Results for 'Alteridad, sujeto trascendental, Martin Heidegger'

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  1. Sujeto trascendental y alteridad en Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2020 - Mendoza, Capital, Mendoza, Argentina: Editorial SS&CC Ediciones/ CEFIC / Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNCuyo.
    El trabajo explora el concepto de alteridad (Mitsein) en Martin Heidegger como una determinación trascendental de la existencia humana. En conformidad con su crítica a toda subjetividad trascendental y a todo acceso reflexivo a la alteridad, Heidegger sostiene la co-originiaridad del estar-con, el estar-en-el-mundo y el ser-sí -mismo. El carácter trascendental de estar-con (Mitsein) supone una profunda modificación del sentido mismo de subjetividad trascendental en beneficio de una “trascendentalidad existencial”, en la cual la propia alteridad se inscribe (...)
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  2. Alteridad e infinito. La substitución en Levinas // Otherness and infinite. The substitution in Levinas.Francisco Javier Herrero Hernández - 2000 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 27:243-278.
    El propósito de Levinas coincide con el intento moderno de recuperación de la verdad y del sentido aunque en una dirección y contenidos distintos. Si en Hegel la Aufhebung tendía a la Totalidad y lo Mismo , para Husserl será esencial la apertura de Mundo que tiene lugar ya en la experiencia de conciencia del ego trascendental, mientras que Heidegger, por su parte, primará la pregunta por el Ser. El intento de Levinas, en cambio, no será recomponer la relación (...)
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  3. Muerte y alteridad existencial en Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2018 - Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 80:199-217.
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  4. Existence And Historicity The Problem Of Identity In Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (153):31-44.
    RESUMEN La identidad humana puede ser interpretada de muy diversas maneras. El artículo explora, en primer lugar, los fundamentos de la crítica heideggeriana a la idea de "sujeto" como categoría apropiada para la existencia humana; en segundo lugar, y al hilo de esa crítica, señala algunos momentos relevantes que configuran la identidad pensada no ya como subiectum, sino como unidad histórico-acontecida. ABSTRACT Human identity may be interpreted in very different ways. The article starts out by examining the foundations of (...)
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  5. Hermenéutica y tropología en Carta sobre el humanismo de Martin Heidegger.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2006 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 62:59-72.
    El trabajo investiga los diversos tropos de Carta sobre el humanismo, no como simples expresiones metódicamente indiferentes, sino como formas de prosecución de las tendencias hermenéuticas de la filosofía heideggeriana. La casa, el pastor y el claro constituyen tropos que no solo intentan superar cualquier rastro de la lógica del sujeto _y por lo mismo superar también el humanismo y la metafísica_ sino, además, se conforman y funcionan como verdaderos "tropos hermenéuticos". The paper investigates the various figures of speech (...)
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  6. Hermenéutica y tropología en carta sobre el humanismo de Martin Heidegger Hermeneutics and tropology in Martin Heidegger's Letter concerning humanism.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía 62:59-72.
    El trabajo investiga los diversos tropos de Carta sobre el humanismo, no como simples expresiones metódicamente indiferentes, sino como formas de prosecución de las tendencias hermenéuticas de la filosofía heideggeriana. La casa, el pastor y el claro constituyen tropos que no solo intentan superar cualquier rastro de la lógica del sujeto _y por lo mismo superar también el humanismo y la metafísica_ sino, además, se conforman y funcionan como verdaderos "tropos hermenéuticos". The paper investigates the various figures of speech (...)
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  7. Superación de la metafísica de Martin Heidegger / traducción de Jaime Sologuren.Martin Heidegger & Jaime Sologuren - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía.
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  8. Heidegger: Bibliography of addresses and courses he took and taught: German and English.Daniel Fidel Ferrer & Martin Heidegger - 2022 - 27283 Verden, Germany: Kuhn Verlag.
    Heidegger: Bibliography of addresses and courses he took and taught: German and English / By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. Copyright ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2022. All rights reserved. Copyright materials. Request permission for use from Daniel Fidel Ferrer. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs. CC BY-NC-ND. Imprint 1.0. March 2022. Pages 1-49. -/- 1. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976. 2. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Indexes. 4). Metaphysics. 5). Philosophy, German. 6). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. 7). Ontology. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. (...)
