Results for 'Sarı Mehmet'

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  1. Investigating the Factors Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Undergraduate Students’ Interests in Coursework.Güngör Abdi, Karaman Mehmet Akif, Sari Halil İbrahim & Çolak Tuğba Seda - 2020 - International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 7 (3):1-13.
    Today the world is suffering from coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic illness, and people all around the world stay at home due to its rapid spread. People including students gather information and government instructions through TVs, social media and others around them. Since the classes were canceled in many countries, the novel coronavirus affects students’ interest in coursework. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of TV news, social media and communication with people on interest in coursework, and mediating (...)
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  2. Welcome to the December 2023 Issue (Vol:29, No:4) and Current News of the European Journal of Therapeutics.Ayşe Balat, Şevki Hakan Eren, Mehmet Sait Menzilcioğlu, İlhan Bahşi, İlkay Doğan, Davut Sinan Kaplan, Mehmet Karadağ, Ayşe Aysima Özçelik, Fatih Sarı & Hamit Yıldız - 2023 - European Journal of Therapeutics 29 (4): e28-e29.
    Dear Colleagues, -/- In this editorial, we would like to share with you important developments in the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther). -/- First of all, as the editorial team, we would like you to know that we hold frequent meetings to benefit our esteemed colleagues and continue to work with great devotion in line with our goal of taking the journal further. We have previously shared with you that we have applied to many indexes. It is with (...)
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  3. Beşir Fuad and His Opponents: The Form of a Debate over Literature and Truth in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul.Mehmet Karabela - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Literature 8 (1):96-106.
    One and a half months after Victor Hugo died in 1885, Beşir Fuad published a biography of him, in which Fuad defended Emile Zola’s naturalism and realism against Hugo’s romanticism. This resulted in the most important dispute in nineteenth-century Turkish literary history, the hakikiyyûn and hayâliyyûn debate, with the former represented by Beşir Fuad and the latter represented by Menemenlizâde Mehmet Tahir. This article focuses on the form of this debate rather than its content, and this focus reveals how (...)
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  4. Examining the demanded healthcare information among family caregivers for catalyzing adaptation in female cancer: Insights from home-based cancer care.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Made Mahaguna Putra, Abigael Grace Prasetiani, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Adaptation and stress are two main concepts useful for better understanding the phases of illness and health-related human behavior. The two faces of adaptation, adaptation as a process and adaptation as a product, have raised the question of how long the adaptation process will take in cancer trajectories. The care setting transition from clinical-based into home-based cancer care has stressed the role of family caregivers (FCG) in cancer management. This study examines how types of demanded healthcare information affect the FCG’s (...)
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  5. Exploring predictors of donation willingness for urban public parks in Vietnam: Socio-demographic factors, motivations, and visitation frequency.Thi Mai Anh Tran, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Manh Tan Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Rapid urbanization in Vietnam significantly impacts the environment and human well-being. Public parks are crucial for enhancing social and environmental sustainability in urban areas, yet their establishment and expansion require substantial funding. This study investigates the factors influencing Vietnamese urban residents’ willingness to donate to planting projects in public parks, utilizing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), which combines Mindsponge Theory’s informational entropy-based notion of value with Bayesian analysis. Analyzing data from 535 residents in major Vietnamese cities, we found that while (...)
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  6. Understanding the Supportive Care Needs of Family Caregivers in Cancer Stress Management: The Significance of Healthcare Information.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Adrino Mazenda, Agustina Chriswinda Bura Mare, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cancer care has transitioned from clinical-based to home-based care to support longterm care in a more familiar and comfortable environment. This care transition has put family caregivers (FCGs) in a strategic position as care providers. Cancer care at home involves psychological and emotional treatment at some point, making FCGs deal with the stress of cancer patients frequently. Due to their limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer stress management. This study aims to examine how types (...)
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  7. A New Similarity Measure Based on Falsity Value between Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets Based on the Centroid Points of Transformed Single Valued Neutrosophic Values with Applications to Pattern Recognition.Mehmet Sahin, Necati Olgun, Vakkas Ulucay, Abdullah Kargin & Florentin Smarandache - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 15:31-48.
