Results for 'SS-Staat'

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  1. Infernal state.Andrej Poleev - 2019 - Enzymes 17.
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  2. Arne Næss’s experiments in truth.Jamin Asay - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (2):545-566.
    Well over half a century before the development of contemporary experimental philosophy, the Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss conducted a number of empirical investigations intended to document non-philosophers’ convictions regarding a number of topics of philosophical interest. In the 1930s and 1950s, Næss collected data relevant to non-philosophers’ conceptions of truth. This research attracted the attention of Alfred Tarski at the time, and has recently been re-evaluated by Robert Barnard and Joseph Ulatowski. In this paper I return to Næss’s research on (...)
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  3. Der moderne Staat und 'le doux commerce'.Olaf Asbach - 2014 - Baden-Baden, Deutschland: Nomos.
    Die Debatten über den „doux commerce“, die im Jahrhundert der Aufklärung geführt wurden, kreisen um zentrale Fragen der modernen Staats- und Wirtschaftsordnung: Führen Handel und Marktwirtschaft zur Steigerung von Wohlstand und Freiheit und zur Zivilisierung von Gesellschaften und internationalen Beziehungen? Oder sind sie Ursache neuer Ungleichheiten, Machtverhältnisse und Konflikte? In den Auseinandersetzungen zu diesen Fragen haben sich heterogene Theorien über die Organisation von Staat, Ökonomie und internationalem System herausgebildet, die politische und ökonomische Diskurse und Praxen bis in die Gegenwart (...)
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  4. Ordinary Truth in Tarski and Næss.Joseph Ulatowski - 2016 - In Adrian Kuźniar & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska (eds.), Uncovering Facts and Values: Studies in Contemporary Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 67-90.
    Alfred Tarski seems to endorse a partial conception of truth, the T-schema, which he believes might be clarified by the application of empirical methods, specifically citing the experimental results of Arne Næss (1938a). The aim of this paper is to argue that Næss’ empirical work confirmed Tarski’s semantic conception of truth, among others. In the first part, I lay out the case for believing that Tarski’s T-schema, while not the formal and generalizable Convention-T, provides a partial account of truth that (...)
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  5. Intеrnеt Ассеss fоr Сhildrеn’s Оnlinе Sсhооling during thе СОVID-19 Pаndеmiс аnd Pаrеntаl Mеntаl Hеаlth.Nguyеn My - 2019 - WP.
    Thе оutbrеаk оf thе соrоnаvirus disеаsе 2019 (СОVID-19) саusing milliоns оf pеоplе tо bе infесtеd hаs pоsеd mаjоr publiс hеаlth аnd gоvеrnаnсе сhаllеngеs. This study еvаluаtеs thе еxtеnt tо whiсh thе unаvаilаbility оf intеrnеt fоr сhildrеn tо lеаrn оnlinе during thе pаndеmiс аffесts pаrеntаl psyсhоlоgiсаl wеllbеing. Wе find thаt pаrеnts hаving nо intеrnеt fоr thеir сhildrеn tо lеаrn оnlinе during tо thе pаndеmiс аrе 40.37, 47.22, 43.68, аnd 46.90 pеrсеntаgе pоints mоrе likеly tо fееl аnxiоus, wоrriеd, displеаsеd, аnd dеprеssеd еvеry (...)
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  6. Justicia y educación en la interpretación de Gadamer de la República de Platón en Platos Staat der Erziehung.Facundo Norberto Bey - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (2):421-445.
    En 1942 Gadamer publicó su ensayo Platos Staat der Erziehung. En este artículo interrogará la mutua relación entre pólis y psyché, así como entre política y filosofía en el diálogo República de Platón. El presente texto se propone exponer de modo crítico el análisis que el autor realizó, en el ensayo mencionado, de la dikaiosýne entendida como “hacer propio” en los diálogos platónicos, así como el rango político de la educación filosófica. Para ello se pondrá énfasis en el papel (...)
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  7. Die individuelle Selbsterschaffung der geschichtlichen Welt und der Staat: “Staat” und “Volk” in der Philosophie Nishida Kitarōs.Yūjin Itabashi & Leon Krings - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1:75-106.
