Results for 'law school rankings, professional school, law subjects, legal education'

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  1. A reference to the US News graduate school ranking and NRC data.Kiyoung Kim - manuscript
    The purpose of college and university ranking mainly resides to assist with the students in choosing their schools and programs at the level they wish to study. The US News and World Report (USNWR) graduate programs ranking is notable that evaluates the graduate level programs uniquely and in contrast with other general subject rankings. Along with the reputation of source, this specificity enables to enjoy a number of subscribers in making an application decision about which school or program is (...)
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  2. The graduate law degree holders in the legal education market.Kim Kiyoung - 2016 - Beijing Law Review 7 (4):371-399.
    Given that the law is helpful, essential and non-separable with our lives, we surely would like to know the people that make laws and who practice in the legal profession. This query is the recent theme we have pursued in this and other related projects. The investigation has revealed a knowledge economy (savoir-faire) that has entwined law and the actions of law people, which growingly became edged to explain their behavior and moral and professional conduct. The expectation has (...)
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  3. Contemporary legal philosophising: Schmitt, Kelsen, Lukács, Hart, & law and literature, with Marxism's dark legacy in Central Europe (on teaching legal philosophy in appendix).Csaba Varga - 2013 - Budapest: Szent István Társulat.
    Reedition of papers in English spanning from 1986 to 2009 /// Historical background -- An imposed legacy -- Twentieth century contemporaneity -- Appendix: The philosophy of teaching legal philosophy in Hungary /// HISTORICAL BACKGROUND -- PHILOSOPHY OF LAW IN CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE: A SKETCH OF HISTORY [1999] 11–21 // PHILOSOPHISING ON LAW IN THE TURMOIL OF COMMUNIST TAKEOVER IN HUNGARY (TWO PORTRAITS, INTERWAR AND POSTWAR: JULIUS MOÓR & ISTVÁN LOSONCZY) [2001–2002] 23–39: Julius Moór 23 / István Losonczy 29 (...)
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  4. A Legal Education and Judge Selection System in South.Kim Kiyoung - 2017 - Korean Studies Journal 29 (3):1-50.
    Korea maintained a dual system of legal education since it imported the American style of legal education under the influence of Japan. The public had conceived it a kind of nerd or dude that had to be engrafted with the national needs as any solution in the face of globalization challenge. This led to a monopoly of legal education in Korea that disturbed the interest holders, those whom are lawyers, law professors, law schools and (...)
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    Paradigm Constraints in Crafting Questions for the Qualitative Exploration of Legal Theory by Scholars in Legal Education: Lessons From Dean Roscoe Pound.Mathias Alfred Jaren - 2002 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
    The twentieth century in legal education began with Dean Roscoe Pound of Harvard Law School demanding that law take broader perspectives. The time had arrived for sweeping changes in how judges judged, law professors taught, and lawyers practiced. For thirty years Roscoe Pound labored tirelessly in the design of a "Sociological Jurisprudence." Toward the end of Pound's twenty years as Dean of Harvard Law School, Karl Llewellyn of Columbia Law School crafted a second perspective on (...)
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    The Case of Legal Literacy for Teacher Education in Kenya (3rd edition).Eliud Ominde - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation 2 (2):92/95.
    Legal literacy refers to an indispensable knowledge on legal matters that have a direct bearing on an individual’s responsibilities which enable them to function well in circumstances where relevant laws apply. In a true sense, legal issues that teachers encounter are the same ones bedeviling the society at large. The need to include legal literacy in teacher education is informed by the fact that cases involving school laws seldom address simple school related disagreements (...)
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  7. Knowledge, Attitude, and Infringement of Tort Law Among Public Secondary School Heads on Students in Osun State, Nigeria.Olugbenga Timothy Ajadi & Musibau A. Lateef - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (3):204-216.
    One of the challenges in secondary schools today is infringements on students’ rights, in a tortious way that may also constitute breach of the Child’s Right Act of 2003 in Nigeria. These breach on rights usually come through the administration of corporal punishments on students, and mainly because the school heads see themselves as loco parentis of the students who can, therefore, enforce any form of punishment on them in the school. This study investigated knowledge, attitude, and infringement (...)
