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  1. Tools or toys? On specific challenges for modeling and the epistemology of models and computer simulations in the social sciences.Eckhart Arnold - manuscript
    Mathematical models are a well established tool in most natural sciences. Although models have been neglected by the philosophy of science for a long time, their epistemological status as a link between theory and reality is now fairly well understood. However, regarding the epistemological status of mathematical models in the social sciences, there still exists a considerable unclarity. In my paper I argue that this results from specific challenges that mathematical models and especially computer simulations face in the social sciences. (...)
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  2. A Plea for Cardiognosis.Steven M. Duncan - manuscript
    In this paper, a follow-up to my "Seeing Other Minds," I encourage philosophers to explore the notion of cardiognosis - "knowledge of hearts" - as a unique, irreducible form of knowledge, and suggest some applications for this notion.
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  3. Having Faith in Reason.Steven M. Duncan - manuscript
    An Address delivered to the Seattle G. K. Chesterton Society at the University of Washington Newman Center, May 2, 2013.
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  4. (4 other versions)R.K. N*r*yan on fake Chernobyl poetry and two reasons for pastiche.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In this paper, I predict a reaction within the English literary world if Ukrainian poets head to England owing to war. I also identify two reasons for pastiche. I attempt to do so by means of a pastiche of a notable writer from the Indian sub-continent, for a version of one of these reasons.
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  5. Die Physik und die Wissenschaftstheorie – Diagnose und Analyse eines Missverständnisses, sowie Konklusionen in Betreff Biologie und Epistemologie.Rudolf Lindpointner - manuscript
    Die Physik nimmt aus zwei Gründen eine herausragende Stellung unter den Wissenschaften ein. Zum einen aufgrund ihrer anerkannten Stellung als Grundlagenwissenschaft, und zum anderen auch durch das Merkmal ihrer offenkundigen Erkenntnissicherheit. Aus beiden Gründen gilt sie gewissermaßen als Paradigma von Wissenschaftlichkeit schlechthin. Mit ihrem Fokus auf das Thema der Erkenntnissicherheit tritt die Wissenschaftstheorie in die Fußstapfen der klassischen Erkenntnistheorie, und darauf gründet sich auch ihr 'richterlicher' Anspruch gegenüber der Physik. Wohingegen die Physik in puncto ihrer Stellung als Grundlagenwissenschaft – sogar (...)
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  6. Cunoașterea tacită în activitatea de informații.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Opinia lui Michael Polanyi despre știință poate contribui la înțelegerea procesului și a "produsului" analizei informațiilor. Argumentele lui Michael Polanyi privind activitățile oamenilor de știință sunt transferabile în domeniul analizei informațiilor, oferind o perspectivă nuanțată pentru perceperea provocărilor epistemologice și a problemelor cu care se confruntă analiștii. Conceptele lui Polanyi de "cunoaștere tacită" și "cunoaștere personală" contribuie la dezvoltarea unei înțelegeri mai eficiente din punct de vedere epistemologic a unor aspecte ale procesului și a produsului analizei informațiilor. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21514.21442.
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  7. Services de renseignement.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Les services de renseignement sont des agences gouvernementales chargées de la collecte et de l'analyse du renseignement sensible afin de garantir la sécurité et la défense nationales. Les méthodes d'obtenir le renseignement peuvent inclure l'espionnage, l'interception de communications, l'analyse cryptographique, la coopération avec d'autres institutions et l'évaluation des sources publiques. Les services de renseignement se concentrent actuellement sur la lutte contre le terrorisme, ne laissant que relativement peu de ressources pour surveiller les autres menaces à la sécurité. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21302.45126.
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  8. Epistemology of Canonical Quantum Gravity - Loop Quantum Gravity.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    In the interpretation of canonical quantum gravity (CQG), gravity appears as a geometric pseudoforce, is reduced to spacetime geometry and becomes a simple effect of spacetime curvature. The scale at which quantum gravitational effects occur is determined by the different physical constants of fundamental physics: h, c and G, which characterize quantum, relativistic and gravitational phenomena. By combining these constants, we obtain the Planck constants at which the effects of quantum gravity must manifest. Loop quantum gravity attempts to unify gravity (...)
