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  1. Varieties of Class-Theoretic Potentialism.Neil Barton & Kameryn J. Williams - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):272-304.
    We explain and explore class-theoretic potentialism—the view that one can always individuate more classes over a set-theoretic universe. We examine some motivations for class-theoretic potentialism, before proving some results concerning the relevant potentialist systems (in particular exhibiting failures of the $\mathsf {.2}$ and $\mathsf {.3}$ axioms). We then discuss the significance of these results for the different kinds of class-theoretic potentialists.
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  2. The iterative conception of function and the iterative conception of set.Tim Button - 2023 - In Carolin Antos, Neil Barton & Giorgio Venturi, The Palgrave Companion to the Philosophy of Set Theory. Palgrave.
    Hilary Putnam once suggested that “the actual existence of sets as ‘intangible objects’ suffers… from a generalization of a problem first pointed out by Paul Benacerraf… are sets a kind of function or are functions a sort of set?” Sadly, he did not elaborate; my aim, here, is to do so on his behalf. There are well-known methods for treating sets as functions and functions as sets. But these do not raise any obvious philosophical or foundational puzzles. For that, we (...)
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  3. Iteration and Dependence Again.Luca Incurvati - 2023 - In Carolin Antos, Neil Barton & Giorgio Venturi, The Palgrave Companion to the Philosophy of Set Theory. Palgrave.
    In the first part of the paper, I clarify what is at stake in the debate between accounts of the iterative conception based on the notion of metaphysical dependence and the minimalist account I have defended in previous work (Incurvati 2012; 2020). I argue that the debate concerns how to understand and motivate the central tenet of the iterative conception that every set occurs at some level of the cumulative hierarchy. This debate, I contend, should be distinguished from the debate (...)
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  4. Level Theory, Part 3: A Boolean Algebra of Sets Arranged in Well-Ordered Levels.Tim Button - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):1-26.
    On a very natural conception of sets, every set has an absolute complement. The ordinary cumulative hierarchy dismisses this idea outright. But we can rectify this, whilst retaining classical logic. Indeed, we can develop a boolean algebra of sets arranged in well-ordered levels. I show this by presenting Boolean Level Theory, which fuses ordinary Level Theory (from Part 1) with ideas due to Thomas Forster, Alonzo Church, and Urs Oswald. BLT neatly implement Conway’s games and surreal numbers; and a natural (...)
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  5. Introduction to the IndetermSoft Set and IndetermHyperSoft Set.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 51 (1):629-650.
    In this paper one introduces for the first time the IndetermSoft Set, as extension of the classical (determinate) Soft Set, that deals with indeterminate data, and similarly the HyperSoft Set extended to IndetermHyperSoft Set, where ‘Indeterm’ stands for ‘Indeterminate’ (uncertain, conflicting, not unique outcome). They are built on an IndetermSoft Algebra that is an algebra dealing with IndetermSoft Operators resulted from our real world. Afterwards, the corresponding Fuzzy / Intuitionistic Fuzzy / Neutrosophic / and other fuzzy-extension IndetermSoft Set & IndetermHyperSoft (...)
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  6. Practical Applications of IndetermSoft Set and IndetermHyperSoft Set and Introduction to TreeSoft Set as an extension of the MultiSoft Set.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 51 (1):939-947.
    The IndetermSoft Set is as an extension of the Soft Set, because the data, or the function, or the sets involved in the definition of the soft set have indeterminacy - as in our everyday life, and we still need to deal with such situations. And similarly, IndetermHyperSoft Set as extension of the HyperSoft Set, when there is indeterminate data, or indeterminate functions, or indeterminate sets. Herein, ‘Indeterm’ stands for ‘Indeterminate’ (uncertain, conflicting, incomplete, not unique outcome). We now introduce for (...)
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  7. Level Theory, Part 2: Axiomatizing the Bare Idea of a Potential Hierarchy.Tim Button - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):461-484.
    Potentialists think that the concept of set is importantly modal. Using tensed language as an heuristic, the following bar-bones story introduces the idea of a potential hierarchy of sets: 'Always: for any sets that existed, there is a set whose members are exactly those sets; there are no other sets.' Surprisingly, this story already guarantees well-foundedness and persistence. Moreover, if we assume that time is linear, the ensuing modal set theory is almost definitionally equivalent with non-modal set theories; specifically, with (...)
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  8. Level theory, part 1: Axiomatizing the bare idea of a cumulative hierarchy of sets.Tim Button - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):436-460.
    The following bare-bones story introduces the idea of a cumulative hierarchy of pure sets: 'Sets are arranged in stages. Every set is found at some stage. At any stage S: for any sets found before S, we find a set whose members are exactly those sets. We find nothing else at S.' Surprisingly, this story already guarantees that the sets are arranged in well-ordered levels, and suffices for quasi-categoricity. I show this by presenting Level Theory, a simplification of set theories (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Twist-Valued Models for Three-valued Paraconsistent Set Theory.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (2):187-226.