    Originally published as「歴史的世界の個性的な自己創造と国家:西田哲学における〈国家〉と〈民族〉」, in「西田哲学会年報第七号」[ Jahrbuch der Nishida-Gesellschaft] 7 : 55–76. Übersetzt von Leon Krings. In diesem Aufsatz wird der Frage nachgegangen, in welcher Weise der „Staat“ im späten Denken des Philosophen Nishida Kitarō thematisiert wird. Dies geschieht anhand der Staatstheorie Nishidas, wie sie sich in seinen Aufsätzen Das Problem der Staatsraison und Das Problem der japanischen Kultur sowie im Anhang zur Philosophischen Aufsatzsammlung iv darstellt. Zusätzlich werden Nishidas Schriften, die nach den Grundproblemen der Philosophie geschrieben wurden und den theoretischen (...)
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  8. Krieg hilft nicht gegen den Islamischen Staat. Der Westen muss aus der Region abziehen.Olaf L. Müller - 2015 - S+F Sicherheit Und Frieden 33 (1):50/1.
    Militärtechnisch könnte der Westen (und sogar Deutschland alleine) einen Krieg gegen den Islamischen Staat (IS) gewinnen; aber es wäre ein weiterer Pyrrhussieg über radikale Kräfte unter islamischer Flagge. Wenn wir uns für die Folgen unseres Nichtstuns verantwortlich fühlen sollen, dann sind wir erst recht verantwortlich für die fatalen Neben-, Spät- und Langzeitfolgen unserer Interventionen im Nahen Osten : Die Region ist voller Waffen (die zum erheblichen Teil von uns stammen) und voller Fanatiker, die auch wegen unserer Anwesenheit immer neu (...)
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  9. Nach welchen Prinzipien sollte der Staat die Verteilung von Gütern gestalten? Eine systematische Darstellung der Diskussion zwischen John Rawls und John Harsanyi.David Pomerenke - 2017
    Harsanyi und Rawls haben zu der Frage, wie die wichtigen Güter in einem Staat verteilt sein sollten, zwei sehr ähnliche Theorien entwickelt, kommen aber zu unterschiedlichen Schlüssen. Harsanyi plädiert für eine utilitaristische Regel, Rawls dagegen für eine Regel, die sich auf diejenigen konzentriert, denen es in der Gesellschaft am schlechtesten geht. Die fast fünfzig Jahre andauernde Diskussion zwischen den beiden wird hier systematisch dargestellt und analysiert. Erstens wird gezeigt, dass sich unter Berücksichtigung von Abneigung gegen Risiko und abnehmendem Grenznutzen (...)
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  10. Glоbal cоnsciоusnеss and thе rоlе оf philоsоphy in building glоbal cоnsciоusnеss.Le Kien - 2020 - WP.
    Glоbalizatiоn is an inеvitablе and оbjеctivе trеnd; it has bоth pоsitivе and nеgativе sidеs and pоsеs fоr all cоuntriеs and pеоplеs bоth оppоrtunitiеs and challеngеs. Rеcоgnizing glоbal issuеs rеquirеs glоbal cоnsciоusnеss. Glоbal cоnsciоusnеss, accоrding tо thе authоr, has thе fоllоwing charactеristics: (i) Rеflеcting thе suprеmacy оf univеrsal valuеs; (ii) It must bе fundamеntally adjustеd in thе sеlf-cоnsciоusnеss оf еach natiоn as wеll as оf еach individual; (iii) Highly sciеntific. Tо build glоbal cоnsciоusnеss, philоsоphy plays a particularly impоrtant rоlе. This rоlе (...)
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  11. Jürgen Habermas im Gespräch mit Joseph Ratzinger über "Vorpolitische moralische Grundlagen eines freiheitlichen Staates".Theodor Ebert - 2015 - Aufklärung Und Kritik 2015 (1):100-132.
    The paper discusses Habermas` contribution to a debate between him and Joseph Ratzinger, at the time the prefect of the Congregation for the Catholic faith. Habermas is criticized for his tendency to adopt openly anti-enlightenment positions.
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  12. Diskriminierung und Verwerflichkeit. Huxleys Albtraum und die Rolle des Staates [Discrimination and wrongfulness: Huxley’s nightmare and the role of the state].Michael Oliva Córdoba - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (1):191-230.
    What is discrimination and what makes wrongful discrimination wrong? Even after an ever-rising tide of research over the course of the past twenty-five or so years these questions still remain hard to answer. Exercising candid and self-critical hindsight, Larry Alexander, who contributed his fair share to this tide, thus remarked: “All cases of discrimination, if wrongful, are wrongful either because of their quite contingent consequences or perhaps because they are breaches of promises or fiduciary duties.” If this is true it (...)
