Results for 'bilingual dictionary'

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  1. Джерела реєстру російсько-українського академічного словника за редакцією А. Кримського та С. Єфремова та їхній вплив на академічний словник.Olga Los - 2018 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 4:155-165.
    У статті описано джерела реєстру російсько-українського академічного словника за редакцією А. Кримського та С. Єфремова, а також інших російсько-українських словників 20-х рр. ХХ ст. Реєстри тогочасних перекладних словників базувалися переважно на реєстрах перекладних словників, виданих раніше, частково залучалися словники інших типів, зокрема термінологічні, а також матеріали преси.
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  2. Bilingual first language acquisition and phonemic phenomenon.Emin YAŞ - 2023 - RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 13 (2023): 1263 - 1278.
    The most important stage of the sound phenomenon for children covers the time that starts from the mother's womb and continues until the school period. A child starting school (6:5 or 7 years old) is just learning to write. However, he acquired the language/s/ almost entirely thanks to the sound in the mentioned period. In this respect, the processing of language and sound in the brain of newborn babies becomes important. The language acquisition level of newborns may vary in terms (...)
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  3. Definitional dictionary of logic.Desh Raj Sirswal - manuscript
    DEFINITIONAL DICTIONARY OF LOGIC -/- 2009 -/- Complied by -/- Dr Desh Raj Sirswal -/- .
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  4. Bilingual language lateralization: A meta-analytic tale of two hemispheres.Rachel Hull & J. Vaid - 2007 - Neuropsychologia 45 (9):1987-2008.
    Two meta-analyses of 66 behavioral studies examined variables influencing functional cerebral lateralization of each language of brain-intact bilingual adults. Functional lateralization was found to be primarily influenced by age of onset of bilingualism: bilinguals who acquired both languages by 6 years of age showed bilateral hemispheric involvement for both languages, whereas those who acquired their second language after age 6 showed left hemisphere dominance for both languages. Moreover, among late bilinguals, left hemisphere involvement was found to be greater for (...)
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  5. Biographical encyclopedia (dictionary) as a genre of the contemporary historiography of philosophy: Anglo-American and Ukrainian experience.Vadim Menzhulin - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):153-167.
    The article aims at clarifying the historical status and cognitive potentials of such a genre of contemporary historiography of philosophy as biographical encyclopedia (dictionary). Based on extensive bibliographic material, the author demonstrates that in the late XX – early XXI centuries in the English-speaking countries there was a real outbreak of interest in encyclopedias and dictionaries, compiled from personalized articles about the life and works of philosophers of certain epochs, countries, trends, etc. According to the author, the increasing popularity (...)
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  6. Her Mother’s Tongue: Bilingual Dwelling, Being In-Between, and the Intergenerational Co-creation of Language-Worlds.Helen Ngo - 2024 - Critical Philosophy of Race 12 (1):145-181.
    This article takes up the idea of language as a home and dwelling, and reconsiders what this might mean in the context of diasporic bilingualism – where as a ‘heritage speaker’ of a minority language, the ‘mother tongue’ may be experienced as both deeply familiar yet also alien or alienating. Drawing on a range of philosophical and literary accounts (Cassin, Arendt, Anzaldúa, Vuong, among others), this article explores how the so-called ‘mother tongue’ is experienced by heritage speakers in an English-dominant (...)
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  7. Kurt Smith, The Descartes Dictionary. Reviewed by.Andreea Mihali - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (4):225-227.
    Smith’s Descartes Dictionary is geared specifically for undergraduate students and contains an Introduction, a Terms and Names section and a Bibliography. It is a good resource for students coming to Descartes’ writings for the first time and has the potential of being an even better pedagogical and study aid once its wrinkles are smoothened out, maybe in a second edition.
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  8. Idealism - New Dictionary of the History of Ideas Entry.Michael Baur - 2005 - In Maryanne Cline Horowitz (ed.), New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Charles Scribner’s Sons. pp. 1078-1082.
    Dictionary entry of "Idealism" in the "New Dictionary of the History of Ideas".
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  9. GALLICA PHILOSOPHICA - Illustrated Dictionary of French and Francophone Philosophers.Víctor Andrés Montero Cam - 2022
    GALLICA PHILOSOPHICA - Illustrated Dictionary of French and Francophone Philosophers (from the origins in the eleventh century up to twenty-first century).
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  10. Dictionary of Biblical Imagery.Don Michael Hudson - 1998 - Unknown: Intervarsity Press.
