Results for 'Pualo Freire'

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  1.  33
    Alienation, reification and the banking model of education: Paulo Freire’s critical theory of education.N. Govender - 2020 - Acta Academica 52 (2):204-222.
    I argue in this paper that Paulo Freire’s work Pedagogy of the oppressed should be reconsidered as a contribution to critical theory, given its proximity to first-generation critical theory concerning both theory and praxis. Pedagogy of the oppressed, I argue, is well suited to provide a viable praxis for the social critique provided by first-generation critical theory. While Freire’s critique in Pedagogy of the oppressed can be viewed typically as pedagogical in character, if we consider Freire’s classroom (...)
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  2. Translating non Interpretable Theories.Alfredo Roque Freire - forthcoming - South America Journal of Logic.
    Interpretations are generally regarded as the formal representation of the concept of translation.We do not subscribe to this view. A translation method must indeed establish relative consistency or have some uniformity. These are requirements of a translation. Yet, one can both be more strict or more flexible than interpretations are. In this article, we will define a general scheme translation. It should incorporate interpretations but also be compatible with more flexible methods. By doing so, we want to account for methods (...)
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  3. The Ontological Import of Adding Proper Classes.Alfredo Roque Freire & Rodrigo de Alvarenga Freire - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (2):85-112.
    In this article, we analyse the ontological import of adding classes to set theories. We assume that this increment is well represented by going from ZF system to NBG. We thus consider the standard techniques of reducing one system to the other. Novak proved that from a model of ZF we can build a model of NBG (and vice versa), while Shoenfield have shown that from a proof in NBG of a set-sentence we can generate a proof in ZF of (...)
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  4. On What Counts as a Translation.Alfredo Roque Freire - 2018 - Logica Yearbook 1 (1):61 - 76.
    In this article, instead of taking a particular method as translation, we ask: what does one expect to do with a translation? The answer to this question will reveal, though, that none of the first order methods are capable of fully represent the required transference of ontological commitments. Lastly, we will show that this view on translation enlarge considerably the scope of translatable, and, therefore, ontologically comparable theories.
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  5. Procesos mentales y cognitivismo.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 7:143-160.
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  6. A Note on Consistency and Platonism.Alfredo Roque Freire & V. Alexis Peluce - forthcoming - In Alfredo Roque Freire & V. Alexis Peluce (eds.), 43rd International Wittgenstein Symposium proceedings.
    Is consistency the sort of thing that could provide a guide to mathematical ontology? If so, which notion of consistency suits this purpose? Mark Balaguer holds such a view in the context of platonism, the view that mathematical objects are non-causal, non-spatiotemporal, and non-mental. For the purposes of this paper, we will examine several notions of consistency with respect to how they can provide a platon-ist epistemology of mathematics. Only a Gödelian notion, we suggest, can provide a satisfactory guide to (...)
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  7.  16
    A Gestão Democrática Participativa do Projeto Político Pedagógico da Escola.Tiago Aparecido Freire - unknown
    O presente artigo possui o objetivo geral de investigar a prática da gestão democrática participativa do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) sob perspectivas bibliográficas. O objetivo específico é analisar a figura do gestor democrático, como formador de decisões, a partir da escuta e diálogo com conselhos, coletivos e comunidade. A inserção do gestor nesse ambiente é fundamental para elaborar e executar o PPP. A prática democrática participativa passa pela escuta, diálogo e inclusão da pluralidade do plano, como representante maior, do lugar (...)
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  8. O conhecimento da verdade no Contra os Acadêmicos de Agostinho. 2022.Tiago Aparecido Freire - 2022 - Dissertation, Ufla Translated by Tiago Aparecido FREIRE.
    Nossa pesquisa tem como objeto de análise, o conhecimento da verdade no “Contra os Acadêmicos” de Agostinho. A despeito do critério de verdade ao conhecimento Acadêmico enquanto 'ueritas', Agostinho sustenta a interpretação da verdade como 'veritas'. A verdade possui um tratamento de 'veritas' enquanto realidade que nos orienta e nos conduz ao conhecimento da beatitude. Nisso, o conhecimento da verdade no diálogo difere do verdadeiro para os Acadêmicos. Enquanto nos Acadêmicos, a verdade é a possibilidade de a filosofia alcançar alguma (...)