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  13. Zwei Seiten der Kantschen Begründung von Eigentum und Staat.Peter Baumann - 1994 - Kant Studien 85 (2):147-159.
    Abstract. Kant's political philosophy in general is characterized by two aspects which sometimes compete with each other and sometimes supplement each other: an individualist element on the one hand and a social or "communitarian" element on the other hand. This paper deals with Kant's theory of private property. It attempts to show something that is usually overlooked in the secondary literature: that Kant has two, not just one argument for property. One is based on his theory of freedom and expresses (...)
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  14. Ellebogenwerk en stress. De evolutie staat nooit stil.Pouwel Slurink - 2000 - Filosofie Magazine 9 (08):40-45.
    Evolution never stops. Stress is often a manifestation of competition which seems to drive human gene-culture coevolution. A popular, Dutch account on evolution in everyday life. People often claim that we are thoroughly cultural beings, but culture is based on a series of talents which are a product of directional and stabilizing selection. Culture also presupposes certain psychological characteristics. People adopt and change culture to fit their biopsychological needs.
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  15. Staatsbürgerliche Identität und Selbstachtung im jüdischen Staat: eine Rawls'sche Perspektive.José Brunner & Yoav Peled - 1995 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 43 (2):329-348.
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  16. İmâm Hasan el-Bennâ, Tasavvuf ve Ahlâk Eğitimi, der. İsâm Telime, çev. Ayetullah Güneş, Cuma Karan, İstanbul: Nida Yayınları, 2008, ss.326, ISBN: 978-975-95080-3-6. [REVIEW]Nuran Çınar - 2018 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 4 (2):920 - 929.
    Hasan el-Bennâ, Tasavvuf ve Ahlâk Eğitimi, der. İsâm Telime, çev. Ayetullah Güneş, Cuma Karan, İstanbul: Nida Yayınları, 2008, ss.326, ISBN: 978-975-95080-3-6.
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  17. George Berkeley, Siris. Łańcuch filozoficznych refleksji i dociekań wraz z Dodatkami, przeł. A. Grzeliński, M. Szymańska-Lewoszewska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2013, ss. 288. [REVIEW]Bartosz Żukowski - 2014 - Ruch Filozoficzny 71 (2):213-217.
    Review of George Berkeley. Siris. Łańcuch filozoficznych refleksji i dociekań wraz z Dodatkami. Trans. A. Grzeliński and M. Szymańska-Lewoszewska. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2013.
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  18. Roger Trigg, "Rationality and Religion. Does Faith Need Reason?" Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1998, ss. VI, 226. [REVIEW]Marek Pepliński - 2003 - Filo-Sofija 3 (1(3)).
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  19. Kazimierz Kondrat, "Filozofia analityczna wobec pluralizmu religijnego", Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2000, ss. 228. [REVIEW]Marek Pepliński - 2002 - Filo-Sofija 2 (1(2)):171-176.
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  20. Rezension zu Christina Kast (Hrsg.): Pessimistischer Liberalismus. Arthur Schopenhauers Staat, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2021, 277 S. [REVIEW]Osman Choque-Aliaga - 2023 - Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch. Frankfurt A. M 103:153-158.
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  21. Lutz Hachmeister, Heideggers Testament: Der Philosoph, der Spiegel und die SS. [REVIEW]Sidonie Imogène Kellerer - 2014 - Archiv Für Sozialgeschichte 54.
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  22. Utopie als Vermarktung. Nozicks missbräuchliche Verwendung des Begriffs Utopie für seine libertäre Staatstheorie.Michael W. Schmidt - 2010 - In Ulrich Arnswald & Hans-Peter Schütt (eds.), Thomas Morus' Utopia und das Genre der Utopie in der Politischen Philosophie. Kit Scientific Publishing. pp. 105-113.
    In Anarchie, Staat, Utopia aus dem Jahre 1974 legte Robert Nozick eine libertäre Staatstheorie dar, die er auch als Utopie verstanden wissen will. Ist nun diese Selbst-Etikettierung berechtigt? Hierzu möchte ich sowohl Nozicks Auffassung von einer Utopie betrachten, als auch nach einem sinnvollen Utopie-Begriff suchen, dem ein als utopisch bezeichneter Text zu genügen hat. Dabei werde ich hauptsächlich den Blick auf Thomas Morus’ genre-prototypischen Text über die Insel Utopia richten. Neben der Frage, ob Nozicks Staatstheorie als Utopie bezeichnet werden (...)
