a nerve lesion and the growth of axon sprouts in inadequate endoneurial sheaths were held responsible as the (...)
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  9. Beyond the Ultimate: the impossible proposition at the core of Meister Eckhart’s unique teaching, and why he remains so consistently misunderstood.Peter Eastman - 2015
    Abstract: Eckhart proposed that the ultimate of ultimates was not a perceptible God reachable through mystical experience, but an inconceivable and unfathomable ‘something’ beyond all human possibility. His proposition rests on an important distinction between the mutually exclusive paths of mysticism and spiritual knowledge. Eckhart’s teaching is analysed as if it were an independent metaphysical proposition, detached from its historical and scholarly context. The overall explanatory perspective is that of a dedicated interest in metaphysical gnosis, as part of a quest (...)
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  10. Sfântul Irineu de Lyon – de la apologie la hristologie.Apostolache Ionita - 2020 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):97-111.
    Saint Irene of Lyon - from Apology to Christology -/- We can distinguish an essential contribution of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon in the process of transition from apology to dogma. He is capable to accomplish an ―theological revision of the baptismal confession‖. The Holy Father accomplish also the argumentation of a very important confession work. He was the disciple of Saint Polycarp from Smirne and also of Saint Justin the Martyr. In his doctrine we can observe some important theological points: (...)
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  11. KNOWLEDGE IN THE MAIN SOURCES OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF SUFISM IN THE PRE-GHAZZĀLĪ PERIOD.Emrah Kaya - 2020 - Dinbilimleri Akademik Arastirma Dergisi 2 (20):1403-1427.
    This article aims to elaborate on the pre-Ghazzālī period Sufis’ approaches to the concept of knowledge. We know that Ghazzālī, as a milestone in the Islamic thought, satisfies in taṣawwuf after a long quest. He benefits from the Sunnī taṣawwuf already established before him. Therefore, the importance of the sources feeding Ghazzālī’s Sufi view is manifest. Thus, in this article, I focus on the ideas of the main figures of the Sunnī taṣawwuf regarding the concept of knowledge. Having stated concisely (...)
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  12. Da espiritualidade enquanto experiência epistêmico-existencial envolvendo a verdade como paradoxo em Sören Kierkegaard, o sagrado em Rudolf Otto e a presença espiritual em Paul Tillich.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Revista Pistis e Práxis: Teologia e Pastoral / Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná (Puc/Pr) [Issn: 2175-1838] 14 (3):860-897.
    Segundo Kierkegaard, a verdade se sobrepõe ao caráter objetivo que encerra desde uma investigação histórica até um exercício especulativo, guardando correspondência com a subjetividade em um movimento que implica a condição-limite da interioridade. Detendo-se em tal princípio hermenêutico-existencial, o artigo assinala a espiritualidade enquanto experiência epistêmico-existencial envolvendo a verdade como paradoxo em Kierkegaard, que se sobrepõe à mediação lógico-discursiva e implica uma construção dialético-subjetiva que transcende a razão histórico-objetiva (ou finita). Dessa forma, caracterizando a espiritualidade enquanto experiência epistêmico-existencial que encerra (...)
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  13. Psychotherapy, psychological health, & self-fulfilment: a Buddhist Perspective.Peter Eastman - 2015
    The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little understanding, and no real insight, and so feel inclined to submit to psychology as if it were revelatory and definitive. Society’s default attitude to psychology is one of deferential, if occasionally grudging, respect. The quasi-medical arm of psychology – psychotherapy - is (...)
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  14. Politiche rivoluzionarie e gnosticismo. Uno sguardo filosofico–politico.Giacomo Maria Arrigo - 2018 - Trópos – Rivista di Ermeneutica E Critica Filosofica 2.
