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  1. Humans as bacteria? Cultural immunology in contemporary Japan.Natalia Anna Michna & Leszek Sosnowski - 2025 - Cogent 12 (1):1-14.
    The starting point for the considerations in the article is the statement of Keiko Yamanaka that the Japanese know nothing about resistance to the bacterium represented by another human being. In the article, however, we put forward the thesis that Japanese culture has developed a collective immune system resulting not from individual but from shared systemic immunology in connection with the performance of family, professional and social functions. The analysis of Japanese ‘cultural immunology’ includes an examination of the ways of (...)
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  2. Mononoke Aesthetics in the Lights of Laozi and Peirce.Takaharu Oda & Xuan Wang - 2023 - Anais de Filosofia Clássica 17 (34):113–136.
    In the digital age, redefining and aesthetically appraising the spiritual substance of non-human entities is crucial, as traditional folklore’s immaterial beings like ghosts are not fully integrated into digital information products. But the enduring popularity of ghost monsters in global media culture, especially mononoke or yōkai in Japan, makes us rethink their immaterial presence alongside advancements in human technology and AI. A notable case is the TV series Mononoke (2006-07), which has spawned adaptations across various media in Japan and recently (...)
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  3. Natur bei Zeami: „Von selbst“ als Vollzugsqualität leibgeistiger Praxis (行 gyō).Leon Krings - 2024 - In Ryosuke Ohashi, Die „Natur“ in Buddhismus und Christentum. Tokyo: pp. 125-144.
    Zeami Motokiyo 世阿弥 元清 (1363–1443) gilt als Schöpfer des klassischen Nō-Theaters und war nicht nur ein herausragender Darsteller, sondern auch Autor vieler Stücke, die noch heute aufgeführt werden. Neben diesen Stücken hat Zeami aber auch theoretische Traktate zur Übungspraxis des Nō-Theaters verfasst, die über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg geheim überliefert wurden und als Anweisungen für seine Nachfolger gedacht waren. In diesen Traktaten reflektiert Zeami auf seine Kunst und stellt sie als einen Übungsweg nach buddhistischem Vorbild dar, als eine ästhetische, aber auch (...)
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  4. Review in English of “Natan Elgabsi and Bennett Gilbert (eds.). Ethics and Time in the Philosophy of History. A Cross-Cultural Approach. London, New York and Dublin: Bloomsbury, 2023.”. [REVIEW]F. Miguel Ortiz Delgado - 2024 - International Network for the Theory of History.
    Recension of the 2023 book "Ethics and Time in the Philosophy of History" an interesting book on metaphysics, moral philosophy, existentialism, and speculative philosophy of history.
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  5. La connexió filosòfica entre el Japó i Catalunya: camins de comprensió global.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2024 - In Noburu Notomi, La unitat del Sofista de Plató. Entre el sofista i el filòsof. Sabadell: Edicions Enoanda. Translated by Miquel Montserrat Capella.
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  6. The Controversial Cultural Identity of Japanese Philosophy.Bret W. Davis (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
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  7. Four Walls and a Roof Do Not Form a House. [REVIEW]Paul van Els - 2003 - China Nu 28:34–35.
    van Els, Paul. "Vier muren en een dak vormen geen huis" (Four Walls and a Roof Do Not Form a House). Review of 25 eeuwen oosterse filosofie, edited by Jan Bor and Karel van der Leeuw. China Nu 28, no. 4 (2003): 34–35.
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  8. Locating Heidegger’s kotoba between Actuality and Hollowness: The Way towards a Thinking Conversation with Japanese Philosophy.Onur Karamercan - 2021 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 1 (1):43-61.
    What is the philosophical significance of Heidegger’s interpretation of the Japanese notion of kotoba (言葉) for Japanese philosophy? Was his conversation with Tezuka Tomio a real dialogue or not? To answer to these correlated questions, I elucidate Heidegger’s 1954 essay “A Dialogue on Language” by following a topological mode of thinking, and I inquire into the way-making of a “thinking conversation”. First, I problematize whether Heidegger engaged in a genuine dialogue with Tezuka. To that end, I distinguish the hermeneutic horizon (...)
