Results for 'Nicola Galesi'

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  1. The Social Value of Health Research and the Worst Off.Nicola Barsdorf & Joseph Millum - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (2):105-115.
    In this article we argue that the social value of health research should be conceptualized as a function of both the expected benefits of the research and the priority that the beneficiaries deserve. People deserve greater priority the worse off they are. This conception of social value can be applied for at least two important purposes: in health research priority setting when research funders, policy-makers, or researchers decide between alternative research projects; and in evaluating the ethics of proposed research proposals (...)
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  2. The Replaceability Argument in the Ethics of Animal Husbandry.Nicolas Delon - 2016 - Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics.
    Most people agree that inflicting unnecessary suffering upon animals is wrong. Many fewer people, including among ethicists, agree that painlessly killing animals is necessarily wrong. The most commonly cited reason is that death (without pain, fear, distress) is not bad for them in a way that matters morally, or not as significantly as it does for persons, who are self-conscious, make long-term plans and have preferences about their own future. Animals, at least those that are not persons, lack a morally (...)
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  3. Introduction to Foucault Studies (April 2014), Special Issue on Foucault and Deleuze.Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail & Daniel W. Smith - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:4-10.
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  4. If Panpsychism Is True, Then What? Part 2: Existential Implications.Nicolas Kuske & Luke Roelofs - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
    If panpsychism is true, it suggests that consciousness pervades not only our brains and bodies but also the entire universe, prompting a reevaluation of our existential attitudes. Hence, panpsychism potentially fulfills psychological needs typically addressed by religious beliefs, such as a sense of belonging and purpose but also transcendence. The discussion is organized into two main areas: the implications of panpsychism for basic human existential needs, such as feelings of kinship, ommunication, and loneliness; and for greater existential questions relating to (...)
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  5. BFO and DOLCE: So Far, So Close….Nicola Guarino - 2017 - Cosmos + Taxis 4 (4):10-18.
    A survey of the similarities and differences between BFO and DOLCE, and of the mutual interactions between Nicola Guarino and Barry Smith.
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  6. Socratic Elenchus in the Sophist.Nicolas Zaks - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (4):371-390.
    This paper demonstrates the central role of the Socratic elenchus in the Sophist. In the first part, I defend the position that the Stranger describes the Socratic elenchus in the sixth division of the Sophist. In the second part, I show that the Socratic elenchus is actually used when the Stranger scrutinizes the accounts of being put forward by his predecessors. In the final part, I explain the function of the Socratic elenchus in the argument of the dialogue. By contrast (...)
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  7. Bioethics and the Hypothesis of Extended Health.Nicolae Morar & Joshua August Skorburg - 2018 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (3):341-376.
    Dominant views about the nature of health and disease in bioethics and the philosophy of medicine have presumed the existence of a fixed, stable, individual organism as the bearer of health and disease states, and as such, the appropriate target of medical therapy and ethical concern. However, recent developments in microbial biology, neuroscience, the philosophy of cognitive science, and social and personality psychology (Ickes...
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  8. The future of eugenics.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    A "free-market" approach to the genetic development of children may result in a homogenising. Parents may be inclined to choose according to models accepted by society. In this case, improving technologies will "will grant racism and homophobia an unprecedented efficacy." One concern about the obligation to produce the best child in a particular society is that social norms may be discriminatory, so that in the end, for example, most children will be boys, extremists and heterosexuals. The sequencing of the human (...)
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  9. Teorii alternative la gravitația newtoniană.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Teoreticienii au formulat un set de criterii fundamentale pe care orice teorie a gravitației ar trebui să le satisfacă, două pur teoretice și două care se bazează pe dovezi experimentale. Astfel, o teorie trebuie să fie: 1. completă (capabilă să analizeze din "primele principii" rezultatul oricărui experiment de interes); 2. auto-consistentă (predicția sa pentru rezultatul fiecărui experiment trebuie să fie unică); 3. relativistă (la limită când se neglijează gravitația în comparație cu alte interacțiuni fizice, legile non-gravitaționale ale fizicii trebuie să (...)
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  10. Istoria eugeniei.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):59-74.