    In this paper, we propose some transfor mations based on the centroid points between single valued neutrosophic numbers. We introduce these trans formations according to truth, indeterminacy and falsity value of single valued neutrosophic numbers. We propose a new similarity measure based on falsity value between single valued neutrosophic sets. Then we prove some properties on new similarity measure based on falsity value between falsity value between single valued neutrosophic sets. Furthermore, we propose similarity measure based on falsity value between (...)
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  8. Inconsistency and Ambiguity in Republic IX.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):493-520.
    Plato’s view on pleasure in the Republic emerges in the course of developing the third proof of his central thesis that the just man is happier than the unjust. Plato presents it as the “greatest and most decisive” proof of his central thesis, so one might expect to find an abundance of scholarly work on it. Paradoxically, however, this argument has received little attention from scholars, and what has been written on it has generally been harshly critical. I believe that (...)
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  9. Improving the market for livestock production households to alleviate food insecurity in the Philippines.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Food security is one of the major concerns in the Philippines. Although livestock and poultry production accounts for a significant proportion of the country’s agricultural output, smallholder households are still vulnerable to food insecurity. The current study aims to examine how livestock production and selling difficulties affect smallholder households’ food-insecure conditions. For this objective, Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics was employed on a dataset of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM) system. We found that production and (...)
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  10. The Effectiveness of Knowledge Management Systems in Improving Teaching Motivation among Vietnamese Higher Education Staffs.Dan Li, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Thien-Vu Tran, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    This study investigates the dynamic relationship between knowledge management systems, particularly emphasizing knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and their impact on academic staff's teaching motivation. By employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), data from 676 academic staff at higher education institutions in Vietnam was analyzed, revealing a complex interplay of factors. Notably, positive associations were found between knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination, and teaching motivation. However, the interaction effect of knowledge acquisition and knowledge dissemination appeared to be negatively associated with teaching motivation. (...)
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  11. Relativism and Self-refutation in the Theaetetus.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2009 - In Brad Inwood, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Volume 37. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 1-45.
    Plato argues, at Theaetetus 170e-171c, that Protagoras’ relativism is self-refuting. This argument, known as the ‘exquisite argument’, and its merits have been the subject of much controversy over the past few decades. Burnyeat (1976b) has argued in defense of Plato’s argument, but his reconstruction of the argument has been criticized as question-begging. After offering an interpretation of Protagoras’ relativism, I argue that the exquisite argument is successful, for reasons that Burnyeat hints at but fails to develop sufficiently. I consider Protagorean (...)
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  12. SYNERGY BETWEEN SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAMS AND FOOD BANKS TO COMBAT FOOD INSECURITY AMONG CHILDREN: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EXPERTS INVOLVEMENT.Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Adrino Mazenda, Chido Chakanya, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food insecurity condition challenges the availability of food, access to food, food supply stability, and food utilization. Food banks play a major role in the food aid sector by distributing donated and purchased groceries directly to food-insecure families, thus significantly impacting food insecurity. On the other hand, school meal programs are implemented in many countries to combat food insecurity among school-aged children. The synergy between school meal programs and food banks has a great potency to combat food insecurity among (...)
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  13. Causal, A Priori True, and Explanatory: A Reply to Lange and Rosenberg.Mehmet Elgin & Elliott Sober - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):167-171.
    Sober [2011] argues that some causal statements are a priori true and that a priori causal truths are central to explanations in the theory of natural selection. Lange and Rosenberg [2011] criticize Sober's argument. They concede that there are a priori causal truths, but maintain that those truths are only ‘minimally causal’. They also argue that explanations that are built around a priori causal truths are not causal explanations, properly speaking. Here we criticize both of Lange and Rosenberg's claims.
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  14. Tanzimat'tan Günümüze Türkiye'de Felsefe.Mehmet Vural - 2018 - Ankara: Elis Yayınları.
    PREFACE WORD The Tanzimat period, which was the starting point of reform movements in many areas such as social, political, economic, military, etc., in which steps were taken towards Westernization, is considered to be an important milestone in drawing the fate of the Ottoman Empire. In this longest century of the empire, when many things were rushed, education partially received its share of change and reform. However, since the field of education was under the control of religious institutions such as (...)
