Results for 'Lorenz Krüger'

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  1. World, Class, Tragicomedy: Johannesburg, 1994.Liam Kruger - 2023 - College Literature 50 (2-3):349-382.
    Marlene van Niekerk's 1994 Triomf is a plaasroman, or farm novel, without the farm; it formally resembles a nostalgic pastoral genre initiated by the collapse of Southern African agricultural economy around the time of the Great Depression, but removes even the symbol of the farm as aesthetic compensation for material loss. In the process, van Niekerk composes a post-apartheid tragicomedy of a lumpenproletariat white supremacist family coming into long-belated class consciousness, an epiphany which, surprisingly, survives the novel's translations from Afrikaans (...)
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  2. Transnational Adaptation: ‘The Dead,’ ‘Fools,’ The Dead, and Fools.Liam Kruger - 2023 - In Brandon Chua & Elizabeth Ho (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Global Literary Adaptation in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge. pp. 19-33.
    This chapter sketches a literary history of writing the colonial interregnum through the comparison of a canonical Dublin text and its filmic adaptation with a canonical Johannesburg text and its filmic adaptation. Njabulo Ndebele’s short story ‘Fools’ (1983) repurposes formal elements from Joyce’s ‘The Dead’ (1914), transposing strategies for representing late colonial Dublin to a Johannesburg township during the height of apartheid in a context of extreme racial domination; beginning with close comparative readings of both stories, my chapter argues that (...)
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  3. Gestures of Belonging: Disability and Postcoloniality in Bessie Head's A Question of Power.Liam Kruger - 2019 - Modern Fiction Studies 65 (1):132-151.
    This essay identifies and intervenes in the limitations of both the social and the medical models of disability in the postcolonial context, suggesting that those limitations may apply to theorizations of disability more broadly. It suggests that Bessie Head's novel A Question of Power, which represents mental illness and disability without positing a stable etiology for them, illustrates the inapplicability of these ways of thinking about disability under instances of extreme precarity. As such, Head offers a test case for how (...)
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  4. Panels and faces: segmented metaphors and reconstituted time in Art Spiegelman's Maus.Liam Kruger - 2015 - Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies 29 (3):357-366.
    An examination of the specifically graphic-novelistic strategies employed in Art Spiegelman's graphic memoir, Maus, in leading the reader into a punctuated experience of time and memory, and in forcing complicity with the novel's problematic animal-as-ethnicity metaphor, in a wider attempt at putting together the critical vocabulary for discussing comic books as simultaneously textual and pictorial ‘texts’.
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  5. Literary Setting and the Postcolonial City in No Longer at Ease.Liam Kruger - 2021 - Research in African Literatures 52 (3):62-86.
    This paper considers Achebe's No Longer at Ease in terms of its modest canonical fortunes and its peculiar formal construction. The paper argues that the novel's urban setting is produced through an emergent and local noir style, that this setting indexes the increasing centrality of the city in late colonial African life, and that it formally responds to the success of Achebe's rural Things Fall Apart and its problematic status as a paradigmatic African text. The paper suggests that No Longer (...)
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  6. Recht und Rechtfertigung Zur rechtstheoretischen Dimension des moralischen Rechts auf Rechtfertigung.Lorenz Engi - 2016 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (3):353-362.
    The right to justification is the central tenet of Rainer Forst's theory of justice: every person has the moral right to receive justification for morally relevant actions. This approach is instructive also from a jurisprudential perspective. One important purpose of the law is to force state authorities to provide justifications for their actions. Therefore, based on the right to legal equality, justification must be provided for any unequal treatment. Likewise, restrictions of fundamental rights in a constitutional state are subject to (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Desire and reason in Plato's Republic.Hendrik Lorenz - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 27:83-116.
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  8. Was heißt Politik?Lorenz Engi - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (2):237-259.