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Japanese Buddhist Philosophy
  1. 阿部正雄動力空的耶佛對話:檢討與前瞻.Simon Wat - 2022 - Ctrc Quarterly 7:27-37.
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  2. Yamauchi Tokuryū et la question aristotélicienne.Romaric Jannel - 2020 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 5:51-74.
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  3. Hermitism and Impermanence: A Response to Nagasawa’s Argument on Transcendentalism in Medieval Japan.Masahiro Morioka - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):239-246.
    In this review, I argue that Chōmei’s hermitism can be another realistic strategy to respond to Nagasawa's argument that only transcendentalism can constitute a potentially successful response to the problem of impermanence. Chōmei lived in a small house in the remote mountains and interacted with the surrounding nature. His lifestyle is considered a good example of reconciling one’s finite life with the impermanence of the world and human sufferings. I conclude that Nagasawa’s interpretation of hermitism might be one-sided.
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  4. Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Japanese Language: A Bibliographical Guide from 1835 to 2021.Leon Krings, Yoko Arisaka & Kato Tetsuri - 2022 - Hildesheim, Deutschland: Olms.
    This bibliographical guide gives a comprehensive overview of the historiography of philosophy and thought in the Japanese language through an extensive and thematically organized collection of relevant literature. Comprising over one thousand entries, the bibliography shows not only how extensive and complex the Japanese tradition of philosophical and intellectual historiography is, but also how it might be structured and analyzed to make it accessible to a comparative and intercultural approach to the historiography of philosophy worldwide. The literature is categorized and (...)
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  5. Asian Philosophies and the Idea of Religion: Beyond Faith and Reason.Sonia Sikka & Ashwani Peetush (eds.) - 2020 - Oxon, UK: Routledge.
    With a focus on Asian philosophical traditions, this book examines varieties of philosophical thought and self-transformative practice that do not fit neatly on one side or another of the standard Western division between philosophy and religion. It contains chapters by experts on Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Upaniṣadic and Jain philosophies, as well as ancient Greek philosophy and recent contemplative and spiritual movements. The authors problematize the notion of a European philosophical canon distinguished by "reason and rationality" in contrast to “religious Eastern (...)
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  6. Dōgens Sprachdenken. Historische und symboltheoretische Perspektiven [Dōgen’s Language Thinking. Historic and Symbol Theoretic Perspectives].Ralf Müller - 2013 - Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Wie denkt Dogen (1200-1253) Sprache im Horizont der sprachkritischen Tradition des Zenbuddhismus? Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dieser Frage und rekonstruiert umfassend das Sprachdenken des philosophisch fruchtbarsten Autors der japanischen Vormoderne. Dazu wählt der Autor einen doppelten Zugang: zum einen rezeptionsgeschichtlich unter Einschluss von Philosophen des modernen Japans, zum anderen systematisch mithilfe der Symboltheorie Ernst Cassirers in der Theoretisierung eines adäquaten Sprachbegriffs. So verschränken sich mit Interpretationen zum Hauptwerk Dogens, dem Shobogenzo, Außen- und Innenperspektive auf ein zenbuddhistisches Sprachdenken und erweisen (...)
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  7. Maraldo, John: "Japanese Philosophy in the Making 1: Crossing Paths with Nishida". [REVIEW]Leon Krings - 2019 - 西田哲学会年報 16:153-145.
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  8. Filosofia e Budismo em Diálogo, organizado por Antonio Florentino Neto. [REVIEW]Lucas Dos Reis Martins - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1 (1):369-371.
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Tendai Buddhism
  1. Materialien und Auswahlbibliographie zur japanischsprachigen Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung.Leon Krings - 2017 - In Rolf Elberfeld, Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in globaler Perspektive (Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie Bd. 9). pp. 341-364.
    Selected Bibiliography and Overview of Japanese Philosophy by reference to major Japanese Anthologies of Traditional and Modern Japanese Thought / Philosophy, listing a wide range of Japanese philosophers and thinkers from ancient times to the present.
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Shingon Buddhism
  1. Materialien und Auswahlbibliographie zur japanischsprachigen Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung.Leon Krings - 2017 - In Rolf Elberfeld, Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung in globaler Perspektive (Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie Bd. 9). pp. 341-364.
