Results for 'generative literature'

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  1. Sociocommunicative functions of a generative text: the case of GPT-3.Auli Viidalepp - 2022 - Lexia. Rivista di Semiotica 39:177-192.
    Recently, there have been significant advances in the development of language-transformer models that enable statistical analysis of co-occurring words (word prediction) and text generation. One example is the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) by OpenAI, which was used to generate an opinion article (op-ed) published in “The Guardian” in Septem- ber 2020. The publication and reception of the op-ed highlights the difficulty for human readers to differentiate a machine-produced text; it also calls attention to the challenge of perceiving such (...)
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  2. Trust and generative AI: embodiment considered.Kefu Zhu - 2024 - AI and Ethics.
    Questions surrounding engagement with generative AI are often framed in terms of trust, yet mere theorizing about trust may not yield actionable insights, given the multifaceted nature of trust. Literature on trust typically overlooks how individuals make meaning in their interactions with other entities, including AI. This paper reexamines trust with insights from Merleau-Ponty’s views on embodiment, positing trust as a style of world engagement characterized by openness—an attitude wherein individuals enact and give themselves to their lived world, (...)
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    Advancing Financial Risk Modeling: Vasicek Framework Enhanced by Agentic Generative Ai.Satyadhar Joshi - 2025 - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 1 (7):4413-4420.
    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the Vasicek model and its applications in finance, categorizing the literature into four key areas: Vasicek model applications, Monte Carlo simulations, negative interest rates and risk, and deep learning for financial time series. To provide deeper insights, a synthesis chart and chronological analysis are included to highlight significant trends and contributions. Building upon this foundation, we employ Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to generate synthetic future interest rate data. (...)
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  4. Disambiguating Algorithmic Bias: From Neutrality to Justice.Elizabeth Edenberg & Alexandra Wood - 2023 - In Francesca Rossi, Sanmay Das, Jenny Davis, Kay Firth-Butterfield & Alex John (eds.), AIES '23: Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 691-704.
    As algorithms have become ubiquitous in consequential domains, societal concerns about the potential for discriminatory outcomes have prompted urgent calls to address algorithmic bias. In response, a rich literature across computer science, law, and ethics is rapidly proliferating to advance approaches to designing fair algorithms. Yet computer scientists, legal scholars, and ethicists are often not speaking the same language when using the term ‘bias.’ Debates concerning whether society can or should tackle the problem of algorithmic bias are hampered by (...)
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  5. The politics of past and future: synthetic media, showing, and telling.Megan Hyska - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (1):137-158.
    Generative artificial intelligence has given us synthetic media that are increasingly easy to create and increasingly hard to distinguish from photographs and videos. Whereas an existing literature has been concerned with how these new media might make a difference for would-be knowers—the viewers of photographs and videos—I advance a thesis about how they will make a difference for would-be communicators—those who embed photos and videos in their speech acts. I claim that the presence of these media in our (...)
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  6. Cosmopsychism and Non-Śankaran Traditions of Hindu Non-dualism: In Search of a Fertile Connection.I. Shani - 2022 - In Itay Shani & Susanne Kathrin Beiweis (eds.), Cross-cultural approaches to consciousness: mind, nature and ultimate reality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 45-68.
    This paper seeks to bring cosmopsychism, a contemporary metaphysical position on the nature of mind and consciousness, into contact with the philosophical tradition of Hinduism. Behind this exercise lies the motivation to examine how ideas developed within this rich tradition could aid in the effort to think constructively and creatively about issues which occupy the contemporary literature on panpsychism, and in particular cosmopsychism. I argue that, within the Hindu philosophical corpus, contemporary cosmopsychism finds its most natural allies in two (...)
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  7. Quantification.Anna Szabolcsi - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book surveys research in quantification starting with the foundational work in the 1970s. It paints a vivid picture of generalized quantifiers and Boolean semantics. It explains how the discovery of diverse scope behavior in the 1990s transformed the view of quantification, and how the study of the internal composition of quantifiers has become central in recent years. It presents different approaches to the same problems, and links modern logic and formal semantics to advances in generative syntax. A unique (...)