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  8. The Current State of Medical School Education in Bioethics, Health Law, and Health Economics.Govind C. Persad, Linden Elder, Laura Sedig, Leonardo Flores & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (1):89-94.
    Current challenges in medical practice, research, and administration demand physicians who are familiar with bioethics, health law, and health economics. Curriculum directors at American Association of Medical Colleges-affiliated medical schools were sent confidential surveys requesting the number of required hours of the above subjects and the years in which they were taught, as well as instructor names. The number of relevant publications since 1990 for each named instructor was assessed by a PubMed search.In sum, teaching in all three subjects combined (...)
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  9. What Do Law Professors Believe about Law and the Legal Academy?Eric Martínez & Kevin Tobia - 2023 - Georgetown Law Journal 112:111-189.
    Legal theorists seek to persuade other jurists of certain theories: Textualism or purposivism; formalism or realism; natural law theory or positivism; prison reform or abolition; universal or particular human rights? Despite voluminous literature about these debates, tremendous uncertainty remains about which views experts endorse. This Article presents the first-ever empirical study of American law professors about legal theory questions. A novel dataset of over six hundred law professors reveals expert consensus and dissensus about dozens of longstanding legal (...)
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  10. Addressing implicit bias: A theoretical model for promoting integrative reflective practice in live-client law clinics.Marc Johnson & Omar Madhloom - 2024 - European Journal of Legal Education 5 (1):55-87.
    Clinical Legal Education programmes now take place in most law schools in England and Wales. However, legal education continues to be predominantly focused on the analysis and application of rules, doctrines, and theories to hypothetical scenarios or essay questions. This form of pedagogy either minimises or ignores the role of the client in terms of supplying lawyers with knowledge pertinent to their case. In other words, it overlooks the fact that the lawyer’s acquisition of knowledge is (...)
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  11. Bashar H. Malkawi, Signing Ceremony of MOU on Professional Legal Diploma, Government of Dubai 2020.Bashar H. Malkawi - 2020 - Dubai Legal Periodical 2:1.
    Signing Ceremony of MOU on Professional Legal Diploma, Government of Dubai 2020.
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  12. Some reflection on the school curriculum and the role of education / Reflexões acerca dos currículos educacionais e a função da educação.Rodrigo Cid - 2008 - Saberes 1 (1):124-131.
    The aim of this paper is to indicate the purpose of education and how it implies changes in the curricula of basic education and in the methods of teaching, guidance and evaluation. We start with the concepts of capacities and overlapping consensus, created respectively by Amartya Sen and John Rawls, and find something that we can call a good life and what it means to improve life. So, we established that education should have as its primary function (...)
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  13. The First Amendment in Education: May Faculty at Public Schools Be Disciplined for Political Hate Speech?Ken Levy - 2024 - William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 33 (1):169-207.
    At a House hearing on December 5, 2023, the presidents of three universities—Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania—refused to state that certain kinds of hate speech, specifically calls for genocide of Jews, are prohibited on their campuses. The backlash against two of them, Harvard’s Claudine Gay and Penn’s Liz Magill, was swift and devastating; both of them were successfully pressured to resign. Still, while Professors Gay’s and Magill’s responses were widely criticized as tone-deaf, they were legally correct. At many (...)
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  14. Junior High School Teachers’ Experiences in the Delivery of Science Subjects in the New Normal.Melisa L. Torregosa & Anna Larissa A. Bargamento - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (4):291-304.
    The study was conducted to explore teachers’ experiences in the delivery of science subjects during the first school year of implementation of distance learning. The teachers’ experiences in the delivery of science subjects served as a reference for formulating innovation to make learning effective in distance learning modality. The data for this study were collected through an interview schedule. It was done through one-on-one in-depth interviews with each participant with the observance of COVID-19 safety protocols. The interviews with all (...)
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  15. Natural law at the University of Pisa : from the Ius Civile teachings to the establishment of the first chair of Ius Publicum in 1726.Emanuele Salerno - 2024 - In Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina & Gabriella Silvestrini (eds.), Natural law and the law of nations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Italy. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff. pp. 17-49.
