Results for 'Omar Al-Ubaydli'

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  1. Low Birth Weight Prediction Using JNN.Osama Salah El-Din Al-Madhoun, Afnan Omar Abu Hasira, Soha Ahmed Hegazy & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2020 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 4 (11):8-14.
    Abstract: In this research, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed and tested to predict Birth Weight. A number of factors were identified that may affect birth weight. Factors such as smoke, race, age, weight (lbs) at last menstrual period, hypertension, uterine irritability, number of physician visits in 1st trimester, among others, as input variables for the ANN model. A model based on multi-layer concept topology was developed and trained using the data from some birth cases in hospitals. The (...)
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  2. Ethical leadership and employee ethical behaviour: exploring dual-mediation paths of ethical climate and organisational justice: empirical study on Iraqi organisations.Hussam Al Halbusi, Mohd Nazari Ismail & Safiah Binti Omar - 2021 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 15 (3):303–325.
    Due to ethical lapses of leaders, interest in ethical leadership has grown, raising important questions about the responsibility of leaders in ensuring moral and ethical conduct. Research conducted on ethical leadership failed to investigate the active role that the characteristics of ethical climate and organisational justice have an increasing or decreasing influence on the ethical leadership in the organisation’s outcomes of employees’ ethical behaviour. Thus, this study examined the dual-mediations of work ethical climate and organisational justice on the relation of (...)
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  3. Comparing phases of skepticism in al-Ghazālī and Descartes: Some first meditations on deliverance from error.Omar Edward Moad - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 88-101.
    Abū Hāmid al-Ghazālī (1058–1111 c.e .) is well known, among other things, for his account, in al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl (Deliverance from error), of a struggle with philosophical skepticism that bears a striking resemblance to that described by Descartes in the Meditations . This essay aims to give a close comparative analysis of these respective accounts, and will concentrate solely on the processes of invoking or entertaining doubt that al-Ghazālī and Descartes describe, respectively. In the process some subtle differences between them (...)
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  4. Vietnam, el milagro: política exterior y relaciones con EEUU después de la reforma.Omar Everleny - 2024 - On Cuba News (Abril 24, 2024).
    El acceso al mercado estadounidense y a los de Asia le permitió a Vietnam acelerar su transformación en una economía orientada a la exportación y basada en la fabricación de manufacturas y productos agrícolas.
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    A Significant Difference Between al-Ghazālī and Hume on Causation.Edward Omar Moad - 2008 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 3:22-39.
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  6. III Encuentro Internacional de la Red de Investigadores REESCRITA.Omar Cerrillo - 2023 - Dissertation, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México
    La Red Internacional de Estudios Críticos de Turismo, Territorio y Autodeterminación convoca al: -/- III Encuentro Internacional de la Red de Investigadores REESCRITA Reflexiones para un turismo sustentable e incluyente -/- que se realizará del 29 de enero al 2 de febrero de 2024 en las instalaciones del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Cuernavaca -/- Objetivos Analizar la situación actual de los estudios sobre turismo y territorialidad, en los sectores gubernamental, legislativo, empresarial y social; Conocer las (...)
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    A path to the Oasis: Sharī‘ah and reason in Islamic moral epistemology.Edward Omar Moad - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (3):135-148.
    I propose a framework for comparative Islamic—Western ethics in which the Islamic categories "Islam, Iman," and "Ihsan" are juxtaposed with the concepts of obligation, value, and virtue, respectively. I argue that "shari'a" refers to both the obligation component and the entire structure of the Islamic ethic; suggesting a suspension of the understanding of "shari'a" as simply Islamic "law," and an alternative understanding of "usul al-fiqh" as a moral epistemology of obligation. I will test this approach by addressing the question of (...)
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  8. Patrones funcionales valorativos en informes de arbitraje de artículos de investigación.Miguel Fuentes Cortés, Magdalena Covarrubias, Josefa Soza, Paula Cabezas, Germán Varas & Omar Sabaj - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):339-347.
    El objetivo central de este trabajo fue identificar los patrones funcionales-valorativos presentes en un corpus de informes de arbitraje, género clave en la producción de conocimiento científico. Para el análisis, se utilizó un procedimiento que implicó, primero, la identificación de los elementos funcionales o propósitos comunicativos más frecuentes y, luego, su descripción con algunas categorías del modelo de la valoración. El corpus, de carácter intencionado, estuvo compuesto por 42 informes de arbitraje de la revista de lingüística y traducción de la (...)