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  15. Bilim Tarihi Yazımı Sorunu Olarak Gözlemin Kuram Yüklü Olması: Mary Anning Örneği.Mehmet Cem Kamözüt - 2018 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 11 (2):45-57.
    Bilim tarihi çalışmaları belirli bir bilim imgesi ışığında yapılır ve söz konusu imgeyi yeniden üretir. Bu nedenle bilim tarihi ve bilim felsefesi bir bütün olarak ele alınmalıdır. Ancak var olan bilim tarihi yazımı geleneği kimi zaman bilim felsefesi alanında bazı önemli değişimleri yansıtmayı güçleştirmektedir. Bu yazıda Mary Anning örneği üzerinden gözlemin kuram yüklü olduğu görüşünün bilim tarihi yazımını nasıl yönlendirmesi gerektiğini tartıştım. -/- Research in history of science is conducted in light of some image of science and in the end (...)
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  16. What is Political about Political Islam?Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - In Clayton Crockett & Catherine Keller, Political Theology on Edge. Fordham University Press. pp. 214-234.
    Mehmet Karabela draws upon Carl Schmitt’s analysis more explicitly to interrogate and understand how Islamic and Western scholars have conceptualized an “apolitical” Islam that could then be politicized. He applies Schmitt’s friend/enemy distinction as characteristic of the political to the study of Islam and shows how Islam has always been political and religious at the same time in this context. Liberalism posits a separate realm of religion and politics that it charges Islam and other political religions wrongly mix, but (...)
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  17. Akrasia and conflict in the Nicomachean Ethics.Mehmet Metin Erginel - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (4):573-593.
    In Nicomachean Ethics VII, Aristotle offers an account of akrasia that purports to salvage the kernel of truth in the Socratic paradox that people act against what is best only through ignorance. Despite Aristotle’s apparent confidence in having identified the sense in which Socrates was right about akrasia, we are left puzzling over Aristotle’s own account, and the extent to which he agrees with Socrates. The most fundamental interpretive question concerns the sense in which Aristotle takes the akratic to be (...)
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  18. Aydınlanma Felsefesi ve Siyasal Muhafazakârlık.Mehmet Vural - 2002 - Felsefe Dünyasi 1 (35):127-136.
    ABSTRACT Philosophy of Enlightenment and Political Conservatism This study aims at giving an explanatory understanding of conservativism in regard to the philosophy of politics, and at discussing its place and future within our historical period. This study asserts that conservative philosophy of politics came about as a reaction against continental enlightenment, and became a political stance within French Revolution. This artical mainly considers the formation of conservative theory, and the relation between conservativism and the philosophy of enlightenment. Moreover, reactions to (...)
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  19. The development of dialectic and argumentation theory in post-classical Islamic intellectual history.Mehmet Karabela - 2011 - Dissertation, Mcgill University
    This dissertation is an analysis of the development of dialectic and argumentation theory in post-classical Islamic intellectual history. The central concerns of the thesis are; treatises on the theoretical understanding of the concept of dialectic and argumentation theory, and how, in practice, the concept of dialectic, as expressed in the Greek classical tradition, was received and used by five communities in the Islamic intellectual camp. It shows how dialectic as an argumentative discourse diffused into five communities (theologicians, poets, grammarians, philosophers (...)
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  20. The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.Mehmet Karabela - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (4):605-608.
    The majority of The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam has been published previously in different forms, but this edition has been completely revised by the author, the well-known French medievalist and intellectual historian Rémi Brague. It was first published in French under the title Au moyen du Moyen Âge in 2006. The book consists of sixteen essays ranging from Brague’s early years at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) in the 1990s up until (...)
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  21. Plato on a Mistake about Pleasure.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2006 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (3):447-468.
    Plato argues in Republic IX that people are often mistaken about their own pleasures and pains. One of the mistakes he focuses on isjudging that an experience of ours is pleasant when, in fact, it is not. The view that such a mistake is possible is an unpopular one, andscholars have generally been dismissive of Plato’s position. Thus Urmson argues not only that this position is deeply flawed, but alsothat it results from a confusion on Plato’s part. In this paper, (...)