    An encyclopedic exploration of the images, symbols, motifs, metaphors, figures of speech and literary patterns of the Bible.
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  11. A Libertarian Dictionary A-B (revised 19/9/2023).J. C. Lester - manuscript
    A -/- abortion and infanticide/ academic freedom/ academics/ action/ act-omission doctrine/ addiction and dependence/ adoption/ advertising/ affirmative action/ age of consent/ age of criminal responsibility/ age of majority/ agent/ aggression/ agriculture/ aid, foreign/ AIDS/ air/ akrasia/ allies/ altruism/ American Civil War (1861-1865)/ American exceptionalism/ American War of Independence (1775–1783)/ anarchic social order/ anarcho-capitalism/ anarchy/ animal rights/ animal welfare/ apartheid/ apathy/ appeasement/ apriorism/ aristocracy/ arms trade/ arms race/ artificial intelligence/ arts and sciences/ assassination/ asset stripping/ asylum seekers/ atomism, social/ Austrian School (...)
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  12. A dictionary of Muslim philosophy.M. Saeed Sheikh - 1970 - Lahore,: Institute of Islamic Culture.
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  13. Users’ Guide to the Use of Dictionary.Christopher Okeke Ajah - 2019 - GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2 (1).
    Dictionary making is the preoccupation of a lexicographer (dictionary compiler) and the art of making it (dictionary) is called lexicography. Dictionary can either be in printing or electronic form. It is no doubt a vital tool for language learning and usage. The importance of a dictionary in learning and usage of a language cannot be neglected because its role in learning generally which includes among others: word meaning, word usage, pronunciation, spelling, origin and parts of (...)
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  14. The Institutional Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief.[author unknown] - 2021 - Preston, UK: Astral Publishing.
    This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief is published by the Astronist Institution through its imprint press Astral Publishing and will stand as the third entry in the Institutional Reference Works series. This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief provides a vast selection of terms covering all areas of religious liberty advocacy, the history of freedom of religion, human rights violations effecting religious freedom, current affairs and the mechanisms that the United Nations and other key organisations (...)
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  15. The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism. Cometan - 2021 - Preston, UK: Astral Publishing.
    The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism is the cumulation of receptions between Cometan and the astronomical world during the Founding era (2013-2021). The publication of this very first full-length Institutional Dictionary of Astronism represents eight years of the development of Astronism from its inception to how it stands today in 2021. The publication of this dictionary also encapsulates Astronism exactly as it exists now and how Cometan conceives it by the end of the Founding era. This dictionary (...)
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  16. John Eliot's Logick Primer: A Bilingual English-Massachusett Logic Textbook.Sara L. Uckelman - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):1-24.
    In 1672 John Eliot, English Puritan educator and missionary to New England, published The Logick Primer: Some Logical Notions to initiate the INDIANS in the knowledge of the Rule of Reason; and to know how to make use thereof (Eliot 1672) The Logick Primer: Some Logical Notions to Initiate the INDIANS in the Knowledge of the Rule of Reason; and to Know How to Make Use Thereof, Cambridge, MA: Marmaduke Johnson]. This roughly 80 page pamphlet introduces syllogistic vocabulary and reasoning (...)
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  17. Cyclopedic Education Dictionary.Andre Houle - 1998 - Albany, New York: Delmar.
    The word synthisophy appears in the Encyclopedic Education Dictionary, page 280: Synthisophy - the integration of socially pertinent information derived from the study of history into present culture.
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  18. Of black sheep and wrhite crows: Extending the bilingual dual coding theory to memory for idioms.Lena Pritchett, Jyotsna Vaid & Sumeyra Tosun - 2016 - Cogent Psychology 3 (1):1-18.
    Are idioms stored in memory in ways that preserve their surface form or language or are they represented amodally? We examined this question using an inci- dental cued recall paradigm in which two word idiomatic expressions were presented to adult bilinguals proficient in Russian and English. Stimuli included phrases with idiomat- ic equivalents in both languages (e.g. “empty words/пycтыe cлoвa”) or in one language only (English—e.g. “empty suit/пycтoй кocтюм” or Russian—e.g. “empty sound/пycтoй звyк”), or in neither language (e.g. “empty rain/пycтoй (...)
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  19. Sentence processing strategies in adult bilinguals.Kerry Kilborn & Takehiko Ito - 1989 - In Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.), The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257--291.
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  20. Stance in a Corsican school: Institutional and ideological orders and the production of bilingual subjects.Alexandra Jaffe - forthcoming - Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives.