    The german „Politik“ is very comprehensive. Different theorists had a fundamentally different understandig of the term. We can distinguish between a realistic and a idealistic approach. The first is represented especially by Carl Schmitt and Max Weber, the second by Hannah Arendt and ancient greek thinkers (Plato, Aristotle). These different views can’t be synthesized. „Politik“ ist characterized by its generality. Politically is decided, what - within a certain territory - is binding for everyone. Therefore „Politik“ is inseparably connected with power. (...)
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  9. Rebound effects of progress in information technology.Lorenz M. Hilty, Andreas Köhler, Fabian Schéele, Rainer Zah & Thomas Ruddy - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (1):19-38.
    Information technology (IT) is continuously making astounding progress in technical efficiency. The time, space, material and energy needed to provide a unit of IT service have decreased by three orders of magnitude since the first personal computer (PC) was sold. However, it seems difficult for society to translate IT’s efficiency progress into progress in terms of individual, organizational or socio-economic goals. In particular it seems to be difficult for individuals to work more efficiently, for organizations to be more productive and (...)
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  10. Algorithm exploitation: humans are keen to exploit benevolent AI.Jurgis Karpus, Adrian Krüger, Julia Tovar Verba, Bahador Bahrami & Ophelia Deroy - 2021 - iScience 24 (6):102679.
    We cooperate with other people despite the risk of being exploited or hurt. If future artificial intelligence (AI) systems are benevolent and cooperative toward us, what will we do in return? Here we show that our cooperative dispositions are weaker when we interact with AI. In nine experiments, humans interacted with either another human or an AI agent in four classic social dilemma economic games and a newly designed game of Reciprocity that we introduce here. Contrary to the hypothesis that (...)
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  11. Syntactical Treatment of Modalities, 6 February.Lorenz Demey & Jan Heylen - 2013 - The Reasoner 7 (4):45-45.
    The workshop took place in Leuven, Belgium, and was hosted by the KU Leuven's Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy. The workshop’s theme was the syntactical treatment of (alethic, epistemic, etc.) modalities. The standard view on modalities nowadays is that they are operators. Syntactic theories, however, treat modalities as predicates, and thus have to assume a background theory which is sufficiently strong to encode its own formulas (usually, one works with some system of arithmetic and Gödel coding). As a consequence, (...)
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  12. Sind Menschenrechte moralische oder juridische Rechte? Are Human Rights Moral or Juridical Rights?Lorenz Engi - 2012 - Ancilla Iuris 1:135 - 175.
    Human rights have a legal and a moral side. In the context of this contribution and from the legal‐philosophical aspect, two characteristics are particularly important in the distinction between law and morals. Law is enacted and set forth in a formalised manner, while morals take effect in an informal way; and law is backed by an institutional system that guarantees sufficient dependability of enforcement (while morals are enforced by means of spontaneous social processes). As regards the classification of human rights, (...)
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  13. The universal and contingent impossibility and desirability of ethics in Ato Sekyi-Otu’s Left universalism, Africacentric essays. [REVIEW]Liam Kruger - 2019 - Journal of the African Literature Association 13 (2):267-270.
    Part of a book forum on Ato Sekyi-Otu's 'Left Universalism, Africacentric Essays' with a response by the author.
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  14. The Sure-Thing Principle.Jean Baccelli & Lorenz Hartmann - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Economics 109 (102915).
    The Sure-Thing Principle famously appears in Savage’s axiomatization of Subjective Expected Utility. Yet Savage introduces it only as an informal, overarching dominance condition motivating his separability postulate P2 and his state-independence postulate P3. Once these axioms are introduced, by and large, he does not discuss the principle any more. In this note, we pick up the analysis of the Sure-Thing Principle where Savage left it. In particular, we show that each of P2 and P3 is equivalent to a dominance condition; (...)
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  15. Die Würde der Verletzlichen.Lorenz Engi - 2022 - Weilerswist, Germany: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    »Aber wenn ich höre, alles andere habe vor dem Schutz des Lebens zurückzutreten, dann muss ich sagen: Das ist in dieser Absolutheit nicht richtig. Grundrechte beschränken sich gegenseitig. Wenn es überhaupt einen absoluten Wert in unserem Grundgesetz gibt, dann ist das die Würde des Menschen. Die ist unantastbar. Aber sie schließt nicht aus, dass wir sterben müssen.« So äußerte sich Wolfgang Schäuble im April 2020 im Zusammenhang mit den Maßnahmen gegen die Corona-Pandemie. Die fundamentale Stellung der Menschenwürde, die Schäuble in (...)
