Results for 'Thales Maia'

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  1. Processamento Preditivo: uma introdução à proposta de unificação da cognição humana.Maria Luiza Iennaco, Thales Maia & Paulo Sayeg - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):425-452.
    O presente artigo objetiva fornecer uma apresentação crítica, compreensiva e inédita na língua portuguesa do Processamento Preditivo (PP) – um esquema teórico para a compreensão da cognição que propõe uma inversão de nosso entendimento padrão da ação, percepção, sensação e sua relação. Aqui, nosso objetivo primário será introduzir os principais conceitos e ideias do PP, tratando-o como um modelo moderadamente corporificado de cognição e analisando suas credenciais como uma proposta teórica unificadora. Para tanto, partiremos de uma contextualização histórica de algumas (...)
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  2. A New Look into Peter Townsend’s Holy Grail: The Theory and Measure of Poverty as Relative Deprivation.Samuel Maia - 2024 - Dissertation, Federal University of Minas Gerais
    The development of the science of poverty has largely been driven by the need to define more precisely what poverty is, as well as to provide theoretical and empirical criteria for identifying those who suffer from it. This thesis focuses on a notable response to these and related questions: the conception and measure of poverty by the British sociologist Peter Townsend. Townsend defines poverty as relative deprivation caused by lack of resources. This conception, along with his corresponding cut-off measure, constitutes (...)
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  3. Justiça e Racionalidade Prática–reflexões a partir da obra de Alasdair MacIntyre.Cleber Francisco Alves & Antonio Cavalcanti Maia - 2005 - In Antonio Cavalcanti Maia, Perspectivas atuais da filosofia do direito. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Lumen Juris.
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  4. Inherent emotional quality of human speech sounds.Blake Myers-Schulz, Maia Pujara, Richard C. Wolf & Michael Koenigs - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1105-1113.
    During much of the past century, it was widely believed that phonemes--the human speech sounds that constitute words--have no inherent semantic meaning, and that the relationship between a combination of phonemes (a word) and its referent is simply arbitrary. Although recent work has challenged this picture by revealing psychological associations between certain phonemes and particular semantic contents, the precise mechanisms underlying these associations have not been fully elucidated. Here we provide novel evidence that certain phonemes have an inherent, non-arbitrary emotional (...)
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    Medir a pobreza: Linhas, abordagens e indicadores.Samuel Maia - 2025 - In Facundo García Valverde & Laura Golbert, Protección social y pobreza : abordando la multidimensionalidad del problema. Reunión Científica, 16 y 17 de mayo, Buenos Aires: IICSAL, Flacso-CONICET. pp. 59-68.
    Com uma história que ultrapassa cem anos, a ciência da mensuração da pobreza foi impulsionada pela necessidade de critérios mais sistemáticos para determinar tanto a extensão do fenômeno quanto aquelas pessoas com direito à assistência social. Discuto dois dos principais produtos dessa história: as linhas de pobreza e as abordagens para sua mensuração. As linhas separam as pessoas em pobreza ― aquelas cujo nível de carência está abaixo da linha ― daquelas fora dela ― aquelas cujo nível está acima. E (...)
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  6. O ideal da ausência de valores na mensuração da pobreza.Samuel Maia - 2024 - In Paulo Tadeu da Silva, Filosofia, História e Sociologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia. Toledo-PR: Instituto Quero Saber. pp. 87-102.
    "Assim, este é o objetivo deste texto: mostrar como a literatura recente em torno de valores nas ciências pode nos ajudar a compreender melhor algumas das discussões em torno da mensuração da pobreza que foram suscitadas pelo trabalho de Peter Townsend. Apresentaremos primeiro o ideal da ausência de valor (seção 2), o que Townsend entendia por medidas objetivas e subjetivas (seção 3) e então poderemos compreender melhor o que é e quem não concorda com a posição de que a pobreza (...)
