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Problems and prospects of higher education system development in modern society: monograph.H. Lebedynets, V. Levkulych, V. Muromets, O. Orzhel, O. Palamarchuk, V. Riabchenko, N. Salnikova, Yu Skyba, K. Tryma, N. Fialko & L. Chervona - 2020 - VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.details
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Forgetting and oblivion as a phenomenon of culture.Ірина Сумченко - 2017 - Докса 2.details
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Проблема intellectio і verbum mentis у трактатах «De anima» Інокентія Ґізеля і «De corpore animato» Йосифа Волчанського.Yaroslava Stratii - 2017 - Kyivan Academy:10-41.details
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