Results for 'Flame Displacement Speed'

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  1. Consideration on the Flow Velocity in the Experimental Analysis of the Flame Displacement Speed Using DNS Data of Turbulent Premixed Flames with Different Lewis Numbers.Kazuya Tsuboi - 2014 - Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics 4 (3):278-287.
    The flame displacement speed is one of the major characteristics in turbulent premixed flames. The flame displacement speed is experimentally obtained from the displacement normal to the flame surface, while it is numerically evaluated by the transport equation of the flame surface. The flame displacement speeds obtained both experimentally and numerically cannot be compared directly because their definitions are different. In this study, two kinds of experimental flame (...) speeds—involving the mean inflow velocity and the local flow velocity—were simulated using the DNS data with the different Lewis numbers, and were compared with the numerical flame displacement speed. The simulated experimental flame displacement speed involving the mean inflow velocity had no correlation with the numerical flame displacement speed, while the simulated displacement speed involving the local flow velocity had a clear correlation with the numerical displacement speed in the cases of higher Lewis number than unity. The correlation coefficient of the simulated displacement speed involving the local flow velocity with the numerical displacement speed had a maximum value on the isosurface of the reaction progress variable with the maximum temperature gradient where the dilation effect of the flame is strongest. (shrink)
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  2. DNS Analysis on the Indirect Relationship between the Local Burning Velocity and the Flame Displacement Speed of Turbulent Premixed Flames.Kazuya Tsuboi - 2014 - Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics 4 (3):288-297.
    The local burning velocity and the flame displacement speed are the dominant properties in the mechanism of turbulent premixed combustion. The flame displacement speed and the local burning velocity have been investigated separately, because the flame displacement speed can be used for the discussion of flame-turbulence interactions and the local burning velocity can be used for the discussion of the inner structure of turbulent premixed flames. In this study, to establish (...)
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  3. Decision Time: Normative Dimensions of Algorithmic Speed.Daniel Susser - forthcoming - ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '22).
    Existing discussions about automated decision-making focus primarily on its inputs and outputs, raising questions about data collection and privacy on one hand and accuracy and fairness on the other. Less attention has been devoted to critically examining the temporality of decision-making processes—the speed at which automated decisions are reached. In this paper, I identify four dimensions of algorithmic speed that merit closer analysis. Duration (how much time it takes to reach a judgment), timing (when automated systems intervene in (...)
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  4. Physics Quest: Digital Game-Based Lessons for Seventh Grade.Maricel Gaviño & John Vincent Aliazas - 2024 - International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology 10 (2):82-93.
    This study sought to create a digital game-based physics lesson for seventh-grade students. It sought answers to respondents' least mastered competencies in physics by identifying their preferred game-based learning activity and determining their level of critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving. A descriptive-developmental design was used in the study of selected learners from 129 grade 7 students, carried out at Bukal Sur National High School in Candelaria, Quezon, during the academic year 2022-2023. The study's findings revealed that the respondents' least (...)
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    The Inefficiency of the Biological Brain and the Importance of AI for the Next Generation.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Inefficiency of the Biological Brain and the Importance of AI for the Next Generation -/- The human brain, often considered the pinnacle of evolutionary design, is an extraordinary organ capable of creativity, critical thinking, and adaptation. However, despite its remarkable abilities, it is inherently inefficient when compared to artificial intelligence (AI) systems in certain domains. The inefficiencies of the biological brain, coupled with the rapid development of AI technology, underline why artificial general intelligence (AGI) holds immense promise for shaping (...)
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  6. Design and Control of a Hydraulic Based Tire Changer using H infinity and H2 Optimal Synthesis Controllers.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Elias Alemayehu - 2020 - Botany Research Journal 13 (3):14-19.
    In this study, the design and control of a hydraulic system based tire changer machine have been analyzed and simulated using MATLAB/Simulink Toolbox successfully. The machine have a displacement input which is a leg pedal displacement in order to push the piston of the pump to fed the motor with a pressured hydraulic fluid to rotate the tire with an angular speed to mount and dismount it. Augmentation based H4 and H2 optimal synthesis controllers have been used (...)
