Results for 'Henry Corbin, fenomenología, Ibn ' Arabī, amor, Enrique Dussel'

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  1. Fenomenología y alteridad en Henry Corbin: Una mirada desde el amor en Ibn 'Arabī.David Fernández-Navas - 2021 - Revista Cultura de Guatemala 1 (año XL):61-77.
    El presente artículo trata la presentación que Henry Corbin hace del sufismo de Ibn ' Arabī. Pretende mostrar cómo el proyecto filosófico del pensador francés (atravesado de protestantismo, heideggerianismo y fenomenología) produce una obturación de la doctrina akbarí, que denota cierta falta de amor o desinterésen la alteridad en tanto alteridad. El itinerario constará de cinco pasos. Primero, nos acercaremos a los años de formación de Corbin. Segundo, presentaremo salgunos puntos esenciales de su obra más célebre, La imaginación creadora (...)
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  2. Eugenio Trías e Ibn 'Arabī: una sombra de la filosofía del límite.David Fernández-Navas - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2):203-215.
    Este artículo explora la relación entre la filosofía del límite de Eugenio Trías y el sufismo de Ibn ʿArabī. En primer lugar, pretende explicar la función de la filosofía de la religión en el sistema triasiano y por qué el maestro andalusí ocupa un lugar privilegiado en ella. Segundo, se ocupa de algunos aspectos esenciales de la doctrina akbarí que la filosofía del límite obtura, como la declaración de la unidad del Ser (tawḥīd), la conjugación de lo exotérico y lo (...)
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  3. Being-in-the-World-Hispanically: A World on the "Border" of Many Worlds.Enrique Dussel & Alexander Stehn - 2009 - Comparative Literature 61 (3):256-273.
    This translation of Enrique Dussel's “‘Ser-Hispano’: Un Mundo en el ‘Border’ de Muchos Mundos” offers an interpretation of hispanos (Latin Americans and U.S. latinos) as historically, culturally, and geographically located “in-between” many worlds that combine to constitute an identity on the intercultural “border.” To illustrate how hispanos have navigated and continue to navigate their complex history in order to create a polyphonic identity, the essay sketches five historical-cultural “worlds” that come together to form the hispanic “world.”.
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  4. Antes del universo.Enrique Morata - 2014 - Scribd.
    On the current fashion to look after a previous universe to explain the laws of our Universe.Esperando al nuevo Aristóteles, regreso a Henri Bergson y el "Parménides", el otro universo de Plotino. In Spanish.
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  5. Amor y negror en Llansol como compromiso con la otredad.David Fernández Navas - 2019 - El Azufre Rojo (2341-1368):79-88.
    Resumen: El texto pretende un acercamiento al carácter amoroso de la escritura de Maria Gabriela Llansol. Explica cómo ésta, igual que la de María Zambrano, lleva la defensa amorosa del devenir de Nietzsche un paso más allá, en tanto nace de un interés por la otredad en sí misma y no de una voluntad de autoafirmación. La ruptura de las nociones convencionales de tiempo, espacio e identidad será una de las vías que utiliza. En ello puede apreciarse cierta similitud con (...)
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  6. Enrique Dussel and Liberation Theology.Miguel Ángel Quintana-Paz - 2014 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 26 (1-2):135-146.
    For centuries, various disciplines have tried to tackle the topic of how legitimate it is to use violence in order to solve social problems. One of the most recent interdisciplinary approaches, most successful in present-day Latin America, is the so-called "Ethics of Liberation," designed by Enrique Dussel. Based on the Theology of Liberation, this theory goes beyond the limits of theology as a discipline and pleads for three ethical criteria that every political revolution must fulfill to use violence (...)
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  7. Concerning Ibn 'Arabi’s Account of Knowlegde of God Al Haqq.Andi Herawati - 2013 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 3 (2):219.
    This paper reveals the concept of ma'rifa developed by Ibn al-'Arabi (d.1260), , especially in his magnum opus, Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam, the late work considered to the synthesis of his doctrine of metaphysics represented through the wisdom of each prophet; their uniqueness of divinely inspired and their epitome of spiritual perception, concerning the knowledge of God. It shows the transformative role of the prophet’s messages involving in the deeper creative process of divine-human dialogue, calling and response, that is repeatedly mentioned in (...)
