Results for 'Logos'

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  1. (1 other version)Le logos du sophiste. Image et parole dans le Sophiste de Platon.Felipe Ledesma - 2009 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 30 (2):207-254.
    The logos question, one of the most important among the subjects that traverse the Plato's Sophist, has in fact some different aspects: the criticism of father Parmenides' logos, that is unable to speak about the not-being, but also about the being; the relations between logos and its cognates, phantasia, doxa and dianoia; the logos’ complex structure, that is a compound with onoma and rema; the difference between naming and saying, two distinct but inseparable actions; the logical (...)
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  2. Logos en Kant, Fichte y Hegel.Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2024 - Revista de Estud(I)Os Sobre Fichte 25.
    El presente escrito traza el camino del logos en tres figuras centrales de la filosofía clásica alemana. Luego de recorrer el problema de los antecedentes, es planteada la querella ante la cual quedó puesto el logos moderno. Se trata, en primer lugar, de poner de manifiesto la función del logos en la respuesta kantiana a la cuestión del fundamento del saber, tematizada principalmente en los Paralogismos de la segunda edición de la Crítica de la razón pura. En (...)
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  3. On 'Logos' in Heraclitus.Mark A. Johnstone - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 47:1-29.
    In this paper, I offer a new solution to the old problem of how best to understand the meaning of the word ‘logos’ in the extant writings of Heraclitus, especially in fragments DK B1, B2 and B50. On the view I defend, Heraclitus was neither using the word in a perfectly ordinary way in these fragments, as some have maintained, nor denoting by it some kind of general principle or law governing change in the cosmos, as many have claimed. (...)
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  4. Lógos-páthos: motivos de la conversión en Platón (Lógos-páthos: motives for conversion in Plato).Pietro Montanari - 2022 - Hypnos 1 (48):37-63.
    The knowledge of truth, in Plato, is an experience that calls for conversion of the soul (μεταστροφή, περιστροφή). The basic feature of this experience consists in some sort of connection, which is constantly at work, between rational arguments and their non-rational conditions, briefly, lógos and páthos. How does this connection show up in Plato? Its crucial importance emerges many times at both narrative (récit) and theoretical level. In the three parts of my contribution, I show how logos-pathos intertwines with (...)
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  5. Logos in Philo of Alexandria: Synthesis of two traditions.Aleksandar Djakovac - 2020 - Theoria 4 (63):5-15.
    In this paper, our intention is to present the main aspects of the understanding of the logos in Philo of Alexandria. Philo’s reception of this notion is especially important because his insights significantly influenced the development of patristic philosophy, and these influences, through the mediation of scholasticism, reached the modern age. Philo has a very important role in creating the Judeo-Christian heritage, and represents an important link for understanding the formation of the basic matrices of this worldview. For the (...)
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  6. Man and logos: Heraclitus’ secret.A. V. Halapsis - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:119-130.
    Purpose. The author believes that the main topic of philosophical studies of Heraclitus was not nature, not dialectics, and not political philosophy; he was engaged in the development of philosophical anthropology, and all other questions raised by him were subordinated to it to one degree or another. It is anthropology that is the most "dark" part of the teachings of this philosopher, therefore the purpose of this article is to identify the hidden anthropological message of Heraclitus. In case of success, (...)
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    In this paper I argue that we can solve the interpretation problem of quantum mechanics and the question of ontology of Quantum Field Theory on the basis of simple metaphysical position: The connection of the phase space with the ancient Theory of Logi of Beings, which is, by giving ontological meaning to the entities which "live" at the phase space, the Hamiltonian or Lagrangian formalism. There is a physical subject of such functions and it is the logos of a (...)
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  8. Unity and Logos.Mitchell Miller - 1992 - Ancient Philosophy 12 (1):87-111.
    A close reading of Socrates’ arguments against the proposed definition of knowledge as true opinion together with a logos (“account”). I examine the orienting implications of his apparently destructive dilemma defeating the so-called dream theory and of his apparently decisive arguments rejecting the notions of “account” as verbalization, as working through the parts of the whole of the definiendum, and as identifying what differentiates the definiendum from all else. Whereas the dilemma implies of the object of knowledge that it (...)
