Results for 'Juan Camilo Espejo-Serna'

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  1. Ética en la fundación del Estado Moderno colombiano a través de la literatura del siglo XIX.Juan Camilo Perdomo Morales - 2018 - RHS Revista Humanismo y Sociedad 6 (2):104-111.
    Colombian literature of the nineteenth century captures the emerging process of the new nation and shows the ethical changes needed for the formation of a new country. By using the Colombian novel and poetry produced in the nineteenth-century, this paper will show how these are unfolded in practical effects of the works, drawing on the authors’ desire to influence with their work the ethical and political progress of the country, their society and the life of citizens, and to contribute to (...)
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  2. Consideraciones sobre el valor del Ballet.Juan Camilo Perdomo Morales - 2017 - Inédita Escritura Filosófica 4 (1):22-29.
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  3. Anotaciones para una revalorización del arte colonial con relación a Dios: El misticismo de Sor Francisca del Castillo.Juan Camilo Perdomo Morales - 2019 - Revista Questionae Disputatae 12 (25):31-46.
    Through the 'Spiritual Affections' of the Abbess of Tunja, Sister Francisca Josefa de la Concepción del Castillo, a reflection on colonial art is posed around the question of its apparent usefulness as a 'vehicle of evangelization', investigating its genuine purpose in the mysticism of the Mother of the Castle and the relationship of her work with Him. The aesthetic purpose of the work of colonial art is to bring the Divine closer to the human, trying to reflect and communicate the (...)
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  4. Comentarios a la Política Tomista: Tensión entre Comunidad e Individuo.Juan Camilo Perdomo Morales - 2017 - Enphoques 1 (3):51-63.
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  5. Observaciones sobre la existencia y su que-hacer moral.Juan Camilo Perdomo Morales - 2018 - Cuadrante Phi 1 (32):49-66.
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  6. Is technology (still) applied science?Daian Florez, Carlos Emilio García-Duque & Juan Camilo Osorio Alcalde - 2019 - Technology in Society 59 (November 2019).
    The thesis that technology is applied science is called by Niiniluoto (1997) the standard view. That is surprising because the identification between technology and applied science has been widely rejected by both historians and philosophers of technology, including Rapp (1974), Bugliarello and Doner (1976), Derry and Williams (1977), Feibleman (1983), Skolimowski (1966), Vermaas et al., (2011), Don Idhe (2013). The reasons of such rejection mainly stem from the fact that technology has historically progressed without the benefit of science, i.e., it (...)
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  7. Taught rules: Instruction and the evolution of norms.Camilo Martinez - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (2):433-459.
    Why do we have social norms—of fairness, cooperation, trust, property, or gender? Modern-day Humeans, as I call them, believe these norms are best accounted for in cultural evolutionary terms, as adaptive solutions to recurrent problems of social interaction. In this paper, I discuss a challenge to this “Humean Program.” Social norms involve widespread behaviors, but also distinctive psychological attitudes and dispositions. According to the challenge, Humean accounts of norms leave their psychological side unexplained. They explain, say, why we share equally, (...)
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  8. El azar de las fronteras.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2016 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    La migración internacional nos enfrenta con problemas irresolubles desde la figura moderna del Estado nacional, su concepto de ciudadanía y su noción de justicia. Juan Carlos Velasco critica las limitaciones y la orientación de las políticas contemporáneas que nos hacen percibir a la migración como una “invasión”, y propone un modo radicalmente diferente de entender e intervenir el fenómeno desde lo trasnacional. Nacer de uno u otro lado de una línea divisoria es un evento azaroso, no obstante delimitar la (...)
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  9. Do racionalismo ao tradicionalismo: um problema eminente.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2019 - Ensaios Filosóficos 19:182-198.
    It is still common to find the traditionalist and rationalist conception that scientific knowledge is the most accurate way of describing natural data, as if, therefore, the notion of knowledge were identical to the notion of natural science. In this article, this conception is problematized, based on some concrete cases of the history of science that seem to show that the beliefs of natural science can also be explained on the basis of non-scientific beliefs, such as the beliefs of sociology, (...)
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  10. Van Fraassen e o argumento contra a regularidade promovida pelo cientificismo.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2019 - In In: TOSSATO, C. R. et al. (org.). Coleção XVIII Encontro da ANPOF: filosofia da natureza, da ciência, da tecnologia e da técnica. São Paulo: ANPOF. pp. 40-48.
