Results for 'Social cohesion'

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  1. Social Cohesion, Trust, and Government Action Against Pandemics.Marlon Patrick P. Lofredo - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (4):182-188.
    The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 and its corresponding COVID-19 is challenging national preparedness and response ability to pandemics. No one is prepared well, but governments around the world must respond as effectively and efficiently as possible to pandemics, and every occurrence of such worldwide disease must be a lesson for preparedness. While plans and programs may be in place to arrest the rapid spread of the virus, the success of any state intervention relies much on how cohesive the society is, (...)
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  2. A Confucian-Inspired Perspective on East Asia’s Future: Examining Social Cohesion and Meritocracy.Elena Ziliotti - 2024 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 41:85-109.
    East Asia’s economy is leading the world into the new Asian century. While meritocratic practices in the educational and private sectors are often considered pivotal conditions for East Asia’s economic success, experts have pointed out that the path ahead requires new approaches to ensure social cohesion and stability, which depend on the quality of relations across social divides. These considerations raise multiple questions for philosophers: What forms of social meritocracy are necessary to sustain social (...)? Moreover, how can the detrimental effects of meritocratic practices be contained? Is it possible to utilise some of the intellectual resources indigenous to East Asia to generate innovative solutions? This paper argues that the answers to these questions lie in the indigenous Confucian conceptual resources. Confucian ideas can inspire a more desirable societal ideal for the future of East Asia. In particular, the Confucian emphasis on cultivating reciprocal harmonious human relationships and others’ morality can guide new approaches to fostering social cohesion. As Confucian personal cultivation through harmonious relations is a process of social cohesion, these ideas inspire a) a multiple approach to policymaking that is not only grounded in economic redistribution, b) a richer understanding of societal progress, and c) a democratic approach to fostering social cohesion. Unlike Confucian meritocrats and scholars who defend the Confucian roots of East Asian forms of political and social meritocracy, this paper proves that Confucian conceptual resources can help formulate a societal vision that strengthens cohesion and mitigates the adverse effects of meritocratic practices. (shrink)
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  3. Immigration, and Common Identities: A Social Cohesion-Based Argument for Open Borders.Esma Baycan-Herzog - 2021 - In Corinna Mieth & Wolfram Cremer (eds.), Migration, Stability and Solidarity. pp. 155-187.
    What does social cohesion require in culturally diverse post-immigration societies? Immigration and social cohesion are, in the public debate, believed to be incompatible. In normative political philosophy, a similar understanding manifests in the argument that social cohesion-based on a common national identity-is incompatible with immigration. In so doing, its proponents justify restrictive border policies. In this chapter, I will critically engage with this argument by reconnecting the literature in social sciences to normative political (...)
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  4. What Does an African Ethic of Social Cohesion Entail for Social Distancing?Thaddeus Metz - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):7-16.
    The most prominent strand of moral thought in the African philosophical tradition is relational and cohesive, roughly demanding that we enter into community with each other. Familiar is the view that being a real person means sharing a way of life with others, perhaps even in their fate. What does such a communal ethic prescribe for the coronavirus pandemic? Might it forbid one from social distancing, at least away from intimates? Or would it entail that social distancing is (...)
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  5. Immigration, and Common Identities: A Social Cohesion-Based Argument for Open Borders.Esma Baycan-Herzog - 2021 - In Corinna Mieth & Wolfram Cremer (eds.), Migration, Stability and Solidarity. pp. 155-187.
    What does social cohesion require in culturally diverse post-immigration societies? Immigration and social cohesion are, in the public debate, believed to be incompatible. In normative political philosophy, a similar understanding manifests in the argument that social cohesion-based on a common national identity-is incompatible with immigration. In so doing, its proponents justify restrictive border policies. In this chapter, I will critically engage with this argument by reconnecting the literature in social sciences to normative political (...)
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  6. The Contradictions of Volunteer Work. A Factor of Fragmented Social Cohesion? The case of the VOs in Tuscany.Luca Corchia - 2011 - In Andrea Salvini & Anders Johan Wickstrøm Andersen (eds.), Interactions, Health and Community. Pisa University Press. pp. 241-254.