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  8. Enrique Dussel and Liberation Theology: Violence or Dialogue?Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2014 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 26:135-146.
    For centuries, several disciplines have tried to tackle the topic of how legitimate it is to use violence in order to solve social problems. One of the most recent interdisciplinary approaches (and one of the most successful in present-day Latin America) is the so-called “Ethics of Liberation,” designed by Enrique Dussel. Based on the Theology of Liberation, this theory goes beyond the limits of theology as a discipline and pleads for three ethical criteria that every political revolution must (...)
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  9. Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation: Philosophical Reflections at the time of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic.Menelito Mansueto - 2020 - Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (Special Issue):173-208.
    In this brief philosophical exposé, I will narrate the events as well as my personal and ecospiritual reflections pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic which began in Wuhan, China sometime in November 2019 and have spread sporadically across countries and continents wreaking havoc medically, politically, and individually, as it claimed more than three hundred thousand lives and had virally infected more than four million of the global population. This phenomenon had led us to confront inevitable eschatological questions: Is this a sign (...)
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  10. Sufi Epistemology: Ibn 'Arabi on Knowledge.Syamsuddin Arif - 2002 - AFKAR - Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought 3 (1):81-94.
    This paper discusses the definition and sources of knowledge according to Ibn 'Arabi, the leading Sufi master of Andalusia (Muslim Spain).
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  11. vers le dieu: le soufisme d’Ibn Arabi et la pensée de Heidegger.Frank Darwiche - 2014 - Hawliyat (15).
    La pensée de Heidegger sur le dieu cherche à trouver, retrouver ou découvrir pour celui-ci et dans son histoire une dimension originaire et inaugurale et en même temps non-métaphysique, une voix qui parle dans un autre langage à venir et qui soit celle du monde et des mortels. Cette considération du dieu se rencontre aussi dans les tentaives mystiques d'Orient, en particulier dans le soufisme de la voie (tarika, طريقة) d'Ibn 'Arabi, qui retrouve son dieu autrement que dans sa dimension (...)
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  12. El esquivo anhelo de evitar toda opresión. La cuestión de la violencia en La Ética de la liberación de Enrique Dussel.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):83-89.
    The Ethics of Liberation by Enrique Dussel pleads for three criteria that every political revolution must fulfill if it wishes to use violence in a legitimate way: the formal criterion (that basically takes after the ideal dialogue situation endorsed by Apel and Habermas); the material criteri..
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  13. Kitab Syajarah Al-Kawn Ibnu Arabi: Mengurai Konsep Alam Semesta dan Sirah Nabi (Ibn Arabi's Cosmology and Prophet's Biography).Zainul Maarif - 2019 - Jakarta, Indonesia: Turos Pustaka.
    This is an elaboration and a critique of Ibn Arabi's cosmology written in his book "Shajarah Al-Kawn".
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  14. Rahasia Asmaul Husna (Ibn Arabi: The Secret of God's Names).Zainul Maarif - 2015 - Jakarta, Indonesia: Turos Pustaka.
    This is a book on a positive theology according to Ibn Arabi: a Spain Muslim mystics, His theology is a cure for an atheist. You will find from this book that belief in God is not alienation.
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  15. Sonsuz Tecellî ve Daimî Yaratma: İbn Arabī ve İbn Teymiyye’nin Yaratma Meselesine Ezelî Fiil Olarak Bakışı.Emrah Kaya - 2016 - Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi 57 (2):69-96.
    Creation or becoming as a philosophical and theological problem has always been one of the main controversial issues of philosophers and theologians. It is sometimes defended that creation is an instant act or event; sometimes it is thought that creation is a process without a beginning. In this article, the approaches of Ibn Arabī and Ibn Taymiyya to the issue of creation are examined and compared. These two scholars mainly advocate that it is not possible for creation to begin at (...)
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  16. Learning from the Wisdom of The Prophets: Spiritual Intelligence of Hūd and Muḥammad in Ibn Arabi’s View.Andi Herawati - 2016 - Ulumuna 20 (2):395-420.
