Results for 'Gnosticism'

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  1. The Truth in Gnosticism.Clayton Littlejohn - forthcoming - Análisis. Revista de Investigación Filosófica.
    The paper discusses some challenges to veritism, the view that the fundamental epistemic good is knowledge. It looks like the best way to meet these challenges might be to appeal to some of Sosa's ideas about the value of achievements, but I argue that the performance normativity framework only gives us part of what we want. What we need is a more radical break with the veritist approach. We need to embrace gnosticism, the view that knowledge is the fundamental (...)
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  2. The Influence of Islam on Black Musical Expression and its Re-Contextualization as Hybrid Gnosticism in Hip Hop Culture.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2021 - Freiburg, New York: Waxmann.
    This chapter aims at pointing out the consistency of Islam as a source for empowerment strategies of the Black population in the United States and the religion’s effective reinterpretation as a sort of contemporary gnostic self-realization in Hip Hop culture. Moreover, the link between hybrid identity constructions of Hip Hop artists that borrow from religious and cultural sources of Islam and corresponding traditions of spiritual realization in mystical Islam and Sufism is demonstrated in the course of the discussion.
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  3. Nachwort: Voegelins "Neue Wissenschaft" Im Lichte von Kelsens Kritik.Eckhart Arnold - 2004 - In Nachwort: Voegelins "Neue Wissenschaft" Im Lichte von Kelsens Kritik. Heusenstamm, Germany: Ontos Verlag. pp. 109-137.
    Hans Kelsens Critique of Eric Voegelins "New Science of Politics" has for a long time been very difficult to access, because Kelsen has published only parts of it in his life time and left other parts unpublished. This allowed Voegelin to spread the myth that Kelsen had refrained from publishing his criticism, because he had understood that he was wrong. This is nonsense. The reasons why Kelsen left part of his criticism unpublished are mostly accidental. At the same time Kelsens (...)
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  4. Politiche rivoluzionarie e gnosticismo. Uno sguardo filosofico–politico.Giacomo Maria Arrigo - 2018 - Trópos – Rivista di Ermeneutica E Critica Filosofica 2.
    Revolutionary Gnosticism is a religious–philo- sophical category introduced in the academic debate by the philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901–1985). Starting from his important work, several philosophers and sociologists have adopted Gnosticism as a useful explanatory notion to frame and define numerous modern and contemporary political and cultural movements. The immanentization of the eschaton, which is a renowned Voegelian expression, intimately defines the politico–cultural project of revolutionary Gnosticism. The destruction of the past for the creation of a new world, (...)
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    Rifiuto del finito, dell’articolazione dei saperi e della diversità.Angelo Campodonico - 2015 - In Gabriele De Anna & Emanuele Samek Lodovici, L'origine e la meta: studi in memoria di Emanuele Samek Lodovici con un suo inedito. Milano: Edizioni Ares. pp. 139-150.
    The article concerns the topic of gnosticism in modern and contemporary philosophy as a refusal of finite beings, of the degrees of knowledge and of the diversity and plurality of beings.
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  6. Kant and “Seasickness” of Modernity.Vadim A. Chaly - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):76-102.
    On the eve of the tercentenary of Kant’s birth, just as it was a hundred years ago, Kantianism is simultaneously on the receiving end of the blows of history and attacks by rival philosophical parties, both progressivist and reactionary. The radical wings of both parties perceive modernity as a depressing, nauseating period which must be broken with by moving toward the past or toward the future. One of the most original and profound diagnoses of this attitude was offered by Hans (...)
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  7. Gnostic Jihadism. A Philosophical Inquiry into Radical Politics.Giacomo Maria Arrigo - 2021 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis International.
    This book explores the radical Islamist mindset by adopting the philosophical category of revolutionary Gnosticism. Already used for the study of other revolutionary phenomena such as Nazism, Bolshevism and Jacobinism, never before has this notion been adopted in relation to Salafi -Jihadism, the latest existing revolutionary ideology. The consistency of Salafi -Jihadism with revolutionary Gnosticism reveals a conception of the world that stands in the forgetfulness of a pure transcendent dimension, notwithstanding the apparent spiritual framework and religious justifications (...)
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  8. Sfântul Irineu de Lyon – de la apologie la hristologie.Apostolache Ionita - 2020 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):97-111.
