Results for ' volatility'

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  1. Volatile Reasons.Jason D'Cruz - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):31 - 40.
    I argue for the existence of a category of practical reasons which I call "Deliberation-Volatile Reasons" or "DVRs". DVRs have the distinguishing feature that their status as reasons for action is diminished when they are weighed in deliberation by the agent. I argue that DVRs are evidence of "deliberative blind spots". I submit that an agent manifests a peculiar kind of practical irrationality in so far as she endeavours to find a deliberative path to what she has reason to do, (...)
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  2. Political Parties and Electoral Volatility: How (un)stable is the Albanian Electorate?Alban Reli & Anjeza Xhaferaj - 2024 - Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 11 (11):106-121.
    This paper offers an in-depth analysis of electoral volatility in Albania from 1991 to 2021, a transformative period from a communist regime to a democratic multi-party system. It diverges from Central and Eastern European trends by examining Albania's unique political dynamics and the factors influencing electoral behavior and volatility. Utilizing the Pedersen Index, the study methodically evaluates various determinants impacting party electoral volatility in Albania. The research underscores the significance of high membership rates and robust ground organization (...)
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  3. Sport, Make-Believe, and Volatile Attitudes.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (3):275-288.
    The outcomes of sports and competitive games excite intense emotions in many people, even when those same people acknowledge that those outcomes are of trifling importance. I call this incongruity between the judged importance of the outcome and the intense reactions it provokes the Puzzle of Sport. The puzzle can be usefully compared to another puzzle in aesthetics: the Paradox of Fiction, which asks how it is we become emotionally caught up with events and characters we know to be unreal. (...)
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  4. La identidad volátil japonesa ante el nuevo orden mundial.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2011 - In Elena Barlés Báguena & Vicente David Almazán Tomás, Japón y el mundo actual. Universidad de Zaragoza. pp. 227-236.
    La identidad volátil japonesa ante el nuevo orden mundial.
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  5. Return and volatility spillover effects among Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand stock markets – A multivariate GARCH analysis.Vo Thi Ngoc Trinh - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
    In this study, we examine the own- and cross-effects of the return and volatility spillover between the equity markets of Vietnam and the two ASEAN countries, namely, Singapore and Thailand using monthly stock returns. In attempt to explore the level and magnitude of the spillover effects of the other markets on the Vietnamese stock market, we apply the multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (MGARCH) framework. By utilizing the time-varying conditional volatility and conditional correlations between the stock markets which (...)
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  6. Influence of non-monetary information signals of the USA on the Ukrainian stock market volatility.Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Pavlova, Anna Lemberg, Oksana Levkovich & Iryna Kurinna - 2019 - Investment Management and Financial Innovations 16 (1):319-333.
    The Ukrainian PFTS stock index volatility reaction as a whole and its constituent economic sectors (“Basic Materials”, “Financials”, “Industrials”, “Oil & Gas”, “Telecommunications”, “Utilities”) to seven non-monetary US information signals (“Consumer price index”, “Personal spending”, “Unemployment rate”, “Gross domestic product”, “Industrial production”, “Consumer confidence”, “Housing starts”) was carried out for the period 2000–2017 on the basis of closing stock quotations in the trading day format. To assess the “surprise” component direct influence nature of the USA selected non-monetary information signals (...)
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    This paper aims at answering the question whether the VN30 index futures introduction has an impact on stock market volatility in Vietnam. Apply GARCH model of volatility with additive dummy variable from 28/7/2000 to 10/9/2020, the result shows that when the first listed index futures contract appears, it makes the volatility of VNIndex increases. The result is still robust after excluding the turmoil period of Vietnam stock market. This paper implies that policy maker should be more careful (...)
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  8. The impact of cash holding, and exchange rate volatility on the firm’s financial performance of all manufacturing sector in Pakistan.Sarfraz Hussain, Asan Ali Golam Hassan, Allah Bakhsh & Muhammad Abdullah - 2020 - International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (7):248-261.