    This chapter describes the process of institutionalization of natural law at the University of Pisa, essential to interpreting the conditions in which the first public law chair of Italy was founded. The study of legal education in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century will allow a more in-depth understanding of both the development of natural law in teaching practice throughout the long eighteenth century, and the features of the two processes of reception, respectively for educational and political (...)
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  16. What Is Reading In The Practice Of Law?Kirk W. Junker - 2008 - Journal of Law in Society:1-51.
    Abstract: Law professors offer to teach students something called “thinking like a lawyer.” They suggest thereby that legal thought is in some way unique. If it is, through what means is it acquired? By reading the law. And so reading the law must be a different experience than reading other things, as is implied by the admonition that thinking like a lawyer is somehow different than other thinking. In most law school education, reading is practiced as a (...)
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  17. Social Responsibility in French Engineering Education: A Historical and Sociological Analysis.Christelle Didier & Antoine Derouet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1577-1588.
    In France, some institutions seem to call for the engineer’s sense of social responsibility. However, this call is scarcely heard. Still, engineering students have been given the opportunity to gain a general education through courses in literature, law, economics, since the nineteenth century. But, such courses have long been offered only in the top ranked engineering schools. In this paper, we intend to show that the wish to increase engineering students’ social responsibility is an old concern. We also aim (...)
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  18. The Twilight of Legality.John Gardner - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Legal Philosophy 43 (1):1-16.
    This paper argues that juridification has become the enemy of legality. By 'juridification' is meant the proliferation of legal norms and legally recognized norms. By legality is meant conformity with the ideal of the rule of law. The paper begins with the most obvious ways in which juridification threatens legality. Too much law makes the law on any subject hard to discover, hard to remember, and hard to follow. It also makes us too dependent on the discretion of petty (...)
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  19. Capitalmud, or Akyn's Song about the Nibelungs, paradigms and simulacra.Valentin Grinko - manuscript
    ...If, in some places, backward science determines the remaining period by the lack of optimism only by the number 123456789, then our progressive science expands it to 987654321, which is eight times more advanced than theirs. However, due to the inherent caution of scientists, both sides do not specify the measuring unit of reference — year, day, hour or minute are meant. Leonid Leonov. Collected Op. in ten volumes. Volume ten. M.: IHL, 1984, p.583. -/- The modern men being as (...)
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  20. Professional and Personal Traits of a Professor: A Study on Filipino Students' Preferences.Jayrome Lleva Nuñez & Louie P. Gula - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (1):38-46.
    Schools have resumed receiving students after more than two years of closing doors to learners. College students. Students have built preferences on their professors even before the pandemic began. Using the epistemological lens in conducting research, the purpose of the study is to know the expectations of Filipino college students about the professional and personal qualities of their professors. The study utilized snowball or chain sampling to gather pertinent information in relation to the researched topic. Then, the data gathered (...)
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  21. Data Analytics in Higher Education: Key Concerns and Open Questions.Alan Rubel & Kyle M. L. Jones - 2017 - University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy 1 (11):25-44.
    “Big Data” and data analytics affect all of us. Data collection, analysis, and use on a large scale is an important and growing part of commerce, governance, communication, law enforcement, security, finance, medicine, and research. And the theme of this symposium, “Individual and Informational Privacy in the Age of Big Data,” is expansive; we could have long and fruitful discussions about practices, laws, and concerns in any of these domains. But a big part of the audience for this symposium is (...)
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  22. Balancing Freedom and Restraint: The Role of Virtue in Legal Analysis.Harold Anthony Lloyd - 2023 - Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 32:315-353.
    Even if one sees the law as “a self-contained system of legal reasoning” from which we deduce “neutral,” non-political conclusions from “general principles and analogies among cases and doctrines” (including formalist claims that judges simply call “balls and strikes” like umpires in a baseball game), one should still consider certain characteristics of the party making such deductions or calling such “balls and strikes.” [Relevant citations to quoted language are in the Article.] If such decision maker has questionable motivations, lacks (...)
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  23. Cognitive Emotion and the Law.Harold Anthony Lloyd - 2016 - Law and Psychology Review 41.