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  9. Epistemology of String Theory in Quantum Gravity.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    In quantum field theory, the main obstacle is the occurrence of the untreatable infinities in the interactions of the particles due to the possibility of arbitrary distances between the point particles. Strings, as extended objects, provide a better framework, which allows finite calculations. String theory is part of a research program in which point particles in particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with one another. The purpose of (...)
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  10. Epistemologia activității de informații.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    În activitatea de informații, epistemologia este studiul cunoașterii amenințării și a modului în care se înțelege amenințarea în domeniul analizei informațiilor. Majoritatea definițiilor activității de informații nu iau în considerare faptul că statutul normativ epistemic al informațiilor analizate este cunoașterea și nu o alternativă inferioară. Contra-argumentele la statutul epistemologic al activității de informații sunt scopul acestora orientat spre acțiune, și conținutul lor orientat spre viitor. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23994.75205 .
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  11. Epistemologia relativității generale.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Empirismul logic al filosofiei științei a apărut în cea mai mare parte ca urmare a celor două teorii ale relativității lui Einstein, favorizând convenționalismul à la Poincaré față de neo-kantianism și pozitivismul machian. Filosofia empirismului logic al științei în sine se consideră că a fost formată din învățăturile extrase din teoria relativității. Câteva dintre cele mai caracteristice doctrine ale acestei filosofii (interpretarea elementelor a priori în teoriile fizice ca niște convenții, tratarea rolului necesar al convențiilor în dezvoltarea conceptelor teoretice din (...)
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  12. Epistemology of Experimental Gravity - Scientific Rationality.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    The evolution of gravitational tests from an epistemological perspective framed in the concept of rational reconstruction of Imre Lakatos, based on his methodology of research programmes. Unlike other works on the same subject, the evaluated period is very extensive, starting with Newton's natural philosophy and up to the quantum gravity theories of today. In order to explain in a more rational way the complex evolution of the gravity concept of the last century, I propose a natural extension of the methodology (...)
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  13. Epistemologia colectării informațiilor.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Un proces de colectare a informațiilor începe atunci când un utilizator introduce o interogare în sistem. Mai multe obiecte se pot potrivi rezultatului unei interogări, cu diferite grade de relevanță. Cele mai multe sisteme estimează o valoare numerică despre cât de bine se potrivește fiecare obiect cu interogarea, și clasifică obiectele în funcție de această valoare. Autorii au propus un model analitic al comportamentului profesioniștilor care caută informații, destinat să fie generalizabil în întreaga profesie, oferind astfel o platformă de cercetare (...)
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  14. Epistemology of Intelligence Analysis.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    In intelligence, epistemology is the study of the threat awareness and the way the threat is understood in the field of intelligence analysis. Most definitions of intelligence do not consider the fact that the epistemic normative status of the intelligence analysis is knowledge rather than a lower alternative. Counter-arguments to the epistemological status of intelligence are their purpose-oriented action, and their future-oriented content. Following the attacks of September 11, a terrorism commission was set up to identify the failures and weaknesses (...)
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  15. Intelligence Methodologies.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Methodology, in intelligence, consists of the methods used to make decisions about threats, especially in the intelligence analysis discipline. The enormous amount of information collected by intelligence agencies often puts them in the inability to analyze them all. The US intelligence community collects over one billion daily information. The nature and characteristics of the information gathered as well as their credibility also have an impact on the intelligence analysis. Clark proposed a methodology for analyzing information by addressing the target-centric intelligence (...)
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  16. An Epistemic Evolution of Intelligence.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    The perception of intelligence as power has intensified during the Second World War, when several intelligence agencies has been formalized and significantly increased. In all countries, new agencies and departments have been set up to deal with threats. Government publications in developed countries, following the September 11, 2001 attack, reflected a consensus that intelligence services are key to preventing mass attacks, spending huge amounts for the intelligence agencies that are considered a major component of national security systems. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16398.20809.
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  17. Épistémologie de la gravité newtonienne.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    La première édition de Principia de Newton ne contient que deux remarques supplémentaires sur la méthodologie: la notification que le but de l'article est d'expliquer « comment déterminer les véritables mouvements de leurs causes, les effets et les différences apparents et, au contraire, comment déterminer à partir des hypothèses si elles sont vraies ou apparentes, leurs causes et leurs effets »; et, dans le Scholium à la fin du Livre 1, Section 11, Newton affirme que son approche distinctive permet une (...)