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  9. Fondamenti sonori del logos. Distribuzioni di senso all'interno dell'impero visuale.Elia Gonnella - 2020 - Illuminazioni. Rivista di Lingua, Letteratura E Comunicazione 54:48-74.
    The relationship between knowledge and vision seems really consolidated. It started in ancient Greece and we can found its basis in Plato. The history of logos as reason and as western foundation of culture gives us enormous examples in terms of metaphors and approaches in the knowledge-vision relationship. «I see it» is like «I know it». However if we look at the basis of logos we find the deep meaning of gathering, composition, bond and bind (lèghein), so as (...)
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  10. Antik Yunan’da Mitos-Logos İlişkisi: Thales’in Arkhe Sorununa Bakışının Mitos Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.Musa Yanık - 2020 - Ibad Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3 (7):863-281.
    Mitos ve Logos kavramları Antik Yunan uygarlığında söz kavramına karşılık gelen sözcükleri karşılamak için kullanılmıştır. Felsefe tarihinin başlangıcı için yapılan tanımlamalarda ise mitos kavramının yerine logos kavramının tercih edilmesi iki kavram arasında bir farklılığı ortaya koymak için yapılmaktadır. Bu ayrımın nedeni ise mitos’un daha çok dinsel içerikle anılması logos’un ise içerisinde bir tür akılsallık barındırması şeklindeki yorumlarda kendini göstermektedir. Ancak söz konusu ayrımın ilk doğa filozofu/ilk felsefeci olarak nitelendirilen Thales için geçerli olup olmadığı geçmişte olduğu gibi günümüzde (...)
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  11. À quel logos correspond la συμπλοκὴ τῶν εἰδῶν du Sophiste ?Nicolas Zaks - 2016 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1 (34):37-59.
    Cet article est consacré au problème du rapport entre l’entrelacement des genres (συμπλοκὴ τῶν εἰδῶν) et le logos dans le Sophiste. Après avoir brièvement présenté le problème, je discute, dans la première partie, différentes solutions proposées par les commentateurs. Je cherche à montrer qu’aucune de ces solutions n’est pleinement satisfaisante. Dans la deuxième partie, je propose une nouvelle solution au problème de la συμπλοκὴ τῶν εἰδῶν fondée sur une distinction entre deux types de logos, le logos dialectique (...)
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  12. Logos, Logic and Maximal Infinity.A. C. Paseau - 2022 - Religious Studies 58:420-435.
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. The unity of our universe originates from its creation from the same nothingness under the zero energy universe theory. However, (...)
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  14. Implicitness of Logos and Explicitness of Logics in Ancient Philosophy.Nijaz Ibrulj - 2022 - The Logical Foresight 2 (1):1-24.
    We consider semantic and syntactic transformations of the concept of "the logical" in the ancient philosophy in the form of crypto-logos, para-logismos, dia-logos, and syl-logismos. We interpret Heraclitus' concept of Logos as a cryptologos through which intuitive insight (epístasthai gnóomen) reveals hidden or implicit harmony (harmoníe aphanés) in nature (phýsis) as a conceptual unity of ontic opposites (tà enantía). In Pramenides' paraconsistent concept of the identity of Being and thought, we point to para-logical hypotheses about the One (...)
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  15. Being & Logos → OntoTopoLogia → Big Ontological Revolution.Vladimir Rogozhin - manuscript
    The essay presents the main ideas of the philosophical system «OntoTopoLogia», developed and promoted since 1990 at the I-IV, VIII Russian Philosophical Congresses, the XX World Philosophical Congress (Boston, 1998), Conference «Problems of Consciousness in Philosophy and Science» (Institute of Philosophy RAS, 1996), Conference «Philosophy of Physics: Current Problems» (MSU, 2010), seven International contests The Foundational Questions Institute (USA, FQXi Essay 2012-2020), International scientific conference «Modern Ontology» (St. Petersburg , 2013, 2017, 2019, 2023), Third All-Russian Scientific Conference «Philosophy of Mathematics: (...)
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  16. Logos, ethos and pathos in balance.Jonathan Fuller - 2014 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 2 (1):22-29.
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  17. Was hat der inkarnierte Logos mit Aristoteles zu tun? Thomas von Aquins Gebrauch der Philo­sophie in der Auslegung des Johannesprologs und eine ‚holistische‘ Interpretation seiner Schrifthermeneutik.Ludger Jansen - 2000 - Theologie Und Philosophie 80.