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  9. Collected Papers (Neutrosophics and other topics), Volume XIV.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This fourteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 87 papers in Neutrosophics and other fields, such as mathematics, fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, picture fuzzy sets, information fusion, robotics, statistics, or extenics, comprising 936 pages, published between 2008-2022 in different scientific journals or currently in press, by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 99 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Adesina Abdul Akeem Agboola, Akbar Rezaei, Shariful Alam, Marina Alonso, Fran Andujar, (...)
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  10. Collected Papers (on various scientific topics), Volume XIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This thirteenth volume of Collected Papers is an eclectic tome of 88 papers in various fields of sciences, such as astronomy, biology, calculus, economics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, decision making, instantaneous physics, quantum physics, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, scientific research methods, statistics, and others, structured in 17 chapters (Neutrosophic Theory and Applications; Neutrosophic Algebra; Fuzzy Soft Sets; Neutrosophic Sets; Hypersoft Sets; Neutrosophic Semigroups; Neutrosophic Graphs; Superhypergraphs; Plithogeny; (...)
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  11. Retardo da Maturidade Sexual em Bovinos: Causas Nutricionais.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    RELAÇÃO E EFEITOS BIOQUÍMICO-NUTRICIONAIS SOBRE O RETARDO DA MATURIDADE SEXUAL EM BOVINOS -/- -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva -/- Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim -/- [email protected] ou [email protected] -/- WhatsApp: (82)98143-8399 -/- -/- 12. RETARDO DA MATURIDADE SEXUAL -/- -/- Nos animais em crescimento, as deficiências em qualquer dos nutrientes: proteína, energia, macro ou microminerais, vitaminas e aporte hídrico, geram inibição das sínteses de proteínas específicas como os fatores de crescimento. Neste tipo de situação, as taxas (...)
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  12. Another Look at the Modal Collapse Argument.Omar Fakhri - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):1-23.
    On one classical conception of God, God has no parts, not even metaphysical parts. God is not composed of form and matter, act and potency, and he is not composed of existence and essence. God is absolutely simple. This is the doctrine of Absolute Divine Simplicity. It is claimed that ADS implies a modal collapse, i.e. that God’s creation is absolutely necessary. I argue that a proper way of understanding the modal collapse argument naturally leads the proponent of ADS to (...)
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    Music for the Masses: Politics, Economics and Culture through Musical Experience.Omar Cerrillo - manuscript
    In the era of digitalization, people have produced, distributed and listened to music in almost every place and every moment. It has become the most ubiquitous of artworks, having an impact in all the social fields (Bourdieu dixit). As Jacques Attali expressed, “All music, all organization of sounds is therefore an instrument to create or consolidate a community, a totality; it is a link between power and its subjects and, therefore, an attribute of power, whatever it may be”. Digital streaming (...)
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  14. Resenha: Leibniz e o nascimento do cálculo diferencial.Omar Fernandes Aly - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) (27).
    O filósofo francês Henri Bergson (1859-1941) escreveu em seu artigo “Introdução à Metafísica” [1] que o cálculo infinitesimal, o mais poderoso método de investigação de que dispõe o espírito humano, foi o resultado da inversão da maneira habitual do trabalho de pensamento de partir de um conceito rígido para um conceito dinâmico de apreensão de uma realidade fluida e viva. Esse método cientifico e matemático é desse último modo, partindo de conceitos dotados de fluidez para apreender uma realidade igualmente fluida. (...)
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  15. Filosofía e inscripción. Vida y muerte en tiempos de excepción.Omar Espinosa (ed.) - 2021 - Mexico City: Ediciones Navarra.
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  16. The Role of the Practice of Excellence Strategies in Education to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage to Institutions of Higher Education-Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza a Model.Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (2):135-157.
    This study aims to look at the role of the practice of excellence strategies in education in achieving sustainable competitive advantage for the Higher educational institutions of the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, a model, and the study considered the competitive advantage of educational institutions stems from the impact on the level of each student, employee, and the institution. The study was based on the premise that the development of strategies for excellence in education, (...)
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  17. Usage Degree of the Capabilities of DSS in Al-Aqsa University of Gaza.Mazen J. Al-Shobaki & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 1 (2):33-47.