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  7. Normative validity: the case of poverty measures.Samuel Maia - manuscript
    This paper develops an account of normative validity and illustrates it through poverty measures. Many ideas addressed below are legatees of Anna Alexandrova’s reflections on what she called “value-aptness” in measuring well-being. To my knowledge, she introduced the term “normative validity” (Alexandrova, 2017: 151). Still, my goal is to address normative validity in a broader context than she did, highlighting its significance not only for well-being but also for other concepts, particularly poverty. I will further discuss how normative validity can (...)
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  8. Non-involutive twist-structures.Umberto Rivieccio, Paulo Maia & Achim Jung - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):973-999.
    A recent paper by Jakl, Jung and Pultr succeeded for the first time in establishing a very natural link between bilattice logic and the duality theory of d-frames and bitopological spaces. In this paper we further exploit, extend and investigate this link from an algebraic and a logical point of view. In particular, we introduce classes of algebras that extend bilattices, d-frames and N4-lattices to a setting in which the negation is not necessarily involutive, and we study corresponding logics. We (...)
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  9. Filosofia da Linguagem: Reflexão e Sentido.Thiago Onofre Maia - 2019 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 1 (1):87-99.
    Estas reflexões visam aproximar os conceitos linguístico-filosóficos vistos a partir da filosofia da linguagem nos diferentes períodos da história da civilização ocidental. A intenção é mostrar o modo como foram compreendidos os conceitos mais importantes da filosofia no campo da linguagem. Evidentemente, uma história repleta de detalhes, conceitos e circunstanciada por vários e complexos elementos culturais não poderia ser exposta de forma completa em poucas páginas. Assim, a nossa finalidade é antes mostrar os conceitos linguísticos considerados a partir de uma (...)
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  10. 'El arte de morir’: entre el Occidente barroco del P. Vieira y el Oriente de Buda.Helena Costa Carvalho & Rui Maia Rego - 2019 - In María de los Ángeles Fernández Valle, Carmen López Calderón & Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya, Discursos e Imágenes del Barroco Iberoamericano, vol. VIII. Enredars/Universidad Pablo de Olavide. pp. 401-412.
    A partir de la tesis del filósofo español Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), según la cual el extremo occidental — Portugal — y el extremo oriental — India — se dieron las manos espirituales por vía de la comprensión de la vanidad del mundo (vanitas), presentada en su obra Por tierras de Portugal y España (1911), nos proponemos poner en diálogo las visiones del mundo barroco occidental y del mundo budista oriental sobre la vanidad y la muerte. En este sentido, nuestra (...)
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  11. O conceito de identidade na filosofia e nos atos de linguagem.Rubens Dias Maia - 2008 - Dissertation, Ufscar, Brazil
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  12. A CAUSALIDADE NA EXPLICAÇÃO SOCIOLÓGICA E A TEORIA DA ESTRUTURAÇÃO DE ANTHONY GIDDENS.André Lucas Maia de Brito - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidade de Brasília
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  13. Logical Analysis of the Concept of Beauty.Fabio Maia Bertato & Gabriel San Martin - 2020 - Edukacja Filozoficzna 70:121-141.
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  14. A CATEGORIA DA RELAÇÃO NA METAFÍSICA DO ESSE DE TOMÁS DE AQUINO.Thales Bittencourt de Oliveira - 2013 - Dissertation, Ufrj, Brazil
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  15. A toxicomania como paradigma do entorpecimento pulsional e o gozo autista do corpo.Thales Siqueira de Carvalho - 2012 - Dissertation, Ufmg, Brazil
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  16. O Problema Do Naturalismo Na Sociologia e as Suas Reformulações Ontológicas Recentes: Uma Discussão a Partir da Questão da Causalidade Em Anthony Giddens e No Realismo Crítico.André Lucas Maia de Brito - 2023 - Dissertation, Universidade de Brasília
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  17. Resenha crítica de CAPPELEN, Herman. Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. [REVIEW]Samuel Maia - 2021 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 25 (3):565-575.
    This is a critical review of Herman Cappelen’s Fixing Language (2018), an excellent and thought-provoking introduction to a hot topic in metaphilosophy: conceptual engineering, which defines the process of evaluating and improving/revising our representational devices (popularly known as concepts). Here, I first present an overview of the book, summarizing his General Theory of conceptual engineering. Second, I point out some limits of the General Theory, in particular the putative consequence of his semantic externalism, the Lack of Control thesis. According to (...)