    Il saggio affronta alcune contraddizioni in cui si trova il complesso mondo delle organizzazioni di volontariato italiane, alle prese con pressioni funzionali che ne modellano la struttura a somiglianza delle organizzazioni politiche e ne orientano l’operato in chiave imprenditoriale. In particolare, l’analisi empirica della realtà toscana fa emergere una ridefinizione della mission solidaristica che rende problematico il contributo delle associazioni di volontariato alla costruzione della “coesione sociale”. I dati sulla “propensione al networking” sembrano confermare il prevalere di dinamiche di frammentazione, (...)
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  7. Social Participation and Cohesion. On the Relationship between "Inclusion" and "Integration" in Social Theory (final draft, forthcoming).Behrendt Hauke - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    This article aims to make progress towards an account of social cohesion and participation in terms of which we can better understand how groups of people come to constitute stable social orders. It argues for a conceptual distinction between "inclusion" and "integration" and sheds new light on their theoretical relationship. While "integration" refers to group members' willingness to act in accordance with the given norms of a social structure, "inclusion" is linked to their participation opportunities. Although (...)
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    Investigating social studies teachers’ implementation of an immersive history curricular unit as a cybernetic Zone of Proximal Development.Shantanu Tilak, Michael Glassman, Monica Lu, Ziye Wen, Logan Pelfrey, Irina Kuznetcova, Tzu-Jung Lin, Eric Anderman, Adriana Martinez-Calvit, Kimiko Ching & Manisha Nagpal - 2023 - Cogent Education 10:2171183.
    This qualitative study presents 27 students’ insights about four teachers’ implementation of an immersive Native American history curricular unit designed to equip students with digital skills to critically navigate complex, polarizing social issues. The Digital Civic Learning (DCL) curriculum used Google Suite and Google Classroom or Schoology to provide collaborative slides supporting immersive 2D-graphics, children’s books/resources, immersive activities/artefact-creation, and multimodal tools (e.g., discussion posts, Flipgrid video-essays). Teachers regulated student thinking/behavior towards cohesive outcomes, and encouraged open-ended exploration, operationalizing the design (...)
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  9. Social Justice, Social Friendship and the Role of Trust as an Other-Oriented Emotion.A. Romero-Iribas & Andrea Oelsner - 2022 - Peace Review: A Journal of Social Studies 34 (3):352-36.
    This essay discusses the idea that trust is a pre-rational, other-oriented emotion and it is constitutive of friendship practices regardless of the type of friendship. In particular, what we call ‘social friendship’ refers to a distinctive set of loose but lasting and cohesive bonds both among citizens within society (horizontal dimension) and between them and the state (vertical dimension), triggering solidarity and altruism. The other-oriented emotion of trust underpinning these social bonds–social friendship–in turn, is necessary for (...) justice to be supported, legitimized, and furthermore demanded by society. (shrink)
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  10. Some Social Aspects of the Soul of Multiverse Hypothesis: Human Societies and the Soul of Multiverse.Nandor Ludvig - 2023 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (1).
    As a continuation of this author’s previous cosmological neuroscience papers on the hypothesized Soul of Multiverse and its possible laws, the present work examined the social aspects of four of these laws. The following key aspects were recognized: (1) Knowing about the cosmic Law of Coexistence in Diversity can let our mind respect not only the endless diversity of human beings but also the cohesive force of space-time in which all are connected. This may help realizing the superiority of (...)
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  11. Ibn Khaldun as a Social Holist Philosopher.Saad Malook - 2023 - Al-Asr 3 (2):87-98.
    This article defends Ibn Khaldun as a social holist philosopher. Ibn Khaldun is an Arab philosopher regarded as a proto-social holist theorist of modern social thought. The central thesis of social holism asserts that human beings are social creatures because they depend upon one another for their biological existence and the development of human cognitive potential. Many European philosophers since the eighteenth century, including Giambattista Vico, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Gottfried Herder, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and (...)
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  12. Transcending human sociality: eco-cosmological relationships between entities in the ecosphere.Luis Gregorio Abad Espinoza - 2022 - Disparidades. Revista de Antropología 77 (1):1-17.
    Based on a discussion of the theoretical contributions of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Pierre Clastres, this article explores social relationships as more than a human dimension. Though strongly analysed by both anthropologists, these relationships appear to involve indigenous societies’ whole ecological and cosmological system. In this sense, reciprocity, social cohesion, and exchange can be understood as material and immaterial interrelationships between entities of a more than a corporeal world. I argue, then, that to go beyond the mere anthropocentric (...)