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  21. How do we read a dictionary (as machines and as humans)? Kinds of information in dictionaries constructed and reconstructed.Vincent C. Müller - 2000 - In Evangelos Dermatas (ed.), Proceedings of COMLEX2000: Computational lexicography. Patras University Press. pp. 141-144.
    Two large lexicological projects for the Center for the Greek Language, Thessaloniki, were to be published in print and on the WWW, which meant that two conversions were needed: a near-database file had to be converted to fully formatted file for printing and a fully formatted file had to be converted to a database for WWW access. As it turned out, both conversions could make use of existing clues that indicated the kinds of information contained in each particular piece of (...)
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  22. Theodicy and Toleration in Bayle’s Dictionary.Michael W. Hickson - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (1):49-73.
    Theodicy and Toleration Seem at first glance to be an unlikely pair of topics to treat in a single paper. Toleration usually means putting up with beliefs or actions with which one disagrees, and it is practiced because the beliefs or actions in question are not disagreeable enough to justify interference. It is usually taken to be a topic for moral and political philosophy. Theodicy, on the other hand, is the attempt to solve the problem of evil; that is, to (...)
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  23. Harry J. Gensler, Historical Dictionary of Logic. [REVIEW]J. Evans - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (2):115.
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  24. Illness a Possibility of the Living Being (Bilingual: hungarian-english edition) - A betegseg az elo letlehetosege.Kiraly V. Istvan - 2011 - Kalligram.
    One bi-lingual - hungarian-ENGLISH - meditation and research about the Illness and the Living Being. Concentrated, of course, to the specific HUMAN reporting to them. The book investigates philosophically the issue of human illness and its organic pertinence to the meaning of human life starting from the recognition that the dangerous encounter with the experience of illness is an unavoidable – and as such crucial – experience of the life of any living being. As for us humans, there is probably (...)
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  25. Can Becoming Bilingualism In The Childhood And Becoming Bilingual Later Be Parallel?Emin Yas - 2022 - Journal of Current Debates in Social Sciences 2 (2):243-249.
    In the globalizing world foreign language learning is becoming more and more important. This case leads to new developments in language learning research. The purpose of this study is to depict whether the second language learning would occur better in the childhood or later. In other words to investigate the question of in which period of bilingualism it will be better. In order to answer this question, important sources in the linguistic field, related to the topic, were highlighted. The important (...)
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  26. Identity and code choice: Code-switching and social identity among Japanese/English bilingual siblings.Chad Nilep - 2004 - Actas Do II Simposio Internacional Sobre o Bilingüismo.
    Within the family, siblings work to create separate, stable social identities. One of the jobs of language socialization is the acquisition and appreciation of appropriate forms with which to perform the acts and stances which create social role. Children learn which roles are expected of them, and which forms are appropriate for the enactment of these roles in part through "trying on" various roles which may then be ratified or rejected by other members of the family. In addition to ratifying (...)
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  27. Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas M. Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz, and Theo Verbeek. Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. 2nd ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. Pp. 408. $115.00 ; $109.99. [REVIEW]Karen Detlefsen - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):345-348.
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  28. Book review of: R. T. Carroll, The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, & Dangerous Delusions. [REVIEW]Gary James Jason - 2006 - Liberty (April):49-52.
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  29. Timeo. Traducción e introducción de José María Zamora Calvo, notas y anexos de Luc Brisson. Edición bilingüe griego-castellano, Abada, Madrid, 2010, 474 pp. [REVIEW]Jorge Ordóñez-Burgos - 2011 - Nova Tellus 29:273-276.
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  30. (1 other version)Philosophizing in Tongues: Cultivating Bilingualism, Biculturalism, and Biliteracy in an Introduction to Latin American Philosophy Course.Alexander V. Stehn - 2021 - Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction 23 (1):12-32.
    This article describes my ongoing attempts to more successfully engage the full linguistic repertoires and cultural identities of undergraduate students at a “Hispanic Serving Institution” (HSI) in South Texas by teaching a bilingual Introduction to Latin American Philosophy course in the “Language, Philosophy, and Culture” area of Texas’ General Education Core Curriculum. By uncovering the diverse identities, worldviews, and languages of those who were historically excluded from the Eurocentric discipline of philosophy through the conquest and colonization of the Americas, (...)
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  31. Metodologias para o Ensino de Lógica em Libras: Notas sobre o desenvolvimento de uma aula de Lógica para o projeto IFSP FILOLIBRAS.Rafael Testa, Lucimar Bizio & João Antonio de Moraes - 2022 - CLE E-Prints 20 (3).
