Results for 'Martin O’Shaughnessy'

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  1. Three Rawlsian Routes towards Economic Democracy.Martin O'Neill - 2008 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 9 (1):29-55.
    This paper addresses ways of arguing fors ome form of economic democracy from within a broadly Rawlsian framework. Firstly, one can argue that a right to participate in economic decision-making should be added to the Rawlsian list of basic liberties, protected by the first principle of justice. Secondly,I argue that a society which institutes forms of economic democracy will be more likely to preserve a stable and just basic structure over time, by virtue of the effects of economic democratization on (...)
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  2. An Unblinkered View of Best Interests.Wayne Martin, Fabian Freyenhagen, Elizabeth Hall, Tom O’Shea, Antal Szerletics & Vivienne Ashley - 2012 - British Medical Journal 1 (345):1-3.
    Wayne Martin and colleagues argue that decisions about patients’ best interests must sometimes take into account the interests of others Doctors often find themselves in circumstances where they must make decisions on behalf of an incapacitated patient. As a matter of both ethics and law, such decisions must be taken in the best interests of the patient, but uncertainty remains about what is meant by best interests, especially in relation to the interests of others. Should the interests of others (...)
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  3. The Promise of Predistribution.Martin O'Neill - 2012 - Policy Network - Predistribution and the Crisis in Living Standards.
    If pursued with serious intent, Pre-distribution has the capacity to create an exciting and radical new agenda for social democracy. But the politics of Pre-distribution cannot be innocuous or uncontroversial. -/- In its more radical forms, predistribution is a potentially radical and inspiring project for social democrats who have come to see the limitations of the old ways of doing things. It’s a project that promises a strategy to deliver abundantly on values of social justice, economic freedom, and equality of (...)
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  4. Entreprises et conventionnalisme: régulation, impôt et justice sociale.Martin O'Neill - 2009 - Raison Publique.
    The focus of this article is on the place of the limited-liability joint stock corporation in a satisfactory account of social justice and, more specifically, the question of how such corporations should be regulated and taxed in order to secure social justice. -/- Most discussion in liberal political philosophy looks at state institutions, on the one hand, and individuals, on the other hand, without giving much attention to intermediate institutions such as corporations. This is in part a consequence of a (...)
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  5. Property-Owning Democracy and the Demands of Justice.Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson - 2009 - Living Reviews in Democracy 1:1-10.
    John Rawls is arguably the most important political philosopher of the past century. His theory of justice has set the agenda for debate in mainstream political philosophy for the past forty years, and has had an important influence in economics, law, sociology, and other disciplines. However, despite the importance and popularity of Rawls's work, there is no clear picture of what a society that met Rawls's principles of justice would actually look like. This article sets out to explore that question.
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  6. Toucher et Proprioception.Olivier Massin & Jean-Maurice Monnoyer - 2003 - Voir (Barré) 26:48-73.
    Our thesis is that proprioception is not a sixth sense distinct from the sense of touch, but a part of that tactile (or haptic) sense. The tactile sense is defined as the sense whose direct intentional objects are macroscopic mechanical properties. We first argue (against D. Armstrong, 1962; B. O'Shaughnessy 1989, 1995, 1998 and M. Martin, 1992, 1993,1995) that the two following claims are incompatible : (i) proprioception is a sense distinct from touch; (ii) touch is a bipolar modality, (...)
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  7. Organizational Resiliency in the Implementation of Basic Education School Learning Continuity Plan in a Changing Educational Landscape.Liezel O. Martin - 2022 - International Journal of Open-Access, Interdisciplinary and New Educational Discoveries of ETCOR Educational Research Center 1 (3):143-155.
    Aim: This study attempted to assess the organizational resiliency in the implementation of Basic Education School Learning Continuity Plan and to design a resilient basic education school learning continuity plan. -/- Methodology: The study used mixed method which is quantitative and qualitative. The data for the quantitative part of the study were gathered through a survey with the 19 school heads and 345 teacher- respondents while the qualitative method was conducted through focus group discussion interview with 19 key informants who (...)
