Results for 'Thomas AQUINAS'

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  1. Thomas Aquinas – Human Dignity and Conscience as a Basis for Restricting Legal Obligations.Marek Piechowiak - 2016 - Diametros 47:64-83.
    In contemporary positive law there are legal institutions, such as conscientious objection in the context of military service or “conscience clauses” in medical law, which for the sake of respect for judgments of conscience aim at restricting legal obligations. Such restrictions are postulated to protect human freedom in general. On the basis of Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy, it shall be argued that human dignity, understood as the existential perfection of a human being based on special unity, provides a foundation (...)
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  2. From Thomas Aquinas to the 1350s.Eric W. Hagedorn - 2018 - In Thomas Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 55-76.
    An overview of debates in ethical theory within Christian Scholasticism in the decades after Thomas Aquinas.
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  3. Thomas Aquinas, Magister Ludi: The Relation of Medieval Logic and Theology.Joshua P. Hochschild - 2020 - Hungarian Philosophical Review 64 (4):43-62.
    This paper seeks to articulate the relationship between medieval logic and theology. Reviewing modern scholarship, we find that the purpose of medieval logic, when it is even inquired about, has proven difficult to articulate without reference to theology. This prompts reflection on the metaphors of logic as a “tool” and a “game”: a tool is not merely instrumental, insofar as it can have its own intrinsic goods and can shape and be shaped by that which it serves; likewise a game, (...)
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  4. Thomas Aquinas, Hylomorphism, and Identity over Time.Fabrizio Amerini - 2016 - Noctua 3 (1):29-73.
    Identity-Over-Time has been a favorite subject in the literature concerning Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas addresses this issue in many discussions, including especially the identity of material things and artifacts, the identity of the human soul after the corruption of body, the identity of the body of Christ in the three days from his death to his resurrection and the identity of the resurrected human body at the end of time. All these discussions have a point in common: they (...)
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  5. Thomas Aquinas and Durand of St.-Pourçain on Mental Representation.Peter Hartman - 2013 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 30 (1):19-34.
    Most philosophers in the High Middle Ages agreed that what we immediately perceive are external objects. Yet most philosophers in the High Middle Ages also held, following Aristotle, that perception is a process wherein the perceiver takes on the form or likeness of the external object. This form or likeness — called a species — is a representation by means of which we immediately perceive the external object. Thomas Aquinas defended this thesis in one form, and Durand of (...)
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  6. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, and John Duns Scotus: On the Theology of the Father's Intellectual Generation of the Word.Scott M. Williams - 2010 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 77 (1):35-81.
    There are two general routes that Augustine suggests in De Trinitate, XV, 14-16, 23-25, for a psychological account of the Father's intellectual generation of the Word. Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent, in their own ways, follow the first route; John Duns Scotus follows the second. Aquinas, Henry, and Scotus's psychological accounts entail different theological opinions. For example, Aquinas (but neither Henry nor Scotus) thinks that the Father needs the Word to know the divine essence. If (...)
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  7. Thomas Aquinas’s Understanding of Faith & Reason: Jacques Maritain and Norman Geisler in Dialogue.Scott D. G. Ventureyra - 2023 - American Journal of Biblical Theology 24 (38):1-19.
    This article examines the thoughts and works of Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain and evangelical philosopher Norman Geisler in light of their understanding of Thomas Aquinas’s view of faith and reason.
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  8. Thomas Aquinas and William E. Carroll on Creatio ex Nihilo: A Response to Joseph Hannon’s “Theological Objections to a Metaphysicalist Interpretation of Creation”.Ignacio Silva - 2021 - Theology and Science:01-09.
    Joseph Hannon has expressed a most surprising objection to Aquinas scholar Prof William E. Carroll in his latest paper “Theological Objections to a Metaphysicalist Interpretation of Creation.” The main claim is that Prof. Carroll misunderstands Aquinas' doctrine of creatio ex nihilo by reducing it to a metaphysical notion, rather than considering it in its full theological sense. In this paper I show Hannon's misinterpretation of Carroll's and Thomas Aquinas' thought, particularly by stressing the dependence that the (...)
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  9. (7 other versions)Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Psalms, Psalm 8 (translation).Gregory Sadler (ed.) - 2002 - Translated by Gregory Sadler.
    English translation of Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on the Psalms, Psalm 8.
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  10. Thomas Aquinas and Some Neo-Thomists on the Possibility of Miracles and the Laws of Nature.I. Silva - 2024 - Religions 15 (4):422.
