Results for 'Smarandache Hypothesis'

972 found
  1. Recent Experimental Findings supporting Smarandache’s Hypothesis and Quantum Sorites Paradoxes and SubQuantum Kinetic Model of Electron.Victor Christianto, Robert N. Boyd & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Smarandache Hypothesis states that there is no speed limit of anything, including light and particles. While the idea is quite simple and based on known hypothesis of quantum mechanics, called Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, in reality such a superluminal physics seems still hard to accept by majority of physicists. Here we review some experiments to support superluminal physics and also findings to explain Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes and Quantum Sorites Paradox. We also touch briefly on new experiment on magneton, (...)
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  2. On Cellular Automata Representation of Submicroscopic Physics: From Static Space to Zuse’s Calculating Space Hypothesis.Victor Christianto, Volodymyr Krasnoholovets & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    In some recent papers (G. ‘t Hooft and others), it has been argued that quantum mechanics can arise from classical cellular automata. Nonetheless, G. Shpenkov has proved that the classical wave equation makes it possible to derive a periodic table of elements, which is very close to Mendeleyev’s one, and describe also other phenomena related to the structure of molecules. Hence the classical wave equation complements Schrödinger’s equation, which implies the appearance of a cellular automaton molecular model starting from classical (...)
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  3. Numerical solution of master equation corresponding to Schumann waves.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Following a hypothesis by Marciak-Kozlowska, 2011, we consider one-dimensional Schumann wave transfer phenomena. Numerical solution of that equation was obtained by the help of Mathematica.
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  4. Communication vs. Information, an Axiomatic Neutrosophic Solution.Florentin Smarandache & Stefan Vladutescu - 2013 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 1:38-45.
    Study represents an application of the neutrosophic method, for solving the contradiction between communication and information. In addition, it recourse to an appropriate method of approaching the contradictions: Extensics, as the method and the science of solving the contradictions. The research core is the reality that the scientific research of communication-information relationship has reached a dead end. The bivalent relationship communicationinformation, information-communication has come to be contradictory, and the two concepts to block each other. After the critical examination of conflicting (...)
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  5. On Newtonian dynamics with a variable Earth mass: Geodetic evidence and its implications on Pioneer spacecraft anomaly and LAGEOS satellite.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Around 3 decades ago, Jayant Narlikar & Halton Arp argued on possible variable mass hypothesis cosmology (VMH). In the meantime, the Earth expansion problem has attracted great interest, and recent study gives geodetic evidence that the Earth has been expanding, at least over the recent several decades. Therefore, in the present article discusses some interesting effects related to varying G, but here we argue that instead of varying G we can think of varying mass (M). Among other things we (...)
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  6. Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, VIII: painting by numbers.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Grandview Heights, OH, USA: Educational Publisher.
    In this eighth book of scilogs collected from my nest of ideas, one may find new and old questions and solutions, – in email messages to research colleagues, or replies, and personal notes handwritten on the planes to, and from international conferences, about all kind of topics, centered mostly on Paradoxism and Neutrosophy. -/- Exchanging ideas with: Robert Neil Boyd, Joseph Brenner, Ahmed Cevik, Victor Christianto, Adrian Curaj, Jean Dezert, Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi, Ervin Goldfain, Young Bae Jun, Yale Landsberg, Radu Munteanu, (...)
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  7. A Derivation of Fluidic Maxwell-Proca Equations for Electrodynamics of Superconductors and Implication to Chiral Cosmology model.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Yunita Umniyati - manuscript
    In a rather old paper, Mario Liu described a hydrodynamic Maxwell equations. While he also discussed potential implications of these new approaches to superconductors, such a discussion of electrodynamics of superconductors is made only after Tajmar’s paper. Therefore, in this paper we present for the first time a derivation of fluidic Maxwell-Proca equations. The name of fluidic Maxwell-Proca is proposed because the equations were based on modifying Maxwell-Proca and Hirsch’s theory of electrodynamics of superconductor. It is hoped that this paper (...)
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  8. On Some Metaphysical problems of Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Despite its enormous practical success, many physicists and philosophers alike agree that the quantum theory is full of contradictions and paradoxes which are difficult to solve consistently. Even after 90 years, the experts themselves still do not all agree what to make of it. The area of disagreement centers primarily around the problem of describing observations. Formally, the so-called quantum measurement problem can be defined as follows: the result of a measurement is a superposition of vectors, each representing the quantity (...)