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  18. Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Cortical Networks in Psychopathy.Carissa L. Philippi, Maia S. Pujara, Julian C. Motzkin, Joseph P. Newman, Kent A. Kiehl & Michael Koenigs - 2015 - The Journal of Neuroscience 35 (15):6068 – 6078.
    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by callous antisocial behavior and criminal recidivism. Here we examine whether psychopathy is associated with alterations in functional connectivity in three large-scale cortical networks. Using fMRI in 142 adult male prison inmates, we computed resting-state functional connectivity using seeds from the default mode network, frontoparietal network, and cingulo-opercular network. To determine the specificity of our findings to these cortical networks, we also calculated functional connectivity using seeds from two comparison primary sensory networks: visual and (...)
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  19. Deliberation across Deep Divisions. Transformative Moments.Jurg Steiner, Maria Clara Jaramillo, Rousiley C. M. Maia & Simona Mameli - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    From the local level to international politics, deliberation helps to increase mutual understanding and trust, in order to arrive at political decisions of high epistemic value and legitimacy. This book gives deliberation a dynamic dimension, analysing how levels of deliberation rise and fall in group discussions, and introducing the concept of 'deliberative transformative moments' and how they can be applied to deeply divided societies, where deliberation is most needed but also most difficult to work. Discussions between ex-guerrillas and ex-paramilitaries in (...)
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  20. Deliberation across Deep Divisions. Transformative Moments.Jürg Steiner Maria Clara Jaramillo, Rousiley C. M. Maia, Simona Mameli - 2016 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 29:157-178.
    In group discussions of any kind there tends to be an up and down in the level of deliberation. To capture this dynamic we coined the concept of Deliberative Transformative Moments (DTM). In deeply divided societies deliberation is particularly important in order to arrive at peace and stability, but deliberation is also very difficult to be attained. Therefore, we wanted to learn about the conditions that in group discussions across the deep divisions of such societies help deliberation. We organized such (...)
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  21. Acheloios, Thales, and the Origin of Philosophy: A Response to the Neo-Marxians.Nicholas J. Molinari - 2022 - Oxford: Archaeopress.
    This book presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios, a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life, was the most important cultic deity influencing the thinker, profoundly shaping his philosophical worldview. In doing so, it also weighs in on the metaphysical and epistemological dichotomy that seemingly underlies all academia—the antithesis of the methodological postulate of Marxian dialectical materialism vis-à-vis the Platonic idea of fundamentally real (...)
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  22. Thales Ve Mi̇Let Okulu.Çeşmeci Nihat - 2022 - Ankara: Nobel.
    Milet okulunun kurucusu ve tarihteki ilk filozof olarak Thales kabul edilmektedir. Genellikle bilim tarihi kitapları onunla ve kurucusu olduğu Milet okulu düşünürleri olan Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes ile başlamaktadır. Felsefe, astronomi, matematik, geometri gibi farklı alanlarda çalışmalar yapmış olan bu bilim adamlarının oluşturduğu düşünce tarzı, günümüzde bilimsel düşüncenin de temelini teşkil etmektedir. Thales’in tarihteki ilk filozof olduğu fikrine karşı çıkanlar olsa da, evreni anlamaya yönelik teorik bir faaliyetin kayıtlı ilk örnekleri olarak Thales ve öncülüğünü yaptığı Milet okulu düşünürleri (...)
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  23. Milet Okulu Doğa Filozofları Bağlamında Tanrının İmkânı (Thales, Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes).Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2016 - Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9 (43):1329-1333.
    Bu makalede Milet Okulu Filozofları ve ilk materyalistler olarak anılan Thales, Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes’in ontolojileriyle ilişkili olarak arkhe arayışı içerisinde tanrıyla ilgili görüşlerine yer verilecektir. Bazı düşünürler tarafından tanrı tanımaz olarak nitelendirilen Miletli filozofların evrenin ilk maddesi nedir sorusuna vermiş oldukları yanıtların aslında o dönemki Antik Yunan din anlayışıyla bazı önemli noktalarda bağdaştığı gösterilecektir. Makalenin sonunda bu düşünürlerin kendilerine ait bir teoloji ve tanrı düşüncesine sahip oldukları sonucuna varılacaktır.