    Sir Francis Galton a sistematizat aceste idei și practici, influențat de cartea Originea Speciilor a vărului lui, Charles Darwin, prin care mecanismele de selecție naturală au fost potențial zădărnicite de civilizația umană. El a afirmat că societatea umană, protejând pe cei defavorizați și slabi, era în contradicție cu selecția naturală , și numai prin schimbarea acestor politici sociale ar putea fi salvată societatea de la o "revenirea spre mediocritate", frază transformată de el ulterior în "regresia spre mediocritatea." Charles Davenport, un (...)
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  11. Analyse du renseignement.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Les analystes sont dans le domaine des « connaissances ». L'activité de renseignement fait référence à la connaissance et les types de problèmes abordés sont des problèmes de connaissance. Nous avons donc besoin d'un concept de travail basé sur la connaissance. Nous avons besoin d'une compréhension de base de ce que nous savons et de la manière dont nous le savons, de ce que nous ne savons pas et même de ce qui peut être connu et de ce qui ne (...)
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  12. Isaac Newton despre acțiunea mediată.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Interpretarea textelor lui Isaac Newton a suscitat numeroase controverse, până în zilele noastre. Una din cele mai aprinse dezbateri este legată de acțiunea între două corpuri aflate la distanță unul de celălalt (atracția gravitațională), și în ce măsură Newton a implicat pe Dumnezeu în acest caz. Practic, majoritatea lucrărilor discută patru tipuri de atracții gravitaționale în cazul corpurilor aflate la distanță: acțiunea la distanță directă ca proprietate intrinsecă a corpurilor în sens epicurian; acțiunea la distanță directă mediată divin, de Dumnezeu; (...)
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  13. Gravitația în interogările din Optica lui Newton.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Newton a sugerat, în timp, mai multe tipuri de eter care ar putea media acțiunea la distanță. Dar, consecvent ideii sale că nu va născoci ipoteze care nu se bazează pe dovezi experimentale, nu a promovat niciodată aceste sugestii la nivelul unor ipoteze științifice. Trebuia să împace mecaniciștii, astfel încât a mers pe ideea unui eter din particule atât de fine încât masa e neglijabilă (practic, un eter imaterial). Mediul pe care Newton l-a introdus în Interogarea 21 constă din corpuri (...)
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  14. L'eugénisme contemporain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Depuis les années 1980, le génie génétique a été largement utilisé pour modifier génétiquement des organismes et des aliments. La pratique des tests génétiques prénataux identifie des gènes ou des marqueurs génétiques indésirables. Les parents peuvent choisir de poursuivre leur grossesse ou d'abandonner le bébé. Une fois le diagnostic génétique préimplantatoire réalisé, les parents potentiels peuvent choisir de recourir à la fécondation in vitro, puis de tester les cellules embryonnaires précoces pour identifier les embryons avec les gènes qu’ils préfèrent, ou (...)
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  15. Paşti (Paşte) - Cea mai importantă sărbătoare creştină.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2015 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Paştele este cea mai importantă sărbătoare religioasă din anul liturgic creştin. Creştinii cred că Iisus a fost înviat după trei zile de la crucificarea sa. Multe denominaţii creştine celebrează învierea sa în Ziua de Paşti sau Duminica Paştelui (denumită şi Ziua Învierii sau Duminica Învierii), la două zile după Sfânta Vineri. Orice altă sărbătoare religioasă din calendarul ortodox, inclusiv Crăciunul, este mai puţin importantă faţă de celebrarea Învierii lui Iisus Hristos. Acest lucru se reflectă în bogate obiceiuri pascale în ţările (...)
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  16. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On this semantics, (...)
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  17. Against Normative Consent.Nicolas Frank - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (4):470-487.
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  18. Un Singer peut-il en remplacer un autre ?Nicolas Delon - 2016 - Klesis 32:150-190.
    In the third edition of ‘Practical Ethics’ (2011), Peter Singer reexamines the so-called “replaceability argument,” according to which merely sentient beings, as opposed to persons (self-conscious and with a robust sense of time), are replaceable—it is in principle permissible to kill them provided that they live pleasant lives that they would not have had otherwise and that they be replaced by equally happy beings. On this view, existence is a benefit and death is not a harm. Singer’s challenge is to (...)