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  8. Piketty, Meade and Predistribution.Martin O'Neill - forthcoming - Crooked Timber Book Seminar on Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
    If solutions to the problem of inequality are to be as radical as reality now demands, what is instead required is a reimagining of what would be involved comprehensively to tame capitalism through democratic means. This will involve much further development of the kind of plurality of institutional and policy proposals sketched by Meade, and will involve both the private and public – individual and collective – forms of capital predistribution that Meade advocated. Piketty, like Meade, sees the need for (...)
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  9. Economics after the Crisis, and the Crisis in Economics.Martin O'Neill - 2013 - Renewal 21 (2-3):132-43.
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  10. Turning the Tide on Tax.Martin O'Neill - 2015 - In Daisy-Rose Srblin (ed.), Values Added: Rethinking Tax for the 21st Century. Fabian Society. pp. 11-16.
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  11. What role does sensation play in our awareness of bodily position?Emilia Sandilands - 2011 - Dissertation, Edinburgh
    I attempt to draw out some difficulties with what may at first seem an intuitive and uncontroversial picture of tactile sensation - a picture of tactile sensation as perception of spatial locations where these spatial locations serve as the units out of which we build our awareness of bodily position. Given these shortcomings, rather than continue to labour under this overall picture of tactile sensation as the epistemic foundation of our awareness of bodily position, I reverse the direction of explanation, (...)
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  12. Social Justice and the Future of Flood Insurance.John O'Neill & Martin O'Neill - 2012 - Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
    What would be a fair model for flood insurance? Catastrophic flooding has become increasingly frequent in the UK and, with climate change, is likely to become even more frequent in the future. With the UK's current flood insurance regime ending in 2013, we argues that: -/- - there is an overwhelming case for rejecting a free market in flood insurance after 2013; - this market-based approach threatens to leave many thousands of properties uninsurable, leading to extensive social blight; - there (...)
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  13. Dual Structure of Touch: The Body vs. Peripersonal Space.Mohan Matthen - 2020 - In Frédérique de Vignemont (ed.), The World at Our Fingertips: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Peripersonal Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 197–214.
    The sense of touch provides us knowledge of two kinds of events. Tactile sensation (T) makes us aware of events on or just below the skin; haptic perception (H) gives us knowledge of things outside the body with which we are in contact. This paper argues that T and H are distinct experiences, and not (as some have argued) different aspects of the same touch-experience. In other words, T ≠ H. Moreover, H does not supervene on T. Secondly: In T, (...)
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  14. That Was the New Labour That Wasn't.Stuart White & Martin O'Neill - 2013 - Fabian Review.
    The New Labour we got was different from the New Labour that might have been, had the reform agenda associated with stakeholding and pluralism in the early-1990s been fully realised. We investigate the road not taken and what it means for ‘one nation’ Labour.
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  15. ¿BEL o Bypass? Dos teorías de la transparencia del autoconocimiento.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2020 - Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía 59:11-50.
    Alex Byrne and Jordi Fernández propose two different versions of a transparency theory of self-knowledge. According to Byrne, we self-attribute beliefs by an inference from what we take to be facts about the world (following a rule he calls BEL). According to Fernández, we self-attribute the belief that p on the basis of a prior mental state, a state which constitutes our grounds for the belief that p (thereby realizing a procedure he calls Bypass). In this paper, I present the (...)
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  16. O kultuře, kulturní antropologii, antropolozích a společenských vědách. Odpověď Nikolovi Balašovi.Martin Paleček - 2019 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 41 (1):151-175.
    Diskusní článek věnovaný textu Nikola Balaš, „Kdo je tu v pasti?“ Teorie vědy / Theory of Science 41, č. 1 : 133–49.
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  17. Scientific pluralism and the Chemical Revolution.Martin Kusch - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49:69-79.
    In a number of papers and in his recent book, Is Water H₂O? Evidence, Realism, Pluralism (2012), Hasok Chang has argued that the correct interpretation of the Chemical Revolution provides a strong case for the view that progress in science is served by maintaining several incommensurable “systems of practice” in the same discipline, and concerning the same region of nature. This paper is a critical discussion of Chang's reading of the Chemical Revolution. It seeks to establish, first, that Chang's assessment (...)