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  8. Ways of Grounding: Enabling and Generation.Joaquim Giannotti - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:41-60.
    Some facts ground by generating: they ground by bringing about other facts or grounding connections among them. Intuitively, other facts play a similar role to background conditions in the causal case: they ground by enabling the obtaining of grounded facts or generative connections among them. As we may ask whether causal background conditions are irreducible to causes, we may wonder whether enablers are irreducible to generators. Some metaphysicians defend a genuine metaphysical distinction between generators and enablers. Yet considerations from (...)
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  9. Greimas embodied: How kinesthetic opposition grounds the semiotic square.Jamin Pelkey - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (214):277-305.
    According to Greimas, the semiotic square is far more than a heuristic for semantic and literary analysis. It represents the generative “deep structure” of human culture and cognition which “define the fundamental mode of existence of an individual or of a society, and subsequently the conditions of existence of semiotic objects” (Greimas & Rastier 1968: 48). The potential truth of this hypothesis, much less the conditions and implications of taking it seriously (as a truth claim), have received little attention (...)
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  10. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    Testimonial authority and knowledge transmission.Christoph Jäger & Nicholas Shackel - 2025 - Social Epistemology 2025.
    Is speaker knowledge necessary or sufficient for enabling hearers to know from testimony? Here, we offer a novel argument for the answer no, based on the systematic effects of partial belief and the hearer’s view prior to hearing testimony. Modelling partial belief by credence, we show that a requirement entailed by the principles of necessity and sufficiency apparent in the literature is inconsistent with Bayesian updating. Consequently, even when the other grounds of knowledge are in place, the audience correctly (...)
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  12. Aspirational Affordances of AI.Sina Fazelpour & Meica Magnani - manuscript
    As artificial intelligence (AI) systems increasingly permeate processes of cultural and epistemic production, there are growing concerns about how their outputs may confine individuals and groups to static or restricted narratives about who or what they could be. In this paper, we advance the discourse surrounding these concerns by making three contributions. First, we introduce the concept of aspirational affordance to describe how technologies of representation---paintings, literature, photographs, films, or video games---shape the exercising of imagination, particularly as it pertains (...)
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  13. The consequences of seeing imagination as a dual‐process virtue.Ingrid Malm Lindberg - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):162-174.
    Michael T. Stuart (2021 and 2022) has proposed imagination as an intellectual dual‐process virtue, consisting of imagination1 (underwritten by cognitive Type 1 processing) and imagination2 (supported by Type 2 processing). This paper investigates the consequences of taking such an account seriously. It proposes that the dual‐process view of imagination allows us to incorporate recent insights from virtue epistemology, providing a fresh perspective on how imagination can be epistemically reliable. The argument centers on the distinction between General Reliability (GR) and Functional (...)
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  14. Artificial Intelligence Implications for Academic Cheating: Expanding the Dimensions of Responsible Human-AI Collaboration with ChatGPT.Jo Ann Oravec - 2023 - Journal of Interactive Learning Research 34 (2).
    Cheating is a growing academic and ethical concern in higher education. This article examines the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) generative chatbots for use in education and provides a review of research literature and relevant scholarship concerning the cheating-related issues involved and their implications for pedagogy. The technological “arms race” that involves cheating-detection system developers versus technology savvy students is attracting increased attention to cheating. AI has added new dimensions to academic cheating challenges as students (as well as (...)
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  15. La modellizzazione computazionale della competenza inferen-ziale e della competenza referenziale.Fabrizio Calzavarini & Antonio Lieto - forthcoming - Sistemi Intelligenti.
    In philosophy of language, a distinction has been proposed by Diego Marconi between two aspects of lexical competence, i.e. referential and inferential competence. The former accounts for the relation-ship of words to the world, the latter for the relationship of words among themselves. The aim of the pa-per is to offer a critical discussion of the kind of formalisms and computational techniques that can be used in Artificial Intelligence to model the two aspects of lexical competence, and of the main (...)