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  24. Antik Yunan’da Mitos-Logos İlişkisi: Thales’in Arkhe Sorununa Bakışının Mitos Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.Musa Yanık - 2020 - Ibad Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3 (7):863-281.
    Mitos ve Logos kavramları Antik Yunan uygarlığında söz kavramına karşılık gelen sözcükleri karşılamak için kullanılmıştır. Felsefe tarihinin başlangıcı için yapılan tanımlamalarda ise mitos kavramının yerine logos kavramının tercih edilmesi iki kavram arasında bir farklılığı ortaya koymak için yapılmaktadır. Bu ayrımın nedeni ise mitos’un daha çok dinsel içerikle anılması logos’un ise içerisinde bir tür akılsallık barındırması şeklindeki yorumlarda kendini göstermektedir. Ancak söz konusu ayrımın ilk doğa filozofu/ilk felsefeci olarak nitelendirilen Thales için geçerli olup olmadığı geçmişte olduğu gibi günümüzde de halen (...)
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  25. Antik Yunan Felsefesinde Arkhe Kavramı ve Görünüş-Gerçeklik Ayrımı: Thales, Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes'in Perspektifinden Bir İnceleme.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2024 - FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1 (39):1-18.
    Bu çalışma, Antik Yunan felsefesinde görünüş-gerçeklik problemi üzerine odaklanan ve bu bağlamda 'arkhe' kavramını değerlendiren bir analiz sunmaktadır. Arkhe, gerçekte değişenin ardında değişmeden kalan ancak durumları veya görünüşleri değişen bir ilke veya töz olarak kabul edilmekte ve bu bağlamda varlığın gerçekliği ile görünüşü arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklamak için kullanılmaktadır. Miletli filozoflar, arkheyi varlık için temel ilke olarak görürler ve bu ilkenin varlık üzerindeki değişimlerin arkasındaki sabit unsuru temsil ettiğini savunurlar. Bu unsur doğanın temelini oluşturur ve varlık ile onun görünüşü arasındaki ayrımı (...)
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  26. Heraclitus and thales - Finkelberg Heraclitus and thales’ conceptual scheme: A historical study. Pp. XII + 415. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2017. Cased, €135, us$145. Isbn: 978-90-04-33799-2. [REVIEW]Keith Begley - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):327-328.
    This book represents more than a decade of work (p. ix) by this eminent scholar. It is intended primarily for scholars of Classical Greek; however, F.’s laudable practice of, in most cases, providing English translations and repeating them when needed, makes it accessible to non-specialists and undergraduates, as he intended (pp. ix–x).
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  27. Arkhe ve Töz Kavramı Üzerine: Thales, Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı & Fatma Güdücü - 2022 - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1 (57):1-11.
    Bu makalede, Milet Okulu doğa filozoflarının ontolojileri çerçevesinde töz hakkındaki görüşlerine yer verilmektedir. Buna göre, öncelikle, töz kavramının felsefi tartışmalarda neden farklı şekillerde ele alındığını açıklamak için kavramın kökeni ve çeşitli anlamlarına yönelik tespitler aktarılmaktadır. Bu tespitlerden hareketle, Thales, Anaksimandros ve Anaksimenes'in her şeyin ilk ilkesi (arkhe) arayışında ulaştıkları sonuçların töz olarak kabul edilebileceği ve onların farklı nitelikte olan tözlerinin felsefi töz kavramının çeşitli özelliklerine atıfta bulunduğu ortaya konulmaktadır. Nihai olarak, makalenin amacı Miletli filozofların töze ilişkin kavrayışlarının birbirine paralel (...)
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  28. Sceptical Chymist in Search for Thales Principle.Petar Nurkić - 2021 - Filozofske Studije 37:135-149.