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  7. Modernizing Frontier Chemical Transformations of Young People’s Minds and Bodies in Puerto Princesa.Anita P. Hardon & Michael L. Tan - 2017 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: The Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research University of Amsterdam Department of Anthropology University of the Philippines Diliman and Palawan Studies Center Palawan State University.
    Palawan is a land of promise, and of paradox. On maps, it appears on the edge of the Philippines, isolated. Indeed, it is a kind of last frontier. Its population remained tiny for centuries, the government offering homestead land in the 1950s practically for free to attract migrants from outside. The Palawan State University was established by law in 1965, but did not become operational until 1972. A commercial airport did not exist until the 1980s, and for many years, flights (...)
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  8. Design and Control of a Hydraulic Based Tire Changer using H infinity and H2 Optimal Synthesis Controllers.Mustefa Jibril, Messay Tadese & Eliyas Alemayehu Tadese - manuscript
    In this paper, the design and control of a hydraulic system based tire changer machine have been analyzed and simulated using Matlab/Simulink Toolbox successfully. The machine have a displacement input which is a leg pedal displacement in order to push the piston of the pump to fed the motor with a pressured hydraulic fluid to rotate the tire with an angular speed to mount and dismount it. Augmentation based H and 2 H optimal synthesis controllers have been (...)
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  9. The flame that illuminates itself: A Phenomenological Analysis of Human Phenomenology.Stan Klein - forthcoming - Psychology of Consciousness; Theory, Research, and Practice.
    In a recent set of articles (Klein et al., 2023; Klein & Loftus, 2024), my colleagues and I used the logic of adaptationism—the application of evolutionary principles to study the functional design of naturally selected systems (e.g., Klein et al., 2002)—to help make sense of the role natural selection played in the evolution of consciousness. To avoid well-known, seemingly intractable problems that accompany efforts to explain “how consciousness is possible in a world that consists in physical objects and their relations” (...)
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  10. Flaming Misogyny or Blindly Zealous Enforcement? The Bizarre Case of R v George.Lucinda Vandervort - 2019 - Manitoba Law Journal 42 (3):1-38.
    This article examines the distinction between judicial reasoning flawed by errors on questions of law, properly addressed on appeal, and errors that constitute judicial misconduct and are grounds for removal from the bench. Examples analysed are from the transcripts and reasons for decision in R v George SKQB (2015), appealed to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal (2016) and the Supreme Court of Canada (2017), and from the sentencing decision rendered by the same judge more than a decade earlier in R (...)
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  11. Climate change and displacement: Towards a pluralist approach.Jamie Draper - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (1):44-64.
    This paper sets out a research agenda for a political theory of climate displacement, by critically examining one prominent proposal—the idea of a normative status for ‘climate refugees’—and by proposing an alternative. Drawing on empirical work on climate displacement, I show that the concept of the climate refugee obscures the complexity and heterogeneity of climate displacement. I argue that, because of this complexity and heterogeneity, approaches to climate displacement that put the concept of the climate refugee (...)
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  12. Speed-Optimal Induction and Dynamic Coherence.Michael Nielsen & Eric Wofsey - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):439-455.
    A standard way to challenge convergence-based accounts of inductive success is to claim that they are too weak to constrain inductive inferences in the short run. We respond to such a challenge by answering some questions raised by Juhl (1994). When it comes to predicting limiting relative frequencies in the framework of Reichenbach, we show that speed-optimal convergence—a long-run success condition—induces dynamic coherence in the short run.
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  13. Displaced Workers: Whose Responsibility?Edmund F. Byrne - 1984 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 6:74-87.
    As a way of identifying factors that come into play in determining responsibility for displaced workers, author reviews a number of well known arguments for or against responsibility on the part of diverse actors in society. Key figures in this search for responsibility are corporations, unions, and government. No definitive responsibility is asserted.