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  22. Plato on the Pangs of Love.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2016 - In Mauro Tulli & Michael Erler, The Selected Papers of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum. pp. 231-236.
    At the heart of Plato’s theory of erōs is the ‘ascent’ of love for an individual body, through several stages, to love of Beauty itself (Symposium 210a-212b). I argue that our understanding of the psychology of this transformation would benefit especially from bringing in Plato’s views on pain from the Republic. For erōs is presented in the Symposium as including sexual desire (207b) as well as love of wisdom (210d), but the Republic takes the former to be a painful desire, (...)
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    Evaluation of Health Service Quality in City Hospitals.Mehmet Yorulmaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    In Turkey, city hospitals play a significant role in the provision of healthcare services. This survey looked at the level of satisfaction with various hospitals. In the study, social media was one of the tools. The hospitals' websites were used to compile satisfaction ratings. After that, content analysis was used to look at the hospitals' indicators for technological, communicative, and physical quality. The study considered hospitals with 1200 beds or greater as a sampling factor in hospital selection. Hospitals are classified (...)
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  24. Plato on the Psychology of Pleasure and Pain.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2011 - Phoenix 65.
    Plato’s account of pleasure in Republic IX has been treated as an ill-conceived and deeply flawed account that Plato thankfully retracted and replaced in the Philebus. I am convinced, however, that this received view of the Republic’s account is false. In this paper, I will not concern myself with whether, or in what way, Plato’s account of pleasure in the Republic falls short of what we find in the Philebus, but will rather focus on the merits of the former. My (...)
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  25. Some Remarks on Asʿad al-Yānyawī’s Translation of Physics.Mehmet Sami Baga - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):198-220.
    Both the continuity of the history of Ottoman thought with Islamic thought and its relationship with the "new" movements of thought that emerged in the Western world have not yet been analyzed on a solid ground. In particular, the connection that Ottoman scholars established or failed to establish with the developments in the Western has been handled with various biased and superficial evaluations. One of the critical points that will contribute to a meaningful discussion of this issue is the translation (...)
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  26. Modeling context with situations.Mehmet Surav & Varol Akman - 1995 - In P. Brezillon & S. Abu-Hakima, IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modeling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Research Report 95/11). Paris: LAFORIA. pp. 145-156.
    The issue of context arises in assorted areas of Artificial Intelligence. Although its importance is realized by various researchers, there is not much work towards a useful formalization. In this paper, we will present a preliminary model (based on Situation Theory) and give examples to show the use of context in various fields, and the advantages gained by the acceptance of our proposal.
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  27. Examining the digital skills of nursing students: the power of information for problem-solving.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Jintana Artsanthia, Steven Aldo Marcello, Sudarat Suvaree & Numpueng Prachyakoon - 2024 - International Journal of Public Health Science 13 (3):1111-1120.
    Our society is undergoing digital change. Dealing with digital technologies has become a daily practice. Many healthcare facilities are implementing digital technologies. Nurses are placed in a strategic position to be the leader of the digital healthcare workforce. Nursing students are more exposed to this technological advancement as they are future professional nurses. This study aimed to examine how information-processing and exchanging skills in digital spaces affect digital problem-solving skills among nursing students. The Bayesian mindsponge framework (BMF) was used as (...)
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  28. The Role of Family and Multicultural Events in Fostering Vietnamese Students’ Tolerance and Inclusiveness in the Context of Globalization.Minh Hoang Nguyen, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Dan Li, Minh Huan Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Duong & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fostering tolerance and inclusiveness in multicultural societies is increasingly vital, particularly in educational settings. Understanding the impact of parental involvement and school events on students’ attitudes toward these values is essential for promoting social cohesion and preparing future generations for an interconnected world. This study applies Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics to a representative dataset of 2,069 primary, secondary, and high school students across Vietnam. It explores how parental discussions and participation in multicultural school events influence students’ attitudes toward tolerance (...)
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  29. Plato on Pleasures Mixed with Pains: an Asymmetrical Account.Mehmet M. Erginel - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 56:73-122.