    Exchange rate movement is a mostly debatable issue amongst economists and strategic financial planners in the economies as a vital phenomenon, of every economy in the developing the world. This study sets out to examine the impact of cash conversion cycle, Size, Age, and exchange rate movement on firms’ financial decisions. The estimation used techniques of static panel data analysis in this study; pooled OLS, random effects, and fixed effects. Interaction techniques are applied to check the impact of the exchange (...)
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  9. Sistemi partiak në Shqipëri: struktura dhe organizimi i partive politike 1991-2013.Anjeza Xhaferaj - 2016 - Dissertation, European University of Tirana
    This thesis explores the party system and political parties in the post-communist Albania. The overarching question of the thesis is what kind of party system has developed and what is the structure and organization of the Albanian political parties. The study analyses the period 1991-2013, that is the period between the first and the last general elections. I argue and test that the Albanian party system is stable and that the Albanian political parties are mass clientelist parties with deep territorial (...)
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  10. Modeling Term Structure of Cross-Currency Interest Rates.Tim Xiao - manuscript
    This article proposes a term structure model for dual-currency interest rate markets. The model assumes that volatility is a deterministic function of time alone. This volatility structure can reduce the dimension of the required state variables. An important special case is presented, which corresponds essentially to a Vasicek/Hull-White yield curve model in each currency. The model is very useful for pricing cross-currency derivatives.
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  11. Influence of monetary information signals of the USA on the Ukrainian stock market.Roman Pavlov, Tatyana Grynko, Tatyana Pavlova, Levkovich Oksana & Pawliszczy Dariusz - 2020 - Investment Management and Financial Innovations 17 (4):327-340.
    The stronger the level of economic integration between countries, the greater the need to study the formation patterns of the stock market reaction to the financial information signals. This concerns the Ukrainian stock market, which is now in its infancy, and which reaction to financial information signals is sometimes ambiguous. The research aims to identify the formation patterns of return and volatility indicators of the Ukrainian stock market reaction to the US financial information signals. To assess the direct nature (...)
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  12. Bitcoin Price Prediction.Desai Nms - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (1):1-13.
    Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, has undergone extreme price fluctuations over the years. Predicting its future price presents a significant challenge due to its volatile nature and susceptibility to various external factors, including market sentiment, regulations, and technological developments. This research aims to build an advanced forecasting model to predict Bitcoin’s price movements accurately. We leverage historical price data and apply cutting-edge machine learning techniques, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM). By comparing these methods (...)
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  13. The Future of War: The Ethical Potential of Leaving War to Lethal Autonomous Weapons.Steven Umbrello, Phil Torres & Angelo F. De Bellis - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):273-282.
    Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs) are robotic weapons systems, primarily of value to the military, that could engage in offensive or defensive actions without human intervention. This paper assesses and engages the current arguments for and against the use of LAWs through the lens of achieving more ethical warfare. Specific interest is given particularly to ethical LAWs, which are artificially intelligent weapons systems that make decisions within the bounds of their ethics-based code. To ensure that a wide, but not exhaustive, survey (...)
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  14. On the failure to detect changes in scenes across brief interruptions.Ronald A. Rensink, Kevin J. O'Regan & James J. Clark - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7 (1/2/3):127-145.
    When brief blank fields are placed between alternating displays of an original and a modified scene, a striking failure of perception is induced: the changes become extremely difficult to notice, even when they are large, presented repeatedly, and the observer expects them to occur (Rensink, O'Regan, & Clark, 1997). To determine the mechanisms behind this induced "change blindness", four experiments examine its dependence on initial preview and on the nature of the interruptions used. Results support the proposal that representations at (...)
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  15. Why Racialized Poverty Matters — and the Way Forward.Michael Cholbi - 2023 - In Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Poverty. Routledge. pp. 406-16.
    Poverty in many societies is racialized, with poverty concentrated among particular racial groups. This article aims (a) to provide a philosophical account of how racialized poverty can represent an unjust form of inequality, and (b) to suggest the general direction that policies aiming to reduce racialized poverty ought to take in light of this account. (a) As a species of inequality, racialized poverty (whether absolute or relative) is not intrinsically morally objectionable. However, it can be extrinsically objectionable because it is (...)