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    O conhecimento da verdade no "Contra os Acadêmicos" de Agostinho.Tiago Aparecido Freire - 2022 - Dissertation, Ufla
    A despeito do critério de verdade ao conhecimento Acadêmico enquanto 'ueritas', Agostinho sustenta a interpretação da verdade como 'veritas'. A verdade possui um tratamento de 'veritas' enquanto realidade que nos orienta e nos conduz ao conhecimento da beatitude. Nisso, o conhecimento da verdade no diálogo difere do verdadeiro para os Acadêmicos. Enquanto nos Acadêmicos, a verdade é a possibilidade de a filosofia alcançar alguma certeza no conhecimento, para Agostinho, a verdade é o soberano bem do conhecimento. Palavras - chaves: Agostinho, (...)
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  10. El futuro de las máquinas pensantes.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 35:235-250.
    ¿Llegarán los ordenadores a sustituir a los seres humanos? Lo que hasta hace unas décadas parecía una pregunta de ciencia-ficción, es ahora defendido con seriedad por algunos especialistas en inteligencia artificial. El presente articulo dibuja las más importantes líneas de investigación en este campo y las posiciones más relevantes respecto de la relación hombre-maquina pensante. La conclusión que propone el autor supone una decidida apuesta por un humanismo en el que quepa integrar el desarrollo tecnológico sin perder de vista sus (...)
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  11. Estudo comparado do comprometimento ontológico das teorias de classes e conjuntos.Alfredo Roque Freire - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    Often ZF practice includes the use of the meta-theoretical notion of classes as shorthand expressions or in order to simplify the understanding of conceptual resources. NBG theory expresses formally the internalization of this feature in set theory; in this case, classes, before used metatheoretically, will also be captured by quantifiers of the first order theory. Never- theless there is a widespread opinion that this internalization of classes is harmless. In this context, it is common to refer to the conservativeness of (...)
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  12. El giro cognitivo en Filosofía de la Ciencia.Pascual Martínez Freire - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 17 (1):105.
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  13. La naturaleza representacional de la mente en Leibniz.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros (eds.), Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares. pp. 247--264.
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  14. Algunas observaciones sobre la identidad.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 1978 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):215-228.
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  15. El debate mente-cerebro a la luz de las nuevas técnicas de exploración del cerebro.Pascual Martínez Freire - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:65-75.
    Tras analizar sucintamente las consecuencias científicas y filosóficas de la identidad mente-cerebro, se señalan argumentos a favor y en contra de mantener el debate mente-cerebro. En particular se consideran las nuevas técnicas de exploración del cerebro como argumento en contra de tal debate. Las deficiencias e insuficiencias de tales técnicas aconsejan mantener el debate mente-cerebro y no asumir el materialismo.
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  16. (1 other version)Some Basic Studies about Trigonometry.Luis Antonio Freire - 2015
    A guide to the first steps into the world of Geometry, Trigonometry and their lines-of-reasoning widely used through the high school and first years of college, in the exact-sciences context.
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  17. (1 other version)Notes from a course introducing logarithms.Luis Antonio Freire - 2022 - Notes in the Winter Time 2022.
    This was a little course of 4 weeks, in which we tried to develop some basic ideas about the proofs related to the properties of logarithms.
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  18. A Crítica ao Nominalismo na Filosofia de Charles Sanders Peirce.Guilherme Frassetto da Cunha Lima Freire - 2020 - Dissertation, Puc-São Paulo
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    A Gestão Democrática Participativa Do Projeto Político -Pedagógico da Escola.Aparecido Freire Tiago - manuscript
    O presente artigo possui o objetivo geral de investigar a prática da gestão democrática participativa do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) sob perspectivas bibliográficas. O objetivo específico é analisar a figura do gestor democrático, como formador de decisões, a partir da escuta e diálogo com conselhos, coletivos e comunidade. A inserção do gestor nesse ambiente é fundamental para elaborar e executar o PPP. A prática democrática participativa passa pela escuta, diálogo e inclusão da pluralidade do plano, como representante maior, do lugar (...)
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  20. A small point on the philosophy of mind: Saussure’s sign and brain lateralization.Jl Pio Abreu & R. Freire Lucas - manuscript
    We propose that Saussure’s signifiers must be processed in the left brain hemisphere (in right handed people) and the signified may be processed in the right. This proposition has consequences for understanding human cognitive phenomena and their pathologies, and can also be related to the passive and active process of thinking, as described by Karl Jaspers. Saussure studied signifiers and their relationships. He left the signified to be studied by psychologists, but there is no consensus about it. According to some (...)
