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  1. Paraconsistent logic.Graham Priest - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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  • Truth and Falsehood: An Inquiry Into Generalized Logical Values.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The book presents a thoroughly elaborated logical theory of generalized truth-values understood as subsets of some established set of truth values. After elucidating the importance of the very notion of a truth value in logic and philosophy, we examine some possible ways of generalizing this notion. The useful four-valued logic of first-degree entailment by Nuel Belnap and the notion of a bilattice constitute the basis for further generalizations. By doing so we elaborate the idea of a multilattice, and most notably, (...)
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  • On Three-Valued Presentations of Classical Logic.Bruno da Ré, Damian Szmuc, Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Égré - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):682-704.
    Given a three-valued definition of validity, which choice of three-valued truth tables for the connectives can ensure that the resulting logic coincides exactly with classical logic? We give an answer to this question for the five monotonic consequence relations $st$, $ss$, $tt$, $ss\cap tt$, and $ts$, when the connectives are negation, conjunction, and disjunction. For $ts$ and $ss\cap tt$ the answer is trivial (no scheme works), and for $ss$ and $tt$ it is straightforward (they are the collapsible schemes, in which (...)
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  • A general characterization of adaptive logics.Diderik Batens - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 173 (175):45-68.
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  • Nonsense: a user's guide.Manish Oza - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many philosophers suppose that sometimes we think we are saying or thinking something meaningful when in fact we’re not saying or thinking anything at all: we are producing nonsense. But what is nonsense? An account of nonsense must, I argue, meet two constraints. The first constraint requires that nonsense can be rationally engaged with, not just mentioned. In particular, we can reason with nonsense and use it within that-clauses. An account which fails to meet this constraint cannot explain why nonsense (...)
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  • Suszko’s problem: Mixed consequence and compositionality.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Égré - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):736-767.
    Suszko’s problem is the problem of finding the minimal number of truth values needed to semantically characterize a syntactic consequence relation. Suszko proved that every Tarskian consequence relation can be characterized using only two truth values. Malinowski showed that this number can equal three if some of Tarski’s structural constraints are relaxed. By so doing, Malinowski introduced a case of so-called mixed consequence, allowing the notion of a designated value to vary between the premises and the conclusions of an argument. (...)
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  • Meaning-Preserving Translations of Non-classical Logics into Classical Logic: Between Pluralism and Monism.Gerhard Schurz - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (1):27-55.
    In order to prove the validity of logical rules, one has to assume these rules in the metalogic. However, rule-circular ‘justifications’ are demonstrably without epistemic value. Is a non-circular justification of a logical system possible? This question attains particular importance in view of lasting controversies about classical versus non-classical logics. In this paper the question is answered positively, based on meaning-preserving translations between logical systems. It is demonstrated that major systems of non-classical logic, including multi-valued, paraconsistent, intuitionistic and quantum logics, (...)
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  • Valuations: Bi, Tri, and Tetra.Rohan French & David Ripley - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1313-1346.
    This paper considers some issues to do with valuational presentations of consequence relations, and the Galois connections between spaces of valuations and spaces of consequence relations. Some of what we present is known, and some even well-known; but much is new. The aim is a systematic overview of a range of results applicable to nonreflexive and nontransitive logics, as well as more familiar logics. We conclude by considering some connectives suggested by this approach.
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  • From many-valued consequence to many-valued connectives.Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Egré - 2018 - Synthese 198 (S22):5315-5352.
    Given a consequence relation in many-valued logic, what connectives can be defined? For instance, does there always exist a conditional operator internalizing the consequence relation, and which form should it take? In this paper, we pose this question in a multi-premise multi-conclusion setting for the class of so-called intersective mixed consequence relations, which extends the class of Tarskian relations. Using computer-aided methods, we answer extensively for 3-valued and 4-valued logics, focusing not only on conditional operators, but also on what we (...)
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  • Fregean logics.J. Czelakowski & D. Pigozzi - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):17-76.
    According to Frege's principle the denotation of a sentence coincides with its truth-value. The principle is investigated within the context of abstract algebraic logic, and it is shown that taken together with the deduction theorem it characterizes intuitionistic logic in a certain strong sense.A 2nd-order matrix is an algebra together with an algebraic closed set system on its universe. A deductive system is a second-order matrix over the formula algebra of some fixed but arbitrary language. A second-order matrix A is (...)