    Resumo -/- A partir da experiência de produção de uma videoaula de Lógica em Libras (Testa, Moraes, Bizio e Caló, 2021) para o IFSP FILOLIBRAS, inserida no contexto do projeto ‘O Ensino de Filosofia para Surdos: elaboração de material didático em uma perspectiva de inclusão escolar’ (Moraes e Bizio, 2021), levantamos algumas questões relativas ao arcabouço teórico do projeto. Após introduzirmos as motivações do projeto, explicamos como sua metodologia foi tratada no contexto da aula de Lógica, expondo as principais dificuldades (...)
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  32. Launch of the Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Lancement de la Revue canadienne de bioéthique.Bryn Williams-Jones, Charles Dupras, Vincent Couture & Renaud Boulanger - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (1):1-3.
    After six years (2012-2017) of publishing innovative bioethics scholarship, BioéthiqueOnline becomes the Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique. As executive editors of BioéthiqueOnline, we frequently heard from members of the Canadian bioethics community of the need to develop a platform with the right branding to showcase the value and the richness of our collective reflections, both locally and internationally. Following discussions with colleagues across the country, we came to the conclusion that BioéthiqueOnline had developed a unique expertise publishing bioethics (...)
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  33. Pagsusuri ng mga Salitang Kapampangan mula sa Arte dela Lengua Pampanga ni Fray Diego Bergaño na may Kaugnayan sa Pagkain.Jennifer L. Espada - 2019 - Mabini Review 8:91-122.
    Robert (Robby) P. Tangtingco’s article was called Bergaño’s dictionary “a work of art” in Lost and Found in Translation in the 18th century. The first thing that they observed is the various dialects or languages used by their countrymen. They were assigned to different regions of the Philippines, and one of them was Fray Diego Bergaño. He was designated to Pampanga where he successfully produced a Kapampangan dictionary called “Arte dela Lengua Pampanga”. From the stated dictionary, the (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Griffin, James (1933-).Anthony Skelton - 2005 - In Stuart Brown (ed.), The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers: M-Z. Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press. pp. 186-188.
    Dictionary entry discussing the main moral and meta-ethical doctrines found in the works of James Griffin.
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  35. Semantic search in scholarly discourse.Martin Schulz - 2013 - Dictionary of Arguments.
    How a Semantic Search Algorithm for unedited sources may look. - The basics for the Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments.
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  36. Knowledge structuring in scholarly discourse.Martin Schulz - 2014 - ResearchGate.
    The Basics for the Philosophy Dictionary of Arguments - How to find non-mentioned concepts.
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  37. (1 other version)Henry Sidgwick, 1838-1900.Anthony Skelton - 2002 - In J. Mander & A. P. F. Sell (eds.), The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers. Thoemmes Press.
    Dictionary entry written on Henry Sidgwick, which surveys the main features of his moral framework.
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  38. Through a Shadow, Darkly.István Aranyosi - manuscript
    The dictionary tells you that a shadow is a dark area or volume caused by an opaque object blocking some light. The definition is correct, but we need to clarify a couple of its elements: darkness and blocking. The clarification leads to the view that to see a shadow is a degree of failing to see a surface. I will also argue that seeing a silhouette (i.e. a backlit object) is a particular way of failing to see an object. (...)
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  39. Derrida, Jacques. I. Derrida and Jewishness.D. Newheiser - 2013 - In D. Allison, V. Leppin, C. Seow, H. Spieckermann, B. D. Walfish & E. Ziolkowski (eds.), The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Volume 6. Walter de Gruyter.
    Dictionary entry on Jacques Derrida's relation to Judaism.
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  40. Masculinity and the questions of “is” and “ought”: revisiting the definition of the notion of masculinity itself.Ognjen Arandjelovic - 2023 - Sexes 4 (4):448-461.
    The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) lists 1571 as the year of the first recorded use of the English word ‘masculinity’; the Ancient Greek ανδρεια (andreia), usually translated as ‘courage’, was also used to refer to manliness. The notion of manliness or masculinity is undoubtedly older still. Yet, despite this seeming familiarity, not only is the notion proving to be highly elusive, its understanding by the society being in a constant flux, but also one which is at the root of (...)
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  41. Consensuality.Joshua M. Hall - 2018 - The Philosophers' Magazine 82:32-38.