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  18. Occupational Stress and Academic Staff Job Performance in Two Nigerian Universities.Levi Udochukwu Akah, Valentine Joseph Owan, Peter O. Aduma, Eridiong O. Onyenweaku, Martin A. Olofu, David A. Alawa, Ajigo Ikutal & Abosede A. Usoro - 2022 - Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 11 (5):64-78.
    Available reports provide an account of academic staff’s poor job performance in higher education institutions and universities in particular. Consequently, a growing body of research has been attracted to this area, including those seeking ways to understand the problem and others aimed at proffering solutions. This study contributes to the literature by investigating the influence of occupational stress on the job performance of academic staff in universities. Three null hypotheses directed the study in line with the quantitative ex-post facto research (...)
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  19. Fisicalismo e o problema mente-cérebro: uma questão de definição.Julio César Martins Mazzoni - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):146-170.
    O Fisicalismo tem sido a posição filosófica monista mais aceita no mainstream do debate contemporâneo sobre a natureza do mental. Mas o que significa dizer que tudo o que existe é “físico”? O presente trabalho busca responder à pergunta: Como as teses fisicalistas contemporâneas têm definido o termo ‘físico’ em suas proposições? Para respondê-la foi realizada uma investigação teórico-filosófica baseada em revisão bibliográfica e análise lógica e conceitual. Quatro categorias gerais de definição do termo ‘físico’ foram identificadas numa revisão da (...)
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  20. A escrita poética de Wittgenstein, sua tradução.Helena Martins - 2011 - Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada 19:109-125.
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  21. O ‘não lugar’ epistemológico da Filosofia Africana nos livros didáticos de filosofia para o ensino médio aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro e Material Didático – PNLD 2012.Josadaque Martins Silva - 2021 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 7:1-21.
    O artigo pretende analisar a questão do ‘não lugar’ epistemológico da Filosofia Africana nos livros didáticos de filosofia aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro e Material Didático – PNLD de 2012. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o cerne deste problema é o racismo epistêmico/eurocêntrico, engendrado no período da modernidade e que corrobora o estatuto do nascimento da filosofia na Grécia antiga. O objetivo é apresentar certo viés do pensamento filosófico moderno e contemporâneo, notadamente Kant e Hegel, que caracterizam os africanos (...)
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  22. Determinismo en la física clásica: Laplace vs. Popper o Prigogine.Martín Lopez Corredoira - 2001 - El Basilisco 29:29-42.
    Pretende mostrarse en este artículo que la física clásica1 no deja lugar para el indeterminismo, tal como Laplace proclamó hace casi dos siglos. No se discute aquí la validez de la física clásica; el objetivo es mostrar que ésta es un modelo del mundo determinista, y si el mundo responde a este modelo o no es otro tema. Algunos autores, como Popper o Prigogine, han intentado rebatir este determinismo en la física clásica en base a argumentos tales como la existencia (...)
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  23. O CONCEITO DE LIBERDADE SEGUNDO THOMAS HOBBES.Marcelo Martins Bueno - 2018 - Trama Interdisciplinar 9 (3):68-87.
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  24. Encubrimiento y verdad: algunos rasgos diagnósticos de la sociedad actual.Martin Montoya & José Manuel Giménez Amaya - 2021 - Pamplona, Navarra, España: EUNSA.
    Como dice en la presentación de esta obra el profesor Javier Sánchez Cañizares, director del Grupo Ciencia, Razón y Fe (CRYF) de la Universidad de Navarra, los autoreshan tomado sobre sí, cada uno, la plena responsabilidad respecto de las verdades en las que sostienen a diario sus vidas. Han aceptado el desafío de acoger valientemente el empeño de pensar los problemas actuales, de modo interdisciplinar, para intentar iluminar los retos que presenta la sociedad de nuestros días. Es por esto que (...)
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  25. Biología y racionalidad. El carácter distintivo del cuerpo humano.Martin Montoya - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (2):183-189.
