Results for 'U. Maschewsky-Schneider'

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  1. What You Are and Its Affects on Moral Status: Godman's Epistemology and Morality of Human Kinds, Gunkel's Robot Rights, and Schneider on Artificial You.Lantz Fleming Miller - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (4):525-531.
    Thanks to mounting discussion about projected technologies’ possibly altering the species mentally and physically, philosophical investigation of what human beings are proceeds robustly. Many thinkers contend that whatever we are has little to do with how we should behave. Yet, tampering with what the human being is may tread upon human rights to be whatever one is. Rights given in widely recognized documents such as the U.N. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples assume what humans are and need depends (...)
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  2. Illusory world skepticism.Susan Schneider - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (3):1049-1057.
    l argue that, contra Chalmers,a skeptical scenario involving deception is a genuine possibility,even if he is correct that simulations are real. I call this new skeptical position “Illusory World Skepticism.” Illusory World Skepticism draws from the simulation argument,together with work in physics,astrobiology, and AI,to argue that we may indeed be in an illusory world—a universe scale simulation orchestrated by a deceptive AI—the technophilosopher’s ultimate evil demon. In Section One I urge that Illusory World Skepticism is a bone fide skeptical possibility. (...)
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  3. Netzwerkaffekte.Felix Maschewski & Anna-Verena Nosthoff - 2019 - In Rainer Mühlhoff, Anja Breljak & Jan Slaby (eds.), Affekt Macht Netz. Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft (Hg. Breljak/ Mühlhoff/ Slaby). Bielefeld: transcript. pp. 55-80.
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  4. The myth of the value-free biological individual.Tamar Schneider - forthcoming - Metascience.
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  5. Science–policy research collaborations need philosophers.Mike D. Schneider, Temitope O. Sogbanmu, Hannah Rubin, Alejandro Bortolus, Emelda E. Chukwu, Remco Heesen, Chad L. Hewitt, Ricardo Kaufer, Hanna Metzen, Veli Mitova, Anne Schwenkenbecher, Evangelina Schwindt, Helena Slanickova, Katie Woolaston & Li-an Yu - 2024 - Nature Human Behaviour 8:1001-1002.
    Wicked problems are tricky to solve because of their many interconnected components and a lack of any single optimal solution. At the science–policy interface, all problems can look wicked: research exposes the complexity that is relevant to designing, executing and implementing policy fit for ambitious human needs. Expertise in philosophical research can help to navigate that complexity.
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  6. Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science: recommendations from the RISRS report.Jodi Schneider, Nathan D. Woods, Randi Proescholdt & The Risrs Team - 2022 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 7 (1).
    Background Retraction is a mechanism for alerting readers to unreliable material and other problems in the published scientific and scholarly record. Retracted publications generally remain visible and searchable, but the intention of retraction is to mark them as “removed” from the citable record of scholarship. However, in practice, some retracted articles continue to be treated by researchers and the public as valid content as they are often unaware of the retraction. Research over the past decade has identified a number of (...)
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  7. Interactions within the Holobiont: On the Holobiont’s Interactions of Its Microorganisms.Tamar Schneider - 2021 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 13.
    Over the last three decades, studies in microbiology have exposed a world of diverse and dynamic interactions. Through metagenomic sequencing, complex bacterial communities became visible and proved important for many biological phenomena. As a result of discovering the connection between microorganisms and organisms’ survival, the notion of the holobiont has become prominent and has been suggested as a biological individual. The view of the holobiont as an individual, commonly known as the Hologenome Theory, focuses on the interactions and relations between (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The obsolescence of politics: Rereading Günther Anders’s critique of cybernetic governance and integral power in the digital age.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):75-93.
    Following media-theoretical studies that have characterized digitization as a process of all-encompassing cybernetization, this paper will examine the timely and critical potential of Günther Anders’s oeuvre vis-à-vis the ever-increasing power of cybernetic devices and networks. Anders has witnessed and negotiated the process of cybernetization from its very beginning, having criticized its tendency to automate and expand, as well as its circular logic and ‘integral power’, including disruptive consequences for the constitution of the political and the social. In this vein, Anders’s (...)