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  16. Linguistic Competence and New Empiricism in Philosophy and Science.Vanja Subotić - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Belgrade
    The topic of this dissertation is the nature of linguistic competence, the capacity to understand and produce sentences of natural language. I defend the empiricist account of linguistic competence embedded in the connectionist cognitive science. This strand of cognitive science has been opposed to the traditional symbolic cognitive science, coupled with transformational-generative grammar, which was committed to nativism due to the view that human cognition, including language capacity, should be construed in terms of symbolic representations and hardwired rules. Similarly, (...)
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  17. Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi.Cezary Wąs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Wrocław
    Architecture and Deconstruction Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi -/- Introduction Towards deconstruction in architecture Intensive relations between philosophical deconstruction and architecture, which were present in the late 1980s and early 1990s, belong to the past and therefore may be described from a greater than before distance. Within these relations three basic variations can be distinguished: the first one, in which philosophy of deconstruction deals with architectural terms but does not interfere with real architecture, the second one, in which (...)
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  18. The Origins of Species Concepts.John Simpson Wilkins - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Melbourne
    The longstanding species problem in biology has a history that suggests a solution, and that history is not the received history found in many texts written by biologists or philosophers. The notion of species as the division into subordinate groups of any generic predicate was the staple of logic from Aristotle through the middle ages until quite recently. However, the biological species concept during the same period was at first subtly and then overtly different. Unlike the logic sense, which relied (...)
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  19. I Like This Analysis, but I Don’t Think Every Linguist Will: Syntactic NOT-Transportation, VP Ellipsis and VP Pronominalisation.Diego Gabriel Krivochen - 2021 - Atlantis 2 (43):68-89.
    In this article I consider some recent objections raised against the syntactic treatment of negation in English multiclausal structures, in particular what has been called NEGraising. I argue that the objections based on pronominalisation and ellipsis presented in the recent literature do pose a problem for syntactic accounts of the mechanisms of so-called NOT-transportation that rely on a rule of leftwards movement, as is customary in generative grammar. However, there is an alternative syntactic treatment that assumes that negation (...)
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  20. A framework for philosophical biology.Sepehr Ehsani - manuscript
    Advances in biology, at least over the past two centuries, have mostly relied on theories that were subsequently revised, expanded or eventually refuted using experimental and other means. The field of theoretical biology used to primarily provide a basis, similar to theoretical physics in the physical sciences, to rationally examine the frameworks within which biological experiments were carried out and to shed light on overlooked gaps in understanding. Today, however, theoretical biology has generally become synonymous with computational and mathematical biology. (...)
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  21. Problem-Solving Performance and Skills of Prospective Elementary Teachers in Northern Philippines.Jupeth Pentang, Edwin D. Ibañez, Gener Subia, Jaynelle G. Domingo, Analyn M. Gamit & Lorinda E. Pascual - 2021 - Hunan Daxue Xuebao 48 (1):122-132.
    The study determined the problem-solving performance and skills of prospective elementary teachers (PETs) in the Northern Philippines. Specifically, it defined the PETs’ level of problem-solving performance in number sense, measurement, geometry, algebra, and probability; significant predictors of their problem-solving performance in terms of sex, socio-economic status, parents’ educational attainment, high school graduated from and subject preference; and their problem-solving skills. The PETs’ problem-solving performance was determined by a problem set consisting of word problems with number sense, measurement, geometry, algebra, and (...)
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  22. Cognitive Skills Achievement in Mathematics of the Elementary Pre-Service Teachers Using Piaget’s Seven Logical Operations.Jaynelle G. Domingo, Edwin D. Ibañez, Gener Subia, Jupeth Pentang, Lorinda E. Pascual, Jennilyn C. Mina, Arlene V. Tomas & Minnie M. Liangco - 2021 - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (4):435-440.
