Results for 'random selection'

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  1. Iterated Random Selection as Intermediate Between Risk and Uncertainty.Horacio Arlo Costa & Jeffrey Helzner - 2009 - ISIPTA'09 ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS.
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  2. Correction to: Random Selection, Democracy and Citizen Expertise.Annabelle Lever - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (1):159-160.
    This paper looks at Alexander Guerrero’s epistemic case for ‘lottocracy’, or government by randomly selected citizen assemblies. It argues that Guerrero fails to show that citizen expertise is more likely to be elicited and brought to bear on democratic politics if we replace elections with random selection. However, randomly selected citizen assemblies can be valuable deliberative and participative additions to elected and appointed institutions even when citizens are not bearers of special knowledge or virtue individually or collectively.
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  3. Assessing Randomness in Case Assignment: The Case Study of the Brazilian Supreme Court.Julio Michael Stern, Diego Marcondes & Claudia Peixoto - 2019 - Law, Probability and Risk 18 (2/3):97-114.
    Sortition, i.e. random appointment for public duty, has been employed by societies throughout the years as a firewall designated to prevent illegitimate interference between parties in a legal case and agents of the legal system. In judicial systems of modern western countries, random procedures are mainly employed to select the jury, the court and/or the judge in charge of judging a legal case. Therefore, these random procedures play an important role in the course of a case, and (...)
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  4. Restoring emotion's bad rep: the moral randomness of norms.Ronald De Sousa - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2 (1):29-47.
    Despite the fact that common sense taxes emotions with irrationality, philosophers have, by and large, celebrated their functionality. They are credited with motivating, steadying, shaping or harmonizing our dispositions to act, and with policing norms of social behaviour. It's time to restore emotion's bad rep. To this end, I shall argue that we should expect that some of the “norms” enforced by emotions will be unevenly distributed among the members of our species, and may be dysfunctional at the individual, social, (...)
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  5. Pluralism in evolutionary controversies: styles and averaging strategies in hierarchical selection theories.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, Michael J. Wade & Christopher C. Dimond - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (6):957-979.
    Two controversies exist regarding the appropriate characterization of hierarchical and adaptive evolution in natural populations. In biology, there is the Wright-Fisher controversy over the relative roles of random genetic drift, natural selection, population structure, and interdemic selection in adaptive evolution begun by Sewall Wright and Ronald Aylmer Fisher. There is also the Units of Selection debate, spanning both the biological and the philosophical literature and including the impassioned group-selection debate. Why do these two discourses exist (...)
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    The study aimed to determine the personal financial management practices among selected personnel of the Bureau of the Treasury – Central Office. It used the descriptive method of gathering data. The respondents of the study consisted of 183 personnel from 35 divisions of the Bureau and selected through simple random probability sampling technique. The study shown that most of the respondents aged 26 to 35 years old, female, single, bachelor’s degree holder, rank and file workers, permanent employees, have been (...)
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  7. Realization (Documents Based on Self-Scholarly Effects with Google Scholar Citations.): William Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore and John Keats: on Selected Works of the Legends _ Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2018 - Bloomington,USA: Partridge India An Imprint In Association to Penguin Random House.
    This is my first book from Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House in 2018. I wanted to enrich self through my creativity on selected topics as far as a Google Scholar.
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  8. TEAM BUILDING INITIATIVES AS A TOOL IN INCREASING MOTIVATION AND EMPLOYEES’ PRODUCTIVITY IN THE FOOD SERVICE SECTOR.Decie Claire A. Locsin, Arvin A. Marasigan, Jenny Rose H. Martin, Mark Angelo L. Miralles, Allyssa Marie B. Ramos, Lena N. Cañet & Maria Cecilia de Luna - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):45-65.
    Successful teamwork doesn't work overnight, what makes teamwork potent is team building. (Plagiarism) According to Abdullah, et. al., (2022) team building training can improve group cohesiveness or the quality of sticking together or unity teamwork more likely to be higher with a significant score difference. This study used mixed methods both qualitative and quantitative data collection, and an analysis method to answer the research method, random sampling is named as such because the data set is chosen via random (...)