    The wisdom of the prophets in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fuṣūṣ al-Hikam is deeply concerned with discovering how the prophets who are taken up in each chapter exemplify different facets of the deeper spiritual process of the divine-human relation. This article examines two particular fass and wisdom of Hūd and Muhammad. The wisdom of Hud represents knowledge through the feet” (ilm al-rijl), the knowledge that can only come through actually traveling through all the tests and lessons of the earthly human existence or (...)
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  17. Risāla fī mas’alati l-wuğūdiyya: Muḥammad Ḫādimīs Plädoyer zugunsten von Ibn ‘Arabī.Yaşar Sarıkaya - 2021 - Theosophia (2):89-99.
    In der Geschichte des islamischen Denkens gibt es – epistemologisch und hermeneutisch – verschiedene Ansätze zwischen Sufis und Gelehrten zum Verstehen und Interpretieren von Religion und der Welt. Einige Streitthemen führten manchmal zu heftigen Diskussionen und zuweilen zu regelrechten Konflikten zwischen beiden Parteien. Hierzu gehört insbesondere das Verständnis der Sufis von der Einheit des Seins. Der andalusische Sufi Ibn ‘Arabī, der diese Theorie systematisch etablierte, stand dabei im Mittelpunkt der Streitigkeiten über seine Zeit hinaus bis heute. Der osmanische Sufi und (...)
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  18. İbn Teymiyye’ye Göre İbn Arabî, yazar Mustafa Kara. [REVIEW]Emrah Kaya - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):2107-2114.
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  19. İbn Teymiyye’ye Göre İbn Arabî. [REVIEW]Emrah Kaya - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21:2073-2080.
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  20. ALTERIDADE E VIDA: PROJETO ÉTICO-POLÍTICO E QUESTÃO ECOLÓGICA EM ENRIQUE DUSSEL.Deodato Ferreira da Costa - 2012 - Dissertation, Ufpb, Brazil
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    The Reflective Heart: Discovering Spiritual Intelligence in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Meccan Illuminations. [REVIEW]Samuel Bendeck Sotillos - 2021 - Sacred Web: A Journal of Tradition and Modernity 48:152-158.
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  22. Liberation Pragmatism: Dussel and Dewey in Dialogue.Alex Sager & Albert R. Spencer - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (4):1-22.
    Enrique Dussel and John Dewey share commitments to philosophical theory and practice aimed at addressing human problems, democratic modes of inquiry, and progressive social reform, but also maintain productive differences in their fundamental starting point for political philosophy and their use of the social sciences. Dussel provides a corrective to Dewey’s Eurocentrism and to his tendency to underplay the challenges of incorporating marginalized populations by insisting that social and political philosophy begin from the perspective of the marginalized (...)
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  23. A relação do método terapêutico de Nise da Silveira e a Fenomenologia da Vida de Michel Henry (8th edition).Piero Disconzi - 2022 - IF-Sophia 8 (2358-7482):125-136.
    O presente trabalho visa apresentar a relação do método terapêutico da médica e psiquiatra Nise da Silveira (1905-1999) com a Fenomenologia da Vida do filósofo e fenomenólogo Michel Henry (1922-2002). Nise da Silveira revolucionou o tratamento psiquiátrico de sua época indo contra a psiquiatria tradicional e desenvolvendo um método revolucionário para o tratamento de pacientes esquizofrênicos, constituído através da arte, da cultura e, sobretudo, do que ela chama de afeto catalisador. Como método investigativo deste trabalho, a relação entre o (...)
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    A relação entre o método terapêutico de Nise da Silveira e a fenomenologia da vida de Michel Henry (8th edition).Piero Disconzi - 2022 - If-Sophia.
    O presente trabalho visa apresentar a relação do método terapêutico da médica e psiquiatra Nise da Silveira (1905-1999) com a Fenomenologia da Vida do filósofo e fenomenólogo Michel Henry (1922-2002). Nise da Silveira revolucionou o tratamento psiquiátrico de sua época indo contra a psiquiatria tradicional e desenvolvendo um método revolucionário para o tratamento de pacientes esquizofrênicos, constituído através da arte, da cultura e, sobretudo, do que ela chama de afeto catalisador. Como método investigativo deste trabalho, a relação entre o (...)