    Revolutionary Gnosticism is a religious–philo- sophical category introduced in the academic debate by the philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901–1985). Starting from his important work, several philosophers and sociologists have adopted Gnosticism as a useful explanatory notion to frame and define numerous modern and contemporary political and cultural movements. The immanentization of the eschaton, which is a renowned Voegelian expression, intimately defines the politico–cultural project of revolutionary Gnosticism. The destruction of the past for the creation of a new world, the last aeon, (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Of Spirituality as an Epistemic-Existential Experience Involving the Truth as a Paradox in Sören Kierkegaard, the Sacred in Rudolf Otto and the Spiritual Presence in Paul Tillich.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Problemata - Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Issn 2236-8612, Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Filosofia, Ufpb - Universidade Federal da Paraíba (João Pessoa, Paraíba/Pb, Brasil) 13 (3):61-84.
    According to Kierkegaard, truth is superimposed on the objective character that encompasses historical investigation and speculative exercise, dialoguing with subjectivity and the limit-condition of interiority. Focusing on such existential-hermeneutic principle, the article points out spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience involving truth as a paradox in Kierkegaard, that overlaps the logical-discursive mediation and implies a dialectical-subjective construction that transcends reason historical-objective. Thus, characterizing spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience that contains non-rational evidence, the article resorts to Rudolf Otto's phenomenology to underline the (...)
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  16. Experiencia visionaria y espacio espiritual en Swedenborg.Máximo Lameiro - 2010 - A Parte Rei 67:12.
    Unlike many prophets and visionaries Swedenborg was a thorough theoretical thinker. This paper comment his experiences and theoretical point of view about the space of the visions.
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    Sofò e Fefilìa.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2023 - Salerno: BookSprint.
    "Sofò e Fefilìa" attinge dal mondo antico - dalla sua potenza -, ma possiede come sfondo del lucido meditare la contemporaneità. Un'analisi estrema, tragica, della vasta gamma dei sentimenti umani, che coniuga - in modo personale e innovativo - diverse anime: la poetica di d'Annunzio; la filosofia di Cioran, Weil, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Pascal; la psicologia del profondo di Jung. Un tema, tanti temi: la vita-morte con le sue molteplici declinazioni in chiave gnostica. Sofò, perché Sofia è sapienza, lucetempo delle (...)
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  18. Imam Khomeini The Dialectics of Temporal and Presential Knowledge.Hadi Kobaysi - manuscript
    Imam Khomeini extended Islamic thought from the theoretical aspect to the practical one, from mysticism and ethics to history and experience, and from legal reasoning and jurisprudence to revolution and the establishment of state. Thus, he presented a wide set of issues and matters of contention which had not been previously discussed in Islamic thought generally and in Shiite thought specifically.
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  19. The Entitlement Theory of Justice in Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia.Okpe Timothy Adie & Joseph Simon Effenji - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):79-68.
    Nozick’s entitlement theory of justice has its major attempts to defend the institution of private property and to criticize the redistributive measures on the part of government. Nozick frowns at Rawls’ approach and the approach of welfare economics, which focused on evaluating only current time-slices of a distribution with no concern about the procedural aspects of justice. His notion of distributive justice has its anchorage on the account of what and how a given person is entitled to in virtue of (...)
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  20. Users’ Guide to the Use of Dictionary.Christopher Okeke Ajah - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Dictionary making is the preoccupation of a lexicographer (dictionary compiler) and the art of making it (dictionary) is called lexicography. Dictionary can either be in printing or electronic form. It is no doubt a vital tool for language learning and usage. The importance of a dictionary in learning and usage of a language cannot be neglected because its role in learning generally which includes among others: word meaning, word usage, pronunciation, spelling, origin and parts of speech are fundamental in communication. (...)
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  21. Critique of Asouzu’s Notion of Ihe Mkpuchi Anya (the Phenomenon of Concealment).Agabi Gabriel Akwaji & Aniah Undie Paschal - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):57-70.
    This research work is a conscious participation in African philosophy, precisely on Asouzu’s notion of Ihe Mkpuchi Anya (The Phenomenon of Concealment). The work attempts to address some of the challenges of human ambivalent situations that are visible in the way we judge, act, will, value, conceive reality and so forth. In this work we argued that human beings are conscious beings. Due to this consciousness, their actions are difficult to predict. Actors themselves often act against their interests because of (...)