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    Epistemic Risk Reduction in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy.Chiara Caporuscio & Sascha B. Fink - forthcoming - In Tomislav Majić, Psychedelic Harm Reduction, Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Springer.
    Belief change is crucial to therapeutic benefit in psychedelic-assisted therapy as well as in more traditional forms of therapy. However, the use of psychedelics comes with a few unique challenges that urge extra caution. First, drastic belief changes may occur faster than in regular therapy. Facing radical and transformative insights all at once rather than through a gradual process of discovery and integration can lead patients to a volatile, confusing or disorienting epistemic state. Additionally, we know psychedelic substances to generate (...)
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  17. How Stable is Democracy?Patrick Grim, Mengzhen Liu, Krishna Bathina, Naijia Liu & Jake William Gordon - 2018 - Journal on Policy and Complex Systems 4:87-108.
    The structure of communication networks can be more or less “democratic”: networks are less democratic if (a) communication is more limited in terms of characteristic degree and (b) is more tightly channeled to a few specifc nodes. Together those measures give us a two-dimensional landscape of more and less democratic networks. We track opinion volatility across that landscape: the extent to which random changes in a small percentage of binary opinions at network nodes result in wide changes across the (...)
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  18. Two construals of Hempel’s dilemma: a challenge to physicalism, not dualism.David Buzaglo - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-17.
    In a recent paper, Firt, Hemmo and Shenker argue that Hempel’s dilemma, typically thought to primarily undermine physicalism, is generalizable and impacts mind-body dualism and many other theories equally. I challenge this view and argue that Hempel’s dilemma admits of at least two distinct construals: a general-skeptical construal, underpinned by historically driven arguments such as the pessimistic induction, and a non-skeptical construal, driven by the specific puzzles and volatility of current physics. While the general-skeptical construal applies to all changeable (...)
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  19. Objectivity. Polity Press, 2015. Introduction and T. of Contents.Guy Axtell - 2015 - Polity; Wiley.
    “Objectivity” is an important theoretical concept with diverse applications in our collective practices of inquiry. It is also a concept attended in recent decades by vigorous debate, debate that includes but is not restricted to scientists and philosophers. The special authority of science as a source of knowledge of the natural and social world has been a matter of much controversy. In part because the authority of science is supposed to result from the objectivity of its methods and results, objectivity (...)
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  20. Digital Subjectivation and Financial Markets: Criticizing Social Studies of Finance with Lazzarato.Tim Christiaens - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2):1-15.
    The recently rising field of Critical Data Studies is still facing fundamental questions. Among these is the enigma of digital subjectivation. Who are the subjects of Big Data? A field where this question is particularly pressing is finance. Since the 1990s traders have been steadily integrated into computerized data assemblages, which calls for an ontology that eliminates the distinction between human sovereign subjects and non-human instrumental objects. The latter subjectivize traders in pre-conscious ways, because human consciousness runs too slow to (...)
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  21. From Internalist Evidentialism to Virtue Responsibilism: Reasonable Disagreement and the Ethics of Belief.Guy Axtell - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty, Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 71-87.
    Evidentialism as its leading proponents describe it has two distinct senses, these being evidentialism as a conceptual analysis of epistemic justification, and as a prescriptive ethics of belief—an account of what one ‘ought to believe’ under different epistemic circumstances. These two senses of evidentialism are related, but in the work of leading evidentialist philosophers, in ways that I think are deeply problematic. Although focusing on Richard Feldman’s ethics of belief, this chapter is critical of evidentialism in both senses. However, I (...)
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  22. Sculpted Agency and the Messiness of the Landscape.Quill Rebecca Kukla - 2021 - Analysis 81 (2):296-306.
    In Games: Agency as Art, Thi Nguyen has given us a deep and compelling picture of agency as much more layered, volatile, environment-dependent and discontinuous than it appears in most philosophical accounts. Games ‘inscribe … forms of agency into artifactual vessels’.1 1 When we play a game, we take up a form of agency, including a set of motivations, values and goals, which has been artificially provided by the game. Our purpose in playing, in the kinds of gameplay that interest (...)