    Selected Bibiliography and Overview of Japanese Philosophy by reference to major Japanese Anthologies of Traditional and Modern Japanese Thought / Philosophy, listing a wide range of Japanese philosophers and thinkers from ancient times to the present.
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Japanese Zen Buddhism
  1. L’inter-être : une brève exploration philosophique de l’interconnexion.Issembert Beni Beeri - manuscript
    Dans un monde de plus en plus marqué par le morcellement et l’individualisme, le concept d’inter-être propose une réorientation radicale : il affirme qu’aucun être n’existe en isolation mais en tant que partie d’un vaste réseau de vie. Popularisé par le moine bouddhiste vietnamien Thich Nhat Hanh, l’inter-être nous invite à concevoir l’existence comme fondamentalement interconnectée avec celle des autres.
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  2. Ueda's Metaethics.Jason Dockstader - 2022 - In Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane & Ralf Müller, Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Language, Experience, and Zen. Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer. pp. 339-351.
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  3. Do Not Lose the Rice: Dōgen Through the Eyes of Contemporary Western Zen Women.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2023 - In Ralf Müller & George Wrisley, Dōgen’s Texts: Manifesting Religion and/as Philosophy? Springer Verlag. pp. 125-143.
    Dōgen has been described as a social reformer based on his more “enlightened” attitude towards women, inviting women students into his sangha and advocating for more egalitarian views of gender (Eido Frances Carney, Receiving the Marrow: Teachings on Dōgen by Soto Zen Women Priests (2012), p. xi). In this chapter, I describe how contemporary Western Zen women and their allies have understood Dōgen’s texts as a tool of personal and social transformation through examination of work by Zen practitioners such as (...)
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  4. Zeami: Blumenspiegel. Ein Grundlagentext Zur Praxis und Ästhetik des Japanischen Nō-Theaters.Leon Krings (ed.) - 2022 - Paderborn: Brill | Fink.
    Das Buch bietet eine philosophisch kommentierte Übersetzung des altjapanischen Textes von Zeami zur Praxis und Ästhetik des Nō-Theaters. Zeami beschreibt nicht nur die Praxis des Schauspielers in verschiedenen Aspekten, sondern entwickelt auch zentrale ästhetische Kategorien für die Rezeption des Nō-Theaters. Die Übersetzung wird ergänzt durch einen Kommentar mit Worterklärungen sowie interpretierende Aufsätze zu Themen wie der Maske im Nō-Theater, dem Gebrauch des Körpers und der Ästhetik des Atmens. Der Band liefert somit eine solide Grundlage für eine philosophisch-ästhetische Auseinandersetzung mit einer (...)
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  5. Transitions: Crossing Boundaries in Japanese Philosophy.Leon Krings, Francesca Greco & Yukiko Kuwayama (eds.) - 2021 - Nagoya: Chisokudō.
    The tenth volume of the Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy focuses on the theme of “transition,” dealing with transitory and intermediary phenomena and practices such as translation, transmission, and transformation. Written in English, German and Japanese, the contributions explore a wide range of topics, crossing disciplinary borders between phenomenology, linguistics, feminism, epistemology, aesthetics, political history, martial arts, spiritual practice and anthropology, and bringing Japanese philosophy into cross-cultural dialogue with other philosophical traditions. As exercises in “thinking in transition,” the essays reveal novel (...)
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  6. Review of 『ブッディスト・エコロジー:共生・環境・いのちの思想学』. [REVIEW]Yū Inutsuka - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:327-329.
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  7. Modern Zen and Psychoanalysis: The Semantic Connection.Rossa Ó Muireartaigh - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1:189-202.
    This paper attempts to locate modern Zen and psychoanalysis in terms of contemporary philosophy of mind, particularly in view of dominant theories of cognitivism that see the mind as informational and material, with meaning being mere information in disguise. Psychoanalysis and modern Zen hold to the contrary view that the mind is “semantic,” not “syntactic,” and that the meanings we have in our heads are not reducible to the physical informational processes from which they have emerged. Meaning, as non-reducible, is (...)
