Results for 'Psicoanalisi, Lacan, comunità terapeutica, aspettativa, esercizio spirituale, struttura psicotica, formazione'

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  1. Iscrizione all’interno della comunità. Note sull’approccio lacaniano al trattamento in gruppo della psicosi.John Gale - 2016 - Funzione Gamma 37.
    Situating psychoanalysis as the foundation of the therapeutic community and as a spiritual exercise, the author argues that contemporary approaches articulate a form of akēdia – a desire to be elsewhere – both in its focus on expectation and its misunderstanding of the nature ‘place’. This amounts to an avoidance of being-with the subject of psychosis. This leads to a discussion of the formation necessary for therapeutic community practitioners which is in opposition to the notion of training. Such a formation (...)
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  2. Sull’aspetto di esercizio della volontà a partire da san Tommaso (Quaestio 6 De Malo).Ariberto Acerbi - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (2):257-272.
    An analysis of personal self-determination with a special reference to Aquinas.
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  3. Butler avec Althusser: Notes for an Investigation.Claudio Aguayo - 2022 - Décalages 2 (4):109-136.
    In this essay, I try to go through the questions and analysis that Judith Butler puts on Althusser’s work—reading fundamentally and almost exclusively the essay on the “Ideological State Apparatus” from 1970, and the relationship she maintains in her reading with the Freud’s concept of repression and the Lacanian “symbolic order”. My central hypothesis is that it is the Foucauldian reading of Freud and Lacan, begun early in 1990 with Gender Trouble, that guides Butler in his interpretation of the Althusserian (...)
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  4. Construcción teórica del campo figurativo para el análisis lírico.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Colloquia. Revista de Pensamiento y Cultura 8 (8):112-122.
    Durante años, el estudio de la retórica ha incluido figuras que permiten el análisis de la poesía, como también, la creación diversificada según los múltiples estilos. Al respecto, en este artículo, se extraerá la propuesta fundamentada por Stefano Arduini, quien establece la noción de campo figurativo, como un ordenador de lineamientos subjetivos, propios del raciocinio, de la que se infieren seis subclasificaciones: la metáfora, la metonimia, la sinécdoque, la elipsis, la antítesis y la redundancia, además de los tropos internos que (...)
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  5. Ideología, ciencia y sujeto en Althusser, Pecheux y Lacan.Pedro Karczmarczyk & Agustín Palmieri - 2015 - Actas de Las VIII Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP.
    A comienzos de los años 60 el marxismo althusseriano y el psicoanálisis lacaniano coincidían en un punto: su voluntad de intervenir críticamente en una coyuntura teórica caracterizada por el avance de las ciencias humanas. Ambas corrientes señalaban, con grandes convergencias, que las “ciencias humanas” (de manera evidente en sus versiones “tecnocráticas”: ego psychology, pisicología social, sociología en sus distintos avatares, etc.) cumplían funciones de adaptación de los individuos al sistema social, considerado como un invariante. Dichas ciencias humanas se presentaban como (...)
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  6. La construcción del bien en atmósferas antiéticas en La ciudad y los perros (1963).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2018 - Cuadernos Literarios 12 (15):47-66.
    Uno de los problemas planteados en la historia desarrollada de los protagonistas de La ciudad y los perros (1963), del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa, es la presencia de una formación familiar mal constituida (padres agresivos, distanciamiento de cualquiera de ellos, favoritismo materno hacia el hijo, etc.). Esta base retrógrada provocó una limitación para cada uno de ellos: sus conductas no son corregidas, tienen comportamientos rebeldes o inhibidos, se sienten incapaces de afrontar la realidad con responsabilidad y terminan incluyéndose en (...)
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  7. La ironía en La ciudad y los perros (1963) como canalizadora de la violencia.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Argos. Revista Electrónica Semestral de Estudios y Creación Literaria 9 (23):39-62.
    En este artículo, reviso el concepto y la tipología de violencia condensados por autores como Galtung, Bourdieu, Lacan, entre otros, para fundamentar su existencia en los personajes de La ciudad y los perros y el contexto donde se desenvuelven. La apropiación de ese paradigma de agresión será factible para evidenciar su evolución y su desarrollo humano, porque transitan por un estado de la adolescencia a la madurez. Sin embargo, en ese proceso ontológico, se revela la predominancia de rasgos concomitantes de (...)