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  9. How Philosophy of Mind Can Shape the Future.Susan Schneider & Pete Mandik - 2017 - In Amy Kind (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 6. New York: Routledge. pp. 303-319.
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  10. Pandemic solutionism: the power of big tech during the COVID-19 crisis.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2023 - Digital Culture and Society 8 (1):43-65.
    In this article, we investigate how Big Tech companies have used the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic to increase their social, political, infrastructural, and epistemic power. We focus on four companies that were outspoken in their efforts to combat the virus: Alphabet (also known as Google), Apple, Facebook, and Amazon (GAFA). During the crisis, these companies evolved as adaptive entities that responded to the state of emergency by promptly rolling out various technological solutions, exemplifying what we call ‘pandemic solutionism’, that (...)
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  11. Panentheism and the Combinatorics of the Determinations of the Absolute.Ruben Schneider - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (2).
    Karl Christian Friedrich Krause and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel are two representatives of German Idealism, both of whom developed impressing category systems. At the core of both systems is the question of the relation of the Absolute to its determinations and the determinations of finite beings. Both idealists try to deduce their respective category systems from the immediacy of the Absolute. Both use combinatorial methods to get from known to new categories or constellations in the system, which then unfold in (...)
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  12. The fall of “augustinian adam”: Original fragility and supralapsarian purpose.John Schneider - 2012 - Zygon 47 (4):949-969.
    The essay is framed by conflict between Christianity and Darwinian science over the history of the world and the nature of human personhood. Evolutionary science narrates a long prehuman geological and biological history filled with vast amounts, kinds, and distributions of apparently random brutal and pointless suffering. It also strongly suggests that the first modern humans were morally primitive. This science seems to discredit Christianity's common meta-narrative of the Fall, understood as a story of Paradise Lost. The author contends that (...)
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  13. Technosophistische Schattenspiele.Wessel Reijers, Felix Maschewski & Anna-Verena Nosthoff - 2023 - Philosophie Magazin.
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  14. Netzwerkaffekte. Über Facebook als kybernetische Regierungsmaschine und das Verschwinden des Subjekts.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2019 - In Rainer Mühlhoff, Anja Breljak & Jan Slaby (eds.), Affekt Macht Netz. Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft (Hg. Breljak/ Mühlhoff/ Slaby). Bielefeld: transcript. pp. 55-80.
    Felix Maschewski und Anna-Verena Nosthoff untersuchen Facebook als Beispiel einer besonders eindringlichen Form „kybernetischer Gouvernementalität“ und nehmen das „soziale“ Netzwerk dazu als psychopolitisches System von Affekten und Aktivierungen in den Blick. Dabei analysieren sie v.a. die zugrundeliegende »Sozialphysik des Anstoßes« und ihre implizite kybernetische Logik, um den so forcierten (behavioristischen) Subjektbegriff zu beleuchten. In diesem Konnex wird nicht nur dargestellt, wie das gouvernementale Unternehmen qua feedbacklogischer Programmatik die Entscheidungen, das Verhalten oder gar die Wünsche seiner Nutzer_innen antizipiert und auf diese (...)
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  15. Jenseits immersiver Demokratie: digitalkapitalistische und soziopolitische Dimensionen des Metaverse.Felix Maschewski & Anna-Verena Nosthoff - 2023 - In Hans Steege (ed.), Metaverse Rechtshandbuch. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 71-82.
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  16. New Economy.Felix Maschewski & Anna-Verena Nosthoff - 2020 - In Joseph Vogl & Burkhardt Wolf (eds.), Handbuch Literatur & Ökonomie. De Gruyter. pp. 221-223.