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  21. Seminário Lógica no Avião, 2013-2018.Edgar Almeida, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Rodrigo A. Freire (eds.) - 2019 - Universidade de Brasilia.
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  22. Paulo Freire más que nunca.Walter Omar Kohan - 2020 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
    Paulo Freire es una figura extraordinaria no solo para la educación brasileña, sino también para la educación latinoamericana y mundial. Sus contribuciones no se limitan a una obra escrita, mucho menos a un método, ni siquiera a un paradigma teórico; también refieren a una práctica y, de un modo más general, a una vida dedicada a la educación, una vida hecha escuela, o sea, una manera de ocupar el espacio de educador que lo llevó de viaje por el mundo (...)
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  23. Paulo Freire and Frantz Fanon: Two Faces of Emancipation.Lj Zaphan Lamboloto - 2024 - International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science 8 (4):588-604.
    In Paulo Freire’s emancipatory model, violence as a mode of struggle is rejected. The revolutionary movement should never appropriate violence in pursuing prospects of emancipation. For Freire, an authentic struggle for emancipation and autonomy does not utilize the praxis of the oppressor which is mainly characterized by dehumanization and violence. This emancipatory model also contends that the oppressor should also be subjected to emancipation as they have also been dehumanized in their subjection of the oppressed. Thus, liberation does (...)
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  24. Freire, Educação Libertária e Anarquismo.Nicholas Kluge Corrêa & Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal - manuscript
    Para comemorarmos o centenário do patrono da Educação Brasileira, Paulo Reglus Neves Freire, iremos neste breve estudo propor um diálogo entre a pedagogia libertária de Freire e algumas princípios filosóficos que a fundamentam. Inicialmente, investigamos a trajetória histórica do pedagogo nordestino, e os momentos mais marcantes de sua vida cosmopolita. Em segundo, apresentaremos alguns dos principais alicerces de sua metodologia pedagógica, contudo, dada a vasta obra publicada por Freire, qualquer breve revisão será fadada em apenas ser um (...)
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  25. 18 Dewey’s and Freire’s Pedagogies of Recognition.Kim Díaz - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press. pp. 284-296.
    Subtractive schooling is a type of pedagogy that subtracts from the student aspects of her identity in order to assimilate and reshape her identity to fit the American mainstream. Here, I question the value of assimilation as it takes place in our public school systems. Currently, immigrant children are often made to feel inadequate for being culturally different. This is detrimental to their development as students given that at their young age they do not yet have the emotional maturity to (...)
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  26. Democracia e colonialidade em Freire e Boal.Gustavo Dalaqua - 2022 - In Gustavo Dalaqua & Samon Noyama (eds.), Boal e a filosofia. CRV. pp. 53-77.
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  27. The Philippine Engagement with Paulo Freire.Franz Giuseppe Cortez - 2013 - Kritike 7 (2):50-70.
    This paper is mainly a provisional survey of the engagement of the Filipinos with the thoughts of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher. It presents first the main tenets of Freire’s liberating pedagogy. Then, it explores the Filipinos’ engagement with his ideas. Then, it gives some observations on the said engagement. Finally, it suggests a possible way on how philosophical researches in the Philippines can continually appreciate the relevance of Freire’s liberating pedagogy especially in relating it (...)
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  28. The Incoherence of the Interactional and Institutional Within Freire’s Politico-Educational Project.Neil Wilcock - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (4):399-414.
    In this paper I draw apart two different contexts of Freirean pedagogical practice that I label interactional and institutional. The interactional refers to the immediate learning environment with relation to the interaction between the students and the teacher. In contrast, the institutional refers to how the institutions of education are managed, constructed, and organised and how they relate to the individuals those institutions are composed of. I begin by presenting a brief overview of Freire’s argument in favour of a (...)
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  29. The Political Angle of Critical Pedagogy: Exposing Paulo Freire’s Theory of Domination.Lj Zaphan Lamboloto - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 18 (9):903–912.
    Paulo Freire’s contribution to pedagogical discourses is commonly encapsulated behind the notions of the “banking method” and “culture of silence” which connotes classroom practices that subjects the learner into domesticating pedagogical methods and contents. In Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, this phenomenon is not only restricted to classroom dynamics, but in fact, reflective of domination in the public sphere. In this work, therefore, I will discuss the political angle of Freire’s critical pedagogy founded in his analysis of (...)
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  30. Anotações sobre Quando ninguém educa – questionando Paulo Freire[REVIEW]Gisele Dalva Secco - 2017 - Revista Sofia 6 (3):175-191.