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  16. Nonconscious Cognitive Suffering: Considering Suffering Risks of Embodied Artificial Intelligence.Steven Umbrello & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (2):24.
    Strong arguments have been formulated that the computational limits of disembodied artificial intelligence (AI) will, sooner or later, be a problem that needs to be addressed. Similarly, convincing cases for how embodied forms of AI can exceed these limits makes for worthwhile research avenues. This paper discusses how embodied cognition brings with it other forms of information integration and decision-making consequences that typically involve discussions of machine cognition and similarly, machine consciousness. N. Katherine Hayles’s novel conception of nonconscious cognition in (...)
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  17. The Role of Entscheider in the Asylum Procedure: A Legal and Ethical Analysis.Nicolas Kleinschmidt & Jessica Krüger - 2019 - Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface Between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”.
    In this article we examine the role of Entscheider (decision-makers) in the German asylum procedure, both legally and ethical. As the responsibility for deciding on asylum applications lies exclusively with them, their significance for the German asylum procedure can hardly be underestimated. However, over the last few decades the situation of Entscheider changed significantly: While the number and complexity of the cases they have to decide on has increased due to the growing immigration, the requirements for their education have been (...)
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  18. The Precautionary Principle as a Framework for a Sustainable Information Society.Claudia Som, Lorenz M. Hilty & Andreas R. Köhler - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S3):493 - 505.
    The precautionary principle (PP) aims to anticipate and minimize potentially serious or irreversible risks under conditions of scientific uncertainty. Thus it preserves the potential for future developments. It has been incorporated into many international treaties and pieces of national legislation for environmental protection and sustainable development. In this article, we outline an interpretation of the PP as a framework of orientation for a sustainable information society. Since the risks induced by future information and communication technologies (ICT) are social risks for (...)
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  19. What Do Technology and Artificial Intelligence Mean Today?Scott H. Hawley & Elias Kruger - forthcoming - In Hector Fernandez (ed.), Sociedad Tecnológica y Futuro Humano, vol. 1: Desafíos conceptuales. pp. 17.
    Technology and Artificial Intelligence, both today and in the near future, are dominated by automated algorithms that combine optimization with models based on the human brain to learn, predict, and even influence the large-scale behavior of human users. Such applications can be understood to be outgrowths of historical trends in industry and academia, yet have far-reaching and even unintended consequences for social and political life around the world. Countries in different parts of the world take different regulatory views for the (...)
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  20. Critique of black reason, by Achille Mbembe. [REVIEW]Elinor Hayden & Liam Kruger - 2017 - Journal of the African Literature Association 11:371-372.
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  21. Innateness as genetic adaptation: Lorenz redivivus (and revised).Nathan Cofnas - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (4):559-580.
    In 1965, Konrad Lorenz grounded the innate–acquired distinction in what he believed were the only two possible sources of information that can underlie adaptedness: phylogenetic and individual experience. Phylogenetic experience accumulates in the genome by the process of natural selection. Individual experience is acquired ontogenetically through interacting with the environment during the organism’s lifetime. According to Lorenz, the adaptive information underlying innate traits is stored in the genome. Lorenz erred in arguing that genetic adaptation is the only (...)
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  22. Comment on Gignac and Zajenkowski, “The Dunning-Kruger effect is (mostly) a statistical artefact: Valid approaches to testing the hypothesis with individual differences data”.Avram Hiller - 2023 - Intelligence 97 (March-April):101732.
    Gignac and Zajenkowski (2020) find that “the degree to which people mispredicted their objectively measured intelligence was equal across the whole spectrum of objectively measured intelligence”. This Comment shows that Gignac and Zajenkowski’s (2020) finding of homoscedasticity is likely the result of a recoding choice by the experimenters and does not in fact indicate that the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a mere statistical artifact. Specifically, Gignac and Zajenkowski (2020) recoded test subjects’ responses to a question regarding self-assessed comparative IQ onto a (...)
