Results for 'science pedagogy'

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  1. Evolution and Conservative Christianity: How Philosophy of Science Pedagogy Can Begin the Conversation.Christine A. James - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):185-212.
    I teach Philosophy of Science at a four-year state university located in the southeastern United States with a strong college of education. This means that the Philosophy of Science class I teach attracts large numbers of students who will later become science teachers in Georgia junior high and high schools—the same schools that recently began including evolution "warning" stickers in science textbooks. I am also a faculty member in a department combining Religious Studies and Philosophy. This (...)
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  2. Josiah Parsons Cooke Jr.: Epistemology in the Service of Science, Pedagogy, and Natural Theology.Stephen M. Contakes & Christopher Willard Kyle - 2011 - Hyle 17 (1):1 - 23.
    Josiah Parsons Cooke established chemistry education at Harvard University, initiated an atomic weight research program, and broadly impacted American chemical education through his students, the introduction of laboratory instruction, textbooks, and influence on Harvard's admissions requirements. The devoutly Unitarian Cooke also articulated and defended a biogeochemical natural theology, which he defended by arguing for commonalities between the epistemologies of science and religion. Cooke's pre-Mendeleev classification scheme for the elements and atomic weight research were motivated by his interest in numerical (...)
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    Examining Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge and Instructional Challenges of High School Science Teachers in Cabanatuan City, Philippines.Marvin Sogue & Lexter Natividad - 2024 - Education Digest 19 (2):101-114.
    This study examined public junior high school science teachers’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) and instructional challenges. It aimed to determine the TPACK profile of the respondents and the challenges they encounter in teaching. This study was conducted in seven public junior high schools with 35 respondents in the Division of Cabanatuan City. It used a descriptive-correlational research design, including a survey questionnaire and data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that the teachers have very (...)
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  4. Everyday Scientific Imagination: A Qualitative Study of the Uses, Norms, and Pedagogy of Imagination in Science.Michael Stuart - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (6-7):711-730.
    Imagination is necessary for scientific practice, yet there are no in vivo sociological studies on the ways that imagination is taught, thought of, or evaluated by scientists. This article begins to remedy this by presenting the results of a qualitative study performed on two systems biology laboratories. I found that the more advanced a participant was in their scientific career, the more they valued imagination. Further, positive attitudes toward imagination were primarily due to the perceived role of imagination in problem-solving. (...)
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  5. Pedagogies in the Wild—Entanglements between Deleuzoguattarian Philosophy and the New Materialisms: Editorial.Evelien Geerts & Delphi Carstens - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).
    Whether we are said to be living in the Anthropocene, the Capitalocene, or are witnessing the start of the Chthulucene, as feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway (2016) would describe the current post-anthropocentric era, there is a demonstratable need for affective, entangled, transversal forms of thinking-doing today. Writing this editorial almost a year after the COVID-19 pandemic erupted, and that as inhabitants of Belgium and South Africa—countries with complex ongoing capitalist-colonial legacies, socio-political presents, and heavily but also differently (...)
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  6. Towards Pedagogy supporting Ethics in Analysis.Marie Oldfield - 2022 - Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 12 (2).
    Over the past few years we have seen an increasing number of legal proceedings related to inappropriately implemented technology. At the same time career paths have diverged from the foundation of statistics out to Data Scientist, Machine Learning and AI. All of these new branches being fundamentally branches of statistics and mathematics. This has meant that formal training has struggled to keep up with what is required in the plethora of new roles. Mathematics as a taught subject is still based (...)
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  7. Pedagogical Practices in Modular Distance Learning among Secondary School Teachers.Charish Ghia Camille Garcia, Alvin Gayhe, Ace Anthony Gerongco & Grace Flores - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research 6 (10):186-193.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the pedagogical practices employed by secondary school teachers under the new normal. It also identifies the difficulties teachers face when facilitating modular distant learning. Science high school teacher from North District Butuan City took part in the study. In this study, quantitative methodology was employed. To collect the data for the study, survey questionnaires were distributed. According to the research study's findings, the restricted face-to-face parent orientation is the most used pedagogical (...)