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    Cultura, engendro y superstición: una crítica a la industria del conocimiento (11th edition).José Carlos Cañizares Gaztelu - 2014 - El Buho: Revista Electrónica de la Asociación Andaluza de Filosofía 13.
    Ofrezco una síntesis de perspectivas continentales sobre la cultura y el mundo contemporáneo en general, que se asienta sobre la base de conocidas tesis de Martin Heidegger y la Escuela de Frankfurt, las cuales prolongo para criticar al sistema académico de expertos por su complicidad con la hecatombe cultural. Dos de los pensadores influenciados por estas perspectivas son Foucault y Kuhn, prismas ideológicos que determinarán en buena medida el pensamiento postmoderno. Sin embargo, el origen de mi crítica puede (...)
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  10. Situating Martin Heidegger’s claim to a “productive dialogue” with Marxism.Dominic Griffiths - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (4):483-494.
    This critical review aims to more fully situate the claim Martin Heidegger makes in ‘Letter on Humanism’ that a “productive dialogue” between his work and that of Karl Marx is possible. The prompt for this is Paul Laurence Hemming’s recently published Heidegger and Marx: A Productive Dialogue over the Language of Humanism (2013) which omits to fully account for the historical situation which motivated Heidegger’s seemingly positive endorsement of Marxism. This piece will show that there were (...)
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  11. Husserl: Cientificismo, reducciones y "conciencia purificada". Abordar la polémica husserliana un siglo después.Rodrigo Y. Sandoval - 2016 - Studia Heideggeriana 5:217-254.
    En atención a las críticas de la autointerpretación teórica heideggeriana, abordaremos tres temas fundamentales posteriores al “giro” trascendental husserliano. A la luz de la interpretación contemporánea, buscaremos evitar los lugares comunes de la crítica a Husserl, en aras de una discusión más sofisticada en torno al método fenomenológico. /// Considering the most extended arguments of Martin Heidegger against the transcendental " turn " of Phenomenology, we will approach to three main characters of this sui generis transcendentalism. In light (...)
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  12. Martin Heidegger and Modern Models of the Growth of Knowledge.Rinat Nugayev & Tanzilia Burganova - 2016 - Lambert Academic Publishing.
    Modern generally accepted models of the growth of knowledge are scrutinized. It is maintained that Thomas Kuhn’s growth of knowledge model is grounded preeminently on Heidegger’s epistemology. To justify the tenet the corresponding works of both thinkers are considered. As a result, the one-to-one correspondence between the key propositions of Heideggerian epistemology and the basic tenets of Kuhn’s growth of knowledge model is elicited. The tenets under consideration include the holistic nature of a paradigm, the incommensurability thesis, conventional status (...)
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  13. Martin Heidegger’s Principle of Identity: On Belonging and Ereignis.Dominic Griffiths - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):326-336.
    This article discusses Heidegger’s interpretation of Parmenides given in his last public lecture ‘The Principle of Identity’ in 1957. The aim of the piece is to illustrate just how original and significant Heidegger’s reading of Parmenides and the principle of identity is, within the history of Philosophy. Thus the article will examine the traditional metaphysical interpretation of Parmenides and consider G.W.F. Hegel and William James’ account of the principle of identity in light of this. It will then consider (...)
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  14. Martin Heidegger.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2018 - In Giovanni Stanghellini, Matthew Broome, Anthony Vincent Fernandez, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Andrea Raballo & René Rosfort (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopathology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 25-34.
    Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) is one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. His influence, however, extends beyond philosophy. His account of Dasein, or human existence, permeates the human and social sciences, including nursing, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and artificial intelligence. In this chapter, I outline Heidegger’s influence on psychiatry and psychology, focusing especially on his relationships with the Swiss psychiatrists Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss. The first section outlines Heidegger’s early life and work, up (...)