    Taking Thomas Aquinas's interpretation of the prologue of St John's gospel (in his Lectura super loannem Evangelium) as example, I first discuss eight differences between medieval biblical interpretation and modern exegesis, especially Aquinas's frequent use of philosophical opinions in interpreting the Bible, taken mostly from Aristotle. Second, I account for these differences by reconstructing Aquinas's hermeneutics, hinging, as is shown, upon the assumption that scripture was authored by God infallible and, therefore, only contains true statements. From this starting point Aquinas (...)
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  18. The Koinōnia of Non-Being and Logos in the Sophist Account of Falsehood.Michael Wiitala - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34:235-249.
    At Sophist 260e3-261a2, the Eleatic Stranger claims that in order to demonstrate that falsehood is, he and Theaetetus must first track down what speech (logos), opinion (doxa), and appearance (phantasia) are, and then observe the communion (koinōnia) that speech, opinion, and appearance have with non-being. The Stranger, however, never explicitly discusses the communion of speech, opinion, and appearance with non-being. Yet presumably their communion is implicit in his account of falsehood, given his claim that observing that communion is needed (...)
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  19. logos and its footnotes.Paul Bali - manuscript
    on ontologs, or words that are the thing they name; a volitional solution to Zeno's Line and Arrow paradoxes; on Sokal as unintentional non-parody; and more.
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  20. Mística del Logos y contemplación del Padre en Orígenes. Aproximaciones desde el comentario a Juan.Fernando Soler - 2018 - Teología y Vida 59 (4):503-518.
    The article explores critical elements to understand how Origen elaborates his mystical theology in his Commentary on John. The spiritual progress process implies that rational beings are guided, by God’s Logos, from the practical life to the theoretical one becoming son or daughter of God, in the likeness of the Logos. This process aims at knowing the Father as he is known by the Logos. The article has two parts: 1. The Father’s presence, through the Logos, (...)
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  21. Heidegger’s Question of Being: the Unity of Topos and Logos.Axel Onur Karamercan - 2023 - Sophia 62 (2):309-325.
    In this article, I elucidate the significance of Heidegger’s ‘question of being’ from a topological point of view by explaining the relationship between his thought of place and language. After exploring various hermeneutic strategies of reading Heidegger’s oeuvre, I turn to Richard Capobianco’s interpretation of Heidegger and critically engage with his idea of the experience of being itself as the ‘luminous self-showing of logos’. In doing so, I explain the later turn from ‘truth’ to ‘place’ and articulate why (...) needs to be conceived as the gathering site of the presencing of being. In arguing against the primacy of passive receptivity and active projection, I put forward the primacy of language as the topos and logos of being. In returning to the Capobianco-Sheehan debate, I conclude by explaining why Heidegger’s place-related notions cannot be thought metaphorically. (shrink)
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  22. Ancient Persian Empire: Through Arsitotle Notions of Topos and Logos.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    With regard to the importance of interrelations and interplays of topos and logos in ancient theory and practices, here I will appropriate Aristotle philosophizing of topos and logos and apply it for the ancient persian Empire as reflected in related inscriptions.
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  23. Noesis and Logos in Plato's Statesman, with a Focus on the Visitor's Jokes at 266a-d.Mitchell Miller - 2017 - In John Sallis, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Contemporary Company. pp. 107-136.
    In his “Noesis and Logos in the Eleatic Trilogy, with a Focus on the Visitor’s Jokes at Statesman 266a-d,” Mitchell Miller explores the interplay of intuition and discourse in the Statesman. He prepares by considering the orienting provocations provided by Socrates’ refutations of the proposed definition of knowledge — namely, “true judgment and a logos” — in the closing pages of the Theaetetus, by the Eleatic Visitor’s obscure schematization at Sophist 253d-e of the kinds of eidetic field discerned (...)
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  24. Heidegger’s Metaphysics, a Theory of Human Perception: Neuroscience Anticipated, Thesis of Violent Man, Doctrine of the Logos.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (11).