    This study determined the cognitive skills achievement in mathematics of elementary pre-service teachers as a basis for improving problem-solving and critical thinking which was analyzed using Piaget's seven logical operations namely: classification, seriation, logical multiplication, compensation, ratio and proportional thinking, probability thinking, and correlational thinking. This study utilized an adopted Test on Logical Operations (TLO) and descriptive research design to describe the cognitive skills achievement and to determine the affecting factors. Overall, elementary pre-service teachers performed with sufficient understanding in dealing (...)
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    Generative AI in Graph-Based Spatial Computing: Techniques and Use Cases.Sankara Reddy Thamma Sankara Reddy Thamma - 2024 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology 11 (2):1012-1023.
    Generative AI has proven itself as an efficient innovation in many fields including writing and even analyzing data. For spatial computing, it provides a potential solution for solving such issues related to data manipulation and analysis within the spatial computing domain. This paper aims to discuss the probabilities of applying generative AI to graph-based spatial computing; to describe new approaches in detail; to shed light on their use cases; and to demonstrate the value that they add. This technique (...)
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  24. Generative AI and the Future of Democratic Citizenship.Paul Formosa, Bhanuraj Kashyap & Siavosh Sahebi - 2024 - Digital Government: Research and Practice 2691 (2024/05-ART).
    Generative AI technologies have the potential to be socially and politically transformative. In this paper, we focus on exploring the potential impacts that Generative AI could have on the functioning of our democracies and the nature of citizenship. We do so by drawing on accounts of deliberative democracy and the deliberative virtues associated with it, as well as the reciprocal impacts that social media and Generative AI will have on each other and the broader information landscape. Drawing (...)
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  25. Generative memory.Kourken Michaelian - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (3):323-342.
    This paper explores the implications of the psychology of constructive memory for philosophical theories of the metaphysics of memory and for a central question in the epistemology of memory. I first develop a general interpretation of the psychology of constructive memory. I then argue, on the basis of this interpretation, for an updated version of Martin and Deutscher's influential causal theory of memory. I conclude by sketching the implications of this updated theory for the question of memory 's status as (...)
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  26. The Philosophy of Generative Linguistics.Peter Ludlow - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Ludlow presents the first book on the philosophy of generative linguistics, including both Chomsky's government and binding theory and his minimalist ...
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  27. Are Generative Models Structural Representations?Marco Facchin - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):277-303.
    Philosophers interested in the theoretical consequences of predictive processing often assume that predictive processing is an inferentialist and representationalist theory of cognition. More specifically, they assume that predictive processing revolves around approximated Bayesian inferences drawn by inverting a generative model. Generative models, in turn, are said to be structural representations: representational vehicles that represent their targets by being structurally similar to them. Here, I challenge this assumption, claiming that, at present, it lacks an adequate justification. I examine the (...)
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  28. Calibrating Generative Models: The Probabilistic Chomsky-Schützenberger Hierarchy.Thomas Icard - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 95.
    A probabilistic Chomsky–Schützenberger hierarchy of grammars is introduced and studied, with the aim of understanding the expressive power of generative models. We offer characterizations of the distributions definable at each level of the hierarchy, including probabilistic regular, context-free, (linear) indexed, context-sensitive, and unrestricted grammars, each corresponding to familiar probabilistic machine classes. Special attention is given to distributions on (unary notations for) positive integers. Unlike in the classical case where the "semi-linear" languages all collapse into the regular languages, using analytic (...)
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  29. Generative Disgust, Aesthetic Engagement, and Community.Erin Bradfield - 2022 - In Max Ryynänen, Heidi Kosonen & Susanne Ylönen (eds.), Cultural Approaches to Disgust and the Visceral. Routledge. pp. 175-187.
    How do individuals and communities respond to negative aesthetic experience? Historically, philosophical aesthetics has devoted much thought to positive aesthetic experience, including the beautiful, agreeable, charming, and tasteful. But this is only a partial picture. Some aesthetic experience displeases: the ugly, disgusting, and horrific are but a few examples with which aestheticians have grappled in recent decades. The aversive and visceral nature of disgust has generated particular interest. But as Carolyn Korsmeyer points out in _Savoring Disgust: The Foul & the (...)