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  19. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
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  20. Buclele cauzale în călătoria în timp.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2018 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    În această lucrare analizez posibilitatea călătoriei în timp pe baza mai multor lucrări de specialitate, printre care cele ale lui Nicholas J.J. Smith ("Time Travel", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy”), William Grey (”Troubles with Time Travel”), Ulrich Meyer (”Explaining causal loops”), Simon Keller și Michael Nelson (”Presentists should believe in time-travel”), Frank Arntzenius și Tim Maudlin ("Time Travel and Modern Physics") și David Lewis (“The Paradoxes of Time Travel”). Lucrarea începe cu o Introducere în care fac o scurtă prezentare a (...)
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  21. Real Numbers are the Hidden Variables of Classical Mechanics.Nicolas Gisin - 2020 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 7:197–201.
    Do scientific theories limit human knowledge? In other words, are there physical variables hidden by essence forever? We argue for negative answers and illustrate our point on chaotic classical dynamical systems. We emphasize parallels with quantum theory and conclude that the common real numbers are, de facto, the hidden variables of classical physics. Consequently, real numbers should not be considered as ``physically real" and classical mechanics, like quantum physics, is indeterministic.
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  22. Engineering ontologies: Foundations and theories from philosophy and logical theory.Nicola Guarino & Barry Smith - 2006 - In Nicola Guarino & Barry Smith (eds.), Engineering ontologies: Foundations and theories from philosophy and logical theory. pp. 1-13.
    Ontology as a branch of philosophy is the science of what is, of the kinds and structures of objects, properties, events, processes and relations in every area of reality. ‘Ontology’ is often used by philosophers as a synonym for ‘metaphysics’ (literally: ‘what comes after the Physics’), a term which was used by early students of Aristotle to refer to what Aristotle himself called ‘first philosophy’. The term ‘ontology’ (or ontologia) was itself coined in 1613, independently, by two philosophers, Rudolf Göckel (...)
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  23. Relational Agency: Yes—But How Far? Vulnerability and the Moral Self.Nicolae Morar & Joshua August Skorburg - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (2):83-85.
    Peer commentary on: Goering, S., Klein, E., Dougherty, D. D., & Widge, A. S. (2017). Staying in the loop: Relational agency and identity in next-generation DBS for psychiatry. AJOB Neuroscience, 8(2), 59-70.
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  24. Consciousness And Self-Identity.Nicola Zippel - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):143-150.
    The paper aims at analyzing the inner development of self-identity from its pre-reflective level to the full awareness one. The recent findings of neurosciences and cognitive studies suggest focusing attention on the complex relation between self as consciousness and self as subjectivity, both with regard to their interdependency and to their reference to a shared context. Phenomenology, thanks to the careful consideration of the issues regarding the constitution of mental life articulated by its classic researches and current inquires, offers a (...)
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  25. Electricitate și magnetism - Electromagnetism fenomenologic.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2018 - Drobeta Turnu Severin, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    O introducere în lumea electricității și a magnetismului, explicată în principal fenomenologic, cu ajutorul unui aparat matematic minimal, și cu exemple și aplicații din viața reală. O prezentare compactă, clară și precisă a unui domeniu care reprezintă o parte importantă a vieții noastre. Cartea acoperă toate subiectele introductive standard, respectiv electrostatica (forțe electrice, sarcini electrice, conservarea sarcinii, legea lui Coulomb, conductori și izolatori (rezistența electrică și conductanța electrică), semiconductori, superconductori, polarizarea (dielectrici), câmpul electric, potențialul electric, stocarea energiei electrice), curentul electric (...)
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  26. Science de l’entrelacement des formes, science suprême, science des hommes libres : la dialectique dans le Sophiste 253b-254b.Nicolas Zaks - 2017 - Elenchos 38 (1-2):61-81.
    Despite intensive exegetical work, Plato’s description of dialectic in the Sophist still raises many questions. Through a close reading of this passage that contextualizes it in the general organisation of the Sophist, this paper provides answers to these questions. After presenting the difficult text, I contend that the “vowel-kinds” are necessary conditions for the blending of kinds. Then, I interpret the “cause of divisions” mentioned by the Stranger as the kinds responsible of the dichotomous division in the first half of (...)