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  17. Modeling the invention of a new inference rule: The case of ‘Randomized Clinical Trial’ as an argument scheme for medical science.Jodi Schneider & Sally Jackson - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (2):77-89.
    A background assumption of this paper is that the repertoire of inference schemes available to humanity is not fixed, but subject to change as new schemes are invented or refined and as old ones are obsolesced or abandoned. This is particularly visible in areas like health and environmental sciences, where enormous societal investment has been made in finding ways to reach more dependable conclusions. Computational modeling of argumentation, at least for the discourse in expert fields, will require the possibility of (...)
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  18. Discernment of Good and Evil in Dostoevsky’s Novels: The Madman and the Saint.Christoph Schneider - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):117-137.
    This article discusses madness and saintliness in Dostoevsky’s novels and investigates how the madman and the saint discern between good and evil. I first explore the metaphysical, spiritual, and moral universe of Dostoevsky’s characters by drawing on William Desmond’s philosophy of the between. Second, I argue that the madman’s misconstrual of reality can be grasped as an idolatrous, divisive, and parodic imitation of the good. Third, I reflect on disembodied discernment. In some cases, due to the weakness of the moral (...)
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  19. Minimal Aristotelian Ontology.Luc Schneider - 2017 - Cosmos + Taxis 4 (4):27-37.
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  20. The platform economy’s infrastructural transformation of the public sphere: Facebook and Cambridge Analytica revisited.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):178-199.
    From a socio-theoretical and media-theoretical perspective, this article analyses exemplary practices and structural characteristics of contemporary digital political campaigning to illustrate a transformation of the public sphere through the platform economy. The article first examines Cambridge Analytica and reconstructs its operational procedure, which, far from involving exceptionally new digital campaign practices, turns out to be quite standard. It then evaluates the role of Facebook as an enabling ‘affective infrastructure’, technologically orchestrating processes of political opinion-formation. Of special concern are various tactics (...)
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  21. The central system as a computational engine.Susan Schneider - unknown
    The Language of Thought program has a suicidal edge. Jerry Fodor, of all people, has argued that although LOT will likely succeed in explaining modular processes, it will fail to explain the central system, a subsystem in the brain in which information from the different sense modalities is integrated, conscious deliberation occurs, and behavior is planned. A fundamental characteristic of the central system is that it is “informationally unencapsulated” -- its operations can draw from information from any cognitive domain. The (...)
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  22. A model of faulty and faultless disagreement for post-hoc assessments of knowledge utilization in evidence-based policymaking.Remco Heesen, Hannah Rubin, Mike D. Schneider, Katie Woolaston, Alejandro Bortolus, Emelda E. Chukwu, Ricardo Kaufer, Veli Mitova, Anne Schwenkenbecher, Evangelina Schwindt, Helena Slanickova, Temitope O. Sogbanmu & Chad L. Hewitt - 2024 - Scientific Reports 14:18495.
    When evidence-based policymaking is so often mired in disagreement and controversy, how can we know if the process is meeting its stated goals? We develop a novel mathematical model to study disagreements about adequate knowledge utilization, like those regarding wild horse culling, shark drumlines and facemask policies during pandemics. We find that, when stakeholders disagree, it is frequently impossible to tell whether any party is at fault. We demonstrate the need for a distinctive kind of transparency in evidence-based policymaking, which (...)
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  23. Der Monopolist des Lichts.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2017 - Neue Zürcher Zeitung 238 (274):35.
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  24. "We have to Coordinate the Flow" oder: Die Sozialphysik des Anstoßes. Zum Steuerungs- und Regelungsdenken neokybernetischer Politiken.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2019 - In Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2019.