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  8. La psicosis como mecanismo involuntario de interpretación de la realidad en el protagonista de El túnel.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2023 - Sincronía. Revista Electrónica de Filosofía, Letras y Humanidades 27 (83):142-159.
    Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de fundamentar las razones que conducen al personaje Juan Pablo Castel de la novela de Ernesto Sabato El túnel (1948) a la psicosis, entendida esta como una estrategia involuntaria para interpretar la realidad y actuar en función de la cosmovisión que le genera. Para explicar esa adopción identitaria, retomo la taxonomía elaborada por Donald Shaw con respecto al contexto influyente del boom latinoamericano (que repercute negativamente en la psicología social) y la epistemología psicoanalítica de Jacques (...)
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  9. La transgresión de lo tradicional y el código ético en Un perro andaluz (filme 1929).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Ciencia y Desarrollo 25 (1):27-35.
    Este artículo reconstruye el contexto histórico y cinematográfico que permitió que la película de Luis Buñuel y Salvador Dalí tuviera una intencionalidad distinguible. Para demostrar ese acápite, retomo los estudios críticos que se han hecho en torno a este cortometraje, así como las categorías pertinentes de las vanguardias del dadaísmo y el surrealismo, junto con el psicoanálisis de Sigmund Freud y Jacques Lacan. Con todo ello, propongo que el objetivo de este trabajo es fundamentar las razones que generaron que esta (...)
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  10. Panorama del teatro peruano contemporáneo. Entrevista a César Ernesto Arenas Ulloa.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Argus-A. Artes and Humanidades (42):1-15.
    César Ernesto Arenas Ulloa nació el 15 de septiembre de 1988 en Chiclayo (Lambayeque, Perú). Realizó estudios literarios en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, hasta obtener el grado de licenciado. En el 2012, obtuvo un reconocimiento académico por ocupar el primer puesto a nivel de toda la escuela de Literatura. En el 2018, presentó su tesis titulada Autonomía y especificidad de la obra dramática: una lectura semiológica de El sistema Solar de Mariana de Althaus. Asimismo, tiene intereses en (...)
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  11. What Lacan and Freud Did See ? - Irfan Ajvazi.Irfan Ajvazi - 2021
    What Lacan and Freud Did See ? - Irfan Ajvazi.
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  12. Stegmüller e la struttura delle teorie.Mario Alai - 1985 - Scientia 120 (1-2-3-4):91-115.
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  13. Stegmüller e la struttura delle teorie.Mario Alai - 1985 - Scientia 79:91-104.
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  14. Ontologie quantistiche di particelle, campi e lampi.Valia Allori & Nino Zanghi - 2007 - In Vincenzo Fano & Mauro Antonelli (eds.), "Strutture dello spazio tra fisica e psicologia" Teorie e Modelli XII, III. Pitagora. pp. 9-29.
    La meccanica quantistica è una delle più grandi conquiste intellettuali del xx secolo. Le sue leggiregolano il mondo atomico e subatomico e si riverberano su una miriade di fenomeni del mondomacroscopico, dalla formazione dei cristalli alla superconduttività, dalle proprietà dei fluidi a bassatemperatura agli spettri di emissione di una candela che brucia o di una supernova che esplode, daimeccanismi di combustione della fornace solare ai principi di base delle nanotecnologie. Non c’èquasi nulla nel mondo che ci circonda su cui (...)
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  15. O objeto transicional de Winnicott na formação do conceito de objeto a em Lacan / Winnicott’s transitional object in the formation of the Lacanian concept of object a.Vorcaro Angela & Lucero Ariana - 2015 - Natureza Humana 2017 (1):15-31.
    This article aims to indicate possible approximations between the Lacanian concept of object a and the Winnicottian concept of transitional object. Initially, the Lacanian references to Winnicott’s work are mostly critics, e.g. in the Seminar 4 (1956-1957/1995), which debates the issue of object relation. Nevertheless, a few years later, in the Seminar 15 (1967-1968), an association between the object a and the transitional object is explicitly stated by Lacan, accompanied by a strong recognition of the English psychoanalyst’s work. Through this (...)