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  15. Martin Heidegger und die „Rechtsphilosophie“ der NS-Zeit: Detailanalyse eines unbekannten Dokuments (BArch R 61/30, Blatt 171).Kaveh Nassirin - 2018 - FORVM.
    In the debate about Heidegger’s commitment to National Socialism is often referred to his membership in the „Committee for the Philosophy of Right“ of the „Academy for German Law“ that was founded by then „Reichsminister“ Hans Frank in 1934. Since the protocols of the Committee were destroyed and there is no relevant information in other writings, nothing can be said about the frequency and content of the meetings. It is only documented that the committee was dissolved in 1938. However, (...)
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  16. Martin Heidegger’s Concept of Understanding (Verstehen): An Inquiry into Artificial Intelligence.Joshua D. F. Hooke - 2023 - Analecta Hermeneutica 15.
    My primary goal in this paper is to demonstrate the inadequacy of Hubert Dreyfus’ use of understanding (Verstehen) for Artificial Intelligence (AI). My complementary goal is to provide a principled account of Martin Heidegger’s concept of understanding (Verstehen). Dreyfus and other verificationists argue that understanding (Verstehen) is socially purposive action and skillful embodied coping. Understanding (Verstehen), conceived of in this way, purportedly challenges cognitive models of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that rely on formal rules, ‘rational’ decisionmaking, and the explicit (...)
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  17. Martin Heidegger 1910-1932: An Index.Daniel Fidel Ferrer - 2016 -
    Martin Heidegger 1910-1932: An Index -/- Cataloging: -/- 1. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976. 2. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Concordances. 3. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Indexes. 4). Metaphysics. 5). Philosophy, German. 6). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. 7). Heidegger, Martin; -- Wörterbuch. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. -/- First step: 29 whole* volumes from Martin Heidegger’s collect writings (Gesamtausgabe) were combined into one file and then machine indexed. (...)
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  18. Oswald Spengler and Martin Heidegger on Modern Science, Metaphysics, and Mathematics.Gregory Morgan Swer - 2017 - Idealistic Studies 47 (1 & 2):1-22.
    This paper argues that Oswald Spengler has an innovative philosophical position on the nature and interrelation of mathematics and science. It further argues that his position in many ways parallels that of Martin Heidegger. Both held that an appreciation of the mathematical nature of contemporary science was critical to a proper appreciation of science, technology and modernity. Both also held that the fundamental feature of modern science is its mathematical nature, and that the mathematical operates as a projection (...)
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  19. 'A Raid on the Inarticulate': Exploring Authenticity, Ereignis and Dwelling in Martin Heidegger and T.S. Eliot.Dominic Heath Griffiths - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Auckland
    This thesis explores, thematically and chronologically, the substantial concordance between the work of Martin Heidegger and T.S. Eliot. The introduction traces Eliot's ideas of the 'objective correlative' and 'situatedness' to a familiarity with German Idealism. Heidegger shared this familiarity, suggesting a reason for the similarity of their thought. Chapter one explores the 'authenticity' developed in Being and Time, as well as associated themes like temporality, the 'they' (Das Man), inauthenticity, idle talk and angst, and applies them to (...)
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  20. Martin Heidegger on the Greeks: An Index.Daniel Fidel Ferrer - 2016 -
    Martin Heidegger on the Greeks: An Index. -/- Cataloging: -/- 1. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976. 2. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Concordances. 3. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Indexes. 4). Metaphysics. 5). Philosophy, German. 6). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. 7). Heidegger, Martin; -- Wörterbuch. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. -/- First step: 18 whole volumes from Martin Heidegger’s collect writings (Gesamtausgabe) were combined into one file and then (...)
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  21. Looking into the Heart of Light: Considering the Poetic Event in the Work of T.S. Eliot and Martin Heidegger.Dominic Griffiths - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (2):350-367.
    No one is quite sure what happened to T.S. Eliot in that rose-garden. What we do know is that it formed the basis for Four Quartets, arguably the greatest English poem written in the twentieth century. Luckily it turns out that Martin Heidegger, when not pondering the meaning of being, spent a great deal of time thinking and writing about the kind of event that Eliot experienced. This essay explores how Heidegger developed the concept of Ereignis, “event” (...)