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  8. Kuhn, Pedagogy, and Practice: A Local Reading of Structure.Lydia Patton - 2017 - In Moti Mizrahi (ed.), The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation? London: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Moti Mizrahi has argued that Thomas Kuhn does not have a good argument for the incommensurability of successive scientific paradigms. With Rouse, Andersen, and others, I defend a view on which Kuhn primarily was trying to explain scientific practice in Structure. Kuhn, like Hilary Putnam, incorporated sociological and psychological methods into his history of science. On Kuhn’s account, the education and initiation of scientists into a research tradition is a key element in scientific training and in his explanation of (...)
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  9. An analytical framework-based pedagogical method for scholarly community coaching: A proof of concept.Ruining Jin, Giang Hoang, Thi-Phuong Nguyen, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - MethodsX 10:102082.
    Working in academia is challenging, even more so for those with limited resources and opportunities. Researchers around the world do not have equal working conditions. The paper presents the structure, operation method, and conceptual framework of the SM3D Portal's community coaching method, which is built to help Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and researchers in low-resource settings overcome the obstacle of inequality and start their career progress. The community coaching method is envisioned by three science philosophies (cost-effectiveness, transparency spirit, and (...)
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  10. Judith Butler and a Pedagogy of Dancing Resilience.Joshua M. Hall - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (3):1-16.
    This essay is part of a larger project in which I construct a new, historically-informed, social justice-centered philosophy of dance, centered on four central phenomenological constructs, or “Moves.” This essay in particular is about the fourth Move, “resilience.” More specifically, I explore how Judith Butler engages with the etymological aspects of this word, suggesting that resilience involves a productive form of madness and a healthy form of compulsion, respectively. I then conclude by showing how “resilience” can be used in the (...)
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  11. Donna J. Haraway’s ecofeminism revisited: Critical new materialist pedagogies for Anthropocenic crisis times.Delphi Carstens & Evelien Geerts - 2024 - Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 40 (1):1-16.
    By bringing feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway’s A manifesto for cyborgs (1985) and Situated knowledges (1988) in line with contemporary critical new materialist thought (see Colman & Van der Tuin, 2024; Dolphijn & Van der Tuin, 2012; Geerts, 2022), this critical pedagogical and philosophical think piece tackles the problematic of Anthropocenic disruptions of the planetary biosphere for critical pedagogies and higher education (also see Carstens, 2016). It additionally encourages its readers to think through their own pedagogical conceptions (...)
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  12. Philosophical Beliefs on Education and Pedagogical Practices Among Teachers in San Roque, Mabini, Bohol.Joshua Relator - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 17 (1):49-58.
    The philosophies of education serve as the guide of the teachers in handling the teaching-learning process. However, a belief will remain as a belief unless it is practiced. This study aimed to find the relationship between the philosophical beliefs and practices of the 30 teachers of the schools in San Roque, Mabini, Bohol - San Roque Elementary School and San Roque National High School, S.Y. 2019-2020. The study utilized a quantitative method descriptive survey research design. The research instrument used was (...)
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  13. Pendulums, Pedagogy, and Matter: Lessons from the Editing of Newton's Principia.Zvi Biener & Chris Smeenk - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (4-5):309-320.
    Teaching Newtonian physics involves the replacement of students’ ideas about physical situations with precise concepts appropriate for mathematical applications. This paper focuses on the concepts of ‘matter’ and ‘mass’. We suggest that students, like some pre-Newtonian scientists we examine, use these terms in a way that conflicts with their Newtonian meaning. Specifically, ‘matter’ and ‘mass’ indicate to them the sorts of things that are tangible, bulky, and take up space. In Newtonian mechanics, however, the terms are defined by Newton’s Second (...)
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  14. The logical and pedagogical paths of phenomenology. Adalberto García de Mendoza's and Francisco Larroyo's forays.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (I):241-262.
    This paper addresses the relationship between logic and phenomenology at a historical moment that precedes the big divide between analytic philosophy and phenomenology. In analysing alternative derivations of phenomenological logic, the discussion focuses on the case of two notorious neo-Kantian Mexican philosophers from the first half of the XXth century: Adalberto García de Mendoza and Francisco Larroyo. It is argued that both García de Mendoza and Larroyo made an original contribution to the discussion on the relationship between phenomenology and logic. (...)
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  15. Reasoning, Science, and the Ghost Hunt.W. John Koolage & Timothy Hansel - 2017 - Teaching Philosophy 40 (2):201-229.