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  9. Re-reading Wilczek’s remark on “Lost in Math”: The perils of postempirical science and their resolution.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Sabine Hossenfelder’s recent book “Lost in Math” has attracted numerous responses, including by notable physicists such as Frank Wilczek. In this article we focus on Wilczek’s remark on that book, in particular on the perils of postempirical science. We also discuss shortly multiverse hypothesis from philosophical perspective. In last section, we offer a resolution from the perspective of Neutrosophic Logic on this problem of classical tension between mathematics and experience approach to physics, which seems to cause the stagnation of (...)
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  10. How Hilbert’s attempt to unify gravitation and electromagnetism failed completely, and a plausible resolution.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Robert N. Boyd - manuscript
    In the present paper, these authors argue on actual reasons why Hilbert’s axiomatic program to unify gravitation theory and electromagnetism failed completely. An outline of plausible resolution of this problem is given here, based on: a) Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, b) Newton’s aether stream model. And in another paper we will present our calculation of receding Moon from Earth based on such a matter creation hypothesis. More experiments and observations are called to verify this new hypothesis, albeit it is (...)
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  11. An Outline of Cellular Automaton Universe via Cosmological KdV equation.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Yunita Umniyati - manuscript
    It has been known for long time that the cosmic sound wave was there since the early epoch of the Universe. Signatures of its existence are abound. However, such a sound wave model of cosmology is rarely developed fully into a complete framework. This paper can be considered as our second attempt towards such a complete description of the Universe based on soliton wave solution of cosmological KdV equation. Then we advance further this KdV equation by virtue of Cellular Automaton (...)
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  12. Godel, Escherian Staircase and Possibility of Quantum Wormhole With Liquid Crystalline Phase of Iced-Water - Part II: Experiment Description.Victor Christianto, T. Daniel Chandra & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 42 (2):85-100.
    The present article was partly inspired by G. Pollack’s book, and also Dadoloff, Saxena & Jensen (2010). As a senior physicist colleague and our friend, Robert N. Boyd, wrote in a journal (JCFA, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2022), for example, things and Beings can travel between Universes, intentionally or unintentionally [4]. In this short remark, we revisit and offer short remark to Neil Boyd’s ideas and trying to connect them with geometry of musical chords as presented by D. Tymoczko and (...)
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  13. Algebraic Structures in the Universe of Neutrosophic: Analysis with Innovative Algorithmic Approaches.Florentin Smarandache, Derya Bakbak, Vakkas Uluçay, Abdullah Kargın & Necmiye Merve Şahin (eds.) - 2024
    Neutrosophic theory and its applications have been expanding in all directions at an astonishing rate especially after of the introduction the journal entitled “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems”. New theories, techniques, algorithms have been rapidly developed. One of the most striking trends in the neutrosophic theory is the hybridization of neutrosophic set with other potential sets such as rough set, bipolar set, soft set, hesitant fuzzy set, etc. The different hybrid structures such as rough neutrosophic set, single valued neutrosophic rough set, (...)
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  14. New Trends in Neutrosophic Theories and Applications, Volume III.Florentin Smarandache & Surapati Pramanik (eds.) - 2024
    The field of neutrosophic set theory and its applications has been rapidly expanding, particularly since the introduction of the journal "Neutrosophic Sets and Systems." New theories, techniques, and algorithms are being developed at a very high rate. One of the most notable trends in neutrosophic theory is its hybridization with other set theories such as rough set theory, bipolar set theory, soft set theory, hesitant fuzzy set theory, and more. Various hybrid structures like rough neutrosophic sets, neutrosophic soft set, single (...)
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  15. CSsEv: Modelling QoS Metrics in Tree Soft Toward Cloud Services Evaluator based on Uncertainty Environment.Mona Gharib, Florentin Smarandache & Mona Mohamed - 2024 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 23 (2):32-41.
    Cloud computing (ClC) has become a more popular computer paradigm in the preceding few years. Quality of Service (QoS) is becoming a crucial issue in service alteration because of the rapid growth in the number of cloud services. When evaluating cloud service functioning using several performance measures, the issue becomes more complex and non-trivial. It is therefore quite difficult and crucial for consumers to choose the best cloud service. The user's choices are provided in a quantifiable manner in the current (...)