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    Optimization of Generative AI Costs in Multi-Agent and Multi-Cloud Systems.Sankara Reddy Thamma Sankara Reddy Thamma - 2024 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology 11 (6):953-965.
    The generative AI system is being adopted across the several fields to provide novel solutions for text generation, image synthesis, and decision-making. But when they are used in multi-agent and multi-cloud systems, they are expensive in terms of computation and finance. Regarding the aforementioned factors, this paper aims to examine methods of reducing such costs while achieving system efficiency. Such measures as dynamic workload distribution, resource scaling, as well as cost-conscious model selection is described. Through the examples of case (...)
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  31. Generative AI in EU Law: Liability, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and Cybersecurity.Claudio Novelli, Federico Casolari, Philipp Hacker, Giorgio Spedicato & Luciano Floridi - 2024 - Computer Law and Security Review 55.
    The complexity and emergent autonomy of Generative AI systems introduce challenges in predictability and legal compliance. This paper analyses some of the legal and regulatory implications of such challenges in the European Union context, focusing on four areas: liability, privacy, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. It examines the adequacy of the existing and proposed EU legislation, including the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), in addressing the challenges posed by Generative AI in general and LLMs in particular. The paper identifies potential (...)
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  32. Pro-Generative Adversarial Network and V-stack Perceptron, Diamond Holographic Principle, and Pro-Temporal Emergence.Shanna Dobson - manuscript
    We recently presented our Efimov K-theory of Diamonds, proposing a pro-diamond, a large stable (∞,1)-category of diamonds (D^{diamond}), and a localization sequence for diamond spectra. Commensurate with the localization sequence, we now detail four potential applications of the Efimov K-theory of D^{diamond}: emergent time as a pro-emergence (v-stack time) in a diamond holographic principle using Scholze’s six operations in the ’etale cohomology of diamonds; a pro-Generative Adversarial Network and v-stack perceptron; D^{diamond}cryptography; and diamond nonlocality in perfectoid quantum physics.
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  33. Generative AI and photographic transparency.P. D. Magnus - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-6.
    There is a history of thinking that photographs provide a special kind of access to the objects depicted in them, beyond the access that would be provided by a painting or drawing. What is included in the photograph does not depend on the photographer’s beliefs about what is in front of the camera. This feature leads Kendall Walton to argue that photographs literally allow us to see the objects which appear in them. Current generative algorithms produce images in response (...)
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  34. Generative AI in the Creative Industries: Revolutionizing Art, Music, and Media.Mohammed F. El-Habibi, Mohammed A. Hamed, Raed Z. Sababa, Mones M. Al-Hanjori, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2024 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research(Ijaer) 8 (10):71-74.
    Abstract: Generative AI is transforming the creative industries by redefining how art, music, and media are produced and experienced. This paper explores the profound impact of generative AI technologies, such as deep learning models and neural networks, on creative processes. By enabling artists, musicians, and content creators to collaborate with AI, these systems enhance creativity, speed up production, and generate novel forms of expression. The paper also addresses ethical considerations, including intellectual property rights, the role of human creativity (...)
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  35. Digital Homunculi: Reimagining Democracy Research with Generative Agents.Petr Špecián - manuscript
    The pace of technological change continues to outstrip the evolution of democratic institutions, creating an urgent need for innovative approaches to democratic reform. However, the experimentation bottleneck - characterized by slow speed, high costs, limited scalability, and ethical risks - has long hindered progress in democracy research. This paper proposes a novel solution: employing generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to create synthetic data through the simulation of digital homunculi, GenAI-powered entities designed to mimic human behavior in social contexts. By enabling (...)
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  36. Towards a Definition of Generative Artificial Intelligence.Raphael Ronge, Markus Maier & Benjamin Rathgeber - forthcoming - Philosophy and Technology.