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  18. Epistemologia gravitației experimentale – Raționalitatea științifică.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Evoluția testelor gravitaționale dintr-o perspectivă epistemologică încadrată în conceputul de reconstrucție rațională al lui Imre Lakatos, pe baza metodologiei acestuia a programelor de cercetare. Perioada evaluată este foarte vastă, începând cu filosofia naturală a lui Newton și până la teoriile gravitației cuantice din zilele noastre. Pentru a explica mai rațional evoluția complexă a conceptului de gravitație din ultimul secol, propun o extindere naturală a metodologiei programelor de cercetare pe care o folosesc apoi pe parcursul lucrării. Consider că această abordare oferă (...)
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  19. Analiza informațiilor.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Analiștii se află în domeniul "cunoașterii". Activitatea de informații se referă la cunoaștere și tipurile de probleme abordate sunt probleme de cunoaștere. Așa că avem nevoie de un concept de lucru bazat pe cunoaștere. Avem nevoie de o înțelegere de bază a ceea ce știm și cum știm, ce nu știm, și chiar ce se poate cunoaște și ce nu se poate cunoaște. Analiza informațiilor implică "transformarea faptelor disparate în concluzii concentrate". Analiza ar trebui să ofere o bază utilă pentru (...)
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  20. Épistémologie de la relativité générale.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Les premières interprétations philosophiques de la théorie de la relativité générale sont très diverses, chacune essayant d'identifier Einstein comme un adepte de cette philosophie. Les partisans de Mach ont souligné la tentative d'Einstein de mettre en œuvre une « relativisation de l'inertie » dans la théorie générale, et son approche opérationnaliste de la simultanéité. Les kantiens et les néo-kantiens ont montré l'importance des « formes intellectuelles » synthétiques dans la théorie générale, en particulier le principe de covariance générale. Les empiristes (...)
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  21. Epistemologia gravitației newtoniene.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Prima ediție a Principia lui Newton conține doar două comentarii suplimentare despre metodologie: notificarea că scopul lucrării este de a explica "cum să determinăm mișcările adevărate din cauzele lor, efectele și diferențele aparente și, dimpotrivă, cum să determinăm din ipoteze dacă sunt adevărate sau aparente, cauzele și efectele lor"; și, în Scholiul de la sfârșitul Cărții 1, Secțiunea 11, Newton afirmă că abordarea sa distinctivă face posibilă argumentarea mai sigură în filosofia naturală. În a doua ediție (1713) Newton introduce secțiuni (...)
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  22. Epistemology of Newtonian Gravity.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    The first edition of Newton's Principia contains only two additional comments on the methodology: the notification that the purpose of the paper is to explain "how to determine the true motions from their causes, effects, and apparent differences, and, conversely, how to determine from motions, whether true or apparent, their causes and effects"; and, in the Scholium at the end of Book 1, Section 11, Newton asserts that his distinctive approach makes possible a safer argumentation in natural philosophy. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35946.88003 (...)
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  23. Comunități epistemice în activitatea de informații - Contrainformații.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Comunitățile epistemice sunt rețele informale de experți bazate pe cunoaștere, care influențează factorii de decizie în definirea problemele cu care se confruntă, identificarea diferitelor soluții și evaluarea rezultatelor. Membrii unei comunități epistemice provin din medii academice sau profesionale, și sunt caracterizați de un set de caracteristici unificatoare. Contraspionajul (contrainformațiile) este o activitate destinată să protejeze activitatea de informații a unei organizații împotriva unor agenți statali sau non-statali. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35622.47683.
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  24. Epistemic Intelligence Communities. Counterintelligence.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Epistemic communities are informal networks of knowledge-based experts who influence decision-makers in defining issues they face, identifying different solutions, and evaluating results. Epistemic communities have the greatest influence in conditions of political uncertainty and visibility, usually following a crisis or triggering event. Counterintelligence is primarily considered an analytical discipline, focusing on the study of intelligence services. The basis of all counterintelligence activities is the study of individual intelligence services, an analytical process to understand the behavior of foreign entities (formal mission, (...)
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  25. Epistemology of Quantum Gravity.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Quantum gravity has required the consideration of fundamental epistemological questions, which can be identified in philosophy with the mind-body problem and the problem of free will. These questions influenced the epistemology of quantum mechanics in the form of von Neumann's "psycho-physical parallelism" and the subsequent analysis of the thesis by Wigner that "the collapse of the wave packet" occurs in the mind of the "observer". Quantum gravity in cosmology involves the problem of the experimenter's freedom to change local physical conditions, (...)