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  16. Direct Detection of Relic Neutrino Background remains impossible: A review of more recent arguments.Florentin Smarandache & Victor Christianto - manuscript
    The existence of big bang relic neutrinos—exact analogues of the big bang relic photons comprising the cosmic microwave background radiation—is a basic prediction of standard cosmology. The standard big bang theory predicts the existence of 1087 neutrinos per flavour in the visible universe. This is an enormous abundance unrivalled by any other known form of matter, falling second only to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photon. Yet, unlike the CMB photon which boasts its first (serendipitous) detection in the 1960s and (...)
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  17. From Zeldovich Approximation to Burgers’ equation: A Plausible Route to Cellular Automata Adhesion Universe.Florentin Smarandache & Victor Christianto - manuscript
    Some years ago, Hidding et al. suggest that the emergence of intricate and pervasive weblike structure of the Universe on Megaparsec scales can be approximated by a well-known equation from fluid mechanics, the Burgers’ equation. The solution to this equation can be obtained from a geometrical formalism. The resulting Adhesion formalism provides deep insight into the dynamics and topology of the Cosmic Web. It uncovers a direct connection between the conditions in the very early Universe and the complex spatial patterns (...)
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  18. A review on possible physical meaning of elastic-electromagnetic mathematical equivalences.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    It is known, despite special theory of relativity has been widely accepted, in our recent draft submitted to this journal it is shown that some experiments have been carried out suggesting superluminal wave propagation, which make Minkowski lightcone not valid anymore. Therefore, it seems worth to reconsider the connection between elastic wave and electromagnetic wave equations, as in their early development. In this paper we will start with Maxwell-Dirac isomorphism, then we will find its connection with elastic wave equations.
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  19. Neutrosophic Treatment of Duality Linear Models and the Binary Simplex Algorithm.Maissam Jdid & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Prospects for Applied Mathematics and Data Analysis 2 (1).
    One of the most important theories in linear programming is the dualistic theory and its basic idea is that for every linear model has dual linear model, so that solving the original linear model gives a solution to the dual model. Therefore, when we solving the linear programming model, we actually obtain solutions for two linear models. In this research, we present a study of the models. The neutrosophic dual and the binary simplex algorithm, which works to find the optimal (...)
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  20. Conjectures on Partitions of Integers As Summations of Primes.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    In this short note many conjectures on partitions of integers as summations of prime numbers are presented, which are extension of Goldbach conjecture.
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  21. Me duart në xhepat e qepur.Florentin Smarandache - 2023
    Proza e shkurtër në këtë vëllim, e ribashkuar nën titullin „Me duar në xhepa të qepur”, tërheq konflikte midis ekzistencës dhe thelbit, duke projektuar ngërçe, aporie identitare dhe shëmbëlltyra komunikimi. 1-0 (?) është një satirë për futbollin dhe aranzhimet - në favor të skuadrave apo lojtarëve të caktuar - që u prodhuan intensivisht gjatë periudhës socialiste, të dominuara nga gënjeshtra, mistifikimi dhe faji. GIONÍ diskuton për komplekset adoleshente-adoleshente të disa krijesave me status të pasigurt, të përhumbur nga dështimi dhe dështimi, (...)
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  22. Research on the topics of neutrosophic operations research. Volume 1.Florentin Smarandache & Maissam Ahmad Jdid - 2023
    In this volume, we present a set of research that was published in cooperation with a number of researchers and those interested in keeping pace with the great scientific development that our contemporary world is witnessing, and one of its products was neutrosophic science, which was founded by the American scientist and mathematical philosopher Florentin Smarandache in 1995. Through it, we present a new vision for some research methods. Operations research to the concepts of this science.
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  23. Investigation of a neutrosophic group.A. Elrawy, Florentin Smarandache & Ayat A. Temraz - unknown
    We use a neutrosophic set, instead of an intuitionistic fuzzy because the neutrosophic set is more general, and it allows for independent and partial independent components, while in an intuitionistic fuzzy set, all components are totally dependent. In this article, we present and demonstrate the concept of neutrosophic invariant subgroups. We delve into the exploration of this notion to establish and study the neutrosophic quotient group. Further, we give the concept of a neutrosophic normal subgroup as a novel concept.
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  24. Introduction to the MultiNeutrosophic Set.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 61:89-99.