    Many wrongly believe that emotion plays little or no role in legal reasoning. Unfortunately, Langdell and his “scientific” case method encourage this error. A careful review of analysis in the real world, however, belies this common belief. Emotion can be cognitive, and cognition can be emotional. Additionally, modern neuroscience underscores the “co-dependence” of reason and emotion. Thus, even if law were a certain science of appellate cases (which it is not), emotion could not be torn from such “science.” -/- (...)
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  24. Langdell and the Eclipse of Character.Harold Anthony Lloyd - forthcoming - University of Pittsburgh Law Review.
    Christopher Columbus Langdell has not only damaged the study of law with his three follies: his legal formalism, his redacted appellate case method, and his notion that legal practice taints the professor of law. His three follies have also impaired character development critical for legal actors. This Article focuses on four such critical character traits and virtues impaired by Langdell: (i) imagination, (ii) empathy, (ii) balance, and (iv) integrity. -/- This Article also calls out potential character issues (...)
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  25. Exploring the Educational Advocacy of Graduate Students in Philippine Higher Education Institution.Manuel Caingcoy & Catherine Libertad - 2020 - Technium Social Sciences Journal 6 (1):18-35.
    Every school needs an advocate leader who can influence others to address issues, concerns, and problems that affect education, its quality, access, and the welfare of the stakeholders, especially that of the learners. This leader needs to subscribe to the redefined roles and nature of leadership. Advocacy leadership challenges educational leaders to take a progressive stance on pressing educational issues and problems. The next in line leaders need to awaken in themselves a specific advocacy and tune-in to this (...)
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  26. Surrogacy: A Multidisciplinary Perspective.Vanshika Singla & Kirandeep Kaur - manuscript
    Often, what is unaccustomed to the eyes of human beings, is considered menacing in any way possible. With every reason justifying its threat, we limit the concept’s scope while we put as much effort as we could to fit it into our definition of normal and right. Surrogacy, in the disguise of knowledge, has been immolated to a similar acceptable explanation as a phenomenon worldwide. The morality and legality of any nation consist of a pool of resources to present such (...)
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  27. Teaching Ethics in the High Schools.Shane Ralston - 2008 - Teaching Ethics 9 (1):73-86.
    Should ethics be taught in the high schools? Should high school faculty teach it themselves or invite college and university professors (or instructors) into the classroom to share their expertise? In this paper, I argue that the challenge to teach ethics in the high schools has a distinctly Deweyan dimension to it, since (i) Dewey proposed that it be attempted and (ii) he provided many valuable resources with which to proceed. The paper is organized into four sections. In the (...)
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  28. The Acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell Session Practice to Tagumpay National High School Teachers.Ann Michelle S. Medina, Mari Cris O. Lim & Aldren E. Camposagrado - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):99-109.
    This quantitative study explores the acceptability of Online Learning Action Cell (LAC) practice as a school-based professional development strategy for Tagumpay National High School (TNHS) teachers. The research was motivated by the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 35 s. 2016 which prompts public schools to comply with the implementation of LAC sessions because it has a positive impact on teachers’ beliefs and practices resulting in education reforms for learners’ benefit. However, in compliance with DepEd’s (...)
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  29. Breaking down the enigma of out-of-field research teaching among private senior high schools in Davao City, Philippines: A transcendental phenomenological inquiry.Orville J. Evardo Jr - 2024 - Davao Research Journal 15 (1):16-33.
    Subject matter expertise goes far beyond simply knowing and regurgitating facts. It is a multifaceted ability encompassing a deep understanding of the content, pedagogical knowledge, assessment proficiency, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and cultivating positive attitudes and values. This transcendental phenomenological study was conducted to understand the lived experiences of SHS out-of-field research teachers in terms of assignment, instruction, and feedback. To grasp the phenomenon's essence, transcendental phenomenology aims to set aside the researcher's preconceived ideas and strive for neutrality. (...)
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  30. 'The Preface' Hegel's Legal Philosophy, and the Crises of His Time.William Conklin - 2012 - In Jonathan Lavery, Louis Groarke & William Sweet (eds.), Ideas Under Fire: Historical Studies of Philosophy and Science in Adversity. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 161-190.
