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    "CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIAE" BY SEVERIN BOETHIUS The paper examines the literature basic of Severin Boethius work «The Consolation of Philosophy». The author starts with the historical context of the appearance of the text and then goes to consider its variety of literary genres and forms. Main of them are satura Menippea, consolation, protreptic, soliloquy, and dialogue. Textual and conceptual analyses have relieved the connection between Boethius’s «The Consolation» and the works of other famous authors of Antiquity among them there (...)
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  2. 苦死與哲學之慰藉:對Covid-19疫情的塞內卡之反思.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri - 2024 - In 中國哲學會學術專刊第六輯--「危機時代的哲學--『後』疫情時期的反思」.
    此研究的目的是論述在悲劇發生時哲學具作為慰藉手段的作用。西方哲學的羅馬希臘化時期,跨越了不同的哲學流派,蓬勃發展了一種被稱為“慰藉”(consolatione)的特殊哲學著作的文體。因此,哲學家和哲學思想家撰寫了幾部名為“De consolatione”(On Consolation)的哲學著作,一直持續到中世紀,如波埃修斯(Boethius)的通俗著作“De Consolatione Philosophia”(On the Consolation of Philosophy)。在羅馬希臘化時期哲學家現存的著作中,塞內卡的著作可以說是最多且篇幅相當長,是寫給他所認識遭受悲劇的人的。因此,本文試圖在塞內卡的著作中探索這種特殊的哲學體裁—論慰藉。本文要探究 他如何使用這種哲學體裁來幫助遭受悲劇的人,特別是遭受親人的死亡,而獲得心靈的平靜與安寧。其目的是利用塞內卡關於“De Consolatione”的著作來反思世界各地許多遭受Covid-19 疫情帶來悲劇的人。即是證明和探索哲學思考在悲劇時的作用。這表明,哲學或哲學家不是悲劇時的無助旁觀者,而是與人類境遇具有生存相關性的活動。更具體一點,此論文的目的就是回答下面這個問題:哲學可以對超過四百 萬因爲疫情而直接死亡的人(不包括那些間接死亡的人)其遭受苦死的家人和朋友說些什麼?今天哲學家如何為因 Covid-19 疫情而遭受悲劇的人們帶來慰藉?此論文認為,哲學家塞內卡(Seneca)可以教今天的哲學家如何運用哲學作為處理當今悲劇的手段。因此,本文架構如下: 1. 塞內卡哲學的簡要闡述。 2. 論述慰藉之哲學文體。 3. 塞內卡《慰藉》著作的哲學論述。 4. 塞內卡思想對 Covid-19 疫情的反思。 5. 結論。.
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  3. 中國哲學會學術專刊第六輯--「危機時代的哲學--『後』疫情時期的反思」.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri (ed.) - 2024
    此研究的目的是論述在悲劇發生時哲學具作為慰藉手段的作用。西方哲學的羅馬希臘化時期,跨越了不同的哲學流派,蓬勃發展了一種被稱為“慰藉”(consolatione)的特殊哲學著作的文體。因此,哲學家和哲學思想家撰寫了幾部名為“De consolatione”(On Consolation)的哲學著作,一直持續到中世紀,如波埃修斯(Boethius)的通俗著作“De Consolatione Philosophia”(On the Consolation of Philosophy)。在羅馬希臘化時期哲學家現存的著作中,塞內卡的著作可以說是最多且篇幅相當長,是寫給他所認識遭受悲劇的人的。因此,本文試圖在塞內卡的著作中探索這種特殊的哲學體裁—論慰藉。本文要探究 他如何使用這種哲學體裁來幫助遭受悲劇的人,特別是遭受親人的死亡,而獲得心靈的平靜與安寧。其目的是利用塞內卡關於“De Consolatione”的著作來反思世界各地許多遭受Covid-19 疫情帶來悲劇的人。即是證明和探索哲學思考在悲劇時的作用。這表明,哲學或哲學家不是悲劇時的無助旁觀者,而是與人類境遇具有生存相關性的活動。更具體一點,此論文的目的就是回答下面這個問題:哲學可以對超過四百 萬因爲疫情而直接死亡的人(不包括那些間接死亡的人)其遭受苦死的家人和朋友說些什麼?今天哲學家如何為因 Covid-19 疫情而遭受悲劇的人們帶來慰藉?此論文認為,哲學家塞內卡(Seneca)可以教今天的哲學家如何運用哲學作為處理當今悲劇的手段。因此,本文架構如下: 1. 塞內卡哲學的簡要闡述。 2. 論述慰藉之哲學文體。 3. 塞內卡《慰藉》著作的哲學論述。 4. 塞內卡思想對 Covid-19 疫情的反思。 5. 結論。.
