Results for 'Paula Ruiz-González'

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  1.  34
    Relevancia y pertinencia histórica de la filosofía Max Stirner.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In José Carlos Ruiz Sánchez & Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez (eds.), Territorios del pensamiento. Madrid: Dykinson. pp. 219-232.
    Este texto pretende dar respuestas a la pregunta acerca de (y justificar) la importancia de la filosofía de Max Stirner, principalmente expuesta en El Único y su propiedad, en el curso de la historia de la filosofía, y, por ende, la conveniencia de su conocimiento, esto es, su investigación y estudio.
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  2.  28
    La asignatura de Historia de la Filosofía contemporánea en el doble grado en Derecho Y Filosofía.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In Inmaculada Marín Alonso & María de Paz (eds.), Materiales didácticos y de coordinación interdisciplinar de asignaturas en el doble grado en derecho y filosofía. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. pp. 109-120.
    Comprender la Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea supone entender en muchos y muy significativos aspectos el mundo actual y sus vicisitudes históricas, éticas y políticas, epistemológicas, antropológicas, estéticas, metafísicas, etc. De ahí la enorme importancia que supone el estudio de una materia como esta para el alumnado del Doble Grado en Derecho y Filosofía en tanto que pilar que permite situar la filosofía presente y navegar desde ella por el flujo de los, anchamente entendidos, tiempos actuales, en todas sus ramas (...)
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    Debates en torno a la originalidad de Isidoro de Sevilla.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In José Carlos Ruiz Sánchez & Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez (eds.), Territorios del pensamiento. Madrid: Dykinson. pp. 233-243.
    En este texto tiene el objetivo de recopilar y presentar los posicionamientos y argumentos históricos más relevantes en torno al acerca de la originalidad de Isidoro de Sevilla y su obra, y, además, con ello, el de mantener vigente un tema, de gran relevancia histórica y filosófica, del que aún queda mucho que indagar y decir.
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    Aciertos e insuficiencias en la ontología de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2024 - Synesis 16 (2).
    El Realismo Especulativo, Nuevo Realismo o Realismo Postcontinental es una corriente ecléctica que viene a superar las aporías e insuficiencias de la filosofía continental desde una perspectiva a la que se le podrían achacar los mismos problemas que la perspectiva idealista y constructivista de los filósofos continentales. Para el desarrollo de la filosofía es importante entablar conversación los autores de este movimiento. En el presente artículo se presenta una aproximación a los aciertos e insuficiencias de las ontologías de dos autores (...)
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  5. Self-Employment and Independence.Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2023 - In Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom (eds.), Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Self-employment merits protection and promotion, we often hear, because it confers independence from a boss. But what, if anything, is wrong with having a boss? On one of the two views that this chapter inspects, being under the power of a boss is objectionable as such, no matter how suitably checked this power may be, for it undermines workers’ agency. On a second view, which republican theorists favor, what is objectionable is subjection not to the power of a boss as (...)
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    Teoría del 'homo risu capax' (la risa como capacidad exclusiva humana) en Isidoro de Sevilla: antecedentes, delimitación y aportes isidorianos.Nolo Ruiz - 2023 - Naturaleza y Libertad: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares 17:119-139.
    In the twenty-fifth chapter of the second book of Etymologies, epitome of the Isagoge of Profirius, the sevillian philosopher Isidore of Seville, taking the example of the tyrian thinker, takes up the anthropo-philosophical theory of homo risv capax, that is, the human being defined as the only living being, mortal or immortal, irrational or rational, capable of laughing. Or, in others words, laughter understood as what is (most) proper -in the sense of exclusive- to the human being. A theory that (...)
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  7.  25
    Integración: eje articulador en Isidoro de Sevilla.Nolo Ruiz - 2023 - Fragmentos de Filosofía 19:15-26.