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  13. Circularity in Searle’s Social Ontology: With a Hegelian Reply.José Luis Fernández - 2020 - International Journal of Society, Culture and Language 8 (1):16-24.
    John Searle’s theory of social ontology posits that there are indispensable normative components in the linguistic apparatuses termed status functions, collective intentionality, and collective recognition, all of which, he argues, make the social world. In this paper, I argue that these building blocks of Searle’s theory are caught in a petitio of constitutive circularity. Moreover, I note how Searle fails to observe language in reciprocal relation to the institutions which not only are shaped by it but also shape (...)
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  14. Plural societies and the possibility of shared citizenship.Michael S. Merry - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (4):371-380.
    As we push headlong into the twenty-first century, increasingly stringent demands for citizenship issue forth from governments around the world faced with a formidable assortment of challenges. Shrinking budgets, weakening currencies, and worsening unemployment top the list. Migration and population mobility also continue to reshape and redefine how governments and their citizens understand and respond to the demands of citizenship. Long-established markers of national identity seem anachronistic, as do attempts to restore time-honored ‘‘norms and values’’ with a view to promoting (...)
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    Urban Regeneration: A Comprehensive Strategy For Achieving Social Sustainability in Historical Squares.Asma Mehan - 2016 - In Adrian Boldisor (ed.), 3rd INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 6 ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Sofia: STEF92 Technology. pp. 861-868.
    An influencing paradigm which presented as an integrated approach in social, cultural, environmental and economical dimensions is the concept of sustainable Urban Regeneration, which tries to resolve urban challenges, environmental crises and development problems for enhancing quality of life and creating balance between Growth, Preservation and Regeneration. However in recent years social sustainability has gained increased recognition as a fundamental component of sustainable development, beginning to receive political and institutional endorsement within the Urban Regeneration agenda. The first objective (...)
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  16. From festival to social communion: a Nigerian experience.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Stella Osim - 2020 - Przestrzen Spoleczna (Social Space Scientific Journal) 19 (1):53-70.
    Festival is a performative dimension of cultural praxis that strengthens bonds of cohesion in society. Festivals are also an integral part of religious praxis. They have the potentiality of bringing its adherents and non-adherents together thus creating and sustaining social communion among them. This reality of sustaining social communion confirms an important function of religion in society with particular reference to its social integrative effects. Therefore, this article assesses how religious festival, Christmas, fosters social integration (...)
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  17. Coordination in social learning: expanding the narrative on the evolution of social norms.Müller Basil - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-31.
    A shared narrative in the literature on the evolution of cooperation maintains that social _learning_ evolves early to allow for the transmission of cumulative culture. Social _norms_, whilst present at the outset, only rise to prominence later on, mainly to stabilise cooperation against the threat of defection. In contrast, I argue that once we consider insights from social epistemology, an expansion of this narrative presents itself: An interesting kind of social norm — an epistemic coordination norm (...)
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  18. African Cultural Values and Corruption in Nigeria: New Insights.Terngu S. Nomishan - 2022 - Culture and Society: Journal of Anthropological Research 4 (1):1-9.
    African cultural values connote core principles and ideals that maintains good, right, fair and just in African societies. This culture is developed over a long period of time, preserved and promoted by all members of a given group or society. Corruption as a phenomenon on the other hand has been variously described as a societal vice. Though research shows that some levels of corruption exist in almost every human society, it is over accommodated in some societies or nations and as (...)
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  19. Privacy and the Common Good: G. H. Mead and the Social Value of Privacy.Yuval Goldfus - manuscript
    This article explores the social value of privacy and the intricate relationship between personal autonomy and societal cohesion within the realm of privacy. It contrasts George Herbert Mead’s two models of social organization—hostility and integration—in terms of their impact on the interplay between individuals and society. The model of hostility envisions individuals and society engaged in a zero-sum game, resulting in diminished individuality and an atomistic view of autonomy. In contrast, the model of integration recognizes the interdependence (...)
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  20. Practicas estéticas e identidades sociales: prosaica II.Katya Mandoki - 2006 - México: Siglo XXI.