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  • Suszko’s Thesis, Inferential Many-valuedness, and the Notion of a Logical System.Heinrich Wansing & Yaroslav Shramko - 2008 - Studia Logica 88 (3):405-429.
    According to Suszko’s Thesis, there are but two logical values, true and false. In this paper, R. Suszko’s, G. Malinowski’s, and M. Tsuji’s analyses of logical twovaluedness are critically discussed. Another analysis is presented, which favors a notion of a logical system as encompassing possibly more than one consequence relation. [A] fundamental problem concerning many-valuedness is to know what it really is. [13, p. 281].
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  • Leśniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.Rafal Urbaniak - 2013 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    With material on his early philosophical views, his contributions to set theory and his work on nominalism and higher-order quantification, this book offers a uniquely expansive critical commentary on one of analytical philosophy’s great ...
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  • Valuation Semantics for First-Order Logics of Evidence and Truth.H. Antunes, A. Rodrigues, W. Carnielli & M. E. Coniglio - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):1141-1173.
    This paper introduces the logic _Q__L__E__T_ _F_, a quantified extension of the logic of evidence and truth _L__E__T_ _F_, together with a corresponding sound and complete first-order non-deterministic valuation semantics. _L__E__T_ _F_ is a paraconsistent and paracomplete sentential logic that extends the logic of first-degree entailment (_FDE_) with a classicality operator ∘ and a non-classicality operator ∙, dual to each other: while ∘_A_ entails that _A_ behaves classically, ∙_A_ follows from _A_’s violating some classically valid inferences. The semantics of _Q__L__E__T_ (...)
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  • Taking Degrees of Truth Seriously.Josep Maria Font - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):383-406.
    This is a contribution to the discussion on the role of truth degrees in manyvalued logics from the perspective of abstract algebraic logic. It starts with some thoughts on the so-called Suszko’s Thesis (that every logic is two-valued) and on the conception of semantics that underlies it, which includes the truth-preserving notion of consequence. The alternative usage of truth values in order to define logics that preserve degrees of truth is presented and discussed. Some recent works studying these in the (...)
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  • Editorial Introduction: Substructural Logics and Metainferences.Eduardo Barrio & Paul Égré - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1215-1231.
    The concept of _substructural logic_ was originally introduced in relation to limitations of Gentzen’s structural rules of Contraction, Weakening and Exchange. Recent years have witnessed the development of substructural logics also challenging the Tarskian properties of Reflexivity and Transitivity of logical consequence. In this introduction we explain this recent development and two aspects in which it leads to a reassessment of the bounds of classical logic. On the one hand, standard ways of defining the notion of logical consequence in classical (...)
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  • Truth values.Yaroslav Shramko - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Bi-facial Truth: a Case for Generalized Truth Values.Dmitry Zaitsev & Yaroslav Shramko - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (6):1299-1318.
    We explore a possibility of generalization of classical truth values by distinguishing between their ontological and epistemic aspects and combining these aspects within a joint semantical framework. The outcome is four generalized classical truth values implemented by Cartesian product of two sets of classical truth values, where each generalized value comprises both ontological and epistemic components. This allows one to define two unary twin connectives that can be called “semi-classical negations”. Each of these negations deals only with one of the (...)
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  • What is a truth-value gap?James R. Shaw - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (6):503-534.
    Truth-value gaps have received little attention from a foundational perspective, a fact which has rightfully opened up gap theories to charges of vacuousness. This paper develops an account of the foundations of gap-like behavior which has some hope of avoiding such charges. I begin by reviewing and sharpening a powerful argument of Dummett’s to constrain the options that gap theorists have to make sense of their views. I then show that within these strictures, we can give an account of gaps (...)
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  • The Slingshot Argument and Sentential Identity.Yaroslav Shramko & Heinrich Wansing - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):429-455.
    The famous “slingshot argument” developed by Church, Gödel, Quine and Davidson is often considered to be a formally strict proof of the Fregean conception that all true sentences, as well as all false ones, have one and the same denotation, namely their corresponding truth value: the true or the false . In this paper we examine the analysis of the slingshot argument by means of a non-Fregean logic undertaken recently by A.Wóitowicz and put to the test her claim that the (...)
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  • Frame definability in finitely valued modal logics.Guillermo Badia, Xavier Caicedo & Carles Noguera - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (7):103273.