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  4. Boecio sobre la presciencia divina.David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2021 - In Mercedes López Salvá (ed.), En los albores del cristianismo. Rhemata. pp. 405-421.
    Boethius' conception of divine foreknowledge in his commentary on De interpretatione and the Consolation of philosophy. The author defends that the theological point of view is already present in De int. He also provides some texts by Augustine which signify an alternative Christian inspiration for the Neoplatonic philosophical principles that Boethius uses.
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  5. ConsolationismandComparativeAfrican Philosophy:BeyondUniversalismandParticularism. [REVIEW]Patrick Effiong Ben - 2022 - International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity 17 (1):226-230.
    Ada Agada is one of the most vocal voices of the Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP). In Consolationism and Comparative African Philosophy: Beyond Universalism and Particularism, Agada aims to provide clarity on the philosophical tenets of Consolationism, his project on system building that is central to the future direction and development of African philosophy. The book is divided into three parts: The first part focuses on the universalism-particularism conundrum in African philosophy, the second part is concerned with explicating the basic (...)
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    Philosophia.Clare Marie Moriarty - 2023 - Philosophers' Magazine.
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  7. Philosophia peripatetica emendata. Leibniz and Des Bosses on the Aristotelian Corporeal Substance.Lucian Petrescu - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):421-440.
    A few months before his death, Leibniz wrote to Des Bosses, My doctrine of composite substance seems to be the very doctrine of the Peripatetic school, except that their doctrine does not recognize monads. But I add them, with no detriment to the doctrine itself. You will hardly find another difference, even if you are bent on doing so.1 It is tempting to take Leibniz’s profession of Aristotelian orthodoxy as circumstantial: the entire correspondence he had with the Jesuit Father Bartholomew (...)
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  8. Descartes' Hypothesenbegriff im Discours de la méthode und in den Principia philosophiae.Gregor Schiemann - 1996 - In Allgemeine Gesellschaft für Philosophie (ed.), Cognitio humana - Dynamik des Wissens und der Werte. XVIII. Deutscher Kongreß für Philosophie. Leibzig.
    Bei den korpuskulartheoretischen Erklärungen von Naturphänomenen, wie sie Descartes in den Principia philosophiae vornimmt und im Discours de la methode anspricht, lassen sich zwei verschiedene und nur teilweise miteinander vereinbare Bedeutungsgruppen des Hypothesenbegriffs nachweisen. Sie verbinden sich mit unterschiedlichen Bewertungen des Status von Hypothesen im wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozeß. Einerseits findet man eine Verwandtschaft zum heute wissenschaftstheoretisch verbreiteten Verständnis von Hypothesen als positivem und integralem Bestandteil der Naturerkenntnis. Typischer für Descartes' Naturphilosophie ist jedoch die andererseits von ihm vertretene Vorstellung, daß der (...)
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  9. A Philosophiae partitio de Gregor Reisch. Um mapa para ler o Renascimento.Eduardo Henrique Peiruque Kickhöfel - 2014 - Limiar 2 (3):121-164.
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  10. Isócrates, professor de philosophía.Marcos Sidnei Pagotto-Euzebio - 2018 - Educação E Pesquisa 44:1-13.