    Desde una perspectiva matricial de la cultura, la autora aborda el estudio de las identidades sociales en su dimensión estética. La presentación dramatúrgica de la persona propuesta por Goffman adquiere un perfil más concreto al enfocar a las identidades a partir de sus procesos de gestación y proyección, pues nunca brotan en el vacío sino a través de matrices que ineludiblemente las conforman. Mandoki explora identidades colectivas religiosas como la cristiana, la musulmana y la judía, así como prácticas familiares, escolares, (...)
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  21. The Role of Family and Multicultural Events in Fostering Vietnamese Students’ Tolerance and Inclusiveness in the Context of Globalization.Minh Hoang Nguyen, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Dan Li, Minh Huan Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Duong & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fostering tolerance and inclusiveness in multicultural societies is increasingly vital, particularly in educational settings. Understanding the impact of parental involvement and school events on students’ attitudes toward these values is essential for promoting social cohesion and preparing future generations for an interconnected world. This study applies Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics to a representative dataset of 2,069 primary, secondary, and high school students across Vietnam. It explores how parental discussions and participation in multicultural school events influence students’ attitudes (...)
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  22. Can Monarchies Be Justified?Bouke De Vries - 2023 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 9:8-24.
    Although 43 countries have a monarch as their head of state, the question of whether monarchies can be morally justified has been neglected by contemporary philosophers. In this article, I argue that it is doubtful whether any existing monarchies can be morally justified. As I show, they all suffer from one or more of the following defects: they flout democratic principles; they are non-meritocratic; and/or they fail to provide at least some royals with an adequate range of lifestyle options. However, (...)
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  23. Enhancement and Civic Virtue.Will Jefferson, Thomas Douglas, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (3):499-527.
    Opponents of biomedical enhancement frequently adopt what Allen Buchanan has called the “Personal Goods Assumption.” On this assumption, the benefits of biomedical enhancement will accrue primarily to those individuals who undergo enhancements, not to wider society. Buchanan has argued that biomedical enhancements might in fact have substantial social benefits by increasing productivity. We outline another way in which enhancements might benefit wider society: by augmenting civic virtue and thus improving the functioning of our political communities. We thus directly confront (...)
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  24. Telling Stories without Words.Kristin Andrews - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (6-8):6-8.
    In this review article of Dan Hutto's bok Folk Psychological Narratives: The Sociocultural Basis of Understanding Reasons, I argue that we can take a functional approach to FP that identifies it with the practice of explaining behaviour -- that is, we can understand folk psychology as having the purpose of explaining behaviour and promoting social cohesion by making others’ behaviour comprehensible, without thinking that this ability must be limited to those with linguistic abilities. One reason for thinking that (...)
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  25. Exploring the Challenges and Implications of Atheism for Religious Society in Malaysia.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2024 - Islamiyyat 46 (1):99 - 111.
    Atheism is an ideology that rejects the existence of God and has gained increasing prominence in societies globally, including Malaysia. Atheism significantly challenges the religious orientation of Malaysian society. Specifically, atheism challenges spiritual and ethical foundations, unity, and cultural heritage linked to religious beliefs. Understanding these challenges is vital to formulate proactive measures, education, and informed dialogue to mitigate the negative impact of atheism on Malaysian society. This study explored the effects of atheism on Malaysian religious society via library research (...)
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    The Decline of Collective Intelligence Regarding Ai.Paul Bates - manuscript
    This paper explores the critical role of collective knowledge in detecting AI-generated content and the potential consequences of its decline. As AI-generated media becomes increasingly sophisticated, the ability to distinguish between reality and fiction is at risk. The paper examines the implications of this erosion for social cohesion, decision-making, and economic stability, and proposes strategies to mitigate these risks. By fostering critical thinking, promoting transparency, and developing technological solutions, we can preserve collective knowledge and ensure a more informed (...)
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  27. Design and validation of a Character Friendship Scale for young adults//Diseño y validación de una Escala de Amistad de Carácter para jóvenes.A. Romero-Iribas & Celia Camilli - 2023 - Revista Española de Pedagogia 286:529-553.
    Friendship is an important bond in the personal and social growth of an individual and plays a prominent role during youth. Most scales to measure it are aimed at children and adolescents but none measure character friendship, a type of selfless friendship with ethical traits an d Aristotelian roots. Therefore, the aim of the research is to design and validate the youth Character Friendship Scale (CFS) in a sample of 1587 young Spanish people. The final version of the CFS (...)