    In this paper I aim to show that the restoration model of pleasure as we find it in Plato’s Gorgias, Republic, Timaeus, and Philebus contain a common psychological core, despite the substantial developments and greater sophistication in the later works. I argue that, contrary to the scholarly consensus, all four dialogues take the necessary condition for pain to be a state of imbalance or disharmony rather than a process of destruction or deterioration. Given that the necessary condition for pleasure is (...)
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  30. How Smart is the Appetitive Part of the Soul?Mehmet M. Erginel - 2013 - In Noburu Notomi & Luc Brisson, The Selected Papers of the Ninth Symposium Platonicum. pp. 204-208.
    In recent years there has been a surge of interest among Plato scholars in the tripartition of the soul in the Republic. Particular attention has been devoted to the nature of the soul-parts, and whether or not each part is agent-like. A key element in this debate has been the question whether or not the non-rational parts have access to significant cognitive and conceptual resources. That this is the case, and that appetite cannot be entirely unreasoning, is the widely accepted (...)
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  31. Hilmi Ziya Ülken.Mehmet Vural - 2019 - Ankara: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı.
    PREFACE WORD -/- Hilmi Ziya Ülken was born in Istanbul during the last period of the Ottoman Empire, was educated during this period and worked in many areas of the intellectual life of the newly established Republic. Although he was interested in many fields of social sciences, he gained fame in philosophy, sociology, history of thought and literature. Again, he undertook important tasks in revealing and introducing medieval Islamic thinkers and post-Tanzimat Turkish thought, and due to his deep knowledge of (...)
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  32. Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Early modern Protestant scholars closely engaged with Islamic thought in more ways than is usually recognized. Among Protestants, Lutheran scholars distinguished themselves as the most invested in the study of Islam and Muslim culture. Mehmet Karabela brings the neglected voices of post-Reformation theologians, primarily German Lutherans, into focus and reveals their rigorous engagement with Islamic thought. Inspired by a global history approach to religious thought, Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes offers new sources to broaden the conventional interpretation of the (...)
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  33. Promoting healthy eating in Iran: The roles of information-seeking ability and e-health literacy in the digital age.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Ifeanyi Ogbekene, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Viet-Phuong La & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Healthy eating has long been a focus of professionals and researchers, both to evaluate strategies for improvement and to gain a deeper understanding of its dynamics in order to develop effective promotion methods. This study aims to examine the roles of individuals’ information-seeking abilities and e-health literacy in fostering a healthy eating intention among Iranians. Employing Bayesian Mindsponge Framework analytics on a dataset of 9,755 Iranian participants, the study found positive associations between healthy eating information-seeking ability, e-health literacy, and healthy (...)
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  34. Rethinking the effects of performance expectancy and effort expectancy on new technology adoption: Evidence from Moroccan nursing students.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Dan Li, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Clinical practice is a part of the integral learning method in nursing education. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in clinical learning is highly encouraged among nursing students to support evidence-based nursing and student-centered learning. Through the information-processing lens of the mindsponge theory, this study views performance expectancy (or perceived usefulness) and effort expectancy (or perceived ease of use) as results of subjective benefit and cost judgments determining the students’ ICT using intention for supporting clinical learning, respectively. Therefore, (...)
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    Background: Overnutrition, undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiency present a major global public health challenge due to food insecurity. Micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among children and result in impaired intellectual growth. Policy guidelines at the national level are essential for the success of micronutrient supplementation programs for children during school feeding. Aim: This study aims to analyze how various national policies guiding the school meal programs—such as those related to school feeding, nutrition, health, food safety, agriculture, and the private sector—associate with the (...)
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  36. BAB 6: USAHA PATUNGAN.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Pada musim semi, entah kenapa, tidak banyak ikan. Karena tangkapannya sangat tidak stabil, Pekakak mulai berpikir. Lalu membuat beberapa rencana. Dengan otoritas komandonya, dia memanggil Bangau: – Ini adalah musim penangkapan ikan yang sangat sulit. Jika kita ingin kenyang, kita harus membuat usaha patungan. Bangau mengangguk, menambahkan: - Saya setuju; mari kita beternak ikan kakap putih dan ikan mas krusia. Jenis ini berumur panjang dan sangat produktif. Pekakak dan Bangau sepakat untuk berbagi tugas beternak, dan tidak ada diskriminasi yang diizinkan. (...)
