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  1. Machine.Thomas Patrick Pringle, Bernard Stiegler & Gertrud Koch - 2018 - Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press and Meson Press.
    In today’s society of humans and machines, automation, animation, and ecosystems are terms of concern. Categories of life and technology have become mixed in governmental policies and drive economic exploitation and the pathologies of everyday life. This book both curiously and critically advances the term that underlies these new developments: machine.
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  • “Whose Science? Whose Fiction?” Uncanny Echoes of Belonging in Samosata.Sabrina M. Weiss & Alexander I. Stingl - 2015 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 35 (3-4):59-66.
    This is the first of two special issues and the articles are grouped according to two themes: This first issue will feature articles that share a theme we call Technologies and the Political, while the second issue will feature the theme Subjectivities. However, we could equally consider them exercises in provincialization in the (counter)factual register in the first issue, and by affective historiography as conceptual-empirical labor(atory) in the second issue. What we have generally asked of all authors is to consider (...)
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  • Geopower: On the states of nature of late capitalism.Federico Luisetti - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (3):342-363.
    The article argues that environmental planetary discourses have coalesced into the Anthropocene crisis narrative and reformulated the state of nature apparatus of Western political theory. The Anthropocene, as an ecological state of nature of late capitalism, casts light on the logics of geopower, which assembles species thinking, a fascination with nonlife and sovereignty, and the imaginary of extinction and mutation. Geopower shifts governmental technologies from human populations and their ‘milieu’ to nonhuman species, energy flows and ecosystems, from political economy and (...)
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  • The question of the human in the Anthropocene debate.Daniel Chernilo - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):44-60.
    The Anthropocene debate is one of the most ambitious scientific programmes of the past 15 or 20 years. Its main argument is that, from a geological point of view, humans are considered a major force of nature, thus implying that our current geological epoch is dominated by human activity. The Anthropocene has slowly become a contemporary meta-narrative that seeks to make sense of the ‘earth-system’ as a whole, and one whose vision of the future is dystopian rather than progressive: as (...)
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  • Governing the Anthropocene: Agency, governance, knowledge.Aurea Mota & Gerard Delanty - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):9-38.
    The growing body of literature on the idea of the Anthropocene has opened up serious questions that go to the heart of the social and human sciences. There has been as yet no satisfactory theoretical framework for the analysis of the Anthropocene debate in the social and human sciences. The notion of the Anthropocene is not only a condition in which humans have become geologic agents, thus signalling a temporal shift in Earth history: it can be seen as a new (...)
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  • Time for politics: How a conceptual history of forests can help us politicize the long term.Julia Nordblad - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):164-182.
    In a recent scholarly debate, the Anthropocene concept has been criticized for diverting attention from the political aspects of contemporary environmental crises, not least by way of the long timescales it implies. This article therefore takes on the matter of long-termism as an historical and political phenomenon, by applying a conceptual historical perspective. Examples are drawn from historical studies of forest politics. It is argued that conceptions of the long term, as in all concepts in political language, are historical and (...)
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  • Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene: Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter.Kathleen Birrell & Daniel Matthews - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):275-292.
    The Anthropocene prompts renewed critical reflection on some of the central tenets of modern thought including narratives of ‘progress’, the privileging of the nation state, and the universalist rendering of the human. In this context it is striking that ‘rights’, a quintessentially modern mode of articulating normativity, are often presumed to have an enduring relevance in the contemporary moment, exemplified in renewed recourse to rights in their attribution to parts of the nonhuman world. Our intervention contemplates ways in which the (...)
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  • Biomimicry in Agriculture: Is the Ecological System-Design Model the Future Agricultural Paradigm?Milutin Stojanovic - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):789-804.
    Comprising almost a third of greenhouse gas emissions and having an equally prominent role in pollution of soils, fresh water, coastal ecosystems, and food chains in general, agriculture is, alongside industry and electricity/heat production, one of the three biggest anthropogenic causes of breaching the planetary boundaries. Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches mimicking the agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate organization of our (...)