    Thales is considered to be the first philosopher to pose a question about fundamental principles on which everything else relied. His candidate for ἀρχή was water because he believed that everything comes from water and that the remaining three elements can also be created from water. Alchemists, or the first chemists, relied on the ancient tradition, especially Aristotle and the theory of the four elements. That is how they came to Aristotle’s testimonies about Thales, after which alchemists, like (...)
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  29. ... Going Further on down the Road..Alex Priou - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (1):03-31.
    Praised for its reliance on observation rather than myth, the Milesian school signals the dawn of science in the West. Whereas Hesiod appeals to the long ago and far away to explain the here and now, Thales and his cohorts do the reverse. In this reversal, we are their thankful, even faithful heirs. But with Hesiod not everything is myth and hearsay. Indeed, Hesiod singles himself out by name as the bearer of a powerfully poetic and distinctly human wisdom (...)
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  30. The Genesis of Philosophy in the West and the Presocratic Search for the Arche.Ferdinand Tablan - 2000 - Unitas 73 (2):246-283.
    The term “Presocratics” refers to a group of Greek thinkers who lived not later than Socrates and who were not decisively influenced by him. They are often referred to as the first philosophers as they represent the dawn of human speculation in the West. The essay examines the fragments of major Presocratics - Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Empidocles and Anaxagoras, which contain their views and arguments as reported by subsequent authors. Although these fragments are incomplete and are (...)
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  31. ‘Early Interest in Knowledge’.James Lesher - 1999 - In A. A. Long, The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 225-249.
    Western philosophy begins with Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. Or so we are told by Aristotle and many members of the later doxographical tradition. But a good case can be made that several centuries before the Milesian thinkers began their investigations, the poets of archaic Greece reflected on the limits of human intelligence and concluded that no mortal being could know the full and certain truth. Homer belittled the mental capacities of ‘creatures of a day’ and a series of poets (...)
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  32. Is Universal Consciousness Fit for Ground?Miri Albahari - 2024 - In Uriah Kriegel, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind Vol 4. Oxford University Press.
    The Perennial Philosophy centres around what is said to be a recurring mystical insight: that our inherent nature is actually pure, unconditioned consciousness, identical to the ground of all being. Perennial Idealism, the name I give to a metaphysical system I have been building, extrapolates from the Perennial Philosophy to explain how the world could be configured if it were in fact true. Among the most serious challenges faced is that of articulating and defending the very notion that our world (...)
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  33. Vom Gewinn des Wirklichkeitsverlustes.Erwin Sonderegger - 1995 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 21:79-104.
    Is there a possible profit from the loss of the sense of reality? The loss of the sense of reality is a mental disorder that needs treatment, otherwise the person concerned will suffer harm in the short term. We cannot imagine that therefrom a profit could result. Don Quixote gives an example of a loss of reality in a slightly different sense. He is no longer committed to the banal, everyday reality, in this area he fails completely. But he has (...)
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  34. Unification.T. Jones - 2005 - In Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge.
    Summary: Throughout the history of science, indeed throughout the history of knowledge, unification has been touted as a central aim of intellectual inquiry. We’ve always wanted to discover not only numerous bare facts about the universe, but to show how such facts are linked and interrelated. Large amounts of time and effort have been spent trying to show diverse arrays of things can be seen as different manifestations of some common underlying entities or properties. Thales is said to have (...)
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  35. Perceiving and Knowing in the Iliad and Odyssey.James Lesher - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (1):2-24.
    It is a commonplace in our histories of early Greek thought that philosophical reflection began in the final decades of the 6th century BC when Thales and his Milesian associates launched their inquiries into various natural phenomena. The historians Goody and Watt argue that this sort of thinking could have begun only when alphabetic literacy was fairly widespread. I offer a critique of the Goody and Watt thesis and provide as a counter example various portions of the Homeric poems (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Le Corps et L'Ésprit, Part 1.Olivier Massin - 2008 - Swiss Philosophical Preprints.