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  16. Sommario di "Il Pensiero Massonico Tedesco del XVIII Secolo- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Johann Gottfried Herder - Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Johann Gottlieb Fichte".Francesco Angioni (ed.) - 2018 - Lecce LE, Italia: Borè srl.
    In Germany, between the last decades of the 18th and the first decades of the 19th centuries, four fundamental figures of German and European culture emerged: Lessing the great playwright, Herder the promoter of the epistemological foundations of modern linguistics and of the emerging historical-social sciences, Goethe the supreme poet and novelist, and Fichte the eminent philosopher. They were all Freemasons and basic authors of Masonic thought. The most significant works of these authors have been chosen, which summarize the interpretative (...)
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  17. La seda de Aracne: lenguaje, dinero y cibernética.Romero Contreras Arturo - 2022 - In Constante Alberto (ed.), Silicolonización: la subjetividad arrebatada. Mexico: Viceversa. pp. 189-213.
    A nadie sorprende decir que lenguaje y dinero son sistemas simbólicos o sistemas de intercambio de información. Tampoco sorprende a nadie resaltar el hecho de que las computadores funcionan esencialmente con la versión más formalizada del lenguaje. Pero si hiciésemos las conexiones no opondríamos el lenguaje a la técnica, reservando la poesía para el primero y la técnica al segundo. El lenguaje posee un elemento estructural, formal, “maquínico” que le permite copiarse en toda una población. Éramos ya máquina antes de (...)
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  18. Freud, Jung, Lacan: Sobre o inconsciente.Luís M. Augusto - 2013 - Universidade do Porto.
    Introduction - From the Illiad to the Studies on Hysteria: A chronology of the discovery of the unconscious mind - Freud's theories of the unconscious mind - Jung's collective unconscious - Lacan's linguistic paradigm.
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  19. Twice-Two: Hegel’s Comic Redoubling of Being and Nothing.Rachel Aumiller - 2018 - Problemi International 2:253-278.
    Following Freud’s analysis of the fragile line between the uncanny double and its comic redoubling, I identify the doubling of the double found in critical moments of Hegelian dialectic as producing a kind of comic effect. It almost goes without saying that two provides greater pleasure than one, the loneliest number. Many also find two to be preferable to three, the tired trope of dialectic as a teleological waltz. Two seems to offer lightness, relieving one from her loneliness and lacking (...)
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    Representation of Violence from Imaginary to Symbolic: Identity Formation in John Banville's "The Book of Evidence".Oğuzhan Ayrım - 2023 - Bitig Journal of Faculty of Letters 3 (6):14-27.
    This article proposes to read John Banville’s The Book of Evidence, a crime story narrated from the protagonist’s first-person gaze, from a Lacanian perspective by referring to his mirror stage theory. As an extension of testimonial literature, the novel is deemed to be a narrative of introspective self-examination, thus introducing a creation of “the self” paralleling the text. The protagonist’s mnemonic narrative is accompanied by the idea of an alternative world of not only self-expression but also self-depiction and presentation, as (...)
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  21. Film Theory after Copjec.Anthony Ballas - 2021 - Canadian Review of American Studies 1 (51):63-82.
    The importation of Lacanian psychoanalysis into film theory in the 1970s and 1980s ushered in a new era of cinema scholarship and criticism. Figures including Raymond Bellour, Laura Mulvey, and Christian Metz are often considered the pioneers of applying Lacanian psychoanalysis in the context of film theory, most notably through their writings in Screen Journal. However, where French and British scholarship on Lacan and film reached its limits, American Lacanianism flourished. When Joan Copjec’s now classic essay “The Orthopsychic Subject: Film (...)
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  22. Resistance and Revelation: Lacan on Defense.Lucas Ballestín - 2021 - European Journal of Psychoanalysis 7 (2).
    One might gather from a reading of Lacan’s ouvre that he never advanced an explicit and systematic theory of resistance and defense, his early critique of IPA methods notwithstanding. Indeed, the combativeness of this critique may lead readers to think that any talk of defense analysis is non-Lacanian. Yet such an omission of a key psychic phenomenon presents a puzzle for clinicians and theorists alike, insofar as it disallows a reckoning with a real-life phenomenon. Taking as its focus Lacan’s remarks (...)