    Hegel experienced several personal, political, and professional crises during his life. These crises impacted his dense theory about the importance of rational self-reflection in the organic character and evolution of law. The article argues that Hegel’s Preface to the Philosophy of Right manifests how one philosopher came to terms with the personal, social and political crises in which he found himself. In particular, the article outlines the central themes of the Preface and then explicates the important notion of Bildung (...)
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  31. Theory without practice is empty; Practice without theory is blind: The inherent inseparability of doctrine and skills.Harold Anthony Lloyd - 2017 - In Linda Holdeman Edwards (ed.), The Doctrine Skills Divide: Legal Education's Self-Inflicted Wound. Carolina Academic Press Llc. pp. 77-90.
    This article maintains that the so-called theory-practice divide in legal education is not only factually false but semantically impossible. -/- As to the divide's falsity, practitioners have of course performed excellent scholarship and academics have excelled in practice. As to the divide's semantic impossibility, this article examines, among other things: -/- (1) the essential role of experience in meaning, -/- (2) the resulting inseparability of theory and practice in the world of experience, -/- (3) problems the divide shares (...)
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    Purpose: This thematic literature review explores the critical role of competent writing skills in law enforcement, examining its impact on career progression, agency reputation, and legal proceedings. The purpose is to synthesize existing literature to identify research gaps and suggest directions for future studies. Methods: Google Scholar, ERIC, and the Jerry Falwell Library searches were conducted to capture a broad range of studies involving police report writing, its impact on officers, law enforcement agencies, and the criminal justice system, and (...)
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  33. Factors Contributing to Students’ Academic Performance in Biology State Examination at Upper Secondary Schools in Gitega Commune, Gitega Province In Burundi.Ndayihimbaze Jean Bosco, Philothère Ntawiha & Arakaza Alexis - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (3).
    The students’ academic performance is the key element for both learners and teachers in examining the educational objectives for all subjects. This work is entitled “Factors contributing to Students' Academic Performance in Biology State Examination at Upper Secondary Schools in Gitega commune, Burundi” explores the factors that influence the students’ academic performance in biology national examination, particularly in Gitega commune. All school directors, laboratory, and library staff, and six senior students who did biology national examination over five school (...)
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  34. Employment of the Master of Arts in Mathematics Education Graduates of a University in Northern Philippines.Mark Angelo Reotutar, Rhosechelle A. Riboroso, Restituto M. Llagas & Joseph G. Taban - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (3):226-240.
    This study aimed to trace the 2015 to 2019 MAME graduates in the College of Teacher Education for Graduate Studies of the University of Northern Philippines in terms of their personal profile, their work-related profile before and after taking their master’s degree, reasons of taking up the program, competency level before and after taking the program, appraisal of the most useful courses offered in the program, evaluation on the contribution of the program to their personal and professional growth (...)
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  35. Cultivating Creativity and Self-Reflective Thinking through Dialogic Teacher Education.Arie Kizel - 2012 - US-China Education Review 2 (2):237 – 249.
    A new program of teacher training in a dialogical spirit in order to prepare them towards working in the field of philosophy with children combines cultivating creativity and self-reflective thinking had been operated as a part of cooperation between the academia and the education system in Israel. This article describes the program that is a part of their practice towards co-operation between academia and schools as a part of PDS (Professional Development Schools) partnership. The program fosters creativity and (...)
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  36. UN Human Rights Ethics: For the Greatest Success of the Greatest Number.Clark Butler - manuscript
    This book manuscript, entitled United Nations Human Rights Ethics: For The Greatest Success of the Greatest Number, critically examines most all major normative ethical theories since Socrates and finds Roman Stoic ethics to be the least deficient. It divides ethical theories into popular ones with little academic support, other popular ones that have had such support, and Kantian ethics standing alone as a philosopher's academic ethical philosophy with limited popular support. It criticizes the appropriation of human rights by the international (...)