    Trata-se de uma análise do livro Quando ninguém educa (Rocha, 2017), visando expor uma contextualização, uma estruturação e uma avaliação dos principais eixos e propostas do livro.
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  31. DIALECTICS OF PEDAGOGY.Noel Pariñas - 2011 - Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines: IPM PUBLISHING.
    Dialectics of Pedagogy: Implications of Paulo Freire's Philosophy of Transformative Education.
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  32. A Educação de Jovens e Adultos como Transformação Social.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva & Meuri Rusy Maria do Nascimento - 2017 - Dissertation,
    Monografia apresentada à banca examinadora da Escola Municipal Manuel Teodoro de Arruda, anexa do Colégio Frei Cassiano de Comacchio em Belo Jardim, para a obtenção do título de concluinte do curso de Normal Médio, oferecido pela instituição. A natureza do trabalho, em suma, consiste em apresentar perspectivas de trans formação social para a comunidade de jovens e adultos, o principal programa cunho do trabalho é a Educação de Jovens e Adultos a EJA, e como esse programa intervém na sociabilidade e (...)
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  33. BNCC e o ensino de Português: uma normativa curricular para a língua [em face do pretuguês] ou a linguagem [dos falantes] sob força de lei?Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2024 - Tabuleiro de Letras. E-Issn: 2176-5782.
    Este trabalho apresenta algumas considerações a respeito da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), no referente às questões ligadas ao ensino da língua portuguesa no Brasil, à territorialidade e ao pertencimento racial, processos históricos, que envolvem, no campo da educação, a formação docente e a construção da cidadania dos educandos e das educandas nestes tempos de reafirmação do Estado democrático de direito e da vaga decolonial. Portanto, trata-se de uma abordagem política em termos do pensamento de Paulo Freire, patrono da (...)
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  34. Filsafat Pendidikan Y.B. Mangunwijaya dan Sumbangannya bagi Pendidikan Indonesia.Ni Nyoman Oktaria Asmarani - manuscript
    Salah satu persoalan yang muncul dalam pendidikan di Indonesia adalah masalah kurikulum yang merupakan kebijakan pemerintah. Kurikulum yang diberlakukan di Indonesia, khususnya pada masa Orde Baru, dipandang oleh sebagian orang memiliki kepentingan politik dan terlalu sentralistik (terpusat). Melihat keadaan dan situasi pendidikan Indonesia yang demikian, ada harapan yang ditumbuhkan dengan munculnya tokoh Y.B. Mangunwijaya yang memiliki perhatian terhadap pendidikan khususnya pada anak miskin. Menurut Mangunwijaya, pola pendidikan Barat yang dibawa oleh para penjajah Belanda telah menggeser pola pendidikan tradisional Jawa yang (...)
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  35. Philosophies of Education and their futures, in South Africa.Dominic Griffiths - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    Philosophy of Education in South Africa during the latter half of the 20th century was characterised by three ideological strands. The first was known as ‘Fundamental Pedagogics’, the second ‘Liberalism’, and the third ‘Liberation Socialism’ (i.e., Marxism/Freire). When apartheid formally ended in 1994 these strands lost their impetus and faded from educational debates, arguably because of the disappearance of apartheid itself, as the locus relative to which these ideological strands positioned themselves. This paper characterises these three positions and some (...)
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  36. Cultivating Creativity and Self-Reflective Thinking through Dialogic Teacher Education.Arie Kizel - 2012 - US-China Education Review 2 (2):237 – 249.
    A new program of teacher training in a dialogical spirit in order to prepare them towards working in the field of philosophy with children combines cultivating creativity and self-reflective thinking had been operated as a part of cooperation between the academia and the education system in Israel. This article describes the program that is a part of their practice towards co-operation between academia and schools as a part of PDS (Professional Development Schools) partnership. The program fosters creativity and self-reflective thinking (...)
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  37. O que é opressão?Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua - 2020 - In Janaina Abreu & Paulo Roberto Padilha (eds.), Aprenda a dizer a sua palavra. Instituto Paulo Freire. pp. 81-88.
    Trata-se de elaborar um conceito de opressão mediante engajamento crítico com a filosofia de Paulo Freire e explorar quatro aspectos da opressão: 1) hierarquização social; 2) injustiça epistêmica; 3) injustiça estética; 4) sujeição a um poder arbitrário.
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  38. Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paul N. Rengma - manuscript
    The paper brings a critique of Freire’s notions in regard to education, philosophy, and politics. It explains how exploitation and oppression affect humanization. It also criticizes the “Banking model” of education and recommends the dialogical approach which can transform individuals.