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  23. Do Sujeito e da Máquina a Partir do Ensino de Lacan.Maria José Barbosa - 2014 - Dissertation, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
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  24. Il dogma che non c'è [An imaginary dogma].Rosangela Barcaro - 2007 - Liberal 7 (40):104-113.
    I criteri neurologici per accertare il decesso, da impiegare in alternativa a quelli cardiorespiratori se il paziente ha subìto lesioni cerebrali e si trova collegato alle apparecchiature per la ventilazione artificiale, sono entrati nell’uso comune della pratica medica occidentale da circa quarant’anni ed il consenso di cui essi godono nella comunità scientifica sembra, a prima vista, essere ancora oggi molto solido. Si diceva a prima vista, perché se si esamina con attenzione la letteratura dal 1992 ad oggi, si possono (...)
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  25. Integridade da pessoa: fundamentação ética para a doação de órgãos e tecidos para transplantação.Marta Dias Barcelos - 2009 - Dissertation, Universidade de Lisboa
    PT. A noção de “pessoa”, pensada a partir do legado antropológico e filosófico do ocidente, afirma-se como uma unidade corporal e espiritual que determina a sua singularidade no seio da comunidade. A “pessoa” assim perspectivada assume uma importância destacada na reflexão ética das aplicações científicas de artificialização da vida humana. Muito concretamente, a noção de “pessoa” deve contribuir para a fundamentação ética das terapêuticas de transplantação. A transplantação representa um dos mais notáveis avanços da medicina do século XX e com (...)
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  26. Seminar on the Fragmenting Body and the freeing of Luminous Spaciousness to be Embodied.Rudolph Bauer - 2012 - Transmission 2.
    This paper beginning with a Lacanian view point describes fragmentation and the unfolding of awareness in the process of embodiment within the understanding of dzogchen.
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  27. Winnicott and Lacan and The Lack within Subjectivity In the Context of Dzogchen.Rudolph Bauer - 2013 - Transmission 6.
    This paper focuses on Winnicott and Lacan and the lack within subjectivity in light of dzogchen.
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  28. A questão da verdade na produção de conhecimento sobre sofrimento psíquico.Paulo Antonio de Campos Beer - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Sao Paulo
    ABSTRACT BEER, P. A. C. The matter of truth in knowledge production about psychic suffering: considerations from Ian Hacking and Jacques Lacan. 2020. 250p. Thesis (PhD) – Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2020. The thesis aims to reaffirm the importance of the debate around the matter of truth in relation to the production of knowledge concerning psychic suffering. Its point of departure is the understanding that the matter of truth contains two main appearances: as employed to (...)
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  29. Educación para la ciudadanía: ética y mitos griegos en lo medios audiovisuales.Arevalo Benito - 2015 - In Luis Alberto Villagomez Peñaloza (ed.), Arrebatos de la Relidad: Violencia y Psicoanálisis. México:
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  30. L'atto di fede e il metodo teologico in Carlo Colombo.Bertoldi Francesco - 1985 - In Annuario Istra 1984. Milano: EDIT. pp. 9-37.
    Carlo Colombo è un teologo italiano, che insegnò a Venegono (diocesi di Milano) dal 1935 al 1965. Egli promosse un incontro tra il tomismo e le nuove correnti teologiche, ispirate a Blondel e al rinnovamento neo-patristico, cercando di salvaguardare sia l'oggettività della conoscenza concettuale, sia l'importanza dell'affettività e della ricerca di felicità che animano il soggetto umano. Il suo pensiero ha contribuito alla formazione di don Luigi Giussani, fondatore del movimento ecclesiale di Comunione e Liberzazione.
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  31. 'I Am (big) M(Other)': Lacan’s big Other and the Role of Cynicism in Grant Sputore's I Am Mother.Jack Black - 2020 - Free Associations: Psychoanalysis and Culture, Media, Groups, Politics (80):121-131.
    How can one make sense of our current political, ecological and technological dilemmas through the lens of Grant Sputore’s I Am Mother (2019)? Well-received, the film has been commended for its account of the increasing role and impact of artificial intelligence and its relation to our ongoing ecological dilemmas and potential catastrophe. While these issues are played-out through the on-screen relationship between robotic mother and human daughter, the film can also be used to help shed light on our current ideological (...)