    The concept of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is ubiquitous in the public and semi-technical domain, yet rarely defined precisely. We clarify main concepts that are usually discussed in connection to GenAI and argue that one ought to distinguish between the technical and the public discourse. In order to show its complex development and associated conceptual ambiguities, we offer a historical-systematic reconstruction of GenAI and explicitly discuss two exemplary cases: the generative status of the Large Language Model BERT and (...)
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  37. Simulation as formal and generative social science: the very idea.Nuno David, Jaime Sichman & Helder Coelho - 2007 - In Carlos Gershenson, Diederik Aerts & Bruce Edmonds (eds.), Worldviews, Science and Us: Philosophy and Complexity. World Scientific. pp. 266--275.
    The formal and empirical-generative perspectives of computation are demonstrated to be inadequate to secure the goals of simulation in the social sciences. Simulation does not resemble formal demonstrations or generative mechanisms that deductively explain how certain models are sufficient to generate emergent macrostructures of interest. The description of scientific practice implies additional epistemic conceptions of scientific knowledge. Three kinds of knowledge that account for a comprehensive description of the discipline were identified: formal, empirical and intentional knowledge. The use (...)
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  38. Transforming Industries: The Role of Generative AI in Revolutionizing Banking and Healthcare.M. Selvaprasanth - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):580-600.
    The research evaluates generative AI’s capabilities through a multi-phase framework, addressing how data synthesis, language models, and predictive algorithms contribute to sector-specific applications. In banking, the model assesses the impact of AI-driven chatbot interactions, credit risk assessment, and personalized financial services on customer experience and bank performance. Healthcare applications are explored through image synthesis for diagnostics, predictive modeling in patient care, and drug discovery simulations. The experimental setup is rigorously tested across metrics such as response accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and data (...)
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  39. Generative AI and the value changes and conflicts in its integration in Japanese educational system.Ngoc-Thang B. Le, Phuong-Thao Luu & Manh-Tung Ho - manuscript
    This paper critically examines Japan's approach toward the adoption of Generative AI such as ChatGPT in education via studying media discourse and guidelines at both the national as well as local levels. It highlights the lack of consideration for socio-cultural characteristics inherent in the Japanese educational systems, such as the notion of self, teachers’ work ethics, community-centric activities for the successful adoption of the technology. We reveal ChatGPT’s infusion is likely to further accelerate the shift away from traditional notion (...)
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  40. Generativities: Western Philosophy, Chinese Painting, and the Yijing.Eric S. Nelson - 2013 - Orbis Idearum 1 (1):97–104.
    Western philosophy has been defined through the exclusion of non-Western forms of thought as non-philo-sophical. In this paper, I place the notion of what is “properly” philosophy into question by contrasting the essence/appearance paradigm governing Western metaphysics and its deconstructive critics with the more fluid, dynamic, and participatory forms of encountering and performatively enacting the world that are articulated in Chinese thinking and made apparent in Chinese painting. In this hermeneutical contrast, Western and Chinese thinking themselves are interpeted as co-relational (...)
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  41. Growing the image: Generative AI and the medium of gardening.Nick Young & Enrico Terrone - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this paper, we argue that Midjourney—a generative AI program that transforms text prompts into images—should be understood not as an agent or a tool, but as a new type of artistic medium. We first examine the view of Midjourney as an agent, considering whether it could be seen as an artist or co-author. This perspective proves unsatisfactory, as Midjourney lacks intentionality and mental states. We then explore the notion of Midjourney as a tool, highlighting its unpredictability and the (...)
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  42. Embracing ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in higher education: The importance of fostering trust and responsible use in teaching and learning.Jonathan Y. H. Sim - 2023 - Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond.
    Trust is the foundation for learning, and we must not allow ignorance of this new technologies, like Generative AI, to disrupt the relationship between students and educators. As a first step, we need to actively engage with AI tools to better understand how they can help us in our work.
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  43. Meaning and Formal Semantics in Generative Grammar.Stephen Schiffer - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):61-87.