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  9. Динамические способности: сравнение методов измерения на примере малых и средних предприятий Украины.Bogodistov Yevgen, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Sergii Sardak - 2016 - Економічний Простір 110:139-161.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate different approaches in measurement of the concept of dynamic capabilities. The paper focuses on a formative measurement model by Wilden and colleagues (2013) and a reflective model by Li and Liu (2014). The models were tested on Ukrainian firms in relation to their performance. A Ukrainian and Russian translation of both measurements is introduced and tested. The proposed measurements were tested by applying a partial least squares algorithm using SmartPLS™ software. The sample (...)
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  10. Botánica en al-Ándalus: Un Estudio Comparativo de Trabajos Ilustrados de Botánica en el Magreb y Máshreq.Mustafa Yavuz - 2017 - Awraq 1 (17):169-186.
    In this study, after a short introductory information on the etymology, origin, and transition of botanical knowledge in Medieval Islamic Civilisation, we made a comparison of illustrated botanical works in Maghreb and Masriq through two illustrated books. We studied on randomly selected illustrations from Kitab al- Hashaish at-Tibb li-Diskuridus al-Aynzarbi translated by Istefan ibn Basil & Hunayn ibn Ishaq from Dioscorides’ Materia Medica, and Kitab al-Adwiyat al-Mufradat of Abu Ja’far Ahmad al-Ghafiqi, the Andalusian physician, pharmacist, and herbalist. We made comparisons (...)
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  11. Procedural Fairness in Exchange Matching Systems.Gil Hersch - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (2):367-377.
    The move from open outcry to electronic trading added another responsibility to futures exchanges—that of matching orders between buyers and sellers. Matching systems can affect the level and speed of price discovery, the distribution of revenue, as well as the level of price efficiency of a given market. Whether the matching system is procedurally fair is another important consideration. I argue that while FIFO (First In First Out) is a fair procedure in principle and is perceived as the default matching (...)
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  12. Demystifying the Relationship Between Confidence and Critical Thinking in Mathematics among Preservice Teachers in West Philippines.Jupeth Pentang, Mary Glory Caubang, Aira May Tidalgo, Sairey Morizo, Ronalyn Bautista, Mark Donnel Viernes, Manuel Bucad Jr & Janina Sercenia - 2023 - European Journal of Educational Research 12 (4):1743-1754.
    Mathematical confidence and critical thinking are essential in preparing preservice teachers. Thus, this study explored the perceived confidence and critical thinking levels in mathematics of elementary and secondary preservice teachers. A descriptive-correlational-comparative research design was employed, with a sample of 107 randomly selected preservice teachers enrolled in the Bachelor in Elementary and Secondary Education programs of a state university in West Philippines. The study used arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman’s rank-order correlation, and independent samples t-test to analyze and draw conclusions (...)
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  13. Correlates of Elementary Teachers’ Performance in Delivering Instruction in Narra, Palawan.Mary Joy Alba & Mary Jane Gamozo - 2024 - Education Digest 19 (1):6-15.
    Quality education needs quality teachers to achieve success. Thus, this study determined the factors related to the teachers’ performance in delivering the K to 12 Curriculum in the Narra del Sur district, Palawan, Philippines. A descriptive-correlational research design was employed, with a sample of 132 randomly selected public elementary teachers. The study used frequency counts and percentages, arithmetic mean and standard deviation, and Spearman’s rho to analyze and draw conclusions from the data. The findings revealed a correlation between the respondents’ (...)
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  14. Big Tech, Algorithmic Power, and Democratic Control.Ugur Aytac - forthcoming - Journal of Politics.
    This paper argues that instituting Citizen Boards of Governance (CBGs) is the optimal strategy to democratically contain Big Tech’s algorithmic powers in the digital public sphere. CBGs are bodies of randomly selected citizens that are authorized to govern the algorithmic infrastructure of Big Tech platforms. The main advantage of CBGs is to tackle the concentrated powers of private tech corporations without giving too much power to governments. I show why this is a better approach than ordinary state regulation or relying (...)
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  15. Instrumental Divergence.J. Dmitri Gallow - 2024 - Philosophical Studies:1-27.