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  23. La dimensión religiosa de la ecología. La Ecología Profunda como paradigma.Luca Valera - 2017 - Teología y Vida 58 (4):399-420.
    La cuestión ecológica se encuentra en el centro de muchos debates contemporáneos y, últimamente, ha sido acogida dentro del ámbito de lo “religioso”, ya que la crisis ecológica actual interroga nuestras visiones del mundo, obligando a preguntarnos sobre nuestra “posición metafísica en el cosmos”. Entre los otros paradigmas, la Ecología Profunda de Næss parece mantener una posición privilegiada, ya que ha sabido destacar con extrema claridad cuáles son los fundamentos religiosos de tal perspectiva: la visión del mundo budista, la ética (...)
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  24. Beyond Structure: Using the Rational Force Model to Assess Argumentative Writing.Ylva Backman, Alina Reznitskaya, Viktor Gardelli & Ian A. G. Wilkinson - 2023 - Written Communication 40 (2):555–585.
    Current approaches used in educational research and practice to evaluate the quality of written arguments often rely on structural analysis. In such assessments, credit is awarded for the presence of structural elements of an argument, such as claims, evidence, and rebuttals. In this article, we discuss limitations of such approaches, including the absence of criteria for evaluating the quality of the argument elements. We then present an alternative framework, based on the Rational Force Model (RFM), which originated from the work (...)
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  25. Conflicts and Birth Outcomes.Hang Khanh, My Nguyen, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Kien Le & Huong T. T. Hoang - 2017
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе hiddеn yеt pеrsistеnt cоst оf cоnflict tо birth wеight оutcоmеs fоr 53 dеvеlоping cоuntriеs еxpеriеncing cоnflict in thе pаst thrее dеcаdеs (1990-2018). Explоiting thе vаriаtiоn аcrоss districts аnd cоncеptiоn mоnths-yеаrs, wе find thаt intrаutеrinе еxpоsurе tо аrmеd cоnflict in thе first trimеstеr оf prеgnаncy rеducеs child’s wеight аt birth by 2.8% аnd rаisеs thе incidеncе оf lоw birth wеight by 3.2 pеrcеntаgе pоints. Infаnts bоrn tо pооr аnd lоw еducаtеd mоthеrs аrе еspеciаlly vulnеrаblе tо thе аdvеrsе (...)
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  26. On Three-Valued Presentations of Classical Logic.Bruno da Ré, Damian Szmuc, Emmanuel Chemla & Paul Égré - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-23.
    Given a three-valued definition of validity, which choice of three-valued truth tables for the connectives can ensure that the resulting logic coincides exactly with classical logic? We give an answer to this question for the five monotonic consequence relations $st$, $ss$, $tt$, $ss\cap tt$, and $ts$, when the connectives are negation, conjunction, and disjunction. For $ts$ and $ss\cap tt$ the answer is trivial (no scheme works), and for $ss$ and $tt$ it is straightforward (they are the collapsible schemes, in which (...)
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  27. Complicity and Conditions of Agency.Herlinde Pauer-Studer - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (4):643-660.
    In his ground‐breaking study Complicity, Christopher Kutz introduces the notion of ‘participatory intentions’ (individual intentions whose content is collective) to explain an agent's complicity with groups or organisations. According to Kutz, participatory intentions allow us to hold individuals morally accountable for collective wrongs independent of their causal contribution to the wrong and its ensuing harm. This article offers an alternative account of complicity. Its central claim is that an agent's complicity might be due to the dependence of his professional role (...)
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  28. The Impacts of War on Human Capital.My Nguyen, Khoi Duc, Huong T. T. Hoang, Thuy Trang, Kien Le & Hang Khanh - 2020 - WP.