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  • Two-valued logics for naive truth theory.Lucas Daniel Rosenblatt - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (1).
    It is part of the current wisdom that the Liar and similar semantic paradoxes can be taken care of by the use of certain non-classical multivalued logics. In this paper I want to suggest that bivalent logic can do just as well. This is accomplished by using a non-deterministic matrix to define the negation connective. I show that the systems obtained in this way support a transparent truth predicate. The paper also contains some remarks on the conceptual interest of such (...)
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  • On the Meaning of Connectives (Apropos of a Non-Necessitarianist Challenge).Luis Estrada-González - 2011 - Logica Universalis 5 (1):115-126.
    According to logical non-necessitarianism, every inference may fail in some situation. In his defense of logical monism, Graham Priest has put forward an argument against non-necessitarianism based on the meaning of connectives. According to him, as long as the meanings of connectives are fixed, some inferences have to hold in all situations. Hence, in order to accept the non-necessitarianist thesis one would have to dispose arbitrarily of those meanings. I want to show here that non-necessitarianism can stand, without disposing arbitrarily (...)
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  • Key notions of Tarski's methodology of deductive systems.Janusz Czelakowski & Grzegorz Malinowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):321 - 351.
    The aim of the article is to outline the historical background and the present state of the methodology of deductive systems invented by Alfred Tarski in the thirties. Key notions of Tarski's methodology are presented and discussed through, the recent development of the original concepts and ideas.
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  • Many-Valued Logics and Bivalent Modalities.Edson Bezerra & Giorgio Venturi - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (4):611-636.
    In this paper, we investigate the family LS0.5 of many-valued modal logics LS0.5's. We prove that the modalities of necessity and possibility of the logics LS0.5's capture well-defined bivalent concepts of logical validity and logical consistency. We also show that these modalities can be used as recovery operators.
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  • The Golden Age of Polish Philosophy. Kaziemierz Twardowski’s philosophical legacy.Sandra Lapointe, Jan Wolenski, Mathieu Marion & Wioletta Miskiewicz (eds.) - 2009 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This volume portrays the Polish or Lvov-Warsaw School, one of the most influential schools in analytic philosophy, which, as discussed in the thorough introduction, presented an alternative working picture of the unity of science.
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  • $${\in_K}$$ : a Non-Fregean Logic of Explicit Knowledge.Steffen Lewitzka - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (2):233-264.
    We present a new logic-based approach to the reasoning about knowledge which is independent of possible worlds semantics. \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\in_K}$$\end{document} is a non-Fregean logic whose models consist of propositional universes with subsets for true, false and known propositions. Knowledge is, in general, not closed under rules of inference; the only valid epistemic principles are the knowledge axiom Kiφ → φ and some minimal conditions concerning common knowledge in a group. Knowledge is explicit (...)
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  • Truth Pluralism and Many-Valued Logic: Lesson from Suszko’s Thesis.Andrea Strollo - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (1):155-176.
    According to truth pluralism, sentences from different areas of discourse can be true in different ways. This view has been challenged to make sense of logical validity, understood as necessary truth preservation, when inferences involving different areas are considered. To solve this problem, a natural temptation is that of replicating the standard practice in many-valued logic by appealing to the notion of designated values. Such a simple approach, however, is usually considered a non-starter for strong versions of truth pluralism, since (...)
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  • What is categorical structuralism?Geoffrey Hellman - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 151--161.
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  • Why classical logic is privileged: justification of logics based on translatability.Gerhard Schurz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13067-13094.
    In Sect. 1 it is argued that systems of logic are exceptional, but not a priori necessary. Logics are exceptional because they can neither be demonstrated as valid nor be confirmed by observation without entering a circle, and their motivation based on intuition is unreliable. On the other hand, logics do not express a priori necessities of thinking because alternative non-classical logics have been developed. Section 2 reflects the controversies about four major kinds of non-classical logics—multi-valued, intuitionistic, paraconsistent and quantum (...)
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  • Logic may be simple. Logic, congruence and algebra.Jean-Yves Béziau - 1997 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 5:129-147.
    This paper is an attempt to clear some philosophical questions about the nature of logic by setting up a mathematical framework. The notion of congruence in logic is defined. A logical structure in which there is no non-trivial congruence relation, like some paraconsistent logics, is called simple. The relations between simplicity, the replacement theorem and algebraization of logic are studied (including MacLane-Curry’s theorem and a discussion about Curry’s algebras). We also examine how these concepts are related to such notions as (...)