    A generative grammar for a language L generates one or more syntactic structures for each sentence of L and interprets those structures both phonologically and semantically. A widely accepted assumption in generative linguistics dating from the mid-60s, the Generative Grammar Hypothesis , is that the ability of a speaker to understand sentences of her language requires her to have tacit knowledge of a generative grammar of it, and the task of linguistic semantics in those early days (...)
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  44. Essence, Necessity, and Non-Generative Metaphysical Explanation.Michael Wallner - 2022 - Argumenta 7 (2):439-462.
    Finean essentialists take metaphysical necessity to be metaphysically explained by essence. But whence the explanatory power of essence? A recent wave of criticism against the Finean account has put pressure on essentialists to answer this question. Wallner and Vaidya (2020) have responded by offering an axiomatic account of the explanatory power of essence. This paper discusses their account in light of some recent criticism by Bovey (2022). Building on work by Glazier (2017), Bovey succeeds in showing that Wallner and Vaidya’s (...)
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  45. Developments and Uses of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Present Experimental Data on the Impact on Productivity Applying Artificial Intelligence that is Generative.Tambi Varun Kumar - 2024 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 12 (10):2382-2388.
    In the context of mid-level professional writing jobs, we examine the productivity effects of a generative artificial intelligence technology, namely the assistive chatbot ChatGPT. We used ChatGPT to randomly expose half of the 444 college-educated professionals to occupation-specific, incentive-based writing tasks in a preregistered online experiment. Our results show that ChatGPT considerably increases average productivity: output quality improves by 0.4 standard deviations and task completion time drops by 0.8 standard deviations. By compressing the production distribution, ChatGPT also lessens worker (...)
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  46. Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs.Donal Khosrowi, Finola Finn & Elinor Clark - 2023 - Aies '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Aaai/Acm Conference on Ai, Ethics, and Society.
    The recent wave of generative AI (GAI) systems like Stable Diffusion that can produce images from human prompts raises controversial issues about creatorship, originality, creativity and copyright. This paper focuses on creatorship: who creates and should be credited with the outputs made with the help of GAI? Existing views on creatorship are mixed: some insist that GAI systems are mere tools, and human prompters are creators proper; others are more open to acknowledging more significant roles for GAI, but most (...)
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  47. Can ChatGPT be an author? Generative AI creative writing assistance and perceptions of authorship, creatorship, responsibility, and disclosure.Paul Formosa, Sarah Bankins, Rita Matulionyte & Omid Ghasemi - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The increasing use of Generative AI raises many ethical, philosophical, and legal issues. A key issue here is uncertainties about how different degrees of Generative AI assistance in the production of text impacts assessments of the human authorship of that text. To explore this issue, we developed an experimental mixed methods survey study (N = 602) asking participants to reflect on a scenario of a human author receiving assistance to write a short novel as part of a 3 (...)
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  48. How literature changes the way we think (review).Sean Gerard Ferrier - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (3):e11-e14.
    Review of *How Literature Changes the Way We Think*, by Michael Mack (Continuum, 2012).
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    Revolutionizing Healthcare: Spatial Computing Meets Generative AI.Sankara Reddy Thamma Sankara Reddy Thamma - 2024 - International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 11 (5):324-336.
    The health industry is experiencing change, the newest forerunner of which is being propelled by spatial computing and generative AI. Spatial computing simply refers to the ability to interface with physical space through computation and digital devices; on the other hand, generative AI means using advanced machine learning to generate new output. This paper examines the roles and the combined possibilities of these two technologies with the view of transforming health care and diagnostics in the field of patient (...)
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  50. Empathy & Literature.A. E. Denham - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (2):84-95.
    There is a long tradition in philosophy and literary theory defending the view that engagement with literature promotes readers’ empathy. Until the last century, few of the empirical claims adduced in that tradition were investigated experimentally. Recent work in psychology and neuropsychology has now shed new light on the interplay of empathy and literature. This article surveys the experimental findings, addressing three central questions: What is it to read empathically? Does reading make us more empathic? What characteristics of (...)
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