    Boolean-valued models of set theory were independently introduced by Scott, Solovay and Vopěnka in 1965, offering a natural and rich alternative for describing forcing. The original method was adapted by Takeuti, Titani, Kozawa and Ozawa to lattice-valued models of set theory. After this, Löwe and Tarafder proposed a class of algebras based on a certain kind of implication which satisfy several axioms of ZF. From this class, they found a specific 3-valued model called PS3 which satisfies all the axioms of (...)
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  10. Символічна логіка: повернення до витоків. Стаття ІІІ. Похідні логістичні категорії.Yaroslav Kokhan - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):141-155.
    The paper is Part III of the large research, dedicated to both the revision of the system of basic logical categories and the generalization of modern predicate logic to functional logic. We determinate and contrapose modern Fregean logistics and proposed by the author ultra-Fregean logistics, next we describe values and arguments of functions, arguments of relations, relations themselves, sets (classes), and subsets (subclasses) as derivative categories (concepts) of ultrafregean logistics. Logistics is a part of metalogic, independent of semantics. Fregean logictics (...)
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  11. The limits of classical mereology: Mixed fusions and the failures of mereological hybridism.Joshua Kelleher - 2020 - Dissertation, The University of Queensland
    In this thesis I argue against unrestricted mereological hybridism, the view that there are absolutely no constraints on wholes having parts from many different logical or ontological categories, an exemplar of which I take to be ‘mixed fusions’. These are composite entities which have parts from at least two different categories – the membered (as in classes) and the non-membered (as in individuals). As a result, mixed fusions can also be understood to represent a variety of cross-category summation such as (...)
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  12. A naturalistic justification of the generic multiverse with a core.Matteo de Ceglie - 2018 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 26:34-36.
    In this paper, I argue that a naturalist approach in philosophy of mathematics justifies a pluralist conception of set theory. For the pluralist, there is not a Single Universe, but there is rather a Multiverse, composed by a plurality of universes generated by various set theories. In order to justify a pluralistic approach to sets, I apply the two naturalistic principles developed by Penelope Maddy (cfr. Maddy (1997)), UNIFY and MAXIMIZE, and analyze through them the potential of the set theoretic (...)
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  13. What we talk about when we talk about numbers.Richard Pettigrew - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (12):1437-1456.
    In this paper, I describe and motivate a new species of mathematical structuralism, which I call Instrumental Nominalism about Set-Theoretic Structuralism. As the name suggests, this approach takes standard Set-Theoretic Structuralism of the sort championed by Bourbaki and removes its ontological commitments by taking an instrumental nominalist approach to that ontology of the sort described by Joseph Melia and Gideon Rosen. I argue that this avoids all of the problems that plague other versions of structuralism.
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  14. Maximally Consistent Sets of Instances of Naive Comprehension.Luca Incurvati & Julien Murzi - 2017 - Mind 126 (502).
    Paul Horwich (1990) once suggested restricting the T-Schema to the maximally consistent set of its instances. But Vann McGee (1992) proved that there are multiple incompatible such sets, none of which, given minimal assumptions, is recursively axiomatizable. The analogous view for set theory---that Naïve Comprehension should be restricted according to consistency maxims---has recently been defended by Laurence Goldstein (2006; 2013). It can be traced back to W.V.O. Quine(1951), who held that Naïve Comprehension embodies the only really intuitive conception of set (...)
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  15. Tiny Proper Classes.Laureano Luna - 2016 - The Reasoner 10 (10):83-83.
    We propose certain clases that seem unable to form a completed totality though they are very small, finite, in fact. We suggest that the existence of such clases lends support to an interpretation of the existence of proper clases in terms of availability, not size.
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  16. The Search for New Axioms in the Hyperuniverse Programme.Claudio Ternullo & Sy-David Friedman - 2016 - In Francesca Boccuni & Andrea Sereni, Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. pp. 165-188.
    The Hyperuniverse Programme, introduced in Arrigoni and Friedman (2013), fosters the search for new set-theoretic axioms. In this paper, we present the procedure envisaged by the programme to find new axioms and the conceptual framework behind it. The procedure comes in several steps. Intrinsically motivated axioms are those statements which are suggested by the standard concept of set, i.e. the `maximal iterative concept', and the programme identi fies higher-order statements motivated by the maximal iterative concept. The satisfaction of these statements (...)
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  17. UN SEMPLICE MODO PER TRATTARE LE GRANDEZZE INFINITE ED INFINITESIME.Yaroslav Sergeyev - 2015 - la Matematica Nella Società E Nella Cultura: Rivista Dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie I 8:111-147.