    Abstract— This study aimed to identify the degree of use of the capabilities of decision-support systems in Palestinian institutions higher education, Aqsa University in Gaza - a case study. The study used a analytical descriptive approach, and the researchers used the of questionnaire tool to collect the data, the researchers using stratified random sample distributed (150) questioners to the study population and (126) was obtained back with rate of 84%. The study showed that the most important results are: that senior (...)
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  18.  42
    Music Art Worlds: How Do People Build Their Selves Around Music? [REVIEW]Omar Cerrillo - manuscript
    One of the most iconic works in sociology of art came out from Howard S. Becker and his concept of “art worlds”, which comes to demystify the idea of the artist as a genius, and visualizing the cooperative system which empowers artists to do their job. Furthermore, it is pertinent to add Tia DeNora’s vision for sociology of music, considering that music is not above society, but rather both can be co-produced. Eduardo de la Fuente aligned these visions, establishing that (...)
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  19. Addressing implicit bias: A theoretical model for promoting integrative reflective practice in live-client law clinics.Marc Johnson & Omar Madhloom - 2024 - European Journal of Legal Education 5 (1):55-87.
    Clinical Legal Education programmes now take place in most law schools in England and Wales. However, legal education continues to be predominantly focused on the analysis and application of rules, doctrines, and theories to hypothetical scenarios or essay questions. This form of pedagogy either minimises or ignores the role of the client in terms of supplying lawyers with knowledge pertinent to their case. In other words, it overlooks the fact that the lawyer’s acquisition of knowledge is not confined to technical (...)
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  20. Doing, Allowing, and the State.Adam Omar Hosein - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (2):235-264.
    The doing/allowing distinction plays an important role in our thinking about a number of legal issues, such as the need for criminal process protections, prohibitions on torture, the permissibility of the death penalty and so on. These are areas where, at least initially, there seem to be distinctions between harms that the state inflicts and harms that it merely allows. In this paper I will argue for the importance of the doing/allowing distinction as applied to state action. Sunstein, Holmes, Vermeule (...)
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  21. III Encontro Internacional da Rede dos Pesquisadores REESCRITA.Omar Cerrillo - 2023 - Dissertation, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México
    A Rede Internacional de Estudos Críticos de Turismo, Território e Autodeterminação convida para o: -/- III Encontro Internacional da Rede dos Pesquisadores REESCRITA Reflexões para um turismo que contribua para a emancipação social -/- que se realizará de 29 de janeiro a 2 de fevereiro de 2024 nas instalaçoes do Instituto Tecnológico e de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Cuernavaca -/- Objetivos Analisar a situação atual dos estudos sobre turismo e territorialidade, nos setores governamental, legislativo, empresarial e social; Conhecer as (...)
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  22. Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Car Performance Using JNN.Awni Ahmed Al-Mobayed, Youssef Mahmoud Al-Madhoun, Mohammed Nasser Al-Shuwaikh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2020 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 4 (9):139-145.
    In this paper an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was used to help cars dealers recognize the many characteristics of cars, including manufacturers, their location and classification of cars according to several categories including: Buying, Maint, Doors, Persons, Lug_boot, Safety, and Overall. ANN was used in forecasting car acceptability. The results showed that ANN model was able to predict the car acceptability with 99.12 %. The factor of Safety has the most influence on car acceptability evaluation. Comparative study method is (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Reseña: Michael Billig . Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 234 páginas. [REVIEW]Omar Sabaj Meruane - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (2):187-192.
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  24. The racialization of Muslim veils: A philosophical analysis.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (8):875-902.
    This article goes behind stereotypes of Muslim veiling to ask after the representational structure underlying these images. I examine the public debate leading to the 2004 French law banning conspicuous religious signs in schools and French colonial attitudes to veiling in Algeria, in conjunction with discourses on the veil that have arisen in other western contexts. My argument is that western perceptions and representations of veiled Muslim women are not simply about Muslim women themselves. Rather than representing Muslim women, these (...)
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  25. Bodies and sensings: On the uses of Husserlian phenomenology for feminist theory.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (1):13-37.