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  • ∈ I : An Intuitionistic Logic without Fregean Axiom and with Predicates for Truth and Falsity.Steffen Lewitzka - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (3):275-301.
    We present $\in_I$-Logic (Epsilon-I-Logic), a non-Fregean intuitionistic logic with a truth predicate and a falsity predicate as intuitionistic negation. $\in_I$ is an extension and intuitionistic generalization of the classical logic $\in_T$ (without quantifiers) designed by Sträter as a theory of truth with propositional self-reference. The intensional semantics of $\in_T$ offers a new solution to semantic paradoxes. In the present paper we introduce an intuitionistic semantics and study some semantic notions in this broader context. Also we enrich the quantifier-free language by (...)
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  • What is a genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity?Yaroslav Shramko - 2012 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 21 (1):3-23.
    I highlight the importance of the notion of falsity for a semantical consideration of intuitionistic logic. One can find two principal (and non-equivalent) versions of such a notion in the literature, namely, falsity as non-truth and falsity as truth of a negative proposition. I argue in favor of the first version as the genuine intuitionistic notion of falsity.
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  • (1 other version)Beyond the Fregean myth: the value of logical values.Fabien Schang - 2010 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Ontos Verlag. pp. 245--260.
    One of the most prominent myths in analytic philosophy is the so- called “Fregean Axiom”, according to which the reference of a sentence is a truth value. In contrast to this referential semantics, a use-based formal semantics will be constructed in which the logical value of a sentence is not its putative referent but the information it conveys. Let us call by “Question Answer Semantics” (thereafter: QAS) the corresponding formal semantics: a non-Fregean many-valued logic, where the meaning of any sentence (...)
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  • Society semantics for four-valued Łukasiewicz logic.Edson Vinícius Bezerra - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):892-911.
    We argue that many-valued logics (MVLs) can be useful in analysing informational conflicts by using society semantics (SSs). This work concentrates on four-valued Łukasiewicz logic. SSs were proposed by Carnielli and Lima-Marques (1999, Advances in Contemporary Logic and Computer Science, 235, 33–52) to deal with conflicts of information involving rational agents that make judgements about propositions according to a given logic within a society, where a society is understood as a collection $\mathcal{A}$ of agents. The interesting point of such semantics (...)
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  • (1 other version)Non truth-functional many-valuedness.Jean-Yves Beziau - manuscript
    Many-valued logics are standardly defined by logical matrices. They are truth-functional. In this paper non truth-functional many-valued semantics are presented, in a philosophical and mathematical perspective.
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  • The Philosophy of Logic of Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias.Newton da Costa, José Carlos Cifuentes & Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre - 2020 - South American Journal of Logic 6 (2):189-208.
    In this historical article, Newton da Costa discusses Francisco Miró Quesada’s philosophical ideas about logic. He discusses the topics of reason, logic, and action in Miró Quesada’s work, and in the final section he offers his critical view. In particular, he disagrees with Miró Quesada’s stance on the historicity of reason, for whom “reason is essentially absolute”, whereas for da Costa it “is being constructed in the course of history”. Da Costa concludes by emphasizing the importance of Miró Quesada’s theory (...)
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  • Husserl's Logical investigations reconsidered.Denis Fisette (ed.) - 2003 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The twelve original studies collected in this volume examine different aspects of Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations. They are authored by scholars and specialists internationally recognized for their expertise in the fields of phenomenology, logic, history of philosophy and philosophy of mind. They approach Husserl's groundwork from different angles and perspectives and shed new light on a number of issues such as meaning, intentionality, ontology, logic, etc. They also explore questions such as the place of the Logical Investigations within the whole (...)
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  • Two-valued weak Kleene logics.Bruno da Ré & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (1):1-43.
    In the literature, Weak Kleene logics are usually taken as three-valued logics. However, Suszko has challenged the main idea of many-valued logic claiming that every logic can be presented in a two-valued fashion. In this paper, we provide two-valued semantics for the Weak Kleene logics and for a number of four-valued subsystems of them. We do the same for the so-called Logics of Nonsense, which are extensions of the Weak Kleene logics with unary operators that allow looking at them as (...)
