Results for 'Mariano Martínez'

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  1. Reseña de RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, Mariano, Filosofía de la mente, Madrid: Ediciones Complutense, 2021. [REVIEW]David-Álvaro Martínez - 2022 - Revista de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia En España 66:81-82.
    Reseña del libro Filosofía de la mente, de Mariano Rodríguez González (Ediciones Complutense, 2021), publicada en el número 66 de la Revista de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España.
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  2. Mindset and Levels of Conceptual Understanding in the Problem-Solving of Preservice Mathematics Teachers in an Online Learning Environment.Ma Luisa Mariano-Dolesh, Leila Collantes, Edwin Ibañez & Jupeth Pentang - 2022 - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (6):18-33.
    Mindset plays a vital role in tackling the barriers to improving the preservice mathematics teachers’ (PMTs) conceptual understanding of problem-solving. As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to pose a challenge, online learning has been adopted. This led this study to determining the PMTs’ mindset and level of conceptual understanding in problem-solving in an online learning environment utilising Google Classroom and the Khan Academy. A quantitative research design was employed specifically utilising a descriptive, comparative, and correlational design. Forty-five PMTs were chosen (...)
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    La agencia intencional prospectiva de Alan Gewirth como límite a la proliferación de nuevos derechos.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2024 - In Jorge Crego & Carolina Pereira-Sáez (eds.), Los nuevos derechos humanos. Teoría jurídica y praxis política. Granada: Comares. pp. 117-136.
    Entre las virtudes de la explicación de Gewirth, destaca su potencial para delimitar el objeto de los derechos humanos y contener la expansión incontrolada del discurso de los derechos. Al ceñirse al contexto de la acción y a los rasgos necesarios para la agencia intencional, dicha explicación proporciona un fundamento basado en la autonomía y libertad de los agentes intencionales prospectivos, tan solo limitadas por aquellas exigencias racionales derivadas de la igual consideración del status moral de todos los demás agentes (...)
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  4. "I am feeling tension in my whole body": An experimental phenomenological study of empathy for pain.David Martínez-Pernía, Ignacio Cea, Alejandro Troncoso, Kevin Blanco, Jorge Calderón, Constanza Baquedano, Claudio Araya-Veliz, Ana Useros, David Huepe, Valentina Carrera, Victoria Mack-Silva & Mayte Vergara - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction: Traditionally, empathy has been studied from two main perspectives: the theory-theory approach and the simulation theory approach. These theories claim that social emotions are fundamentally constituted by mind states in the brain. In contrast, classical phenomenology and recent research based on enactive theories consider empathy as the basic process of contacting others’ emotional experiences through direct bodily perception and sensation. Objective: This study aims to enrich knowledge of the empathic experience of pain by using an experimental phenomenological method. Method: (...)
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  5. (2 other versions)Do Projeto Crítico Kantiano: os Direitos da Razão entre a Lógica da Verdade e a Lógica da Aparência.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2014 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 5 (2):85-109.
    Sobrepondo uma concepção crítica envolvendo os fundamentos do saber às ontologias dogmáticas que se impõem ao trabalho que implica a apreensão das questões filosóficas, o projeto kantiano propõe o fim da filosofia como construção metafísica e a necessidade de se lhe atribuir uma tarefa teórica de caráter essencialmente genealógico e crítico, no sentido que encerra a legitimação do conhecimento racional através da análise das faculdades que se lhe estão atreladas, conforme assinala o artigo, que se detém nos direitos da razão (...)
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  6.  52
    ON SOLID GROUND: EZRA POUND's METAPHOR OF KNOWLEDGE: THE CONFUCIAN CONTEXT.Enrique Martinez Esteve - 2023 - Independently published (October 17, 2023).
    Ezra Pound got many things wrong. He was a poor judge of character and a supporter of causes and individuals that have done and continue to do much harm to people around the world. This book addresses the matters (literary and philosophical) that Pound got right, while still pointing out the flaws; it highlights the impact such evidence may yield for the student of art. -/- The result of my research in the pages that follow may be described as a (...)
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  7. Educación Sensible: marco pedagógico y espíritu educativo.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2022 - Madrid: Almuzara Universidad.