    A new computational methodology allowing one to work in a new way with infinities and infinitesimals is presented in this paper. The new approach, among other things, gives the possibility to calculate the number of elements of certain infinite sets, avoids indeterminate forms and various kinds of divergences. This methodology has been used by the author as a starting point in developing a new kind of computer – the Infinity Computer – able to execute computations and to store in its (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Gödel’s Cantorianism.Claudio Ternullo - 2015 - In E.-M. Engelen, Kurt Gödel: Philosopher-Scientist. Presses Universitaires de Provence. pp. 417-446.
    Gödel’s philosophical conceptions bear striking similarities to Cantor’s. Although there is no conclusive evidence that Gödel deliberately used or adhered to Cantor’s views, one can successfully reconstruct and see his “Cantorianism” at work in many parts of his thought. In this paper, I aim to describe the most prominent conceptual intersections between Cantor’s and Gödel’s thought, particularly on such matters as the nature and existence of mathematical entities (sets), concepts, Platonism, the Absolute Infinite, the progress and inexhaustibility of mathematics.
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  19. To be or to be not, that is the dilemma.Juan José Luetich - 2012 - Identification Transactions of The Luventicus Academy (ISSN 1666-7581) 1 (1):4.
    A set is precisely defined. A given element either belongs or not to a set. However, since all of the elements being considered belong to the universe, if the element does not belong to the set, it belongs to its complement, that is, what remains after all of the elements from the set are removed from the universe.
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  20. Plenum theory.Nicholas Rescher & Patrick Grim - 2008 - Noûs 42 (3):422-439.
    Plena are large-scale macro-totalities appropriate to the realms of all facts, all truths, and all things. Our attempt here is to take some first technical steps toward an adequate conception of plena.
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  21. Categories, sets and the nature of mathematical entities.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser, The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 181--192.
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  22. Some Recent Existential Appeals to Mathematical Experience.Michael J. Shaffer - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (2):143–170.
    Some recent work by philosophers of mathematics has been aimed at showing that our knowledge of the existence of at least some mathematical objects and/or sets can be epistemically grounded by appealing to perceptual experience. The sensory capacity that they refer to in doing so is the ability to perceive numbers, mathematical properties and/or sets. The chief defense of this view as it applies to the perception of sets is found in Penelope Maddy’s Realism in Mathematics, but a number of (...)
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  23. A Taxonomy of Composition Operations.Jan Westerhoff - 2004 - Logique and Analyse 2004 (47):375-393.
    A set of parameters for classifying composition operations is introduced. These parameters determine whether a composition operation is 1) universal, 2) determinate, 3) whether there is a difference between possible and actual compositions, 4) whether there can be singleton compositions, 5) whether they give rise to a hierarchy, and 6) whether components of compositions can be repeated. Philosophical implications of these parameters (in particular in relation to set theory) and mereology are discussed.
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  24. Three concepts of decidability for general subsets of uncountable spaces.Matthew W. Parker - 2003 - Theoretical Computer Science 351 (1):2-13.
    There is no uniquely standard concept of an effectively decidable set of real numbers or real n-tuples. Here we consider three notions: decidability up to measure zero [M.W. Parker, Undecidability in Rn: Riddled basins, the KAM tori, and the stability of the solar system, Phil. Sci. 70(2) (2003) 359–382], which we abbreviate d.m.z.; recursive approximability [or r.a.; K.-I. Ko, Complexity Theory of Real Functions, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1991]; and decidability ignoring boundaries [d.i.b.; W.C. Myrvold, The decision problem for entanglement, in: R.S. (...)
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  25. O konceptualizacji wiedzy nieostrej.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    In the article the problem of imprecise information and concepts is considered. The theory of rough sets and the theory of fuzzy sets are used to provide an original solution to this problem.
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  26. (1 other version)Exploring Predicativity.Laura Crosilla - 1995 - In Klaus Mainzer, Peter Schuster & Helmut Schwichtenberg, Proof and Computation. World Scientific. pp. 83-108.
    Prominent constructive theories of sets as Martin-Löf type theory and Aczel and Myhill constructive set theory, feature a distinctive form of constructivity: predicativity. This may be phrased as a constructibility requirement for sets, which ought to be finitely specifiable in terms of some uncontroversial initial “objects” and simple operations over them. Predicativity emerged at the beginning of the 20th century as a fundamental component of an influential analysis of the paradoxes by Poincaré and Russell. According to this analysis the paradoxes (...)
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  27. Individuals enough for classes.Daniel Nolan - 2004
    This paper builds on the system of David Lewis’s “Parts of Classes” to provide a foundation for mathematics that arguably requires not only no distinctively mathematical ideological commitments (in the sense of Quine), but also no distinctively mathematical ontological commitments. Provided only that there are enough individual atoms, the devices of plural quantification and mereology can be employed to simulate quantification over classes, while at the same time allowing all of the atoms (and most of their fusions with which we (...)
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