Results for 'Doru Pop'

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  1. Despre limitele Bisericii, erezie şi schismă în gândirea teologică a Sfântului Ciprian al Cartaginei.Doru Marcu - 2017 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):223-245.
    The ecumenical dialogue involves many ideas and attitudes. Within these theological discussions, Saint Cyprian of Carthage occupies his place. Most important, his vision about the Church has marked the entire Christianity. Because of this reason and for many others, this study attempts to explore his theological ideas regarding the limits of the Church, the validity of the Baptism outside the Church defined by her canonical limits. In order to accomplish this, we will have three important sections, as follows: 1. a (...)
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  2. Relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie în viziunea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria.Doru Marcu - 2022 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Cartea de față este teza de doctorat în Teologie a autorului, alcătuită și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale „Sf. Nicodim” a Universității din Craiova, în noiembrie 2021. Lucrarea se remarcă prin rigurozitatea și amploarea cercetării teologice despre o temă actuală în misiologie, anume relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie. În acest sens, opera și personalitatea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria sunt punctele de referință pentru susținerea dimensiunii misionare a Bisericii Ortodoxe. Amintim că Pr. Ion Bria ne-a fost un apropiat, mai ales în (...)
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  3. Contemporary Critical Reflections on Ion Bria’s Vision for Ecumenical Dialogue.Marcu Doru - 2024 - Religions 15 (3).
    In this study, I will expose the perspective of the ecumenical dialogue in the theology of Fr. Ion Bria, one of the well-known Romanians involved in the ecumenical movement. In the first part, after a short introduction, I will present the most important biographical milestones of the Romanian theologian, as well as some details about his activity in the World Council of Churches. Then, in the second part, I will critically present the most important aspects of Bria’s ecumenical theology, as (...)
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  4. A Critical Analysis of the Theological Positions and Ecumenical Activity of Ion Bria (1929-2002).Doru Marcu - 2022 - CRAIOVA: MITROPOLIA OLTENIEI.
    The Orthodox Churches are part of the ecumenical movement with the inner wish to clarify the theological elements which keep the whole Christianity divided. For this goal, every Church is represented somehow in discussions by her theologians who are training to carry a theological dispute at this level. The Romanian Orthodox Church was indirectly represented in the World Council of Church by professor Ion Bria (1929-2002), who had worked officially at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva for more than 20 years. (...)
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  5. Receptarea Sinoadelor de Unire de la Lyon (1274) Și de la Ferrara-Florența (1438- 1439) În Muntele Athos.Marcu Doru - 2018 - In Picu Ocoleanu & Constantin Băjău, Viaţă duhovnicească şi cercetare teologică : lucrările sesiunii de comunicări ştiinţifice a Şcolii Doctorale de Teologie "Sf. Nicodim" din Craiova. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 74-98.
    The Reception of the Union Synods from Lyon (1274) and Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439) in Mount Athos. This historical article explores two important events from the life of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. After a brief introduction into the topic, I will give a clear map of what meant the Synod of Lyon from a historical and theological perspective and the consequences in Mount Athos of this union. In the second part, I will present, in a critical way, the palamite movement in (...)
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  6. The concept liturgy after the Liturgy. History and theology.Marcu Doru - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (9-12):185-207.
    In this critical paper, I will outline some remarks in connection with one of the most well-known concepts of Orthodox mission developed in the ecumenical framework. More precisely, this concept is summarized by the expression liturgy after the Liturgy. The structure of the present study and its aims are as follow. Because I already nominated the Orthodox theologian Ion Bria, I will shortly present his biography. I think that very often we write/read theology without connecting the author with his ideas. (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Activitatea ecumenică a Patriarhului Justinian Marina în perioada 1948-1977. Istorie şi teologie.Marcu Doru - 2017 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):196-204.
    For this study, we will present the most important ecumenical activities of Patriarch Justinian Marina. He was the third Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church between 1948 and 1977. During this period, he was very concerned to establish a relationship with the main ecumenical institutions. We will speak about his dialogue with one of the most important ecumenical group, namely the World Council of Churches, founded in 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland. Of course, the dialogue with the Church of England must (...)