    La Educación Sensible es ayuda para que el “yo” habite en su “hogar interior” y crezca hacia su “apoteosis original” en el “nosotros”, donde se hace cocreador de belleza con libertad, sabiduría y amor. La educación sensible es pedagogía no invasiva pero radicalmente exigente para que la persona acepte desplegar su versión original y vivir con gozo en un “nosotros-maduro”. No es una pedagogía que protege a los sensibles; es una educación que atiende a todas las personas, independientemente de su (...)
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  8. The speech act.Jesús Gerardo Martínez Del Castillo - 2014 - European Scientific Journal 10 (11):1-13.
    Language is nothing but human subjects in as much as they speak, say and know. Language is something coming from the inside of the speaking subject manifest in the intentional meaningful purpose of the individual speaker. A language, on the contrary, is something coming from the outside, from the speech community, something offered to the speaking subject from the tradition in the technique of speaking. The speech act is the performance of an intuition by the subject, both individual and social.
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  9.  65
    Environment, waste, and health.Enrique Martinez Esteve - manuscript
    (This is one of the essays to be included in a book examining the causes of day-to-day strife in the populations of modern democracies vying to live and assert the freedoms promised to them by systems of governance supposed and expected to represent them.) "If waste may be defined as all that is not being used for the growth and perpetuation of humanity, then health could be said to equate to all that is useful to this self-same objective. It could (...)
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  10. A Kelsenian-Inspired Explanation of Patients’ Right to Informed Consent.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - manuscript
    Subjective rights enjoy limited import in Kelsenian theory for whereas the concept of duty underlies every legal norm, that of rights is merely possible and only emerges when the imposition of the sanction attached to the breach of the duty is made dependent upon a subject's will to bring legal action. The presence of secondary norms establishing certain duties of medical professionals on informed consent displays the existence of correlative reflex rights of patients. Yet, together with secondary norms, Western legal (...)
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  11.  23
    Do caráter de cura do Da-sein como possibilidade ontológica do clamor da consciência ao querer-ter-consciência enquanto pressuposição existenciária do Ser e estar em débito em Martin Heidegger.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2024 - Revista Húmus / Ufma - Universidade Federal Do Maranhão (São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil) 14 (42):2-39.
    Detendo-se na noção de consciência (Gewissen) enquanto fenômeno originário do Da-sein segundo a interpretação de Heidegger na obra “Ser e Tempo” (II Parte, II Capítulo, Da seção § 55 à seção § 60), o Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, em consonância com o princípio hermenêutico-fenomenológico-ontológico-existencial, investiga o clamor da consciência enquanto conclamação do si-mesmo em seu poder-ser si-mesmo, tendo em vista o Da-sein que clama no fundo da sua estranheza enquanto clamor da consciência em uma construção teórico-conceitual que (...)
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  12. If Sounds were Dispositions, a framework proposal for an undeveloped theory.Jorge Luis Mendez-Martinez - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27 (4):446-479.
    In the realm of the philosophy of sounds and auditory experience there is an ongoing discussion concerned with the nature of sounds. One of the contestant views within this ontology of sound is that of the Property View, which holds that sounds are properties of the sounding objects. A way of developing this view is through the idea of dispositionalism, namely, by sustaining the theory according to which sounds are dispositional properties (Pasnau 1999; Kulvicki 2008; Roberts 2017). That portrayal, however, (...)
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  13. Introdução à hermenêutica do pecado como símbolo do mal em Paul Ricoeur e alienação existencial em Paul Tillich entre os aspectos mítico-religiosos, etimológico-literários, bíblico-teológicos e filosófico-teológicos.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2023 - Filosofia da Técnica.
    Detendo-se no pecado enquanto construção histórico-cultural e sociorreligiosa em um processo que encerra os seus aspectos mítico-religiosos, o artigo assinala que o conceito que expressa a sua noção guarda raízes nas fronteiras envolvendo o fracasso humano no sentido de corresponder ao arcabouço paradigmático e o seu sistema de tabus, leis e códigos morais. Dessa forma, convergindo para os aspectos etimológico-literários e bíblico-religiosos do pecado, o artigo sublinha que, encerrando o sentido de errar o alvo, a tradução do referido termo como (...)