    The thesis of instrumental convergence holds that a wide range of ends have common means: for instance, self preservation, desire preservation, self improvement, and resource acquisition. Bostrom contends that instrumental convergence gives us reason to think that "the default outcome of the creation of machine superintelligence is existential catastrophe". I use the tools of decision theory to investigate whether this thesis is true. I find that, even if intrinsic desires are randomly selected, instrumental rationality induces biases towards certain kinds of (...)
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  16. Critical Thinking Disposition and Learning Approach as Predictors of Mathematics Performance.Kyla Mae Salviejo, Edwin Ibañez & Jupeth Pentang - 2024 - Journal of Education and Learning (Edulearn) 18 (4):1107-1116.
    In the Philippines, improving pre-service math teachers’ critical thinking is receiving increasing attention, emphasizing the importance of tailoring instructional methods to students’ learning approaches for a more equitable environment and enhanced mathematics performance. Thus, this study aimed to determine if the critical thinking disposition subscales (reflective, attentiveness, open-mindedness, organization, perseverance, and intrinsic motivation) and learning approach (deep approach and surface approach) predict the mathematics performance of pre-service math teachers. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to randomly selected 125 pre-service (...)
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  17. The Speech Act of Complaint: Socio-Cultural Competence Used by Native Speakers of English and Indonesian.Muhammad Hasyim - 2020 - International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 6 (24):14016-14028.
    Complaining is frequently regarded as a negative act stated to attack a person who is responsible for a wrong behavior. However, the proper use of complaints can improve an offensive situation and establish solidarity between interlocutors. This study is aimed at comparing the strategies of complaints made by college- educated native speakers of English and Indonesian. Qualitative method was used to carry out this study by involving 14 English native speakers (ENSs) and 30 Indonesian native speakers (INSs) who were randomly (...)
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  18. Psychological variables and healthy meal consumption among first cycle students in Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria.Levi Udochukwu Akah, Valentine Joseph Owan, Godswill Andrew Uduigwomen & Stephen Ushie Akpa - 2022 - Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA) 3 (2):223-236.
    -/- INTRODUCTION: Many higher education students indulge in risky eating behaviours which tend to affect their physical, psychological and academic health. Previous studies have tried to understand the trend in students’ eating patterns without paying adequate attention to contributing factors. -/- PURPOSE: This study evaluated the influence of selected psychological variables on the consumption of balanced diets among students in two public universities in Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria. -/- METHODOLOGY: A research question was posed, and a formulated hypothesis to guide the (...)
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  19. EXPLORING LIBRARY ANXIETY AMONG STUDENTS OF UiTM.Hazrat Usman Mashwani - 2017 - International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP) 7 (9):456-472.
    The objective of the current study was to examine library anxiety level among Universiti Technologi Mara (UiTM) undergraduate and Post-graduate students. Furthermore, the study also aimed to correlate students’ library anxiety with constructs such as age, gender, the highest qualification, the frequency of library visits, CGPA, the field of study, and mode of study, which are believed to influence students’ levels of library anxiety. The study used a quantitative, descriptive survey method using Library Anxiety Scale questionnaire to collect data from (...)
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    Learner-centered approaches have emerged as the fundamental pillar of effective pedagogy in the rapidly evolving landscape of 21st century education. This paradigm shift places the learner at the heart of the educational process, recognizing their diverse needs and aspirations. Consequently, the achievements of learners have become crucial indicators of institutional success. While extensive research has focused on student affairs and services, limited attention has been given to understanding the impact of administration on realizing the objectives of these support systems. This (...)
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  21. School Performance, Leadership and Core Behavioral Competencies of School Heads: Does Higher Degree Matter?Romeo Lepardo Jr & Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities 6 (5):1190-1196.
    This paper finds out whether a higher degree matters in school performance, and in demonstrating leadership and core behavioral competencies among school heads. This was conducted to support the existing and future policies of the Department of Education and interested funders for the scholarship and advanced studies of school heads. Using a cross-sectional method, it involved 192 randomly selected participants. Data on school performance was obtained at the office of Surigao del Sur Division, while data on competencies were gathered through (...)
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  22. The Democracy Manifesto: A Dialogue on Why Elections Need to Be Replaced with Sortition.Wayne Waxman & Alison McCulloch - 2022 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Alison McCulloch.