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  25. Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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  26. Moral adherence enhancement and the case of long-distance space missions.Henri Huttunen & Oskari Sivula - 2023 - Technology in Society 74.
    The possibility of employing human enhancement interventions to aid in future space missions has been gaining attention lately. These possibilities have included one of the more controversial kinds of enhancements: biomedical moral enhancement. However, the discussion has thus far remained on a rather abstract level. In this paper we further this conversation by looking more closely at what type of interventions with what sort of effects we should expect when we are talking about biomedical moral enhancements. We suggest that a (...)
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  27. Nationalism and Crisis.Enrique Camacho - 2017 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:427-456.
    Nationalism seems a persistent ideology in academia as much as in politics; despite the fact that it has been shown that nationalism is deeply unjust for minorities. A case for national identity is often invoked to supplement liberalism regarding the inner difficulties that liberal theories have to explain their membership, assure stability and produce endorsement. So, it seems that national identity may also be required for justice. While this controversy continues, I argue that a different approach is available. We can (...)
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  28. Externalism, metasemantic contextualism, and self-knowledge.Henry Jackman - 2015 - In Sanford C. Goldberg (ed.), Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Skepticism: New Essays. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-247.
    This paper examines some of the interactions between holism, contextualism, and externalism, and will argue that an externalist metasemantics that grounds itself in certain plausible assumptions about self- knowledge will also be a contextualist metasemantics, and that such a contextualist metasemantics in turn resolves one of the best known problems externalist theories purportedly have with self-knowledge, namely the problem of how the possibility of various sorts of ‘switching’ cases can appear to undermine the ‘transparency’ of our thoughts (in particular, our (...)
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  29. Directing Thought.Henry Ian Schiller - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    I argue that directing is a more fundamental kind of speech act than asserting, in the sense that the conditions under which an act counts as an assertion are sufficient for that act to count as a directive. I show how this follows from a particular way of conceiving intentionalism about speech acts, on which acts of assertion are attempts at changing a common body of information – or conversational common ground – maintained by conversational participants’ practical attitude of acceptance. (...)
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  30. Conservative libertarianism and ethics of borders.Enrique Camacho Beltran - 2015 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 48 (1):227-261.
    Many conservatives endorse a defence of closed borders grounded in basic liberal rights such as the basic right of association. Some conservatives also endorse libertarian principles of legitimacy. It is not clear though that this sort of defence of closed borders is somehow coherent with these libertarian ideals. I argue that conservative libertarians of this kind must reject this defence of closed borders because either it collapses into a form of statism incoherent with libertarian principles of legitimacy, or into an (...)
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  31. “James’s Pragmatic Maxim and the ‘Elasticity’ of Meaning”.Henry Jackman - forthcoming - In The Jamesian Mind. New York, NY, USA: pp. 274-284.
    To the extent that William James had an account of ‘meaning,’ it is best captured in his “pragmatic maxim”, but James’s maxim has notoriously been open to many conflicting interpretations. It will be argued here that some of these interpretive difficulties stem from the fact that (1) James seriously understates the differences between his own views and those presented by Peirce in “How to Make our Ideas Clear”, and (2) James’s understanding of the maxim typically ties meaning to truth, but (...)
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  32. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma (...)
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    La fenomenologia del mondo e della vita in Patočka nei primi anni Quaranta.Marco Barcaro - 2021 - Il Cannocchiale. Rivista di Studi Filosofici 1:127-150.
    Patočka’s phenomenology of world and life in the early 1940s – This article addresses Patočka’s early phenomenology of life and world. It begins with an introduction that situates Patočka’s reflections on the meaning of the world against the background of Husserl’s phenomenology. Next, it analyzes a rarely studied manuscript, The inwardness and the world, written during an often overlooked period of his thought: the 1940s. The originality of Patočka’s thinking in this period emerges through answering a series of questions about (...)
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  34. El Principio de Utilidad. Un Principio Peligroso‖.Enrique Bocardo - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:1-31.