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  26. 50 words for snow.John Wilkins - manuscript
    Scientists and philosophers routinely talk about phenomena, and the ways in which they relate to explanation, theory and practice in science. However, there are very few definitions of the term, which is often used synonymously with "data'', "model'' and in older literature, "hypothesis''. In this paper I will attempt to clarify how phenomena are recognized, categorized and the role they play in scientific epistemology. I conclude that phenomena are not necessarily theory-based commitments, but that they are what explanations are called (...)
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  27. Epistemology of Education.J. Adam Carter & Ben Kotzee - forthcoming - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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  28. (1 other version)Emotional unreliability and epistemic defeat.Tricia Magalotti - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Among those who think that emotions can provide epistemic reasons for belief, there is disagreement about whether emotions provide foundational reasons (ones that are not based on further reasons) or non-foundational reasons (ones that are based on further reasons). I argue in this paper that considerations about evidence of emotional unreliability favour the non-foundational view of emotional reasons. The argument starts with a set of counterexamples to the claim that evidence of emotional unreliability always defeats emotional justification. I then show (...)
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  29. Ser e Tempo da Técnica na Ciência da Informação.Ramon Ordonhes Adriano Ribeiro - 2024 - Dissertation, University of São Paulo
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  30. Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason.Katherine Brading & Marius Stan - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Cover Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason Katherine Brading and Marius Stan Description From pebbles to planets, tigers to tables, pine trees to people; animate and inanimate, natural and artificial; bodies are everywhere. Bodies populate the world, acting and interacting with one another, and they are the subject-matter of Newton's laws of motion. But what is a body? And how can we know how they behave? In Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason, Katherine Brading and Marius Stan examine (...)
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  31. Epistemic Dimensions of Risk Management.Lisa Warenski - 2023 - The Reasoner 17 (3):27-28.
    This very short paper highlights some of my recent and forthcoming work on “good epistemic practices” in the financial services industry. It identifies some epistemic dimensions of risk management in banking and illustrates how managing for good epistemic practices might be helpful.
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  32. Conventional Choices in Outcome Measures Influence Meta-Analytic Results.Hamed Tabatabaei Ghomi & Jacob Stegenga - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):949-959.
    It is a plausible speculation that conventional choices in outcome measures might influence the results of meta-analyses. We test that speculation by simulating data from trials on antidepressants. We vary real drug effectiveness while modulating conventional values for outcome measures. We had previously shown that one conventional choice used in meta-analyses of antidepressants falls in a narrow range of values that maximize estimates of effectiveness. Our present analysis investigates why this phenomenon occurs. Moreover, our results suggest the superiority of absolute (...)
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  33. Shared decision-making and maternity care in the deep learning age: Acknowledging and overcoming inherited defeaters.Keith Begley, Cecily Begley & Valerie Smith - 2021 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 27 (3):497–503.
    In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) both in health care and academic philosophy. This has been due mainly to the rise of effective machine learning and deep learning algorithms, together with increases in data collection and processing power, which have made rapid progress in many areas. However, use of this technology has brought with it philosophical issues and practical problems, in particular, epistemic and ethical. In this paper the authors, with backgrounds in (...)
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  34. The Epistemic Responsibilities of Citizens in a Democracy.Cameron Boult - 2021 - In Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    The chapter develops a taxonomy of views about the epistemic responsibilities of citizens in a democracy. Prominent approaches to epistemic democracy, epistocracy, epistemic libertarianism, and pure proceduralism are examined through the lens of this taxonomy. The primary aim is to explore options for developing an account of the epistemic responsibilities of citizens in a democracy. The chapter also argues that a number of recent attacks on democracy may not adequately register the availability of a minimal approach to the epistemic responsibilities (...)
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  35. The (virtue) epistemology of political ignorance.Cameron Boult - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):217-232.
    One typical aim of responsibilist virtue epistemology is to employ the notion of intellectual virtue in pursuit of an ameliorative epistemology. This paper focuses on “political inquiry” as a case study for examining the ameliorative value of intellectual virtue. The main claim is that the case of political inquiry threatens to expose responsibilist virtue epistemology in a general way as focusing too narrowly on the role of individual intellectual character traits in attempting to improve our epistemic practices.