    This paper presents the teaching of Isocrates (436-338 BC), Plato’s contemporary Athenian author, and his conceptions about the form and purposes of paideia or education, which he called, as a whole, philosophía. To this end, the list of students Isocrates supposedly had, the popularity of his school and the testimony by other authors of antiquity on his educational influence are described. After that, the isocratic definition of philosophía is discussed: sometimes presented as an intellectual commitment coupled with experience, at other (...)
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  11. Philosophia Semper Reformanda: Husserlian Theses on Constitution.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (2):251-274.
    Starting from the sensuous perception of what is seen, an attempt is made at re-casting a Husserlian theory of constitution of the object of intuition, as one leaves the natural attitude through a transcendental method, by positing several theses so as to avoid the aporias of philosophical binary oppositions such as rationalism and empiri-cism, realism and idealism, logicism and psychologism, subjectivism and objectivism, transcendentalism and ontologism, metaphysics and positivism. Throughout fifty-five theses on constitution, the Husserlian proposal of continuously reforming philosophizing (...)
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  12. Philosophia rationalis u Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohyli︠a︡nsʹkiĭ akademiï: komparatyvnyĭ analiz mohyli︠a︡nsʹkykh kursiv lohiky kint︠s︡i︠a︡ XVII--pershoï polovyny XVIII st.Mykola Symchych - 2009 - Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ O. Vlasi︠u︡k.
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    Philosophia Naturalis. Първа част. Време, пространство, тяло и движение в началото на Новото време.Vassil Vidinsky - 2014 - Translated by Димитър Божков, Огнян Касабов, Сергей Стефанов, Христо Хр. Тодоров & Велислава Тодорова.
    Антологията представя за първи път на български език класическите основи на модерната физика и философията на природата. Публикуват се фундаментални текстове от Исак Нютон, Рене Декарт, Хенри Мор, Кристиян Хюйгенс и Готфрид Лайбниц (вкл. прословутата кореспонденция между Лайбниц и Кларк). Професионално направените преводи включват не само важни писма, статии и откъси от трактати, но и преводи на впечатляващи и по-късно открити ръкописи, в които се вижда как функционира лабораторията на идеите. Чрез антологията могат да се проследят теоретичните конфликти, които ще (...)
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  14. Kjærlighetens rytme - Philosophia og pedagogiske relasjoner (The Rhythm of love - Philosophia and educational relations).Inga Bostad - 2022 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 57 (3-4):160-168.
    This article presents and argues for love as part of philosophy of education, more specifically the pedagogical relationship. In light of the concept of an ethics of rhythm, inspired by Roland Barthes, it is argued that the concept of rhythms sheds critical light on the asymmetrical and oppressive potential of the pedagogical relationship, but also on the liberating one. Furthermore, this argument is put into a broader debate about the role of academia as hospitable, inviting and inclusive, which in turn (...)
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  15. Philosophus e philosophia in Pier Damiani: una nuova prospettiva per un antico problema.Renato de Filippis - 2021 - Noctua 8 (1–2):176-203.
    This article proposes an analysis of the use and value of the terms ‘philosophia’ and ‘philosophus’ in Peter Damian’s works. Despite a remarkable number of ‘negative’ occurrences, the two words are also used in a ‘positive’ sense, especially in the sermo VI, devoted to the figure of Saint Eleuchadius, a pagan philosopher who converted himself to the Christian truth and put his intellectual competencies at the service of the Church. Contradicting the standard image of Peter Damian as ‘anti-dialectician’, Eleuchadius’ case (...)
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  16. Effectus Philosophiae.Andrea Bucci - 2023 - Chieti (Italy): Tabula Fati.
    Questo saggio cerca di mostrare che la filosofia non deve essere obbligatoriamente intesa come una disciplina che discute problemi, cercando sempre nuove soluzioni, ma che resta alla mercé delle correnti di pensiero che in un caso o nell'altro si avvicendano nel corso della storia senza poter mai trovare una conclusione ultima a quei problemi. Nel primo capitolo l'autore ripercorre brevemente alcune delle metodologie della ricerca filosofica che hanno segnato la storia della filosofia mostrandone le virtù e i limiti. Descrive poi (...)