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  27. Non-realism: Deep Thought or a Soft Option?Nicolas Gisin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (1):80-85.
    The claim that the observation of a violation of a Bell inequality leads to an alleged alternative between nonlocality and non-realism is annoying because of the vagueness of the second term.
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  28. Metodologii moderne în analiza intelligence.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Intelligence Info 1 (2):13-22.
    Metodologia, în analiza intelligence, constă din metodele folosite pentru a lua decizii despre amenințări, în special în cadrul disciplinei de analiză a informațiilor. Teoria prismatică a lui Robert Flood, denumită de alții drept pluralism metodologic, folosește metafora pentru a descrie gândirea creativă și de transformare, respectiv o prismă care descompune lumina în culorile sale componente prin dubla refracție. Tehnicile analitice structurale sunt folosite pentru a provoca judecata, la identificarea mentalităților, depășirea prejudecăților, stimularea creativității și gestionarea incertitudinii.
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  29. Indeterminism in Physics, Classical Chaos and Bohmian Mechanics: Are Real Numbers Really Real?Nicolas Gisin - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1469-1481.
    It is usual to identify initial conditions of classical dynamical systems with mathematical real numbers. However, almost all real numbers contain an infinite amount of information. I argue that a finite volume of space can’t contain more than a finite amount of information, hence that the mathematical real numbers are not physically relevant. Moreover, a better terminology for the so-called real numbers is “random numbers”, as their series of bits are truly random. I propose an alternative classical mechanics, which is (...)
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  30. Opera lui Platon.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Întregul corp de lucrări al lui Platon a supraviețuit intact până în zilele noastre, influențând decisiv cultura occidentală. Pentru Platon, dialogul este singurul instrument capabil să evidențieze caracterul de cercetare al filosofiei, elementul cheie al gândirii sale. Cu siguranță cuvântul scris este mai precis și mai aprofundat decât cel oral, dar discursul oral permite un schimb imediat de opinii asupra subiectului în discuție. Protagonistul principal al dialogurilor este Socrate, cu excepția ultimelor dialoguri unde acestuia i se atribuie un rol secundar, (...)
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  31. Imaginative Moral Development.Nicolas Bommarito - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):251-262.
    The picture of moral development defended by followers of Aristotle takes moral cultivation to be like playing a harp; one gets to be good by actually spending time playing a real instrument. On this view, we cultivate a virtue by doing the actions associated with that virtue. I argue that this picture is inadequate and must be supplemented by imaginative techniques. One can, and sometimes must, cultivate virtue without actually performing the associated actions. Drawing on strands in Buddhist philosophy, I (...)
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  32. Evolution de l'eugénisme jusqu'à la seconde guerre mondiale.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Sir Francis Galton a systématisé les idées et pratiques de l'eugenisme, influencées par le livre L'origine des espèces de son cousin, Charles Darwin, par lesquelles les mécanismes de sélection naturels étaient potentiellement déjoués par la civilisation humaine. Il a affirmé que la société humaine, protégeant les plus défavorisés et les plus faibles, était en contradiction avec la sélection naturelle, et que seule une modification de ces politiques sociales permettrait à la société d'être sauvée d'un « retour à la médiocrité », (...)
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  33. Indeterminism in physics and intuitionistic mathematics.Nicolas Gisin - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13345-13371.
    Most physics theories are deterministic, with the notable exception of quantum mechanics which, however, comes plagued by the so-called measurement problem. This state of affairs might well be due to the inability of standard mathematics to “speak” of indeterminism, its inability to present us a worldview in which new information is created as time passes. In such a case, scientific determinism would only be an illusion due to the timeless mathematical language scientists use. To investigate this possibility it is necessary (...)
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  34. Nudging and the Ecological and Social Roots of Human Agency.Nicolae Morar & Daniel Kelly - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (11):15-17.