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  14. The Dream of the Flaming Sword: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. McDowell, Joenine E. Roberts & Maria A. Lakis - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted The Dream of the Flaming Sword knowing nothing of the dreamer beyond age and gender, and having none of the dreamer’s associations. Our interpretation included a series of predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had until then been silent and who also gave no visual feedback to our discussion) to give us more information about the dreamer. Eight months later the bringer gave us (...)
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  15. Corrupted Temporalities, ‘Cultures of Speed’, and the Possibility of Collegiality.Ian James Kidd - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3):330-342.
    This paper describes a neglected aspect of the critique of academic ‘cultures of speed’ offered by Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber in The Slow Professor. I argue internalisation of the values and imperatives of cultures of speed can encourage the erosion of a range of academic virtues while also facilitating the development of a range of academic vices. I focus on the ways that an internalised ‘psychology of speed’ erodes our capacity to exercise the virtues of intellectual (...)
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  16. Displacement in Raymond Carver's Stories.Amelia Maria Fernandes Alves - 1996 - Dissertation, The George Washington University
    Raymond Carver's stories have received many labels: minimalism, K-mart fiction, low-rent tragedy, neo-realism. Paring language, plot, and characterization to the bone, Carver concentrates his stories on instances of judgment and choice. These climactic moments affect not only the characters, but also the reader, who is called to fill the gaps in the text. The gaps generally show the unrelatedness of the characters' responses to the situations in which they find themselves. Relying on formulae, concepts, and rules taken for granted as (...)
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  17. Confronting Displacement and Dispossession in India.Paul N. Rengma - manuscript
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  18. Technological Displacement and the Duty to Increase Living Standards: from Left to Right.Howard Nye - 2020 - International Review of Information Ethics 28:1-16.
    Many economists have argued convincingly that automated systems employing present-day artificial intelligence have already caused massive technological displacement, which has led to stagnant real wages, fewer middle- income jobs, and increased economic inequality in developed countries like Canada and the United States. To address this problem various individuals have proposed measures to increase workers’ living standards, including the adoption of a universal basic income, increased public investment in education, increased minimum wages, increased worker control of firms, and investment in (...)
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  19. Imagination, Fiction, and Perspectival Displacement.Justin D'Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2023 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 3.
    The verb 'imagine' admits of perspectival modification: we can imagine things from above, from a distant point of view, or from the point of view of a Russian. But in such cases, there need be no person, either real or imagined, who is above or distant from what is imagined, or who has the point of view of a Russian. We call this the puzzle of perspectival displacement. This paper sets out the puzzle, shows how it does not just (...)
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  20. Pygmalion Displacement: When Humanising AI Dehumanises Women.Lelia Erscoi, Annelies Kleinherenbrink & Olivia Guest - manuscript
    We use the myth of Pygmalion as a lens to investigate and frame the relationship between women and artificial intelligence (AI). Pygmalion was a legendary ancient king of Cyprus and sculptor. Having been repulsed by women, he used his skills to create a statue, which was imbued with life by the goddess Aphrodite. This can be seen as one of the primordial AI-like myths, wherein humanity creates intelligent life-like self-images to reproduce or replace ourselves. In addition, the myth prefigures historical (...)
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  21. Displaced Workers: America's Unpaid Debt.Edmund F. Byrne - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (1):31 - 41.
    The U.S. doctrine of employment-at-will, modified legislatively for protected groups, is being less harshly applied to managerial personnel. Comparable compensation is not otherwise available in the U.S. to workers displaced by technology. Nine pairs of arguments are presented to show how fundamentally management and labor disagree about a company's responsibility for its former employees. These arguments, born of years of labor-management debate, are kaleidoscopic claims about which side has what power. Ultimately, however, not even both together can solve without creative (...)
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  22. Knowing qualia: reloading the displaced perception model.Roberto de Sá Pereira - 2020 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7:1-7.