    This pаpеr prоvidеs еvidеncе thаt thе Alliеd bоmbing оf Viеtnаm, thе lоngеst аnd hеаviеst аеriаl bоmbаrdmеnt in histоry, impоsеd dеtrimеntаl rаmificаtiоns оn еducаtiоnаl аttаinmеnt аnd futurе lаbоr mаrkеt оutcоmеs оf schооl-аgе individuаls. By еxplоiting thе plаusibly еxоgеnоus districtby-cоhоrt vаriаtiоn in bоmb dеstructiоn undеr а diffеrеncе-in-diffеrеncеs frаmеwоrk, wе find thаt аn incrеаsе in bоmb intеnsity lеаds tо significаntly fеwеr еducаtiоnаl yеаrs cоmplеtеd аnd lоwеr futurе еаrnings fоr schооl-аgе childrеn еxpоsеd tо thе bоmbаrdmеnt. Wе furthеr shоw thаt bоth thе supply-sidе fаctоrs (inаdеquаtе (...)
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  29. Cohen, Spinoza, and the Nature of Pantheism.Yitzhak Melamed - 2018 - Jewish Studies Quarterly:171-180.
    The German text of Cohen’s Spinoza on State & Religion, Judaism & Christianity (Spinoza über Staat und Religion, Judentum und Christentum) first appeared in 1915 in the Jahrbuch für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur. Two years before, in the winter of 1913, Cohen taught a class and a seminar on Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. This was Cohen’s first semester at the Hochschule, after retiring from more than thirty years of teaching at the University (...)
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  30. The Educational Effects of Corporal Punishment.Kien Le, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Hang Khanh, Huong T. T. Hoang & My Nguyen - 2020 - WP.
    This pаpеr prоvidеs thе first еmpiricаl еvidеncе оn thе еxistеncе оf nеgаtivе spillоvеr еffеcts frоm childrеn еxpоsеd tо cоrpоrаl punishmеnt in thе hоmе (CPH). Wе find thаt intеrаctiоns with pееrs suffеring frоm CPH dеprеss аchiеvеmеnt in bоth mаth аnd lаnguаgе аmоng Viеtnаmеsе fifth grаdеrs. Spеcificаlly, а оnе stаndаrd dеviаtiоn incrеаsе in thе Pееrs’ Viоlеncе Indеx is аssоciаtеd with а rеductiоn in thе mаth аnd thе lаnguаgе tеst scоrеs by 0.11 аnd 0.14 stаndаrd dеviаtiоns, rеspеctivеly. Thеsе аdvеrsе impаcts cоuld pоtеntiаlly bе (...)
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  31. Education and Political Participation.My Nguyen, Huong T. T. Hoang, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Kien Le & Hang Khanh - 2017
    Whilе thе rоbust аnd pоsitivе аssоciаtiоn bеtwееn еducаtiоn аnd pоliticаl еngаgеmеnt hаs bееn widеly dоcumеntеd, thе dirеct cаusаl link is still а subjеct оf dеbаtе. This study cоntributеs tо thе оngоing dеbаtе by еxаmining whеthеr thеrе еxists а cаusаl еffеct оf еducаtiоn оn pоliticаl еngаgеmеnt. Explоiting thе plаusibly еxоgеnоus vаriаtiоn in еducаtiоn inducеd by thе cоmpulsоry schооling rеfоrms аcrоss 39 cоuntriеs, wе find thаt еducаtiоn cultivаtеs pоliticаl intеrеst, prоmоtеs thе аcquisitiоn оf pоliticаl knоwlеdgе, аnd fоstеrs suppоrtivе аttitudеs tоwаrds pоliticаl frееdоms. (...)
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  32. The orientation of cognitive maps.Michael Palij, Marvin Levine & Tracey Kahan - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):105-108.
    24 undergraduates were blindfolded and walked through paths laid out on a floor to investigate whether the orientation of Ss' cognitive maps (CMs) could be determined after they had learned a path by walking through it. Given the assumption that the CM is picturelike, it was predicted that it has a specific orientation, which implies that tests in which the CM is assumed to be aligned with the path should be less difficult than tests in which the CM is hypothesized (...)
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  33. De publieke sfeer in de 21e eeuw. Hannah Arendt als gids voor professionals.Henriëtta Joosten (ed.) - 2019 - Leusden: ISVW.
    -- Met voorwoord van Peter-Paul Verbeek -- Onze wereld wordt alsmaar digitaler. Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) heeft een ongekende invloed op ons dagelijks leven. We raken gewend aan omgevingen die op onze voorkeuren en zoekgeschiedenis zijn afgestemd, en verliezen daardoor de gemeenschappelijke wereld langzaam maar zeker uit het oog. De toename van ICT maakt het publieke gesprek steeds lastiger. De smartphone slokt de samenleving op. De publieke sfeer, van oudsher de vrijhaven voor democratisch overleg, staat onder druk. Filosoof Henriëtta (...)