    O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar a distinção entre ciência e cientificismo e, com base no trabalho de van Fraassen, intitulado A imagem científica (2006), discutir sobre as circunstâncias em que o cientificismo poderia ser repudiado. O cientificismo é uma corrente de pensamento que somente considera válido um conhecimento se ele for científico. Segundo essa corrente, os procedimentos da ciência natural seriam mais especiais, uma vez que, dentre outros motivos, eles são capazes de descrever regularidades e possibilitar predições. Dessa (...)
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  11. Leibniz on free and responsible wrongdoing.Juan Garcia Torres - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (1):23-43.
    According to intellectualists, the will is a rational inclination towards apprehended goodness. This conception of the will makes its acts intelligible: they are explained by (i) the nature of the will as a rational inclination, and (ii) the judgement of the intellect that moves the will. From this it follows that it is impossible for an agent to will evil as such or for its own sake. In explaining wrongdoing intellectualists cite cognitive error or the disruptive influences of the passions; (...)
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  12. Carlos Vaz Ferreira on Freedom and Determinism.Juan Garcia Torres - 2022 - Res Philosophica 99 (4):377-402.
    Carlos Vaz Ferreira argues that the problem of freedom is conceptually distinct from the problem of causal determinism. The problem of freedom is ultimately a problem regarding the ontologically independent agency of a being, and the problem of determinism is a problem regarding explanations of events or acts in terms of the totality of their antecedent causal conditions. As Vaz Ferreira sees it, failing to keep these problems apart gives rise to merely apparent but unreal puzzles pertaining to the nature (...)
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  13. What’s inside is all that counts? The contours of everyday thinking about self-control.Juan Pablo Bermúdez, Samuel Murray, Louis Chartrand & Sergio Barbosa - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (1):33-55.
    Does self-control require willpower? The question cuts to the heart of a debate about whether self-control is identical with some psychological process internal to the agents or not. Noticeably absent from these debates is systematic evidence about the folk-psychological category of self-control. Here, we present the results of two behavioral studies (N = 296) that indicate the structure of everyday use of the concept. In Study 1, participants rated the degree to which different strategies to respond to motivational conflict exemplify (...)
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  14. Leibniz lector de Locke.Camilo Silva - 2021 - Culturas Cientificas 2 (2):70-91.
    La presente contribución tiene por objeto examinar y describir la génesis y la elaboración de los Nuevos Ensayos sobre el entendimiento humano de Leibniz ). El interés de este estudio recae no sólo en transparentar la articulación histórica y teórica en que tienen lugar las etapas que preceden la redacción misma de los Nuevos Ensayos de Leibniz -equivalente a un período de casi diez años y que coincide con el punto de arranque de la maduración definitiva de su filosofía-, sino (...)
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  15. "Prólogo" a Karl Poppper: A Lóxica da descuberta científica.Juan Vázquez - 2012 - In Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (ed.), Clásicos do Pensamento Universal, nº.19,. pp. 15-61.
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  16. A “liberdade” em Epicuro e Nietzsche como condição para a afirmação da vida.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2021 - Ensaios Filosóficos 23:33-51.
    The purpose of this work is to present the analogy between the thoughts of Epicurus de Samos and Friedrich Nietzsche regarding the notion of “freedom”. In Epicurus, the idea of “freedom” (eleuthería) is linked to the idea of “self-assertion” (autárkeia), since “freedom” for Epicurus means the “exercise of wisdom” through the autonomy of the “sage” (sophós, prhóneo) when it is free to act according to thought. In a similar way, in Nietzsche the idea of freedom (Freiheit) is linked to the (...)
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  17. Éthique et environnement : Introduction.Juan Torres - 2012 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 7 (3):69-70.
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    Karl Marx en el siglo XXI. Crítica y alternativa a la fractura capitalista del metabolismo natural y humano.Camilo Valqui Cachi (ed.) - 2024 - México: Plaza y Valdés Editores - Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
    Prefacio al libro Karl Marx en el siglo XXI. Crítica y alternativa a la fractura capitalista del metabolismo natural y humano, en el cual se destaca que este trabajo se agrega a una larga lista de libros de los que el Dr. Camilo Valqui Cachi ha sido autor y/o coordinador, todos ellos críticos del capitalismo y con un alto nivel de compromiso con la salvaguarda de la naturaleza y con los procesos emancipadores del mundo y de Nuestra América, así (...)
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  19. Autoengaño e interacciones sociales.Carlos G. Patarroyo & Carlos Munoz-Serna - 2019 - Revista Letral 21:241-257.