    In the real word, in most cases, everything (an attribute, event, proposition, theory, idea, person, object, action, etc.) is evaluated in general by many sources (called experts), not only one. The more sources evaluate a subject, the better accurate result (after fusioning all evaluations). That’s why, in this paper, we straightforwardly extend the Refined Neutrosophic Set to the MultiNeutrosophic Set, and we show that the last two are isomorphic. A MultiNeutrosophic Set is a Neutrosophic Set whose all elements’ degrees of (...)
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  25. Structure, NeutroStructure, and AntiStructure in Science.Florentin Smarandache - 2021 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 13 (1):28-33.
    In any science, a classical Theorem, defined on a given space, is a statement that is 100% true (i.e. true for all elements of the space). To prove that a classical theorem is false, it is sufficient to get a single counter-example where the statement is false.
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  26. 7 hard questions on God and problem of evil.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - 2024 - Infinite Study.
    This small book consists of discussion of several hard questions on God and problem of evil. This compilation is partly stimulated by discussions with several close friends in a number of occasions. A number of these questions can be called ontological in nature, while the others may touch on philosophical-theology. While surely this small compilation may not address all your questions, hopefully you will find several hard questions are answered, to the best of authors’ knowledge, along with assistance of a (...)
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  27. Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists.W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache & K. Amal - 2008 - Ann Arbor, MI, USA: ProQuest Information & Learning.
    The concept of supermatrix for social scientists was first introduced by Paul Horst. The main purpose of his book was to introduce this concept to social scientists, students, teachers and research workers who lacked mathematical training. This book introduces the concept of fuzzy super matrices and operations on them. The author has provided only those operations on fuzzy supermatrices that are essential for developing super fuzzy multi expert models. This book will be highly useful to social scientists who wish to (...)
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  28. Thesis-Antithesis-Neutrothesis, and Neutrosynthesis.Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 8:57-58.
    In this short paper we extend the dialectical triad thesis-antithesis-synthesis to the neutrosophic tetrad thesis-antithesis-neutrothesis-neutrosynthesis. We do this for better reflecting our world, since the neutralities between opposites play an important role. The neutrosophic synthesis (neutrosynthesis) is more refined that the dialectical synthesis. It carries on the unification and synthesis regarding the opposites and their neutrals too.
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  29. Several Similarity Measures of Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2013 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 1:54-62.
    Smarandache (1995) defined the notion of neutrosophic sets, which is a generalization of Zadeh's fuzzy set and Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set. In this paper, we first develop some similarity measures of neutrosophic sets. We will present a method to calculate the distance between neutrosophic sets (NS) on the basis of the Hausdorff distance. Then we will use this distance to generate a new similarity measure to calculate the degree of similarity between NS. Finally we will prove some properties of (...)
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  30. Multi-attribute Decision Making based on Rough Neutrosophic Variational Coefficient Similarty Measure.Kalyan Modal, Surapati Pramanik & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 13:3-17.
    The purpose of this study is to propose new similarity measures namely rough variational coefficient similarity measure under the rough neutrosophic environment. The weighted rough variational coefficient similarity measure has been also defined. The weighted rough variational coefficient similarity measures between the rough ideal alternative and each alternative are xxxxx calculated to find the best alternative. The ranking order of all the alternatives can be determined by using the numerical values of similarity measures. Finally, an illustrative example has been provided (...)
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  31. Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, V: joining the dots.Florentin Smarandache - 2019 - Brussels, Belgium: Pons.
    In this fifth book of scilogs collected from my nest of ideas, one may find new and old questions and solutions, mostly referring to topics on NEUTROSOPHY – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, so on. Feel free to budge in or just use the scilogs as open source for your own ideas!
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  32. Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, IV: vinculum vinculorum.Florentin Smarandache - 2019 - Brussels, Belgium: Pons.
    In this fourth book of scilogs collected from my nest of ideas, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring mostly to topics on NEUTROSOPHY – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, so on. Feel free to budge in or just use the scilogs as open source for your own ideas!
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  33. Rough Neutrosophic TOPSIS for Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making.Kalyan Modal, Surapati Pramanik & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 13:105-117.
    This paper is devoted to present Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method for multi-attribute group decision making under rough neutrosophic environment. The concept of rough neutrosophic set is a powerful mathematical tool to deal with uncertainty, indeterminacy and inconsistency. In this paper, a new approach for multi-attribute group decision making problems is proposed by extending the TOPSIS method under rough neutrosophic environment. Rough neutrosophic set is characterized by the upper and lower approximation operators and the (...)
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  34. The MultiAlist System of Thought (philosophical essay).Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 61:598-605.