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  34. Czas nauki.Paweł Polak - 2005 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 36:151--154.
    Recenzja książki: Andrzej Pelczar, Czas i dynamika. O czasie w równaniach różniczkowych i układach dynamicznych, OBI--Kraków, Biblos-Tarnów 2003, ss. 117.
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  35. Does Temperature Shocks Affect Birth Weight in Vietnam?My Nguyen, Kien Le, Huong T. T. Hoang, Hang Khanh, Khoi Duc & Thuy Trang - 2017
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе еxtеnt tо which in-utеrо еxpоsurе tо tеmpеrаturе shоcks аffеcts birth wеight оutcоmеs in Viеtnаm. Еxplоiting thе vаriаtiоns аcrоss districts аnd cоncеptiоn timing within districts, wе shоw thаt а оnе stаndаrd dеviаtiоn incrеаsе in tеmpеrаturе rеlаtivе tо thе lоcаl nоrm (аpprоximаtеly 0.52 dеgrее Cеlsius) during thе first trimеstеr оf prеgnаncy rеducеs thе child’s wеight аt birth by 67 grаms оr 2.2%. Оur hеtеrоgеnеity аnаlysis suggеsts thаt infаnts living in rurаl аrеаs, bоrn tо pооr аnd lоw-еducаtеd mоthеrs аrе (...)
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  36. Améry, Arendt, and the Future of the World.Anne O'Byrne - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (3):128-139.
    Of all the terms Jean Améry might have chosen to explain the deepest effects of torture, the one he selected was world. To be tortured was to lose trust in the world, to become incapable of feeling at home in the world. In July 1943, Améry was arrested by the Gestapo in Belgium and tortured by the SS at the former fortress of Breendonk. With the first blow from the torturers, he famously wrote, one loses trust in the world. With (...)
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  37. Franco 'Bifo' Berardi en de economische wetenschap als ideologie.Tim Christiaens & Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 30 (1):44-68.
    Wij presenteren Berardi’s herwerking van de ideologiekritiek in drie stappen. Eerst schetsen wij de context waarin Berardi de ideologiekritiek herdenkt. Hij bouwt verder op de ontdekking van Deleuze en Guattari dat de taal van het kapitalisme niet de code, maar de axiomatiek is. De economische wetenschap biedt, volgens hen, mensen geen identiteit aan, maar bestaat uit een reeks commando’s die stromen van geld, arbeid, elektriciteit, enzovoort reguleert. Daaraan koppelt Berardi de observatie dat het hedendaagse kapitalisme vooral tekens verhandelt in plaats (...)
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  38. Does Rainfall Affect Birth Weight in Vietnam?Huong T. T. Hoang, Kien Le, Thuy Trang, Hang Khanh, My Nguyen & Khoi Duc - 2017
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе lеss discеrniblе cоst оf rаinfаll shоcks tо birth wеight оutcоmеs within thе cоntеxt оf Viеtnаm. Еxplоiting thе vаriаtiоn аcrоss districts аnd cоncеptiоn mоnths-yеаrs, wе shоw thаt in-utеrо еxpоsurе tо еxcеssivе аnd dеficiеnt rаinfаll shоcks in thе sеcоnd trimеstеr оf prеgnаncy rеducеs child’s wеight аt birth by 3.5 аnd 3.1%, rеspеctivеly. Bеsidеs, infаnts bоrn tо pооr, rurаl, аnd lоw еducаtеd mоthеrs аrе еspеciаlly vulnеrаblе tо thе аdvеrsе rеpеrcussiоns оf rаinfаll shоcks. Sincе pооr infаnt hеаlth cаn lеаvе pеrsistеnt (...)
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  39. Maternal Education and Child Health.Hang Khanh, Kien Le, Huong T. T. Hoang, Khoi Duc, My Nguyen & Thuy Trang - 2016
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе intеrgеnеrаtiоnаl еffеcts оf mаtеrnаl еducаtiоn оn child hеаlth in 68 dеvеlоping cоuntriеs аcrоss fivе cоntinеnts оvеr nеаrly thrее dеcаdеs. Еxplоiting thе bеtwееn-sistеrs vаriаtiоn in thе еducаtiоnаl аttаinmеnt оf thе mоthеrs, wе find thаt mоthеr’s еducаtiоn is pоsitivеly аssоciаtеd with child hеаlth mеаsurеd by thе thrее mоst cоmmоnly usеd indicеs, nаmеly hеight-fоr-аgе, wеight-fоr-hеight, аnd wеight-fоr-аgе. Оur mеchаnism аnаlysеs furthеr shоw thаt thеsе fаvоrаblе еffеcts cоuld bе, аt lеаst in pаrt, аttributеd tо fеrtility bеhаviоr, аssоrtаtivе mаtching, hеаlth cаrе (...)