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  8. Hay’s Buddhist Philosophy of Gestural Language.Joshua M. Hall - 2017 - Asian Philosophy 27 (3):175-188.
    The central role of gestural language in Buddhism is widely acknowledged, as in the story of the Buddha pointing at the moon, the point being the student’s seeing beyond the finger to its gesture. Gesture’s role in dance is similarly central, as noted by scholars in the emerging interdisciplinary field of dance studies. Unsurprisingly, then, the intersection of these two fields is well-populated, including the formal gestures Buddhism inherited from classical Indian dance, and the masked dance of the Mani Rimdu (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Zen and Japanese Culture.Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki & Richard M. Jaffe - 1938 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Edited by Richard M. Jaffe.
    Zen and Japanese Culture is one of the twentieth century's leading works on Zen, and a valuable source for those wishing to understand its concepts in the context of Japanese life and art. In simple, often poetic, language, Daisetz Suzuki describes his conception of Zen and its historical evolution. He connects Zen to the philosophy of the samurai, and subtly portrays the relationship between Zen and swordsmanship, haiku, tea ceremonies, and the Japanese love of nature. Suzuki's contemplative work is enhanced (...)
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  10. Zen Buddhism, Satori, Enlightenment & Truth.Peter Eastman - 2015
    Satori Zen is of immense interest to anyone pursuing authentic metaphysical knowledge because it claims to offer an astonishingly straightforward path to full Spiritual Enlightenment. And in terms of outright simplicity and immediate applicability, there is no other spiritual technique quite like it, in any other tradition anywhere. But does it do what it claims to do ? Can you really ‘power your way into heaven’ by brute meditative force ? And does this then mean that satori is equivalent to (...)
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Sōtō Zen
  1. Buddhismo e senso comune. Filosofia della meditazione.Marco Simionato - 2022 - Padova PD, Italia: Padova University Press.
    In che cosa crede chi pratica la meditazione buddhista? Dare una risposta univoca e coerente è assai difficile; il Buddhismo infatti si concretizza in una molteplicità di scuole e dottrine caratterizzate da complesse logiche e metafisiche. Ci sono tuttavia delle indicazioni minimali che fungono da denominator comune per chi si accosta alla meditazione. Esse riguardano soprattutto l’assenza di punti di vista determinati, l’esperienza del tempo e la relazione di dipendenza reciproca di ogni cosa con ogni altra. Utilizzando gli strumenti della (...)
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  1. The Harmony of the Unrestrained Mind.R. L. Tripathi - 2024 - Psychology and Psychological Research International Journal 9 (3):3.
    In the quest for mental peace and philosophical insight, the most profound approach is to let the mind function freely, without the interference of a controlling thinker. This essay explores the philosophical and cognitive implications of an unimpeded mind, drawing from Eastern traditions such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism, alongside contemporary cognitive science. It argues that the natural rhythm of thought is disrupted by the ego’s need for control, leading to mental fragmentation and turbulence. By embracing the concept of “no-mind” (...)
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  2. Zen Buddhism and the Phenomenology of Mysticism.Dylan S. Bailey - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):123-143.
    In this paper, I use a comparative analysis of mysticism in Zen and the Abrahamic faiths to formulate a phenomenological account of mysticism “as such.” I argue that, while Zen Buddhism is distinct from other forms of mystical experience in important ways, it can still be fit into a general phenomenological category of mystical experience. First, I explicate the phenomenological accounts of mysticism provided by Anthony Steinbock and Angela Bello. Second, I offer an account of Zen mysticism which both coheres (...)
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  3. The self in deep ecology: A response to Watson.Joshua Anderson - 2020 - Asian Philosophy 30 (1):30-39.
    Richard Watson maintains that deep ecology suffers from an internal contradiction and should therefore be rejected. Watson contends that deep ecology claims to be non-anthropocentric while at the same time is committed to setting humans apart from nature, which is inherently anthropocentric. I argue that Watson’s objection arises out of a fundamental misunderstanding of how deep ecologist’s conceive of the ‘Self.’ Drawing on resources from Buddhism, I offer an understanding of the ‘Self’ that is fully consistent with deep ecology, and (...)