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  8. FOND SECRET FOND S SPECIAL - Contribuţii la istoria fondurilor secrete de bibliotecă din România - Studiu de caz. Biblioteca Central Universitară Lucian Blaga Cluj-Napoca.Kiraly V. Istvan, Radosav Doru & Costea Ionut - 1995 - Cluj, Romania: Dacia.
    O cercetare monografica asupra fondurilor si a arhivei comuniste secrete a BCU Cluj.
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  9. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from a Romanian Orthodox Perspective: A Historical and Missiological Analysis of Common Prayer.Doru Marcu - 2023 - Religions 14 (2):1-14.
    Every year, the member Churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) are called to actively participate in the meetings organized in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. From my perspective, these moments are an extraordinary opportunity to share in the richness of the Orthodox tradition, which means an act of confession and authentic witness. In the first part, I will present critically the canonical synthesis of the Orthodox, the concept of “Ecumenical Eucharist” and of Lima Liturgy, followed by (...)
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  10. Orthodoxy and Ecumenical Dialogue after Crete Synod (2016) and Social Ethos Document (2020): History, Critical Positions and Reception.Doru Marcu - 2023 - Religions 14 (7).
    In this study, I will analyse the position of the Orthodox Church(es) towards the ecumenical dialogue in accordance with the documents approved by the Synod of Crete (2016), but also with the social document For the Life of the World of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (2020). After a brief presentation of the important moments of the historical journey for the meeting of the Synod, I will present the most important internal and reception issues of it. In the following, I will present (...)
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  11. Biserica Ortodoxă Română și Consiliul Mondial al Bisericilor în perioada comunistă. Istorie, dialog și misiune.Doru Marcu - 2017 - In Vasile Stanciu & Cristian Sonea, Mărturisirea credinței prin cuvânt și artă în Biserica Ortodoxă Română în perioada comunismului. Presa Universitară Clujeană. pp. 211-220.
    Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a declarat anul 2017 ca Anul Omagial al sfintelor icoane, al iconarilor și pictorilor bisericești, dar și Anul comemorativ Justinian Patriarhul și al apărătorilor Ortodoxiei în timpul comunismului în Patriarhia Română. Având în vedere tema propusă de organizatorii acestei dezbateri, dar și anumite reacții negative după Sfântul și Marele Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe, desfășurat în Creta între 18–26 iunie 2016, prezentarea mea va avea ca subiect legătura dintre Biserica Ortodoxă Română și Consiliul Mondial al Bisericilor (CMB) (...)
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  12. Misiune şi pastoraţie prin ucenicie sau prin cateheză? Istorie, provocări şi soluţii.Doru Marcu - 2018 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):242-257.
    In the Romanian Orthodox theology, the words mission and pastoral care are used very often in a mixed way. Nevertheless, there are some differences between them and we explain why. In the main part of our article, we demonstrate that the biblical verse regarding the great commandment for mission was translated in a wrong way and it gave a different paradigm for mission. In the second part, we speak about catechesis and catechumenate at the beginning of the Church and about (...)
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  13. Ecclesiology and Mission after Crete I: Illustration in the Light of the Documents Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World and The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today’s World.Doru Marcu - 2018 - Acta Missiologiae 6 (1):35-45.
    There is an internal connection between ecclesiology, the teaching about the Church that we call academic ecclesiology, and mission, which is the inner heart of the Church and becomes visible through different practices. For the Orthodox Church involved in the ecumenical movement, there is a struggle to balance ecclesiology (theology) with ecumenical mission and dialogue (practice) in a divided Christian world. Nevertheless, the recent Synod of Crete (June 2016) addressed some important elements of this struggle. I have in mind, for (...)
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    GRIJA BISERICII FAȚĂ DE BOLNAVI PRIN RUGĂCIUNILE SFINTEI LITURGHII.Doru Marcu - 2024 - In Adrian Ivan, Pastoraţia și îngrijirea celor bolnavi. Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 331-340.