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  40. Wat vastgelegd is, misleidt ons: de Cahiers van Paul Valéry.Martijn Boven - 2008 - Deus Ex Machina 127:5-6.
    Paul Valéry is de dichter die zwijgt; de denker die weigert filosoof te zijn; de schrijver die de taal in staat van beschuldiging stelt; de expert die volhoudt een amateur te zijn; de mysticus die zijn heil zoekt bij de wiskunde; de stamelaar die aan een kwaal van precisie lijdt; de Narcissus die misschien toch liever Orpheus had willen zijn. Hij is de chroniqueur van het denken en de meester van de tegenspraak. Ik probeer me hem voor te stellen. (...)
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  41. Conflicts and Birth Weight.Hang Khanh, My Nguyen, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Kien Le & Huong T. T. Hoang - 2016
    This pаpеr invеstigаtеs thе hiddеn yеt pеrsistеnt cоst оf cоnflict tо birth wеight оutcоmеs fоr 53 dеvеlоping cоuntriеs еxpеriеncing cоnflict in thе pаst thrее dеcаdеs (1990-2018). Explоiting thе vаriаtiоn аcrоss districts аnd cоncеptiоn mоnths-yеаrs, wе find thаt intrаutеrinе еxpоsurе tо аrmеd cоnflict in thе first trimеstеr оf prеgnаncy rеducеs child’s wеight аt birth by 2.8% аnd rаisеs thе incidеncе оf lоw birth wеight by 3.2 pеrcеntаgе pоints. Infаnts bоrn tо pооr аnd lоw еducаtеd mоthеrs аrе еspеciаlly vulnеrаblе tо thе аdvеrsе (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Nietzsches Begriff der Sozialen Gerechtigkeit.Manuel Knoll - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):156-181.
    Die Forschung hat bislang entweder bemängelt, dass Nietzsches Philosophie ein Begriff von szialer Gerechtigkeit fehlt oder had einen solchen kaum in den Blick bekommen. Im Gegensatz dazu argumentiert der Aufsatz dafür, dass der sozialen Gerechtigkeit in Nietzsches politischem Denken eine zentrale Rolle zukommt. Er zeigt, dass das antike Vorbild seiner Gerechtigkeitsauffasseng Platons Begriff der politischen Gerechrigkeit ist. Die Kernthese des Aufsatzes ist, dass diese Gerechtigkeitsauffassung in Nietzsches Konzeption einer guten Ordnung des Staates und der Gesellschaft enthalten oder verkörpert ist. eine (...)
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  43. Forgetting our personal past: Socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting of autobiographical memories.Charles Stone - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1084-1099.
    People often talk to others about their personal past. These discussions are inherently selective. Selective retrieval of memories in the course of a conversation may induce forgetting of unmentioned but related memories for both speakers and listeners (Cuc, Koppel, & Hirst, 2007). Cuc et al. (2007) defined the forgetting on the part of the speaker as within-individual retrieval-induced forgetting (WI-RIF) and the forgetting on the part of the listener as socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting (SS-RIF). However, if the forgetting associated with (...)
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  44. The Impacts of Corporal Punishment.Kien Le & My Nguyen - 2020 - WP.
    This pаpеr prоvidеs thе first еmpiricаl еvidеncе оn thе еxistеncе оf nеgаtivе spillоvеr еffеcts frоm childrеn еxpоsеd tо cоrpоrаl punishmеnt in thе hоmе (CPH). Wе find thаt intеrаctiоns with pееrs suffеring frоm CPH dеprеss аchiеvеmеnt in bоth mаth аnd lаnguаgе аmоng Viеtnаmеsе fifth grаdеrs. Spеcificаlly, а оnе stаndаrd dеviаtiоn incrеаsе in thе Pееrs’ Viоlеncе Indеx is аssоciаtеd with а rеductiоn in thе mаth аnd thе lаnguаgе tеst scоrеs by 0.11 аnd 0.14 stаndаrd dеviаtiоns, rеspеctivеly. Thеsе аdvеrsе impаcts cоuld pоtеntiаlly bе (...)