    ¿Cuáles son los componentes distintivos del cuerpo humano que permiten identificarlo como un elemento material diferente del resto del mundo físico? ¿Son tales elementos algo meramente funcional, o remiten a otra dimensión que va más allá de la instrumentalidad? Estas son las preguntas que se plantean en el libro “Biología y racionalidad. El carácter distintivo del cuerpo humano” de José Ángel Lombo y José Manuel Giménez Amaya. Partiendo desde la perspectiva filosófica, los autores buscan clarificar estas cuestiones ofreciendo un marco (...)
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    La matriz de sentido. Ensayos sobre la larga agonía de la Argentina alfonsinista.Martin Plot - 2024 - Buenos Aires: Prometeo.
    ¿Como llegamos hasta este punto en que la democracia tal como la conocimos en las últimas cuatro décadas corre peligro? Las intervenciones de Martín Plot, recorriendo los conflictos centrales de los últimos 12 años de la política argentina, ofrecen una respuesta. En un nivel que podemos llamar discursivo con la condición de entender que el autor retiene en ese nivel todos los hechos económicos, sociales y políticos relevantes del período, podrán captarse, junto a la reaparición de la virulencia del autoritarismo (...)
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  27. Ética ambiental para la ciudad.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (46):120-149.
    What does environmental ethics have to say about the urban context? Is the city an environment that has only negative value or is it possible, and in fact necessary, to develop ethical recommendations about how to design it? In this paper, I argue for the second of these disjuncts and sketch some ideas for an environmental city ethics. I try to show that the most important principle of such an ethics is procedural: anyone affected by a decision about the urban (...)
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  28. Filosofia desde o quilombo e Comunidades Autofilosóficas da Quebrada (CAQ): considerações quilombistas, decoloniais e libertárias sobre a 'práxis' filosófica brasileira.Josadaque Martins Silva - 2022 - Revista Estudos Libertários 4 (11):95-136.
    Este artigo visa analisar, em linhas gerais, a “práxis” filosófica brasileira tal como delineada, historicamente, pela pedagogia estruturalista do Departamento de Filosofia da USP. Parte-se do princípio de que essa pedagogia, fundamentada na tradição filosófica ocidental norte-cêntrica, eliminou as filosofias produzidas por comunidades políticas e geopolíticas não ocidentais – entre elas, as Filosofias da Quebrada – no âmbito do ensino de filosofia no Brasil, favorecendo somente a mera formação em história da filosofia, em detrimento do filosofar. Isto posto, para modificar (...)
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  29. Claude Lévi-Strauss: překonat okouzlení.Martin Paleček - 2010 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 32 (3):361-382.
    Při výběru z teorií, které bychom mohli aplikovat na problém, jímž se zabýváme, je pro nás účinnost jejich použití jedním z nejdůležitějších kritérií. Jinými slovy, naše hodnocení teorií se odvíjí o jejich schopnosti řešit problémy. V tomto eseji nejprve ukáži, jaké druhy problémů jsou pro sociální vědy klíčové, a s pomocí strukturalistické kritiky funkcionalismu nabídnu ilustrace těchto problémů. Budu přitom tvrdit, že Lévi-Straussovy přísliby spojené s jeho metodou nebyly nikdy naplněny a že je strukturální antropologie neuspokojivá.
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  30. Reseña de Juan Cristóbal Cruz Revueltas (ed.), "La filosofía en América Latina como problema y un epílogo desde la otra orilla", México, Publicaciones Cruz O., 2003, 229 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Francisco Fricke - 2006 - Península 1 (1):127-131.
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  31. Autoconciencia e identidad personal.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2010 - Península. Revista Semestral Del Centro Peninsular En Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 5 (1):99-118.
    Las teorías lockeanas de la identidad personal afirman que una persona persiste en el tiempo si su conciencia persiste y los criterios para la persistencia de su conciencia son principalmente psicológicos. Una posible motivación para tal teoría es la idea de que “la identidad de una persona no debería ser distinta de lo que la persona misma considera que es”(Rovane 1990, 360). ¿Pero es posible que la propia identidad dependa de lo que uno mismo piensa que es? En este trabajo (...)
