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Promoting Vices: Designing the Web for Manipulation.Lukas Schwengerer - 2022 - In Michael Klenk & Fleur Jongepier (eds.), The Philosophy of Online Manipulation. Routledge. pp. 292-310.details
Early writing: A cognitive archaeological perspective on literacy and numeracy.Karenleigh Anne Overmann - 2022 - Visible Language 1 (56):8-44.details
Why kinship is progeneratively constrained: Extending anthropology.Robert A. Wilson - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-20.details
On Biologizing Racism.Raamy Majeed - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (3):617-637.details
Distributed Cognition, Neuroprostheses and their Implications to Non-Physicalist Theories of Mind.Jean Gové - 2021 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (1):123-142.details
Extended mind and artifactual autobiographical memory.Richard Heersmink - 2020 - Mind and Language 36:1-15.details
Online Intellectual Virtues and the Extended Mind.Lukas Schwengerer - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (3):312-322.details
Varieties of the extended self.Richard Heersmink - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103001.details
Reasoning's relation to bodily action.David Jenkins - 2020 - Ratio 33 (2):87-96.details
Cognition and the Web: Extended, Transactive, or Scaffolded?Richard Heersmink & John Sutton - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (1):139-164.details
Dimensions of integration in embedded and extended cognitive systems.Richard Heersmink - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (3):577-598.details
The Extended Mind: State of the Question.Shaun Gallagher - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (4):421-447.details
What is ‘mental action’?Yair Levy - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (6):971-993.details
How to stay safe while extending the mind.Jaakko Hirvelä - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):4065-4081.details
Collective Intentionality in Non-Human Animals.Robert A. Wilson - 2017 - In Marija Jankovic and Kirk Ludwig (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Collective Intentionality. pp. 420-432.details
The narrative self, distributed memory, and evocative objects.Richard Heersmink - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1829-1849.details
Extended Cognition & the Causal‐Constitutive Fallacy: In Search for a Diachronic and Dynamical Conception of Constitution.Michael David Kirchhoff - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):320-360.details
Species of realization and the free energy principle.Michael David Kirchhoff - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (4):706-723.details
Idealist Origins: 1920s and Before.Martin Davies & Stein Helgeby - 2014 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 15-54.details
Environments of Intelligence. From Natural Information to Artficial Interaction.Hajo Greif - 2017 - London: Routledge.details
Distributed learning: Educating and assessing extended cognitive systems.Richard Heersmink & Simon Knight - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (6):969-990.details
The Mark of the Cognitive and the Coupling-Constitution Fallacy: A Defense of the Extended Mind Hypothesis.Giulia Piredda - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.details
The philosophy of memory technologies: Metaphysics, knowledge, and values.Heersmink Richard & Carter J. Adam - 2020 - Memory Studies 13 (4):416-433.details
A Mechanistic Account of Wide Computationalism.Luke Kersten - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):501-517.details
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The Embodied and Situated Nature of Moods.Giovanna Colombetti - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1437-1451.details
Playing with your self: A philosophical exploration of attitudes and identities in games.Liam Miller - unknowndetails
What’s the Matter with cognition? A ‘Vygotskian’ perspective on material engagement theory.Georg Theiner & Chris Drain - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):837-862.details
The Unbounded and Social Mind: Dewey on the Locus of Mind.Makoto Kureha - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (2):125-155.details
Affordances and the musically extended mind.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4:1-12.details
Interaction and extended cognition.Somogy Varga - 2016 - Synthese 193 (8).details
What is the extension of the extended mind?Hajo Greif - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4311-4336.details
The cognitive integration of scientific instruments: Information, situated cognition, and scientific practice.Richard Heersmink - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (4):1-21.details
The Sound of Music: Externalist Style.Luke Kersten & Robert A. Wilson - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):139-154.details
Cognition and behavior.Ken Aizawa - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4269-4288.details
Revisiting the self: a sine qua non for understanding embodiment.V. Hari Narayanan - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (1):79-84.details
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Philosophy of mind and cognitive science since 1980.Elizabeth Schier & John Sutton - 2014 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. Dordrecht: Springer.details
The extended cognition thesis: Its significance for the philosophy of (cognitive) science.Eric Arnau, Anna Estany, Rafael González del Solar & Thomas Sturm - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-18.details
The prehistory of number concept.Karenleigh A. Overmann, Thomas Wynn & Frederick L. Coolidge - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):142-144.details
Précis of the origin of concepts.Susan Carey - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):113-124.details
Extended artistic appreciation.Robert A. Wilson - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):162-163.details
The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory.Robert W. Clowes - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):107-133.details
Extended Cognition in Science Communication.David Ludwig - 2014 - Public Understanding of Science 23 (8):982-995.details
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Active internalism and open dynamical systems.Jeff Yoshimi - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (1):1 - 24.details
The emergence of group cognition.Georg Theiner & Tim O'Connor - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--78.details
The psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed remembering.John Sutton, Celia B. Harris, Paul G. Keil & Amanda J. Barnier - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):521-560.details