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  28. Hume's Skeptical Philosophy and the Moderation of Pride.Charles Goldhaber - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (6):621–36.
    Hume describes skeptical philosophy as having a variety of desirable effects. It can counteract dogmatism, produce just reasoning, and promote social cohesion. When discussing how skepticism may achieve these effects, Hume typically appeals to its effects on pride. I explain how, for Hume, skeptical philosophy acts on pride and how acting on pride produces the desirable effects. Understanding these mechanisms, I argue, sheds light on how, why, when, and for whom skeptical philosophy can be useful. It also illuminates (...)
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  29. Rousseau and Humankind’s Decadency.Damian Williams - forthcoming - Forthcoming.
    For Rousseau, humankind is in a perpetual state of decay—decadency from an earlier, natural, primitive, and perfect state. For Rousseau, the natural man, or man in the state of beast, was of an era where humankind was unencumbered by that which is now entirely associated with society—that is, “. . . establishment of laws and of the right of property . . . the institution of magistracy . . . and the conversion of legitimate into arbitrary power.” For Kant, humankind (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Education for World Citizenship: Beyond national allegiance.Muna Golmohamad - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (4):466-486.
    A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop‐Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue (...)
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    Comparative Study of Western and Chinese Concepts of Civilization.Caroline Pires Ting - 2024 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 17 (34):1-16.
    he study revisits "civilization" in the context of globalization, analyzing its applicability and potential to mask cultural differences. It specifically contrasts the Western n o t i o n , a n c h o r e d i n c i t i z e n s h i p a n d environmental mastery, with the ancient Chinese "wenming" that signifies enlightenment and social harmony. "Civilization" stresses progress of science and technology, along with the process of globalization. (...)
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  32. Processes of Knowledge.George Towner - 2001 - Upa.
    In Processes of Knowledge, George Towner analyzes the actual ways that human knowledge is accumulated and organized, both in science and in everyday life. He places the processes of knowledge within their social context, examining the basic ways that communication lets people share ideas. Towner traces the development of language, writing, and data processing, demonstrating their different effects on theorizing. He also develops an evolutionary view of group thinking, examining the ways that human groups use specific types of theories (...)
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  33. Beyond Individual Goods.Garcia Izzi - unknown
    Abstract: This paper delves into the inadequacy of attempting to reduce community-based benefits solely to individual goods, highlighting the intricate dynamics shaping the well-being of both individuals and the collective. Grounded in Aristotelian distinctions, the argument challenges Hartney's stance by emphasizing the intrinsic value of corrective justice within communities. It explores the interplay between distributive and corrective justice, asserting that the enforcement of corrective measures, essential for societal harmony, transcends individual benefits. The discussion extends to the multifaceted nature of community-based (...)
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  34. Exploring Collective Welfare.Marshal Rings - unknown
    This paper investigates the limitations of exclusively reducing community-based advantages to individual goods, while highlighting the intricate dynamics that shape the well-being of both individuals and the collective. Drawing inspiration from Aristotelian distinctions, the argument challenges Hartney's perspective by emphasizing the inherent value of corrective justice within communities. It explores the interplay between distributive and corrective justice, asserting that the implementation of corrective measures, crucial for societal harmony, transcends individual advantages. The discourse extends to the multifaceted nature of community-based benefits, (...)
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  35. A faith-based environmental approach for people and the planet: Some inter-religious perspectives on our Earth-embeddedness.Antonino Puglisi & Johan Buitendag - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2).
    For most people on our planet, spiritual values are vital in driving communitarian behaviour. It is becoming increasingly clear that a lasting and effective social commitment must consider cultural, sociological and religious dimensions. In particular, the current environmental crisis has demonstrated how effectively religious communities have mobilised to respond to climate change. With their emphasis on wisdom, social cohesion and interrelationships, religions can be a strategic player in ensuring effective integral human development. The ecological crisis is not (...)
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  36. The ”foreign” virus? Justifying Norway’s border closure.Magnus Skytterholm Egan & Attila Tanyi - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 15 (2):29-47.