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  32. A presença e o lugar de professores negros e negras no IFMT: ações afirmativas, avanços e desafios.Josadaque Martins Silva, Cristiane da Silva Ferreira & Thiago Beirigo Lopes - 2021 - Research, Society and Develpoment 10 (17):e163101724511.
    Este artigo é resultado do projeto de pesquisa ‘Educação e ações afirmativas: um estudo sobre a presença e o lugar de professores negros e negras no IFMT’, desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso. Tem por objetivo analisar, a partir de uma pesquisa quantitativa, a presença e o lugar de docentes negros e negras na estrutura educacional e administrativa do IFMT. Problematizamos especificamente esta instituição, de modo a compreender o locus dela no cenário de implementação (...)
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  33. Romantika jako epistemologická alternativa otevřená Kantovou Kritikou soudnosti.Martin Ďurďovič - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (3):259-281.
    Cílem článku je ukázat, že německá raná romantika, která položila filosofické základy romantického hnutí, nebere příklon k subjektivitě prožívání jako odklon od poznání, nýbrž jako jiný způsob poznání. Romantická niternost nachází svůj protějšek ve zkušenosti světa, jemuž umění dokáže propůjčit hlubší význam než racionální filosofie a věda. Tento nový pohled na poznání je romantiky použit jak na výklad přírody, tak duchovní lidské skutečnosti. Článek upozorňuje na to, že vedle dědictví spinozismu měla romantická epistemologie důležitý zdroj v některých úvahách Kantovy Kritiky (...)
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  34. Explicaciones "racionalistas" de la autoridad de la primera persona.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2010 - In Labastida Jaime & Aréchiga Violeta (eds.), Identidad y diferencia. Vol. 3: La filosofía y la ciencia. Siglo XXI and Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 211-226.
    Conocemos la propia mente mejor que la mente de otras personas. Explicaciones racionalistas dicen que este fenómeno se debe a nuestra racionalidad: Somos capaces de ajustar nuestras creencias e intenciones racionalmente en vista de su coherencia o de nueva evidencia y tal ajuste requiere que conozcamos nuestras creencias e intenciones con la autoridad de la primera persona. Examino pasajes de McGinn, Shoemaker y Burge, criticando el argumento en tres puntos: (1) Es posible pensar racionalmente sin autoconocimiento. (2) Los requerimientos racionalistas (...)
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  35. O Arcabouço filosófico da biologia proposto por Ernst Mayr [Ernst Mayr's Framework for a Philosophy of Biology].Luana Poliseli, Edson F. Oliveria & Martin L. Christoffersen - 2013 - Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência 6 (1):106-120.
    Known as the Darwin of the twenty-first century, the German biologist Ernst Walter Mayr (1904-2005) studied a great variety of subjects such as Ornithology, Genetics, Evolution, Classification, History, and Philosophy of Biology. This scientist was a giant of the previous century and an icon of Evolutionary Biology. He became famous for his Biological Species Concept and his conclusion that allopatry is the main cause for the origin of species. He provided a decisive contribution to the New Systematics and was the (...)
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  36. O Método de Investigação da Acrasia no Livro VII da ÉTICA NICOMAQUEIA de Aristóteles.Cristiane Martins da Silva - 2022 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Goiás
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  37. OS TÓPICOS E COMPETÊNCIA DIALÉTICA: LÓGICA E LINGUAGEM NA CODIFICAÇÃO DO DEBATE DIALÉTICO.Fernando Martins Mendonça - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    Our aim is to argue for a deflationary interpretation of Aristotelian dialectic in the Topics, showing that dialectic is, for Aristotle, a specific sort of regulated debate, in contrast to a widely spread kind of interpretation which conceives dialectic as a method of philosophical investigation. Our claim is that an analysis carefully conducted of certain key texts does provide us with sufficient evidences for defending that the Topics is a handbook which codifies an existent art. This codification has a descriptive (...)
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  38. Lineales.Martin Hyland & Valeria de Paiva - 1991 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:107-123.