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  14. Disgusting Smells and Imperativism.Manolo Martínez - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (5-6):191-200.
    I sketch and defend an imperativist treatment of the phenomenology associated with disgusting smells. This treatment, I argue, allows us to make better sense than other intentionalist alter-natives both of the neuroanatomy of olfaction, and of a natural pre-theoretical stance regarding the sense of smell.
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  15. Educar la Inteligencia Sensible: guía para padres de hijos con alta sensibilidad.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez (ed.) - 2021 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
    Se ha dicho que tenemos inteligencia y personalidad, pero en realidad son dos dimensiones de una misma unidad que nos hace tender a la plenitud. Esto es la Inteligencia Sensible y su maduración es la misión fundamental de la educación. Con la Inteligencia Sensible gestionamos el amor y el miedo, y cuando un niño tiene una Inteligencia Sensible muy alta es posible que se vea envuelto en una vida de amores y temores muy desordenados. Tener alta Inteligencia Sensible no es (...)
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  16. GESTIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE HABILIDADES GERENCIALES.Diana Del Pilar Baracaldo Martínez, Katerine Lizeth Gómez Balanta & Oscar Iván Jara Buitrago - 2022 - Trabajos de Grado.
    El objetivo de este artículo es comprender la influencia de la gestión del conocimiento en el fortalecimiento de habilidades gerenciales. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de 35 autores, a partir de la cual se destacan 7 factores claves en común, en la implementación de modelos de gestión, como: información, aplicabilidad, construcción de conocimiento, trabajo colaborativo, cultura organizacional, transferencia del conocimiento y tecnología. Adicionalmente se identificaron habilidades gerenciales que se deben fortalecer, principalmente el liderazgo inspirador, pensamiento estratégico y comunicación. Este análisis (...)
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  17. La cognición auditiva. Especificidad modal y perplejidad semántico-definicional.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2024 - Andamios 21 (54):27-56.
    Philosophical discussions on cognition (ranging from computational and representational approaches to the 4E fra-mework), on the one hand, and those on sound and auditory per-ception, on the other, have hitherto remained apart. In this paper, the author addresses the concept of “auditory cognition”. While committing to the conceptual analysis of the latter, the author in-troduces the discussion of modality-specif ic approaches. Since the contributions made so far in the domain of the philosophy of sound and auditory perception are prone to (...)
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  18. Epistemology of Ordinary Knowledge.Mariano Bianca & Paolo Piccari - 2015 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Many philosophers reduce ordinary knowledge to sensory or, more generally, to perceptual knowledge, which refers to entities belonging to the phenomenic world. However, ordinary knowledge is not only the result of sensory-perceptual processes, but also of non-perceptual contents that are present in any mind. From an epistemological point of view, ordinary knowledge is a form of knowledge that not only allows epistemic access to the world, but also enables the formulation of models of it with different degrees of reliability. Usually (...)
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  19. What the...! The role of inner speech in conscious thought.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (9-10):141-67.
    Abstract: Introspection reveals that one is frequently conscious of some form of inner speech, which may appear either in a condensed or expanded form. It has been claimed that this speech reflects the way in which language is involved in conscious thought, fulfilling a number of cognitive functions. We criticize three theories that address this issue: Bermúdez’s view of language as a generator of second-order thoughts, Prinz’s development of Jackendoff’s intermediate-level theory of consciousness, and Carruthers’s theory of inner speech as (...)
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  20. An Epistemic Argument in Support of Liberal Neutrality.Mariano Garreta Leclercq - 2009 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 4 (2):187-201.
    My aim in the present paper is to develop a new kind of argument in support of the ideal of liberal neutrality. This argument combines some basic moral principles with a thesis about the relationship between the correct standards of justification for a belief/action and certain contextual factors. The idea is that the level of importance of what is at stake in a specific context of action determines how demanding the correct standards to justify an action based on a specific (...)
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  21. The logical and pedagogical paths of phenomenology. Adalberto García de Mendoza's and Francisco Larroyo's forays.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (I):241-262.