    This paper details how ghost hunting, as a set of learning activities, can be used to enhance critical thinking and philosophy of science classes. We describe in some detail our own work with ghost hunting, and reflect on both intended and unintended consequences of this pedagogical choice. This choice was partly motivated by students’ lack of familiarity with science and philosophic questions about it. We offer reflections on our three different implementations of the ghost hunting activities. In addition, (...)
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  16. The Relations Between Pedagogical and Scientific Explanations of Algorithms: Case Studies from the French Administration.Maël Pégny - manuscript
    The opacity of some recent Machine Learning (ML) techniques have raised fundamental questions on their explainability, and created a whole domain dedicated to Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). However, most of the literature has been dedicated to explainability as a scientific problem dealt with typical methods of computer science, from statistics to UX. In this paper, we focus on explainability as a pedagogical problem emerging from the interaction between lay users and complex technological systems. We defend an empirical methodology based (...)
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  17. Understanding Vedanta through Films (A Pedagogical Model) – A Case Study of Matrix.Shakuntala Gawde - 2019 - In S. Varkhedi & G. Mahulikar (eds.), New Frontiers in Sanskrit and Indic Knowledge. New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. pp. 106-121.
    Indian Philosophy has reached across the globe. It is popular for its practical way towards life. Study of Indian philosophy should be part of all streams of education. Film is effective tool of communication. It attracts all generations and makes strong impression in the mind. Film is always considered as an effective tool in Pedagogy. Philosophy deals with abstract concepts, their correlation and logical reasoning. It deals with the complex problem of reality. People have notion that philosophy is a (...)
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  18. Rethinking Thinking About Thinking: Against a Pedagogical Imperative to Cultivate Metacognitive Skills.Lauren R. Alpert - 2021 - Dissertation, City College of New York (Cuny)
    In summaries of “best practices” for pedagogy, one typically encounters enthusiastic advocacy for metacognition. Some researchers assert that the body of evidence supplied by decades of education studies indicates a clear pedagogical imperative: that if one wants their students to learn well, one must implement teaching practices that cultivate students’ metacognitive skills. -/- In this dissertation, I counter that education research does not impose such a mandate upon instructors. We lack sufficient and reliable evidence from studies that use the (...)
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  19. The shortcomings of the methodical approach in teaching philosophy and the human sciences.Adrian Costache - 2021 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 13 (1):241-259.
    Romanian pedagogical theory rests on the assumption that any educational content can be taught and learned faster and better by recourse to a battery of teaching methods. In the present study we question that assumption and show that the methods generally recommended have no didactic merits when it comes to teaching philosophy and the human sciences. In order to prove that we commence by rendering manifest the origins, the specificity and the presuppositions of the teaching methods described in the literature. (...)
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  20. CALVIN's IDEAS ABOUT THE CHURCH-STATE RELATIONSHIP AND IMPLICATION FOR THE CHURCHES AND THE PEDAGOGY OF THE PANCASILA-BASED STATE IN INDONESIA.Morris Philip Takaliuang, Erni Maria Clartje Efruan & Zummy Anselmus Dami Zummy - 2021 - European Journal of Science and Theology 17 (1):63-78.
    In the pedagogy of Pancasila-based State, the Church recognizes the existence and function of State as the instrument of God to prevent/punish evil and strive for justice of all people. Church and state relationships inherently contain potential conflicts. This is because both the Church and State have a thorough claim on human life, in the sense that all the facets of human life have a spiritual and political dimension. The tension of the relationship between Church and State should not (...)
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  21. Grounding with Linguistics and Pedagogical Datas to the Common Encountered Problems by Students of Translation Studies in German Preparatory Class During Grammatical Lesson.Merve Çukurova - 2019 - Mevzu - Journal of Social Sciences (2):11-24.
    Foreign language learning problems appears especially in departments of foreign language as an another problem. It has some cognitive reason but except this reason, if suitable teaching techniques couldn’t apply in education. These will cause some problems. In searching of solution for these problems lecturers and departments should take responsibility. Using some teaching methods are important in German language teaching as a secondary or third foreign language teaching. These are necessary for useful learning. In this study, it was aimed, that (...)
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  22. Weaving Teaching and Leading: A Systematic Literature Review on Pedagogical Leadership Contributions.Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 5 (4):551-556.
