Results for 'Norvene Vest'

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  1. The Promise of Caribbean Philosophy: How It Can Cpntribute to a "New Dialogic" in Philosophy.Jennifer Lisa Vest - 2005 - Caribbean Studies 33 (2):3-34.
    The Caribbean is a site where multiple cultures, peoples, waysof thinking and acting have come together and where new formsof philosophy are emerging. The promise of Caribbean philoso-phy lays in its ability to give shape to an intellectual tradition which is both true to and beneficial to Caribbean peoples whilesimultaneously being provocative enough to engage wisdom-seekers of various geographies and identities. I argue that onlyby pursuing a “New Dialogic” which engages the philosophicaltraditions of Africans, African Americans, and Native Ameri-cans can (...)
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  2. Perverse and Necessary Dialogues in African Philosophy.Jennifer Lisa Vest - 2009 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (2):1-23.
    This article examines the concerns and debates that have arisen in African philosophy over the last few decades, and asks whether it continues to be necessary for African philosophy to take on what the author calls “perverse questions” or “perverse preoccupations” with the West. The author argues that to engage and respond to questions about the intellectual capabilities of African thinkers or the possible existence of philosophical resources in African cultures is to respond to perverse questions. To engage in academic (...)
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  3. Self-determination.Tomis Kapitan - unknown
    Disputes over territory are among the most contentious in human affairs. Throughout the world, societies view control over land and resources as necessary to ensure their survival and to further their particular life-style, and the very passion with which claims over a region are asserted and defended suggests that difficult normative issues lurk nearby. Questions about rights to territory vary. It is one thing to ask who owns a particular parcel of land, another who has the right to reside within (...)
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  4. Truth as none and many.Will Gamester - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-25.
    Truth pluralists say that there are many ways to be true. Aaron Cotnoir (“Pluralism and Paradox” in: Pedersen and Wright (eds) Truth and pluralism: current debates, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013) has suggested a “uniquely pluralist response to the liar”. The basic idea is to maintain that, if a sentence says of itself that it is not true in a certain way, then that sentence is not apt to be true in that way, but is instead apt to be true (...)
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  5. If You’re a Rawlsian, How Come You’re So Close to Utilitarianism and Intuitionism? A Critique of Daniels’s Accountability for Reasonableness.Gabriele Badano - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (1):1-16.
    Norman Daniels’s theory of ‘accountability for reasonableness’ is an influential conception of fairness in healthcare resource allocation. Although it is widely thought that this theory provides a consistent extension of John Rawls’s general conception of justice, this paper shows that accountability for reasonableness has important points of contact with both utilitarianism and intuitionism, the main targets of Rawls’s argument. My aim is to demonstrate that its overlap with utilitarianism and intuitionism leaves accountability for reasonableness open to damaging critiques. The important (...)
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  6. Climate Justice, Hurricane Katrina, and African American Environmentalism.W. Malcolm Byrnes - 2014 - Journal of African American Studies 3 (18):305-314.
    The images of human suffering from New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina remain seared in our nation's collective memory. More than 8 years on, the city and its African-American population still have not recovered fully. This reality highlights an important truth: the disturbances that accompany climate change will first and foremost affect minority communities, many of whom are economically disadvantaged. This paper: (1) describes how Hurricane Katrina, an example of the type of natural disaster that will become more (...)
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  7. A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers.Lorna Green - manuscript
    June 2022 A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers We are in a unique moment of our history unlike any previous moment ever. Virtually all human economies are based on the destruction of the Earth, and we are now at a place in our history where we can foresee if we continue on as we are, our own extinction. As I write, the planet is in deep trouble, heat, fires, great storms, and record flooding, (...)
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  8. Neřesti a konspirace.Filip Tvrdý - 2022 - Academix 1 (1):48-59.
    Pseudovědecké teorie jsou uzavřeny vůči možnosti vyvrácení, ale s konspiračními teoriemi to tak jednoduché není, protože mnohé zprávy o konspiracích jsou pravdivé. Přijetí jedné konspirační teorie nicméně může vést k přijetí jiné, která je s ní v přímém protikladu. Co nás žene do pasti konspiračního myšlení?
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  9. Fighting Power with Power: The Administrative State as a Weapon Against Concentrated Private Power.Samuel Bagg - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):220-243.
    Contemporary critics of the administrative state are right to highlight the dangers of vesting too much power in a centralized bureaucracy removed from popular oversight and accountability. Too often neglected in this literature, however, are the dangers of vesting too little power in a centralized state, which enables dominant groups to further expand their social and economic advantages through decentralized means. This article seeks to synthesize these concerns, understanding them as reflecting the same underlying danger of state capture. It then (...)
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  10. Weighing Lives in War- Foreign vs. Domestic.Saba Bazargan-Forward - 2017 - In Larry May (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Just War. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 186-198.