    This paper addresses the relationship between logic and phenomenology at a historical moment that precedes the big divide between analytic philosophy and phenomenology. In analysing alternative derivations of phenomenological logic, the discussion focuses on the case of two notorious neo-Kantian Mexican philosophers from the first half of the XXth century: Adalberto García de Mendoza and Francisco Larroyo. It is argued that both García de Mendoza and Larroyo made an original contribution to the discussion on the relationship between phenomenology and logic. (...)
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  22. The Metaphoric Sources of Scientific Innovation.Natalia Carrillo & Sergio F. Martinez - 2022 - In A. C. Grayling S. Wuppuluri (ed.), Metaphors and Analogies in Sciences and Humanities: Words and Worlds.
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    Baseado no filme “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos”, o artigo assinala o impacto na escola Welton dos novos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem do professor John Keating, que sublinha o sentido e o valor da vida, defendendo o cultivo de si e o conhecimento enquanto afirmação das forças da vida. Dessa forma, fundado na crítica de Nietzsche à “cultura histórica” e à questão envolvendo os professores de filosofia - filósofos ou servidores da “história”? -, o artigo propõe a superação da redução (...)
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  24. DIGITIZED EDUCATION AS TEACHING MODALITIES AS RELATED TO TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN PILA, LAGUNA.Angela Marie T. Martinez - 2022 - International Journal of Research Publications 107 (1):74-91.
    The objective of this study was to determine the teachers? performance in Digitized Education in Private and Public Schools in Pila, Laguna and their performance at school through different teaching modalities. It sought to answer three basic questions. What is the extent of the digitized education using different modalities as to Online teaching and learning, Modular Teaching/ Learning, Flexible and Blended Teaching and Learning?; What is the level of teachers? performance in terms of IPCRF Individual Performance Commitment Review Form) and (...)
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  25. Do processo formativo-educacional no filme Instituto Benjamenta e a superação da imagem ortodoxa, dogmática, pré-filosófica, natural e moral do pensamento em Deleuze e Guattari.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - DEVIR EDUCAÇÃO 6 (1):1-28.
    Baseado na perspectiva da geofilosofia de Deleuze e Guattari em um processo que se sobrepõe à relação envolvendo sujeito e objeto enquanto fronteira do pensamento e que implica o pensamento como desdobramento de uma violência e as formações genealógicas do saber, o artigo se detém na análise do paradoxal mundo do Instituto Benjamenta em uma construção fílmica adaptada do romance Jakob von Gunten, de Robert Walser, que encerra um movimento que traz como conteúdo a matéria que se impõe ao caos (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Do Bem Comum da Visão Platônico-Aristotélica à Lógica Hobbesiana do Contrato Social.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2013 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 4 (1):267-298.
    Detendo-se na investigação dos dois grandes modelos que caracterizam o pensamento político, a saber, o modelo clássico e o modelo jusnaturalista, o artigo em questão, distinguindo no âmbito daquele as teorias idealistas e realistas, empreende uma abordagem que nas fronteiras deste último sublinha desde a questão que envolve Como nasceu o Estado?, proposta pela perspectiva historicista, que traz como fundamento o homem como animal político, até a leitura racionalista, que acena com o problema Por que existe o Estado?, identificando o (...)
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  27. A vontade geral e o sistema autogestionário: necessidade, possibilidade e desafios.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2017 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 8 (1):476-509.
    Consistindo em um processo ético-jurídico de deliberação coletiva, o que se impõe à manifestação da Vontade Geral como um fenômeno histórico-cultural é a condição de imanência que a caracteriza em um movimento dinâmico-dialético que demanda uma formação econômico-social que possibilite a emergência de valores e práticas, condutas e comportamentos, necessidades e objetivos que, tendo como fundamento o interesse comum, se lhe correspondam, convergindo para uma forma de autodeterminação que guarda possibilidade de promover a superação da alienação das capacidades humanas no (...)
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  28. The process of abstraction in the creation of meanings.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):11-23.
    Linguistics of Saying is to be analyzed in the speech act conceived as an act of knowing. The speaking, saying and knowing subject, based on contexts and the principles of congruency and trust in the speech of other speakers, will create meanings and interpret the sense of utterances supplying the deficiencies of language by means of the intellective operations mentally executed in the act of speech. In the intellective operations you can see three steps or processes: first the starting point, (...)