    What does Husserlian phenomenology have to offer feminist theory? More specifically, can we find resources within Husserl’s account of the living body ( Leib ) for the critical feminist project of rethinking embodiment beyond the dichotomies not only of mind/body but also of subject/object and activity/passivity? This essay begins by explicating the reasons for feminist hesitation with respect to Husserlian phenomenology. I then explore the resources that Husserl’s phenomenology of touch and his account of sensings hold for feminist theory. My (...)
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    This paper is trying to show the significance for science history studies of the internet´s access to rare books each time more easier; it was choiced the work of one of the most important and influent mathematicians, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866), “Oeuvres Mathématiques”, composed with published memories during Riemann´s life, and posthumously published memories and fragments. It was been analised and commented the posthumous memory about the hypothesis which serve to geometry basis, fundamental on modern sciences, as Riemann´s space (...)
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    Proper Islamic consumption: Shopping among the Malays in modern Malaysia. By Johan Fischer. [REVIEW]Omar Altalib - 2011 - Intellectual Discourse 19 (1).
    This is a book review. The author of the book discusses the market for buying and selling halal products in Malaysia.
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  28. Obligados a ser veraces. Sobre el Ensayo sobre la mentira y las comunicaciones públicas en la Filosofía del Derecho de Kant.Jorge Omar Rodríguez Ramírez - 2023 - Con-Textos Kantianos 18:117-126.
    En "Sobre un presunto derecho a mentir por filantropía", Kant expone el deber incondicionado de veracidad, que ha sido problemático para la filosofía kantiana porque parece obligar a las personas a ser veraces en todas sus declaraciones, sin importar si son comunicaciones públicas o privadas. Llamaré extensiva a la interpretación que sostiene la obligación de ser veraces en todas las declaraciones y mostraré que es causa de inconsistencias con la Doctrina del Derecho. Las inconsistencias se resuelven con una interpretación restrictiva (...)
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  29. Assessment of Serum Zinc and Albumin Levels among Newly Diagnosed Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Khartoum State.Nuha Eljaili Abubaker, Hassan Siddig AbdElgader Omar & Hind Haidar Ahmed - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 3 (5):1-9.
    Abstract: Background: Tuberculosis is a major public health problem world-wide, it is contagious disease caused by organism mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aim of this study was to assess the level of zinc and albumin in newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Khartoum state. Methods: Fifty blood samples were collected from newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients during the period between April to May 2017, chosen randomly from Abu Anga Teaching Hospital and fifty blood samples from apparently healthy individuals serve as control (...)
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  30. Measuring knowledge management maturity at HEI to enhance performance-an empirical study at Al-Azhar University in Palestine.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - International Journal of Commerce and Management Research 2 (5):55-62.
    This paper aims to assess knowledge management maturity at HEI to determine the most effecting variables on knowledge management that enhance the total performance of the organization. This study was applied on Al-Azhar University in Gaza strip, Palestine. This paper depends on Asian productivity organization model that used to assess KM maturity. Second dimension assess high performance was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was (364). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation (...)
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  31. Knowledge Based System for Diagnosing Custard Apple Diseases and Treatment.Mustafa M. K. Al-Ghoul, Mohammed H. S. Abueleiwa, Fadi E. S. Harara, Samir Okasha & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2022 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 6 (5):41-45.
    There is no doubt that custard apple diseases are among the important reasons that destroy the Custard Apple plant and its agricultural crops. This leads to obvious damage to these plants and they become inedible. Discovering these diseases is a good step to provide the appropriate and correct treatment. Determining the treatment with high accuracy depends on the method used to correctly diagnose the disease, expert systems can greatly help in avoiding damage to these plants. The expert system correctly diagnoses (...)
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  32. Escola, cárcere e pandemia: o que pode uma educação filosófica?Walter Omar Kohan & Márcio Nicodemos - 2021 - Revista Eletrônica de Educação 15:1-15.
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  33. III International Meeting of REESCRITA Research Network. [REVIEW]Omar Cerrillo - manuscript
    The International Network of Critical Studies of Tourism, Territory and Self-Determination invites to the: -/- III International Meeting of REESCRITA Research Network Reflections for a Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism -/- to be held from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024 at the facilities of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Campus Cuernavaca -/- Purposes To analyze the current situation of tourism and territoriality studies, in governmental, legislative, business and social sectors; To identify theoretical and methodological contributions and empirical (...)
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  34. A Phenomenology of Critical-Ethical Vision: Merleau-Ponty, Bergson, and the question of seeing differently.Alia Al-Saji - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:375-398.