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  23. The influence of disbalances in financial resources movement on national financial systems.Sergii Sardak & S. Sardak M. Korneyev - 2018 - Yunona Publishing.
    In the article the effect of disbalances in the movement of financial resources on the national financial systems is formalized. For ensuring the corresponding monitoring objectives the financial sustainability indicators developed by the IMF and the World Bank have been used, as well as the integral indicator of financial resource disbalances, which serve as statistical units for measuring the financial situation and sustainability of the financial sector of the country. For the overwhelming majority of the studied countries, the hypothesis about (...)
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  24. Notes on More-than-Human Architecture.Stanislav Roudavski - 2018 - In Gretchen Coombs, Andrew McNamara & Gavin Sade, Undesign: Critical Practices at the Intersection of Art and Design. Routledge. pp. 24-37.
    What can the creation of artificial habitats to replace old-growth forests tell us about the process, value and future of design? This chapter takes a concrete and provocative example and uses it to rethink design as a gradual, ecological action. To illustrate this understanding, the chapter begins with a description of a proposal to provide artificial habitats for wild animals such as birds, bats and invertebrates. The controversial idea to replace rapidly disappearing old-growth trees with artificial structures puts in doubt (...)
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  25. Cyborg activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous.Hans Asenbaum - 2018 - New Media and Society 20 (4):1543-1563.
    This article develops the concept of cyborg activism as novel configuration of democratic subjectivity in the Information Age by exploring the online collectivity Anonymous as a prototype. By fusing elements of human/machine and organic/digital, the cyborg disrupts modern logics of binary thinking. Cyborg activism emerges as the reconfiguration of equality/hierarchy, reason/emotion and nihilism/idealism. Anonymous demonstrates how through the use of contingent and ephemeral digital personae hierarchies in cyborg activism prove more volatile than in face-to-face settings. Emotions appear as an essential (...)
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  26. Britain and the Iranian Nuclear Program: An Illuminating Appraisal.Alireza Salehi-Nejad - 2019 - In The First Biennial Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies.
    Owing to the escalating regional rivalries and the conventional arms race, Iran’s post-revolutionary hostilities towards the West, in addition to the crucial geopolitical and economic significance of the region, the complex Iranian nuclear crisis has made the global leaders to brood over the multilateral Iranian negotiations with the P5+1 and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which led to finalization and adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015. The United Kingdom as a permanent member of the United Nations (...)
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  27. Mergers & Acquisitions Market in Vietnam’s Transition Economy.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tri-Dung Tran & Thi Chau Ha Nguyen - 2010 - Journal of Economic Policy and Research 5 (1):1-54.
    This paper is the first major and a thorough study on the Merger & Acquisition (M&A) activities in Vietnam’s emerging market economy, covering almost entirely the M&A history after the launch of Doi Moi. The surge in these activities since mid-2000s by no means incidentally coincides with the jump in FDI and FPI inflows into the nation. M&A industry in Vietnam has its socio-cultural traits that could help explain economic happenings, with anomalies and transitional characteristics, far better than even the (...)
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  28. A conceptual framework for data-driven sustainable finance in green energy transition.Omotayo Bukola Adeoye, Ani Emmanuel Chigozie, Ninduwesuor-Ehiobu Nwakamma, Jose Montero Danny, Favour Oluwadamilare Usman & Kehinde Andrew Olu-Lawal - 2024 - World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews 21 (2):1791–1801.
    As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable development, the transition towards green energy stands as a critical imperative. Financing this transition poses significant challenges, requiring innovative approaches that align financial objectives with environmental sustainability goals. This review presents a conceptual framework for leveraging data-driven techniques in sustainable finance to facilitate the transition towards green energy. The proposed framework integrates principles of sustainable finance with advanced data analytics to enhance decision-making processes across the financial ecosystem. At its core, (...)
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  29. Fantastic Educational Gaps and Where to Find Them: LERB – A Model to Classify Inequity and Inequality.Anh-Duc Hoang - 2019 - Journal of International Education and Practice 2 (4):19-28.