    This paper discusses how Thomas Aquinas and some Neo-Thomists scholars (Juan José Urráburu, Joseph Hontheim, Édouard Hugon, and Joseph Gredt) analysed the metaphysical possibility of miracles. My main goal is to unpack the metaphysical toolbox that Aquinas uses to solve the basic question about the possibility of miracles and to compare how his late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century followers solved the issue themselves. The key feature to differentiate the two approaches will reside in their use of different (...)
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  11. St. Thomas Aquinas and the development natural law in economics thought.Muhammad Rashid - 2020 - Journal of Economic and Social Thought 7 (1).
    Building on the system of reason provided for by the Greek philosopher and specifically Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas built a comprehensive system and theory of natural law which has lasted through the ages. The theory was further developed in the Middle Ages and in the Enlightenment Ages by many a prominent philosopher and economist and has been recognized in the Modern Age. The natural law-theory and system has been repeatedly applied to the spheres of economic thought and has (...)
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  12. Thomas Aquinas and the Resurrection of the (Disabled) Body.Michael Waddell - 2017 - The Saint Anselm Journal 12 (1):29-51.
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  13. St. Thomas Aquinas on Intelligent Design.Robert C. Koons & Logan Paul Gage - 2011 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 85:79-97.
    Recently, the Intelligent Design movement has challenged the claim of many in the scientific establishment that nature gives no empirical signs of having been deliberately designed. In particular, ID arguments in biology dispute the notion that neo-Darwinian evolution is the only viable scientific explanation of the origin of biological novelty, arguing that there are telltale signs of the activity of intelligence which can be recognized and studied empirically. In recent years, a number of Catholic philosophers, theologians, and scientists have expressed (...)
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  14. "Thomas Aquinas's Prime Matter Pluralism".John Peck, Sj - forthcoming - The Thomist.
    Prime Matter Pluralism (PMP) states that while the prime matter of all terrestrial bodies is the same, there is a unique prime matter for each celestial body. Prime matters are distinct in virtue of being in potentiality to different forms. Steven Baldner argues that although Thomas Aquinas endorsed PMP in Summa theologiae I, he ultimately rejected it in his De caelo commentary and De substantiis separatis. Besides exegetical evidence for this claim, Baldner presents a philosophical objection to PMP: (...)
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  15. Thomas Aquinas on Grace as a Mysterious Kind of Creature.Elliot Polsky - 2021 - Studia Gilsoniana 10 (3):545–578.
    Although the question of whether, in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, sanctifying grace is “created” or “uncreated” has received considerable attention in the last several decades, many of the questions and arguments proposed by those, such as Karl Rahner, Jerome Ebacher, and A.N. Williams, in favor of grace being uncreated have gone unanswered. Among these ancillary questions and arguments are those concerning the proper subject of grace, the categorial classification of grace, and the reason for the mystery and (...)
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  16. There Must Be A First: Why Thomas Aquinas Rejects Infinite, Essentially Ordered, Causal Series.Caleb Cohoe - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):838 - 856.
    Several of Thomas Aquinas's proofs for the existence of God rely on the claim that causal series cannot proceed in infinitum. I argue that Aquinas has good reason to hold this claim given his conception of causation. Because he holds that effects are ontologically dependent on their causes, he holds that the relevant causal series are wholly derivative: the later members of such series serve as causes only insofar as they have been caused by and are effects (...)
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  17. St. Thomas Aquinas's Concept of a Person.Christopher Hauser - 2022 - NTU Philosophical Review 64:191-230.
    This article develops an argument in defense of the claim that Aquinas holds that there are some kinds of activities which can be performed only by persons. In particular, it is argued that Aquinas holds that only persons can engage in the activities proper to a rational nature, e.g., the activities of intellect and will. Next, the article turns to discuss two implications of this thesis concerning Aquinas’s concept of a person. First, the thesis can be used (...)
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  18. Komentarz do kwestii 7 "O nieskończoności Boga" (Introduction to Question 7 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Infinity of God").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski (eds.), Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 491-512.
    This is the introduction to the Question 7 (The infinity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologiae".
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  19. Thomas Aquinas on Establishing the Identity of Aristotle’s Categories.Paul Symington - 2008 - In Lloyd A. Newton (ed.), Medieval commentaries on Aristotle's Categories. Boston: Brill. pp. 119-144.
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  20. Thomas Aquinas, Perceptual Resemblance, Categories, and the Reality of Secondary Qualities.Paul Symington - 2011 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 85:237-252.
    Arguably one of the most fundamental phase shifts that occurred in the intellectual history of Western culture involved the ontological reduction of secondary qualities to primary qualities. To say the least, this reduction worked to undermine the foundations undergirding Aristotelian thought in support of a scientific view of the world based strictly on an examination of the real—primary— qualities of things. In this essay, I identify the so-called “Causal Argument” for a reductive view of secondary qualities and seek to deflect (...)