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  15. Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. dr. Adrian Boldișor, Mircea Eliade. Afinități elective, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova 2024, 312 pp. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2024 - Mitropolia Olteniei 901 (1-4):317-320.
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  16. Values of the Human Person. Contemporary challenges.Pop Mihaela (ed.) - 2014 - Bucharest: Editura Universității din București.
    Contemporary knowledge is centered on the research on human dimensions. Philosophy should particularly appeal to values in the process of understanding the human nature. The valuable “becoming” of each human person requires growing ever more aware of his/her personal identity and of his/her role in this lifetime. In ethics, especially, values suppose moral choices or criteria on which a moral behavior is based. Max Scheler based his ethical theory on the distinction between goods and values. The “goods” are things to (...)
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  17. Book review on: Bradley Nassif and Tim Grass eds., Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism: Contemporary Issues in Global Perspective, Basel: MDPI, 2021. Pp. 237. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2022 - Acta Missiologiae 10:121-122.
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  18. Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan (coord.), Rugăciunea în cultul Bisericii și în viața creștinului, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2022, 346p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2022 - Orthodox Theology in Dialogue 8:221-225.
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  19. Book review on: Patriarch Daniel. Rebuilding Orthodoxy in Romania. Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2021. Pp. 278. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2021 - Acta Missiologiae 9 (1):106-107.
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  20. Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. Conf. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan coord., Misiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe în Contextul Actual, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2016, 332 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):285-291.
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  21. Recenzie la lucrarea: Sebastian P. Brock, Părinţii şi Scriitorii Sirieni de Ieri şi de Azi, traducere din limba engleză de Arhid. Lect. Univ. Dr. Ioniţă Apostolache şi de Prof. Hermina Maria Apostolache, Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2016, 325 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2016 - Mitropolia Olteniei (9-12):235-236.
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  22. Recenzie la lucrarea: Pr. dr. Adrian Boldişor, Ortodoxia ieri, azi, mâine. Teme intercreştine şi interreligioase pentru secolul XXI, Editura Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2019, 240 p. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2019 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):288-290.
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  23. Book review on: Tim Noble. Mission from the Perspective of the Other: Drawing Together on Holy Ground. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018. Pp. ix + 207. [REVIEW]Doru Marcu - 2019 - Acta Missiologiae 7 (1):97-98.
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  24. Ameliorative measures to improve strategic development in a construction company.Andrei – Dumitru Pop - 2020 - Dissertation, Aalborg University
    This master thesis is dealing with analysing the lack of strategy in a Romanian construction company. Making an analysis of the external environment and internal factors has revealed several issues that are analysed throughout this paper. A plan was agreed with the company to be implemented. In agreement with the company, a frame was set, and this study is limited, focusing only on burning issues for the company as internal communication, lack of strategy and lack of personnel.
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  25. Report of the Regional Center for Central and Eastern Europe.Cristian Sonea, Dorottya Nagy, Wojciech Kluj, Marcu Doru & Pavol Bargar - 2022 - In Cristian Sonea, Dorottya Nagy, Wojciech Kluj, Marcu Doru & Pavol Bargar, A Hundred Years of Mission Cooperation. The Impact of the International Missionary Council 1921-2021. Geneva: WCC Publications. pp. 339-356.
    At the invitation of the Commission for World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in collaboration with different associations involved in mission and ecumenical studies, the Regional Center for Central and Eastern Europe convened at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, through its Center for Mission and Nomocanonical Studies (CMNS, in collaboration with the Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies (CEEAMS). Its aim was to reflect on how the (...)
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  26. Contextual Report of the Central and Eastern European Region.Cristian Sonea, Pavol Bargár, Piotr Kopiec, Doru Marcu, Stefan Zeljković, Adrian Leș & Iustinian Crețu - 2022 - In Risto Jukko, The Future of Mission Cooperation. The Living Legacy of the International Missionary Council. World Council of Churches Publications. pp. 155-181.