    I argue that the lives of domestic and enemy civilians should not receive equal weight in our proportionality calculations. Rather, the lives of enemy civilians ought to be “partially discounted” relative to the lives of domestic civilians. We ought to partially discount the lives of enemy civilians for the following reason (or so I argue). When our military wages a just war, we as civilians vest our right to self-defense in our military. This permits our military to weigh our (...)
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  11. Liturgical Philosophy of Religion: An Untimely Manifesto on Sincerity, Acceptance, and Hope.Andrew Chignell - 2021 - In M. David Eckel, Allen Speight & Troy DuJardin (eds.), The Future of the Philosophy of Religion. Springer. pp. 73-94.
    This loosely-argued manifesto contains some suggestions regarding what the philosophy of religion might become in the 21st century. It was written for a brainstorming workshop over a decade ago, and some of the recommendations and predictions it contains have already been partly actualized (that’s why it is now a bit "untimely"). The goal is to sketch three aspects of a salutary “liturgical turn” in philosophy of religion. (Note: “liturgy” here refers very broadly to communal religious service and experience generally, not (...)
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  12. “Andrei in camera de hotel” (Nostalghia de Tarkovski).Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    Voi analiza una dintre cele mai importante secvente (min 20) din acest film: “Andrei in camera de hotel”. Ideea principala: camera (pin obiecte si lumini) reflecta granita dintre doua lumi (Est-ortodox si Vest-catolic) + femeie-barbat + suspendarea TIMPULUI + lipsa de identitate a lui Andrei (scriitor rus pierdut in Italia). Ideea de pierderea a identitati este “universala” datorata pierderii credintei in general. Identitatea fiecaruia dintre noi data de ganduri, amintiri, emotii, imaginatie, visuri!
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  13. Intelligently Designing Deliberative Health Care Forums: Dewey's Metaphysics, Cognitive Science and a Brazilian Example.Shane J. Ralston - 2008 - Review of Policy Research 25 (6):619-630.
    Imagine you are the CEO of a hospital [. . .]. Decisions are constantly being made in your organization about how to spend the organization's money. The amount of money available to spend is never adequate to pay for everything you wish you could spend it on, therefore you must set spending priorities. There are two questions you need to be able to answer . . . How should we set priorities in this organization? How do we know when we (...)
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  14. Some Libertarian Ideas about Human Social Life.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2012 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 10 (2):07-19.
    The central thesis of my article is that people live a life worthy of a human being only as self-ruling members of some autarchic (or self-governing) communities. On the one hand, nobody is born as a self-ruling individual, and on the other hand, everybody can become such a person by observing progressively the non-aggression principle and, ipso facto, by behaving as a moral being. A self-ruling person has no interest in controlling her neighbors, but in mastering his own impulses, needs, (...)
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  15. Can Government Regulate Technology?Edmund Byrne - 1983 - In Byrne Edmund (ed.), Philosophy and Technology, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 80. pp. 17-33.
    Theorists and activists favor empowering government agencies to regulate technology; but an examination of such regulation by the US government exposes the inadequacy of any such regimen. Vested interests routinely interfere, e.g., keeping administration of polio vaccine in the hands of physicians, political infighting with regard to cancer research funding, advantages gained from noncompliance with military technology-constraining treaties. Public/private salary differences limit availability of the best talents for government positions, nor are truly appropriate regulatory policies easily arrived at in the (...)
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  16. Comment les médias grand public alimentent-ils le populisme de droite?Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2019 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 17 (1):9-32.
    The vertiginous rise of right-wing populism, especially in its “nationalist, xenophobic and conservative form”, and some “racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic and sexist” drifts associated with this phenomenon – whether real or perceived as such – make the mainstream media play a double role. On the one hand, the mainstream media reflect the struggle for political hegemony between different vested interests; on the other hand, they engage in the fight against right-wing populism blasting both right-wing populist candidates and their voters or supporters. (...)
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  17. New Humanism -An Analytical Review.Sangita Sahu - 2023 - Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal 9 (3):106-109.
    Abstract The article undertakes ina socio- economic-political order free from exploitation, dogma, superstitions and discrimination, wherein every individual occupies the center stage in collective life. He is critical of speculative lain the empirical realities. It is argued that since the empirical realities are explainable by laws of nature postulation of transcendental entities is redundant and unwarranted. He seeks to show the futility of Parliamentary democracy as it vests power with the elected minority whereas the real power should rest in the (...)
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  18. Il silenzio iniziatico.Francesco Angioni - manuscript
    La simbologia iniziatica raccoglie varie forme di simboli: quelli che appartengono a un’antica tradizione e che si ripresentano come una normalizzazione del passato in chiave modernizzata; quelli che derivano da un patto tra i membri della collettività iniziatica e che garantiscono l’unità del gruppo, che sono sincronici nell’ambito del gruppo stesso; quelli che hanno il senso di proiezione al superamento dei limiti gnoseologici del gruppo e dei suoi membri, sono tradizionali ma mediante il loro carattere di molteplicità semantica offrono nuove (...)