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  22. Martín Heidegger y la cuestión de la tecnología.Armando Aranda-Anzaldo - 1988 - Ciencia y Desarrollo 14 (83):75-85.
    La pregunta sobre la esencia de la tecnología no atañe sólo a la filosofía, sino que tiene un alcance más vasto y una repercusión más general; transforma cualitativamente la relación entre el hombre y la tecnología al añadir un elemento fundamental: la libertad.
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  23. “Now and in England:” Four Quartets, Place and Martin Heidegger’s Concept of Dwelling.Dominic Griffiths - 2012 - Yeats Eliot Review 29 (1/2):3-18.
    T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets is foremost a meditation on the significance of place. Each quartet is named for a place which holds importance for Eliot, either because of historical or personal memory. I argue that this importance is grounded in an ontological topology, by which I mean that the poem explores the fate of the individual and his/her heritage as inextricably bound up with the notion of place. This sense of place extends beyond the borders of a single life to (...)
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  24. Martin Heidegger as Interrogator: The Final Paradigm.Daniel Fidel Ferrer - 2023 - Verden: Kuhn von Verden Verlag..
    Martin Heidegger as Interrogator: The Final Paradigm By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. Copyright©2024 Daniel Fidel Ferrer. All rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND. Imprint 1.0. 2024. All Rights are reserved. Intended copies of this work can be used for research and teaching. No change in the content and must include my full name, Daniel Fidel Ferrer. Enjoying reading and disagreeing. Publisher: Kuhn von Verden Verlag. Language: English and German. Includes bibliographical references and an index. Pages 1-316. Index total pages is (...)
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  25. Preface to and translation of Phenomenological Interpretations with Respect to Aristotle by Martin Heidegger.Michael Baur - 1992 - Man and World 25 (3-4):355-393.
    When it comes to understanding the genesis and development of Heidegger’s thought, it would be rather difficult to overestimate the importance of the “Aristotle-Introduction” of 1922, Heidegger’s “Phenomenological Interpretations with Respect to Aristotle.” This text is both a manifesto which describes the young Heidegger’s philosophical commitments, as well as a promissory note which outlines his projected future work. This Aristotle-Introduction not only enunciates Heidegger’s broad project of a philosophy which is both systematic and historical; it also (...)
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    Martin Heidegger’s Critical Confrontation with the Concept of Truth as Validity.Joshua D. F. Hooke - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):1-20.
    My primary goal in this article is to provide a historical reconstruction of Heidegger’s relationship to Hermann Lotze’s logic of validity (Logik der Gültigkeit). Lotze’s characterization of truth’s “actuality” solidifies the fallacious presupposition that the essence of truth is to be understood primarily in terms of logical assertions. In Heidegger’s view, the predicates “true” and “false,” as the paradigmatic attributes of propositions and judgments, are derivatives of a fundamental and “primary being of truth” known as disclosedness (Erschlossenheit). (...) marks this decisive position in §44 of Being and Time and gains its methodological purchase by deconstructing traditional logic (kritischer Abbau der überlieferten Logik). Heidegger’s treatment, however, is abbreviated, and his sources remain notoriously concealed. For this reason, much is to be gained by examining the supplement provided one year earlier in a lecture course titled Logic: The Question of Truth (WS 1925–26). Heidegger devotes nearly 100 pages to the contemporary situation of philosophical logic. In this course, Heidegger critically evaluates a core principle of both phenomenology and neo-Kantian Erkenntnistheorie: the concept of validity (Geltung). This term originates from Lotze’s Platonic Ideenlehre, which asserts that Platonic “ideas” correspond to thoughts through a logical necessity. Consequently, they are deemed valid and eternally self-identical but do not need to exist in the world. For the purposes of this study, I show the historical significance and influence of Lotze’s Logic on twentieth-century Neo-Kantianism and Phenomenology. I provide a detailed account of Lotze’s interpretation of the Platonic theory of ideas, which supports his theory of validity. By returning to Lotze’s text, I provide an in-depth review of Heidegger’s reading of Lotze, whom he charges with misleading twentieth-century epistemology. If successful, this article provides the necessary and historical context to understand what is left unsaid and concealed in §44 of Being and Time. This article also serves the auxiliary purpose of acting as a prolegomenon for Heidegger’s urgent return to Aristotle’s thought and accurately determining the essence of truth. (shrink)
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  27. Martin Heidegger Esoteric Writings: An Index.Daniel Fidel Ferrer - 2016 -
    Martin Heidegger Esoteric Writings: An Index. 1. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976. 2. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Concordances. 3. Heidegger, Martin, -- 1889-1976 -- Indexes. 4). Metaphysics. 5). Philosophy, German. 6). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. 7). Heidegger, Martin; -- Wörterbuch. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. -/- First step: 10 whole volumes from Martin Heidegger’s collect writings (Gesamtausgabe) were combined into one file and then indexed. The 10 volumes (...)