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  37. POLICY ANALYSIS IN SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: REGULATION IMPACTS ON IN-SCHOOL FOOD FORTIFICATION.Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Adrino Mazenda, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food fortification refers to the process of adding nutrients to foods during their production. It is a cost-effective strategy with well-documented health, economic, and social benefits. Food fortification practices in school meal programs need guidance and legal support from various national policies. Aim: This study aims to analyze how various national policies—such as those related to school feeding, nutrition, health, food safety, agriculture, and the private sector—associate with the implementation of in-school food fortification among countries with school meals programs. (...)
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  38. BAB 4: BURUNG GURU.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Suatu pagi di musim panas, desa burung diselimuti keheningan. Semua orang sibuk mendengarkan pengembara baru. Burung pengembara ini berasal dari keluarga yang tidak jelas; bulunya berwarna-warni, gerak-geriknya lucu, dan ilmunya baru. Dia bercerita seolah-olah sedang memberi ceramah, tepat sekali, warga desa memanggilnya burung Guru – orang yang menjawab setiap pertanyaan aneh warga desa yang rajin belajar. Burung pelatuk telah belajar menangkap cacing di sore hari, sehingga mereka tidak perlu bangun pagi. Burung pipit sekarang tahu cara mencuri beras dari gudang saat (...)
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  39. Politics of the Turkish Republic.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - In Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes. New York: Routledge. pp. 243-253.
    Michael Wendeler’s disputation on the Turkish republic is a discussion of Ottoman history, political philosophy, and the concept of monarchy and tyranny. Half of his disputation concerns the identification of the Turks with the little horn which arises on the head of the fourth beast in the prophet’s vision described in the Book of Daniel 7:1–28. Giving copious historical references, Wendeler explains that this little horn cannot be referring to Christ as the Jews believe, nor to the Seleucid monarch Antiochos (...)
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  40. History of Arabic Logic.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - In Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes. New York: Routledge. pp. 224-235.
    Johannes Steuchius’ disputatio uses Arabic logic to present an historical account of the development of philosophical thought in Arabia before and after the emergence of Islam. Steuchius first proposes that philosophy drew its origins from the East. His evidence for this claim is that many of the Greek philosophers, considered the forefathers of European philosophy, began cultivating their philosophical thinking as a result of exposure to ancient Eastern philosophy. After the introduction of Greek philosophy, it is agreed that dialectic was (...)
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  41. Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management: A mindsponge-based approach.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Made Mahaguna Putra, Pande Made Arbi Yudamuckti, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fear of cancer is mostly related to cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic tests. Its legacy as a lethal disease has raised fear of approaching death. Currently, cancer’s total suffering and the worsening phenomena have raised fear, especially among female patients. Family caregivers (FCGs) who are responsible for the day-to-day cancer care at home need to help the patients deal with this fear frequently. Due to the limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer fear (...)
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  42. BAB 5: RUMAH BESAR.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Pekakak selama ini tinggal di gua galiannya sendiri di tepi kolam, tapi sekarang dia memutuskan bahwa dia membutuhkan rumah baru. Dia melakukan tur keliling desa untuk melihat bagaimana burung-burung lain membangun rumah mereka. Dia mengunjungi Tuan Pipit, yang tinggal di pohon pinus yang bersiul. Bagian depan bangunannya tampak indah, dan lokasinya yang tinggi memberikan ventilasi yang baik. Tapi, semakin lama dia menginap, dia jadi semakin pusing. Hembusan angin apa pun yang menerpa membuat seluruh struktur bangunan bergetar seolah-olah akan hancur berantakan.
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  43. Invention of a historical puzzle: Darwin’s Procrastination.Mehmet Cem Kamözüt - 2021 - POSSEIBLE: JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY 2 (10):118-139.