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  35. İbnü’l-arabî’ni̇n di̇n ve i̇nançlara yaklaşiminin William Chittick ve Reza Shah-kazemi̇ perspekti̇fi̇yle evrenselci̇ yorumu.Emrah Kaya - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (33):53-73.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the statements of Ibn al-ʿArabî regarding religions and beliefs through the perspectives of William Chittick and Reza Shah-Kazemi comparatively. Even though his expressions are occasionally elaborated in the light of the theory of the religious pluralism based on Western-Christian thought, by considering the universal message of the Qur’ān Chittick and Shah-Kazemi identify these expressions with “universalism.” This universalist approach bases on the distinction between “ontological will” and “religious will,” and “submission” which is (...)
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  36. Sujeito antropológico e metafísica do amor em Binswanger et l'Analyse Existentielle.Marcio Miotto - 2021 - Revista Ideação 44 (1):107-140.
    O presente trabalho enfoca as relações entre antropologia e verdade nos escritos de Foucault dos anos 1950, tendo sob alvo o lançamento recente do escrito até então inédito intitulado Binswanger et l’Analyse Existentielle. Para isso, num primeiro momento o texto contextualiza essa publicação à luz do depósito, em 2013, de novos materiais de Michel Foucault na Biblioteca Nacional da França. Depois, ele passa à análise dos textos dos anos 1950 e insere o novo texto nos demais debates. Finalmente, o artigo (...)
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  37. A Birth-Death Toy Model for a Measure of Consciousness.Enrique Canessa - forthcoming - Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness (2024):1-13.
    The ancient Ouroboros symbolism (one who eats oneself) is here integrated into a simple birth-death clustering process that needed nothing but itself for a transition from indistinguishable phases to a sort of higher level ”conscious” phases. Birth and death coefficients are formulated in terms of odd and even exponentials used to represent a suitable form for conscious states via the internal transfer of information. This toy model may ideally quantify conscious states having inner causes via an Ouroboros index 0 < (...)
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  38. Combatting Consumer Madness.Wayne Henry, Mort Morehouse & Susan T. Gardner - 2017 - Teaching Ethics.
    In his 2004 article “Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society,” Trevor Norris bemoans the degree to which contemporary education’s focus can increasingly be described as primarily nurturing “consumers in training.” He goes on to add that the consequences of such “mindless” consumerism is that it “erodes democratic life, reduces education to the reproduction of private accumulation, prevents social resistance from expressing itself as anything other than political apathy, and transforms all human relations into commercial transactions of (...)
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  39. A New Hope for Philosophers' Appeal to Intuition.Damián Enrique Szmuc - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (1):336-353.
    Some recent researches in experimental philosophy have posed a problem for philosophers’ appeal to intuition (hereinafter referred to as PAI); the aim of this paper is to offer an answer to this challenge. The thesis against PAI implies that, given some experimental results, intuition does not seem to be a reliable epistemic source, and —more importantly— given the actual state of knowledge about its operation, we do not have sufficient resources to mitigate its errors and thus establish its reliability. That (...)
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  40. Ezra Pound: musical rehearsals and Confucian harmony.Enrique Martinez - 1996 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 36:19.
    But the modelling of the Confucian gentleman or junzi type of human being under the music simile and the rules of propriety (li) 禮 needs to be brought within the perspective of the Confucian use of language and the ultimately harmonising role of this philosophy. Such considerations lead us back to a concept that Pound was always keen to produce in his expositions, and refers directly to the importance of precise language usage. Pound's first concern for 'le mot juste' and (...)
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  41. Ética por la Vida. Elogio de la voluntad de poder.Enrique Leff - 2006 - Polis 5 (13).
    La pregunta por la ética y la voluntad de vivir, frente a la racionalidad y la ecología utilitarista dan forma al texto de Enrique Leff. ¿Cómo se puede superar el estado actual de cosas sin recuperar una ética primigenia, la cual se hacía la pregunta por la buena vida, aquella que merece ser vivida? Siguiendo a Nietzsche, el rechazo por el sentimiento y las pulsiones están en el centro de la mirada racional e instrumental respecto de la naturaleza. La (...)
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    DO ABSURDO À AFETIVIDADE: POSSÍVEIS APROXIMAÇÕES ENTRE ALBERT CAMUS E MICHEL HENRY (2nd edition).Piero Disconzi - 2023 - Revista Filogênese 18 (1954-1159):107-122.