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  22. Internalism and Externalism Justification in Virtue Epistemology.Agabi Gabriel Akwaji & Edward Augustine Nchua - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):2018.
    This research work titled, “Virtue epistemology: Internalism and Externalism Justification” attempts to give a succinct analysis of the justification of our knowledge. It rigorously scrutinizes the sources of our knowledge claim. Whether the justificatory criteria to authenticate our knowledge claim are external or internal. It is discovered that the internalism-externalism (I-E) debate lies near the centre of contemporary discussion about epistemology. The basic idea of internalism is that justification is solely determined by factors that are internal to a person. Externalists (...)
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  23. Virtue Epistemology: Internalism and Externalism Justification.Agabi Gabriel Akwaji & Edward Augustine Nchua - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):71-78.
    This research work titled, “Virtue epistemology: Internalism and Externalism Justification” attempts to give a succinct analysis of the justification of our knowledge. It rigorously scrutinizes the sources of our knowledge claim. Whether the justificatory criteria to authenticate our knowledge claim are external or internal. It is discovered that the internalism-externalism (I-E) debate lies near the centre of contemporary discussion about epistemology. The basic idea of internalism is that justification is solely determined by factors that are internal to a person. Externalists (...)
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  24. Religion and Justice: Studies in Afi Obio Traditional Shrine in Oron, Nigeria.Okon Ben Anthony - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Religion and culture are interwoven and this can be seen among the Oron people in their use of the shrine as a socio-cultural and ethical institution. The shrine is an embodiment and the symbol of the very traditional religion of the people. As such, the shrine serves as a medium through which the norms, values, ethics, taboos, and morals are taught and enforced. There is also a great relationship between religion and justice as the shrine (Afi/Obio) as an ethical institution (...)
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  25. Understanding Prosperity and Poverty in Why Nations Fail; The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty: A Review.Francisca Anyim-Ben, Anyim Benjamin Anyim & Annastecia Ngozi Anyim - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):87-90.
    Chapter fifteen of the book Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson titled Prosperity and Poverty is the last and summarizing chapter of the masterpiece. The work undertook an intellectual and rigorous journey to logically and coherently expose the causes of obvious inequality amongst nations of the world. The chapter has its central message that the extractive economic and political institutions are hypothetically the reason why some countries are poor; the study highlighted the features of extractive institutions to include: quick (...)
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  26. The Role of the African Church Movement in Nigeria’s Independence.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    There are some churches in Nigeria that have an African outlook and characteristics. These churches are fully under African leadership, most of them were founded in the 1960s and 1950s. Most of them broke off from the orthodox and white dominated churches as a result of oppression by the whites and a desire for freedom and independence. These churches make up the African church movement. They played an important role in the attainment of Nigeria’s independence. This paper looks at the (...)
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  27. The Social Significance and Implications of the Ekpe Shrine In Calabar, Nigeria.Offiong Offiong Asuquo - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    A shrine is a building or place that is hallowed, venerated or deeply respected. It is generally associated with divinities or deities where sacrifices or offerings are made to them. Their devotees often meet there, interact with each other and consult with the priests of the divinities. There is an element of mystery and awe associated with every shrine. Non devotees have little or no business at a shrine, while the devotees themselves have to be very careful and observe various (...)
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  28. Factors That Inhibit Tourism Development: A Case Study of Ababa (Festival) Religio- Cultural Carnival in Oron.Anthony Okon Ben - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    Religious tourism is as old as religion itself and consequently, it is the oldest form of tourism in the world. Most religions have holy places that people visit from time to time for several reasons. This work examines the Ababa carnival which involves faith- activities, but in a heightened form. It involves pilgrimages to the Ababa holy shrine in Esin Ufot Eyo-Abasi in Oron. This work identifies as a problem, the lack of basic infrastructures and non-patriotic and neglecting attitudes of (...)