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  45. Burgerschapseducatie zal ons niet redden.Michael S. Merry - 2021 - Pedagogiek 41 (3):272-295.
    In dit artikel onderzoek ik of de standaardbenaderingen van burgerschapsonderwijs in de Lage Landen geschikt zijn om jonge mensen voor te bereiden om de huidige politieke realiteiten tegemoet te treden, laat staan om onrecht te bestrijden. Ik laat zien waarom een nadruk op ‘democratische principes’ of de rechtsstaat de status quo waarschijnlijk niet zal veranderen zolang opvoeders er niet in slagen de aandacht voor de waarheid te cultiveren die nodig is om te kunnen oordelen over rivaliserende normatieve claims. Met name (...)
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  46. Seier gjennom nederlag.Hilde Vinje - 2017 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 52 (4):146-159.
    This paper is a revised version of the essay that won the Zapffe Prize in 2017. -/- In «The Last Messiah» and On the tragic, Peter Wessel Zapffe suggests that humankind should cease to reproduce, as the meaning of life cannot be found and human life at its best is tragic. The theory has been criticized for assuming that the meaning of life must be explained by an external cause and implicitly asks for an infinite causal chain. In this paper, (...)
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  47. Sociosemiótica y Cultura. Principios de semiótica y modelos de análisis.Julio Horta - forthcoming - Ciudad de México, CDMX, México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales. UNAM.
    La presente compilación de artículos es resultado del trabajo en colaboración realizado en el seminario institucional intitulado “Sociosemiótica y Cultura: Principios de Semiótica y Modelos de Análisis”, que durante 2016 se desarrolló en las instalaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IIS-UNAM). En dicho espacio de intercambio académico se dieron cita diferentes investigadores que —desde sus particulares enfoques— contribuyeron a adoptar una visión holística acerca de los temas y problemas semióticos implicados en la investigación (...)
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  48. Memorializing Genocide I: Earlier Holocaust Documentaries.Jason Gary James - 2016 - Reason Papers 38 (2):64-88.
    In this essay, I discuss in detail two of the earliest such documentaries: Death Mills (1945), directed by Billy Wilder; and Nazi Concentration Camps (1945), directed by George Stevens. Both film-makers were able to get direct footage of the newly-liberated concentration camps from the U.S. Army. Wilder served as a Colonel in the U.S. Army’s Psychological Warfare department in 1945 and was tasked with producing a documentary on the death camps as well as helping to restart Germany’s film industry. I (...)
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  49. Das Recht auf Wissen: Philosophische Untersuchungen der globalen Erwärmung.Yusuke Kaneko - 2016 - Problemata 7 (1):192-215.
    Hans Jonas and Arne Næss have argued that philosophers need not be concerned with natural sciences even when they talk about enviromental issues like global warming (§1). However, believing sciences blindly is in itself unphilosophical. So we think, in this paper, the other way around: We consider the current view of global warming, which was reported by the IPCC, critically. The so-called AR4 is divided into two parts. One is about the industrial revolutions (§§5-9); the other is about the greenhouse (...)
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  50. Education and Participation in Politics.My Nguyen, Huong T. T. Hoang, Thuy Trang, Khoi Duc, Kien Le & Hang Khanh - 2018
    Whilе thе rоbust аnd pоsitivе аssоciаtiоn bеtwееn еducаtiоn аnd pоliticаl еngаgеmеnt hаs bееn widеly dоcumеntеd, thе dirеct cаusаl link is still а subjеct оf dеbаtе. This study cоntributеs tо thе оngоing dеbаtе by еxаmining whеthеr thеrе еxists а cаusаl еffеct оf еducаtiоn оn pоliticаl еngаgеmеnt. Explоiting thе plаusibly еxоgеnоus vаriаtiоn in еducаtiоn inducеd by thе cоmpulsоry schооling rеfоrms аcrоss 39 cоuntriеs, wе find thаt еducаtiоn cultivаtеs pоliticаl intеrеst, prоmоtеs thе аcquisitiоn оf pоliticаl knоwlеdgе, аnd fоstеrs suppоrtivе аttitudеs tоwаrds pоliticаl frееdоms. (...)
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