    In today’s world, education is less being considered as an outcome, but more as a journey. As the adventurers, our students are facing more and more complex challenges. Previously, the socio-economic status of a student’s family seemed to be one of the biggest factors among inequality causes. Nowadays, the chaotic situation of today's VUCA world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) is generating more and more types of inequity and inequality. Thus, the purpose of the study is to develop LERB (...)
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    Gold and Its Role in War, Economy, and the Shift to Fiat Currency.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Gold and Its Role in War, Economy, and the Shift to Fiat Currency -/- Gold has long been a symbol of wealth, power, and economic stability. Historically, it was used as money, backing national currencies and serving as a reserve asset. However, its limitations led to the shift toward fiat currency, which provides greater flexibility in managing modern economies. Gold has also played a crucial role in global conflicts, particularly World War II, where nations hoarded, looted, and traded gold to (...)
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    Why Gold Is Not a Good Form of Money and the Need for Fiat Currency.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Why Gold Is Not a Good Form of Money and the Need for Fiat Currency -/- Throughout history, gold has been used as money due to its scarcity, durability, and universal acceptance. However, as economies evolved, the limitations of gold as a monetary system became apparent. The shift to fiat currency was necessary to enable economic flexibility, stability, and growth. If gold were still the primary form of money, it could create major conflicts and hinder modern financial systems. -/- The (...)
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  32. Trashing and Tribalism in the Gender Wars.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2022 - In Noell Birondo, The Moral Psychology of Hate. Lanham and London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 207-233.
    In 1976, Jo Freeman wrote an article for Ms. Magazine, entitled ‘Trashing: The Dark Side of Sisterhood’. It provoked an outpouring of letters from women relating their own experiences of trashing during the course of the second wave feminist movement—more letters than Ms. had received about any previous article. Since then, the technology has improved but the climate among feminists has not; trashing is now conducted on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, in front of ever-larger audiences and with (...)
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    Generative AI in Digital Insurance: Redefining Customer Experience, Fraud Detection, and Risk Management.Adavelli Sateesh Reddy - 2024 - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research 5 (2):41-60.
    This abstract summarizes, in essence, what generative AI means to the insurance industry. The kind of promise generated AI offers to insurance is huge: in risk assessment, customer experience, and operational efficiency. Natural disaster impact, financial market volatility, and cyber threat are augmented with techniques of real time scenario generation and modeling as well as predictive simulation based on synthetic data. One of the challenges that stand in the way of deploying these AI methods, however, is data privacy, model (...)
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  34. Saber y Conocer El Lenguaje.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo (ed.) - 2018 - Editorial Académica Española.
    Mi concepción sobre el lenguaje parte de tres realidades ciertas: el hablar (Coseriu), el decir (Ortega y Gasset), y el conocer (Descartes, Kant, Ortega y Gasset), tres realidades tan ciertas como que yo vivo porque estoy haciendo algo ahora mismo. Y este hacer algo constituye mi vida (Ortega y Gasset). Yo soy porque vivo y porque tengo la necesidad de hablar con otros seres humanos, quienes constituyen mi circunstancia, para definirme a mí mismo (decir) sobre aquello de lo que hablo (...)
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  35. Assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemıc on economıc growth and ways to remove the economıc damages of the pandemıc.Elshan Mukhtarli & Tabriz Yadigarov - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):187-199.
    The coronavirus has affected almost all sectors of the economy. Some areas have suffered and declined, while others have developed and benefited from the pandemic. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, economies around the world have experienced a downturn. The effects of the pandemic will undoubtedly reverberate around the world for decades to come. The global threat of the COVID-19 epidemic has greatly affected people, families, communities and businesses. Countries have begun implementing a wide range of measures both within and between (...)
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  36. Response strategies of Filipino nursing organizations in the US and UK under the VUCA conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.Patricia Eunice Miraflores - forthcoming - Migration and Diasporas: An Interdisciplinary Journal:82-120.