    Nous distinguons ordinairement le corps de l’esprit : nous parvenons aisément à concevoir (même si nous n’y croyons pas forcément) que notre esprit survive à notre corps, ou qu’il aille se loger dans un autre corps. Il y a là, pensons-nous, une véritable différence de nature. Mais bien que cette distinction nous soit très intuitive, dès lors que nous cherchons à spécifier le critère sur lequel elle repose, elle se dérobe. Tout se passe comme si nous n’avions aucun mal à (...)
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  37. The Concept of the Good (tagathon) in Philosophy before Plato.Artur Pacewicz - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7.
    The aim of the article is to outline an interpretation of the philosophical understanding of the concept of the good in pre-Platonic thought. The interpretation is based on those fragments only in which the concept actually appears. As a result of the adopted assumption, the ideas of the first philosophers, i.e. Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes, were outside the scope of the investigation, as well as those of Xenophanes, Eleatics, Empedocles, Anaxagoras and Leucippus. In the case of the first philosophical (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Der Ursprung der Wissenschaft bei Anaximander von Milet.Rafael Ferber - 1986 - Theologie Und Philosophie 61 (4):551-561.
    The paper deals with the beginning and the main properties of the science of nature (he peri physeos historiê). According to Themistius (DK 12 A 7), the founder of this kind of Ionic philosophy is Anaximander of Miletus because he was the first who wrote about nature (especially a cosmography and a cosmogony) and developed three main principles of nature: 1. Nature has a mathematical structure (Arist. De coelo I3 295b10-14.32); 2. nature has a physical structure (DK 12 A 10-11); (...)
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  39. Luc Besson's Fifth Element and the Notion of Quintessence.George Arabatzis & Evangelos D. Protopapadakis - 2022 - In Ana Dishlieska Mitova, Philosophy and Film: Conference Proceedings. pp. 69-76.
    The Fifth Element (1997) is a French science-fiction film in English, directed and co-written by Luc Besson. The title and the plot of the film refer to a central notion of Greek philosophy, that is, pemptousia, or quintessence. Pre-Socratic philosophers such as Thales, Anaxagoras, Anaximenes and others, were convinced that all natural beings – in fact, nature itself – consist in four primary imperishable elements or essences (ousiai), i.e., fire, earth, water, and air. To these four, Aristotle added aether, (...)
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  40. Comparative Hindu and Presocratic Philosophy.Ferdinand Tablan - 2002 - Filosophia 31 (1):16-31.
    This paper aims to synthesize two equally impressive systems of thought: Indian philosophy in the East and Presocratic philosophy in the West, which are separated not only by space and time but by our prejudices. It attempts to show the universality of philosophy by exploring the parallelisms and similarities, clarifying contrasts, and highlighting the common themes that are emphasized and de-emphasized in them. The study does not intend to give a complete account of the early Greek and Hindu thoughts. The (...)
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  41. Definição de Conceitos Básicos na Reprodução Animal: Fertilidade, Fecundidade e Prolificidade - Suínos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    1. INTRODUÇÃO -/- No "mundo" das produções animais, e sem que saibamos exatamente o motivo ou os motivos, não é incomum observar, mesmo a nível docente (faceta em que nos sentimos especialmente culpados), uma notável discussão (obscuridade de ideias e/ou na linguagem, produzida deliberadamente ou não) ao abordar os conceitos de fertilidade, fecundidade e prolificidade. -/- Esta falta de clareza conceitual torna-se tanto mais manifesta quando, precisamente a partir dos referidos conceitos, se pretende efetuar, por exemplo, uma programação ou uma (...)
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  42. INFLUENCE OF THE DIET ON THE ONSET OF PUBERTY IN HAIR LAMBS.Carina de Oliveira & Ana Cláudia Nascimento Campos - 2024 - Repositório Ufc 1 (1):1-13.
    Sheep production is the most representative livestock activities in Brazil and in the world. However, the reproductive performance of these animals is determined by factors genetic, physical environment, management and, especially, nutritional. Thirty half-breed lambs from Dorper × Santa Inês were used, with initial weight and age of 31.87 ± 0.5 kg and 157 days, respectively. These animals were prepared on a diet with three food levels (ad libitum, 30% and 70%). Morphometric measurements were measured at intervals of 16 to (...)