    We will explore ecumenical collaboration for the sake of mission in the 21st century in this region. In this sense, we will consider ecumenical relations, theological education, migration and diaspora, and present challenges, and will try to identify the vision of the future. We will do this by focusing on four countries from the region as critical studies: the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Serbia.
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  27. Artistas mecánicos: Una mirada a la capacidad estética de máquinas y algoritmos desde la música pop y el pop art.Leonardo Arriagada - 2021 - Calle 14 Revista De Investigación En El Campo Del Arte 16 (29):54-66.
    A pesar de los enormes avances que ha tenido la inteligencia artificial (IA) y la robótica, aún es polémico afirmar que una máquina pueda crear arte. Contrario a esta visión, propongo que tras la negación de las capacidades estéticas de las máquinas subyace un sesgo antropocéntrico. Para ilustrar lo anterior tomo ejemplos sobre el rol de las máquinas en la música y arte pop. He seleccionado estos géneros pues históricamente han incorporado de buena forma las novedades tecnológicas. En definitiva, este (...)
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  28. an apocalypse of Pop, pt II: Vox Lux.Paul Bali - manuscript
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  29. an apocalypse of Pop, pt I: Max Martin and the '90s, the Noughts.Paul Bali - manuscript
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  30. Legg-Hutter universal intelligence implies classical music is better than pop music for intellectual training.Samuel Alexander - 2019 - The Reasoner 13 (11):71-72.
    In their thought-provoking paper, Legg and Hutter consider a certain abstrac- tion of an intelligent agent, and define a universal intelligence measure, which assigns every such agent a numerical intelligence rating. We will briefly summarize Legg and Hutter’s paper, and then give a tongue-in-cheek argument that if one’s goal is to become more intelligent by cultivating music appreciation, then it is bet- ter to use classical music (such as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven) than to use more recent pop music. The (...)
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  31. Listening to Other Minds: A Phenomenology of Pop Songs.Enrico Terrone - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4):435-453.
    This paper explores some phenomenological consequences of the ontological affinity between films and pop songs. Given the central place of the recording technology in both films and pop songs, one can wonder whether pop songs can elicit from their listeners the same kind of experience that films elicit from their spectators. In other words, one can wonder whether pop songs encourage us to play a ‘game of make-believe’ analogous to that we play when we engage with films. The main part (...)
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  32. "What I Hear is Thinking Too": Deleuze and Guattari Go Pop.Daniel W. Smith & Timothy S. Murphy - 2001 - Echo 3 (1).
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  33. Arte, política y sociedad de consumo. El caso de Andy Warhol.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2011 - Memoria, Revista de Política y Cultura 249 (249):37-39.
    Andy Warhol (1928-1987), considerado por muchos como el más importante y emblemático artista estadounidense, sigue despertando, a más de 20 años de su muerte, un renovado interés interpretativo, acompañado de no pocas polémicas que evidencian criterios encontrados y lecturas diversas. Siendo el principal representante del Pop Art, Warhol concentró en sí mismo y en su obra los atributos fundamentales de toda una nueva etapa del desarrollo del arte, caracterizada por una especie de salto mortal desde lo que había sido hasta (...)
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  34. Is there an empirical case for semantic perception?Steven Gross - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (10):3770-3795.
    I argue that results in perception science do not support the claim that there is semantic perception or that typical, unreflective utterance comprehension is a perceptual process. Phenomena discussed include evidence-insensitivity, the Stroop effect, pop-out, and adaptation – as well as how these phenomena might relate to the function, format, and structure of perceptual representations. An emphasis is placed on non-inferential transitions from perceptual to conceptual representations, which are important for debates about the admissible contents of perception more generally.
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  35. Cinephilia and Philosophia: Or, Why I Don't Show The Matrix in Philosophy 101.Timothy Yenter - 2017 - In Rashna Wadia Richards & David T. Johnson, For the Love of Cinema: Teaching Our Passion in and Outside the Classroom. Indiana University Press.