    In this essay, our goal is to discover science in Martin Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics, lecture notes for his 1935 summer semester course, because, after all, his subject is metaphysica generalis, or ontology, and this could be construed as a theory of the human brain. Here, by means of verbatim quotes from his text, we attempt to show that indeed these lectures can be viewed as suggestion for an objective scientific theory of human perception, the human capacity for deciphering phenomena, (...)
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  25. On the Metaphysics of the Incarnation Talk (Logos Institute of Analytic and Exegetical Theology).Joshua Sijuwade - manuscript
    An invited talk delivered at the Logos Institute of Analytic Theology at the University of St Andrews. The topic was on the coherence of the doctrine of the Incarnation. I sought to introduce my solution to the logical challenge against the doctrine of the incarnation and also my own metaphysical model of the incarnation (called the transformational model). This talk summarises my article on this topic published previously in IJPR (termed 'On the metaphysics of the incarnation'). Handouts for the (...)
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  26. O Logos na Retórica e na Política de Aristóteles.Nuno M. M. S. Coelho & João Paulo Goulart - 2021 - In Luiz Antonio Ferreira, Inteligência retórica: o logos. Blucher. pp. 39-46.
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  27. Koncepcja logosu w sofistyce (The Doctrine of logos in the sophistic thought).Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2011 - In Dariusz Kubok & Dariusz Olesiński, Postacie i funkcje logosu w filozofii greckiej. Bielsko-Biała: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. pp. 19-26.
    The paper is concerned with the role of the logos in the sophistic thought. The author argues that the importance of logos is a result of the conviction that according to the Sophists human reality is somehow „created” through words in the process of constant communication and interpretation. This idea inspires the Sophists to research on the particular conditions of the process of persuasion and to analyze the factors which determine the persuasive power of speech. This interest in (...)
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  28. La lingüística del decir: El logos semántico y el logos apofántico.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo (ed.) - 2004 - Granada, Spain: Granada Lingvistica.
    El decir es anterior y va más allá del hablar, se vale del hablar y constituye la determinación del hablar. No hay un hablar sin un decir y sí puede haber un decir sin un hablar. El acto lingüístico es la manifestación del lenguaje, la lengua, el pensamiento y el conocimiento. Es fruto de un hablar, está determinado por un decir, presupone un conocer y revela la actitud del hablante, un sujeto libre e histórico, que es, a la vez, sujeto (...)
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    En busca del «lógos» perdido. En torno a «Was ist das - die Philosophie?» de Martin Heidegger / In search of the lost «Lógos». On Martin Heidegger’s «Was ist das - die Philosophie?».Fernando Gilabert Bello - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (306):1863-1876.
    El texto de Martin Heidegger Was ist das - die Philosophie? es una de las obras claves para hacer una hermenéutica de su pensamiento. En ella se explica como lo que pretendía la filosofía en su origen no tiene un correlato con sus conquistas a lo largo de la tradición, que están más bien teñidas de un tinte racionalista que obvia los estados afectivos, tan necesarios para entender el pensar filosófico. De este modo, volvemos con Heidegger a remontarnos al inicio (...)
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  30. Orthos Logos: a Educação Moral em Aristóteles.Rosane Rocha Viola Siquieroli - 2019 - Dissertation, Ufu, Brazil
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  31. The Powers of Quantum Mechanics: A Metametaphysical Discussion of the “Logos Approach”.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (3):885-910.
    This paper presents and critically discusses the “logos approach to quantum mechanics” from the point of view of the current debates concerning the relation between metaphysics and science. Due to its alleged direct connection with quantum formalism, the logos approach presents itself as a better alternative for understanding quantum mechanics than other available views. However, we present metaphysical and methodological difficulties that seem to clearly point to a different conclusion: the logos approach is on an epistemic equal (...)
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  32. Dance Techne: Kinetic Bodily Logos and Thinking in Movement.Jaana Parviainen - 2003 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics (27-28):159-175.
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  33. Introduction [to Logos & Episteme, Special Issue: Intellectual Humility].J. Adam Carter, Jesper Kallestrup & Duncan Pritchard - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (7): 409-411.
    While it is widely regarded that intellectual humility is among the intellectual virtues, there is as of yet little consensus on the matter of what possessing and exercising intellectual humility consists in, and how it should be best understood as advancing our epistemic goals. For example, does intellectual humility involve an underestimation of one’s intellectual abilities, or rather, does it require an accurate conception? Is intellectual humility a fundamentally interpersonal/social virtue, or might it be valuable to exercise in isolation? To (...)