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  • (1 other version)Science and Technology Studies × Educational Studies: Critical and Creative Perspectives on the Future of STEM Education.Elizabeth de Freitas, John Lupinacci & Alexandre Pais - 2017 - Educational Studies 53 (6):551-559.
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  • A cut in relationality.Claire Colebrook - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (3):175-195.
    One of the ways in which one might chart the force of various forms of posthuman thought is to mark a reversal in the ways we think about relationality. Rather than distinct Cartesian subje...
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  • Democracy and Agonism in the Anthropocene: The Challenges of Knowledge, Time and Boundary.Amanda Machin - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):347-365.
    The diagnosis of a new geological epoch, The ‘Anthropocene’, has implications far beyond geological science. If human activity has disrupted the planet, then this diagnosis potentially disrupts socio-political conventions. This article assesses the implications the Anthropocene has for democratic politics, by delineating three challenges: challenges of knowledge, time and boundary. In contrast to the claim that democratic institutions are unable to adequately respond to these challenges, I suggest that they might be strengthened through an engagement with them. Following an ‘agonistic’ (...)
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  • Some Neglected Aspects of the Rococo: Berkeley, Vico, and Rococo Style.Bennett Gilbert - 2012 - Dissertation, Portland State University
    The Rococo period in the arts, flourishing mainly from about 1710 to about 1750, was stylistically unified, but nevertheless its tremendous productivity and appeal throughout Occidental culture has proven difficult to explain. Having no contemporary theoretical literature, the Rococo is commonly taken to have been a final and degenerate form of the Baroque era or an extravagance arising from the supposed careless frivolity of the elites, including the intellectuals of the Enlightenment. Neither approach adequately accounts for Rococo style. Naming the (...)
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  • The Limits of Anthropocene Narratives.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (2):184-199.
    The rapidly growing transdisciplinary enthusiasm about developing new kinds of Anthropocene stories is based on the shared assumption that the Anthropocene predicament is best made sense of by narrative means. Against this assumption, this article argues that the challenge we are facing today does not merely lie in telling either scientific, socio-political, or entangled Anthropocene narratives to come to terms with our current condition. Instead, the challenge lies in coming to grips with how the stories we can tell in the (...)
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  • Agency, Systems, and “Civilization”: Dewey and the Anthropocene.Phillip McReynolds - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (2):72-95.
    The materialistic philosophy which sees 'man' as pitted against his environment is rapidly breaking down as technological man becomes more and more able to oppose the largest systems. Every battle that he wins brings a threat of disaster. The unit of survival—either in ethics or in evolution—is not the organism or the species but the largest system or 'power' within which the creature lives. If the creature destroys its environment, it destroys itself.Man needs the earth in order to walk, the (...)
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  • Waiting for the Anthropocene.Carlos Santana - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1073-1096.
    The idea that we are living in the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch defined by human activity, has gained substantial currency across the academy and with the broader public. Within the earth sciences, however, the question of the Anthropocene is hotly debated, recognized as a question that gets at both the foundations of geological science and issues of broad philosophical importance. For example, official recognition of the Anthropocene requires us to find a way to use the methods of historical science (...)
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  • (The Impossibility of) Acting upon a Story That We Can Believe.Zoltán Simon - 2018 - Rethinking History 22 (1):105-125.
    The historical sensibility of Western modernity is best captured by the phrase “acting upon a story that we can believe.” Whereas the most famous stories of historians facilitated nation-building processes, philosophers of history told the largest possible story to act upon: history itself. When the rise of an overwhelming postwar skepticism about the modern idea of history discredited the entire enterprise, the historical sensibility of “acting upon a story that we can believe” fell apart to its constituents: action, story form, (...)