    Much ink has been spilled to explain why Darwin avoided publishing his views for many years. Although a general consensus was never achieved on any one reason, not much doubt has been raised as to the existence of such a delay. In this article I argue that there was no delay. Darwin published his views as soon as he developed a defensible theory. I argue that the appearance of a delay emerged as a consequence of reading Darwin out of context. (...)
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  44. bilim tarihinde kadınların temsili: rosalind franklin örneği.Mehmet Cem kamözüt - 2020 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 13 (1):31-53.
    Tarihin nesnel olarak yazılamayacağının fark edilmesinin ardından bilim tarihi yazımında da bazı dönüşümler olmuştur. Bu değişiklikler genellikle olumlu olsa da bazı tarih yazımı tartışmaları bilim tarihi metinlerine yeterince yansımamıştır. Bu yazıda Rosalind Franklin örneği üzerinden kadın bilimcilerin bilim tarihinde nasıl ele alındığını tartıştım. Kadınlara bilim tarihinde hak ettikleri yeri verme çabamız sırasında bilim tarihçileri olarak nelere dikkat etmemiz gerektiğini ele aldım. Özellikle vurguladığım noktalar bilimsel araştırma biçimlerinin doğru yansıtılması, kurumsal ayrımcılıkların üstünün örtülmesinden kaçınılması ve ele alınan figürün bilime katkısının açıkça (...)
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    In the last decade, the cases of breast and cervical cancer have been positioned at the top rank of cancer statistics worldwide. Consequently, many husbands become family caregivers (FCGs) and get the burden of cancer caregiving. Being blind and incompetent, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals (HCPs). To support them, HCPs provide various healthcare information to meet their needs. Further, their demand for a specific type of healthcare information may reflect their need for emotional support from the HCPs to (...)
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  46. What makes readers love a fiction book: A statistical analysis on Wild Wise Weird using real-world data from Amazon readers' reviews.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Manh-Tung Ho, Thi Mai Anh Tran, Dan Li, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Hong-Hoa Thi Nguyen & Viet-Phuong La - manuscript
    For centuries, fiction—particularly fables—has seamlessly combined storytelling, moral lessons, and societal reflections to engage readers on both emotional and intellectual levels. Despite extensive research on the benefits of reading and the emotional responses it evokes, a critical gap remains in understanding what drives readers to form deep emotional connections with specific works. This study seeks to identify the characteristics of a book that foster such connections. Using Bayesian Mindsponge Framework analytics, we analyzed a dataset of 129 Amazon reviews of Wild (...)
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  47. Concept of Fate among the Turks.Mehmet Karabela - 2021 - In Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes. New York: Routledge. pp. 161-177.
    German Lutheran scholar Johann Friedrich Weitenkampf (d.1758) sets out to explain and refute the Turkish concept of fate, dividing his dissertation into two sections: the first outlining the Turkish-Muslim view of fate; and the second seeking to prove the invalidity of the Muslim concept of fate with philosophical argumentation. He begins with some brief notes on the historical origin of the Turks, turning then to the backstory of the Qur’an, which he claims can be divided into six sections or topics, (...)
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  48. Narsizm ve Sinizmin Mitolojik Kökenlerine Disiplinlerarası Bağlamda Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım.Canbolat Mehmet Ali - 2022 - Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi 25 (2):736-745.
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  49. Dear Kingfisher: A letter from a fan.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari - 2024 - Sm3D.
    One day, if you get the chance, please show up in our community here, in our great archipelagos of Indonesia. We are keen to be your disciples and confident we can host you.
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  50. De l’anthropocène au Chthulucène : comment se sortir de la crise écologique ?Sari Lemable - 2020 - Ithaque 26:155-180.
    Nous vivons une crise écologique qui semble être provoquée par l’humain. Elle est la conséquence de la modernité, fondée sur la prééminence d’une humanité rationnelle en opposition à une nature qui serait extérieure à celle-ci. Pour se sortir de ladite crise, le discours sur l’anthropocène propose deux solutions : d’un côté, un techno-optimisme qui propose d’investir davantage dans les sciences et les technologies ; de l’autre, un cynisme éco-apocalyptique qui n’incite pas à l’action, mais paralyse l’être humain. Ces solutions perpétuent (...)
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