    En este artículo presentamos el modelo tradicional (que llamaremos canónico) que se ha usado para explicar el autoengaño y algunos de los problemas que ha de enfrentar. Presentaremos luego el que ha sido conocido como el modelo deflacionista o no intencionalista y defenderemos que es una alternativa mejor para entender este fenómeno que el modelo canónico. Finalmente, presentaremos una limitación o problema que ha de enfrentar el modelo deflacionista y que, al ser tratada, obliga a hacer ciertas consideraciones y a (...)
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  20. Coherence as Joint Satisfiability.Samuel Fullhart & Camilo Martinez - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (2):312-332.
    According to many philosophers, rationality is, at least in part, a matter of one’s attitudes cohering with one another. Theorists who endorse this idea have devoted much attention to formulating various coherence requirements. Surprisingly, they have said very little about what it takes for a set of attitudes to be coherent in general. We articulate and defend a general account on which a set of attitudes is coherent just in case and because it is logically possible for the attitudes to (...)
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  21. Ponderações nietzschianas sobre a filosofia nascente de Tales de Mileto.Bruno Camilo - 2024 - Annales Faje 9 (1):81-89.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as ponderações de Nietzsche sobre a filosofia nascente de Tales de Mileto com base em trechos selecionados dos ensaios nietzschianos do período da juventude intitulados A filosofia na época trágica dos gregos e Sobre verdade e mentira no sentido extramoral, da obra do período de transição A gaia ciência, assim como da obra do período mais tardio de sua vida intitulada Genealogia da moral, uma polêmica. Os trechos são suficientes para enfatizar o “erro” presente (...)
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  22. O anarquismo e o estímulo à inovação científica.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2021 - Inovação Na Educação Superior Brasileira: Metodologia E Casos.
    CAMILO, Bruno. O anarquismo e o estímulo à inovação científica. In: SOUZA, Poliana Mendes de. (org.). Inovação na educação superior brasileira: metodologia e casos. Recife: Even3 Publicações, 2021. p. 57-73. -/- Este trabalho, inserido na subárea da filosofia da ciência, possui como tema principal o “anarquismo metodológico” tal como é apresentado pelo filósofo da ciência Paul Feyerabend. O objetivo geral é apresentar o modo como o “anarquismo metodológico”, tal como exposto em Feyerabend (2007), pode contribuir para resolver o problema (...)
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  23. Is Evidence of Evidence Evidence?Eyal Tal & Juan Comesaña - 2017 - Noûs 51 (1):95-112.
    We examine whether the "evidence of evidence is evidence" principle is true. We distinguish several different versions of the principle and evaluate recent attacks on some of those versions. We argue that, whatever the merits of those attacks, they leave the more important rendition of the principle untouched. That version is, however, also subject to new kinds of counterexamples. We end by suggesting how to formulate a better version of the principle that takes into account those new counterexamples.
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    Non-Deterministic Semantics for Quantum States.Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2020 - Entropy 22 (2):156.
    In this work, we discuss the failure of the principle of truth functionality in the quantum formalism. By exploiting this failure, we import the formalism of N-matrix theory and non-deterministic semantics to the foundations of quantum mechanics. This is done by describing quantum states as particular valuations associated with infinite non-deterministic truth tables. This allows us to introduce a natural interpretation of quantum states in terms of a non-deterministic semantics. We also provide a similar construction for arbitrary probabilistic theories based (...)
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  25. Jorge Portilla on philosophy and agential liberation.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (2):246-262.
    Jorge Portilla argues that authentic philosophical inquiry plays a liberating function. This function is that of bringing more fully to consciousness aspects of identities or ways of being‐in‐the world that have been, up until then, tacit or opaque to the agent herself to facilitate her endorsement, rejection, or modification of these identities. For Portilla, this function facilitates greater self‐mastery by increasing the range of free variations of subjectivity available to the agent, and this increase in self‐mastery itself constitutes a kind (...)
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  26. L’approche phénoménologique en urbanisme : la recherche d’une meilleure pratique, la pratique d’une meilleure recherche.Juan Torres & Sandra Breux - 2010 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 5 (2):117-125.
    En urbanisme, l’approche phénoménologique permet de se pencher sur l’expérience de l’individu et, plus précisément, sur le rapport que celui-ci entretient avec son milieu de vie. Cette approche permet de concevoir des milieux de vie mieux adaptés aux besoins et aux expectatives des individus et suppose des démarches d’aménagement qui accordent un rôle important au citoyen. Toutefois, si l’approche phénoménologique est couramment utilisée dans le cadre de travaux théoriques, elle est difficilement adoptée sur le terrain, en dépit de son utilité (...)