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  17. Ética: Prima Philosophia. Variaciones contemporáneas.Erika Natalia Molina Garcia - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 66:385-402.
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  18. Cinephilia and Philosophia: Or, Why I Don't Show The Matrix in Philosophy 101.Timothy Yenter - 2017 - In Rashna Wadia Richards & David T. Johnson (eds.), For the Love of Cinema: Teaching Our Passion in and Outside the Classroom. Indiana University Press.
    The shelves of film and philosophy books should have made it considerably easier to teach with films in introductory philosophy classes, and certainly many philosophers have found them useful. However, shortcomings of many of these pop culture volumes (which I discuss in the next section) make these works rarely useful in the classroom. I propose instead a new model for how to teach film in a philosophy class. The model develops the virtues inherent in cinephilia and connects those virtues to (...)
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  19. Peccatum pessimum. L’ira nella Moralis philosophia di Ruggero Bacone.Silvana Vecchio - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.), _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 372-394.
    The analysis of the moral doctrines contained in the Moralis philosophia of Roger Bacon reveals the central place reserved to the vice of anger. Bacon considers it a very serious sin, which goes against the human nature and makes many devastating effects on individuals and their social relations. Bacon’s moral doctrines are based on a source that has been recently rediscovered, Seneca’s De ira. Bacon is one of the first authors to quote extensively that work. Bacon’s enthusiasm for the Latin (...)
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  20. A caricatura da philosophía: Ou de como Aristófanes encena um Sócrates pré-socrático. Alencar - 2013 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro
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  21. Le «démasquement» de Descartes par Spinoza dans Les Principia Philosophiae Cartesianae.Filip Buyse - 2012 - Teoria 2:15-43.
    Spinoza’s Principles of Cartesian Philosophy is often presented simply as an interpretation of Descartes’ Principia that does not reveal anything significant about Spinoza’s philosophy and its development. This paper, however, shows that Spinoza altered Descartes’ text in a way congruent with what he would later write in his Theological Political Treatise and the Ethics. More precisely, this paper concentrates not on what Spinoza added to Descartes’ texts but on how he presented them. The paper furthermore examines questions that were obviously (...)
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  22. Review of Nicolaus Taurellus, Philosophiae triumphus, hoc est, Metaphysica philosophandi methodus. [REVIEW]Andreas Blank - 2013 - Renaissance Quarterly 66:1052-1053.
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  23. Natur im Labor. Themenschwerpunkt in Philosophia Naturalis Bd. 43, Heft 1-2.Gregor Schiemann & Kristian Köchy (eds.) - 2006 - Klostermann..
    Seit Beginn der frühen Neuzeit ist das naturwissenschaftliche Verfahren maßgeblich durch ein neues Konzept geprägt: das Konzept des experimentellen, gestalterischen Eingriffs in die Natur. Es geht nun nicht mehr darum, eine Geschichte der "freien und ungebundenen Natur" (Bacon) zu erzählen, die in ihrem eigenen Lauf belassen und als vollkommene Bildung betrachtet wird. Es geht vielmehr darum, der "gebundenen und bezwungenen Natur" (Bacon) vermittels der experimentellen Tätigkeit des Menschen die Geheimnisse zu entreißen. Diese technisch-praktische Konzeption grenzt sich explizit von den klassischen (...)
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    Life and Organism in Leibnizian philosophia naturalis.Gabriele Ferrari - 2023 - I Castelli di Yale Online (1):111-126.
    This article delves into the mature philosophy of Leibniz, exploring his concepts of life and organism. It aims to establish links between the scientific discoveries of the 17th century and Leibnizian metaphysical assumptions. The paper also highlights how reflections on the Cudworthian system helped the Leipzig philosopher develop his «metaphysics of the organics». The article begins with a brief overview of the querelle sur les natures plastiques to deepen some Leibnizian positions on these topics. It emphasizes Leibniz’s focus on the (...)