    Pedagogical leadership has become an emerging and essential debate in the field of educational administration and leadership. This was a result of the shift from the hierarchical type in the past to a more inclusive, collaborative, and participative leadership. Previous studies indicate the furtherance of the inquiry into pedagogical leadership since it is a work in progress. Method: For this reason, a systematic literature review mapped the literature relevant to pedagogical leadership. Findings: The review drew the lines between the empirical (...)
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  23. The Nature of Climate Science: Challenges for the Development of Climate Change Science Literacy in Education.Raymond Ndubisi Anyanwu - 2019 - Africa International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2 (5).
    Despite raising awareness and promoting knowledge and skills-development for education about climate change, efforts by the education sector to promote the development of climate change science literacy in schools is challenged by the nature of climate science. We illuminated the nature of climate science by analysing literature on the nature of science that foregrounds discussions in climate science, and found that climate science involves mostly complex systems and problems; the scope of climate science (...)
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  24. Science Studies in a Liberal Arts curriculum.Sean F. Johnston & Mhairi Harvey - 2005 - In Carol Hill & Sean F. Johnston (eds.), _Below the Belt: The Founding of a Higher Education Institution_. Dumfries, UK: University of Glasgow Crichton Publications. pp. 73-86.
    On the differing practices and assumptions in the academic specialisms of environmental studies and STS.
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  25. The Psycholinguistics Approach: Contributions to English Language Pedagogy (12th edition).A. Kaharuddin - 2024 - Jurnal Multidisiplin West Science 3 (12):1911-1927.
    Psycholinguistics is a study which explains how a person acquires, produces, and perceives language both orally and in writing. Moreover, psycholinguistics is a branch of cognitive science and one of the issues that has become a trending topic in cognitive science is the mind and its role in language use and acquisition. By understanding psycholinguistics, at least we know what processes occur in the mind related to language acquisition, what problems are experienced by a person's mind in the (...)
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  26. Is the Inquiry Based Education Paradigm Useful not just for Teaching Sciences but also Theology?Mihai Girtu & Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2015 - Dialogo 2 (1):73-82.
    Starting from the traditional approaches to teaching science and religion we discuss modern pedagogical methods based on inquiry. We explore whether and how the teaching methods specific to each discipline may benefit in the teaching of the other.
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  27. Integrating Ethics into Computer Science Education: Multi-, Inter-, and Transdisciplinary Approaches.Trystan S. Goetze - 2023 - Proceedings of the 54Th Acm Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (Sigcse 2023).
    While calls to integrate ethics into computer science education go back decades, recent high-profile ethical failures related to computing technology by large technology companies, governments, and academic institutions have accelerated the adoption of computer ethics education at all levels of instruction. Discussions of how to integrate ethics into existing computer science programmes often focus on the structure of the intervention—embedded modules or dedicated courses, humanists or computer scientists as ethics instructors—or on the specific content to be included—lists of (...)
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  28. Lived Experiences of Out-of-Field Senior High School Teachers Teaching Physical Science.Leizl F. Abrantes & Anna Larissa A. Bargamento - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (1):117- 143.
    This study investigated the experiences of Physical Science teachers who were not specialized in their field. Twelve out-of-field Physical Science teachers, selected via purposive sampling from the Schools Division of Baybay City, participated in the transcendental phenomenological study. For data collection and subsequent thematic analysis using Colaizzi's seven steps, in-depth semi-structured interviews were utilized. Five metaphors describe the study's findings in the form of emergent themes. The first theme is the Chameleon teacher described as an adaptable teacher, analogous (...)
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  29. Video-Based Instruction as a Remediation in Teaching Thermodynamics among Prospective Science Teachers.Resty Samosa, Kimberly Castro, Christian Roel Gabriel, Isaiah Yvette Lozano, Christian Paul Paglicawan & Reden Precalin - 2023 - Studies in Technology and Education 2 (1):43-51.
    This study examined the effectiveness of video-based instruction (VBI) as a learning remediation strategy in teaching Laws of Thermodynamics among Prospective Science Teachers at Bulacan State University. The researchers employed – a one-group pretest–posttest design to assess the 35 prospective science teachers who were purposively selected. More so, data was gathered through researcher-made pretest-posttest achievement tests and an adapted Likert survey questionnaire. The data was treated descriptively and inferentially. The findings showed that VBI as a learning remediation strategy (...)