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  27. Signo y Realidad: el análisis heideggeriano del signo en Ser y Tiempo.Juan Vila - forthcoming - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia.
    In this paper I will critically assess a very popular interpretation of Heidegger’s early thought, according to which meaning (Bedeutung) is conceived as ontologically dependent on human existence (Dasein). In order to criticize this subjectivist understanding of meaning, I will offer an interpretation of Heidegger’s analysis of signs in Being and Time (§17). This will reveal two main things: first, that the ubiquity of sign-phenomena is founded on the universality of the structure known as reference (Verweisung); second, that Heidegger’s idea (...)
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  28. La noción republicana de ciudadanía y la diversidad cultural.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2005 - Isegoría 33:191-204.
    [EN] In this article the question of cultural diversity as it appears in the perspective of a republican conception of citizenship is discussed within three steps: in a first step, the ambiguous sense of the notion «citizenship» and its recently accelerated evolution will be presented; in a second step, the general features of the neo-republican approach will be outlined; and finally, the chances offered by a relecture of the republican topics with regard to an integration of the plurality of cultures (...)
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  29. Introduction (Dossier : Design et aménagement : quelques enjeux éthiques).Juan Torres, Rabah Bousbaci & Anne Marchand - 2010 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 5 (2):49-51.
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  30. Agir de manière appropriée : la participation des jeunes à l’aménagement.Juan Torres - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1):88-96.
    La réflexion sur l’éthique et la participation des jeunes et des enfants à l’aménagement com- porte au moins deux dimensions : d’une part, les justifications d’une telle participation ; d’autre part, les problèmes que la pratique participative fait émerger et face auxquels les cadres de réfé- rence conventionnels (non participatifs) ne sont pas toujours utiles. Le présent article aborde ces deux dimensions et explore leurs liens à la lumière de trois méthodes distinctes en matière de théorie morale, soit l’éthique déontologique, (...)
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  31. Introduction au dossier "Comprendre et façonner la ville avec des enfants : éthique et participation".Juan Torres & David Driskell - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1):67-68.
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  32. The Cognitive Architecture of Perception.Juan Vázquez (ed.) - 2014 - Universidade de Porto.
    Putting forward an original analysis of perceiving as a cognitive attitude, as it contrasts with judging, believing and knowing, the author approaches several issues in the philosophy of perception, such as differences between presentation and representation, the natures of concepts and categorization, the justification of perceptual beliefs and their role in the justification of knowledge. His approach is influenced by phenomenology and by psychology and neuroscience of vision.
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  33. Animales relacionales: la concepción heideggeriana del organismo biológico en los Grundbegriffe de 1929.Juan Vila - 2023 - Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 55 (165):3-26.
    En este trabajo ofrezco una interpretación de la concepción heideggeriana del organismo biológico presente en sus cursos de 1929. Para ello, primero enmarcaré la discusión dentro de la interpretación heideggeriana del naturalismo y su manera de entender la relación entre filosofía y ciencia. Luego, analizaré su interpretación de la embriología y la ecología mediante la cual Heidegger esboza aportes originales a la filosofía de la biología, especialmente en torno al problema de la identidad del organismo biológico. Finalmente, mostraré cómo esta (...)
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  34. Lógica cuántica, Nmatrices y adecuación, I (3rd edition).Juan Pablo Jorge & Federico Holik - 2022 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):65-88.
    In this paper we discuss the notions of adequacy and truth functionality in quantum logic from the point of view of a non-deterministic semantics. We give a characterization of the degree of non-functionality which is compatible with the propositional structure of quantum theory, showing that having truth-functional connectives, together with some assumptions regarding the relation of logical consequence, commits us to the adequacy of the interpretation sets of these connectives. An advantage of our proof is that it is independent of (...)
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  35. Ética y eudaimonía: la crítica de Bernard Williams a la naturaleza humana en Aristóteles.Camilo Andrés Ardila Arévalo - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 22 (4):71-89.
    Tradicionalmente, se ha argumentado que el concepto de eudaimonía en Aristóteles se encuentra anclado en el contexto de una comprensión teleológica del universo, por cuanto dicha noción parece radicar en una definición funcionalista de la naturaleza humana. Teniendo esto en mente, Bernard Williams ha desarrollado una crítica en contra de la propuesta ética de Aristóteles, acusándola de una cierta ambición científica en el campo del razonamiento práctico que resulta insostenible actualmente. Este ensayo busca discutir si, en efecto, estos señalamientos tienen (...)