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  34. Il fondamento teo-logico della verità. Il rapporto fra essere, verità e logos alla luce del Perì Hermeneías di Aristotele e del commento di San Tommaso d'Aquino.Francisco Fernández Labastida - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1):11-26.
    The Modern concept of truth, which subjects truth to certainty, broke the harmonious relation between reality and truth, that prevailed in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Hans-Georg Gadamer thinks that the main task of contemporary Philosophy is to recover the original harmony of being and knowledge. To shed light on the nature of this problem, we expound the metaphysical-theological foundation of truth, which is at the roots of Aristotelian and Thomistic Philosophies. Specifically, we analyze here the relation between being, truth and (...)
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  35. Reconciliation of Modern Dichotomies: Logos and Eros.Furkan Yazici - 2021 - Dissertation, Istanbul Bilgi University
    This thesis gets its fundamental idea from Herbert Marcuse’s critique of modern society. His analysis concerning the petrification of modern dichotomies is our starting point. We especially focus on the modern dichotomy of Logos and Eros, in more general terms, reason and desire. According to Marcuse’s analysis, petrification of dichotomies causes us to form a relation of domination and repression between our stated faculties. And this hampers modern individuals to use their capacities in their fullest sense. As a consequence (...)
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  36. Hermenéutica: el lógos de la fenomenología.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2014 - Studia Heideggeriana 3:127-158.
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  37. Emotions, Music, and Logos.Petri Järveläinen - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (3):193--206.
    The article introduces a cognitive and componential view of religious emotions. General emotions are claimed to consist of at least two compounds, the cognitive compound and the affective compound. Religious emotions are typically general emotions which are characterized by three specific conditions: they involve a thought of God or godlike, they are significant for a person feeling them and their meaning is derived from religious practices. The article discusses the notion of spiritual emotions in Ancient theology and compares the idea (...)
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  38. Introduction [to Logos & Episteme, Special Issue: The Ethics of Belief].Patrick Bondy - 2015 - Logos and Episteme 6 (4):397-404.
    This special issue collects five new essays on various topics relevant to the ethics of belief. They shed fresh light on important questions, and bring new arguments to bear on familiar topics of concern to most epistemologists, and indeed, to anyone interested in normative requirements on beliefs either for their own sake or because of the way such requirements bear on other domains of inquiry.
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  39. Nature, Man and Logos: an outline of the anthropology of the sophists.Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2016 - Kultura I Edukacja 2 (112):43-52.
    The paper aims at reconstructing the fundamentals of the sophistic anthropology. Contrary to the recognized view of the humanistic shift which took place in the sophistic thought, there is evidence that the sophists were continuously concerned with the problems of philosophy of nature. The difference between the sophists and their Presocratic predecessors was that their criticism of the philosophical tradition and the transformative answers given to the old questions were the basis and the starting point of the " ethical " (...)
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  40. Return of Logos: Ontological Memory → Information → Time.Vladimir Rogozhin - 2013 - FQXi Contest 2013:00-08.
    Total ontological unification of matter at all levels of reality as a whole, its “grasp” of its dialectical structure, space dimensionality and structure of the language of nature – “house of Being” [1], gives the opportunity to see the “place” and to understand the nature of information as a phenomenon of Ontological (structural) Memory (OntoMemory), the measure of being of the whole, “the soul of matter”, qualitative quantity of the absolute forms of existence of matter (absolute states). “Information” and “time” (...)
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  41. The State, Philosophy, and the Tyranny of the Logos: an Introduction to François Châtelet’s “Classical Greece, Reason, and the State”.Adam E. Foster - 2023 - Parrhesia 2023 (38):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, see the following excerpt: -/- Though his work has until now gone untranslated and been largely ignored in English scholarship, the historian of philosophy François Châtelet played a major role in the development of French thought that is on par with that of his more well-known contemporaries. Born in 1925, Châtelet was founding member of the University of Vincennes, Paris VIII’s experimental department of philosophy alongside Michel Foucault in the aftermath of the 1968 student protests. (...)