    In response to the Covid pandemic the Norwegian government put in place the strictest border closures in Norwegian modern history, restricting entry to most foreign nationals. The Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, justified these restrictions with reference to the rise of new Covid variants, and the need to limit visitors to Norway as much as possible. In this paper we critically examine both the justification given for the border closure, and explore the possible adverse effects this closure might bring about. We (...)
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    Ideal GDP per Capita, Gini Coefficient, and Population Growth: A Holistic Framework for National Prosperity.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    Ideal GDP per Capita, Gini Coefficient, and Population Growth: A Holistic Framework for National Prosperity -/- Economic metrics such as GDP per capita, the Gini coefficient, and population growth are interrelated factors that shape a nation’s economic health, equity, and sustainability. While GDP per capita reflects the average economic output per person and the Gini coefficient measures income inequality, population growth plays a critical role in influencing both metrics. Achieving an ideal balance among these three indicators is essential for fostering (...)
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  38.  25
    The Importance of Socialist Principles in Balancing the Increasing Efficiency of Capitalism.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Importance of Socialist Principles in Balancing the Increasing Efficiency of Capitalism -/- Capitalism, as an economic system, thrives on innovation, competition, and efficiency. Over the centuries, it has fueled unprecedented advancements in technology, productivity, and global economic growth. However, capitalism’s focus on profit maximization and market efficiency often comes at the expense of social equity, environmental sustainability, and human well-being. This imbalance creates systemic issues such as income inequality, labor exploitation, and resource depletion. In this context, the integration (...)
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  39.  19
    The Evolution and Purpose of Positive and Negative Human Emotions as a Balancing Mechanism of the Mind.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Evolution and Purpose of Positive and Negative Human Emotions as a Balancing Mechanism of the Mind -/- Angelito Malicse’s universal formula emphasizes the universal law of balance in nature, which governs all systems, including the human mind. By this understanding, emotions—both positive and negative—are not random phenomena but integral components of the mind’s natural balancing mechanism. They have evolved to ensure that human decision-making remains aligned with the law of balance, both internally (within the individual) and externally (in relation (...)
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  40. Civilisation of manners and misophonia.Norena Arnaud - manuscript
    Misophonia is a disorder of tolerance to specific sounds (i.e. trigger sounds), such as chewing, throat clearing or breathing sounds, produced by humans, which can trigger intense emotional reactions (anger, disgust). This relatively prevalent disorder can cause a reduction in the quality of life. The causes of misophonia are still unclear. In this article, we develop a “social” hypothesis based on the work of Norbert Elias. Misophonia would be an exaggerated reaction to behaviours (of others) that have been subject (...)
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  41. (1 other version)The ethical dilemma of lifestyle change: designing for sustainable schools and sustainable citizenship.Andrea Wheeler - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (1):140-155.
    This paper explores how participation and sustainability are being addressed by architects within the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in the UK. The intentions promoted by the programme are certainly ambitious, but the ways to fulfil these aims are ill-explored. Simply focu- sing on providing innovative learning technologies, or indeed teaching young people about phy- sical sustainability features in buildings, will not necessarily teach them the skills they will need to respond to the environmental and social challenges (...)
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  42. Ill Fare the Humanities.Dawid Misztal & Tomasz Sieczkowski - 2016 - In Janusz Kaczmarek & Ryszard Kleszcz (eds.), Philosophy as the Foundation of Knowledge, Action, Ethos. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. pp. 183-198.
    The starting point of our considerations is the two books published in 2010: "Ill Fare the Land" by late Tony Judt and "Not for Profit" by Martha Nussbaum. The authors of both books share the conviction that neoliberal changes in the world of global capitalism radically impoverish culture and their consequences may be dramatic and irreversible. In our paper we would like to emphasize the dangers to solidarity and social cohesion posed by neoliberal postulates. We also claim that (...)
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  43. Philosophy of Death.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    In paleontology, the discovery of funeral rites is an important factor in determining the degree of social awakening of a hominid. This awareness of death is an engine of social cohesion (uniting to resist disasters and enemies) and action (to do something to leave a trace). It is an important element of metaphysical reflection. This is also what gives the symbolic power to acts such as homicide and suicide. According to Plato, death is the separation of soul (...)
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  44. The Ethics of Rationalism & Empiricism.Irfan Ajvazi - 2022 - Idea Books.