    Der Aufsatz diskutiert das Steuerungs- und Regelungsdenken zeitgenössischer neokybernetischer Governance-Ansätze (Pentland/ Khanna/ Noveck/ Thaler & Sunstein) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung früher Modelle politischer Kybernetik. Erstere werden dabei als Weiterentwicklung kybernetischer Staatstheorien charakterisiert, wobei insbesondere deren implizite kybernetische Grundannahmen problematisiert werden: Das Paradigma einer kontrollierbaren Freiheit, die Fixierung auf systemische Ultrastabilität und die Prozesse dynamischer, selbstregelnder Anpassung im Zusammenhang der anthropologischen Prämisse des Homo imitans, grundieren, so die These, eine umfassende „algorithmische Gouvernementalität“ und damit die Potentiale einer integralen Herrschaft. -/- In this (...)
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  25. Überwachungskapitalistische Biopolitik: Big Tech und die Regierung der Körper.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - forthcoming - Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft.
    The article introduces the concept of "surveillance-capitalist biopolitics" to problematize the recent expansion of "data extractivism" in health care and health research. As we show, this trend has accelerated during the ongoing Covid pandemic and points to a normalization and institutionalization of self-tracking practices, which, drawing on the "quantified self", points to the emergence of a "quantified collective". Referring to Foucault and Zuboff, and by analyzing key examples of the leading "Big Tech" companies (e.g., Alphabet and Apple), we argue that (...)
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  26. A Spiritual Automaton: Spinoza, Reason, and the Letters to Blyenbergh.Schneider Daniel - 2013 - Society and Politics 7:160-177.
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  27. L'Utopia del tecnostato.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2018 - Internazionale 1264 (13 luglio 2018):54-58.
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  28. Big Tech won't make health care any better.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Jacobin 25 (10):1.
    Apple CEO Tim Cook claimed in 2019 that his company’s greatest achievement will be “about health.” But the pandemic has shown that Big Tech’s involvement in health care is all about data collection.
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  29. Smarte Optimierung im digitalen Kontrollregime: Vom quantifizierten Selbst zum quantifizierten Kollektiv.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - In Philippe Merz Thomas Hauser (ed.), Vom Bürger zum Konsumenten. Kohlhammer Verlag.
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  30. Agent-Causation and Paradigms for God’s Knowledge.Christina Schneider - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):35--54.
    The article aims at formulating a philosophical framework and by this giving some means at hand to save human libertarian freedom, God’s omniscience and God’s ”eternity’. This threefold aim is achieved by 1) conceiving of an agent as having different possibilities to act, 2) regarding God’s knowledge -- with respect to agents -- not only as being ”propositional’ in character but also as being ”experiential’: God knows an agent also from the ”first person perspective’, as the agent knows herself, and, (...)
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  31. Das vermessene Selbst.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung 3 (1):39.
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  32. Zwischen Science-Fiction und Science Fact. Die Kybernetisierung des Politischen.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - In Timo Daum & Sabine Nuss (eds.), Die unsichtbare Hand des Plans. Koordination und Kalkül im digitalen Kapitalismus.
    Ziel des Beitrages ist die differenzierende Beschreibung des Projekts Cybersyn sowie die anschließende kritische Perspektivierung ausgewählter neokybernetischer Governance-Konzepte, die in den letzten Jahren verstärkt im Policy-Kontext diskutiert wurden. Die „Entscheidungsmaschine“ Stafford Beers, die der Management-Kybernetiker unter Salvador Allende in den frühen Siebzigern konzipierte, wird zumeist als Projekt eines technisch avancierten, ökonomischen Organisationskonzepts, eines „dritten Wegs“ beschrieben. Der Beitrag diskutiert die Grundkonzeption des „sozialistischen Internets“, seine fortschrittlichen, ökonomischen Ideen und Ästhetiken wie auch die Person Stafford Beer, legt den Fokus aber vor (...)
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  33. Cochrane Review as a “Warranting Device” for Reasoning About Health.Sally Jackson & Jodi Schneider - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (2):241-272.