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  4. The Idea of the Mirror in Dōgen and Nishida.Michel Dalissier - 2006 - In James W. Heisig, Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy Vol. 1. Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture. pp. 99-142.
    The image of the “mirror” (鏡kagami) appears frequently in the philosophical texts of Nishida Kitaro (西田幾多郎1870-1945), where it assumes various functions. Mirror references first occur in meditations on the philosophies of Josiah Royce (1855-1916) and Henri Bergson (1859-1941). The most fascinating evocation here corresponds to the idea of a “self-enlightening mirror”, used to probe the philosophical ground for self-illumination. This idea seems to point back to Buddhist meaning that intervenes in Japanese intellectual history. We take this as our warrant for (...)
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  5. The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time.Rein Raud - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):153-173.
    This article argues for a new way to interpret Dōgen's theory of time, reading the notion of uji as momentary existence, and shows that many notorious difficulties usually associated with the theory can be overcome with this approach, which is also more compatible with some fundamental assumptions of Buddhist philosophy (the non-durational existence of dharmas, the arbitrariness of linguistic designations and the concepts they point to, the absence of self-nature in beings, etc.). It is also shown how this reading leads (...)
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Rinzai Zen
D. T. Suzuki
  1. Sacred Appellations: Secular Zen, New Materialism, and D. T. Suzuki’s Soku-hi Logic.Rossa Ó Muireartaigh - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:69-83.
    The logic of soku-hi is presented as an articulation of a post-Kantian view of reality that embraces the truths of science with the assumption of the transcendental subject. As such, soku-hi represents the philosophical posture of both the secular Zen of the Kyoto School and the new materialists of contemporary continental philosophy. It describes how material reality is not all even though there is nothing else.
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  2. A belated response to Hu Shih and D. T. Suzuki.James D. Sellmann - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (1):97-104.
    This essay attempts to reconcile the debate between Hu Shi's historical perspective and D.T. Suzuki's practice perspective concerning Zen Buddhism.
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Japanese Zen Buddhism, Misc
  1. Observations 1 30 2023.Paul Merriam - manuscript
    Reference in light of Qualia Calculus (QC); Hard Problems in light of QC; The number of qualia in a room in light of QC; verification of 1st-person phenomena; more advanced neurology; 3rd-person and 1st-person aspects of a system; their symmetries; Well-tempered Clavier; the past is not determined; argument for A-theories in light of QC; frames of reference; Standard Model; String Theory; Bach; time; causality; Schrodinger equation; technology; earth; thick present; Zen; the river; free will; materialists in light of QC.
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  2. Review of Byung-Chul Han, The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism. [REVIEW]Ian Kidd - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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    This paper addresses the problem: Can a synergy be derived from Keiji Nishitani’s conceptualization of Śūnyatā and Paul Tillich’s concept of Being Itself, as philosophies about Ultimate Reality, with the application of Wesley Wildman’s procedures based on the methodology of the Comparative Religious Ideas Project? The paper defines philosophy of religion and argues that it is justified as an academic discipline. A review of the literature demonstrates that both Nishitani and Tillich share common philosophical ground in phenomenological existentialism and nihilism. (...)
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  4. Zen Buddhism and the Phenomenology of Mysticism.Dylan S. Bailey - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):123-143.
    In this paper, I use a comparative analysis of mysticism in Zen and the Abrahamic faiths to formulate a phenomenological account of mysticism “as such.” I argue that, while Zen Buddhism is distinct from other forms of mystical experience in important ways, it can still be fit into a general phenomenological category of mystical experience. First, I explicate the phenomenological accounts of mysticism provided by Anthony Steinbock and Angela Bello. Second, I offer an account of Zen mysticism which both coheres (...)
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Japanese Pure Land Buddhism
  1. Review of 『ブッディスト・エコロジー:共生・環境・いのちの思想学』. [REVIEW]Yū Inutsuka - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:327-329.
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Hōnen and Shinran
  1. La temporalidad metanoética: Sobre Tanabe, Heidegger y Shinran.Rebeca Maldonado - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:113-144.