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  35. Solaris, de Stanisław Lem.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Solaris este un roman filozofic de ficțiune din 1961 al scriitorului polonez Stanisław Lem. Cartea se axează pe temele naturii memoriei umane, experienței și inadvertenței comunicării între speciile umane și non-umane. În cercetarea și examinarea suprafeței oceanice a planetei Solaris de la o stație de cercetări, oamenii de știință umani, la rândul lor, sunt aparent studiați de planeta în sine, care sondează și examinează gândurile ființelor umane care o analizează. Solaris are capacitatea de a le scoate la suprafață preocupările secrete, (...)
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  36. Toward an Ecological Bioethics.Nicolae Morar & Joshua August Skorburg - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (5):35-37.
    Peer commentary on: Blumenthal-Barby, J. S. (2016). Biases and heuristics in decision making and their impact on autonomy. The American Journal of Bioethics, 16(5), 5-15.
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  37. Strangers to ourselves: a Nietzschean challenge to the badness of suffering.Nicolas Delon - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3600-3629.
    Is suffering really bad? The late Derek Parfit argued that we all have reasons to want to avoid future agony and that suffering is in itself bad both for the one who suffers and impersonally. Nietzsche denied that suffering was intrinsically bad and that its value could even be impersonal. This paper has two aims. It argues against what I call ‘Realism about the Value of Suffering’ by drawing from a broadly Nietzschean debunking of our evaluative attitudes, showing that a (...)
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  38. Ontological Frameworks for Food Utopias.Nicola Piras, Andrea Borghini & Beatrice Serini - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 1 (75):120-142.
    World food production is facing exorbitant challenges like climate change, use of resources, population growth, and dietary changes. These, in turn, raise major ethical and political questions, such as how to uphold the right to adequate nutrition, or the right to enact a gastronomic culture and to preserve the conditions to do so. Proposals for utopic solutions vary from vertical farming and lab meat to diets filled with the most fanciful insects and seaweeds. Common to all proposals is a polarized (...)
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  39. Animal capabilities and freedom in the city.Nicolas Delon - 2021 - Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 22 (1):131-153.
    Animals who live in cities must coexist with us. They are, as a result, entitled to the conditions of their flourishing. This article argues that, as the boundaries of cities and urban areas expand, the boundaries of our conception of captivity should expand too. Urbanization can undermine animals’ freedoms, hence their ability to live good lives. I draw the implications of an account of “pervasive captivity” against the background of the Capabilities Approach. I construe captivity, including that of urban animals, (...)
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  40. (1 other version)The science of belief: A progress report.Nicolas Porot & Eric Mandelbaum - forthcoming - WIREs Cognitive Science 1.
    The empirical study of belief is emerging at a rapid clip, uniting work from all corners of cognitive science. Reliance on belief in understanding and predicting behavior is widespread. Examples can be found, inter alia, in the placebo, attribution theory, theory of mind, and comparative psychological literatures. Research on belief also provides evidence for robust generalizations, including about how we fix, store, and change our beliefs. Evidence supports the existence of a Spinozan system of belief fixation: one that is automatic (...)
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  41. Filmul Solaris, regia Andrei Tarkovsky – Aspecte psihologice și filosofice.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    În acest eseu evidențiez principalele aspecte psihologice și filosofice desprinse din filmul Solaris regizat de Andrei Tarkovski, precum și tehnicile cinematografice utilizate de regizor pentru a-și transmite mesajele spectatorului. În ”Introducere” prezint pe scurt elementele relevante din biografia lui Tarkovski și o prezentare generală a romanului Solaris a lui Stanislav Lem și filmul Solaris în regia lui Andrei Tarkovsky. În ”Tehnica cinematografică” vorbesc despre ritmul specific al scenelor, mișcarea radicală declanșată de Tarkovsky în cinematografia modernă, rolul elementelor simbolice și iconice, (...)
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  42. Evoluția și etica eugeniei.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    În acest articol încerc să argumentez opinia că, așa cum este definită eugenia, este foarte dificil de făcut o diferențiere clară între știință (medicină, ingineria genetică) și eugenie. Și de stabilit o linie peste care ingineria genetică nu ar trebui să treacă, conform unor norme morale, juridice și religioase. Atâta timp cât acceptăm ajutorul geneticii în găsirea unor modalități de combatere a cancerului, diabetului sau HIV, acceptăm în mod implicit și eugenia pozitivă, conform definiției actuale. Și atâta timp cât acceptăm (...)