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  29. Impact of Social Cost Accounting on Corporate Performance of Petroleum Marketing Firms in Nigeria.P. K. Bessong, B. E. Bassey & B. C. Nwafor - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    The main thrust of this study is to examine the impact of social cost on the corporate performance of petroleum marketing firms in Nigeria. Ex post facto research design was adopted, secondary sources of data were collected for analysis of results and interpretation of data. The results indicated that social cost positively influences the corporate performance of petroleum marketing firms in Nigeria. Hence, it was recommended that the federal government should mandate all petroleum marketing companies to capture and disclose all (...)
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  30. Metaphor as a Function of Language, Intention, and Interpretation.C. Broniak - 1987 - Gnosis 3 (1):18-34.
    Metaphor straddles both epistemology and metaphysics. What makes metaphor elusive is intimately bound up in its dual character, a "thing" of the imagination covering both knowledge and reality. Due to its unique position, metaphor is often only understood up to a certain point: we frame it solely as a concern of knowledge or only as a matter of what is. In order to appreciate the impact metaphor has for both of these realms, this paper takes up three constitutive concepts of (...)
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  31. The Use of Academic Library Resources and Services by Undergraduate in Ibadan North Local Government of Nigeria.Awotola Uche Caroline & Olowolagba Jamie Adewale - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    Libraries provide resources for knowledge acquisition, recreation, personal interests and inter-personal relationships for all categories of users. It enables the individual to obtain spiritual, inspirational, and recreational activities through reading, and therefore the opportunity of interacting with the society’s wealth and accumulated knowledge. This study examined the undergraduate students’ use of University library services and resources. It was affirmed the undergraduate utilized the University Libraries as learning centre. This was shown by the massive turn out to patronize the library services (...)
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  32. Conflict Management in Inter-Governmental Relations in Nigeria: Issues and Prospects.Emmanuel Chima, Mojirayo Bukola Bello, Fidelis Obasi Okoroafor & Ogbulafor I. Obilor - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):16-22.
    Intergovernmental relation is an interaction among different levels of government. Intergovernmental relation is often times conflict-ridden, and the extent of the conflict depends on how they are managed by the actor operating at the government levels. This study examines conflict management in intergovernmental relation in Nigeria. The content analysis method would be used. This will be carried out by analyzing data obtained from extant literature on the subject matter. This paper found that intergovernmental conflicts mainly borders on tax jurisdiction and (...)
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  33. Nativist Models of the Mind.Michael Cuffaro - 2008 - Gnosis 9 (3):1-22.
    I give a defense of the Massive Modularity hypothesis: the view that the mind is composed of discrete, encapsulated, informationally isolated computational structures dedicated to particular problem domains. This view contrasts with Psychological Rationalism: the view that mental structures take the form of unencapsulated representational items, all available as inputs to one domain-general computational processor. I argue that although Psychological Rationalism is in principle able to overcome the `intractability objection', the view must borrow many features of a massively modular architecture (...)
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  34. Which Rights Are Basic Rights?Michael Cuffaro - 2007 - Gnosis 9 (1):1-11.
    In this paper I explain and defend the content and justification of John Rawls's conception of human rights, as he outlines it in his major work: The Law of Peoples. I focus, in particular, on the criticisms of Allen Buchanan. Buchanan distinguishes four lines of argument that Rawls uses to derive what, according to Buchanan, is a 'lean' list of human rights : the Political Conception Argument, the Associationist Argument, the Cooperation Argument, and finally the Functionalist Argument. In each case (...)
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  35. An Exposition of Moral Issues in the Use of Sensor Technology on Psychiatric Patients.Ubong Iniobong David - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1).
    The advance of scientific approaches to life has recorded a plethora of successes as well as failures. Man being at the center of its experiment is tossed toe and fro by the result of its inquiry. Predictions are that in the nearest time, humanity might be living absolutely under the directives of Technology based on Artificial intelligence. At present, Technology based on Artificial Intelligence is quickly finding its way into various areas of life including health and social services. This spread (...)