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  • Interrupting the Anthropo-obScene: Immuno-biopolitics and Depoliticizing Ontologies in the Anthropocene.Erik Swyngedouw & Henrik Ernstson - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (6):3-30.
    This paper argues that ‘the Anthropocene’ is a deeply depoliticizing notion. This de-politicization unfolds through the creation of a set of narratives, what we refer to as ‘AnthropoScenes’, which broadly share the effect of off-staging certain voices and forms of acting. Our notion of the Anthropo-obScene is our tactic to both attest to and undermine the depoliticizing stories of ‘the Anthropocene’. We first examine how various AnthropoScenes, while internally fractured and heterogeneous, ranging from geo-engineering and earth system science to more-than-human (...)
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  • ‘A Grandiose Time of Coexistence’: Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene.Claire Colebrook - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (4):440-454.
    Using Deleuze and Guattari's concept of stratigraphy, it is possible to open the question of the limits and range of the Anthropocene. Geological stratification has enabled a view of time and the earth that has opened new horizons, but this mode of stratification is one among others. Other stratifications are possible, not only those that would be compossible with the story of the Anthropocene, but also incompossible stratifications, at odds with the history of man.
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  • Furor Divinus : creativity in Plato's Ion.Andrew Benjamin - 2015 - Odradek : Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories 1 (2).
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  • Depoliticized Environments: The End of Nature, Climate Change and the Post-Political Condition.Erik Swyngedouw - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 69:253-274.
    Nobel-price winning atmospheric chemist Paul Crutzen introduced in 2000 the concept of the Anthropocene as the name for the successor geological period to the Holocene. The Holocene started about 12,000 years ago and is characterized by the relatively stable and temperate climatic and environmental conditions that were conducive to the development of human societies. Until recently, human development had relatively little impact on the dynamics of geological time. Although disagreement exists over the exact birth date of the Anthropocene, it is (...)
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  • Forum: The idea of sustainability introduction: Emma Rothschild.Emma Rothschild - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (1):147-151.
    The encounter of environmental history and intellectual history is a union of two insidiously oceanic inquiries.???Oceanic??? in the sense of limitlessness, or oneness with the universe.???All history is the history of thought???, and the history of thought is in modern intellectual history a universal investigation, of advertisements for sofas and Ayn Rand and adoption laws in early colonial Bihar. But all history is also the history of space, and of the environment that surrounds the sofas and the laws. It is (...)
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  • The Politics of Climate Change Is More Than the Politics of Capitalism.Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (2-3):25-37.
    Discussion of global climate change is shaped by the intellectual categories developed to address capitalism and globalization. Yet climate change is only one manifestation of humanity’s varied and accelerating impact on the Earth System. The common predicament that may be anticipated in the Anthropocene raises difficult questions of distributive justice – between rich and poor, developed and developing countries, the living and the yet unborn, and even the human and the non-human – and may pose a challenge to the categories (...)
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  • The brain of history or the mentality of the Anthropocene.Catherine Malabou - 2017 - Saq : South Atlantic Quarterly 116 (1):39-53.
    : How is it possible to account for the double dimension of the “anthropos” of the Anthropocene? At once both a responsible, historical subject, and a neutral, non-conscious and non-reflexive force? According to Chakrabarty, the “anthropos” has to be considered a geological force; according to Smail, it has to be considered an addicted brain. A subjectivity without being for the former, an emotional and dependent biological and symbolic entity for the latter. As an in between solution, I propose a rereading (...)
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  • Deconstructing Anthropos: A Critical Legal Reflection on ‘Anthropocentric’ Law and Anthropocene ‘Humanity’.Anna Grear - 2015 - Law and Critique 26 (3):225-249.
    The present reflection draws upon a tradition of energetic, world-facing critical legal scholarship to interrogate the anthropos assumed by the terminology of ‘anthropocentrism’ and of the ‘Anthropocene’. The article concludes that any ethically responsible future engagement with ‘anthropocentrism’ and/or with the ‘Anthropocene’ must explicitly engage with the oppressive hierarchical structure of the anthropos itself—and should directly address its apotheosis in the corporate juridical subject that dominates the entire globalised order of the Anthropocene age.