    Drawing on Merleau-Ponty’s “Eye and Mind” and Bergson’s Matière et mémoire and “La perception du changement,” I ask what resources are available in vision for interrupting objectifying habits of seeing. While both Bergson and Merleau-Ponty locate the possibility of seeing differently in the figure of the painter, I develop by means of their texts, and in dialogue with Iris Marion Young’s work, a more general phenomenology of hesitation that grounds what I am calling “critical-ethical vision.” Hesitation, I argue, stems from (...)
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  35. Neural Network-Based Audit Risk Prediction: A Comprehensive Study.Saif al-Din Yusuf Al-Hayik & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):43-51.
    Abstract: This research focuses on utilizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict Audit Risk accurately, a critical aspect of ensuring financial system integrity and preventing fraud. Our dataset, gathered from Kaggle, comprises 18 diverse features, including financial and historical parameters, offering a comprehensive view of audit-related factors. These features encompass 'Sector_score,' 'PARA_A,' 'SCORE_A,' 'PARA_B,' 'SCORE_B,' 'TOTAL,' 'numbers,' 'marks,' 'Money_Value,' 'District,' 'Loss,' 'Loss_SCORE,' 'History,' 'History_score,' 'score,' and 'Risk,' with a total of 774 samples. Our proposed neural network architecture, consisting of three (...)
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  36. A Phenomenology of Hesitation: Interrupting racializing habits of seeing.Alia Al-Saji - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee (ed.), Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 133-172.
    This paper asks how perception becomes racializing and seeks the means for its critical interruption. My aim is not only to understand the recalcitrant and limitative temporal structure of racializing habits of seeing, but also to uncover the possibilities within perception for a critical awareness and destabilization of this structure. Reading Henri Bergson and Maurice Merleau-Ponty in dialogue with Frantz Fanon, Iris Marion Young and race-critical feminism, I locate in hesitation the phenomenological moment where habits of seeing can be internally (...)
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  37. Review of Idealism and Christian Theology. [REVIEW]Omar Fakhri - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:716-721.
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  38. Fixing Reference by Maximising Knowledge.Atheer Al-Khalfa - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper explores the idea inspired by Williamson (2007) that the meaning of a name is the object such that assigning it as referent maximises knowledge. After situating this idea in a charity-based tradition of interpretation and making it more precise, I argue that it suffers from serious problems. I then show why these problems raise a challenge for charity-based frameworks more generally.
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  39. Muslim women and the rhetoric of freedom.Alia Al-Saji - 2009 - In Mariana Ortega & Linda Martín Alcoff (eds.), Constructing the Nation: A Race and Nationalism Reader. SUNY Press.
    I argue that representations of the Muslim woman in the Western imaginary function as counter-images to the patriarchal ideal of Western woman. Drawing upon the work of Frantz Fanon (and supplementing it with a consideration of the role of gender), I show how the image of the veiled, Muslim woman is both othered and racialized. This “double othering,” I argue, serves: (i) To normalize Western norms of femininity. The social control of women and their bodies by liberal society is hidden. (...)
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  40. Vision, Mirror and Expression: The Genesis of the Ethical Body in Merleau-Ponty’s Later Works.Alia Al-Saji - 2006 - In James Hatley (ed.), Interrogating Ethics: Embodying the Good in Merleau-Ponty. Duquesne. pp. 39-63.
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  41. Paulo Freire más que nunca.Walter Omar Kohan - 2020 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
    Paulo Freire es una figura extraordinaria no solo para la educación brasileña, sino también para la educación latinoamericana y mundial. Sus contribuciones no se limitan a una obra escrita, mucho menos a un método, ni siquiera a un paradigma teórico; también refieren a una práctica y, de un modo más general, a una vida dedicada a la educación, una vida hecha escuela, o sea, una manera de ocupar el espacio de educador que lo llevó de viaje por el mundo entero (...)
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  42. When thinking hesitates: Philosophy as prosthesis and transformative vision.Alia Al-Saji - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):351-361.
    In this essay, I draw on Henri Bergson and Maurice Merleau-Ponty to interrogate what philosophy is and how it can continue to think. Though my answer is not reducible to the views of either philosopher, what joins them is an attempt to elaborate philosophy as a different way of seeing. In this light, I propose a view of philosophy as prosthesis—as a means and a way for seeing differently. Rather than a simple tool, philosophy as prosthesis is a transformative supplement, (...)