    How does one know the phenomenal character of one’s own experience? I aim to present and defend a new view of the epistemology of qualia that addresses this issue. My view results from a reworking of Dretske’s displaced perception model. The guiding line is the key Wittgensteinian insight of his Private Language Argument, namely the claim that no inner perception of qualia can justify our corresponding qualia-beliefs. My reworking of the original model starts with the rejection of Dretske’s representationalism, as (...)
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  23. Why algorithmic speed can be more important than algorithmic accuracy.Jakob Mainz, Lauritz Munch, Jens Christian Bjerring & Sissel Godtfredsen - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):161-164.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) often outperforms human doctors in terms of decisional speed. For some diseases, the expected benefit of a fast but less accurate decision exceeds the benefit of a slow but more accurate one. In such cases, we argue, it is often justified to rely on a medical AI to maximise decision speed – even if the AI is less accurate than human doctors.
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  24. Universal one-way light speed from a universal light speed over closed paths.Ettore Minguzzi & Alan Macdonald - 2003 - Foundations Of Physics Letters 16:593-604.
    This paper gives two complete and elementary proofs that if the speed of light over closed paths has a universal value c, then it is possible to synchronize clocks in such a way that the one-way speed of light is c. The first proof is an elementary version of a recent proof. The second provides high precision experimental evidence that it is possible to synchronize clocks in such a way that the one-way speed of light has a (...)
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  25. The Aftermath of the Mamasapano Encounter: A Look Into Maguindanao Internally Displaced People.Bai Putri Morayah Amil, Vivian Sinsuat-Baladsal, Wahida Kusayin, Bai Jasslyn Aisha Ibra-Ali & Juriebel Bagundang - 2024 - Psych Educ Multidisc J 17 (10):1067-1073.
    The Mamasapano Incident of January 25, 2015, marked a tragic episode in Philippine history, stemming from an operation aimed at neutralizing the suspected international terrorist, Zulkifli bin Hir, also known as Marwan. This operation, conducted by the Philippine National Police – Special Armed Forces (PNP-SAF), led to clashes resulting in casualties from both the SAF and MILF/BIFF members, as well as civilians, and the displacement of local residents. While the incident garnered national attention and spurred investigations primarily focused on (...)
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  26. Liquid Networks and the Metaphysics of Flux: Ontologies of Flow in an Age of Speed and Mobility.Thomas Sutherland - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (5):3-23.
    It is common for social theorists to utilize the metaphors of ‘flow’, ‘fluidity’, and ‘liquidity’ in order to substantiate the ways in which speed and mobility form the basis for a new kind of information or network society. Yet rarely have these concepts been sufficiently theorized in order to establish their relevance or appropriateness. This article contends that the notion of flow as utilized in social theory is profoundly metaphysical in nature, and needs to be judged as such. Beginning (...)
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  27. Review of: "High speed (doping) nMOS graphene transistor in p- and n-doping electronic circuits (positive and negative)".Afshin Rashid - 2023 - Qeios 15 (232_87651):18 _ 32.
    In a nMOS graphene field effect transistor, the resistance between two electrodes can be transferred or controlled by a third electrode. In a multilayer graphene field effect nMOS transistor, the current between the two electrodes is controlled by the electric field from the third electrode. Unlike the bipolar transistor, it is capacitively connected to the third electrode and is not in contact with the semiconductor. Three electrodes in the structure of the nMOS graphene field effect transistor are connected to the (...)
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  28. Future Displacement and Modality.Fabrizio Cariani - manuscript
    In this survey article, I discuss the variety of ways in which language allows us to talk about the future. Topics discussed include how the category of predictive expressions broadly understood relates to the syntactic category of tense; what it means to say that a language does not have tense; how predictiveness relates to modality; and finally technical issue concerning the scope of negation in a semantics that is capable of shifting evaluation towards the future.
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  29. (1 other version)Speed Control of Ward Leonard Layout System using H infinity Optimal Control.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Elias Alemayehu - 2020 - Researcher Journal 12 (11):35-39.