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  19. Co měl Laozi v úmyslu říci? Chanova hermeneutická výzva.Daniel D. Novotný - 2011 - Fragmenta Ioannea Collecta 2011 (3):47–64.
    V tomto článku se zamýšlím nad možností „správné“ (objektivní, adekvátní) interpretace Dao De Jingu (DDJ). Zamyšlení nad „komunikační situací“ vede k rozlišení několika základních prvků (autor, text, interpret, adresát). K jednotlivým prvkům stručně shrnuji současný stav interpretačního úsilí odborníků na DDJ (opíraje se především o článek A. Chana). Kontroverzní povaha výsledků současného bádání nás nemá vést ke skepticismu „integrativní hermeneutiky“, která na adekvátní interpretaci rezignuje. Je možné se i nadále držet principů „rekonstruktivní hermeneutiky“, která spatřuje adekvátní interpretaci jakožto svůj cíl.
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  20. Scotus, Durandus et Nominales. Prescienza e natura dei demoni nell'Exercitium academicum circa praescientia daemonum expendendam occupatum.Roberto Limonta & Riccardo Fedriga - 2020 - In Roberto Hofmeister-Pich, Alfredo Culleton & Alfredo Carlos Storck (eds.), Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human Beings and Their Relationships Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. pp. 793-804.
    L’Exercitium academicum circa praescientiam daemonum (1666), pubblicato nella riformata Jena, tematizza una questione dibattuta nella Scolastica fra XIII e XIV secolo ma le cui radici risalgono ad Agostino d'Ippona, cui si deve il primo testo sull'argomento: la prescienza dei demoni. L'analisi segue la traccia del De divinatione daemonum agostiniano, mentre appare critica nei confronti delle posizioni di Tommaso d'Aquino e dei tomisti. Ad esse, in particolare riguardo alla natura delle facoltà intellettive demoniche, egli contrappone Giovanni Duns Scoto, Durando di san (...)
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  21. An Ethical Appraisal of Posthumanism.Wyrlo Dela Cruz - 2018 - Lux Veritatis Volume 3, No. 1 Issn: 2467-5644 3 (1):1-10.
    Technology has already been part of our way of life. It is being used in the social world for social innovation and communication. It has become significant in human world for creation, but has also become an instrument for destruction. It challenges human reason for it becomes the reason itself. Such human reason is the essence of humanity, hence, humanism is equated to human reason. Likewise, it claims the ending of humanism for it enters in the discourse of posthumanism in (...)
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  22. Sensory augmentation and the tactile sublime.Yorick Berta - 2020 - Debates in Aesthetics 15 (1):11-33.
    This paper responds to recent developments in the field of sensory augmentation by analysing several technological devices that augment the sensory apparatus using the tactile sense. First, I will define the term sensory augmentation, as the use of technological modification to enhance the sensory apparatus, and elaborate on the preconditions for successful tactile sensory augmentation. These are the adaptability of the brain to unfamiliar sensory input and the specific qualities of the skin lending themselves to be used for the perception (...)
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  23. Ideology Today.Irfan Ajvazi - unknown
    These three aspects of ideology form a kind of narrative. In the first stage of ideological doctrine we find ideology in its \"pure\" state. Here ideology takes the form of a supposedly truthful proposition or set of arguments which, in reality, conceal a vested interest. Locke’s arguments about government served the interest of the revolutionary Americans rather than the colonizing British. In a second step, a successful ideology takes on the material form which generates belief in that ideology, most potently (...)
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  24. Oana Zamfirache (coord.), Ea. Perspective feministe asupra societăţii românești, Curtea Veche Publishing, București, 2018. [REVIEW]Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2019 - Analele Științifice Ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iași 14:145-148.
    O sintagmă revine recurent, cel puţin în prima parte a cărţii, „conștiinţă feministă”. Legat de aceasta, constatările Lilianei Popescu, conferenţiară universitară și prorectoră la Școala Naţională de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA), mi-au confirmat câteva intuiţii despre felul în care s-a produs transformarea politică a societăţii românești în ultimele trei decenii. „Coagularea conștiinţei feministe în ţara noastră după anul 1990 – susţine autoarea – s-a făcut mai ales prin adoptarea tradiţiei feminismului occidental. În același timp, trebuie remarcat faptul că, înainte (...)
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  25. Law as Technology Assessment.Edmund Byrne - 1982 - In Poe Durbin Holly (ed.), Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol V. JAI Press. pp. 101-115.
    Law and technology , though not equivalent, are intertwined at every phase of a technology's "career." Any technology is directly or indirectly social, and as such becomes a target of regulation intrinsically or in relation to other technologies which it supports or opposes. Competing interests influence major decisions as to which technologies are encouraged or discouraged, heavily regulated or not, banned or not. Examples considered range from bounties to fuel, communication, and transportation preferences.
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