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  32. "Love Thy Social Media!": Hysteria and the Interpassive Subject.Jack Black - 2022 - CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 24 (4):1--10.
    According to the 2020 docudrama, The Social Dilemma, our very addiction to “social media” has, today, become encapsulated in the tensions between its facilitation as a mode of interpersonal communication and as an insidious conduit for machine learning, surveillance capitalism and manipulation. Amidst a variety of interviewees – many of whom are former employees of social media companies – the documentary finishes on a unanimous conclusion: something must change. By using the docudrama as a pertinent example of our “social media (...)
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  33. On Reflexive Racism: Disavowal, Deferment, and the Lacanian Subject.Jack Black - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (4):76-101.
    The term ‘reflexivity’ continues to maintain an interpretive hegemony in discussions on modernity and the Self. As a form of praxis, applications of reflexivity frequently rely upon an acknowledged awareness of one’s self-conscious attitudes, dispositions, behaviors and motives. This paper will take aim at such contentions, exploring the extent to which examples of racism rely upon a level of reflexivity, best encapsulated in Žižek’s ‘reflexive racism’. Specifically, it is highlighted how examples of non- racism/anti-racism assert the formal promotion of a (...)
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  34. Sport and the 'National Thing': Exploring Sport's Emotive Significance.Jack Black - 2021 - Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics 24 (11):1956-1970.
    This article critically details how the work of Slavoj Žižek theoretically elaborates on the links between nationalism and sport. Notably, it highlights how key terms, drawn from Žižek’s work on fantasy, ideology and the Real (itself grounded in the work of Jacques Lacan), can be used to explore the relationship between sport, nationalism and enjoyment (jouissance). In outlining this approach, specific attention is given to Žižek’s account of the ‘national Thing’. Accordingly, by considering the various ways in which sport organizes, (...)
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  35. The Appearance of Authority in Health and Wellbeing Media: Analysing Digital Guru Media through Lacan's 'big Other'.Jack Black - 2022 - In Stefan Lawrence (ed.), Digital Wellness, Health and Fitness Influencers: Critical Perspectives on Digital Guru Media. Routledge. pp. 33-51.
    Alongside the increasing popularity of digital, ‘social’ media platforms, has been the emergence of self-styled digital life-coaches, many of whom seek to propagate their knowledge of and interests in a variety of topics through online social networks (such as, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.). With many of these ‘social influencers’ garnering a large online following, their popularity, social significance and cultural impact offers important insights into the place and purpose of the subject in our digital media environment. Accordingly, this chapter will (...)
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  36. The Psychosis of Race: A Lacanian Approach to Racism and Racialization.Jack Black - 2023 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    The Psychosis of Race offers a unique and detailed account of the psychoanalytic significance of race, and the ongoing impact of racism in contemporary society. Moving beyond the well-trodden assertion that race is a social construction, and working against demands that simply call for more representational equality, The Psychosis of Race explores how the delusions, anxieties, and paranoia that frame our race relations can afford new insights into how we see, think, and understand race's pervasive appeal. With examples drawn from (...)
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    Gli strati della categoria della possibilità. Il capitolo 18 del Principio Speranza.Ernst Bloch & Chiara Musolino - 2022 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Edited by Chiara Musolino. Translated by Chiara Musolino.
    Pubblicato agli inizi degli anni Cinquanta del Novecento da Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), Gli strati della categoria della possibilità diventò in seguito il diciottesimo capitolo del suo Principio speranza. Vi è presentata un’indagine teorica e storica su che cosa sia la possibilità. Da Aristotele a Marx, passando per Averroè, Giordano Bruno e Hegel, lettrici e lettori ripercorreranno le proposte avanzate nella storia della filosofia per affrontare la questione del possibile, fino a scoprire la teoria della possibilità reale. Grazie alla sua particolare (...)
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  38. Slurs as Signal and Symptom.Trevor Bloomfield - manuscript
    In this essay I try to link Derek Hook’s interpretation of Žižek’s reading of Lacan of racial resentment as a kind of jouissance or enjoyment to what Christian Fuchs terms an ideology of hate. In my view, slurs are instances of subordinating speech partially to dehumanize targets but primarily function to signal and deploy ideology. The enjoyment racists derive from using a slurring term from a key feature of the offensiveness of a slurring term. My objective is two-fold. I intend (...)