    In this paper, modelling designing and simulation of a Ward Leonard layout system is done using robust control theory. In order to increase the performance of the Ward Leonard layout system with H  optimal control synthesis and H  optimal control synthesis via -iteration controllers are used. The open loop response of the Ward Leonard layout system shows that the system needs to be improved. Comparison of the Ward Leonard layout system with H  optimal control synthesis and H (...)
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  30. Speed and Sense-Data: Understanding the Senses as Tensors.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2017 - SSRN Electronic Journal 2017:1-4.
    This paper discuss the problem of motion within sense-data concept. Using the sense of speed as starting-point, we debate how it is possible to find a conceptual formulation that combines the idea of mental states with its physicalist criticism. The answer lies in the field of quantum mechanics and its concept of tensor, a geometric object that has a mathematical matrix representation. Thinking about examples taken from the car racing world, where the sense of speed is preponderant, we (...)
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  31. Terms of Endearment: The Displacement of Inday (20th edition).Ruel Nalam & Hazel Biana - 2020 - Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 20 (3):102-110.
    The term inday implies two possible meanings depending on where one is in the Philippines. In the Luzon group of islands, more specifically in Metro Manila, inday refers to the female help, usually of Visayan descent. On the other hand, in the Visayas and Mindanao group of islands, inday is a term used for endearment and respect for female family members, friends, and women of influence. What this paper aims to do is to provide a theoretical grounding, through oppositional gazing, (...)
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  32. Speed Racer e a semiótica do movimento no desenho animado.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2011 - Semeiosis 3 (1).
    O presente artigo busca analisar, no aspecto da imagem audiovisual e focando na questão do movimento, a série televisiva de desenho animado Speed Racer ( Mach Go Go Go , 1967-68). Utilizando a teorização de Gilles Deleuze acerca da imagem-movimento e seus aspectos semióticos, o objetivo aqui é ver como um desenho animado, utilizando a chamada animação limitada, consegue representar o movimento automobilístico sem precisar mobilizar inúmeros elementos de animação ou mesmo rotoscopiar imagens de corridas de carros. Por fim, (...)
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  33. Knowing qualia: reloading the displaced perception Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2020 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7.
    How does one know the phenomenal character of one’s own experience? I aim to present and defend a new view of the epistemology of qualia that addresses this issue. My view results from a reworking of Dretske’s displaced perception model. The guiding line is the key Wittgensteinian insight of his Private Language Argument, namely the claim that no inner perception of qualia can justify our corresponding qualia beliefs. My reworking of the original model starts with the rejection of Dretske’s representationalism, (...)
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  34. DC motor speed control with the presence of input disturbance using neural network based model reference and predictive controllers.Mustefa Jibril - 2020 - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2 (4):103-110.
    In this paper we describe a technical system for DC motor speed control. The speed of DC motor is controlled using Neural Network Based Model Reference and Predictive controllers with the use of Matlab/Simulink. The analysis of the DC motor is done with and without input side Torque disturbance input and the simulation results obtained by comparing the desired and actual speed of the DC motor using random reference and sinusoidal speed inputs for the DC motor (...)
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  35. When is Climate-Change Related Internal Displacement of International Concern?Matthew J. Lister - 2024 - In Jamie Draper & David Owen, The Political Philosophy of Internal Displacement. Oxford University Press. pp. 179-195.
    It is now widely expected that climate change will be serious enough that a very large number of people will be displaced from their homes because of events relating to or resulting from climate change. Such events may include rising sea levels (and resulting increased salination of ground water), stronger hurricanes and tropical storms, drought, floods, increased and more intense wildfires, and other extreme or (previously) unusual weather events. Although estimates vary widely, it seems very likely that many millions of (...)
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  36. Clock synchronization, a universal light speed, and the terrestrial redshift experiment.Alan Macdonald - 1983 - American Journal of Pyysics 51:795-797.