    The first aim of this note is to describe an algebraic structure, more primitive than lattices and quantales, which corresponds to the intuitionistic flavour of Linear Logic we prefer. This part of the note is a total trivialisation of ideas from category theory and we play with a toy-structure a not distant cousin of a toy-language. The second goal of the note is to show a generic categorical construction, which builds models for Linear Logic, similar to categorical models GC of (...)
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  39. A influência de Aristóteles na obra astrológica de Ptolomeu (o Tetrabiblos).R. Martins - 1995 - Trans/Form/Ação 18:51-78.
    This work describes the main basic concepts of the astrological work of Ptolemy, through an analysis of his Tetrabiblos. Comparing his ideas to those of other authors of his time, it is shown that Ptolemy does not present stoic influences, as claimed by some historians. The conclusion of the article is that the basis of Ptolemy's astrology was Aristotle's physics.
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  40. Utopía y dialéctica. Ensayos sobre Herbert Marcuse.Martin Jay, Leandro Sánchez Marín & Sebastian David Giraldo - 2023 - Medellín: ennegativo ediciones.
    La negativa a imaginar la "otra" sociedad más allá del capitalismo no está ajena a la prohibición judía de nombrar o describir a Dios. Cualquiera que sea la fuente del tabú, de las principales figuras relacionadas con la Escuela de Frankfurt, solo Mar- cuse se ha atrevido en los últimos años a romperlo. Solo Marcuse ha tratado de decir lo indecible en un esfuerzo cada vez más urgente por reintroducir un molde utópico a la teoría socialista.
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  41. Evaluación de Políticas Públicas en América Latina.Hayled Martín Reyes Martín - 2019 - Santa Clara, Cuba: Editorial Feijóo.
    La presente compilación de textos es la segunda obra colectiva fruto del trabajo del grupo de investigadores que forman parte del proyecto La Alianza Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA), sus políticas públicas y los valores fundacionales de la integración latinoamericana y caribeña, radicado en la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas, Cuba. La temática abordada en esta obra (la evaluación de políticas públicas en América Latina) es continuidad lógica del primer libro de nuestro grupo de investigación, intitulado Políticas públicas. (...)
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    Sobre o Problema de Platão, o Movimento Retrógrado dos Planetas e os Sistemas de Mundo, Geocêntrico e Heliocêntrico.Paulo César da Rocha-Poppe, Maria Amanda Guimarães Santos, Vera Aparecida Fernandes Martin, Marildo Geraldête Pereira & Nelson Vani Leister - 2024 - Sitientibus Série Ciências Físicas 20:1-22.
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  43. Las reglas de Irving Copi y Carl Cohen son una condición necesaria y suficiente de la validez en los silogismos categóricos de forma estándar.Franklin Galindo & Kris Martins - 2005 - Episteme 25 (1):123-148.
    Resumen: En la actualidad uno de los libros más usados para dar lógica elemental es el de Irving Copi y Carl Cohen (Introducción a la lógica, 2001), allí se presentan unas reglas para decidir la validez de los silogismos categóricos de forma estándar. Pero en tal texto ni en ninguno que nosotros conozcamos se ofrece una fundamentación de las mismas. Es decir, una demostración de que ellas son realmente una condición necesaria y suficiente de la validez de un silogismo categórico (...)
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  44. Del hombre-máquina a la máquina-hombre: materialismo, mecanicismo y transhumanismo.Martín López Corredoira - 2019 - Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares 12:179-190.
    El materialismo de la Edad Moderna nos describe al hombre como una máquina, comparable a un complejo artilugio mecánico. Cabe entonces imaginar que una máquina no-biológica pueda constituir un ser pensante como lo son los seres humanos, e incluso cabría pensar en la posibilidad de codificación de una mente humana real para su posterior trasvase a un sustrato artificial. Considero que estas últimas posiciones son más propias de la cultura friki o de amantes de la ciencia ficción que de una (...)
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  45. Aborto por motivos terapéuticos: artículo 86 inciso 1 del Código Penal Argentino.Florencia Luna, Martín Bohmer, Romina Faerman, Diana Maffía, Julieta Manterola, Raúl Mejía, Silvina Ramos, Natalia Righetti & Mariana Romero - 2006 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: FLACSO-CEDES.