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  23. Dunning Kruger: Cehalet, bilgiden daha çok güven doğurur.Onur Kenan Aydoğdu - 2021 - Hacettepe Üniversitesi , Maksima Bilim, Kültür, Sanat Ve Edebiyat Dergisi 55:9-12.
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    The Dunning-Kruger Effect.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
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    El Metahumanismo de Stefan Lorenz Sorgner.Nicolás Rojas Cortés - 2022 - El Banquete de Los Dioses 10:75-106.
    A la fecha, la academia hispanohablante ha abordado el pensamiento de Stefan Lorenz Sorgner analizando, casi exclusivamente, su intento de comprender a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Más allá de los alegatos a favor o en contra de tal lectura, este debate olvida que el pensamiento de Sorgner efectivamente se ha apropiado de varias intuiciones nietzscheanas, hasta el punto de crear su propio transhumanismo nietzscheano débil o bien, Metahumanismo. Con este contexto en mente, el presente artículo tiene tres (...)
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  26. La déduction mathématique et la théorie physique. Exemple de solutions numériques physiquement utiles.Sara Franceschelli - 2014 - In Modéliser & simuler. Tome 2. Ed. Matériologiques.
    Cette étude montre comment le météorologue Edward Lorenz, dans deux articles de 1963 et 1964, explore les propriétés des systèmes chaotiques par des allers-retours entre une déduction mathématique (basée sur la théorie des systèmes dynamiques) et une étude des solutions numériques du système dit « de Lorenz » dans un régime d’instabilité. This study aims at showing how the metereologist Edward Lorenz, in two papers of 1963 and 1964, explores the properties of chaotic systems thanks to the (...)
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  27. Consciousness as an Adaptation. What animals feel and why.Pouwel Slurink - 2016 - In Andreas Blank (ed.), Animals: New Essays. Munich: Philosophia. pp. 303-332.
    Evolutionary epistemology (Lorenz, Vollmer) and value-driven decision theory (Pugh) are used to explain the fundamental properties of consciousness. It is shown that this approach is compatible with global workspace theory (Baars) and global neuronal workspace theory (De Haene). The emotions are, however, that what drives consciousness. A hypothetical evolutionary tree of the emotions is given – intended to show that consciousness evolves and is probably qualitatively different in different groups of animals.
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  28. Workplace Democracy: Collective wisdom as a catalyst for corporate climate action?Gaard Kets & Tjidde Tempels - manuscript
    The field of business ethics has shown an increasing interest in the responsibilities of firms in taking climate action, (cf. Dietz et al., 2018; Heede, 2014). Especially multistakeholder initiatives are heralded as inclusive platforms in which public and private actors together can provide democratically legitimate solutions for taking effective (global) climate action (cf. Arnold, 2016; Bziuk, 2022; Hormio, 2017; Scherer et al., 2016; Tempels et al., 2017). Although this is promising, the effectiveness of these (political) efforts of firms to tackle (...)
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    Ästhetische Kommunikation in Europa 1700–1850 / Aesthetic Communication in Europe 1700–1850.Gergely Fórizs, Piroska Balogh, Katalin Bartha-Kovács & Botond Csuka (eds.) - 2025 - Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    Volume 74 in the series Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung -/- Die vor-autonome und noch nicht auf das Feld der Künste beschränkte Ästhetik des ›langen 18. Jahrhunderts‹ strebte eine interdisziplinäre und internationale Kommunikationspraxis an, die eine universelle Verständigung unter den Menschen ermöglichen sollte. -/- Der Band versammelt Beiträge zu der europäischen Geschichte dieser anthropologisch ausgerichteten ästhetischen Kommunikation. Die Aufsätze der ersten Sektion beschäftigen sich mit der zeitgenössichen Theorie der ästhetischen Wissensvermittlung: Es wird die fachübergreifende (Proto-) Ästhetik Shaftesburys und Addisons, die (...)