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  36. A critique of ontological pluralism.Juan Vila - 2015 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia (31):7-31.
    Scientifically speaking, quantum mechanics (QM) is the most successful theory ever made. Philosophically speaking, however, it is the most controversial theory. Its basic principles seem to contravene our deepest intuitions about reality, which are reflected in the metaphysical commitments of classical mechanics (CM). The aim of this paper is twofold. First, I argue that QM implies an ontological challenge, and not merely an “ontic” one, as it has been traditionally interpreted in the analytic tradition. Second, I suggest that positions known (...)
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  37. La historia de la filosofía como examen crítico de la filosofía precedente: las objeciones de Aristóteles a la causalidad de las Ideas.Silvana Gabriela di Camilo - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 60:61-74.
    Frente a quienes sostienen una incompatibilidad entre historia de la filosofía y filosofía, en cuanto plantean una disyuntiva entre una práctica descriptiva y una argumentativa, en este trabajo nos proponemos mostrar, examinando la labor histórico-filosófica de Aris- tóteles, que esa disyuntiva no es excluyente. Para ello, en primer lugar, examinaremos algunos pasajes de su obra en los que ofrece indicaciones metodológicas que permiten comprender la doble función que cumplen las exposiciones críticas de los filósofos precedentes en la constitución misma de (...)
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  38. A representação científica a partir das “Analogias da experiência” de Kant.Bruno Camilo Camilo - 2023 - Kant E-Prints 17 (3):132-141.
    The objective of this article is to approach the way in which Kant considers the “analogies of experience” necessary connections for the scientific representation of the physical world to occur. The method consists of carrying out a conceptual analysis of selected excerpts from theCritique of pure reasonthat may serve to support the interpretation that the analogies of experience are, for Kant, rules that determine the necessary links between perceptions and the ability to understand phenomena. from them. In this way, we (...)
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  39. Da verdade ao perspectivismo: uma abordagem nietzschiana aplicada à filosofia da ciência.Bruno Camilo - 2020 - Lampejo - Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia 9 (1):468-485.
    The aim of this article is to present the assumptions of Nietzsche's critique of the notion of “truth” that allow to consider his “perspectivism” an excellent critical and epistemological alternative to philosophy of science. It takes place, therefore, an interpretation of the Nietzschean expressions “tragedy”, “tragic knowledge”, “life”, “perspectivism” and “truth”. Nietzsche seems to be convinced that the belief in the notion of “truth” cannot be consistent with “life”, since “life” is also “tragedy” and therefore cannot be reduced to a (...)
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    Life, sense-making, and subjectivity. Why the enactive conception of life and mind requires phenomenology.Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-27.
    One of the ideas that characterises the enactive approach to cognition is that life and mind are deeply continuous, which means that both phenomena share the same basic set of organisational and phenomenological properties. The appeal to phenomenology to address life and basic cognition is controversial. It has been argued that, because of its reliance on phenomenological categories, enactivism may implicitly subscribe to a form of anthropomorphism incompatible with the modern scientific framework. These worries are a result of a lack (...)
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  41. Aspectos metafísicos na física de Newton: Deus.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2011 - In Luiz Henrique de Araújo Dutra & Alexandre Meyer Luz (eds.), Coleção rumos da epistemologia. pp. 186-201.
    CAMILO, Bruno. Aspectos metafísicos na física de Newton: Deus. In: DUTRA, Luiz Henrique de Araújo; LUZ, Alexandre Meyer (org.). Temas de filosofia do conhecimento. Florianópolis: NEL/UFSC, 2011. p. 186-201. (Coleção rumos da epistemologia; 11). Através da análise do pensamento de Isaac Newton (1642-1727) encontramos os postulados metafísicos que fundamentam a sua mecânica natural. Ao deduzir causa de efeito, ele acreditava chegar a uma causa primeira de todas as coisas. A essa primeira causa de tudo, onde toda a ordem e (...)
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  42. Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering. Concept, Practices, Perspectives.Juan Manuel Durán - 2018 - Springer.
    This book addresses key conceptual issues relating to the modern scientific and engineering use of computer simulations. It analyses a broad set of questions, from the nature of computer simulations to their epistemological power, including the many scientific, social and ethics implications of using computer simulations. The book is written in an easily accessible narrative, one that weaves together philosophical questions and scientific technicalities. It will thus appeal equally to all academic scientists, engineers, and researchers in industry interested in questions (...)