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  43. Private Solidarity.Nicolas Bommarito - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):445-455.
    It’s natural to think of acts of solidarity as being public acts that aim at good outcomes, particularly at social change. I argue that not all acts of solidarity fit this mold - acts of what I call ‘private solidarity’ are not public and do not aim at producing social change. After describing paradigmatic cases of private solidarity, I defend an account of why such acts are themselves morally virtuous and what role they can have in moral development.
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  44. The problem of evaluating automated large-scale evidence aggregators.Nicolas Wüthrich & Katie Steele - 2017 - Synthese (8):3083-3102.
    In the biomedical context, policy makers face a large amount of potentially discordant evidence from different sources. This prompts the question of how this evidence should be aggregated in the interests of best-informed policy recommendations. The starting point of our discussion is Hunter and Williams’ recent work on an automated aggregation method for medical evidence. Our negative claim is that it is far from clear what the relevant criteria for evaluating an evidence aggregator of this sort are. What is the (...)
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  45. Platon, Republica: Aspecte generale.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Republica a fost scrisă aproximativ între 380 și 370 î.e.n. Titlul Republica este derivat din latină, fiind atribuit lui Cicero, care a numit cartea De re publica (Despre treburile publice), sau chiar ca De republica, creând astfel confuzie în ceea ce privește adevărata ei semnificație. Republica este considerată parte integrantă a genului literar utopic. Al doilea titlu, Peri dikaiou (περὶ δικαίου, Despre justiție), este posibil să fi fost inclus ulterior. Tema centrală a cărții este dreptatea, argumentată cu ajutorul mai multor (...)
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  46. Applied ontology: Focusing on content.Nicola Guarino & Mark A. Musen - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):1-5.
    In a world that is overflowing with journals and other outlets for scientific publication, the appearance of any new periodical requires some justification. There are already more journals than we can read and more conferences than we can attend. In the case of applied Ontology, we believe that the creation of anew journal not only is completely justifiable, it is downright exciting. For too long, workers in computer science have assumed that content comes for free. “Theory” in computer science has (...)
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  47. Distributed Truth-Telling: A Model for Moral Revolution and Epistemic Justice in Australia.Nicolas J. Bullot & Stephen W. Enciso - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    This article provides a philosophical response to the need for truth-telling about colonial history, focussing on the Australian context. The response consists in inviting philosophers and the public to engage in social-justice practices specified by a model called Distributed Truth-Telling (DTT), which integrates the historiography of injustices affecting Indigenous peoples with insights from social philosophy and cultural evolution theory. By contrast to official and large-scale truth commissions, distributed truth-telling is a set of non-elitist practices that weave three components: first, multisite, (...)
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  48. Rubén Sierra: una filosofía ocasionalista.Nicolás Duque - 2021 - Aleph 55 (197):58-65.
    "Rubén Sierra: una filosofía ocasionalista" explora la relación de este filósofo colombiano con algunos rasgos del ocasionalismo: la búsqueda de matices más que de generalidades; el uso de un lenguaje común para referirse a las circunstancias; la expectativa de cambio de las situaciones indeseadas a partir de la denuncia y la apertura a la refutación.
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  49. Relational nonhuman personhood.Nicolas Delon - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (4):569-587.
    This article defends a relational account of personhood. I argue that the structure of personhood consists of dyadic relations between persons who can wrong or be wronged by one another, even if some of them lack moral competence. I draw on recent work on directed duties to outline the structure of moral communities of persons. The upshot is that we can construct an inclusive theory of personhood that can accommodate nonhuman persons based on shared community membership. I argue that, once (...)
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  50. Events, their names, and their synchronic structure.Nicola Guarino, Riccardo Baratella & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (2):249-283.
    We present in this paper a novel ontological theory of events whose central tenet is the Aristotelian distinction between the object that changes and the actual subject of change, which is what we call an individual quality. While in the Kimian tradition events are individuated by a triple ⟨ o, P, t ⟩, where o is an object, P a property, and t an interval of time, for us the simplest events are qualitative changes, individuated by a triple ⟨ o, (...)
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