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Process thought as a heuristic for investigating consciousness.Anderson Weekes & Michel Weber - 2010 - In Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 37-56.details
Between Internalism and Externalism: Husserl’s Account of Intentionality.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):53-78.details
The Disarticulation of Time: the Zeitbewußtsein in Phenomenology of Perception.Keith Whitmoyer - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (3):213-232.details
The symbol between ethics and communication in Alfred Schütz.Massimo Vittorio - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 1 (1):71-88.details
Husserl’s transcendental philosophy and the critique of naturalism.Dermot Moran - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (4):401-425.details
Hume and the enactive approach to mind.Tom Froese - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):95-133.details
Objective Time and the Experience of Time: Husserl’s Theory of Time in Light of Some Theses of A. Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (3):205-229.details
(1 other version)Logic and formal ontology.B. Smith - 1989 - In Barry Smith (ed.), Constraints on Correspondence. Hölder/Pichler/Tempsky. pp. 29-67.details
Epistemic truth and excluded middle.Cesare Cozzo - 1998 - Theoria 64 (2-3):243-282.details
Carnap, the universality of language and extremality axioms.Jaakko Hintikka - 1991 - Erkenntnis 35 (1-3):325 - 336.details
Objectivity over objects: A case study in theory formation.Kai Hauser - 2001 - Synthese 128 (3):245 - 285.details
Husserl’s appropriation of the psychological concepts of apperception and attention.Daniel J. Dwyer - 2007 - Husserl Studies 23 (2):83-118.details
Self and consciousness.Dan Zahavi - 2000 - In Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 55-74.details
Husserl on the Normativity of Intentionality and Its Neutralization.Di Huang - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (2):121-142.details
Realität und Wirklichkeit. Zur Ontologie geteilter Welten.Tom Poljansek - 2022 - Transcript Verlag.details
The Tragedy of Scientific Culture: Husserl on Inauthentic Habits, Technisation and Mechanisation.Thomas Arnold - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (2):209-222.details
Husserl on Significance at the Core of Meaning.Jacob Rump - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (3):227-250.details
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Die Diskussion zwischen José Gaos und Luis Villoro über den Begriff der Lebenswelt—Kritische Auswertung einer entscheidenden Episode der Rezeptionsgeschichte von Husserls Phänomenologie in Spanien und Mexiko.Sergio Pérez-Gatica - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):271-286.details
La fenomenología de Husserl como fundamento filosófico para la teología // The phenomenology of Husserl as a philosophical foundation for theology.Francisco-Javier Herrero-Hernández - 2019 - Aporía. International Journal for Philosophical Investigations 12:12-33.details
Manifold, Intuition, and Synthesis in Kant and Husserl.Burt C. Hopkins - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):264-307.details
In Continuity: A Reflection on the Passive Synthesis of Sameness.Francisco Salto - 1991 - In Analecta Husserleana vol. 34. The Turning Points of the New Phenomenological Era. Dordrecht: pp. 195-202.details
Transcendental pride and Luciferism: On being bearers of light and powers of darkness.James G. Hart - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (3):331-353.details
Maddy On The Multiverse.Claudio Ternullo - 2019 - In Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Springer Verlag. pp. 43-78.details
Categorial intuition and passive synthesis in husserl’s phenomenology.Marcus Sacrini - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (2):248-270.details
(1 other version)Husserl’s Criticism of Kant's Transcendental Idealism: a Clarification of Phenomenological Idealism.Dominique Pradelle - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):25-53.details
Les Méditations cartésiennes et la philosophie première: Remarques sur le cartésianisme de la phénoménologie.Denis Fisette - 1997 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 53 (2):653-669.details
De Husserl à Heidegger : intentionnalité, monde et sens.Dominique Pradelle - 2015 - Discipline Filosofiche 25 (2):35-68.details
Husserl on Meaning, Grammar, and the Structure of Content.Matteo Bianchin - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (2):101-121.details
Alfred Schutz on Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental Phenomenology.Alexis Emanuel Gros - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (2):214-239.details
Presence in absence. The ambiguous phenomenology of grief.Thomas Fuchs - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):43-63.details
(1 other version)Dire et penser “je”: la vacuité de la présence à soi du sujet de Husserl à Derrida.Pierre-Jean Renaudie - 2016 - Discipline Filosofiche (1):69-92.details
Making sense of the lived body and the lived world: meaning and presence in Husserl, Derrida and Noë.Jacob Martin Rump - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (2):141-167.details
Reviews of A. Kenny, Frege, an introduction to the founder of modern analytic philosophy. London: Penguin, 1995. VIII-h223pp. £7.99 T. willamson, vagueness. London: Routledge, 1994. XIII-f-325 pp. £35.00 Tom Burke, Dewey's new logic: A reply to Russell. Chicago: University of chicago, 1994. XII+288 pp. £25.50/$36.75 M. Pinkal logic and lexicon: The semantics of the indefinite. Translated from the German by G.Simmons. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995. XVIII + 378 pp. £74.00/ $93/175 dfl M. Pinkal logic and lexicon: The semantics of the indefinite. Translated from the German by G.Simmons. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995. XVIII + 378 pp. £74.00/ $93/175 dfl Nicholas Rescher, essays in the history of philosophy. Aldershot: Avebury, 1995. VII + 373 pp. £42.50 Christian Thiel, philosophie und mathematik. Eine einführung in ihre wechsel-wirkungen und in die philosophie der mathematik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche buchgesellschaft, 1995. 364 pp. isbn 3-534 05990-5. No price stated Jon Barwise and John Etchemen. [REVIEW]C. Hill, Bertil Rolf, Gregory Landini, Timothy Williamson & Desmond Henry - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1 & 2):85-119.details
Husserl on completeness, definitely.Mirja Hartimo - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1509-1527.details
The Phenomenon of Ego-Splitting in Husserl’s Phenomenology of Pure Phantasy.Marco Cavallaro - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (2):162-177.details
Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and the project of science.Agnieszka Wesołowska - 2014 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 4 (2):391-404.details
(1 other version)Transzendentale Erfahrung als gedankliches Experiment.Alexei Krioukov - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):54-62.details
The Idea of Rigorous Science in Husserl’s Phenomenology and Its Relevance for the other Sciences.Victor Eugen Gelan - 2015 - In Mihai-Dan Chiţoiu Ioan-Alexandru Tofan (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference “Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues” – Philosophy and Other Humanities. Pro Universitaria. pp. 141-156.details
The Ambiguity of Being.Andrew Haas - 2015 - In Paul J. Ennis & Tziovanis Georgakis (eds.), Heidegger in the Twenty-First Century. Dordrecht: Springer.details
The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School.Uriah Kriegel (ed.) - 2017 - London and New York: Routledge.details
Husserl on Teleology and Theology.Roberto J. Walton - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:81-103.details
Intentionality: Some Lessons from the History of the Problem from Brentano to the Present.Dermot Moran - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (3):317-358.details
Empathy and Other-Directed Intentionality.Dan Zahavi - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):129-142.details
Temporality and psychopathology.Thomas Fuchs - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):75-104.details
Phenomenology and fallibility.Walter Hopp - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (1):1-14.details
The duality of non-conceptual content in Husserl’s phenomenology of perception.Michael K. Shim - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):209-229.details
Inner time-consciousness and pre-reflective self-awareness.Dan Zahavi - 2003 - In Donn Welton (ed.), The New Husserl: A Critical Reader. Indiana University Press. pp. 157-180.details
The unconscious as sedimentation: threefold manifestations of the unconscious in consciousness.Joanne Chung-yan Wun - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-23.details