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    The Science Behind Excessive Irrational Behavior: A Cognitive, Social, and Natural Law Perspective.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    -/- The Science Behind Excessive Irrational Behavior: A Cognitive, Social, and Natural Law Perspective -/- Irrational behavior is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, serving as a response to perceived threats, misunderstandings, or emotional distress. However, when irrational behavior becomes excessive, unbalanced, or emotionally driven, it can indicate inefficiencies in cognitive processing, mental health issues, and misunderstandings arising from proximity of individual perception and the no-input perception of others. This essay explores the scientific basis of excessive irrational behavior through neuroscience, (...)
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  31. How Smart is the Appetitive Part of the Soul?Mehmet M. Erginel - 2013 - In Noburu Notomi & Luc Brisson (eds.), The Selected Papers of the Ninth Symposium Platonicum. pp. 204-208.
    In recent years there has been a surge of interest among Plato scholars in the tripartition of the soul in the Republic. Particular attention has been devoted to the nature of the soul-parts, and whether or not each part is agent-like. A key element in this debate has been the question whether or not the non-rational parts have access to significant cognitive and conceptual resources. That this is the case, and that appetite cannot be entirely unreasoning, is the widely accepted (...)
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  32. Is co-management a double-edged sword in the protected areas of Sundarbans mangrove?Md Mizanur Rahman - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (1):1-22.
    The overall objective of the study was to examine the pros and cons of the participatory approach adopted in natural resource management in the ecologically protected areas of the Sundarbans mangrove of Bangladesh. A comparative study was done between the people who are involved and non-involved in this approach. Empirical data was collected through personal interviews with a structured questionnaire. The Gini coefficient was measured first and then embedded with the Lorenz curve to draw a line between perfect equality (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Experience and Content: Consequences of a Continuum Theory.W. Martin Davies - 1993 - Dissertation,
    This thesis is about experiential content: what it is; what kind of account can be given of it. I am concerned with identifying and attacking one main view - I call it the inferentialist proposal. This account is central to the philosophy of mind, epistemology and philosophy of science and perception. I claim, however, that it needs to be recast into something far more subtle and enriched, and I attempt to provide a better alternative in these pages. The inferentialist proposal (...)
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  34. The Meaning of “Theory” in Biology.Massimo Pigliucci, Kim Sterelny & Werner Callebaut - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (4):285-286.
    The articles in this issue reflect the results of the 25th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology on ‘‘The Meaning of ‘Theory’ in Biology’’ held at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria, 30 June–3 July, 2011.
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  35. The Sound of Music: Externalist Style.Luke Kersten & Robert A. Wilson - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):139-154.
    Philosophical exploration of individualism and externalism in the cognitive sciences most recently has been focused on general evaluations of these two views (Adams & Aizawa 2008, Rupert 2008, Wilson 2004, Clark 2008). Here we return to broaden an earlier phase of the debate between individualists and externalists about cognition, one that considered in detail particular theories, such as those in developmental psychology (Patterson 1991) and the computational theory of vision (Burge 1986, Segal 1989). Music cognition is an area in the (...)
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  36. Revising the Aesthetic-Nonaesthetic Distinction: The Aesthetic Value of Activist Art.Peg Brand Weiser - 1995 - In Peg Zeglin Brand Weiser & Carolyn Korsmeyer (eds.), Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 245-272.
    This essay explores the role that the aesthetic-nonaesthetic distinction plays in assessing activist art by women and artists of color. First, I shall review one traditional line of philosophical thought and show how it serves as the foundation for three types of reasons typically given for artworks reputed to lack aesthetic value. I develop two of the three reasons by examining recent writings opposed to the aesthetic value of activist art by well-known art critic Donald Kuspit, pointing out his aberrant (...)
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  37. Filosofia Analitica e Filosofia Continentale.Sergio Cremaschi (ed.) - 1997 - 50018 Scandicci, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy: La Nuova Italia.