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  43. Relativistic Language and the Natural Philosophy Big-Bang.Heitor Matallo Junior - manuscript
    This article aims to show the emergence of Pre-Socratic Natural Philosophy using the cosmological Big-Bang analogy, where from a certain moment in time and space a universe appears, first in its "inflationary" moment and, soon, in constant expansion. In the case of natural philosophy, it arose with Thales at a certain moment in space and time. It also had its “inflationary” period marked by a large number of philoso-phers and a profound change in the understanding of nature. This period (...)
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    Proč Slunce svítí a hřeje? : Míléťané: Oheň. Prostě oheň.Pavel Matail & Josef Petrželka - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (2):77-81.
    The text is another contribution to a series of investigations into how the fact that the Sun shines and heats was explained in antiquity. In this case, the explanations of three Miletus philosophers - Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes - are examined.
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  45. (2 other versions)The Fundamental Interrelationships Model – An Alternative Approach to the Theory of Everything, Part 1.Gavin Huang - 2022 - In Huang Gavin, Behind Civilization: the fundamental rules in the universe. Sydney, Australia: Gavin Huang. pp. 400-.
    The quest for a unified “Theory of Everything” that explains the fundamental nature of the universe has long been a holy grail for scientists and philosophers. -/- “A theory of everything (TOE), final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory, or master theory is a singular, all- encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe, finding a theory of everything is one of the major unsolved problems in physics". - Theory of Everything, (...)
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  46. Aristotle’s Criticism of Pre-Socratic Natural Philosophy.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2006 - Amman, Jordan: Dar Al-Warraq.
    Aristotle (384-322 B.C), a well know Greek philosopher, physician, scientist and politician. A variety of identifying researches have been written on him. It is therefore a considerable pride for the researcher to write something about him when even mentioning his name and his father's name is a point of prestige in the Greek Language. His name means the preferable sublimity whereas Nicomachus (his father's name) means the definable negotiator. His father's and mother's origin belongs to Asclepiade, the favorite origin in (...)
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  47. Greek Philosophy.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2009 - Amman, Jordan: Dar Alwarq Publishing House.
    In this book the author presented the history of the Greek philosophy that extends from the six century BC till the six century AC. He divided the book into three main stages: Philosophy before Socrates: It extended from 6th century BC to mid 5th century BC. This stage began with Thales and his school of Physics; Heraclitus; Pythagoras school; Eleaties School; then Empedocles and Anaxagoras; Democritus and Sophists school. The themes of philosophical contemplation were nature, universe and man. Socratic (...)
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  48. Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  49. AN INTRODUCTION TO ARISTOTLE's METAPHYSICS OF TIME: Historical research into the mythological and astronomical conceptions that preceded Aristotle’s philosophy.Régis Laurent (ed.) - 06/11/2015 - Villegagnons-Plaisance Ed..
    This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its diametrical opposite, advanced by Aristotle. We shall explore this dichotomy through a return to poetic conceptions. The Tragedians will give us an initial outline of the notion of time in the Greek world (Fate); we shall then turn to Homer in order to better (...)
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  50. METAPHYSIQUE DU TEMPS CHEZ ARISTOTE I.: Recherches historiques sur les conceptions mythologiques et astronomiques précédant la philosophie aristotélicienne. I.Régis Laurent (ed.) - 16/04/2009 - Villegagnons-Plaisance Ed..
    Notre étude sur le temps grec précédant la pensée d Aristote commencera d'abord par un commentaire de son premier texte, le Protreptique. Nous verrons se dégager deux temps distincts : l'un initiatique, circulaire et d'inspiration platonicienne, et l'autre diamétralement opposé dont Aristote serait le défenseur. Afin d'interroger cette dichotomie, nous retournerons aux conceptions poétiques. Les Tragiques nous permettront d'offrir une première esquisse de cette notion dans l'univers grec (Du destin...). Ensuite, l'oeuvre épique d'Homère sera l'occasion de mieux saisir le nouage (...)
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