    Saint Irene of Lyon - from Apology to Christology -/- We can distinguish an essential contribution of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon in the process of transition from apology to dogma. He is capable to accomplish an ―theological revision of the baptismal confession‖. The Holy Father accomplish also the argumentation of a very important confession work. He was the disciple of Saint Polycarp from Smirne and also of Saint Justin the Martyr. In his doctrine we can observe some important theological points: (...)
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    Recognizing the Anti-Mystical Polemic in Genesis Rabbah: A Bourdieusian Reading.David H. Aaron - 2023 - Hebrew Union College Annual 94:135-186.
    Midrash Genesis Rabbah takes aim at a variety of ideological adversaries, but the most subtle polemic is directed at sages who went beyond standard hermeneutical practices to embrace mystical approaches to Torah learning. This essay seeks to expose the use of satire and other literary forms of critique among passages treating cosmology and Torah study. Analytic tools developed by Pierre Bourdieu, especially as they pertain to exposing the use of the symbolic language intrinsic to the establishment of systems of social (...)
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  10. Dispositional Evaluations and Defeat.Maria Lasonen-Aarnio - 2021 - In Jessica Brown & Mona Simion, Reasons, Justification, and Defeat. Oxford Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 91–115.
    Subjects who retain their beliefs in the face of higher-order evidence that those very beliefs are outputs of flawed cognitive processes are at least very often criticisable. Many think that this is because such higher-order evidence defeats various epistemic statuses such as justification and knowledge, but it is notoriously difficult to give an account of such defeat. This paper outlines an alternative explanation, stemming from some of my earlier work, for why subjects are criticisable for retaining beliefs in the face (...)
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    Seeing Through Solid Words: Using Gebser’s Concept of Transparency to Understand a Gnostic Poem Expressing Integral Consciousness.Lisa Maroski - 2025 - Journal of Conscious Evolution 21.
    It is difficult to express integral consciousness using ordinary language because of the inherent tendency of language to separate and distinguish. Jean Gebser, in The Ever-Present Origin, suggested concepts such as transparency and diaphaneity as ways to access integral consciousness, and the Gnostic text The Thunder, Perfect Mind (TPM) is written from the perspective of a being with integral consciousness. I use Jean Gebser’s concepts of transparency and diaphaneity to explicate TPM, an enigmatic, paradoxical poem in the Nag Hammadi Library. (...)
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  12. Rethinking Reiner Schurmann's Account of Perigrinal Identity.John C. Carney - manuscript
    Abstract This paper explores Reiner Schürmann’s account of perigrinal ontology from the perspective of Meister Eckhart. What is so extraordinary about his work is its retrieval of nuances in Plato’s philosophy of mind. Professor Schürmann’s approach to Philosophy focused on a philosopher’s philosophy of mind. For example, his course titles, such as Augustine’s Philosophy, were listed and taught in Augustine’s Philosophy of Mind. The advantage of his approach can best be seen in his study of the Medieval Philosopher Meister Eckhart. (...)
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  13. Parallels among the Carpocratians and Ebionites and the Works of Sebastian Franck.Gerhard Lechner - 2022 - Rose+Croix Journal 16:64-77.
    Research on Sebastian Franck (1499 – 1543) has so far mainly focused on the topics “Sebastian Franck as a historian” or “Sebastian Franck as a critic of theology,” while Gnosticism in the philosophy of the radical reformer has received less attention. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the interest in a certain movement of Gnosticism, namely Hermeticism, has increased however. This paper examines the question of the parallels in content between Gnostic representatives such as the Carpocratians, the (...)
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  14. A Historical Outline of Byzantine Philosophy.Katelis Viglas - 2006 - Res Cogitans 3 (1):73-105.
    We are going to present a panorama of Byzantine Philosophy. As starting point should be considered the Patristic Thought, which preceded the Byzantine Philosophy and was established in the first centuries A.D. into the Greek-Roman world. It was based on the Old and New Testament, the apostolic teachings, as well as on Judaism and Greek Philosophy. Also, the Ancient Oriental Religions – especially those of the Greek-Roman period, i.e. the Gnosticism- exerted an influence on it. The Patristic Thought and (...)