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  37. Integrating Mathematics With Other Curriculum Areas in Secondary Education: A Critical Review.Rory W. Collins - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    Curriculum integration is frequently promoted as a means of enabling deeper and more authentic learning, with Mathematics often considered a suitable subject for doing so. This review investigates which elements contribute to the effectiveness of Mathematics integration in secondary education. Teacher factors include attitudes towards integrative practices and knowledge of both disciplinary content and curriculum integration theory. Pedagogy factors concern utilising activities that best synthesise concepts from multiple subjects to enhance learning, especially projects. Institutional factors relate to curriculum and (...)
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  38. School As Learning Organisations: The Influence of Educational Leadership, Organisational Knowledge Circulation, and School Culture Over Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Vietnamese K-12 Schools.Anh-Duc Hoang - 2024 - Dissertation, Rmit University
    The chaotic situation of today’s VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) and TUNA (Turbulent, Uncertain, Novel, Ambiguous) world is bringing more and more active and passive reforms, including positive and negative aspects, that reform business models. Educational institutions are not exceptional. Regarding the nature of educational institutions’ operation in today’s rapidly changing context, school leaders also need to raise concerns similar to those of business managers from other industries: “How do their institutions continuously renovate to adapt to tomorrow’s world?” (...)
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  39. Improving Responsiveness to Stakeholders: A Mobile Application of Selected School Services for the Mary Perpetua E. Brioso National High School.Gregorio A. Legal - 2023 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 1 (4):252-269.
    This capstone project aimed to enhance the operational efficiency of school transactions at Mary Perpetua E. Brioso National High School (MPEBNHS) in response to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This goal was achieved by developing and implementing the Mobile-Based Selected School Services Application, "iSkulSerb." The development of iSkulSerb followed the systematic approach of Borg and Gall's (1983) Research and Development (R&D) methodology for creating and validating educational products. To ensure the validity and reliability of the application, (...)
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  40. Marketing and Branding in Higher Education Institute.Mohajer Seyed Mohammad - 2020 - amazon.
    Dr. Seyed Mohammad Mohajer, author of this book, for the first time, on the subject of SEM (Student Experience Management) and TEM :(Teacher Experience Management), Expresses and writes In today’s competitive world in which men are looking for acquiring a better place for themselves and their properties, indeed it can be said that people who compete on a full scale in marketing and branding by learning knowledge and experience, are more successful. Apart from people, countries, cities, businesses, historical and religious (...)
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  41. Clinical Legal Education Aims vs Legal Advice Centre Client Interests.Damian Wayne Williams - forthcoming - Forthcoming.
    CLE aims and clients’ needs conflict where students’ interests are put beyond clients’ needs. Students have interests in gaining employment, impressing instructors and supervisors, and experiencing the active application of law. Where the clients’ service-needs are subordinated to students’ interests, the relationship between the two—the ‘tension’—is tilted in a manner in which the clients are disserved through the fulfilment of students’ interests. This may be exacerbated by faulty institutional cultures where clinical faculty are treated differently, or as less accomplished or (...)
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  42. Improving Numerical Performance in Grade-7 Students through Effective Remedial Instruction.Pearl Marie A. Legal & Gregorio A. Legal - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (1):1-20.
    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of remedial instruction in improving the numeracy skills of Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School during the school year 2023-2024. Adopting a quasi-experimental research design, the research focused on Grade 7 students at Malbug National High School, Cawayan East District, Masbate Province Division, Philippines, identified as non-numerates, employing pre-tests and post-tests as essential research tools. The independent variable was the remedial instruction in numeracy, while the dependent variable was (...)
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  43. Are There Cross-Cultural Legal Principles? Modal Reasoning Uncovers Procedural Constraints on Law.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Kevin P. Tobia, Guilherme da F. C. F. de Almeida, Raff Donelson, Vilius Dranseika, Markus Kneer, Niek Strohmaier, Piotr Bystranowski, Kristina Dolinina, Bartosz Janik, Sothie Keo, Eglė Lauraitytė, Alice Liefgreen, Maciej Próchnicki, Alejandro Rosas & Noel Struchiner - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13024.