    ● Sergio Cremaschi, The non-existing Island. The chapter discusses how the cleavage between the Continental and the Anglo-American philosophies originated, the (self-)images of both philosophical worlds, the converging rediscoveries from the Seventies, and recent ecumenic or anti-ecumenic strategies. I argue that pragmatism provides an important counter-instance to the familiar self-images and the fashionable ecumenic or anti-ecumenic strategies. The conclusions are: (i) the only place where Continental philosophy exists (as Euro-Communism one decade ago) is America; (ii) less obviously, also analytic philosophy (...)
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  38. Evolution of Philosophical Strategies for Interacting with Chaos.Oleksandr Kulyk - 2015 - Dissertation, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
    After the discoveries of such scholars as J. H. Poincaré, E. N. Lorenz, I. Prigogine, etc. the term ‘chaos’ is used actively by representatives of various scientific fields; however, one important aspect remains uninvestigated: which attitude one should have toward chaotic phenomena. This is a philosophical question and my dissertation aims to find the answer in the history of philosophy, where chaos theme has had its investigators from ancient philosophy to the philosophical theories of the 21st century. My dissertation (...)
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  39. MANIFESTATIONS OF NIGERIA'S NATIONAL EXPERIENCES IN CHRIS NWAMUO'S THE PRISONERS.Stanislaus Iyorza (ed.) - 2020 - Calabar: University of Calabar Press.
    In Nigeria, if the effects of development policies were felt by every Nigerian citizen, the search for respite would have assumed committed and prompt dimensions. Common hindrances to social development seem to be inflation, corruption, embezzlement, extreme ethnicity, selfishness and man's inhumanity to man. Nigeria has suffered exploitation in two phases: first in the colonial era, and second, during the post-colonial era, in which the nation is struggling against the forces of independent colonialism by its own people. Nigerians have approached (...)
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  40. Is Technology a Blessing or a Curse? (Review of The Song of the Earth: Heidegger and the Grounds of the History of Being). [REVIEW]Ray Scott Percival - 1994 - New Scientist (1915).
    Michel Haar supports the natural, but he fails to see that the drives behind technology— people's curiosity, exploration and desire to control—could not be more natural. They are, after all, part of our evolutionary heritage. As Konrad Lorenz, the famous ethologist, shows in Behind the Mirror. In his discussion of alienation, Haar also overlooks the work of Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel prizewinning economist, who explores the emergence of the extended society of worldwide markets in his book Fatal Conceit. Hayek (...)
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  41. Review of On Trans-humanism. [REVIEW]Woody Evans - 2022 - Prometheus 38 (2):271-274.
    A review of Sorgner's "On Trans-humanism." What to do with transhumanism? And – before we figure out how to categorize it, think about it and make actionable policy decisions with it – how should we define transhumanism? Stefan Lorenz Sorgner asks these questions in "On Trans-humanism" when he examines the idea’s provenance and the pedigree of related ideas. This approach turns out to be, on balance, a productive and useful way into a field that does not yet examine its (...)
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  42. A Promethean Philosophy of External Technologies, Empiricism, & the Concept: Second-Order Cybernetics, Deep Learning, and Predictive Processing.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Media Theory 4 (1):87-146.
    Beginning with a survey of the shortcoming of theories of organology/media-as-externalization of mind/body—a philosophical-anthropological tradition that stretches from Plato through Ernst Kapp and finds its contemporary proponent in Bernard Stiegler—I propose that the phenomenological treatment of media as an outpouching and extension of mind qua intentionality is not sufficient to counter the ̳black-box‘ mystification of today‘s deep learning‘s algorithms. Focusing on a close study of Simondon‘s On the Existence of Technical Objectsand Individuation, I argue that the process-philosophical work of Gilbert (...)
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  43. Análise e Verdade: investigações de filosofia (sistemática).André Henrique Rodrigues - 2024 - São Paulo: Editora Dialética.
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  44. Bafurada (The WInd).Mota Victor - manuscript
    "The Answer is blow'in in the wind" (Bob Dylan).
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