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  15. Does political order require a spiritual foundation. Kelsen's critique of Voegelin's authoritarian political theology.Eckhart Arnold - 2013 - In Clemens Jabloner, Thomas Olechowski & Klaus Zeleny, Secular Religion. Rezeption und Kritik von Hans Kelsens Auseinandersetzung mit Religion und Wissenschaft. Wien: Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung. pp. 19-42.
    This paper examines the critique of Voegelin in Kelsens "Secular Religion". While Kelsen sets out with the false premise that secular world view can in principle have no religious character, his critique of Voegelin remains largely unimpaired by this mistake. With convincing arguments Kelsen criticises (1) Voegelins interpretation of modernity as an age of gnosticism, (2) Voegelins reinterpretation of enlightened and secular philosopher as gnostics in disguise and (3) Voegelins rejection of modern politics and, to a lesser degree, modern (...)
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  16. Pseudoştiinţă? Dincolo de noi...Nicolae Sfetcu - 2015 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Întrebarea de bază este, ce este o pseudoştiinţă? Una din cele mai disputate delimitări ale ştiinţei. Mulţi savanţi de renume mondial, unanim recunoscuţi (ca de ex. Charles Darwin) au cochetat de-a lungul timpului cu diverse aspecte ale pseudoştiinţei considerându-le, cu bună credinţă, drept ştiinţă. Şi multe domenii ale pseudoştiinţei actuale au fost, la vremea lor, considerate drept domenii onorabile ale ştiinţei. Chiar şi în prezent, practicanţii pseudoştiinţelor nu recunosc valabilitatea etichetei puse domeniului lor de activitate. Oamenii de ştiinţă au tendinţa (...)
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  17. La rivoluzione ontologica di Hans Jonas. Uno studio sulla genesi e il significato di “Organismo e libertà”.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2009 - Mimesis.
    The book focuses on the thinking of the philosopher of Jewish origins, Hans Jonas (1903-1993), and precisely on his “philosophical biology”. The overall thesis is that this topic, which occupies the second stage of his thinking, is coherent with the previous phase (which focused on ancient Gnosticism), as well as with the following (which was dedicated to the ethics of responsibility). The main evidence supporting this thesis is the key notion of “ontological revolution”, the development of which I try (...)
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  18. The Sleeper Awakes: Gnosis and Authenticity in The Matrix.David P. Hunt - 2007 - In Faith, Film, and Philosophy: Big Ideas on the Big Screen. Downers Grove, IL, USA: InterVarsity Press. pp. 89-105.
    I first argue that the Matrix trilogy is a Gnostic cyber-epic; I then use this interpretive lens to review the films' treatment of fundamental questions in epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory.
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  19. The Sovereignty of the World: Towards a Political Theology of Modernity (After Blumenberg).Kirill Chepurin & Joseph Albernaz - 2020 - In Agata Bielik-Robson & Daniel Whistler, Interrogating Modernity: Debates with Hans Blumenberg. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 83-107.
    Reading with and against Blumenberg’s The Legitimacy of the Modern Age, and following his own account of the epochal shift from the Middle Ages to modernity, this chapter takes up the genealogy and the political theology of Blumenbergian modernity so as to reanimate its relevance for contemporary theory. Beginning with the shared opposition to Gnosticism found in both Christianity and modernity, we trace the emergence of modernity as creating a “counterworld” of possibility in the face of the alienation engendered (...)
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  20. Philosophical Methodology and Sources of Sadraddin Shirazi.Ibrahim Baghirov - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (2):96-109.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss Safavid period Islamic philosopher Sadraddin Shirazi’s philosophical methodology and the sources of the school founded by him. The article relies on research conducted on Shirazi philosophy. It shows that Shirazi through synthesizing the methods of the earlier schools that existed in Islam to acquire knowledge devised a new mechanism for acquiring knowledge. Before coming to Shirazi, intellectual movements formed during Islam’s classical period, such as peripateticism, illuminationism, theology and Gnosticism, were of (...)
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  21. Defeaters as Indicators of Ignorance.Clayton Litlejohn & Julien Dutant - 2021 - In Jessica Brown & Mona Simion, Reasons, Justification, and Defeat. Oxford Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 223–246.
    In this paper, we propose a new theory of rationality defeat. We propose that defeaters are "indicators of ignorance", evidence that we’re not in a position to know some target proposition. When the evidence that we’re not in a position to know is sufficiently strong and the probability that we can know is too low, it is not rational to believe. We think that this account retains all the virtues of the more familiar approaches that characterise defeat in terms of (...)