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  36. The Skeptic and the Climate Change Skeptic.Alex Worsnip - 2021 - In Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    Outside the philosophy classroom, global skeptics – skeptics about all (purported) knowledge of the external world – are rare. But there are people who describe themselves as “skeptics” about various more specific domains, including self-professed “skeptics” about the reality of anthropogenic climate change. There is little to no philosophical literature that juxtaposes the climate change skeptic with the external world skeptic. While many “traditional” epistemologists assume that the external world skeptic poses a serious philosophical challenge in a way that the (...)
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  37. Reconsidering the Alleged Cases of Knowledge from Falsehood.Kok Yong Lee - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (2):151-162.
    A number of philosophers have recently proposed several alleged cases of “knowledge from falsehood,” i.e., cases of inferential knowledge epistemised by an inference with a false crucial premise. This paper examines such cases and argues against interpreting them as cases of knowledge from falsehood. Specifically, I argue that the inferences in play in such cases are in no position to epistemise their conclusions.
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  38. Rudolf Steiner’in Düşünce Dünyası ve Çalışmaları.Mücahit Özdoğan - 2020 - İnsan Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3 (2):665-683.
    Rudolf Steiner, who draws attention with his multi-faceted works, is known for his important works in the fields of medicine, education, art and agriculture, as well as esotericism and occultism in particular. In this article, it is explicated to the intellectual infrastructure, the effect of the anthroposophy founded by Steiner and deals with the Spiritual Science, which Steiner created in a unique way. Rudolf Steiner has established an eclectic system by dissolving different schools such as Goethe's doctrine of nature, Rosicrucianism, (...)
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  39. Epistémologie de la gravité expérimentale - Rationalité scientifique.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    L'évolution des tests gravitationnels dans une perspective épistémologique encadré dans le concept de reconstruction rationnelle d'Imre Lakatos, fondée sur sa méthodologie de programmes de recherche. Contrairement à d'autres travaux sur le même sujet, la période évaluée est très longue, allant de la philosophie naturelle de Newton aux théories de la gravité quantique d'aujourd'hui. Afin d'expliquer de manière plus rationnelle l'évolution complexe du concept de gravité du siècle dernier, je propose une extension naturelle de la méthodologie des programmes de recherche que (...)
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  40. Épistémologie des services de renseignement.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Une analogie entre les aspects épistémologiques et méthodologiques de l'activité des services de renseignement et certaines disciplines scientifiques, en préconisant une approche plus scientifique du processus de collecte et d'analyse de l'information au sein du cycle du renseignement. J'affirme que les aspects théoriques, ontologiques et épistémologiques de l'activité de nombreux services de renseignement sont sous-estimés, ce qui conduit à une compréhension incomplète des phénomènes actuels et à une confusion dans la collaboration interinstitutionnelle. Après une brève Introduction, qui inclut un historique (...)
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  41. Roberto Lalli. Building the general relativity and gravitation community during the cold war. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Springer Briefs in History of Science and Technology, 2017, xiv + 168 pp. ISBN: 9783319546544. [REVIEW]Scott A. Walter - 2020 - Centaurus 61 (4):451-453.
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  42. Young Schoolchildren’s Epistemic Development: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study.Michael Weinstock, Vardit Israel, Hadas Fisher Cohen, Iris Tabak & Yifat Harari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    How children seek knowledge and evaluate claims may depend on their understanding of the source of knowledge. What shifts in their understandings about why scientists might disagree and how claims about the state of the world are justified? Until about the age of 41/2, knowledge is seen as self-evident. Children believe that knowledge of reality comes directly through our senses and what others tell us. They appeal to these external sources in order to know. The attainment of Theory of Mind (...)
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  43. How do medical researchers make causal inferences?Olaf Dammann, Ted Poston & Paul Thagard - 2019 - In Kevin McCain (ed.), What is Scientific Knowledge?: An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science. New York: Routledge.
    Bradford Hill (1965) highlighted nine aspects of the complex evidential situation a medical researcher faces when determining whether a causal relation exists between a disease and various conditions associated with it. These aspects are widely cited in the literature on epidemiological inference as justifying an inference to a causal claim, but the epistemological basis of the Hill aspects is not understood. We offer an explanatory coherentist interpretation, explicated by Thagard's ECHO model of explanatory coherence. The ECHO model captures the complexity (...)