    Integration as an objective and aspiration, the tendency toward synthesis and eclecticism emerges as a fundamental trait in the works and life of Isidore of Seville, both on a theoretical and practical level. This distinctive peculiarity also constitutes an element of interest in the research (and historical debate) regarding the originality of the Sevillian philosopher’s work. This article delves into this issue, its meaning, and implications through both the texts of the Sevillian metropolitan and the considerations of authorities in Isidorian (...)
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  8. Remembrance beyond Forgiveness.Paula Satne - 2022 - In Paula Satne & Sheiter Krisanna (eds.), Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge and Punishment. pp. 301-327.
    I argue that political forgiveness is sometimes, but not always, compatible with public commemoration of politically motivated wrongdoing. I start by endorsing the claim that commemorating serious past wrongdoing has moral value and imposes moral demands on key actors within post-conflict societies. I am concerned with active commemoration, that is, the deliberate acts of bringing victims and the wrong done to them to public attention. The main issue is whether political forgiveness requires forgetting and conversely whether remembrance can be an (...)
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  9.  25
    Pitágoras el jondo.Nolo Ruiz - 2022 - In Alberto Ciria & Alejandro G. J. Peña (eds.), Flamenco. Sevilla: Themata. pp. 137-140.
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  10. Forgiveness and Punishment in Kant's Moral System.Paula Satne - 2018 - In Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Paula Satne (eds.), Kant's Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. pp. 201-219.
    Forgiveness as a positive response to wrongdoing is a widespread phenomenon that plays a role in the moral lives of most persons. Surprisingly, Kant has very little to say on the matter. Although Kant dedicates considerable space to discussing punishment, wrongdoing and grace, he addresses the issues of human forgiveness directly only in some short passages in the Lectures on Ethics and in one passage of the Metaphysics of Morals. As noted by Sussman, the TL passage, however, betrays some ambivalence. (...)
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  11. Ownership and Control Rights in Democratic Firms: A Republican Approach.Inigo González-Ricoy - 2020 - Review of Social Economy 78 (3):411-430.
    Workplace democracy is often defined, and has recently been defended, as a form of intra-firm governance in which workers have control rights over management with no ownership requirement on their part. Using the normative tools of republican political theory, the paper examines bargaining power disparities and moral hazard problems resulting from the allocation of control rights and ownership to different groups within democratic firms, with a particular reference to the European codetermination system. With various qualifications related to potentially mitigating factors, (...)
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  12. Framing Intersectionality.Elena Ruíz - 2017 - In Linda Alcoff, Luvell Anderson & Paul Taylor (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Race. Routledge. pp. 335-348.
    Intersectionality is a term that arose within the black feminist intellectual tradition for the purposes of identifying interlocking systems of oppression. As a descriptive term, it refers to the ways human identity is shaped by multiple social vectors and overlapping identity categories (such as sex, race, class) that may not be readily visible in single-axis formulations of identity, but which are taken to be integral to robustly capture the multifaceted nature of human experience. As a diagnostic term, it captures the (...)
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  13. European and comparative law study regarding family’s legal role in deceased organ procurement.Marina Morla-González, Clara Moya-Guillem, Janet Delgado & Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2021 - Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado 29.
    Several European countries are approving legislative reforms moving to a presumed consent system in order to increase organ donation rates. Nevertheless, irrespective of the consent system in force, family's decisional capacity probably causes a greater impact on such rates. In this contribution we have developed a systematic methodology in order to analyse and compare European organ procurement laws, and we clarify the weight given by each European law to relatives' decisional capacity over individual's preferences (expressed or not while alive) regarding (...)
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  14. EL OFICIO DEL INVESTIGADOR NOVEL.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2020 - Revista Científica de la Facultad de Filosofía - UNA 11 (2):92 - 114.