    The shelves of film and philosophy books should have made it considerably easier to teach with films in introductory philosophy classes, and certainly many philosophers have found them useful. However, shortcomings of many of these pop culture volumes (which I discuss in the next section) make these works rarely useful in the classroom. I propose instead a new model for how to teach film in a philosophy class. The model develops the virtues inherent in cinephilia and connects those virtues to (...)
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  36. The rise of the robots and the crisis of moral patiency.John Danaher - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):129-136.
    This paper adds another argument to the rising tide of panic about robots and AI. The argument is intended to have broad civilization-level significance, but to involve less fanciful speculation about the likely future intelligence of machines than is common among many AI-doomsayers. The argument claims that the rise of the robots will create a crisis of moral patiency. That is to say, it will reduce the ability and willingness of humans to act in the world as responsible moral agents, (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Complements, not competitors: causal and mathematical explanations.Holly Andersen - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (2):485-508.
    A finer-grained delineation of a given explanandum reveals a nexus of closely related causal and non- causal explanations, complementing one another in ways that yield further explanatory traction on the phenomenon in question. By taking a narrower construal of what counts as a causal explanation, a new class of distinctively mathematical explanations pops into focus; Lange’s characterization of distinctively mathematical explanations can be extended to cover these. This new class of distinctively mathematical explanations is illustrated with the Lotka-Volterra equations. There (...)
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  38. On 80stalgia: discernments from contemporary Greece.Panagiotis Zestanakis - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4).
    Nostalgia for the 1980s, or 80stalgia, is a global phenomenon. This article explores the phenomenon in Greece and approaches 80stalgia as a cultural trend that marks media and pop culture. It combines digital ethnography through invisible observation (especially using Facebook, a social medium that favours nostalgic communities) and historicised content analysis to analyse 80stalgia in its interrelation with politics, and approaches it as having been influenced by international nostalgic trends and local politics, especially the political legacy of 1980s governments. Finally, (...)
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  39. The Aesthetic Self. The Importance of Aesthetic Taste in Music and Art for Our Perceived Identity.Joerg Fingerhut, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Claudia Winklmayr & Jesse J. Prinz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:577703.
    To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest anAesthetic Self Effectsupporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a central component of our identity. Counterfactual changes in aesthetic preferences, for example, moving from liking classical music to liking pop, are perceived as altering us as a person. The Aesthetic Self Effect is as strong as the impact of moral changes, such (...)
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  40. I Think Therefore I Persist.Matt Duncan - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (4):740-756.
    Suppose that you're lying in bed. You just woke up. But you're alert. Your mind is clear and you have no distractions. As you lie there, you think to yourself, ‘2 + 2 = 4.’ The thought just pops into your head. But, wanting to be sure of your mathematical insight, you once again think ‘2 + 2 = 4’, this time really meditating on your thought. Now suppose that you're sitting in an empty movie theatre. The lighting is normal (...)
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  41. How Do We Distinguish the Holy from the Demonic? An Anthropotheistic Meditation on Mike Flanagan’s Midnight Mass.Christoffer Lammer-Heindel - 2022 - Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series Blog.
    An examination of themes from the works of Ludwig Feuerbach and Søren Kierkegaard as they relate to Mike Flanagan’s series, Midnight Mass.
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  42. Epistemic Paternalism Online.Clinton Castro, Adam Pham & Alan Rubel - 2020 - In Guy Axtell & Amiel Bernal, Epistemic Paternalism: Conceptions, Justifications and Implications. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 29-44.
    New media (highly interactive digital technology for creating, sharing, and consuming information) affords users a great deal of control over their informational diets. As a result, many users of new media unwittingly encapsulate themselves in epistemic bubbles (epistemic structures, such as highly personalized news feeds, that leave relevant sources of information out (Nguyen forthcoming)). Epistemically paternalistic alterations to new media technologies could be made to pop at least some epistemic bubbles. We examine one such alteration that Facebook has made in (...)