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  36. Poverty Alleviation Policies of Selected Churches in Anambra State, Nigeria.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 3 (1):40-52.
    Poverty is a social problem. Its alleviation has been one of the major issues that occupy a significant place in the scale of preference of developmental policies of several nations, international organizations, church and other interested stakeholders. Thus, the thrust of this work centers on poverty alleviation strategies of selected Churches in Anambra State: namely how this institution participates in some economic activities, skill acquisition programmes, and empowerment programmes, among others in view of controlling the scourge of poverty. The research (...)
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  37. Accounting for Natural Resources: The Nigerian Experience.Bassey E. Bassey - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Nigeria is a country immensely blessed with various natural resources some of which have been and are being explored; some others have not yet been explored. However, the potential benefits of those resources to the nation and citizenry are far from realized for the larger part of the population. In this light, the study was designed to examine how natural resources accounting can be used to benefit Nigeria as a nation, and its citizenry. Two (2) research questions which equally reflect (...)
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  38. Between Religion and Agriculture: A Roadmap to Revamping Nigeria’s Economy.Ubong E. Eyo - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    This paper investigated “Between Religion and Agriculture: A Roadmap to Revamping Nigeria's Economy." Religion is meant to affect all facets of life both at the individual and community levels. This applies equally to the economy of nations including Nigeria as a sovereign state. Petroleum which has been Nigeria's mainstay economically over the past five decades has proved to be not a sustainable means of income to the country in recent times. With the fluctuation in oil price with its attendant nose-diving, (...)
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  39. The Parable of the Talents and Economic Management: Lessons for the Nigerian Nation.Ubong E. Eyo - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (2).
    This paper investigated "The Parable of the Talents and Economic Management: Lessons for the Nigerian Nation." The subject matter of economic management in Africa in general and Nigeria, in particular, is one that concerns nearly every discipline, and which has inevitably lent itself to much pontification by economist and non-economist alike. Nigeria evolved as a nation-state in 1914 due to the amalgamation of diverse independent nationstates by the British under Lord Frederick Lugard. Since then, it has evolved different economic principles, (...)
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  40. Assessing the CSR and Community Development Programmes of Lafarge Africa Plc in Cross River State.Lawrence Ekwok & Eric Ugor Ogri - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (2).
    There is a growing consciousness among the global business community that corporations or business organisations can no longer act independently of the individuals or key stakeholders in their business operations, especially members of the host communities. Part of the realisation stems from the fact that creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationship with host communities is highly dependent on the extent to which firms contribute to the sustainable development of the community and its inhabitants. This study assesses the Corporate Social Responsibility (...)
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  41. Cultural Statistics, the Media and the Planning and Development of Calabar.Lawrence Ekwok - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (2).
    This paper, “Cultural Statistics, the Media and the Planning and Development of Calabar, Nigeria” stresses the need for the use of Cultural Statistics and effective media communication in the planning and development of Calabar, the Cross River State Capital. This position is anchored on the fact that in virtually every sphere of life, there can be no development without planning, and there can be no proper planning without accurate data or information. Cultural Statistics, and effective use of the media thus (...)
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  42. An Examination of Spinoza’s Moral Philosophy.Idorenyin F. Esikot, Peter Bessong & Emmanuel E. Ette - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Spinoza's moral philosopher represents his most concerted attempt to come to terms with the great philosophical questions of the existence and identity of God, the nature and origin of the human mind concerning God, the origin and nature of emotions, the power of emotions as they restrict freedom of choice. His ethics is derived from his metaphysics and psychology. His belief that everything emanates from a perfect and infinite God made him conclude that evil does not exist. Further, he argues (...)
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  43. Political Violence in Nigeria and Its Implication for National Development.Anweting Kevin Ibok & Ogar Anthony Ogar - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):87-94.