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  25. The History of Philosophy: From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Present Century; Drawn Up from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophiae. By William Enfield,... In Two Volumes...William Enfield & Johann Jakob Brucker - 1791 - Printed for P. Wogan [Etc.].
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  26. Hryhorij Skovoroda's Metaphilosophy.Ihor Karivets' - forthcoming - Humanitarian Visions.
    In this article the heritage of Hryhorij Skovoroda is considered from the metaphilosophical point of view. This point of view is useful because it allows seeing some syncretism as unity of philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry in the heritage of Hryhorij Skovoroda. Therefore, the author stresses that when we analyze the Hryhorij Skovoroda’s heritage it is wrong to divide it into such parts as philosophy, theology, religion, myth, and poetry. This division doesn’t lead to the whole understanding of Hryhorij (...)
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  27. Ruardus Andala e la nuova filosofia.Stefano Caroti - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari (eds.), _Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi_. Raccolti da Stefano Caroti e Alberto Siclari. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 236-257.
    In assuming his post of Professor of Philosophy at the University of Franeker, Ruardus Andala expounded in his Oratio inauguralis de physicae praestantia, utilitate et iucunditate (1701) his aim to replace Scholastic-Aristotelian philosophy with more recent philosophical and scientific theories as the rational foundation of theology. In this paper, Andala’s program is reconstructed by taking into account his later works, where he abandoned his former predilection for Jean Leclerc’s Physica (1696), replacing it with René Descartes’s Principia philosophiae (1644), complemented (...)
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  28. Adorno's Arcades Orthodoxy.Luis A. Recoder - 2019 - Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 3 (2):49-60.
    Theodor W. Adorno’s letter correspondence with Walter Benjamin throughout the decade of the 1930’s entertains the central question concerning the possibility of philosophy in their intellectual milieu. The fate of this possibility for Adorno hinges on Benjamin’s work-in-progress Das Passagen-Werk—a fate that is catastrophically blocked by an uncritical tendency convicted repeatedly by the former as “undialectical.” And yet Adorno obstinately persists in clinging to the canon of a philosophically overdetermined demand he endearingly calls “my Arcades orthodoxy.” The threatening destruction of (...)
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  29. Abstract universes and quantifying in.Donald E. Stahl - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (3-4):333-344.
    Philosophia (Israel), 16(3-4), 333 - 344. YEAR: 1986 Extensive corrigenda Vol. 17, no. 3. -/- SUBJECT(S): Quine's second thoughts on quantifying in, appearing in the second, revised edition of _From a Logical Point of View_ of 1961, are shown to be incorrect. His original thoughts were correct. ABSTRACT: Additional tumult is supplied to pp. 152-154 of _From A Logical Point of View_, showing that being dated is no guarantee of being right. Among other things, it is shown that Quine's argument (...)
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  30. The Mereological Foundation of Megethology.Massimiliano Carrara & Enrico Martino - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (2):227-235.
    In Mathematics is megethology. Philosophia Mathematica, 1, 3–23) David K. Lewis proposes a structuralist reconstruction of classical set theory based on mereology. In order to formulate suitable hypotheses about the size of the universe of individuals without the help of set-theoretical notions, he uses the device of Boolos’ plural quantification for treating second order logic without commitment to set-theoretical entities. In this paper we show how, assuming the existence of a pairing function on atoms, as the unique assumption non expressed (...)
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  31. “El Caballo Será Por Fin Alguna Vez Convertible En Hombre”: Consideraciones En Torno Al Caballo y Su Transmutación En Anne Conway.Natalia Soledad Strok - 2022 - Siglo Dieciocho 3:59-80.
    In Principia philosophiae antiquissimae et recentissimae (1690) Anne Conway (1631-1679) develops her monistic metaphysics regarding creation, whose distinctive characteristic is transmutations for the individuals that compose it. In chapter VI of this posthumous work, Conway exemplifies this process of transmutation with the case of a horse, which changes, after death, into a human being. In this article I intend to analyze this example to show that it is not casual that the horse in question rises in the hierarchy of (...)