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  • Climate and Capital: On Conjoined Histories.Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 41 (1):1-23.
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  • Modernity's Frail Climate: A Climate History of Environmental Reflexivity.Jean-Baptiste Fressoz & Fabien Locher - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):579-598.
    Last paragraphe: Finally, we need to take on board the strange and disturbing fact that the modern destruction of environments has occurred not as if nature counted for nothing but, on the contrary, has occurred in a world of longstanding climatic theories that have earmarked environmental objects as the very things that produce humankind. Modern man, oblivious of the impact of his actions and blinded by his faith in progress and polarized vision of the world? Our postmodernity also has its (...)
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  • Responsibility Towards Life in the Early Anthropocene.Paul Alberts - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (4):5 - 17.
    Angelaki, Volume 16, Issue 4, Page 5-17, December 2011.
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  • Vertigos. Climates of Philosophy.Giovanbattista Tusa - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (7):7.
    In this essay, Giovanbattista Tusa suggests that we are currently witnessing a mutation, which disrupts the mythical imaginary that had confined viruses, climate change, and atmospheric turbulences to an immutable background in the all-too-human narrative of the struggle against nature. I argue that the incapacity of translating this mutation in cultural and social terms, and the repression of this traumatic experience, are the cause of the perturbation that haunts our time. Disorientation pervades philosophy when the entire imaginary to which it (...)
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  • The Antinomy of the Anthropocene: The Narrative of Enlightenment in Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Ecological Theory.Haram Lee - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):75-93.
    This article examines Dipesh Chakrabarty’s ecological theory to explore inherent tensions, ambiguities, and contradictions concerning human agency in Anthropocene discourse. Contra most commentators, I argue that Chakrabarty’s account of the Anthropocene remains neither modernistic nor posthumanistic per se because his view of the human turns out to be consistently inconsistent. Chakrabarty apparently advances an anti-anthropocentric and posthumanist explanation of the climate crisis by shifting his focus from the ‘species’ to the ‘planet’. However, his account of the planet remains within the (...)
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  • Strata.Gabriel Giorgi - 2023 - In Jens Andermann, Gabriel Giorgi & Victoria Saramago (eds.), Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics. De Gruyter. pp. 381-394.
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  • 1. On the Emergence and Convergence of the New Transversal Humanities.Rosi Braidotti & Daan F. Oostveen - 2024 - In Rosi Braidotti, Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković & Daan F. Oostveen (eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 21-46.
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  • Cognitive (In)justice and Decoloniality in Amitav Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse.Goutam Karmakar & Rajendra Chetty - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (2):119-133.
    Amitav Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse (2021) is an insightful deliberation on the layered inequities and asymmetries created by the intersection of colonialism and anthropogenic activities. In The Nutmeg’s Curse, Ghosh conceives the present-day climate and ecological crisis as fallouts of colonial thinking and its manifestations in dominant epistemic and ethical constructions. This article underscores Ghosh’s critique of the Eurocentric discourses for their instrumentality in producing the totalitarian binaries of human and non-human, in which the ‘human’ was always the whites and (...)
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  • Plantationocene: A Framework For Understanding the Links Between Ecological Destruction and Social Inequalities.Ennan Wu & Yichang Xu - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (1):1-18.
    The Anthropocene, as one of the core concepts currently used to understand and reflect on the relationships among humans, species, and planet, has received widespread attention and discussion in the global academic community. As one of the important alternative concepts to the Anthropocene, the term Plantationocene was first proposed by Haraway et al. in October 2014. Compared to the former, it reveals the fundamental characteristics of the modern era, and continues to enrich its theoretical connotations amidst rapid shifts in social (...)