    A presente pesquisa explora o ensaio de ontologia de Albert Camus (1913-1960), intitulado O mito de Sísifo (1942), no qual ele introduz sua teoria do absurdo, cujo propósito é questionar o sentido do mundo e da vida para o sujeito. Perguntando-se, o sujeito se depara com o sentimento de absurdo que manifesta o desejo de clareza frente a opacidade do mundo. Este sentimento é apresentado como uma experiência imediata frente ao não sentido do mundo e da vida. Uma das vias (...)
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    El mito del yo y la experiencia consciente.Enrique Aramendia - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía Fundamental 4:19-53.
    In Consciousness Studies it is common to distinguish between subjective character and qualitative character. It is also non unusual to maintain that both can be analyzed independently. This is called the “division of conceptual labor”. This idea, however, does not match with our intuitive insight that subjective character is multiple. Here I identify the idea of the division of conceptual labor as a version of the myth of the self, and I push forward two arguments against it. After that, I (...)
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  44. De la verdad al poder. Filosofía y política en dos pensadores cruceños.Enrique Fernández García - 2022 - Revista Ciencia y Cultura 26 (48):39-66.
    Procurando aportar a la historia de las ideas en Santa Cruz, el ensayo reflexiona sobre dos pensadores. Así, por un lado, se toma en cuenta la obra y trascendencia de Manfredo Kempff Mercado, el filósofo cruceño más importante del siglo XX, un autor que, pese a morir hace casi 50 años y, además, tener una vida breve, continúa siendo citado por especialistas del pensamiento latinoamericano. Por otra parte, se considera el aporte intelectual de Sergio Antelo Gutiérrez, cuyos artículos y libros (...)
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  45. Ricoeur e la fenomenologia ermeneutica della religione.Chiara Cotifava - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari (eds.), _Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi_. Raccolti da Stefano Caroti e Alberto Siclari. Parma: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni. pp. 419-450.
    This contribution offers an analysis of the essays gathered and published by François Courtine in 1992 (Phénoménologie et Théologie), and authored by Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, and Paul Ricoeur. Attention is paid to the possibility of investigating the phenomena of the ‘religious sphere’, by taking into account the historical-cultural context typical of contemporary society, the role of art, and the problem of intersubjectivity. -/- .
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  46. Internet, el nuevo dios.Enrique Morata - forthcoming - Academia.Edu.
    In Spanish, on Internet as the new god of all us.
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  47. Una aproximación al amor en la filosofía de Baruch Spinoza.Danilo Tapia - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19:37-60.
    El artículo analiza la noción de amor en la filosofía de Spinoza a través del Tratado de la reforma del entendimiento, el Tratado breve y la Ética. El amor en Spinoza debe contextualizarse en su fenomenología crítica de los afectos y su teoría del conocimiento. Así es posible mostrar que, para Spinoza, cómo se ama —activa o pasiva-mente— es más importante que una distinción normativa entre objetos de amor correctos o incorrectos. Esta interpretación sobre el amor en Spinoza es coherente (...)
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  48. Āẕar Kayvān.Hennry Corbin - 2011 - Encyclopædia Iranica.
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  49. Fenomenologiczna post-narracja. Szkic o fenomenologii Henri Maldineya.Monika Murawska - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (2):382-404.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest naszkicowanie podstawowych tez nowej fenomenologii Henri Maldineya. Pierwsza część prezentuje styl Maldineyowskiego dyskursu, zmierzając do pokazania jego istotnego znaczenia. Druga zarysowuje szczątkową koncepcję podmiotowości, jaką można „wysnuć” z tekstów Maldineya oraz podstawowe kategorie tej fenomenologii, takie między innymi jak „wydarzenie” i „spotkanie”. W trzeciej części oddana zostaje złożoność tego dyskursu, a także zrekonstruowane są Maldineyowskie opisy wybranych fenomenów, takich jak góry le Cervin i XII-wieczna miniatura przedstawiająca tronującego Chrystusa. Ostatecznie, zmierzamy więc do wykazania, że w przypadku (...)
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  50. O DESENVOLVIMENTO DO PENSAR CRÍTICO E O DIÁLOGO VIVO: POSSIBILIDADES DE UMA PEDAGOGIA HERMENÊUTICA.Enrique Sérgio Blanco - 2023 - Dissertation, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul
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