    This paper (i) gives necessary and sufficient conditions that clocks in an inertial lattice can be synchronized, (ii) shows that these conditions do not imply a universal light speed, and (iii) shows that the terrestrial redshift experiment provides evidence that clocks in a small inertial lattice in a gravitational field can be synchronized.
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  37. To Relativity, the maximum speed of information transmission is c, which is false.Alfonso Leon Guillen Gomez - manuscript
    According to a bits generation technique, that is, bits can only take a binary value of 0 in the absence of wave function collapse and 1 when wave function collapse occurs, that is, regardless of the value random in which the collapse of the wave function occurs that in the past caused the development of an alternative technique of classic bits to be renounced and remains currently an impossibility in normal science, through series of quantum entanglements, using BCD, EBCDIC or (...)
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  38. Firms cash management, adjustment cost and its impact on firms’ speed of adjustment: a cross country analysis.Qazi Awais Amin & Tom Williamson - 2020 - Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 56.
    We investigate the firms’ specific attributes that determine the difference in speed of adjustment (SOA) towards the cash holdings target in the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. We examine whether Scandinavian firms maintain an optimal level of cash holdings and determine if the active cash holdings management is associated with the firms’ higher SOA and lower adjustment costs. Our findings substantiate that a higher level of off-target cost induces professional managers to rebalance their cash level towards the optimal (...)
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  39. is the speed of light knowable a priori.Ilhan Inan - 2017 - In Suster Danilo, Thought Experiments between Nature and Society. A Festschrift for Nenad Miščević. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 204-215.
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  40. The Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Concept of ‫سرعة‬ (Speed) in Arabic.Hicham Lahlou - 2023 - Awej 7 (1):21-32.
    Despite the wide range of studies on how students’ past knowledge influences their understanding of scientific terminology, few studies were conducted to compare non-scientific language with scientific language, or rather everyday language with scientific language, from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The present paper aims to determine the cognitive mechanisms, i.e., image schemas, conceptual metaphor, and conceptual metonymy, which underpin the conceptualisation of the Arabic term سرعة (speed), using a conceptual metaphor theory framework. Thus, the research question guiding this study (...)
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  41. Comparison of DC motor speed control performance using fuzzy logic and model predictive control method.Mustefa Jibril - 2020 - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2 (4):141-145.
    The main target of this paper is to control the speed of DC motor by comparing the actual and the desired speed set point. The DC motor is designed using Fuzzy logic and MPC controllers. The comparison is made between the proposed controllers for the control target speed of the DC motor using square and white noise desired input signals with the help of Matlab/Simulink software. It has been realized that the design based on the fuzzy logic (...)
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  42. Evolving to Generalize: Trading Precision for Speed.Cailin O’Connor - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (2).
    Biologists and philosophers of biology have argued that learning rules that do not lead organisms to play evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSes) in games will not be stable and thus not evolutionarily successful. This claim, however, stands at odds with the fact that learning generalization---a behavior that cannot lead to ESSes when modeled in games---is observed throughout the animal kingdom. In this paper, I use learning generalization to illustrate how previous analyses of the evolution of learning have gone wrong. It has (...)
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  43. Character, Corruption, and ‘Cultures of Speed’ in Higher Education.Ian Kidd - 2022 - In Ainé Mahon, Philosophical Perspectives on the Contemporary University: In Shadows and Light. Springer. pp. 17-28.
    This chapter offers a character-based criticism of ‘the culture of speed’ condemned by the Canadian literary scholars, Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber in their influential polemic, The Slow Professor. Central to their criticisms of speed and praise of slowness are, I argue, substantive concerns about their effects on moral and intellectual character. I argue that a full reckoning of the wrongs of academic cultures of speed must include appreciation of the ways they promote a host of accelerative (...)
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  44. HIZ SİYASETİ: PAUL VİRİLİO’NUN DROMOLOJİ KURAMI * THE POLITICS OF SPEED: THE DROMOLOGY THEORY BY PAUL VIRILIO.Aykut Aykutalp - 2017 - Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 1 (61):429-440.