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  21. Thomas Aquinas On Knowledge.Raphael Descartes M. Roldan - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of Aquinas' proof of the existence of God. In proving God's existence, Aquinas lays out a cosmological argument of which also sets that tone for his seminal work in epistemology.
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  22. Thomas Aquinas on the perpetual truth of essential propositions.Gloria Frost - 2010 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (3):197-213.
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  23. Komentarz do kwestii 10. O wieczności Boga (Introduction to Question 10 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Eternity of God").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski (eds.), Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 553-575.
    This is the introduction to the Question 10 (The Eternity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
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  24. Komentarz do kwestii 9 "O niezmienności Boga" (Introduction to Question 9 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Immutability of God").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski (eds.), Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 537-552.
    This is the introduction to the Question 9 (The Immutability of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
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  25. Komentarz do kwestii 8 "O byciu Boga w rzeczach" (Introduction to Question 8 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Existence of God in Things").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski (eds.), Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 513-536.
    This is the introduction to the Question 8 (The Existence of God in Things) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
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  26. Thomas Aquinas, “the Greatest Advocate of Dispositional Modality”.Ben Page - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (2):167-188.
    Aquinas has been labelled “the greatest advocate of dispositional modality”, by one contemporary power theorist. This paper’s goal is to critically analyse this claim. Before doing so, however, it first explicates some components of Aquinas’s ontology of powers, putting him in dialogue with contemporary discussions. Next it explicates the two competing views of the modality of powers, dispositional modality and conditional necessity, and proceeds to examine the textual basis as to which of the two Aquinas held. Ultimately (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas' Exegesis and Hermeneutics.Mercedes Rubio - 2022 - In J. A. Demetracopoulos & Charalambos Dendrinos (eds.), Thomas Latinus - Thomas Graecus: Thomas Aquinas and His Reception in Byzantium. Athens: Artos Zoes. pp. 126-148.
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  28. The Principles of Angelic Self-Knowledge. From Thomas Aquinas to João Poinsot.Simone Guidi - forthcoming - Medioevo e Rinascimento.
    This paper delves into a pivotal issue of scholastic angelology, the problem of angelic self-knowledge. It compares positions ranging from Thomas Aquinas’s to João Poinsot’s. I stress in particular what I dub ‘the problem of immanent knowledge in presence’, i.e. the problem of the actual, immanent and presential interplay between the angelic intellect and the angelic substance, which Aquinas sees as the rationale for angelic self-knowledge. I then discuss the perspectives of Cajetan and Vázquez, which revolve around (...)
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  29. Human Identity, Immanent Causal Relations, and the Principle of Non-Repeatability: Thomas Aquinas on the Bodily Resurrection.Christina van Dyke - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (4):373 - 394.
    Can the persistence of a human being's soul at death and prior to the bodily resurrection be sufficient to guarantee that the resurrected human being is numerically identical to the human being who died? According to Thomas Aquinas, it can. Yet, given that Aquinas holds that the human being is identical to the composite of soul and body and ceases to exist at death, it's difficult to see how he can maintain this view. In this paper, I (...)
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  30. Porphyry, Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas: A Neoplatonic Hierarchy of Virtues and Two Christian Appropriations.Joshua P. Hochschild - 2003 - In John Inglis (ed.), Medieval philosophy and the classical tradition in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. New York: RoutledgeCurzon. pp. 245-259..
    Describes a Neoplatonic hierarchy of the cardinal virtues extending to immaterial beings, and compares its appropriation by Bonaventure and Aquinas.
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  31. Is St. Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Teaching Christian? The Answer of Servais Pinckaers, O.P.Paul Morrissey - 2015 - Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 5 (1):Article 3.
    Servais Pinckaers, in his most important work, The Sources of Christian Ethics, asks the provocative question: is the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas Christian or, alternatively, does Aquinas rely so much on the ethics of Aristotle that his teaching is merely philosophical? This paper presents an overview of Pinckaers’s answer to this question. His answer is important in that it addresses a common misinterpretation of St. Thomas, which is to overstress his Aristotelian influence and understate (...)
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  32. Rezoning the Moral Landscape: How Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas Can Fix Sam Harris’s Attempt to Ground Ethics in the Sciences.Timothy K. Brown - manuscript
    This article provides an analysis of how the philosophy of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, particularly their treatment of the "Problem of the One and the Many," can help inform Sam Harris's attempt to ground ethics in the empirical sciences in his 2010 book The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. -/- The paper shows how Aristotle and Aquinas's thought can: • Explaining how the sciences are organized and why they will not produce multiple, competing (...)