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  32. A Uniform Theory of Conditionals.William B. Starr - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (6):1019-1064.
    A uniform theory of conditionals is one which compositionally captures the behavior of both indicative and subjunctive conditionals without positing ambiguities. This paper raises new problems for the closest thing to a uniform analysis in the literature (Stalnaker, Philosophia, 5, 269–286 (1975)) and develops a new theory which solves them. I also show that this new analysis provides an improved treatment of three phenomena (the import-export equivalence, reverse Sobel-sequences and disjunctive antecedents). While these results concern central issues in the study (...)
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  33. Philosophy of Mind: Declassification of the main Biblical and philosophical secrets.Yuriy Rotenfeld - manuscript - Translated by Yuriy Rotenfeld.
    The article "Philosophia of Pure Mind: Declassification of the basic Biblical Mysteries" offers a tool for solving biblical mysteries — this is the philosophy of pure mind, which brings to life conceptual thinking with private and extremely general comparative concepts — concepts of practical mind and categories of pure mind. From these positions, an active study of the fundamental biblical mysteries is carried out, and not just their description or discussion. The investigation implies their comprehension related to the understanding of (...)
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  34. Crossing the Fictional Line: Moral Graveness, the Gamer’s Dilemma, and the Paradox of Fictionally Going Too Far.Thomas Montefiore & Paul Formosa - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-21.
    The Gamer’s Dilemma refers to the philosophical challenge of justifying the intuitive difference people seem to see between the moral permissibility of enacting virtual murder and the moral impermissibility of enacting virtual child molestation in video games (Luck Ethics and Information Technology, 1:31, 2009). Recently, Luck in Philosophia, 50:1287–1308, 2022 has argued that the Gamer’s Dilemma is actually an instance of a more general “paradox”, which he calls the “paradox of treating wrongdoing lightly”, and he proposes a graveness resolution to (...)
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  35. Biyolojide Evrimsel Değişimin İzinde: Buffon’dan Darwin’e Evrim Kuramı ve Bilimsel Devrim.A. B. Yardımcı (ed.) - 2024 - Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
    Fizik disiplininde astronomiye yönelik sorular Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) ve Isaac Newton (1643-1727) gibi fizik alanında devrim yaratan düşüncelerin ortaya çıkmasına yol açmıştır. Kepler ‘Yeni Astronomi’ (Astronomia Nova), ‘Dünya'nın Uyumu’ (Harmonice Mundi) ve ‘Kopernik Astronomisinin Özeti’ (Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae) adlı çalışmalarından hareketle ileri sürdüğü gezegensel hareket yasaları, Newton ise 1687 yılında yayımlanan ‘Doğa Felsefesinin Matematiksel İlkeleri’ (Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica) isimli çalışmasında yer verdiği hareket yasaları ile fizik disiplininde Aristoteles fiziğinin terk edilerek yeni bir fizik anlayışının ortaya çıkmasına ve böylece (...)
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  36. Descartes on Place and Motion: A Reading through Cartesian Commentaries.Andrea Strazzoni - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (3):179-214.
    This paper offers a reconstruction of the interpretations of Descartes's ideas of place and motion by Dutch Cartesians (Henricus Regius, Johannes de Raey, Johannes Clauberg, and Christoph Wittich). It does so by focusing on the reading of Descartes's Principia philosophiae (1644) offered, in particular, by the dictated commentaries on it. It is shown how such commentaries bring to the light new potential Aristotelian-Scholastic sources of Descartes, and the different ways Dutch Cartesians brought to the fore, also with the help (...)
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  37. La filosofia aristotelico-cartesiana di Johannes de Raey.Andrea Strazzoni - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):107-132.
    The search for an agreement between Aristotle’s and Descartes’ philosophy was aimed at making Cartesian physics acceptable in the Dutch universities by showing its consistency with Aristotelian thought. Their agreement is defended by Johannes De Raey in the Clavis philosophiae naturalis (1654), where he interprets the Corpus Aristotelicum from a Cartesian standpoint. Those Aristotelian positions which are inconsistent with Descartes’ are treated as erroneous. The Scholastic positions, moreover, are considered as distant from the true Aristotelian philosophy rediscovered by Descartes.