    El propósito del ensayo es ofrecer una reflexión sobre la profesión del investigador novel desde la experiencia del autor a la luz de las ideas y reflexiones ofrecidas por Pierre Bourdieu en su obra “El oficio de científico” con cuestiones actuales y retos a los que se enfrentan la comunidad científica en el ámbito de las ciencias de la educación. El texto se articula con relación a los temas que surgen de la lectura del libro de Bourdieu que se irán (...)
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  15. Chimeras intended for human gamete production: an ethical alternative?César Palacios-González - 2017 - Reproductive Biomedicine Online 35 (4):387-390.
    Human eggs for basic, fertility and stem-cell research are in short supply. Many experiments that require their use cannot be carried out at present, and, therefore, the benefits that could emerge from these are either delayed or never materialise. This state of affairs is problematic for scientists and patients worldwide, and it is a matter that needs our attention. Recent advances in chimera research have opened the possibility of creating human/non-human animal chimeras intended for human gamete production (chimeras-IHGP). In this (...)
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  16. The Speechless Patient: Charcot’s Diagnostic Interpretation of Vocal, Gestural and Written Expressions in Hysterical Mutism.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Josephine Hoegaerts & Janice Schroeder (eds.), Ordinary Oralities: Everyday Voices in History. De Gruyter. pp. 171-88.
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  17. No Masters Above: Testing Five Arguments for Self-Employment.Inigo González-Ricoy & Jahel Queralt - 2021 - In Keith Breen (ed.), The Politics and Ethics of Contemporary Work: Whither Work? Routledge.
    Despite renewed interest in work, philosophers have largely ignored self-employment. This neglect is surprising, not just because self-employment was central to classic philosophizing about work, but also given that half of the global workforce today, including one in seven workers in OECD countries, are self-employed. We start off by offering a definition of self-employment, one that accounts for its various forms while avoiding misclassifying dependent self-employed workers as independent contractors, and by mapping the barriers to becoming and remaining self-employed (section (...)
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  18. The Unobserved Anatomy: Negotiating the Plausibility of AI-Based Reconstructions of Missing Brain Structures in Clinical MRI Scans.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Antje Flüchter, Birte Förster, Britta Hochkirchen & Silke Schwandt (eds.), Plausibilisierung und Evidenz: Dynamiken und Praktiken von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Bielefeld University Press. pp. 169-192.
    Vast archives of fragmentary structural brain scans that are routinely acquired in medical clinics for diagnostic purposes have so far been considered to be unusable for neuroscientific research. Yet, recent studies have proposed that by deploying machine learning algorithms to fill in the missing anatomy, clinical scans could, in future, be used by researchers to gain new insights into various brain disorders. This chapter focuses on a study published in2019, whose authors developed a novel unsupervised machine learning algorithm for synthesising (...)
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  19.  68
    Tuercas y tornillos de la filosofía política.Inigo Gonzalez-Ricoy & Jahel Queralt - 2021 - In Iñigo Gonzalez Ricoy & Jahel Queralt (eds.), Razones públicas. Una introducción a la filosofía política. Barcelona: Ariel. pp. 21-50.
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  20. (1 other version)Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and Mexico’s Rule of Law: On the Legality of the First Maternal Spindle Transfer Case.César Palacios-González - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (1):50–69.
    News about the first baby born after a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT; specifically maternal spindle transfer) broke on September 27, 2016 and, in a matter of hours, went global. Of special interest was the fact that the mitochondrial replacement procedure happened in Mexico. One of the scientists behind this world first was quoted as having said that he and his team went to Mexico to carry out the procedure because, in Mexico, there are no rules. In this paper, we explore (...)
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  21. Reproductive Violence and Settler Statecraft.Elena Ruíz, Nora Berenstain & Nerli Paredes-Ruvalcaba - 2023 - In Sanaullah Khan & Elliott Schwebach (eds.), Global Histories of Trauma: Globalization, Displacement and Psychiatry. Routledge. pp. 150-173.