    Contemporary reasoning about health is infused with the work products of experts, and expert reasoning about health itself is an active site for invention and design. Building on Toulmin’s largely undeveloped ideas on field-dependence, we argue that expert fields can develop new inference rules that, together with the backing they require, become accepted ways of drawing and defending conclusions. The new inference rules themselves function as warrants, and we introduce the term “warranting device” to refer to an assembly of the (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Hacia una teoría crítica de la digitalidad. Günther Anders en la era del capitalismo de plataformas y las tecnocracias inteligentes.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2022 - Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica 14 (2022):322-346.
    Towards a Critical Theory of Digitality: Günther Anders in the Age of Platform Capitalism and Smart Technocracies -/- Diversos estudios teóricos sobre los medios de comunicación han caracterizado recientemente la cuarta revolución industrial como un proceso de tecnificación y cibernetización omniabarcante. En este contexto, este artículo pretende mos-trar el potencial pertinente y crítico de la obra magna de Günther Anders La obsolescencia del hombre frente al poder cada vez mayor de los dispositivos y las redes cibernéticas. Anders ha sido testigo (...)
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  35. Winfried Löffler. Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie. [Introduction to Philosophy of Religion]. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006. [REVIEW]Peter Schneider - 2009 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1 (2):150--154.
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  36. Alles nur Fake Ethik.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2019 - Republik 2019 (22.5).
    Facebook, Google und Co. spielen sich nach zahlreichen Skandalen neuerdings als moralische Musterschüler auf. Warum wir auf diese Masche nicht hereinfallen sollten.
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  37. „Democracy as Data“? – Über Cambridge Analytica und die „moralische Phantasie“.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2017 - Merkur 602 (Blog):online.
    In einem diskursiv ausgeruhten Beitrag zu einem kurzzeitig viral hocherhitzten Artikel zur ‚Big-Data-Bombe’ beobachtet Jan Lietz vor einigen Wochen eine problematische Diskursverknappung: Blinde Annahme auf der einen und unausgewogene Kritik auf der anderen Seite hätten zum Ausbleiben eines produktiven Dissenses geführt. Mit dieser Diagnose hat Lietz sicherlich recht. Doch scheint sich in den Reaktionen auf den Artikel und ihrer Dynamik nicht allein eine ‚Verknappung’ des Diskurses abzuzeichnen; mehr noch handelt es sich um dessen ‚systematische’ Einebnung. Es wurde vor allem deutlich, (...)
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  38. Big Tech and the Smartification of Agriculture.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2022 - Https://Projects.Itforchange.Net/State-of-Big-Tech/Big-Tech-and-the-Smartification-of-Agriculture-a- Critical-Perspective/.
    The paper outlines critical aspects concerning the increasing use of big data in agriculture and farming. In particular, the aim is to shed light on the emerging dominance of the platform economy in the field of agriculture and food production. To analyze those power structures shaping this dynamic, we start with brief observations on the general relationship between digitization and agriculture and explain the platform economy, its general business model, and the proprietary forms of market power emerging from it. Subsequently, (...)
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  39. Could You Merge With AI? Reflections on the Singularity and Radical Brain Enhancement.Cody Turner & Susan Schneider - 2020 - In Markus Dirk Dubber, Frank Pasquale & Sunit Das (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of Ai. Oxford Handbooks. pp. 307-325.
    This chapter focuses on AI-based cognitive and perceptual enhancements. AI-based brain enhancements are already under development, and they may become commonplace over the next 30–50 years. We raise doubts concerning whether radical AI-based enhancements transhumanists advocate will accomplish the transhumanists goals of longevity, human flourishing, and intelligence enhancement. We urge that even if the technologies are medically safe and are not used as tools by surveillance capitalism or an authoritarian dictatorship, these enhancements may still fail to do their job for (...)
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  40. Big Tech und die Pandemie – Smarte Retter in der Not?Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Zeitschrift LuXemburg 1 (1):1.
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  41. Facebook löschen oder Facebook regulieren?Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2018 - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung 1 (1):2018.
    Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Aufregung um Cambridge Analytica & Co. (2018).