    Now Online: The Ethics of Rationalism & Empiricism Author: Irfan Ajvazi -/- The Ethics of Rationalism & Empiricism -/- Table of Contents: Chapter I: The Ethics of Rationalism Chapter II: Karl Popper and Rationalism Chapter III: Knowledge, Rationalism, Empiricism and the Kantian Synthesis Chapter IV: Kant’s Knowledge Empiricism and Rationalism Chapter V: The Radical Rationalism of Rene Descartes Chapter VI: Was Plato a rationalist or an empricist? Chapter VII: What is rationalism for Descartes? Chapter VIII: What is Empiricism? Chapter IX: (...)
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  45. Can there be a global Demos? An agency-based approach.Christian List & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (1):76-110.
    Can there be a global demos? The current debate about this topic is divided between two opposing camps: the “pessimist” or “impossibilist” camp, which holds that the emergence of a global demos is either conceptually or empirically impossible, and the “optimist” or “possibilist” camp, which holds that the emergence of a global demos is conceptually as well as empirically possible and an embryonic version of it already exists. However, the two camps agree neither on a common working definition of a (...)
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  46. Regional Development in an Ageing Society: Overview of Selected Foreign and Polish Recommendations and Practices.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2015 - In Štefan Chudý & Łukasz Tomczyk (eds.), Aktywna Starość W Perspektywie Społeczno-Kulturowo-Edukacyjnej / Společenské, Kulturní a Vzdělávací Aspekty Fenoménu Aktivního Stárnutí. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny W Krakowie. pp. 21--50.
    The complexity of population ageing effect is a significant challenge at a regional and local level. Adaptation activities require the cooperation of local governments, business entities and non-governmental organizations. The article describes the dimensions of interventions, typology of “shrinking regions” and two initiatives: Regions for All Ages and SEN@ER - Silver Economy Network of European Regions. In addition, essay discusses the dilemmas of creating special regional strategies with their implementation factors and barriers in the construction of silver economies. It is (...)
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  47. Spatial Reflections on Muslims’ Segregation in Britain.Farouq Tahar, Asma Mehan & Krzysztof Nawratek - 2023 - Religions 14 (3):349.
    The diversity of multicultural, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic groups and communities within Britain has created cohesion and integration challenges for different community groups and authorities to adapt to the current diverse society. More recently, there has been an increased focus on Muslim segregation in Britain in official reports and reviews. Those documents mentioned the Muslims’ segregation (directly or indirectly) for various reasons, and some recommendations have aimed to improve “community cohesion” in general and Muslims’ “integration” in particular. However, community (...)
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  48. Reading (with) Others.Wolfgang Huemer - 2021 - In Sonia Sedivy (ed.), Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton. New York: Routledge.
    Kendall Walton’s account of make-believe takes the social dimension of imagination into account. In this paper I aim to extend this suggestion and argue that works of fiction allow for encounters with concrete (yet fictitious) persons with a distinct point of view and a discernible perspective. These encounters allow us to contrast the perspective(s) that emerge from the work with one’s own. I will then discuss two moments of the social dimension: imagining fictional scenarios is a social (...)
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  49. Two Pillars of Institutions: Constitutive Rules and Participation.Wolfgang Huemer - 2021 - In Leo Townsend, Preston Stovall & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), The Social Institution of Discursive Norms: Historical, Naturalistic, and Pragmatic Perspectives. Routledge.
    The creation of new institutions and the initiation of new forms of behaviour cannot be explained only on the basis of constitutive rules – they also require a broader commitment of individuals who participate in social practices and, thus, to become members of a community. In this paper, I argue that the received conception of constitutive rules shows a problematic intellectualistic bias that becomes particularly manifest in three assumptions: (i) constitutive rules have a logical form, (ii) constitutive rules have (...)
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  50. Universal—A Continent beyond Tradition.Mihai Nadin - 1998 - Dialogue and Universalism 8 (11):109-119.
    The global scale of contemporary human life and activity places us in a generic conflict between our identity as individuals and our awareness of the individual's global responsibilities. We face a conflict between the reassuring condition of living according to tradition and the unsettling condition of living in the "new continent" where human self-constitution has global implications. The cohesive set of shared traditional values and ideals is effectively overwritten by the possibility and necessity of innovation in response to global demands. (...)
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