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  39. Cultura și spiritualitatea românească între Orient și Occident în viziunea Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae.Boldișor Adrian - 2015 - In Părintele Profesor Dumitru Stăniloae sau consonanţa dintre dogmă, spiritualitate şi liturghie. Craiova: Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei. pp. 344-378.
    Lucrările în care Pr. Dumitru Stăniloae analizează spiritualitatea românească, fie că este vorba de cele din perioada interbelică sau de cele de dinainte şi după 1989, reprezintă încercări ale marelui teolog, o voce respectate în toate mediile culturale din ţară şi străinătate, de a schiţa caracteristicile esenţiale ale poporului român şi drumul pe care acesta trebuie să-l urmeze în cadrul noilor structuri europene fără a-şi pierde identitatea culturală şi spirituală. Ideile Pr. Stăniloae trebuie analizate în această direcţie şi comparate cu (...)
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    El problema del nominalismo en la definición spinozista del alma [The Problem of Nominalism in the Spinozistic Definition of the Soul].Rodrigo Braicovich - 2008 - Dianoia 53 (60):113-140.
    La respuesta que demos a la problemática del nominalismo en la obra de Baruch Spinoza determina en forma decisiva las posibilidades de responder satisfactoriamente a la pregunta por la naturaleza humana. Dictaminar (junto con numerosos intérpretes contemporáneos) que el spinozismo se construye sin concesiones sobre principios nominalistas, implica sustraer todo fundamento ontológico a las consideraciones acerca de la natura humana, piedra de toque de la deducción spinozista de los afectos y de las estrategias terapéuticas que señalan el camino hacia la (...)
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  41. Estrategias terapéuticas e intelectualismo en el De ira de Séneca.Rodrigo Sebastián Braicovich - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):85-105.
    Pretendo demostrar que a) el tratado *De ira* de Séneca incluye no una sino dos estrategias terapéuticas diseñadas para evitar la ira, y que b) que la segunda de estas estrategias –la cual ha sido desatendida en la literatura secundaria– presenta problemas irresolubles cuando la contrastamos contra la teoría estoica de la acción, la cual se funda en premisas intelectualistas.
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  42. From ‘Hard’ Neuro-Tools to ‘Soft’ Neuro-Toys? Refocussing the Neuro-Enhancement Debate.Jonna Brenninkmeijer & Hub Zwart - 2016 - Neuroethics 10 (3):337-348.
    Since the 1990’s, the debate concerning the ethical, legal and societal aspects of ‘neuro-enhancement’ has evolved into a massive discourse, both in the public realm and in the academic arena. This ethical debate, however, tends to repeat the same sets of arguments over and over again. Normative disagreements between transhumanists and bioconservatives on invasive or radical brain stimulators, and uncertainties regarding the use and effectivity of nootropic pharmaceuticals dominate the field. Building on the results of an extensive European project on (...)
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  43. The Jouissance-value: a concept for critical of imaginary industry.Eugênio Bucci & Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2014 - Rumores (USP) 8 (1).
    This article aims to examine the way in which an old expression, jouissance-value, created by Jacques Lacan, has become a key concept in the media industry and in the field of Media studies. The hypothesis presented here is the following: in the fabrication of jouissance-value, the gaze (regard) works as labor, establishing an economy of scopic desire.
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  44. Photocopy Packet for SOC*4450 University of Guelph (edited by V. I. Burke).Victoria I. Burke (ed.) - 2017 - Guelph: University of Guelph.
    This collection in the area of continental philosophy of language, aesthetics, and semiotics includes articles and book selections from Derrida, Ricouer, McCumber, Oliver, Sheshradi-Krooks, Lacan, and Kristeva. This collection is available in the University of Guelph bookstore.
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  45. Re-pensar modelos de intervención en crisis en atención al desastre. Integración de intervenciones para la psicosis en crisis masivas desde un modelo de psiquiatría psicodinámica.José Rubén Palafox Cabral - 2022 - Redes. Revista de Psicoterapia Relacional E Intervenciones Sociales 1 (44):63-68.