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  • Nonsense: a user's guide.Manish Oza - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):452-482.
    Many philosophers suppose that sometimes we think we are saying or thinking something meaningful when we're not saying or thinking anything at all: we are producing nonsense. But what is nonsense? An account of nonsense must, I argue, meet two constraints. The first constraint requires that nonsense can be rationally engaged with, not just mentioned. In particular, we can reason with nonsense and use it within that-clauses. An account which fails to meet this constraint cannot explain why nonsense appears meaningful. (...)
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  • The reception of Frege in Poland.Jan Woleński - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (1):37-51.
    This paper examines how the work of Frege was known and received in Poland in the period 1910–1935 (with one exception concerning the later work of Suszko). The main thesis is that Frege's reception in Poland was perhaps faster and deeper than in other countries, except England, due to works of Russell and Jourdain. The works of Łukasiewicz, Leśniewski and Czeżowski are described.
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  • A Judgmental Reconstruction of some of Professor Woleński’s logical and philosophical writings.Fabien Schang - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3):72-103.
    Roman Suszko said that “Obviously, any multiplication of logical values is a mad idea and, in fact, Łukasiewicz did not actualize it.” The aim of the present paper is to qualify this ‘obvious’ statement through a number of logical and philosophical writings by Professor Jan Woleński, all focusing on the nature of truth-values and their multiple uses in philosophy. It results in a reconstruction of such an abstract object, doing justice to what Suszko held a ‘mad’ project within a generalized (...)
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  • Formes, objets et négation selon Granger.Fabien Schang - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (1):3-33.
    Il s’agit de comprendre dans cet article l’opposition formulée par Gilles-Gaston Granger entre deux types de négation : la négation « radicale », d’un côté, et les négations « appliquées » de l’autre. Nous examinerons les propriétés de cette opposition, ainsi que les enseignements à en tirer sur la philosophie de la logique de Granger. Puis nous proposerons une théorie constructive des valeurs logiques considérées comme des objets structurés, consolidant à la fois l’unité de la théorie logique de Granger et (...)
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  • The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today.Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.) - 2006 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book explores the interplay between logic and science, describing new trends, new issues and potential research developments.
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  • Expanding the universe of universal logic.James Trafford - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):325-343.
    In [5], Béziau provides a means by which Gentzen’s sequent calculus can be combined with the general semantic theory of bivaluations. In doing so, according to Béziau, it is possible to construe the abstract “core” of logics in general, where logical syntax and semantics are “two sides of the same coin”. The central suggestion there is that, by way of a modification of the notion of maximal consistency, it is possible to prove the soundness and completeness for any normal logic. (...)
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  • Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Abilio Rodrigues - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3):300-306.
    The book Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation by Walter Carnielli and Marcelo Coniglio is the most thorough study of Logics of Formal Inconsistency...
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  • Reduciendo escalas de valores.J. -Martín Castro-Manzano - 2023 - Universitas Philosophica 40 (80):159-169.
    Una escala de valores se puede definir mediante dos componentes: un conjunto de valores y una relación de orden. Estos dos componentes dan cuenta de algunas opiniones populares sobre las escalas de valores que favorecen una suerte de relativismo axiológico. En esta contribución proponemos una estrategia de reducción que nos permite aceptar dichos componentes sin necesariamente implicar un relativismo axiológico.
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  • Logical Form and the Limits of Thought.Manish Oza - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    What is the relation of logic to thinking? My dissertation offers a new argument for the claim that logic is constitutive of thinking in the following sense: representational activity counts as thinking only if it manifests sensitivity to logical rules. In short, thinking has to be minimally logical. An account of thinking has to allow for our freedom to question or revise our commitments – even seemingly obvious conceptual connections – without loss of understanding. This freedom, I argue, requires that (...)
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  • Negation and Dichotomy.Fabien Schang (ed.) - 2009 - Bydgoszcz: Kazimierz Wielki University Press.
    The present contribution might be regarded as a kind of defense of the common sense in logic. It is demonstrated that if the classical negation is interpreted as the minimal negation with n = 2 truth values, then deviant logics can be conceived as extension of the classical bivalent frame. Such classical apprehension of negation is possible in non- classical logics as well, if truth value is internalized and bivalence is replaced by bipartition.
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  • Many-valued and Kripke semantics.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 89--101.
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