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  • Why Collingwood Matters: A Defence of Humanistic Understanding.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    R.G. Collingwood (1889-1943) was an English philosopher, historian and practicing archaeologist. His work, particularly in the philosophy of action and history, has been profoundly influential in the 20th and 21st century. Although the importance of his work is indisputable, this is the first book to consider how and why it actually matters. Giussepina D'oro considers the importance of Collingwood as a thinker who thinks kaleidoscopically and, unlike lots of contemporary philosophers, refuses to focus on narrow, technical interests but instead, observes (...)
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  • Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics.Jens Andermann, Gabriel Giorgi & Victoria Saramago (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics offers a comprehensive overview of Latin American aesthetic and conceptual production addressing the more-than-human environment at the intersection between art, activism, and critique. Fields include literature, performance, film, and other audiovisual media as well as their interactions with community activisms. Scholars who have helped establish environmental approaches in the field as well as emergent critical voices revisit key concepts such as ecocriticism, (post-)extractivism, and multinaturalism, while opening new avenues of dialogue with areas including (...)
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  • Ce que les animaux font au genre.Silvia Sebastiani - 2022 - Clio 55.
    Que l’on soit d’accord ou non avec l’idée qu’il existe un « tournant animaliste » dans les sciences sociales, l’histoire des animaux et avec les animaux s’est considérablement développée durant ces dernières années. C’est le cas non seulement en Grande-Bretagne et aux États-Unis, où les Animal Studies sont depuis longtemps un champ de recherche important et légitime, mais aussi en France. Le défi que ce numéro de Clio cherche à relever pourrait se résumer comme suit : que peuvent apporter les...
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  • Colossal Vacuums: Kierkegaard and the Rise of the Public in the Anthropocene.Niels Wilde - 2022 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 27 (1):243-263.
    In this paper, I argue that the debate in the environmental humanities about the reconceptualization of the human being as one vs. many in light of the Anthropocene, resembles the very structure of Kierkegaard’s notion of the public as a compound object composed of individuals. Further, I argue that the public provides not only a model for understanding the ontological makeup of the Anthropos but also serves as an early version of it. Hence, the public plays a role in the (...)
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  • Earth System Science, Anthropocene Historiography, and Three Forms of Human Agency.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon & Julia Adeney Thomas - 2022 - Isis 113 (2):396-406.
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  • Affirmative Ethics and Generative Life.Rosi Braidotti - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (4):463-481.
    Rosi Braidotti's contribution to the Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 held in Rome, later transcribed and then revised by the author, points firmly to the current need for an affirmative thinking approach, actively standing to the present, while assessing its becoming and imagining new configurations. Saying yes to the world, being worthy of it, does not entail passive acceptance but rather the activation of transformative and critical thinking. To this aim, Braidotti looks at Deleuze as well as at feminist theory. The (...)
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  • Geschichte als Politik in Henrik Ibsens Ein Volksfeind.Leonardo F. Lisi - 2022 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 96 (1):91-123.
    This paper argues that Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People constitutes one his most ambitious literary and political achievements. In literary terms, the play seeks to reinvent the genre of history drama in a manner deliberately opposed to Hegelian aesthetics. Ibsen does so by systematically deepening the play’s central conflict. What at first appears to be a problem grounded in personal rivalries, reveals itself to be a social and political struggle, which in turn yields a moral crisis, to, finally, a (...)
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  • Crunch Time: The Urgency to Take the Temporal Dimension of Sustainability Seriously.Coline Ruwet - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):25-43.
    This paper argues that, to tackle the issue of sustainability, we should pay more attention to the temporality of socioecological processes. Only thus can we better understand current subjective and institutional constraints, as well as envision new potential pathways for transformative change. Two main arguments are developed: (1) there is a uniqueness in the temporality of Earth system processes associated with planetary boundaries that deeply transforms our time horizon and the pace of change, and (2) this situation creates a disruption (...)