    The Oxford English Dictionary explains that the word “consent” originally derives from the “Latin consentīre to feel together, agree, accord harmonize”, further broken down into “con- together + sentīre to feel, think, judge, etc.” Thus, consent is originally a matter of mutual activity and receptivity, specifically a co-creating co-creation based on shared, ongoing feeling. What this seems to imply – and this is certainly always been true in my experiences with social Latin dance – is that consent is not (...)
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  42. ¿Una creencia verdadera justificada es conocimiento? [Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?].Edmund L. Gettier - 2013 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 2 (3):185--193.
    [ES] En este breve trabajo, se presenta una edición bilingüe de Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?, de Edmund L. Gettier, donde se presentan contraejemplos a la definición de «conocimiento» como «creencia verdadera justificada». [ES] In this brief text, a bilingual edition of Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?, by Edmund L. Gettier, some counterexamples are presented to the definition of «knowledge» as «justified true belief».
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  43. Are women adult human females?Alex Byrne - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3783-3803.
    Are women (simply) adult human females? Dictionaries suggest that they are. However, philosophers who have explicitly considered the question invariably answer no. This paper argues that they are wrong. The orthodox view is that the category *woman* is a social category, like the categories *widow* and *police officer*, although exactly what this social category consists in is a matter of considerable disagreement. In any event, orthodoxy has it that *woman* is definitely not a biological category, like the categories *amphibian* or (...)
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  44. Meanings of non sequitur.John Corcoran - manuscript
    Contrary to dictionaries, a non sequitur isn’t “any statement that doesn’t follow logically from previous statements”. Otherwise, every opening statement would be a non sequitur: a non sequitur is a statement claimed to follow from previous statements but that doesn’t follow. If the sentence making a given statement doesn’t contain ‘thus’, ‘so’, ‘hence’, ‘therefore’, or something else indicating an implication claim, the statement isn’t a non sequitur in this sense. But this is only one of several senses of that expression, (...)
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  45. Recurrence Again.Nathan Salmon - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):445-457.
    Kit Fine has replied to my criticism of a technical objection he had given to the version of Millianism that I advocate. Fine evidently objects to my use of classical existential instantiation in an object-theoretic rendering of his meta-proof. Fine’s reply appears to involve both an egregious misreading of my criticism and a significant logical error. I argue that my rendering is unimpeachable, that the issue over my use of classical EI is a red herring, and that Fine’s original argument (...)
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  46. Assertion.John Turri - 2015 - In Robert Audi (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 3rd Edition. Cambridge University Press.
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  47. Guru Nanak - An Apostle of Peace.Devinder Pal Singh - 2023 - Punjab Dey Rang, Lahore, Pk 17 (1):5-8.
    Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an apostle as a person who initiates a great moral reform or who first advocates an important belief and system [1]. Similarly, the Cambridge Dictionary states that an apostle is someone who strongly supports a particular belief or political movement [2]. The Free Dictionary by Farlex describes an apostle as a person who pioneers an important reform movement, cause, or belief; a passionate adherent; or a strong supporter. In the light of the above meanings (...)
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  48. Era posverdad: Comunicación, política y filosofía.David Villena Saldaña - 2019 - Psicopraxia 1 (1):17-26.
    According to the Oxford dictionaries, the term ‘post-truth’ is the word of the year 2016. This title was granted to ‘post-truth’ because of its virtual omnipresence in the reviews and assessments of several political events that took place during that year. The present essay shows how post-truth politicians try to connect with people, and offers a reflection on the philosophical implications of this new attitude towards truth and empirical evidence.
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    Educating Immigrants.Michael S. Merry - 2018 - In M. A. Peters (ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer.
    The challenges and opportunities associated with the education of immigrants predate modern school systems, though it certainly can be said that support for public schooling grew—for example, in Canada and the United States—as dominant (read White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) groups came to see the importance of integrating masses of disparate origin. Educational responses to the children of immigrants over time have been varied, and many responses are indistinguishable from efforts to address other minority groups. In North America, the rapid expansion of (...)
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  50. How to refrain from answering Kripke’s puzzle.Lewis Powell - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (2):287-308.
    In this paper, I investigate the prospects for using the distinction between rejection and denial to resolve Saul Kripke’s puzzle about belief. One puzzle Kripke presents in A Puzzle About Belief poses what would have seemed a fairly straightforward question about the beliefs of the bilingual Pierre, who is disposed to sincerely and reflectively assent to the French sentence Londres est jolie, but not to the English sentence London is pretty, both of which he understands perfectly well. The question (...)
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