    En este segundo documento nos ocupamos del aborto realizado por motivos terapéuticos o, dicho más brevemente, del aborto terapéutico. En la Argentina, el aborto plantea serios desafíos para la salud pública, ya que, pese a estar prohibido, se practica de forma clandestina y, muchas veces, insegura, poniendo en riesgo la vida y la salud de las mujeres. Por esta razón, creemos que la sociedad y el Estado deben debatir este problema y encontrar soluciones que resguarden los derechos de las mujeres. (...)
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  46. Henri Bergson: a obrigação pura e a moral fechada (4th edition).Josadaque Martins Silva - 2020 - Fragmentos de Cultura 30 (4):850-867.
    O presente artigo pretende expor certas direções para um estudo da verdadeira significação de obrigação pura, bem como o de moral que tal obrigação define, destacando, portanto, no que consiste esta moral denominada de fechada. E, para tanto, esta investigação envolverá uma análise estrutural do primeiro capítulo de Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion (1932), estritamente dos §§ 1 a 26, do filósofo francês Henri Bergson.
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  47. Arthur Schopenhauer e a exaltação da moral cristã em Para além de bem e mal de Friedrich Nietzsche.Josadaque Martins Silva, Cristiane da Silva Ferreira & Juliano Batista dos Santos - 2021 - Revista Alembra 3 (6):79-87.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo mostrar que no quinto capítulo, § 186, de Para além de bem e mal, Nietzsche critica a pretensão clássica dos filósofos de fundamentar a moral e de formular uma ciência da moral, porém sem jamais indagar-se sobre o sentido da própria moral e sua problemática. E mais, expor que tal crítica nietzscheana atinge Arthur Schopenhauer, cuja fundamentação da moral estaria implícita na seguinte asseveração: “neminen laede, imo omines, quantum potes, iuva! – não faças mal a (...)
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  48. Identidade, Movimento e Não-contradição em Platão e Aristóteles.Arnaldo Martins de Oliveira - 2013 - Dissertation, Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Brazil
    Platão trata no Parmênides das formas ideais e do seu modelo de identidade relacionando-o ao modelo de ser eleata através da noção de um. Tendo concluído a incompatibilidade entre este modelo de atribuição e os seres mutáveis em uma realidade múltipla, ele percebeu que a noção de não-ser deveria ser desvinculada do entendimento de Parmênides através da nova noção de não-ser como diferença apresentada no Sofista. Paralelamente, Aristóteles apresenta um ordenamento parecido através da sua teoria física sobre o movimento, baseada (...)
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  49. (1 other version)A metodologia de Lamarck.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:115-140.
    This paper studies Lamarck's scientific method both from the point of view of his methodological discourse and according to his scientific praxis. Lamarck's methodology is compared to Condillac's as well as to that of the idéologues - a group in which Lamarck is usually included. The analysis of this paper shows that Lamarck's methodological discourse is very similar to Condillac's, but his scientific praxis does not follow this view. Instead of following an empiricist approach, Lamarck's work is grounded upon general (...)
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  50. TRANSFERENCIA DE EMBRIÕES EM BOVINOS: REVISÃO DE LITERATURA.Roberto de Carvalho Macedo Junior, Pedro Franco Abritta Filho, Igor Resende Ribeiro & Iara Pâmela Vasconcelos Martins Cristo - 2023 - Revista Ft 28 (129):1-15.
    Resumo A transferência de embriões em bovinos tem o objetivo principal de aprimorar o melhoramento genético e otimizar a reprodução bovina A importância dessa prática é destacada pela sua contribuição para a maximização de características desejadas nos rebanhos, como qualidade de carne, eficiência reprodutiva e resistência a condições ambientais adversas. Este trabalho descreve e analisa as técnicas avançadas utilizadas nesse processo, incluindo seleção genômica, sexagem de embriões, produção in vitro, protocolos não cirúrgicos, sincronização reprodutiva, criopreservação de embriões e uso de (...)
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