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  • (1 other version)Witnessing after the human.Michael Richardson & Magdalena Zolkos - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (2):3-16.
    What does it mean to witness after the human? The adverbial clause suggests, first, a temporal and a conditional relation to the subject, whereby the act or event of witnessing follows, responds to...
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  • Solidarity and Community.Luigi Corrias - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (2):129-141.
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  • Ungovernable Earth: Resurgence, Translocal Infrastructures and More-than-Social Movements.Andrea Ghelfi & Dimitris Papadopoulos - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (6):681-699.
    How do social movements respond to the ecological crisis? In this paper, we reframe social movements as ‘more-than-social movements’ to highlight the fact that many contemporary mobilisations do much more than target recognised social institutions and political governance; indeed, they are practically transforming eco-societies with and within both the human and the nonhuman world. What constitutes the core of more-than-social movements’ action is the capacity to set up alternative ecologies of existence, or ‘alterontologies’, as we call them in the paper. (...)
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  • Towards Biopolitics beyond Life and Death: The Virus, Life, and Death.Toni Čerkez & Martin Gramc - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    By engaging with Giorgio Agamben’s article on the Italian government’s measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, we argue that COVID-19 points to the limits of the classical biopolitical and thanatopolitical logics of analysis and therefore requires a new conceptual framework. The outbreak of COVID-19 is an example of zoonotic globalisation in which the human species as a biological and geological actor is merely one among many other species that influence biological and geological processes on Earth, thus challenging (...)
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  • The Ecology of Form.Devin Griffiths - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 48 (1):68-93.
    This article intervenes in recent formalist and ecocritical debates, drawing on the philosophy of Charles Darwin and Édouard Glissant to develop an ecopoetic theory of relational form. Gathering perspectives from ecocriticism and new materialism, literary criticism and comparative literature, the history and philosophy of science, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, and Black studies, it reads form as an interdisciplinary object that is part of the world, rather than an imposed feature of human language or perception. In this way, it produces (...)
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  • Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition: Towards New Forms of Engagement with the World?Simon Susen - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (1):63-94.
    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the validity of the contention that, over the past decades, we have been witnessing the rise of the ‘posthuman condition’. To this end, the analysis draws on the work of the contemporary philosopher Rosi Braidotti. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part centres on the concept of posthumanism, suggesting that it reflects a systematic attempt to challenge humanist assumptions underlying the construction of ‘the human’. The second part focuses (...)
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  • Education, anthropocentrism, and interspecies sustainability: confronting institutional anxieties in omnicidal times.Helena Pedersen - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):164-177.
    Deborah Britzman’s remarkable question, ‘What holds education back?’, appears more urgent than ever in a world of accelerating environmental crises, climate change, and what has been described as omnicide – the annihilation of everything. What, then, holds education back from initiating radical change under these urgent conditions? This paper introduces the notion of ‘institutional anxiety’ as a consolidating force and explores how it may condition possibilities for resistance. Bringing examples from ethnographic fieldwork and experiences of course development in conversation with (...)
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  • When Ecology Needs Economics and Economics Needs Ecology: Interdisciplinary Exchange during the Anthropocene.S. Andrew Inkpen & C. Tyler DesRoches - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (2):203-221.
    1. A multidisciplinary group of scholars within the International Commission on Stratigraphy – known as the Anthropocene Working Group – recently recommended the Anthropocene as a new geological ep...
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  • On the Difference between Anthropocene and Climate Change Temporalities.Julia Nordblad - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (2):328-348.
    This article compares two dominating conceptual frameworks of the current global environmental crisis, the Anthropocene and climate change, with respect to how they can be deployed to think about the dynamics of political action. Whereas the Anthropocene has attracted the attention of audiences beyond specialists and has radically expanded the temporal horizon for politics, its temporal characteristics risk rendering it unhelpful for thinking critically about how the current environmental crisis can be addressed. Most importantly, by establishing a reference point in (...)
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