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  42. Die Gesellschaft der Wearables. Digitale Verführung und soziale Kontrolle.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2019 - Berlin: Nicolai Publishing & Intelligence.
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  43. Wie Big Tech die Pandemie "lösen" will.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2020 - Republik 2020 (9.5).
    Apple, Facebook und Google geben sich dieser Tage als Retter in der Not, die ihre Daten­hoheit für das Gute nutzen. Damit verbuchen sie enormen Macht­zuwachs – und bauen das System für eine datafizierte Biopolitik weiter aus.
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  44. La grande occasione.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2020 - Internazionale 1364 (26 giugno 2020):40-50.
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  45. Fodor’s Challenge to the Classical Computational Theory of Mind.Kirk Ludwig & Susan Schneider - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (1):123–143.
    In The Mind Doesn’t Work that Way, Jerry Fodor argues that mental representations have context sensitive features relevant to cognition, and that, therefore, the Classical Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is mistaken. We call this the Globality Argument. This is an in principle argument against CTM. We argue that it is self-defeating. We consider an alternative argument constructed from materials in the discussion, which avoids the pitfalls of the official argument. We argue that it is also unsound and that, while (...)
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  46. Addressing the Continued Circulation of Retracted Research as a Design Problem.Nathan D. Woods, Jodi Schneider & The Risrs Team - 2022 - GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing 1 (1).
    In this article, we discuss the continued circulation and use of retracted science as a complex problem: Multiple stakeholders throughout the publishing ecosystem hold competing perceptions of this problem and its possible solutions. We describe how we used a participatory design process model to co-develop recommendations for addressing this problem with stakeholders in the Alfred P. Sloan-funded project, Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science (RISRS). After introducing the four core RISRS recommendations, we discuss how the issue of retraction-related stigma (...)
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  47. Res Publica ex Machina: On Neocybernetic Governance and the End of Politics.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2020 - In Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski (eds.), Let's Get Physical, INC Reader. Amsterdam: pp. 196-211.
    The article critically investigates various approaches to “smart” governance, from algorithmic regulation (O’Reilly), fluid technocracy (P. Khanna), “smart states” (Noveck), nudge theory (Thaler/ Sunstein) and social physics (Alex Pentland). It specifically evaluates the cybernetic origins of these approaches and interprets them as pragmatic actualisations of earlier cybernetic models of the state (Lang, Deutsch) against the current background of surveillance capitalism. The authors argue that cybernetic thinking rests on a reductive model of participation and a limited concept of “the political” (whereby (...)
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  48. Louise Amoore: Cloud Ethics. Algorithms and the Attributes of Ourselves and Others.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2021 - Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 14 (2).
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  49. Tragbare Kontrolle: Die Apple Watch als kybernetische Maschine und Black Box algorithmischer Gouvernementalität.Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski - 2020 - In Anna-Verena Nosthoff & Felix Maschewski (eds.), Black Boxes - Versiegelungskontexte und Öffnungsversuche. pp. 115-138.
    Im Beitrag wird die Apple-Watch vor dem Hintergrund ihrer „Ästhetik der Existenz“ als biopolitisches Artefakt und kontrollgesellschaftliches Dispositiv, vor allem aber als kybernetische Black Box aufgefasst und analysiert. Ziel des Aufsatzes ist es, aufzuzeigen, dass sich in dem feedbacklogischen Rückkopplungsapparat nicht nur grundlegende Diskurse des digitalen Zeitalters (Prävention, Gesundheit, bio- und psychopolitische Regulierungsformen etc.) verdichten, sondern dass dieser schon ob seiner inhärenten Logik qua Opazität Transparenz, qua Komplexität Simplizität (d.h. Orientierung) generiert und damit nicht zuletzt ein ganz spezifisches Menschenbild forciert. (...)
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  50. Editorial: Futures of Critique in the Digital Age.Anna-Verena Nosthoff, Felix Maschewski & Janosik Herder - 2021 - Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 14 (2):1-5.
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