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  22. Gnostic Wars the Cold War in the Context of a History of Western Spirituality.Stefan Rossbach - 1999
    In this exposition of important and yet often neglected developments in the history of Western spirituality, Stefan Rossbach reminds us of the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of the Cold War era. He argues that the conflict's main protagonists - representing the "Third Rome" and the "New World" respectively - drew on the traditions of apocalypticism, millenarianism and "Gnostic" spirituality for the formation and articulation of their self-understanding as the key agents of providential history. In order to characterize the attitudes reflected (...)
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  23. Violenza magica. Eric Voegelin e il salafismo-jihadismo.Giacomo Maria Arrigo - 2017 - Lessico di Etica Pubblica 2.
    La riflessione filosofica di Eric Voegelin sembra possedere una certa forza teorica per far fronte speculativamente alla metanarrazione islamista, specialmente nella versione del salafismo-jihadismo di marca qaedista e pseudo-califfale. Il concetto di religione politica sviluppato da Voegelin nella giovinezza, già applicato all’islamismo da diversi pensatori, risulta però inadeguato, essendo stato peraltro rigettato dallo stesso Voegelin per la sua vaghezza. Pertanto, seguendo l’itinerario voegeliano abbiamo recuperato le tre componenti che vivificano la nozione (rivisitata) di religione politica – la componente metastatica, apocalittica (...)
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  24. The right covenant with God.Enrique Morata - unknown - Scribd.
    For a Post -Gnostic scope , a Skeptic vision of the idea of Goodness as AN IDEA OR INTELLIGIBLE PLATONIC FORM impossible to think.
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  25. The Prescriptive and the Hypological: A Radical Detachment.Maria Lasonen-Aarnio - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-29.
    A wide range of more objectivist norms appear to leave uncharted an important part of normative space. In the beginning of this paper I briefly outline two broad ways of seeking more subject-directed norms: perspectivism and feasibilism. According to feasibilism, the ultimate reason why more objectivist norms are inadequate on their own is not that they fail to take into account the limits of an agent’s perspective, but that they are not sensitive to limits on what ways of choosing, acting, (...)
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  26. Through Consciousness Parted from Dream: Alternative Knowledge Forms in Karoline von Günderrode.Anna Ezekiel - 2022 - In Gregory S. Moss, The Being of Negation in Post-Kantian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 163-180.
    Karoline von Günderrode’s reputation as a mystical writer makes her a likely candidate as a proponent of a negative philosophy. However, the historical emphasis on Günderrode’s mystical and lyrical writings reflects gender stereotypes about women’s writing and ignores Günderrode’s strengths as an epic and historical writer. It is therefore important to approach claims about Günderrode’s supposed mysticism carefully. This paper is a preliminary attempt to investigate Günderrode’s claims about knowledge, including knowledge of the absolute, asking: What does Günderrode think knowledge (...)
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  27. El aristotelismo en los primeros autores cristianos griegos.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2018 - In Pablo de Paz Amérigo & Ignacio Sanz Extremeño, Eulogía. Estudios sobre cristianismo primitivo. Homenaje a Mercedes López Salvá. Escolar y Mayo. pp. 541-565.
    The author tries to expose the reception of Aristotelian philosophy among the first Greek Churchfathers, from St. Justin to the 'Refutatio'. There are some interesting points concerning the doxographical tradition, specially relating to the Aristotelian idea of God.
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  28. A Contingency Interpretation of Information Theory as a Bridge between God’s Immanence and Transcendence.Philippe Gagnon - 2020 - In Michael Fuller, Dirk Evers, Anne L. C. Runehov, Knut-Willy Sæther & Bernard Michollet, Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond. Springer. pp. 169-185.
    This paper investigates the degree to which information theory, and the derived uses that make it work as a metaphor of our age, can be helpful in thinking about God’s immanence and transcendance. We ask when it is possible to say that a consciousness has to be behind the information we encounter. If God is to be thought about as a communicator of information, we need to ask whether a communication system has to pre-exist to the divine and impose itself (...)
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  29. On one case of condensation.Andrej Poleev - 2020 - Enzymes 18.