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  33. Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Transhumanity?John Boyer & Geoffrey Meadows - 2015 - In John Hittinger & Daniel C. Wagner (eds.), Thomas Aquinas: Teacher of Humanity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 176-187.
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  34. Aquinas, Compatibilist.Thomas Loughran - 1999 - In F. Michael McClain and W. Mark Richardson (ed.), Human and Divine Agency: Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran Perspectives. pp. 1 - 39.
    As I read the texts of Aquinas and the state of the discussion among his interpreters on the question of the compatibility between creaturely freedom and divine providence, an alternative interpretation suggests itself. My impression is that traditional interpreters left Aquinas’ account of the relationships among human freedom, providence and divine goodness inadequately defended, while Maritain and Lonergan with fair intention subverted it, because their readings were hampered by libertarian intuitions about human freedom which Aquinas did not (...)
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  35. Tomasza z Akwinu koncepcja prawa naturalnego. Czy Akwinata jest myślicielem liberalnym? [Thomas Aquinas’s Conception of Natural Law: Is Aquinas a Liberal Thinker?].Marek Piechowiak - 2013 - Przegląd Tomistyczny 19:301-337.
    This article seeks to justify the claim that Thomas Aquinas proposed a concept of natural law which is immune to the argument against the recognition of an objective grounding of the good formulated by a well-known representative of the liberal tradition, Isaiah Berlin, in his famous essay “Two Concepts of Freedom.” I argue that Aquinas’s concept of freedom takes into account the very same values and goals that Berlin set out to defend when he composed his critique (...)
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  36. “In as Many Ways as Something is Predicated ... in that Many Ways is Something Signified to Be”: The Logic Behind Thomas Aquinas’s Predication Thesis, Esse Substantiale, and Esse in Rerum Natura.Elliot Polsky - 2019 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 93:263-292.
    Thomistic commentators agree that Thomas Aquinas at least nominally allows for 'to be' (esse) to signify not only an act contrasted with essence in creatures, but also the essence itself of those creatures. Nevertheless, it is almost unheard of for any author to interpret Thomas's use of the word 'esse' as referring to essence. Against this tendency, this paper argues that Thomas's In V Metaphysics argument that every predication signifies esse provides an important instance of (...) using esse to signify essence. This reading of In V Metaphysics, which this paper defends against an alternative interpretation, entails significant reinterpretations of Thomas's technical terms 'esse substantiale' and 'esse in rerum natura' as well as Thomas's use of 'is,' both as a copula and as a principal predicate. (shrink)
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  37. Thomas Aquinas on the Relation Between Cognition and Emotion.Bobier Christopher - 2022 - The Thomist 86 (2):219-243.
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  38. Seeing St. Thomas Aquinas' Christian Theology in the Light of Platonism and Neoplatonism.Rares Vlad Gherman - manuscript
    The article begins with an inquiry on St. Thomas Aquinas' theological framework of God in the Summa Theologica, as seen through the lenses of Pseudo Dionysius and Proclus Lycaeus, in the Light of Plato's dialectical exploration of the One in the Parmenides. We proceed to the similarities and differences between St. Thomas Aquinas’ theology and Plato’s philosophy in terms of the means through which the soul ascends towards the highest vision. Ideas of thinkers such as Democritus, (...)
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  39. St. Thomas Aquinas on the nature and purpose of education: The importance of Aristotelian-Thomistic principles for educational leaders.Josef Charles Froula - 2015 - Dissertation, Southern Connecticut State University
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  40. The Problem of Contraries and Prime Matter in the Reception of Aristotle’s Physical Corpus in the Work of Thomas Aquinas.Ana Maria C. Minecan - 2016 - Svmma Revista de Cultures Medievals 7:20-39.
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  41. What It is to Exist: The Contribution of Thomas Aquinas’s View to the Contemporary Debate.Patrick Zoll - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    One important task of metaphysics is to answer the question of what it is for an object to exist. The first part of this book offers a systematic reconstruction and critique of contemporary views on existence. The upshot of this part is that the contemporary debate has reached an impasse because none of the considered views is able to formulate a satisfactory answer to this fundamental metaphysical question. The second part reconstructs Thomas Aquinas’s view on existence (esse) and (...)
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  42. The Earnest of Our Inheritance (Eph 1:5): The Biblical Foundations of Thomas Aquinas’ Soteriology.Piotr Roszak - 2017 - Przegląd Tomistyczny:213-233.