    Gender-based forms of administrative violence, such as reproductive violence, are the result of systems designed to enact population-level harms through the production and forcible imposition of colonial systems of gender. Settler statecraft has long relied on the strategic promotion of sexual and reproductive violence. Patterns of reproductive violence adapt and change to align with the enduring goals and evolving needs of settler colonial occupation, dispossession, and containment. The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to end the constitutional right to abortion in (...)
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  22. Los estudiantes como teleólogos predarwinianos: una propuesta para abordar el problema de la teleología en la enseñanza de la Biología.Leonardo González Galli, Yefrin Ariza & Santiago Ginnobili - 2022 - la Revista de Investigación En Educación 20 (2):188-203.
    En este trabajo presentamos los fundamentos teóricos de una propuesta para el abordaje didáctico de concepciones teleológicas de los y las estudiantes en la enseñanza de la Biología. La propuesta en cuestión supone acudir al modo en que Darwin lidió con las concepciones teleológicas dominantes entre sus contemporáneos, para proponer una estrategia general a través de la cual se podría incidir sobre las intuiciones teleológicas de los estudiantes, de modo que se pueda facilitar el aprendizaje de la teoría de la (...)
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  23. Reliability of Motivation and the Moral Value of Actions.Paula Satne - 2013 - Studia Kantiana 14:5-33.
    Kant famously made a distinction between actions from duty and actions in conformity with duty claiming that only the former are morally worthy. Kant’s argument in support of this thesis is taken to rest on the claim that only the motive of duty leads non-accidentally or reliably to moral actions. However, many critics of Kant have claimed that other motives such as sympathy and benevolence can also lead to moral actions reliably, and that Kant’s thesis is false. In addition, many (...)
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  24. Asylum, Credible Fear Tests, and Colonial Violence.Elena Ruíz & Ezgi Sertler - manuscript
    A credible fear test is an in-depth interview process given to undocumented people of any age arriving at a U.S. port of entry to determine qualification for asylum-seeking. Credible fear tests as a typical immigration procedure demonstrate not only what structural epistemic violence looks like but also how this violence lives in and through the design of asylum policy. Key terms of credible fear tests such as “significant possibility,” “evidence,” “consistency,” and “credibility” can never be neutral in the context of (...)
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  25. Institutions for Future Generations.Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    In times of climate change and public debt, a concern for intergenerational justice should lead us to have a closer look at theories of intergenerational justice. It should also press us to provide institutional design proposals to change the decision-making world that surrounds us. This book provides an exhaustive overview of the most important institutional proposals as well as a systematic and theoretical discussion of their respective features and advantages. It focuses on institutional proposals aimed at taking the interests of (...)
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    The right to the city versus the right to tourism in teleological perspective: an ethical conflict between goods.Jose L. Lopez-Gonzalez - 2024 - Current Issues in Tourism:1-13.
    This article proposes a teleological ethical approach for the analysis of the conflict between the right to the city and the right to tourism. Unlike the understanding of this conflict through a deontological lens, which is based on universal and unconditioned moral duties, a teleological perspective allows us to observe much more underlying and intricate problems that can arise in any cultural and socio-historical context of each tourist city. By taking the teleological model of the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre as a (...)
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  27. Black Holes: Artistic metaphors for the contemporaneity.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Gustavo Ottero Gabetti - 2023 - Unigou Remote 2023.
    This paper investigates the cultural significance of black holes and suns as metaphors in continental European literature and art, drawing on theoretical insights from French continental authors such as Jean-François Lyotard and Ray Brassier. Lyotard suggests that black holes signify the ultimate form of the sublime, representing the displacement of humanity and our unease with our place in the cosmos. On the other hand, Brassier views black holes as a consequence of the entropic dissolution of matter, reflecting physical reality's indifference (...)
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  28. The Emergence of Being and Time as Ἐνέργεια: Heidegger’s Unfinished Confrontation with Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Humberto González Núñez - 2022 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 11:86-99.