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  39. The Philosophy of Social Segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools.Arie Kizel - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (11):1042 – 1050.
    Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates—Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas—together with Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings’s pedagogy of care and concern, and even Gadamer’s integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on exams and achievement. This article (...)
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  40. O que é a Educação Infantil?Khyara Fantollini dos Santos - manuscript
    Entendemos a Educação Infantil em amplo sentido, isto é, há um leque de conceitos em que pode-se gozar dentro da Pedagogia e as Ciências da Educação, é nessa modalidade de ensino que podem-se englobar todas as esferas educativas vivenciadas pelas crianças de, conforme Lei, 0 à 5 anos de idade, pela família e, também, pelo próprio corpo social, antes mesmo de atingir a idade educativa obrigatória que é, vide Lei, aproximadamente a partir dos 7 anos de idade. A EI também (...)
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  41. Emancipatory and Critical Language Education: A Plea for Translingual Possible Selves and Worlds.Maria Formosinho, Carlos Reis & Paulo Jesus - 2019 - Critical Studies in Education 60 (2):168-186.
    Language is the main resource for meaningful action, including the very formation of selves and psychosocial identities, shaped by practical norms, beliefs, and values. Thus, language education constitutes one of the most powerful means for both social reproduction and social production and ideological maintenance and utopian innovation. In this paper, we attempt to emphasise the invaluable psychosocial, political, economic, and cultural function of language education in order to propose a critical view of the current transition from the monolingual to a (...)
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  42. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da (...)
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  43. Maimed, Disabled, Enslaved as Commodity: Child Maiming in the Lens of Critical Consciousness.John C. H. Hu - 2023 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2023 (1):1-17.
    This essay seeks to acknowledge the unsettling reality of children being intentionally maimed towards disability and disfigurement as economic commodity. The issue is easily invisibilized in modern education, and understandably so: the trauma triggered by these bloody realities can automatically disqualify the content for formal in school education as a form of “unwelcome truth”. Freire and Fanon, however, did not shy away from the horrific state of life for the oppressed and the wretched in their consideration of pedagogy. The (...)
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  44. Produção de conhecimento: uma característica fundamental das sociedades humanas.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Produção de conhecimento: uma característica fundamental das sociedades humanas -/- 1. As diferentes formas de conhecimento A espécie humana não se limita a sobreviver no mundo. Ela também procura entendê-lo e modificá-lo de acordo com as diferentes formas como percebe a realidade. Essa busca, que articula a realidade objetiva e a subjetiva, é a matriz sobre a qual se constrói o que convencionamos chamar de conhecimento. Podemos definir o conhecimento como toda compreensão e prática adquiridas, cuja memória e transmissão permitem (...)
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  45. Humanistic Education: Philosophical crossroads.Geoffrey Westropp - manuscript
    The educational philosophies of John Dewey, Paulo Freire and Tsunesaburo Makiguchi were born at different times and in different cultures but the themes they propound resonate with the ordinary people. Although there are ideas that are unique to each philosophy, this paper tries to uncover the themes that are similar in them. The purpose to uncovering these themes is to try in some way to form a unifying force that opens a path to making the ideas rather than the (...)
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  46. Filosofia, poesia e resistência: sobre a unidade entre epistemologia e militância política em tempos de crise.Otacílio Gomes da Silva Neto - 2018 - Revista Debates Insubmissos 1 (Movimentos sociais/Educação/Dive):52-67.
    The recent social crisis in Brazil has given political players of a certain leaning the excuse they needed to make political maneuvers of a suspicious nature. Backed by corporations, the mainstream media and agribusiness, such measures, which have also been called “reforms,” have been hastened by members of the legislature in collusion with the highest-ranking government leaders. Their scheme was hatched at the height of the crisis of President Dilma’s government and culminated with her impeachment. Shortly after the usurpation of (...)
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    Restorative Justice and Lived Religion: Transforming Mass Incarceration in Chicago.Jason A. Springs - 2024 - New York,: New York University Press.
    In the United States “restorative justice” typically refers to small-scale measures that divert alleged wrongdoers from a standard path through the criminal justice system by funneling them into alternative justice programs. These aim not to punish the offender, but to constructively address the harm that wrongdoing may have caused to individuals or to the community, engaging with the wrongdoer to come to a response that might heal and repair the harm. -/- Yet restorative justice initiatives generally fail to challenge and (...)
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