    From the perspective of Aquinas’ Biblical commentaries, the article develops the reflection on pignus / arra haereditatis (Eph 1:5) seeing these essential elements of Thomas’ reflection on salvation in the terminological question of which one is better: pignus or arra, namely the pledge or the earnest/deposit. Thomas develops soteriology, which indicates that human salvation starts “now” and not “later,” through the participation in the Passion of Christ and in His merits. Analyzing Aquinas’ commentary on Ps 21, (...)
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    Revaluing Contemplation: Byung-Chul Han and St. Thomas Aquinas Ideas on Vita Contemplativa.Nataniel Fernandez - 2024 - Theoria: The Academic Journal of San Carlos Seminary Philosophy Department 7 (1):109-129.
    One can observe that modern man already is in a society where achievement becomes the main, even sole, goal. Neoliberalism highly influenced people to see themselves as subjects of achievement. The society becomes the one that dictates the activities of man, leaving him without freedom. It is observed that in today’s world, man submits himself easily to the demands of the particular situation without even thinking. In this paper, we look at the ways of life, namely, Vita Contemplativa and Vita (...)
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  44. Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna on the Relationship between First Philosophy and the Other Theoretical Sciences: A Note on Thomas's Commentary on Boethius's „De Trinitate", Q. 5, art. 1, ad 9. [REVIEW]John F. Wippel - 1973 - The Thomist 37 (1):133-154.
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  45. The Real Distinction between Supposit and Nature in Angels in Thomas Aquinas.Elliot Polsky - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    It is universally acknowledged that, for St. Thomas, there is a distinction between human persons or supposits and their natures or essences. But it is usually thought that there is no parallel distinction between the angelic person or supposit and its nature. Yet, as this paper argues, Aquinas consistently puts forward just such a distinction. This paper surveys Aquinas’s arguments for the unique identity of God with his essence and the corresponding distinctions between created persons and their (...)
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    Hans Urs von Balthasar's Interpretation of the Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.Angelo Campodonico’S. - 2001 - Nova et Vetera 8:33-53.
    The article concerns the interpretation of Aquinas' philosophy in the thougt of the swiss theologian Hans Urs Von Balthasar.
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  47. (1 other version)The Passions of Christ in the Moral Theology of Thomas Aquinas: An Integrative Account.Stewart Clem - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1074).
    In recent scholarship, moral theologians and readers of Thomas Aquinas have shown increasing sensitivity to the role of the passions in the moral life. Yet these accounts have paid inadequate attention to Thomas's writings on Christ's passions as a source of moral reflection. As I argue in this essay, Thomas's writings on Christ's human affectivity should not be limited to the concerns of Christology; rather, they should be integrated into a fuller account of the human passions. (...)
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    Argumentative Philosophical Analysis of Bertrand Russell's Text on the Question of the Existence of God and the First Cause based on the thought of Thomas Aquinas.Jesus Fernandez-Pedrera Correa - forthcoming - Zenodo.
    In his work Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects, Bertrand Russell attempts to demonstrate the nonexistence of God. In this work we will address the analysis of the consistency of his arguments on the existence of God and the First Cause, using the AV (Acceptability-Inferential Validity) scheme in a philosophical-argumentative study of them, to reveal their weaknesses, and we will propose a more solid type of argumentation and its corresponding counterargument.
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  49. Semejanza en mayor desemejanza. El discurso analógico sobre Dios según Tomás de Aquino en STh I, q.13, aa.3-4 // Similarity in greater dissimilitary. The analogical discourse on God according to Thomas Aquinas in STh I, q.13, aa.3-4.Francisco-Javier Herrero-Hernández - 2019 - Estudios Filosóficos 198 ( LXVIII):363-380.
    he present study aims to offer an analysis of the analogical discourse on God from STh. I, q.13 a.3-4. Thomas Aquinas's claim consists, mainly, of presenting a solution to the problem of the foundations that support the theological discourse on God. But before analyzing this question, our author has established the conditions of possibility for the knowledge about God. It is just this specific framework of previous questions the place of the debate on the analogy, which is considered, (...)
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  50. Aquinas, Thomas.James Dominic Rooney - 2017 - In Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer.
    [Encyclopedia entry] Born in Italy in 1225, and despite a relatively short career that ended around 50 years later in 1274, Thomas Aquinas went on to become one of the most influential medieval thinkers on political and legal questions. Aquinas was educated at both Cologne and Paris, later taking up (after some controversy) a chair as regent master in theology at the University of Paris, where he taught during two separate periods (1256-1259, 1269-1272). In the intermediate period (...)
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