    In this essay, I offer a critical analysis of one of the most provocative aspects of Heidegger’s unfinished confrontation with Aristotle’s thinking. Over the course of his lifelong engagement with Aristotle’s texts, Heidegger rarely failed to notice the constitutive ambiguity of the ancient Greek philosopher’s position within the history of being. On the one hand, Aristotle appeared to be the founder of the Western metaphysical tradition of ontotheology, whereby God was understood as the supreme principle and being of all beings. (...)
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  29. Moral and Moorean Incoherencies.Andrés Soria-Ruiz & Nils Franzén - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    It has been argued that moral assertions involve the possession, on the part of the speaker, of appropriate non-cognitive attitudes. Thus, uttering ‘murder is wrong’ invites an inference that the speaker disapproves of murder. In this paper, we present the result of 4 empirical studies concerning this phenomenon. We assess the acceptability of constructions in which that inference is explicitly canceled, such as ‘murder is wrong but I don’t disapprove of it’; and we compare them to similar constructions involving ‘think’ (...)
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  30.  48
    Antiidealismo e instrumentalización metafísica en Stirner.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez & Marta Rojano Simón (eds.), Reflexión poliédrica: Pensamiento y Ciencias Sociales en un mundo cambiante. Sevilla: Egregius. pp. 29-42.
    Ensayo de acercamiento general al núcleo metafísico fundamental del pensamiento de Max Stirner, principalmente expuesto en 'El Único y su propiedad' y en el opúsculo de contrargumento a las respuestas crí-ticas a su obra titulado Recensores de Stirner.
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  31. The Undecidability of the Politics of Politics: On Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1.Humberto González Núñez - 2018 - Politica Común 12.
    In this paper, I consider the contribution of Geoffrey Bennington's book, _Scatter 1_, to the ongoing discussion of the political dimension of deconstruction. Focusing on the resonances between Bennington's "politics of politics" and the notion of infrapolitics, I suggest that Bennington's major contribution revolves around the introduction of undecidability into political action and thought.
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  32. El nudo infrapolítico y la verdad de la democracia.Humberto González Núñez - 2018 - Pensamiento Al Margen:160-181.
    Este ensayo expone la manera en que el pensamiento deconstructivo de Jean-Luc Nancy desarrolla un modelo de democracia que va desde sus primeros escritos interpretando a Heidegger y lo elemental del ‘ser-con’ como la categoría por la cual recibimos nuestra experiencia del ser (en un pensamiento que llamamos ‘proto-democrático’) que luego se relacionarán de forma explícita con sus trabajos tardíos sobre la democracia. Siguiendo este trabajo exegético, proponemos una lectura interpretativa que busca argumentar que el pensamiento de Nancy puede ser (...)
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  33. Sobre humanismo e terror de Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2023 - Trágica 16 (3):149-153. Translated by Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Alexandre Tranjan.
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  34. A Paródia Sublunar: Paul Veyne, seus pensamentos, suas pessoas.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2023 - Enunciação 7 (2):136-152.
    This “essay” aims to think with Klossowski and Foucault the notions of “parody” and “fiction” based on the elegiac gesture presented by Veyne. From this, the “relational” possibility, and the “authors” quotation (notions reframed in the course of the text) will think and open up new possibilities for how to make philosophical historiography. Thus, postulated the death of God and the author's death, how would it break the Identity relations, leading to the end of the A = A relationship between (...)
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  35. O Inconsciente Sociológico: Émile Durkheim, Claude Lévi-Strauss e Pierre Bourdieu no espelho da Filosofia.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2023 - Intuitio 16 (1):1-10. Translated by Mariana Slerca.
    We cannot simply observe that Emile Durkheim, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Pierre Bourdieu all received philosophical training and subsequently asserted, in surprisingly similar terms, that escaping from philosophy or breaking away from philosophical modes of thought was a necessary condition for any research in the human and social sciences, without considering whether there might be a direct relationship between the sociological ethos and a particular attitude towards philosophy. The "rupture" with philosophyis never complete: the sociologists' conception of sociology is, on the (...)