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  30. Sacred Plants and the Gnostic Church: Speculations on Entheogen-Use in Early Christian Ritual.Jerry B. Brown & Matthew Lupu - 2014 - Journal of Ancient History 2 (1):64-77.
    Abstract: It is the aim of this paper to establish a temporal and cultural link between entheogen-use1 in Classical mystery cults and their possible use in a segment of the early Christian Gnostic Church. As early Christianity was heavily influenced by the Classical world in which it first developed, it is essential to examine the evidence of entheogen-use within Classical mystery cults, and explore their possible influence on the development of Christian ritual. We will first present textual evidence from the (...)
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  31. The idea of sublime.Victor Mota - manuscript
    sublime and sublimation, between ascetism en religious practice, social order and cultural feelings.
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  32. La Verdad en el Gnosticismo.Clayton Littlejohn - 2016 - Análisis. Revista de Investigación Filosófica 3:217-241.
    Hay dos supuestos sobre el valor epistémico que guían las discusiones más recientes sobre éste. El primero es que hay algo bueno con respecto a la creencia verdadera. El segundo supuesto es que es posible que dos creencias difieran en su valor incluso si ambas creencias son igualmente correctas. El veritista tiene fácil explicar el primer supuesto, pero tiene más difícil explicar el segundo. Para explicarlo, el veritista tiene que mostrar que las creencias verdaderas pueden diferir en su valor porque (...)
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  33. living info: notes on the Exegesis.Paul Bali - manuscript
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  34. Der christliche Gnostizismus in der Metaphysik Sebastian Francks.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Die Sebastian Franck-Forschung hat sich bisher recht ausführlich mit den Themen "Sebastian Franck als Historiker" oder "Sebastian Franck als Kritiker der Theologie" beschäftigt. Weniger Aufmerksamkeit bekam bisher der Gnostizismus im Denken des radikalen Reformers. Seit der Jahrtausendwende ist allerdings ein stärkeres Interesse an einer bestimmten Strömung des Gnostizismus zu erkennen, nämlich der Hermetik. Es gab einige Arbeiten, die den Einfluss von Hermes Trismegistos bzw. der hermetischen Schriften auf Franck aufzeigen konnten. Dieser Aufsatz geht der Frage des Einflusses des christlichen Gnostizismus (...)
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  35. Theophanis the Monk and Monoimus the Arab in a Phenomenological-Cognitive Perspective.Olga Louchakova-Schwartz - 2016 - Open Theology 2 (1):53-78.
    Two brief Late Antique religious texts, respectively by the monk Theophanis and by Monoimus the Arab, present an interesting problem of whether they embody the authors’ experience, or whether they are merely literary constructs. Rather than approaching this issue through the lens of theory, the article shows how phenomenological analysis and studies of living subjectivity can be engaged with the text in order to clarify the contents of introspective experience and the genesis of its religious connotations. The analysis uncovers a (...)
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    Il Limite come Croce: separazione, redenzione e gloria nella staurologia cristo-logica valentiniana e paolina.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2024 - Etica-Mente. L’Annuario 5:21-37.
    L'articolo analizza le 4 funzioni della Croce gnostica nei testi principali della setta valentiniana. Alcuni passi vengono confrontati con le lettere paoline. Per un'interpretazione altra della teoria protologica gnostico-platonica.
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  37. Sofò e Fefilìa.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2023 - Salerno: BookSprint.
    "Sofò e Fefilìa" attinge dal mondo antico - dalla sua potenza -, ma possiede come sfondo del lucido meditare la contemporaneità. Un'analisi estrema, tragica, della vasta gamma dei sentimenti umani, che coniuga - in modo personale e innovativo - diverse anime: la poetica di d'Annunzio; la filosofia di Cioran, Weil, Heidegger, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Pascal; la psicologia del profondo di Jung. Un tema, tanti temi: la vita-morte con le sue molteplici declinazioni in chiave gnostica. Sofò, perché Sofia è sapienza, lucetempo delle (...)
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  38. Corpo e Anima nei dialoghi platonici: Meta-fisica erotica e reminiscenza dialogica.Maria Emanuela Randazzo - 2023 - Etica-Mente.L’Annuario 4:13-31.
    L'articolo esamina la complessa strutturazione/dinamica dell'anima e del corpo nei vari dialoghi platonici.
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