    This work focuses on the analysis of Paul Virilio, an important representative of the Contemporary French Thought, pertaining to society. Virilio sees modern society as the transformation of time-space relations within the context of the proliferation of speed-producing vehicles. The proliferation of speed and speed producing tools has brought about the end of space and also has reconstructed time as accelerated time. Speed is seen as a dominant logic in the organization of economic, political, military, social (...)
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  45. A Marble and a Photon - Single Speed Hypothesis.Temesgen Degu - manuscript
    This study explores the concept of velocity within the framework of the physical interpretation of acceleration and deceleration for moving objects in space. A thought experiment involving a marble and a photon is employed to introduce the hypothesis that all objects in space inherently travel at the speed of light when in motion. Through a series of systematically structured thought experiments, this hypothesis and related conclusions are examined and substantiated. Newton’s first law of motion serves as the foundation for (...)
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  46. Swarm of particles moving at the speed of light in quantum entanglement: The Origin of conscious World.Zheng Huang - manuscript
    This paper primarily investigates the following questions: The first question:What is the basic structure of consciousness? I proposed that objects moving at the speed of light form the fundamental structure of consciousness. The second question:How is the unified field of the conscious self formed? The study suggests that countless particles moving at the speed of light, through quantum entanglement, form the unified field of each individual's consciousness. Each individual's unified field consists of countless particles originating from a source, (...)
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  47. Nomadism as a way of being of the immigrants and internally displaced persons.Marina Kolinko - 2019 - EUREKA: Social and Humanities 2:56-62.
    The article presents the innovatory understanding of the nomadic strategy of human being in the transitional condition. The aim of the article is to determine the role of the nomadic being way in the social group of internal migrants. It is substantiated, that aims and actions of a nomad are directed on creating new ways of realization and conceptualization of variants of nomadic being. It is explained, that a nomad doesn’t go by the way, offered by traditional types of activity, (...)
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  48. Review of: "Reproduction (electrical nano memories) by the method combined nanolithography (۱۲ V), Fast switching speed (۱ microsecond)".Afshin Rashid - 2023 - Qeios 34:15-19.
    Graphene nanomemories have been developed molecularly, providing excellent programmable nanoscale memory performance compared to previous graphene memory devices and a memory window. Large (12V), fast switching speed (1 microsecond), shows strong electrical reliability. Graphene molecular nanomemories show unique electronic properties, and their small dimensions, structural strength, and high performance make them a charge storage medium for Nano memory applications. We use a set of techniques involving a solution of nanoparticles, which creates a very thin layer on the target substrate (...)
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    Moral Injury in Refugee Communities: The Connection Between Displacement and Disorientation.Garrett Potts & Lillian Abadal - 2023 - In Adib Farhadi, Mark Grzegorzewski & Anthony J. Masys, The Great Power Competition Volume 5: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Implications for the Central Region. Springer. pp. 239-253.
    This chapter demonstrates the role that displacement can play in generating moral injury (MI) within refugee communities. To better understand the consequences of displacement, it considers how individuals’ identities and values are formed through their local communities. While there are many reasons that displacement ought to be understood as a potentially morally injurious experience (PMIE), particular attention is given to the negative effects of disorientation, which are associated with displacement. The chapter uncovers multiple facets of disorientation, (...)
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  50. Position and Speed Control of 2DOF Industrial Robotic Arm using Robust Controllers.Mustefa Jibril, Mesay Tadesse & Reta Degefa - 2020 - Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 (24):3765-3769.
    In this study, a 2 DOF industrial robotic arm is designed and simulated for elbow and wrist angle and velocity performance improvement using robust control method. Mixed H2/H infinity synthesis with regional pole placement and H2 optimal controllers are used to improve the system output. The open loop response of the robot arm shows that the elbow and wrist angles and velocities need some improvement. Comparison of the proposed controllers for an impulse and step input signals have been done and (...)
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