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  28. The ‘Thing’ in Martin Heidegger and Georges Bataille.Sacha Golob - 2016 - Comparative Critical Studies 13 (1):47-65.
    This article juxtaposes two of the most influential thinkers of the previous century, Georges Bataille and Martin Heidegger: my overarching claim will be that a contrastive approach allows a better understanding of two central dynamics within their work. First, I show that both were deeply troubled by a certain methodological anxiety; namely, that the practice of writing might distort and deform their insights. By employing a comparative strategy, I suggest that we can gain a better understanding of the (...)
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  29. Martin Heidegger.W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Heidegger’s main interest was ontology or the study of being. In his fundamental treatise, Being and Time, he attempted to access being (Sein) by means of phenomenological analysis of human existence (Dasein) in respect to its temporal and historical character. After the change of his thinking (“the turn”), Heidegger placed an emphasis on language as the vehicle through which the question of being can be unfolded. He turned to the exegesis of historical texts, especially of the Presocratics, but (...)
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    Martin Heidegger on Being: Why is There Something Rather than Nothing?Matthew Sanderson - 2024 - 1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology.
    While witnessing the birth of a child, or a flower newly in bloom in early spring, you might begin to reflect on existence in general and feel amazed by the simple mind-blowing fact that anything exists—that there is something (not anything in particular, but anything at all) rather than nothing. In doing so, you are experiencing wonder at what Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) calls Being. This essay summarizes Heidegger’s notion of Being.
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  31. Martin Heidegger and Kitayama Junyū: Nothingness, Emptiness, and the Thing.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - Asian Studies · Azijske Študije 11 (1):27-50.
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  32. Martin Heidegger. Ontología fundamental y fenomenología hermenéutica.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal (ed.) - 2024 - Quito: Editorial Universitaria.
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  33. Martin Heidegger e la riflessione sul male. Dall’etica originaria ai Quaderni Neri.Francesca Brencio - 2017 - Magazzino di Filosofia 10:39-95.
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  34. The Right to Be: Wallace Stevens and Martin Heidegger on Thinking and Poetizing.Frederick M. Dolan - 2021 - In Florian Grosser & Nassima Sahraoui (eds.), Heidegger in the Literary World: Variations on Poetic Thinking. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 127-140.
    If Martin Heidegger was a philosopher who poetized, Wallace Stevens was a poet who philosophized. In "The Sail of Ulysses," one of his later poems, Stevens speaks enigmatically of a "right to be." The phrase is straightforward, if taken to indicate the right to life. But Stevens is rarely, if ever, straightforward. The poem is much more understandable if we take "being" in a Heideggerian sense, as an understanding of what it means to be.
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  35. Martin Heidegger and William Blake: Toward an Ontological Aesthetics.Mary Malinda Stevenson - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington
    This discussion interprets William Blake's poetry and painting across the hermeneutic philosophy of Martin Heidegger and his analysis of Dasein. It shows Blake's eighteenth-century discourse to be, like Heidegger's philosophy of Dasein, a radical critique of philosophical, scientific, and artistic thinking. To better understand the connections between Blake and Heidegger, the development of aesthetic philosophy from classical aesthetics through Nietzsche is charted. The parameters of eighteenth-century aesthetics, and the rise of hermeneutics in the nineteenth and early (...)