    The COVID-19 pandemic put immense pressure on healthcare systems globally, including those of highly developed countries like the United States and United Kingdom. During the pandemic, professional nursing organizations were the first to call attention to the disproportionate pandemic-related deaths among Filipino nurses. These organizations played a central role in addressing the various crises Filipino nurses faced due to their vulnerabilities as frontliners, ethnic minorities, and migrants in their host countries. Using the Volatile, Uncertain, Complexity, and Ambiguous (VUCA) framework, this (...)
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    Regionalism, and Latin American Cinema as a Source of Hope, Renewal and Inspiration.Jytte Holmqvist - 2019 - Iafor Research Archive: Mediasia2019 Conference Proceedings.
    We have entered a 21st century where people, rather than uniting across borders and daring to feel an affinity with the other ̶ bridging ethnic and national differences ̶ are now increasingly vulnerable, exposed to fragmenting movements often set in motion by leaders driven by egocentric values and self-interests pursued at the expense of the well-being of minorities and those occupying a lower level in the social hierarchy. While regionalism, nationalism and authoritarianism appear to be rising divisive movements triggered by (...)
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  38. Mattering. [REVIEW]Pheng Cheah - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (1):108-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MatteringPheng Cheah (bio)Judith Butler. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex.” New York: Routledge, 1993.Elizabeth Grosz. Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.Any cursory survey of contemporary cultural-political theory and criticism will indicate that the related concepts of “nature” and “the given” are not highly valued terms. The reason for this disdain and even moral disapprobation of naturalistic accounts of human existence is supposed (...)
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  39. The Arab Street: Tracking a Political Metaphor.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2009 - Middle East Journal 63 (1):11-29.
    Understanding Arab public opinion is central to the search for sustainable po- litical solutions in the Middle East. The way Westerners think about Arab public opinion may be affected by how it is referred to in their news media. Here, we show that Arab public opinion is rarely referred to as such in the US media. Instead, it is usually referred to as the Arab street, a metaphor that casts Arab public opinion as irrational and volatile. We trace the origins (...)
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    The Illusion of the Pension Crisis in a Fiat Currency System.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Illusion of the Pension Crisis in a Fiat Currency System -/- Introduction -/- Governments and financial institutions frequently warn of a looming pension crisis, claiming that aging populations will drain social security funds and leave future retirees without financial support. However, this narrative is fundamentally flawed. In a fiat currency system, where central banks can print money at will, the idea that there is a shortage of funds for pensions contradicts the basic mechanics of modern finance. Instead, the so-called (...)
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    The House Whispers: Effective Leadership Style In Improving Sales Agent’s Performance, Experiences Of Real Estate Brokersand Sales Agents.Bryan Joseph A. Candelaria, Mary Catherine T. Bernardino, Jewel Ivory B. Cabungcal, Ma Cherrylyn Q. Cario, Canandra A. Mangubat, Charlene Mae C. Villalobos & Jowenie A. Mangarin - 2025 - Guild of Educators in Tesol International Research Journal 3 (1):154-186.
    Leadership in real estate is critical not only for guiding and motivating sales agents but also for maintaining a competitive edge in a fast-paced and often volatile market. This study aimed to explore the leadership styles employed by real estate brokers in Balayan, Batangas, and examining how these styles influence agents’ daily work, motivation, and overall performance. The researchers used a qualitative method with a case study design and selected five (5) real estate brokers and ten (10) real estate agents (...)
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  42. Enhancing Public Service Delivery in a VUCA Environment in South Africa: A Literature Review.Lance Barbier & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2022 - Rudn Journal of Public Administration 9 (4):418-437.
    There is widespread consensus that the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) environment has contributed to the subpar quality of public sector service delivery in South Africa. Hence, the aim of this paper is to ascertain how the South African government can enhance service delivery in a VUCA world. This article presents a comprehensive study of a number of secondary literature sources. The author makes an effort to draw attention to knowledge gaps that might serve as the foundation for (...)