    In Tanabe’s reading of time in the work of Heidegger and, through Shinran’s interpretation, of the seventh-century Chinese philosopher Shandao, one can see that both Heidegger’s and Zendō’s viewpoints do not go beyond the ethical standpoint of self-power. Tanabe distances himself from any view that strays from the eternal present as it is witnessed in the practice of metanoesis, in which one attempts to live the continuous practice, not as if one were dead, but by effectively being so, that is, (...)
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Japanese Buddhist Philosophy, Misc
  1. Ueda's Metaethics.Jason Dockstader - 2022 - In Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane & Ralf Müller, Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Language, Experience, and Zen. Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer. pp. 339-351.
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  2. The Employment and Significance of the Kauśīdyavīryotsāhanāvadāna ( The Indolent’s Valor and Courage) in Buddhist Traditions.” International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture.Chandima Gangodawila - 2022 - International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 32 (1):183–242..
    In this article, I argue that the Kauśīdyavīryotsāhanāvadāna of the Ratnamālāvadāna presents six key aspects of the development of Buddhist thought from the Pāli canon to the Sarvāstivāda tradition: childlessness, the arrival of a fetus through the propitiation of gods, presence of heretics, the impact of Buddha’s intervention and a child bodhisattva, soteriological elements of the story’s didactics, and the Buddha’s peculiar smile. These six key aspects were chosen to reflect and explore the content of Sarvāstivādin society and teachings concerning (...)
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  3. Morale buddista.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - In Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté, Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.). Novara: De Agostini. pp. 636-637.
    A short presentation of Buddhist moral doctrines according to its distinct schools.
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  4. Sacred Appellations: Secular Zen, New Materialism, and D. T. Suzuki’s Soku-hi Logic.Rossa Ó Muireartaigh - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:69-83.
    The logic of soku-hi is presented as an articulation of a post-Kantian view of reality that embraces the truths of science with the assumption of the transcendental subject. As such, soku-hi represents the philosophical posture of both the secular Zen of the Kyoto School and the new materialists of contemporary continental philosophy. It describes how material reality is not all even though there is nothing else.
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Japanese Confucian Philosophy
  1. Histories of Philosophy and Thought in the Japanese Language: A Bibliographical Guide from 1835 to 2021.Leon Krings, Yoko Arisaka & Kato Tetsuri - 2022 - Hildesheim, Deutschland: Olms.
    This bibliographical guide gives a comprehensive overview of the historiography of philosophy and thought in the Japanese language through an extensive and thematically organized collection of relevant literature. Comprising over one thousand entries, the bibliography shows not only how extensive and complex the Japanese tradition of philosophical and intellectual historiography is, but also how it might be structured and analyzed to make it accessible to a comparative and intercultural approach to the historiography of philosophy worldwide. The literature is categorized and (...)
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  2. Asian Philosophies and the Idea of Religion: Beyond Faith and Reason.Sonia Sikka & Ashwani Peetush (eds.) - 2020 - Oxon, UK: Routledge.
    With a focus on Asian philosophical traditions, this book examines varieties of philosophical thought and self-transformative practice that do not fit neatly on one side or another of the standard Western division between philosophy and religion. It contains chapters by experts on Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Upaniṣadic and Jain philosophies, as well as ancient Greek philosophy and recent contemplative and spiritual movements. The authors problematize the notion of a European philosophical canon distinguished by "reason and rationality" in contrast to “religious Eastern (...)
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  3. Maraldo, John: "Japanese Philosophy in the Making 1: Crossing Paths with Nishida". [REVIEW]Leon Krings - 2019 - 西田哲学会年報 16:153-145.
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  4. Myth.Kiyoshi Miki & John Krummel - 2016 - Social Imaginaries 2 (1):25-69.
    “Myth” comprises the first chapter of the book, The Logic of the Imagination, by Miki Kiyoshi. In this chapter Miki analyzes the significance of myth (shinwa) as possessing a certain reality despite being “fictions.” He begins by broadening the meaning of the imagination to argue for a logic of the imagination that involves expressive action or poiesis (production) in general, of which myth is one important product. The imagination gathers in myth material from the environing world lived by the social (...)
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