    Despite pervasive variation in the content of laws, legal theorists and anthropologists have argued that laws share certain abstract features and even speculated that law may be a human universal. In the present report, we evaluate this thesis through an experiment administered in 11 different countries. Are there cross‐cultural principles of law? In a between‐subjects design, participants (N = 3,054) were asked whether there could be laws that violate certain procedural principles (e.g., laws applied retrospectively or unintelligible laws), and (...)
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  44. Students’ personnel management and academic effectiveness of secondary school students in Calabar education zone of Cross River State, Nigeria.Valentine Joseph Owan & Samuel Okpon Ekaette - 2019 - International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences 4 (2):13-19.
    This study assessed students’ personnel management and academic effectiveness in terms of punctuality to classes, time management, study habits, record keeping, attitudes during classes, note taking, attitudes towards assignment, examination results and attitudes towards co-curricular activities in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. Three null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study following a descriptive survey research design. Proportionate sampling technique was employed in selecting a sample of 1,934 students (representing 20%) from a population of 9,672 students. (...)
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  45. Educational Justice and School Boosting.Marcus Arvan - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (1):1-31.
    School boosters are tax-exempt organizations that engage in fundraising efforts to provide public schools with supplementary resources. This paper argues that prevailing forms of school boosting are defeasibly unjust. Section 1 shows that inequalities in public education funding in the United States violate John Rawls’s two principles of domestic justice. Section 2 argues that prevailing forms of school boosting exacerbate and plausibly perpetuate these injustices. Section 3 then contends that boosting thereby defeasibly violates Rawlsian principles of (...)
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  46. Continuing The Distance Learning Modality of Graduate Studies in Post-Covid Philippines: A Survey.Jayrome Nuñez, Louie P. Gula, Evaflor Alindan, John Clinton Colcol, Aristonie Sangco, Jairoh Taracina, Sammy Dolba, Al John Escobañez, Kevin Sumayang, Mark Anthony Jamisal & Francis Jim Tuscano - 2023 - FDLA Journal 7 (1):1-17.
    Getting a graduate education is one of the most important parts of a professional in a field. It allows them to climb higher in the professional rankings or even get higher pay for their academic work. All graduate students are adults and self-directed due to their past experiences in work or practice. However, when the pandemic hit the world, these self-directed learners were not spared from shutting of schools. In the Philippines, most graduate schools deliver their lessons (...)
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  47. On Law as Poetry: Shelley and Tocqueville.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy 3 (40).
    Consonant with the ongoing “aesthetic turn” in legal scholarship, this article pursues a new conception of law as poetry. Gestures in this law-as-poetry direction appear in all three main schools in the philosophy of law’s history, as follows. First, natural law sees law as divinely-inspired prophetic poetry. Second, positive law sees the law as a creative human positing (from poetry’s poesis). And third, critical legal theory sees these posited laws as calcified prose prisons, vulnerable to poetic liberation. My (...)
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  48. Legality of Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics: A Case of “Ultra-Sinoism”.Ammar Younas - 2020 - Russian Law Journal 8 (4):53-91.
    The legal progression in China is portrayed negatively by western scholars who often argue that the state institutions in China are subordinate to the control of Chinese Communist Party’s leadership which makes these institutions politically insignificant. We consider that the legal progression in China has an instrumental role in achieving “Harmonious Socialist Society.” The purpose of this thesis is to provide an analytical literature review of scholastic work to explain the legality of rule of law in China and (...)
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  49. Marxism, Law and the Global South: Asiatic Mode of Production Debates, The Legal Subject and the Promise of Left Universalism.Nergis Canefe - 2021 - Https://Pressbooks.Pub/Daraja21/.
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    COPYRIGHT DOCTRINE BEFORE THE TRIBUNAL OF SCIENCE: A RESPONSE TO PROFESSOR SILBEY.Matt Blaszczyk - forthcoming - Journal of the Copyright Society.
    In an important new Article, titled A Matter of Facts: The Evolution of the Copyright Fact-Exclusion and Its Implications for Disinformation and Democracy, Professor Jessica Silbey argues provocatively that we “‘only” know that facts are excluded from copyright protection because Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service “says so.” She argues that both the nature and importance of facts has been underdefined and is in flux, nonetheless tracing it to the foundational cases of United States (U.S.) copyright law, and argues for (...)
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