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  38. Sensitivity has Multiple Heterogeneity Problems: a Reply to Wallbridge.Guido Melchior - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1741-1747.
    In this paper, I defend the heterogeneity problem for sensitivity accounts of knowledge against an objection that has been recently proposed by Wallbridge in Philosophia. I argue in, 479–496, 2015) that sensitivity accounts of knowledge face a heterogeneity problem when it comes to higher-level knowledge about the truth of one’s own beliefs. Beliefs in weaker higher-level propositions are insensitive, but beliefs in stronger higher-level propositions are sensitive. The resulting picture that we can know the stronger propositions without being in a (...)
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  39. On Three Unpublished Letters of Johannes de Raey to Johannes Clauberg.Andrea Strazzoni - 2014 - Noctua 1 (1):66-103.
    The present study aims to present a transcription and a commentary of three unpublished letters of the Dutch Cartesian philosopher Johannes de Raey, addressed to his former student Johannes Clauberg. Mainly containing suggestions concerning the defence of Cartesian philosophy and academic affairs, these letters, dating back to 1651, 1652 and 1661, bear witness of a steady friendship and of a certain cooperation in rebuking the critiques moved by Jacob Revius in his Statera philosophiae cartesianae and by Cyriacus Lentulus in (...)
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  40. Some unpublished fragments on Descartes’s life and works.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - The Seventeenth Century 37 (5):801-839.
    In this article I present some unpublished fragments concerning the life and works of René Descartes (1596–1650), gathered from the academic commentaries of Johannes de Raey (1620/1622–1702) on his treatises. The fragments, of different degrees of reliability, are important as (1) they reveal how the image of Descartes was shaped among his first followers and biographers; (2) they offer insights on his now lost manuscripts, to which De Raey had access after his death. They concern, amongst others, Descartes’s days at (...)
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  41. A Logic to End Controversies: The Genesis of Clauberg’s Logica Vetus et Nova.Andrea Strazzoni - 2013 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 2 (2):123-149.
    This article provides an analysis of Johannes Clauberg’s intentions in writing his Logica vetus et nova (1654, 1658). Announced before his adherence to Cartesianism, his Logica was eventually developed in order to provide Cartesian philosophy with a Scholastic form, embodying a complete methodology for the academic disciplines based on Descartes’ rules and a medicina mentis against philosophical prejudices. However, this was not its only function: thanks to the rules for the interpretation of philosophical texts it encompassed, Clauberg’s Logica was meant (...)
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  42. Editorial Introduction: Praxeological Gestalts – Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Sociology Meet Gestalt Psychology.Phil Hutchinson, Anna C. Zielinska & Doug Hardman - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26 (3):5-19.
    1 Context The idea for the current issue of _Philosophia Scientiæ_ emerged from discussions which took place in the Manchester Ethnomethodology Reading Group. This reading group has its origins in Wes Sharrock’s weekly discussion groups, which have taken place in Manchester (UK) since the early 1970s. As the global Covid-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, the reading group moved online, facilitated by Phil Hutchinson and Alex Holder. Being an online reading group opened up participation to people beyond Northwest UK and (...)
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  43. Philosophical geometers and geometrical philosophers.Christopher Smeenk - 2016 - In Geoffrey Gorham (ed.), The Language of Nature: Reassessing the Mathematization of Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Newton frequently characterized his methodology as distinctive and capable of achieving greater evidential support than that of his contemporaries, due to its mathematical character. Newton's pronouncements reflect a striking position regarding the role of mathematics in natural philosophy. We can give an initial characterization of his position by considering two questions central to seventeenth century debates about the applicability of mathematics. First, how are we to understand the distinctive universality and necessity of mathematical reasoning? One common way to preserve the (...)
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  44. Justicia divina y jerarquía: la naturaleza humana en Anne Conway”.Natalia Strok - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (1):193-210.