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  30. The Value of Ethnography: A pilot study of a class on pedagogical instruction.Rebecca Hardesty, Maxie Gluckman & Jace Hargis - 2018 - Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal 11 (2):1-17.
    Participant observation ethnography as a primary methodology, while common in other areas of social science, has been underrepresented in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) literature. In many studies, ethnography is used to supplement findings or address questions arrived at through other methodologies, whereas the present pilot study promotes its viability as a primary method. In the Fall of 2017, graduate student researchers (GSRs) and other staff at the “Teaching Center” (TC) used ethnographic methodology as a means of meeting (...)
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  31. Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Secondary Students’ Achievement in Science: A Meta-Analysis.Aaron Funa & Maricar Prudente - 2021 - International Journal of Instruction 14 (4):69-84.
    Preparing students for the real challenges in life is one of the most important goals in education. Constructivism is an approach that uses real-life experiences to construct knowledge. Problem-Based Learning (PBL), for almost five decades now, has been the most innovative constructivist pedagogy used worldwide. However, with the rising popularity, there is a need to revisit empirical studies regarding PBL to serve as a guide and basis for designing new studies, making institutional policies, and evaluating educational curricula. This need (...)
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  32. The fact of evolution: Implications for Science education.James R. Hofmann & Bruce H. Weber - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (8):729-760.
    Creationists who object to evolution in the science curriculum of public schools often cite Jonathan Well’s book Icons of Evolution in their support (Wells 2000). In the third chapter of his book Wells claims that neither paleontological nor molecular evidence supports the thesis that the history of life is an evolutionary process of descent from preexisting ancestors. We argue that Wells inappropriately relies upon ambiguities inherent in the term ‘Darwinian’ and the phrase ‘Darwin’s theory’. Furthermore, he does not accurately (...)
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    A Decade to Remember: Attitudes, Practices, and Challenges of Junior High School Science Teachers.James Guansing & Lexter Natividad - 2024 - Education Digest 19 (2):69-81.
    Over the past decades, the educational landscape in the Philippines has undergone significant transformations with the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum, technological advancements, and the challenges posed by the shift to distance learning during the pandemic. This study explored the attitudes, practices, and challenges of junior high school science teachers with over ten years of service. A qualitative research design was employed, involving eight junior high school science teachers as participants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews (...)
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  34. Perceptions and Practices of Science Teachers about Professional Development at Secondary School Level: A Phenomenological study.Rabia Aslam & Dr Najum Nisa - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (1):9-15.
    Abstract: This study was done to know that how secondary school teachers of science interprets the experiences which they gained from professional development (PD) in Karachi. And also to know the teachers’ awareness for sense making, and then professional development opportunities to bring changes in their teaching methodology by implementing the knowledge which they gained from PD. Data was collected through five secondary school science teachers of Karachi by purposive sampling technique. In-depth Semi-structured technique were used. After this, (...)
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  35. Effects of Game-Based Activities on Student's Social Skills and Attitudes toward Learning Science.Nestor Lasala Jr - 2024 - Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal 12 (1):181-194.
    This study evaluated the effectiveness of four game-based activities (GBAs) in teaching ecosystems to Grade 7 Biology students. Involving 69 students (34 control, 35 experimental), the quasi-experimental study used a mixed-methods approach. The researcher utilized a static-group comparison design for the quantitative phase and a thematic analysis for the qualitative phase. Quantitative analysis revealed significant improvements in the experimental group's social skills (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.63) and conceptual understanding (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.86). Descriptive statistical analysis also suggests that (...)
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  36. Making Sense of Models and Modelling in Science Education: Atomic Models and Contributions from Mario Bunge’s Epistemology.Juliana Machado - 2024 - Mεtascience: Scientific General Discourse 3:103-126.
    Conceptions about the nature of scientific models held by science students frequently involve distorted views, with a tendency to consider them as mere copies of reality. Besides encompassing an untenable view about the nature of science itself, this misconstruction can effectively be a pedagogical impediment to learning. Objectives: We evaluate whether Mario Bunge’s epistemology might contribute to tackling issues related to the nature of models in science education contexts. De-sign: After identifying Bunge’s main model categories, we employ (...)