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    The Degree of Administrative Transparency in the Palestinian HEI.Mazen J. Al-Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Tarek M. Ammar - 2017 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 1 (2):35-52.
    Abstract - The aim of the study is to identify the degree of administrative transparency in the Palestinian higher educational institutions in the Gaza Strip. In the study, the researchers adopted a descriptive and analytical method. The research population consisted of administrative staff, whether academic or administrative, except for those in senior management or the university council. The study population reached 392 employees. A random sample was selected (197). The number of questionnaires recovered was (160) with a recovery rate of (...)
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  44. Voiles racialisés: La femme musulmane dans les imaginaires occidentaux.Alia Al-Saji - 2008 - Les Ateliers de L’Éthique: La Revue du CRÉUM 3 (2):39-55.
    RÉSUMÉ: Cet article étudie deux contextes français dans lesquels les voiles musulmans sont devenus hypervisibles: le débat public qui a mené à la loi française de 2004 interdisant les signes religieux ostensibles dans les écoles publiques, et le projet colonial français de dévoiler les femmes algériennes. Je montre comment le concept de « l’oppression de genre » s’est naturalisé au voile musulman d’une telle manière qu’il justifie les normes de féminités occidentales et cache le mécanisme par lequel les femmes musulmanes (...)
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  45. Digital Reputation in the University Of Palestine: An Analytical Perspective of Employees' Point Of View.Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Nader H. Abusharekh, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Suliman A. El Talla - 2020 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 4 (9):22-37.
    This study aims to identify the digital reputation at the University of Palestine: an analytical perspective of the employees ’point of view, where the researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach, through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of employees at the University of Palestine, where the size of the study population is (234) employees, and the size of The sample is (117) employees, of whom (90) employees responded. The study provided a theoretical framework for what the writers and researchers (...)
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  46. Smoke Detectors Using ANN.Marwan R. M. Al-Rayes & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (10):1-9.
    Abstract: Smoke detectors are critical devices for early fire detection and life-saving interventions. This research paper explores the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in smoke detection systems. The study aims to develop a robust and accurate smoke detection model using ANNs. Surprisingly, the results indicate a 100% accuracy rate, suggesting promising potential for ANNs in enhancing smoke detection technology. However, this paper acknowledges the need for a comprehensive evaluation beyond accuracy. It discusses potential challenges, such as overfitting, dataset size, (...)
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  47. The Reality of the Application of e-DMS in Governmental Institutions - an Empirical Study on the PPA.Mazen J. Al-Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mohammed Khair I. Kassab - 2017 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems 1 (2):1-14.
    The research aims to identify the status of the application of electronic document management system in governmental institutions – the study was applied on the Palestinian Pension Agency. The population of this study is composed of all employees in the Palestinian Pension Agency. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach, through which try to describe the phenomenon of the subject of the study, analyze the data and the relationship between the (...)
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  48. The Decoherent Arrow of Time and the Entanglement Past Hypothesis.Jim Al-Khalili & Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (49).
    If an asymmetry in time does not arise from the fundamental dynamical laws of physics, it may be found in special boundary conditions. The argument normally goes that since thermodynamic entropy in the past is lower than in the future according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, then tracing this back to the time around the Big Bang means the universe must have started off in a state of very low thermodynamic entropy: the Thermodynamic Past Hypothesis. In this paper, we (...)
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  49. Life as vision : Bergson and the future of seeing differently.Alia Al-Saji - 2010 - In Michael R. Kelly (ed.), Bergson and phenomenology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  50. An absence that counts in the world: Merleau-Ponty’s later philosophy of time in light of Bernet’s 'Einleitung'.Alia Al-Saji - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (2):207-227.
    This paper examines Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s later philosophy of time in light of his critique and reconceptualization of Edmund Husserl’s early time-analyses. Drawing on The Visible and the Invisible and lecture courses, I elaborate Merleau-Ponty’s re-reading of Husserl’s time-analyses through the lens of Rudolf Bernet’s “Einleitung” to this work. My question is twofold: what becomes of the central Husserlian concepts of present and retention in Merleau-Ponty’s later work, and how do Husserl’s elisions, especially of the problem of forgetting, become generative moments (...)
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