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  36. O TRAITÉ SUR LA MONNAIE E A FILOSOFIA POLÍTICA DE NICOLE ORESME.Paula Freitas de Almeida - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
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  37. De Roma a Sodoma: Uma análise estruturalista de Orphéus, Eurydíkē e Lot.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva & Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo Jr - 2023 - Ponto e Vírgula 32 (2022):1-12.
    Este breve ensaio busca, por meio da análise estruturalista e distanciada indicada por Lévi-Strauss, aproximar o conjunto de funções literárias das relações presentes entre os personagens principais do mito de Orphéus e Eurydíkē, fundadores dos mistérios órficos da Antiguidade Clássica, e de Lot e sua esposa, apresentados no Livro de Gênesis. Os pontos correlacionados são: o ponto de partida da jornada de ambos os casais, a figura mítico-mágica que anuncia a saída, o olhar para trás da figura feminina e a (...)
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  38. Sufficiency, Nature and the Future.Paula Casal - 2024 - Political Philosophy 1 (1):72–104.
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    Can Kant tell us what to do? Intentions, dilemmas, and the long journey towards moral perfection.Alvaro Rodriguez-Gonzalez Barredo - 2023 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 8 (1):23-35.
    The “received view” on Kantian ethics holds that perfect duties enjoy absolute priority over imperfect duties. More recently, several Kantian scholars have reassessed this situation, arguing that imperfect duties may remain binding even if they imply breaching a perfect duty. In this article, I argue that both positions rely on a misunderstanding of the bindingness of Kantian duties. Genuine Kantian duties, I claim, remain binding even when they cannot be fulfilled. We must always strive for a total completion of our (...)
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  40. La conciencia de la alteridad y el a priori antropológico: posibilidades e insuficiencias.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2023 - Synesis 15 (4):25-35.
    En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre dos propuestas de Arturo Andrés Roig: la conciencia de la alteridad y el a priori antropológico para reconocer sus posibilidades de cara al progreso de la ideas y programas filosóficos. Para ello, se muestran las insuficiencias y posibilidades. Las primeras emergen al adoptar uno de los principios más importantes que sostienen el programa filosófico de la modernidad: el mantenimiento del ser humano como fundamento del mundo. Las posibilidades de sus aportes cobran fuerza a (...)
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  41. Life as an adjunct: Theorizing autonomy from the personal to the political.Paula Droege - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):378-392.
    Self-conflict is a feature of most women’s lives, particularly as we struggle to balance the demands of work and family. Theories of autonomy that rest on a notion of a coherent self treat self-conflict as incompatible with autonomy; therefore, women who suffer self-conflict fail to act autonomously. Though autonomy and self-conflict can be accommodated by conceiving of autonomy as a matter of degree relative to a context of choice, this result sanctions a political system that forces the prioritization of one (...)
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  42. Enfranchising the future: Climate justice and the representation of future generations.Inigo Gonzalez-Ricoy - 2019 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 10 (5):e598.
    Representing unborn generations to more suitably include future interests in today's climate policymaking has sparked much interest in recent years. In this review we survey the main proposed instruments to achieve this effect, some of which have been attempted in polities such as Israel, Philippines, Wales, Finland, and Chile. We first review recent normative work on the idea of representing future people in climate governance: The grounds on which it has been advocated, and the main difficulties that traditional forms of (...)
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  43. Legitimidad intergeneracional.Inigo Gonzalez-Ricoy (ed.) - 2018 - Barcelona:
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  44. Bunge y la validez de la adición.Luis Estrada González & Christian Romero-Rodríguez - 2022 - In German Guerrero-Pino (ed.), Ciencia, Realismo y materialismo. Universidad del Valle. pp. 191-202.