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  37. Evolutionary Theory and the Epistemology of Science.Kevin McCain & Brad Weslake - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis (ed.), The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 101-119.
    Evolutionary theory is a paradigmatic example of a well-supported scientific theory. In this chapter we consider a number of objections to evolutionary theory, and show how responding to these objections reveals aspects of the way in which scientific theories are supported by evidence. Teaching these objections can therefore serve two pedagogical aims: students can learn the right way to respond to some popular arguments against evolutionary theory, and they can learn some basic features of the structure of scientific theories and (...)
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  38. Lab Notes: Write-up of an experiment in collaborative anthropology.Meg Stalcup - 2011 - In Paul Rabinow (ed.), The Accompaniment: Assembling the Contemporary. University of Chicago. pp. 132-139.
    What are the actual practices of intellectual co-laboring? In the spring of 2006, we began an experiment in collaborative anthropology. There was a dual impetus to our efforts: a desire to deal head-on with inadequacies in our academic environment; and a strong feeling that the classic norms of qualitative inquiry needed to become contemporary. Collaboration struck us as potentially key to both. We drew a parallel to laboratory experiments. In the textbook version, one begins with a question, formulates a hypothesis, (...)
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  39. “Do Not Kill Guinea Pig before Setting up Apparatus”: The Kymograph's Lost Educational Context.Alistair Marcus Kwan - 2016 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 38 (3):301-335.
    The objects of science education are transformed, degraded and disappeared for many reasons, and sometimes take other things with them when they go. This close reading of an undergraduate physiology laboratory report demonstrates how the kymograph was never a stand-alone instrument, but intertwined with conceptual frameworks and technical skills, laboratory amenities, materials, animal supply, technicians. Replacing the obsolete kymograph entails changing all of that, though our usual stories are focussed on progress associated with better measurements with fewer complications, not (...)
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  40. Fostering Inclusivity through Social Justice Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach.Paul E. Carron & Charles McDaniel - 2020 - In Paul E. Carron & Charles McDaniel (eds.), Breaking Down Silos: Innovation, Collaboration, and EDI Across Disciplines. pp. 51-60.
    Teaching at a private, conservative religious institution poses unique challenges for equality, diversity, and inclusivity education (EDI). Given the realities of the student population in the Honors College of a private, religious institution, it is necessary to first introduce students to the contemporary realities of inequality and oppression and thus the need for EDI. This chapter proposes a conceptual framework and pedagogical suggestions for teaching basic concepts of social justice in a team-taught, interdisciplinary social science course. The course integrates (...)
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  41. Рецепція наукових досліджень івана сікорського на заході.Vadym Menzhulin - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:43-56.
    It is generally known that the influential Kyiv researcher, professor of the St. Volodymyr University and honorary member of the Kyiv Theological Academy Ivan Sikorsky made a significant contribution to the development of the psychological science of his times and gained great authority among his colleagues in the West. In recent years, many studies have been launched in Ukraine, whose authors are trying to demonstrate the relevance of his work also in terms of contemporary science. It remains unclear (...)
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  42. Bodily Systems and the Modular Structure of the Human Body.Barry Smith, Igor Papakin & Katherine Munn - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 2780) 9:86-90.
    Medical science conceives the human body as a system comprised of many subsystems at a variety of levels. At the highest level are bodily systems proper, such as the endocrine system, which are central to our understanding of human anatomy, and play a key role in diagnosis and in dynamic modeling as well as in medical pedagogy and computer visualization. But there is no explicit definition of what a bodily system is; such informality is acceptable in documentation created (...)
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  43. The Importance of Teaching Logic to Computer Scientists and Electrical Engineers.Paul Mayer - manuscript
    It is argued that logic, and in particular mathematical logic, should play a key role in the undergraduate curriculum for students in the computing fields, which include electrical engineering (EE), computer engineering (CE), and computer science (CS). This is based on 1) the history of the field of computing and its close ties with logic, 2) empirical results showing that students with better logical thinking skills perform better in tasks such as programming and mathematics, and 3) the skills students (...)
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  44. A systems thinking approach to e-learning on climate change: capacity-building for junior high school teachers in the Philippines.John Trixstan Ignacio, Charlotte Kendra Gonzales & Queena Lee-Chua - forthcoming - International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment:1-16.