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  29. The meaningful intentional purpose of the individual speaker.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):5-10.
    Linguistics of saying studies language in its birth. Language is the mental activity executed by speaking subjects. Linguistics of saying consists in analyzing speech acts as the result of an act of knowing. Speaking subjects speak because they have something to say. Tthey say because they define themselves before the circumstance they are in. And this is possible because they are able to know. Speaking, then, is speaking, saying and knowing. In this sense there is a progressive determination. Knowing makes (...)
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  30. Synergy Makes Direct Perception Inefficient.Miguel de Llanza Varona & Manolo Martínez - 2024 - Entropy 26 (8):1-22.
    A typical claim in anti-representationalist approaches to cognition such as ecological psychology or radical embodied cognitive science is that ecological information is sufficient for guiding behavior. According to this view, affordances are immediately perceptually available to the agent (in the so-called “ambient energy array”), so sensory data does not require much further inner processing. As a consequence, mental representations are explanatorily idle: perception is immediate and direct. Here we offer one way to formalize this direct-perception claim and identify some important (...)
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    The Care Character of da-Sein as an Ontological Possibility From the Cry of Conscience to the Wanting-to-Have-Consciousness as an Existential Presupposition of Being and Being in Debt in Martin Heidegger.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2024 - Humus Journal (Ufma - Federal University of Maranhao / Sao Luís - Maranhao / Brazil) 14 (42):2-39.
    Focusing on the notion of consciousness (Gewissen) as a phenomenon originating from Da-sein according to Heidegger's interpretation in the work “Being and Time” (II Part, II Chapter, From section § 55 to section § 60), Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, in line with the hermeneutic-phenomenological-ontological-existential principle, investigates the cry of consciousness as a summons of the self in its power-to-be itself, taking into account the Da-sein that cries out deep down of its strangeness as a cry of consciousness (...)
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  32.  51
    In the Light of Scripture - Thoughts and Affirmations.Enrique Martinez Esteve - 2024 - London:
    A series of phrases and thoughts inspired by and reflective of Biblical Scripture highlighting the sense of relatedness of a life lived in search of that hoped-for proximity to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to God the Father through understanding and living His Word amid contradiction, love, struggle, and peace.
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    FROM THE EVENT INVOLVING A WORLD AS A WORLD IN FREEDOM TO A “BEING FROM A DISTANCE”: from the problem of transcendence as a question of the essence of the foundation in Martin Heidegger.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2024 - Zygmunt Bauman Journal (Ufma - Federal University of Maranhao / Sao Luís - Maranhao / Brazil) 14 (34):28-65.
    Focusing on the problem of transcendence as a question of the essence of the foundation in Martin Heidegger, Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, in line with the hermeneutic- phenomenological-ontological-existential principle, addresses Leibniz's Principium Rationis Sufficientis and the problem of foundation as a correlation involving the essence of truth and the essence of transcendence through a theoretical-conceptual construction that encloses transcendence as being-in-the-world in a relationship that converges to the transcendence of Da-sein in its essence as world-forming. Pointing out (...)
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  34. La teoría de los principios de Robert Alexy. Algunas notas acerca de su interpretación.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2023 - In Gonzalo Villa Rosas, Claudia Toledo, Alejandro Nava Tovar & Arnulfo Mateos (eds.), Derecho, argumentación y ponderación. Ensayos en honor a Robert Alexy. Universidad del Externado de Colombia. pp. 287-318.
    A partir de los postulados de una concepción semántica de norma y su clasificación en reglas y principios, Robert Alexy ha enunciado una tesis fuerte de la separación, al concebir que entre ambos tipos de normas no solo existe una diferencia gradual, sino también cualitativa. En este contexto, los principios son descritos como mandatos de optimización, caracterizados por un cumplimiento gradual en atención a las posibilidades reales y jurídicas, y a través de la denominada técnica de la ponderación. A pesar (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Determining the degree of reality of language.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):31-38.
    Speakers live language, that is, they intuit, create, acquire, perform, speak and say, interpret, use, evaluate and, even, speak of language. The real language is the language lived by speakers. On the contrary linguists, who at the same time are speakers and linguists, study language as something manifesting of front of them. In order to study language it is necessary to determine the degree of reality of the thing called language as the reality lived and used by speakers.