    The goal of this short note is to expand the concepts of ‘pluralism’, ‘neutrosophy’, ‘refined neutrosophy’, ‘refined neutrosophic set’, ‘multineutrosophic set’, and ‘plithogeny’ (Smarandache 2002, 2013, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023a, 2023b, 2023c), into a larger category that I will refer to as MultiAlism (or MultiPolar). As a straightforward generalization, I propose the conceptualization of a MultiPolar System (different from a PluriPolar System), which is formed not only by multiple elements that might be random, or contradictory, or adjuvant, but also (...)
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  35. Neutro-BCK-Algebra.Mohammad Hamidi & Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 8 (2):110-117.
    This paper introduces the novel concept of Neutro-BCK-algebra. In Neutro-BCK-algebra, the outcome of any given two elements under an underlying operation (neutro-sophication procedure) has three cases, such as: appurtenance, non-appurtenance, or indeterminate.
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  36. The Neutrosophic Statistical Distribution- More Problems, More Solutions.S. K. Patro & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 12:73-79.
    In this paper , the authors explore neutrosophic statistics, that was initiated by Florentin Smarandache in 1998 and developed in 2014, by presenting various examples of several statistical distributions, from the work [1]. The paper is presented with more case studies, by means of which this neutrosophic version of statistical distribution becomes more pronounced.
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  37. Commutative falling neutrosophic ideals in BCK-algebras.Young Bae Jun, Florentin Smarandache & Mehmat Ali Ozturk - 2018 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 20:44-53.
    The notions of a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal and a commutative falling neutrosophic ideal are introduced, and several properties are investigated. Characterizations of a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are obtained. Relations between commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal and (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are discussed. Conditions for an (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal to be a commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are established. Relations between commutative (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal, falling neutrosophic ideal and commutative falling neutrosophic ideal are considered. Conditions for a falling neutrosophic ideal to be (...)
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  38. Dyvargje paradoksiste.Florentin Smarandache - 2023
    Florentin Smarandache na ofron poezi të bukura, të frymëzuara dhe të shkarkuara nga zemra dhe shpirti. Autori shkruan një poezi reflektuese që shpaloset në disa shtresa medituese. Jehona e vargut të tij lind rezonanca të gjera dhe dërrmuese. Projektohen imazhe dhe tema përmes të cilave marrin formë ylberi lirika të reja, të artikuluara në përballje fjalësh që i bëjnë përshtypje të fortë poezisë dhe krijuesit të saj. Poezitë e mbretërimit të tij pasqyrojnë pikturën dhe kaligrafinë, dritën dhe hijen, një (...)
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  39. Tregime për të dremitur fëmijë.Florentin Smarandache - 2023
    Florentin Smarandache është një nga shkrimtarët më të talentuar në letërsinë rumune të diasporës. Dashuria e saj për librin ripërtërihet gjithmonë, duke arrdhur tani para lexuesve tanë me një libër të ri të ilustruar dhe të destinuar për lexuesit më të vegjël. Kjo është një befasi e re me disa tregime të bukura për shijen e fëmijëve të ditëve tona. Florentin Smarandache është një adhurues i leximit, një krijesë frymëzimesh të zjarrta për të cilin leximi është bërë një (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Degree of Dependence and Independence of the Components of Fuzzy Set and Neutrosophic Set.Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 11:95-97.
    We have introduced for the first time the degree of dependence (and consequently the degree of independence) between the components of the fuzzy set, and also between the components of the neutrosophic set in our 2006 book’s fifth edition [1]. Now we extend it for the first time to the refined neutrosophic set considering the degree of dependence or independence of subcomponets.
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  41. Foundation of Appurtenance and Inclusion Equations for Constructing the Operations of Neutrosophic Numbers Needed in Neutrosophic Statistics Foundation of Appurtenance and Inclusion Equations for Constructing the Operations of Neutrosophic Numbers Needed in Neutrosophic Statistics.Florentin Smarandache - 2024 - Neutrosophic Systems with Applications 15.
    We introduce for the first time the appurtenance equation and inclusion equation, which help in understanding the operations with neutrosophic numbers within the frame of neutrosophic statistics. The way of solving them resembles the equations whose coefficients are sets (not single numbers).
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  42. A Review of Two Derivations of Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism and a Few Plausible Extensions.Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    The problem of the formal connection between electrodynamics and wave mechanics has attracted the attention of a number of authors, especially there are some existing proofs on Maxwell-Dirac isomorphism. Here the author will review two derivations of Maxwell-Dirac isomorphism i.e. by Hans Sallhofer and Volodimir Simulik. A few plausible extensions will be discussed too.