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  43. Don't Go to Lawyers for Moral Guidance.Shane Ralston - 2022 - In Brett Coppenger, Joshua Heter & Daniel Carr, Better Call Saul and Philosophy: I Think Therefore I Scam. United States: Carus Books. pp. 13-20.
    If it were followed by “I’m a president,” Richard Nixon’s televised denial (“I am not a crook”) would be tantamount to Jimmy McGill’s self-portrayal in Better Call Saul. Out of the crooked timber of humanity, an honest president or an ethical lawyer rarely emerges. They’re like needles in a haystack. Nevertheless, it’s worthwhile to search for these rare artifacts and, in the process, ask, “Why do so many lawyers (and presidents) fall from grace, transforming into morally bad or corrupt actors?” (...)
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  44. Two Concepts of Groove: Musical Nuances, Rhythm, and Genre.Evan Malone - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):345-354.
    Groove, as a musical quality, is an important part of jazz and pop music appreciative practices. Groove talk is widespread among musicians and audiences, and considerable importance is placed on generating and appreciating grooves in music. However, musicians, musicologists, and audiences use groove attributions in a variety of ways that do not track one consistent underlying concept. I argue that that there are at least two distinct concepts of groove. On one account, groove is ‘the feel of the music’ and, (...)
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  45. Love and the Anatomy of Needing Another.Monique Wonderly - 2022 - In Manuel Vargas & John Doris, The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    The idea that we need our beloveds has a rich and longstanding history in classic literature, pop culture, social sciences, and of course, philosophical treatments of love. Yet on little reflection, the idea that one needs one’s beloved is as puzzling as it is familiar. In what, if any sense, do we really need our beloveds? And insofar as we do need them, is this feature of love something to be celebrated or lamented? In the relevant philosophical literature, there are (...)
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  46. Debunking taste.C. Thi Nguyen - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 82 (3):302-314.
    We are often confronted with attempts to debunk our aesthetic tastes, like: “You only like jazz because you’re a pretentious hipster,” or, “Your love of the Western canon is just colonialism speaking.” Such debunking arguments often try to give a socio-historical accounting, intended to de-legitimize our tastes by showing that they arise from processes uninterested in real aesthetic value. One common version is the Art Populist debunk: that claims of aesthetic expertise in esoteric arts are really just elitist gatekeeping. Then (...)
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  47. The demarcation problem: a (belated) response to Laudan.Massimo Pigliucci - 2013 - In Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry, Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem. University of Chicago Press. pp. 9.
    The “demarcation problem,” the issue of how to separate science from pseu- doscience, has been around since fall 1919—at least according to Karl Pop- per’s (1957) recollection of when he first started thinking about it. In Popper’s mind, the demarcation problem was intimately linked with one of the most vexing issues in philosophy of science, David Hume’s problem of induction (Vickers 2010) and, in particular, Hume’s contention that induction cannot be logically justified by appealing to the fact that “it works,” (...)
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  48. Playing God: Symbolic Arguments Against Technology.Massimiliano Simons - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (2):151-165.
    In ethical reflections on new technologies, a specific type of argument often pops up, which criticizes scientists for “playing God” with these new technological possibilities. The first part of this article is an examination of how these arguments have been interpreted in the literature. Subsequently, this article aims to reinterpret these arguments as symbolic arguments: they are grounded not so much in a set of ontological or empirical claims, but concern symbolic classificatory schemes that ground our value judgments in the (...)
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  49. Getting Fundamental About Doing Physics in The Big Bang.Jon Lawhead - 2012 - In William Irwin & Dean Kowalski, The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. pp. 99-111.
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  50. Why interdisciplinary research in AI is so important, according to Jurassic Park.Marie Oldfield - 2020 - The Tech Magazine 1 (1):1.
    Why interdisciplinary research in AI is so important, according to Jurassic Park. -/- “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” -/- I think this quote resonates with us now more than ever, especially in the world of technological development. The writers of Jurassic Park were years ahead of their time with this powerful quote. -/- As we build new technology, and we push on to see what can actually (...)
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