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  36. Ángel Martínez Fernández, «Una nueva estela funeraria de Aptera (Creta)», Veleia 32, pp. 151-158. Vitoria, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad del País Vasco, 2015. DOI: 10.1387/veleia.14985.Angel Martinez Fernandez - 2015 - Veleia 32:151-158.
    El autor del artículo edita y estudia una inscripción funeraria inédita de época helenística encontrada en Aptera (Creta) por la arqueóloga griega V. Ninioú-Kindelí. El texto de la inscripción dice así: A) Σώσανδρος | Βίτωνος. B) Ἀμφιμήδης | Σωσάνδρω.
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  37. Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (1):184-215.
    Both Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl addressed sound while trying to explain the inner consciousness of time and gave to it the status of a supporting example. Although their inquiries were not aimed at clarifying in detail the nature of the auditory experience or sounds themselves, they made some interesting observations that can contribute to the current philosophical discussion on sounds. On the other hand, in analytic philosophy, while inquiring the nature of sounds, their location, auditory experience or the audible (...)
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  38. Modes of Thinking in Language Study.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):77-84.
    When we speak of language we usually use the concept of a particular language. In this sense the concept denoted with the word language may vary from one language to another. Real language (=the language spoken) on the contrary is the reality lived by speakers thus encompassing complex and multifarious activities. Depending on the language spoken, the modes of thinking, modes of being in the conception of things, and systems of beliefs transmitted by means of particular languages, denote the living (...)
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  39. Meaning and Language.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):50-58.
    Meaning defines language because it is the internal function of language. At the same time, meaning does not exist unless in language and because of language. From the point of view of the speaking subject meaning is contents of conscience. From the point of view of a language, meaning is the objectification of knowledge in linguistic signs. And from the point of view of the individual speaking subject, meaning is the expressive intentional purpose to say something.
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  40. Modos de pensar y ontología lingüística.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo (ed.) - 2017 - Saarbrücken, Germany: Editorial Académica Española.
    La lengua española nació cuando los hablantes del latín de la península Ibérica cambiaron de modo de pensar. Desde el pensar absoluto latino, asimilaron el pensar substantivo de los griegos a través del pensar cristiano. Haciendo una síntesis de estos tres pensares absolutos, crearon el pensar individual, el pensar abstracto y el pensar real. De este modo crearon lo que se puede designar como una ontología lingüística, la manifestación directa del pensar español. Los modos de pensar tienen que ver con (...)
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  41. La linguistica del decir, el logos semántico y el logos apofántico.Martínez del Castillo Jesus Gerardo - 2017, segunda ed - Editorial Académica Española.
    El lenguaje o la actividad cognoscitiva del ser humano que se debate en su lucha contra la circunstancia en la que le ha tocado vivir es hablar, decir y conocer. El hombre habla porque tiene algo que decir, dice porque se define a sí mismo ante la circunstancia en la que vive en cada momento, y esto es posible porque conoce de forma creativa. En este sentido el decir determina el hablar, por arriba, y el conocer por abajo. El conocer (...)
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  42. Saber y Conocer El Lenguaje.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo (ed.) - 2018 - Editorial Académica Española.
    Mi concepción sobre el lenguaje parte de tres realidades ciertas: el hablar (Coseriu), el decir (Ortega y Gasset), y el conocer (Descartes, Kant, Ortega y Gasset), tres realidades tan ciertas como que yo vivo porque estoy haciendo algo ahora mismo. Y este hacer algo constituye mi vida (Ortega y Gasset). Yo soy porque vivo y porque tengo la necesidad de hablar con otros seres humanos, quienes constituyen mi circunstancia, para definirme a mí mismo (decir) sobre aquello de lo que hablo (...)
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  43. Meaning What I It.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):66-76.
    Meaning as the original function of language is the arrangement of internal things on the part of the creative and historical individual subject who speaks a particular language. Meaning constitutes the series of contents making up the linguistic world human subjects can manage real things with. Real things are not described with meanings but merely represented and designated. Meanings represent the essence of things thus making them members of a category. In this sense, meaning is the base to create things (...)