    En The paradox of Addition and its dissolution (1969), Mario Bunge presenta algunos argumentos para mostrar que la Regla de Adición puede ocasionar paradojas o problemas semánticos. Posteriormente, Margáin (1972) y Robles (1976) mostraron que las afirmaciones de Bunge son insostenibles, al menos desde el punto de vista de la lógica clásica. Aunque estamos de acuerdo con las críticas de Margáin y Robles, no estamos de acuerdo en el diagnóstico del origen del problema y tampoco con la manera en la (...)
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  45. The Biologically Vulnerable Brain – Emerging Neuroimaging Research on the Roles of Early-Life Trauma, Genetics, and Epigenetics in Functional Neurological Disorder.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Silvia Bonacchi (ed.), Vulnerability: Real, Imagined, and Displayed Fragility in Language and Society. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress. pp. 111–128.
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    Teoría del 'homo risu capax' (la risa como capacidad exclusiva humana) en Isidoro de Sevilla: antecedentes, delimitación y aportes isidorianos.Nolo Ruiz - 2023 - Naturaleza y Libertad: Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares 17:119-139.
    In the twenty-fifth chapter of the second book of Etymologies, epitome of the Isagoge of Profirius, the sevillian philosopher Isidore of Seville, taking the example of the tyrian thinker, takes up the anthropo-philosophical theory of 'homo risv capax', that is, the human being defined as the only living being, mortal or immortal, irrational or rational, capable of laughing. Or, in others word, laughter understood as what is (most) proper -in the sense of exclusive- to the human being. A theory that (...)
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  47. Las implicaciones del deporte en Educación Física desde la perspectiva del materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2021 - Amauta 19 (38):7-15.
    El objetivo de este artículo es el de señalar las implicaciones del concepto de deporte a través del materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno en su obra Ensayo de una definición filosófica de la Idea de Deporte. Desde esta perspectiva, Bueno llega a la conclusión de que no hay una idea unívoca de deporte, sino que nos encontramos ante un concepto sobre el que se han depositado diversas acepciones según el objetivo físico, político, social o religioso atribuido al deporte. Esta diversidad (...)
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  48. Buñuel e seus interlocutores: Uma visão sobre o filme 'El Angel Exterminador'.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2021 - Idealogando 5 (1):56-71.
    This paper aims to perform a possible heuristic analysis of the film "The Exterminating Angel" (El Angel Exterminador) – produced in 1962 by the Hispanic Mexican director Luís Buñuel – through the platonic thought present in the books: "The Symposium" (Συμπόσιον), and "Republic" (Πολιτεία). It also presents an argument on the film's scriptural, artistic, and historical characteristics, such as some /intersections of its aesthetic movement, the Surrealism – specific correlations with Breton and Benjamin will also be made. Finally, the guiding (...)
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  49. Humanidad por defecto, cooperación por defecto.Rodrigo González & Soledad Krause - 2022 - Isegoría: Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política 67 (julio-diciembre):1-11.
    According to John Searle, default positions, i.e., those intelligibility and action presuppositions, are some departing points from which pre-reflective and pragmatic assumptions are made. Postulating such points helps us deal with certain perennial philosophical issues, by leaving them aside. These problems are the existence of the external world, truth and facts, “direct” perception, the meaning of words, and causality. In this article, we argue that those default positions described by Searle constitute a default humanity, and their absence would dehumanize us. (...)
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  50. Reproductive genome editing interventions are therapeutic, sometimes.César Palacios-González - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):557-562.
    In this paper I argue that some human reproductive genome editing interventions can be therapeutic in nature, and thus that it is false that all such interventions just create healthy individuals. I do this by showing that the conditions established by a therapy definition are met by certain reproductive genome editing interventions. I then defend this position against two objections: (a) reproductive genome editing interventions do not attain one of the two conditions for something to be a therapy, and (b) (...)
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