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    FROM THE EVENT INVOLVING A WORLD AS A WORLD IN FREEDOM TO A “BEING FROM A DISTANCE”: from the problem of transcendence as a question of the essence of the foundation in Martin Heidegger.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2024 - Zygmunt Bauman Journal (Ufma - Federal University of Maranhao / Sao Luís - Maranhao / Brazil) 14 (34):28-65.
    Focusing on the problem of transcendence as a question of the essence of the foundation in Martin Heidegger, Prof. Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, in line with the hermeneutic- phenomenological-ontological-existential principle, addresses Leibniz's Principium Rationis Sufficientis and the problem of foundation as a correlation involving the essence of truth and the essence of transcendence through a theoretical-conceptual construction that encloses transcendence as being-in-the-world in a relationship that converges to the transcendence of Da-sein in its essence as world-forming. Pointing (...)
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  37. Thinking in transition: Nishida Kitaro and Martin Heidegger.Elmar Weinmayr, tr Krummel, John W. M. & Douglas Ltr Berger - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):232-256.
    : Two major philosophers of the twentieth century, the German existential phenomenologist Martin Heidegger and the seminal Japanese Kyoto School philosopher Nishida Kitarō are examined here in an attempt to discern to what extent their ideas may converge. Both are viewed as expressing, each through the lens of his own tradition, a world in transition with the rise of modernity in the West and its subsequent globalization. The popularity of Heidegger's thought among Japanese philosophers, despite its own (...)
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  38. Le privilège ontologique d’un étant parmi d’autres : Martin Heidegger, l’existence et le vivant.Simon Tardif - 2022 - Ithaque 30:39-62.
    Cette étude entend analyser la thèse heideggérienne d’un « privilège ontologique » de l’humain sur les autres étants. Par le recours à une « lecture anthropologique » de Martin Heidegger, nous voulons montrer l’actualité, la pertinence et la légitimité d’une telle thèse en nous appuyant notamment sur Être et Temps (GA2) et les Concepts fondamentaux de la métaphysique (GA29/30), œuvres dans lesquelles Heidegger déploie des concepts et des arguments permettant de distinguer ontologiquement l’humain du reste du vivant (...)
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  39. Martin Heidegger[REVIEW]Cristian Ciocan - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1-2):273-315.
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  40. Metafisika-Puitika Martin Heidegger.Taufiqurrahman Taufiqurrahman - 2016 - Cogito: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat 3 (2):121-136.
    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi pemikiran Martin Heidegger tentang bahasa dalam bingkai ontologi fundamental. Ontologi fundamental adalah kritik Martin Heidegger terhadap mainstream metafisika Barat yang cenderung onto-teo logis dan bercorak subjektif. Menyangkal kecenderungan onto-teo-logis dan meminggirkan subjektivisme dari metafisika, ontologi fundamental ini akhirnya ditandai oleh keduniawian (worldliness/Weltlichkeit) dan pasivitas aktif manusia. Metafisika-puitika sebagai kelanjutan proyek ontologi fundamental Martin Heidegger dalam konteks bahasa juga dicirikan oleh keduniawian dan pasivitas aktif manusia. Ciri-ciri tersebut terwujud dalam: pertama, (...)
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  41. I Quaderni Neri di Martin Heidegger. Osservazioni ‘inutili’ eppure necessarie.Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Idee 12:13-36.
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  42. Die Kehre als völlige Umwendung des Menschen. Von der Verwirklichung des „mystischen” Antriebs der Phänomenologie im Denken Martin Heideggers.Eckard Wolz-Gottwald - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (2):299-312.