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  44. Education Sensitive to Origin: Pedagogical Framework that Finds Foundation in the Thought of Edith Stein.Luis Manuel Martínez Domínguez - 2023 - Cuadernos de Pensamiento 36 (2660-6070):343-369.
    In the predominant pedagogical frameworks of our days, rationalist, voluntarist or sentimentalist reductionisms are seen, from which it is about educating people regardless of their Origin and the singular and unrepeatable originality with which they have been given to existence. Faced with this anthropocentric confinement, Sensitive Education arises so that every person, regardless of their culture and creed, remains sensitive to their Origin and captures their own originality, which in the end is what they must accept and try to manifest (...)
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  45. Appreciating Taylor’s Versions: An Aesthetic Love Story.Irene Martínez Marín - 2025 - In Brandon Polite (ed.), Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions. Bloomsbury.
    Internal coherence is of great importance for how we think about appreciating objects of aesthetic worth. A disagreement between what we judge to be worthy and what we affectively favor can prevent us from properly grasping its value. However, it is also assumed in the aesthetic domain that our taste changes over time, jeopardising such coherence constraint. These changes can lead to a mismatch between new aesthetic judgments and old aesthetic preferences. This chapter explores a number of issues that emerge (...)
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  46. Modes of Thinking and Language Change: The Loss of Inflexions in Old English.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):85-95.
    The changes known as the loss of inflexions in English (11th- 15th centuries, included) were prompted with the introduction of a new mode of thinking. The mode of thinking, for the Anglo-Saxons, was a dynamic way of conceiving of things. Things were considered events happening. With the contacts of Anglo-Saxons with, first, the Romano-British; second, the introduction of Christianity; and finally with the Norman invasion, their dynamic way of thinking was confronted with the static conception of things coming from the (...)
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    The Issue of Bodily Rights Alienation.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2024 - In José-Antonio Seone & Oscar Vergara (eds.), The Discourse of Biorights: European Perspectives. Springer Nature. pp. 71-86.
    A widespread Western conception about the sanctity of the human body and its parts prevents from any morally acceptable disposition of these objects. However, this entails nothing but a dualistic conception of the human being as a composite of detachable parts — namely, body and mind. Understood as the antechamber of legal rights, moral rights perform an important — yet frequently overlooked — justifying function that permeates the political discourse. Although the connection among moral, political and legal discourses should be (...)
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  48. (2 other versions)Da Educação enquanto Afirmação da Vida entre a Arte e a Filosofia segundo Nietzsche no Filme “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos”.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2022 - Griot 22 (2):121-138.
    Baseado no filme “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos” (1989), o artigo assinala o caos instaurado no âmbito da escola tradicional norte-americana Welton através do trabalho do professor John Keating na instauração de novos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem para a literatura, na medida em que tende a fomentar o questionamento acerca do sentido e do valor da vida e o cultivo de si como possibilidade de produção de um conteúdo novo e extemporâneo e o conhecimento enquanto afirmação das forças da vida. (...)
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  49. A vela e o caminho (da construção coletiva do saber).Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2011 - Revista Teias, Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Educação 12 (25):238-258.
    O artigo em questão se detém no método baconiano, que emerge através do Novum Organum (ou Verdadeiras Indicações acerca da Interpretação da Natureza) e acena com a pretensão de possibilitar o verdadeiro progresso da ciência, que demanda, em suma, a erradicação das predisposições para o erro, dos preconceitos e das noções falsas que impedem o acesso à verdade, dos “ídolos”, enfim, segundo a leitura de Bacon, que propõe o controle científico sobre a natureza como fator determinante da harmonia e do (...)
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    Of Christological Kerygma as a Historical Tradition and Pneumatic Kerygma Between Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann.Mariano da Rosa Luiz Carlos - 2024 - Revista de Cultura Teológica, Puc/Sp - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo [São Paulo, Brasil] 33 (107):58-93.
    Constituting the object or content of New Testament preaching, salvation is made available by the kerygma as a proclamation of the Gospel that concludes God’s saving act and implies an exhortation to conversion that is based on the person and work of Jesus as Christ and Lord and Son of God and the soteriological facts of his death and resurrec-tion. In this way, Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, faced with the issue involving the primacy of either the historical-Christological (...)
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