    En el presente artículo se abordará la calidad de atención en las intervenciones psicológicas en los desastres, esto, con especial atención a la inclusión de crisis psicóticas en la intervención. Para ello, se tomarán en cuenta modelos hospitalarios para su replicación en la zona de desastre y modelos de intervención temprana en la psicosis. Asimismo, se intentará ampliar la explicación de la teoría de la crisis, desde una teoría de la crisis conforme al desarrollo y la oportunidad (Slaikeu, 1984) hasta (...)
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  46. L'architettura morale della città.Leonardo Caffo - 2012 - BLOOM - Trimestrale di Architettura 15 2012 (15):5-8.
    Basandomi su (Harvey 2012) argomenterò che la struttura architettonica della città deve seguire un determinato modello morale: gli edifici devono adattarsi alla persone e alle loro esigenze, e non il contrario. Definita la città come un particolare tipo di oggetto sociale, difenderò la tesi della possibilità di cambiamento “qui e ora” delle strutture architettoniche delle città sulla base del modello che, come mostra (Sudjic 2011), è attualmente ribaltato in una situazione in cui gli agglomerati urbani seguono sostanzialmente una (...) che sposa le sole esigenze dei costruttori. Una volta argomentato che la città deve tenere conto degli interessi di tutti, modificando di continuo le proprie strutture, mi baserò su (Frau 2009) per sostenere che la città deve anche trasformarsi in un luogo in cui anche i “ diversi” (malati mentali, ecc.) trovano un loro spazio non dissimile da chi è definito “normale”. (shrink)
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  47. Coscienza e fisicalismo minimale.Claudio Calosi & Vincenzo Fano - 2012 - In Vincenzo Fano, Enrico Giannetto, Giulia Giannini & Pierluigi Graziani (eds.), Complessità e Riduzionismo. © ISONOMIA – Epistemologica, University of Urbino. pp. 44-53.
    In questo lavoro si presenta un nuovo esperimento mentale che solleva un particolare problema per quello che possiamo chiamare “fisicalismo minimale” in filosofia della mente. In particolare si argomenta che il fisicalismo minimale o i) non è in grado di fornirne un resoconto adeguato dell’esperimento mentale presentato, o ii) viene costretto a fornire un resoconto che è fortemente in contrasto con la nostra immagine scientifica del mondo. Il problema sollevato è un particolare esempio di quelli che Chalmers (1996) definisce hard (...)
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  48. Metafisica mostruosa.Elena Casetta - 2014 - In Elena Casetta & Valeria Giardino (eds.), Mettere a fuoco il mondo. © ISONOMIA – Epistemologica, University of Urbino. pp. 24-35.
    Se leggiamo tra le righe del suo lavoro, possiamo scoprire che Varzi prende i mostri molto sul serio. Troviamo, per esempio, mostri mereologici frutto della composizione non ristretta, come l’entità costituita dalla metà sinistra di questa mela e dal bracciolo di quella poltrona.10 Oppure mostri topologici dai quali una teoria mereotopologica delle nicche deve rifuggire, come le curve riempispazio di Peano e Hilbert.11 O, ancora, mostri ontologici come l’antimateria;12 le entità “inesistenti” che, come si sa, non possono esistere, dato che (...)
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  49. Una variante testuale in Agostino, De trinitate, VIII, 1 e le sue implicazioni circa la struttura dell’opera.Giovanni Catapano - 2016 - In Fabrizio Amerini & Stefano Caroti (eds.), Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco De Capitani. Parma: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni. pp. 124-155.
    The article argues for the variant ‘tractabimus’ in Book 8, ch. 1 of Augustine’s De Trinitate as opposed to the reading ‘tractavimus’ adopted in the Corpus Christianorum edition, and explains the implications of this variant for the understanding of the overall structure of the work.
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  50. Review of Backpacking with the Saints: Wilderness Hiking as Spiritual Practice. [REVIEW]S. Chattopadhyay - 2020 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 125 (5):49-51.
    This review shows how all journeys are not futile; how human frailty makes us holy, in a certain sense. This review shows the great depth of the sovereignty of the Good. And how Professor Lane shows us that while all feet are clay; some realise so and go beyond their own frailties to tap into that which can only be experienced. Professor Lane should not be called Lane because academic styles demand us to do so. He actually professes what he (...)
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