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  43. A Filosofia política neoplatônica de Juliano, o rei-filósofo.Bruno Camilo - 2023 - Perspectiva Filosófica 50 (1):256-279.
    The purpose of this article is to present the influence of Plotinus' thought on the political philosophy of the Roman Emperor Julian, between the years 361 to 363. The methodology consists of selecting excerpts from the works of Juliano Misopogon and Cartas y Fragmentos that may indicate the influence of the ideas of Plotinus' Ennead in the speech given by the Emperor to legitimize his political power. Juliano argues that the laws of the empire were created by the gods for (...)
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  44. Persona y relación desde este lado de la analogía teológica según Ferdinand Ebner.Juan Manuel Cabiedas Tejero - 2019 - Efemérides Mexicana 37 (111):394-429.
    This study investigates the debt owed by contemporary theological anthropology to the philosophical anthropology of the first half of the twentieth century (considered in its interest in interpersonal character of human identity). It should be recognized that there was a fairly complex relationship between them: sometimes anthropology ended up in some way forgetting theology, sometimes theology was sustained by anthropology and, often, invited to self-criticism. Analyzing «pneumatological» anthropology (and its Christological roots) elaborated by Ferdinand Ebner (1882- 1931) helps theological anthropology (...)
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  45. Princípios metafísicos do método newtoniano.Bruno Camilo de Oliveira - 2011 - In Luiz Henrique de Araújo Dutra & Alexandre Meyer Luz (eds.), Coleção rumos da epistemologia. pp. 172-183.
    CAMILO, Bruno. Princípios metafísicos do método newtoniano. In: CONTE, Jaimir; MORTARI, Cezar Augusto. (org.). Temas em filosofia contemporânea. Florianópolis: NEL/UFSC, 2014. p. 172-183. (Coleção rumos da epistemologia; 13). -/- É no modus operandi de Isaac Newton que visualizamos a relação entre o método dedutivo e o indutivo na análise científica dos fenômenos e a relação entre a metafísica e a prática científica. Pois, de um lado temos a “mecânica racional”, a qual compreende que a única forma de garantir a (...)
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  46. Practical Knowledge and Luminosity.Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock - 2019 - Mind 129 (516):1237-1267.
    Many philosophers hold that if an agent acts intentionally, she must know what she is doing. Although the scholarly consensus for many years was to reject the thesis in light of presumed counterexamples by Donald Davidson, several scholars have recently argued that attention to aspectual distinctions and the practical nature of this knowledge shows that these counterexamples fail. In this paper I defend a new objection against the thesis, one modelled after Timothy Williamson’s anti-luminosity argument. Since this argument relies on (...)
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  47. de Almanzor a Felipe II: la inscripción del Puente de Alcántara de Toledo (387/997-998) y su curiosa historia.Juan Antonio Souto Lasala & María José Rodríguez - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (1):185-210.
    Este artículo trata de una inscripción constructiva omeya andalusí del año 387 / 4 enero 997-2 enero 998, hoy perdida, pero transmitida a través de un resumen castellano incluido en una lápida de 1259 "reparada" en 1575. Se intenta la restitución del texto árabe original y se estudian los hechos y los personajes documentados.
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  48. Habermas. El uso público de la razón.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2013 - Madrid, Spain: Alianza Editorial.
    El propósito principal de este libro es mostrar hasta qué punto el pensamiento teórico de Habermas está animado por un fuerte aliento práctico, más concretamente práctico-político, con el que concretaría el muy ilustrado propósito de hacer uso público de la razón. De hecho, la intencionalidad práctica de su pensamiento es tan destacada que el conjunto de su obra se entiende mucho mejor si se la concibe, tal como él mismo insiste, como un intento de guiar con una finalidad emancipatoria el (...)
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  49. Difference‐Making in Epistemology.Juan Comesaña & Carolina Sartorio - 2012 - Noûs 48 (2):368-387.
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  50. Perceptual reasons.Juan Comesana & Matthew McGrath - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (4):991-1006.
    The two main theories of perceptual reasons in contemporary epistemology can be called Phenomenalism and Factualism. According to Phenomenalism, perceptual reasons are facts about experiences conceived of as phenomenal states, i.e., states individuated by phenomenal character, by what it’s like to be in them. According to Factualism, perceptual reasons are instead facts about the external objects perceived. The main problem with Factualism is that it struggles with bad cases: cases where perceived objects are not what they appear or where there (...)
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