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  44. “Une théorie dynamique de la morphogenèse. Commentaires de Sara Franceschelli et Jean Petitot à “Une théorie dynamique de la morphogenèse””.Sara Franceschelli - 2019 - In René Thom. Oeuvres Mathématiques Complètes. Volume II. Société Mathématique de France. pp. 343-362.
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  45. (1 other version)Learning as Differentiation of Experiential Schemas.Jan Halák - 2019 - In Jim Parry & Pete Allison (eds.), Experiential Learning and Outdoor Education: Traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives. Routledge. pp. 52-70.
    The goal of this chapter is to provide an interpretation of experiential learning that fully detaches itself from the epistemological presuppositions of empiricist and intellectualist accounts of learning. I first introduce the concept of schema as understood by Kant and I explain how it is related to the problems implied by the empiricist and intellectualist frameworks. I then interpret David Kolb’s theory of learning that is based on the concept of learning cycle and represents an attempt to overcome the corresponding (...)
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  46. The Varieties of Psychedelic Epistemology.Chris Letheby - 2019 - In Nikki Wyrd, David Luke, Aimee Tollan, Cameron Adams & David King (eds.), Psychedelicacies: more food for thought from Breaking Convention. Strange Attractor Press.
    Recent scientific research suggests that altered states of consciousness induced by classic psychedelic drugs can cause durable psychological benefits in both healthy and patient populations. The phenomenon of ‘psychedelic transformation’ has many philosophically provocative aspects, not least of which is the claim commonly made by psychedelic subjects that their transformation is centrally due to some kind of learning or knowledge gain. Can psychedelic experiences really be a source of knowledge? From the vantage point of philosophical materialism or naturalism, a negative (...)
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  47. À distances raisonnables des structuralismes : logique, langage, formalisation et sciences de l’homme. Une dispute du 20e siècle finissant.Sébastien Plutniak - 2019 - Zilsel. Science, Technique, Société 6:70-115.
    1. Une dispute épistémologique 1.1 Quatre itinéraires à proximité puis à distance des structuralismes 1.2 Un différend sur les « usages réglés du rationalisme » en sciences de l’homme 2. Les mots et les descriptions en sciences de l’homme 2.1 Une commune limitation du déterminisme linguistique 2.2 Un problème philosophique implicite : descriptions définies et noms propres 2.3 L’usage des descriptions définies en sciences de l’homme 2.4 Les (semi-)noms propres des sciences historiques 2.5 Le degré de généralité des concepts employés (...)
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  48. Deconstructing climate misinformation to identify reasoning errors.John Cook, Dave Kinkead & Peter Ellerton - 2018 - Environmental Research Letters 3.
    Misinformation can have significant societal consequences. For example, misinformation about climate change has confused the public and stalled support for mitigation policies. When people lack the expertise and skill to evaluate the science behind a claim, they typically rely on heuristics such as substituting judgment about something complex (i.e. climate science) with judgment about something simple (i.e. the character of people who speak about climate science) and are therefore vulnerable to misleading information. Inoculation theory offers one approach to effectively neutralize (...)
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  49. Perception and Intuition of Evaluative Properties.Jack C. Lyons - 2018 - In Anna Bergqvist & Robert Cowan (eds.), Evaluative Perception. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Outside of philosophy, ‘intuition’ means something like ‘knowing without knowing how you know’. Intuition in this broad sense is an important epistemological category. I distinguish intuition from perception and perception from perceptual experience, in order to discuss the distinctive psychological and epistemological status of evaluative property attributions. Although it is doubtful that we perceptually experience many evaluative properties and also somewhat unlikely that we perceive many evaluative properties, it is highly plausible that we intuit many instances of evaluative properties as (...)
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  50. Disentangling the Epistemic Failings of the 2008 Financial Crisis.Lisa Warenski - 2018 - In David Coady & James Chase (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 196-210.
    I argue that epistemic failings are a significant and underappreciated moral hazard in the financial services industry. I argue further that an analysis of these epistemic failings and their means of redress is best developed by identifying policies and procedures that are likely to facilitate good judgment. These policies and procedures are “best epistemic practices.” I explain how best epistemic practices support good reasoning, thereby facilitating accurate judgments about risk and reward. Failures to promote and adhere to best epistemic practices (...)
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