- (6 other versions)The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Thomas Samuel Kuhn - 1962 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Otto Neurath.details
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.Noam Chomsky - 1965 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.details
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use.Noam Chomsky - 1986 - Prager. Edited by Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel.details
Lectures on Government and Binding.Noam Chomsky - 1981 - Foris.details
Language and Mind.Noam Chomsky - 1968 - Cambridge University Press.details
The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language.Steven Pinker - 1994/2007 - Harper Perennial.details
The Minimalist Program.Noam Chomsky - 1995 - MIT Press.details
(4 other versions)Philosophical investigations.Ludwig Wittgenstein & G. E. M. Anscombe - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:124-124.details
(4 other versions)Rules and representations.Noam A. Chomsky - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (127):1-61.details
(4 other versions)Rules and representations.Noam A. Chomsky - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):1-15.details
Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures.Noam Chomsky - 1986 - MIT Press.details
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.Ann S. Ferebee - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):167.details
Natural language and natural selection.Steven Pinker & Paul Bloom - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):707-27.details
On cognitive capacity.Noam A. Chomsky - 1975 - In Noam Chomsky (ed.), Reflections On Language. Temple Smith.details
Précis of Beyond modularity: A developmental perspective on cognitive science.Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):693-707.details
Evolution, selection, and cognition: From learning to parameter setting in biology and in the study of language.Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - 1989 - Cognition 31 (1):1-44.details
The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing.Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.) - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory.Noam Chomsky - 1979 - Synthese 40 (2):317-352.details
The language bioprogram hypothesis.Derek Bickerton - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):173.details
Explanation in Linguistics. The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition.Norbert Hornstein & David Lightfoot - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (2):338-338.details
(1 other version)Current Issues in Linguistic Theory.N. Chomsky - 1964details
Language acquisition in the absence of experience.Stephen Crain - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):597-612.details
Patterns in the Mind: Language and Human Nature.Ray Jackendoff - 1994 - New York: Basic Books.details
Zero-stimulation for parameter setting.Robin Freidin & A. Carlos Quicoli - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):338-339.details
Implementations are not conceptualizations: Revising the verb learning model.Brian MacWhinney & Jared Leinbach - 1991 - Cognition 40 (1-2):121-157.details
Language in mind and language in society: studies in linguistic reproduction.Trevor Pateman - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
The child's trigger experience: Degree-0 learnability.David Lightfoot - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):321-334.details
Competition and connectionism.Brian MacWhinney - 1989 - In Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.), The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 442--457.details
Positive and negative evidence in language acquistion.Jane Grimshaw & Steven Pinker - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):341-342.details
Sentence processing strategies in adult bilinguals.Kerry Kilborn & Takehiko Ito - 1989 - In Brian MacWhinney & Elizabeth Bates (eds.), The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257--291.details
Competence and processing in children's grammar of relative clauses.Helen Goodluck & Susan Tavakolian - 1982 - Cognition 11 (1):1-27.details
Linguistics and cognitive science: Problems and mysteries.Noam Chomsky - 1991 - In Aka Kasher (ed.), The Chomskyan Turn. Blackwell. pp. 26--53.details
Answering the connectionist challenge: a symbolic model of learning the past tenses of English verbs.C. X. Ling & M. Marinov - 1993 - Cognition 49 (3):235-290.details
Critical period effects on universal properties of language: The status of subjacency in the acquisition of a second language.Jacqueline S. Johnson & Elissa L. Newport - 1991 - Cognition 39 (3):215-258.details
The Antisymmetry of Syntax.Richard S. Kayne - 1994 - MIT Press.details
Null subjects: A problem for parameter-setting models of language acquisition.Virginia Valian - 1990 - Cognition 35 (2):105-122.details
Children are in control.Janet Cohen Sherman & Barbara Lust - 1993 - Cognition 46 (1):1-51.details
Review of V erbal Behavior. [REVIEW]Noam Chomsky - 1959 - Language 35 (1):26--58.details
Cartesian Linguistics: A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought. [REVIEW]Gilbert Harman - 1968 - Philosophical Review 77 (2):229-235.details
Categorial Grammars.Mary McGee Wood - 1993 - Other.details
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. [REVIEW]Norbert Hornstein - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (4):567-573.details