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  43. Pricing Commodity Derivatives Based on A Factor Model.Tim Xiao - manuscript
    This article presents a new methodology for pricing and hedging commodity derivatives. A generic model calibration is provided. The calibration procedure consists of an offline step where the mean reversion rates, the ratio of the long and short factor volatilities and the correlation between the long and short factors are determined via historical analysis. This offline step is performed relatively infrequently. There’s also an online step of the calibration which happens every time the model is used to price an option (...)
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    Stock Market Prediction using Artificial Neural Network & Text Mining.Sahoo Amiya Kumar - 2020 - International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (5):4040 - 4043.
    The art of prediction of stock market volatility has always been a most challenged interdisciplinary research problem among scientist due to its highly non- linear nature of market flow. This paper tries to analysis the historical data of BSE Sensex using extreme volatilities estimators, GARCH, ANN and new proposed Text Mining approach for stock market predictions. Finally experimental results illustrates that the new proposed Text model can able to predict the volatilities of the stock price better than other models.
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  45. Guaranteed Equity-Linked Security Analytics.Tim Xiao - manuscript
    Equity-linked securities with a guaranteed return become popular in a volatile market environment. This paper presents a new model for valuing guaranteed equity-linked notes. We consider a security whose value depends on the performance of a basket of equities averaged over certain points in time, but that is floored by a guaranteed amount. We show that the security’s price is given by the sum of the guaranteed amount plus the price of an Asian style option on the basket above. The (...)
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  46. Ser leve e ser líquido: a modernidade líquida no pensamento de Zygmunt Bauman.Cesar Augusto Veras, Pedro Pereira Borges & Marcio Bogaz Trevizan - 2023 - Synesis (Issn 1984-6754) 15 (3):32-47.
    This article aims to elucidate, albeit in a preliminary way, the concept of liquidity in Zygmunt Bauman and its effects onsociety. The deductive-inductive method will be used. As for the methodology, this will be of a bibliographic nature. This study is in line with what the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017), in his texts, postulates that Modernity can be divided into two phases: Solid Modernity and Liquid Modernity. The first began in the 15th century and lasted until the 19th century; the (...)
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    The Risks of High Birth Rates in Poor Countries Without a Government-Managed Economy.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Risks of High Birth Rates in Poor Countries Without a Government-Managed Economy -/- In many poor countries, having a large number of children is often seen as a way to secure a family’s future. However, in modern economies where job creation depends primarily on private companies and startups, this strategy becomes highly unsustainable. Without a socialist system managed by the government and its central bank to stabilize employment and provide essential services, rapid population growth can lead to widespread economic (...)
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    Gold and Its Role in War, Economy, and the Shift to Fiat Currency.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Gold and Its Role in War, Economy, and the Shift to Fiat Currency -/- Gold has long been a symbol of wealth, power, and economic stability. Historically, it was used as money, backing national currencies and serving as a reserve asset. However, its limitations led to the shift toward fiat currency, which provides greater flexibility in managing modern economies. Gold has also played a crucial role in global conflicts, particularly World War II, where nations hoarded, looted, and traded gold to (...)
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  49. Nutrição e Suplementação Mineral de Bovinos de Corte.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    INTRODUÇÃO -/- A produção bovina no Brasil é fundamentalmente em condições de pastoreio, isto é, à pasto. Dado que as pastagens e as forragens não suprem as exigências minerais dos bovinos, principalmente na seca, a suplementação mineral desses animais torna-se uma prática essencial e obrigatória para obtenção de êxito na produção de carne e leite. Negligenciar os requerimentos minerais dos bovinos pode levar ao aparecimento de alterações metabólicas diretamente relacionadas com o desempenho produtivo do rebanho, além de complicações mínimas ou (...)
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  50. Practices of using Rapid Response Collecting by Ukrainian museums in wartime.Oksana Hudoshnyk & Oleksandr P. Krupskyi - 2023 - Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo 11 (2):5-16.
    Social activity and public involvement in participatory practices, and the creation of civic spaces on the basis of the museum have become relevant for the formation of the concept of a modern museum. Such practices are especially important in times of crisis when history is being documented online and the Rapid Response Collecting (RRC) method is becoming widespread. Modern war discourse requires the newest forms of archiving and description because the recording of history is complicated by the volatility of (...)
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