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  42. Phainomenon and Logos in Aristotle's Ethics.J. Hatab Lawrence - 2013 - In Hatab Lawrence J., Phenomenology and Virtue Ethics. Bloomsbury. pp. 10-30.
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  43. La linguistica del decir, el logos semántico y el logos apofántico.Martínez del Castillo Jesus Gerardo - 2017, segunda ed - Editorial Académica Española.
    El lenguaje o la actividad cognoscitiva del ser humano que se debate en su lucha contra la circunstancia en la que le ha tocado vivir es hablar, decir y conocer. El hombre habla porque tiene algo que decir, dice porque se define a sí mismo ante la circunstancia en la que vive en cada momento, y esto es posible porque conoce de forma creativa. En este sentido el decir determina el hablar, por arriba, y el conocer por abajo. El conocer (...)
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  44. Proclaiming the Divine Logos to the Man of the Future.David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2021 - Studies of Theological Sciences 16:137–154.
    This paper studies the cooperation of theology in the new evangelization in societies of ancient Christian tradition which are suffering an advanced process of secularization. It begins with Spain, where a recent debate on the influence of Christian intellectuals on social life suggests the ineffectiveness of ecclesiastical resources in transmitting the rich Catholic doctrinal heritage. Then the author deals with the idiosyncrasy of contemporary man, which lies near the one of the immediate future’s man: an uprooted subject who does not (...)
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    Heraclitus and the Silent Voice of Logos.Vasile Visotchi - 2023 - la Filosofia Futura 21:33-50.
    In this article, I examine Heraclitus’s 50th fragment with regard to the pronominal negation, ouk emou. In the first part of the paper, I argue that the dictum «one is all» is not something uttered by the logos, but rather is a response given by the human being according to the silent voice of the logos. Secondly, I proceed to analyze the deictic character of the negation ouk emou, aligning my interpretation with Agamben’s exposition of pronouns in Language (...)
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  46. A dynamis do logos Gorgiano: a personagem Helena como metáfora do elogio ao discurso.Michael Holanda de Andrade - 2017 - Dissertation, Ufrj, Brazil
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  47. Sobre la correlación que involucra el aspecto histórico de la escritura y su carácter de Logos entre Kerigma y el proceso de desmitologización en Rudolf Bultmann según Paul Ricoeur.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2021 - Revista Cuestiones Teológicas 48 (110):230-247.
    Al correlacionar el aspecto histórico de la Escritura y su estatus como logos, Rudolf Bultmann introduce un procedimiento exegético-hermenéutico basado en la investigación histórico-crítica de la Escritura e impone, a su vez, la interpretación del logos como kerigma en un proceso que involucra las posibilidades de conocimiento presentes en un determinado contexto histórico-cultural y que conduce a la necesidad de corresponder a la cosmovisión de la época actual. Así, a partir del análisis crítico de Paul Ricoeur, el artículo (...)
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  48. Da Relação entre Logos e Verdade em 'Ser e Tempo'.Estevão Lemos Cruz - 2009 - Dissertation, Ufpr, Brazil
    Esta dissertação tem como escopo a exposição da relação entre os conceitos fundamentais de λόγος e verdade, tais como foram desenvolvidos por Martin Heidegger em Ser e Tempo e nas preleções do entorno desta obra.
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  49. Goal → New Heuristic Model of Ideality: Logos → Coincidentia Oppositorum → Primordial Generating Structure.Vladimir Rogozhin - 2017 - Contest FQXi Essay 2017.
    Fundamental knowledge endures deep conceptual crisis manifested in total crisis of understanding, crisis of interpretation and representation, loss of certainty, troubles with physics, crisis of methodology. Crisis of understanding in fundamental science generates deep crisis of understanding in global society. What way should we choose for overcoming total crisis of understanding in fundamental science? It should be the way of metaphysical construction of new comprehensive model of ideality on the basis of the "modified ontology". Result of quarter-century wanderings: sum of (...)
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  50. Conhecimento como Juízo Verdadeiro com logos no Teeteto de Platão.Gustavo R. B. A. Ferreira - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    We examine the discussion about the definition of knowledge as true judgment accompanied by logos in Theaetetus 201c-210c, in order to ascertain which of the recent alternative interpretations is more consistent with the text. To accomplish this, we intend to analyze the text and explore in detail the secondary literature about it.
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