    Anne Finch Conway es una de las filósofas del siglo XVII que discutió con los filósofos destacados de su época. La única obra con la que contamos de esta autora es Principia Philosophiae Anticissimae et Recentissimae o The Principle of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. En este artículo me propongo dar cuenta del rol que la naturaleza humana tiene en su metafísica, de modo de encontrar un lugar más específico para el dolor y el sufrimiento en un mundo (...)
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  45. Gundissalinus’s Application of al-Farabi’s Metaphysical Programme. A Case of Epistemological Transfer.Nicola Polloni - 2016 - Mediterranea 1:69-106.
    This study deals with Dominicus Gundissalinus’s discussion on metaphysics as philosophical discipline. Gundissalinus’s translation and re-elaboration of al-Fārābī’s Iḥṣā’ al-ʿulūm furnish him, in the De scientiis, a specific and detailed procedure for metaphysical analysis articulated in two different stages, an ascending and a descending one. This very same procedure is presented by Gundissalinus also in his De divisione philosophiae, where the increased number of sources –in particular, Avicenna– does not prevent Gundissalinus to quote the entire passage on the methods (...)
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  46. The Ratio studiorum of the conventual Franciscans in the Baroque Age and the cultural-political background to the Scotist philosophy Cursus of Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura Belluto.Marco Forlivesi - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):253-384.
    During the century following the Council of Trent, two trends within Catholic religious orders matured: the first consisted in unifying and strengthening the Order’s culture by focussing on one author of reference; the other in elaborating a new way of presenting that author’s doctrines. In the case of the Friars Minor Conventuals, these trends were fostered in the second decade of the seventeenth century by the minister general of the Order, Giacomo Montanari, who promoted the idea that providing the Order (...)
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  47. The Neo-Molinist Square Stands Firm: A Rejoinder to Kirk MacGregor.Elijah Hess - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (2):391-406.
    In a previous issue of Philosophia Christi, Kirk MacGregor responded to an essay of mine in which I argued for a neo-Molinist account of open theism. The argument demonstrated how, given standard counterfactual semantics, one could derive an “open future square of opposition,” that is, a depiction of the logical relations that hold between future-tense statements from an open theistic standpoint. Conceding the validity of the argument, MacGregor nevertheless sought to deny its soundness by criticizing both its conclusion and the (...)
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  48. Three Models of Natural Right: Baumgarten, Achenwall and Kant.Fiorella Tomassini - 2024 - In Courtney D. Fugate & John Hymers (eds.), Baumgarten and Kant on the Foundations of Practical Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    I argue that by considering Kant’s engagement with previous theorists of natural right, we can gain a clearer understanding of how he transformed the discipline from its foundations. To do this, I focus my analysis on Kant’s (critical) reception of two models of natural right with which he was very familiar: one from Alexander Baumgarten’s Elements of First Practical Philosophy [Initia philosophiae practicae primae], the other from Gottfried Achenwall’s Natural Law [Ius naturae]. The Initia served as a basis for (...)
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  49. Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Agrippa was the main expounder of the occult philosophy, which is the knowledge of the hidden causes of things and is finalized to their manipulation by magic. Magic, in turn, is the highest form and the end of philosophy. According to his De occulta philosophia, magic is threefold: natural (concerning sublunar world), celestial (concerning stars and heavenly intelligences), and divine (concerning God and higher angels). It consists of the manipulation of concrete objects and of the summoning of intelligences and God, (...)
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  50. The Zygote Argument Is Still Invalid: So What?Kristin M. Mickelson - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):705-722.
    In this essay, I explain why Gabriel De Marco's attempts to "solve" the invalidity problem for the Zygote Argument were non-starters. The first solution he describes was originally developed by Mickelson (2012/2015) and already adopted by Mele (2013), but De Marco presents it as his own (using an idiosyncratic labelling system). De Marco's second response fails because it is grounded in a patently invalid argument. Most importantly, De Marco (like Mele before him) fails to even mention that Mickelson wasn't interested (...)
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