    Purpose A mixed-method study was performed to determine the impact of integrating systems thinking (ST) into an electronic learning module for junior high school teachers in the Philippines. The study aims to assess how an ST approach to pedagogy compared against a conventional approach in terms of contribution to the participants’ global climate change content knowledge, holistic thinking and depth and accuracy of knowledge and reasoning. -/- Design/methodology/approach The study implemented e-learning modules using an ST approach versus a conventional (...)
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  45. Mediated Experiences: 1-7. [REVIEW]Meg Stalcup, Bradley Dunseith, Sean Miller & Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard - 2016 - Somatosphere 2016.
    We take this book forum as an opportunity to reflect on Science, Reason, Modernity: Readings for an Anthropology of the Contemporary through our experiences, exploring how these texts served as our tools, and to what end. We discuss a research methods seminar in which we traced one possible variation on the “genealogical line” and “pedagogical legacy” (p. 33) to which this reader is extended as an invitation. The spirit of that invitation is, in our understanding, not to a canon (...)
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  46. Free Progress Education.Marco Masi - 2017 - Indy Edition.
    Schools, colleges, and universities have become homogenizing systems that are almost exclusively focused on imposing a pre-ordered curricula through exams and grades or tight research lines. In the process, they are killing passion, creativity, and individuals’ potential and skills. Ultimately, schools and academia make up a system that serves a collective machinery but suffocates individual growth. This state of affairs is not a necessary evil. Learning, discovering and teaching can be a natural, spontaneous and luminous expressions of a free and (...)
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  47. Truth and Physics Education.Robert Keith Shaw - 2010 - Dissertation, University of Auckland
    This thesis develops a hermeneutic philosophy of science to provide insights into physics education. -/- Modernity cloaks the authentic character of modern physics whenever discoveries entertain us or we judge theory by its use. Those who justify physics education through an appeal to its utility, or who reject truth as an aspect of physics, relativists and constructivists, misunderstand the nature of physics. Demonstrations, not experiments, reveal the essence of physics as two characteristic engagements with truth. First, truth in its (...)
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  48. Why display? Representing holograms in museum collections.Sean F. Johnston - 2009 - In Peter John Turnbull Morris & Klaus B. Staubermann (eds.), Illuminating Instruments. Smithsonian Inst Press. pp. 97-116.
    The actual and potential uses of holograms in museum displays, and the philosophy of knowledge and progress that they represent. Magazine journalists, museum curators, and historians sometimes face similar challenges in making topics or technologies relevant to wider audiences. To varying degrees, they must justify the significance of their subjects of study by identifying a newsworthy slant, a pedagogical role, or an analytical purpose. This chasse au trésor may skew historical story telling itself. In science and technology studies, the (...)
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  49. Kuznetsov V. From studying theoretical physics to philosophical modeling scientific theories: Under influence of Pavel Kopnin and his school.Volodymyr Kuznetsov - 2017 - ФІЛОСОФСЬКІ ДІАЛОГИ’2016 ІСТОРІЯ ТА СУЧАСНІСТЬ У НАУКОВИХ РОЗМИСЛАХ ІНСТИТУТУ ФІЛОСОФІЇ 11:62-92.
    The paper explicates the stages of the author’s philosophical evolution in the light of Kopnin’s ideas and heritage. Starting from Kopnin’s understanding of dialectical materialism, the author has stated that category transformations of physics has opened from conceptualization of immutability to mutability and then to interaction, evolvement and emergence. He has connected the problem of physical cognition universals with an elaboration of the specific system of tools and methods of identifying, individuating and distinguishing objects from a scientific theory domain. The (...)
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  50. NOMINALIZATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL GENRES: A SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS PERSPECTIVE.Bahram Kazemian - 2014 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) 2 (3):211-228.
    Language, science and politics go together and learning these genres is to learn a language created for codifying, extending and conveying scientific and political knowledge. Grammatical metaphor is divided into two broad areas: ideational and interpersonal. This article focuses on the first type of grammatical metaphor, i.e. the ideational one, which includes process types and nominalization. The principal objective of the current work is to analyze a corpus comprising 10 scientific and 10 political texts. The Ideational Grammatical Metaphor framework (...)
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