    The article first outlines Edmund Husserl’s idea of “complete transformation” (völlige Umwendung) and the philosophy of “the turn” (Kehre) of Martin Heidegger. In the following chapter it is shown that you can understand both Husserl as well as Heidegger in the light of “the essential turn” in the German mysticism of the fourteenth century. In this way it becomes clear that Husserl’s idea of a “complete transformation” seems to be a forgotten “mystical” impetus of phenomenology, which was (...)
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  43. Muerte e historicidad en Martin Heidegger.Cataldo Sanguinetti Gustavo (ed.) - 2005 - Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile: Widow, J. L., Moreno Jeria, R., & Cortí, P. (Eds.) (2005). Historia: el sentido humano del tiempo. Ediciones Altazor..
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  44. Love Language Lost: Martin Heidegger and the Fall of Language.Don Michael Hudson - 1999 - Mars Hill Review 15:47-55.
    It is quite fair to say that to the degree language works is also to the degree language does not work.
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  45. Les Cahiers noirs de Martin Heidegger : un cryptage meurtier.Sidonie Kellerer - 2016 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):479–495.
    Les Cahiers noirs de Heidegger permettent d’éclairer l’importance chez les épigones de Heidegger des malentendus concernant le langage ainsi que le statut et les objectifs de la philosophie du Maître. Les Cahiers apportent une confirmation de l’utilisation systématique par leur auteur d’une stratégie d’égarement, celle-ci comportant deux aspects majeurs. D’une part, le message heideggérien s’adresse à un « petit nombre » de lecteurs ou auditeurs et non pas aux hommes en général. La pensée de l’Être est en effet (...)
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  46. A Matter of Immediacy: The Artwork and the Political in Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2015 - In Andrew E. Benjamin & Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.), Sparks Will Fly: Benjamin and Heidegger. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 237-257.
    Vardoulakis examines the connection between the political and aesthetic commitments of the philosophies of Martin Heidegger and Walter Benjamin. He compares "The Origin of the Work of Art" to "The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproducibility.".
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  47. Hannah ARENDT, Martin HEIDEGGER, Korespondencja z lat 1925–1975. [REVIEW]Rec Tomasz Borycki - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):386-389.
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  48. ¿Qué quiere decir leer? Interpretaciones en torno a légein, legen y lesen en camino a a la pregunta por el decir del Habla en la obra de Martin Heidegger.Vanesa Gourhand - 2021 - Differenz. Revista Internacional de Estudios Heideggerianos y Sus Derivas Contemporáneas.
    Se pretende en este estudio cuestionarnos sobre el significado de Leer, y desde esta pregunta encaminarnos a la cuestión tratada por Heidegger en ¿qué significa pensar? sobre el pensar y el decir. Ello en el contexto de la indagación hermenéutica de las modalidades del decir de leer, interpretar y comprender en la obra de Martin Heidegger. Esto nos obliga, en primer lugar, escuchar los sentidos arcaicos en griego de légein y noeīn y sus derivas en la lengua (...)
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  49. EL INSTANTE: KAIRÓS Y TEMPORALIDAD KAIROLÓGICA EN MARTIN HEIDEGGER.Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:35-60.
    El artículo aborda el problema del instante (Augenblick) a partir de la obra temprana de Martin Heidegger y su prolongación en Ser y tiempo. La persuasión de que solo el cristianismo primitivo ha vivido una temporalidad originaria, se prolonga en Ser y tiempo en una interpretación del instante como integración del pasado y del futuro. Aquello que en Aristóteles no alcanzaba a constituirse –la conexión entre kairós y výn– encuentra su pleno develamiento en la escatología paulina. Sin embargo, (...)
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  50. Antropología de la vocación cristiana. De persona a persona.Juan Manuel Cabiedas Tejero - 2019 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme.
    La pregunta por el modo de orientar la vida se revela como una de las más serias y apremiantes. Tanto en su acepción sacra, que remite a una llamada trascendente, como en su concepción laica, que vincula el sentimiento de felicidad con la propia realización personal, la palabra vocación quiere indicar el modo adecuado que sigue el sujeto para desempeñarse con éxito en la vida. Quizá por ello, cuando se habla de vocación resuenan aquellos elementos que componen la identidad (...)
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