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  43. Generalizations and Alternatives of Classical Algebraic Structures to NeutroAlgebraic Structures and AntiAlgebraic Structures.Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - Journal of Fuzzy Extension and Applications 1 (2):85-87.
    In this paper we present the development from paradoxism to neutrosophy, which gave birth to neutrosophic set and logic and especially to NeutroAlgebraic Structures (or NeutroAlgebras) and AntiAlgebraic Structures (or AntiAlgebras) that are generalizations and alternatives of the classical algebraic structures.
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  44. Similarity Measure of Refined Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Its Multicriteria Decision Making Method.Jun Ye & Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 12:41-44.
    This paper introduces a refined single-valued neutrosophic set (RSVNS) and presents a similarity measure of RSVNSs. Then a multicriteria decision-making method with RSVNS information is developed based on the similarity measure of RSVNSs. By the similarity measure between each alternative and the ideal solution (ideal alternative), all the alternatives can be ranked and the best one can be selected as well. Finally, an actual example on the selecting problems of construction projects demonstrates the application and effectiveness of the proposed method.
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  45. Degrees of Membership > 1 and < 0 of the Elements with Respect to a Neutrosophic OffSet.Florentin Smarandache - 2016 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 12:3-8.
    We have defined the Neutrosophic Over- /Under-/Off-Set and -Logic for the first time in 1995 and published in 2007. During 1995-2016 we presented them to various national and international conferences and seminars ([16]-[37]) and did more publishing during 2007-2016 ([1]-[15]). These new notions are totally different from other sets/logics/probabilities. We extended the neutrosophic set respectively to Neutrosophic Overset {when some neutrosophic component is > 1}, to Neutrosophic Underset {when some neutrosophic component is < 0}, and to Neutrosophic Offset {when some (...)
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  46. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Third volume.Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The third volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents an in-depth exploration of the cutting-edge developments in uncertain combinatorics and set theory. This comprehensive collection highlights innovative methodologies such as graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization, which enhance combinatorics by incorporating foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theories. These advancements open new mathematical horizons, offering novel approaches to managing uncertainty within complex systems. Combinatorics, a discipline focused on counting, arrangement, (...)
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  47. On Neutrosophic Semi Alpha Open Sets.Qays Hatem Imran, F. Smarandache, Riad K. Al-Hamido & R. Dhavaseelan - 2017 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 18:37-42.
    In this paper, we presented antoher concept of neutrosophic open sets called neutrosophic semi-α-open sets and studied their fundamental poperties in neutrosophic topological spaces. We also present neutrospohic semi-α-interior and neutrosophic semi-α-closure and study some of their fundamental properties.
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  48. Applications of Extended Plithogenic Sets in Plithogenic Sociogram.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 20.
    The theory of plithogeny developed by Smarandache is described as a more generalized form of representing sets of different nature such as crisp, fuzzy, intuitionistic and neutrosophic. Plithogenic set comprises degree of appurtenance and contradiction degree with respect only to the dominant attribute. This paper introduces extended plithogenic sets comprising degrees of appurtenance and contradiction with respect to both dominant and recessive attributes. The extension of the 5-tuple Plithogenic sets to a 7- tuple plithogenic sets helps in developing a (...)
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  49. Further results on -neutrosophic subalgebras and ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras.G. Muhiuddin, Hashem Bordbar, Florentin Smarandache & Young Bae Jun - 2018 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 20:36-43.
    Characterizations of an (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are considered. Any ideal in a BCK/BCI-algebra will be realized as level neutrosophic ideals of some (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal. The relation between (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal and (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic subalgebra in a BCK-algebra is discussed. Conditions for an (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic subalgebra to be a (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal are provided. Using a collection of ideals in a BCK/BCI-algebra, an (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideal is established. Equivalence relations on the family of all (∈, ∈)-neutrosophic ideals are introduced, and (...)
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  50. Rough Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi, Florentin Smarandache & Mamoni Dhar - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 3:60-65.
    Both neutrosophic sets theory and rough sets theory are emerging as powerful tool for managing uncertainty, indeterminate, incomplete and imprecise information .In this paper we develop an hybrid structure called “ rough neutrosophic sets” and studied their properties.
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