    Political violence is a major impediment to Nigeria's national development. With the restoration to democratic rule in May 1999, high expectations were raised that the new democratic dispensation would resolve the risk of Nigeria's political violence, while speeding the country's economic and social transformation. It's worrying that since democratic rule returned, Nigeria has experienced a degree of unprecedented political violence that has crippled the efforts of national development. The fundamental thrust of this paper is to investigate the incidence of Nigeria's (...)
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  44. Traditional Roles of African Women in Peace Making and Peace Building: An Evaluation.Anweting Kevin Ibok & Ogar Tony Ogar - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):41-56.
    The study set out to scrutinize the scope of conflict in Africa and further evaluate the contribution of women to the peace process as well as the challenges such roles impose on them. The study affirms the important roles of women as an agent of peace in which they demonstrated an act of courage and love to end conflicts when men failed. The study shows that there is an overemphasis on women as victims of conflict or sometimes as combatants or (...)
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  45. Re-Viewing the Mass Communication Education Curriculum. Case for Language/Linguistics, Communication Synergy.Godwin C. S. Iwuchukwu & Rita Ngozi Iwuchukwu - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    Curriculum review of any academic curriculum is one way of demonstrating the dynamism of such discipline. Mass Communication as a dynamic discipline is one such beneficiary of curriculum review. In line with Iwuchukwu’s (2010) earlier submission that no graduate of any academic level or discipline worth’s more than the curriculum that produces him/her, it was an observed inability of some practicing journalists, especially, those in the print. To handle ethical issues, which was traced to a lacuna in the curriculum that (...)
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  46. Ethical Issues in Arms Technology.Nwoye Leonard - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (1):24-32.
    The paper Ethical Issues in Arms Technology is written to highlight and explain some ethical issues in arms production. These issues include the act of innovation; issues with weapons of mass destruction, the issue of privacy; humanizing arms technology, artificial intelligence – military killer robots, etc. The paper advocated for a critical evaluation of the structural and potential nature of arms before they are mass-produced. We need to ask and address all possible moral questions at research level rather than wait (...)
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  47. The Problem of Mind-Body Dichotomy: A Critique of the Cartesian Approach.John Gabriel Mendie & Stephen Nwanaokuo Udofia - 2018 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 1 (2).
    The mind-body problem is a perennial philosophical problem that seeks to uncover the relationship or causal interaction that exists between the corporeal and incorporeal aspects of the human person. It thrives under the assumption that the human person is made up of two distinct entities, that is, mind and body, which explains their assumed causal relation. As attractive as this may seem, not all philosophers agree to this feigned idea of interaction and bifurcation of the human person. One philosopher of (...)
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  48. The Role of English Language in Nigerian Development.Ushuple Lucy Mishina & Iskandar Iskandar - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (2).
    :The language policy in Nigeria granted the English language the status of being the sole official language, and the language of instruction in the country. This approach influenced the educated people's competence, and subsequently, attitudes towards others within their locality and global arena. The study aims to investigate the role of the English Language in Nigerian Development. This paper argues that English as the Nigerian official language is well accepted due to the multi-lingual state of Nigeria. The study observes that (...)
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  49. Emerging Sexual Ethics and the Erosion of African Ethos.Besong Eric Ndoma - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    The emerging sexual ethics that characterise the contemporary society, remains new to Africa, a phase of the erosion of African ethos, and a negation of the sacredness and classical norms of sex, which deserves to be addressed by all and sundry. It is a contemporary trend brought to fore by homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals, among which are the radical feminists, who indoctrinate many with the practice and continuously push very hard for legalisation and acceptance by all cultures and religions. But (...)
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  50. Skeptical Symmetry: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Scientific Reasoning.Erik Nelson - 2015 - Gnosis 14 (2):14-19.
    Many philosophers have wrongly assumed that there is an asymmetry between the problem of induction and the logocentric predicament (the justification of deductive inferences). This paper will show that the demand for justification, for the very inferences that are required for justification, is deeply problematic. Using a Wittgensteinian approach, I will argue that justification has an internal relation with deductive and inductive inferences. For Wittgenstein, two concepts are internally related if my understanding of one is predicated on my understanding of (...)
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