    Elections are not the solution to political crisis, they’re the problem. In lively dialogue form, The Democracy Manifesto explains why elections are anti-democratic and should be replaced with government in which decision-makers are randomly selected from the population at large.
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  23. Securing Political Accountability to Future Generations with Retrospective Accountability.Tyler M. John - forthcoming - In Jacob Barrett, Hilary Greaves & David Thorstad (eds.), Essays on Longtermism. Oxford University Press.
    Political short-termism costs the global economy hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars annually, and leads to many millions of deaths from disasters and suboptimal spending. In this paper, I propose a futures assembly explicitly incentivised to promote the interests of future generations as a promising strategy to ameliorate short-termism. The assembly I propose is governed by citizens randomly selected from among the populace, who are rewarded in the future to the extent that they successfully promote the welfare of future (...)
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  24. The Impact of adjustment on Academic achievement among University Students in Dire Dawa Ethiopia.Mustefa Jibril - 2021 - New York Science Journal 14 (7):17-20.
    In the present study an attempt is made to assess the comparison of adjustment and academic achievement among students in Dire Dawa university, Ethiopia. A total of 100 students studying in Dire Dawa university were randomly selected. They were administered in Students Adjustment Inventory (SAI) which measured adjustment of an individual in 4 areas (Campus Life, health, time management and social life). Academic achievement scores were collected from the respective university. One-way ANOVA was employed to find out the significance of (...)
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  25. English Language Learning Obstacles to Second Language English Learners: A Review Article.Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, Mohammed Yousif Shakor, Penpim Phuangsuwan & Somboon Chaiprakarn - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (1):67-77.
    English is essential as an effective communication tool in both local and international contexts. In addition to being used in schools, it is also a teaching tool in colleges and universities. ESL (English as a Second Language) classes are now required in all educational institutions and can't be skipped. When learning a second language, anyone must be physically, mentally, and emotionally involved to communicate and understand what is being said. This systematic review employed qualitative documentary research and adopted content analysis. (...)
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  26. Examining consistency among different rubrics for assessing writing.Enayat A. Shabani - 2020 - Language Testing in Asia 10.
    The literature on using scoring rubrics in writing assessment denotes the significance of rubrics as practical and useful means to assess the quality of writing tasks. This study tries to investigate the agreement among rubrics endorsed and used for assessing the essay writing tasks by the internationally recognized tests of English language proficiency. To carry out this study, two hundred essays (task 2) from the academic IELTS test were randomly selected from about 800 essays from an official IELTS center, a (...)
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  27. Self-Concept of College Students: Empirical Evidence from an Asian Setting.Jonah Balba & Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - Technium Social Sciences Journal 24 (1):26-37.
    Individuals with high self-concept will likely have high life satisfaction, they easily get adjusted to life, and they communicate their feeling more appropriately. However, it was not certain whether self-concept would decline or improve as individuals age, or whether self-concept would vary between genders and ethnic groups. To prove, a study was carried out to compare the self-concept of college students in an Asian context. The inquiry utilized the cross-sectional design in finding out significant differences in the self-concept of participants (...)
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  28. Sample representation in the social sciences.Kino Zhao - 2021 - Synthese (10):9097-9115.
    The social sciences face a problem of sample non-representation, where the majority of samples consist of undergraduate students from Euro-American institutions. The problem has been identified for decades with little trend of improvement. In this paper, I trace the history of sampling theory. The dominant framework, called the design-based approach, takes random sampling as the gold standard. The idea is that a sampling procedure that is maximally uninformative prevents samplers from introducing arbitrary bias, thus preserving sample representation. I show (...)
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  29. A Community Based Study on the Role of Maternal Education on Antenatal Care Services and Child Care at Various Tribal Villages, Adilabad, Telangana State.A. Ravinder & G. Sreekanth - 2020 - Journal of Contemporary Medicine and Dentistry 8 (2):05-09.
    Background: Educated women tend to have a greater awareness of the existence of ANC services, more aware of health problems, know more about the availability of health care services, and utilize the information more effectively than non-educated women. Moreover, higher levels of education tend to positively affect healthseeking behaviors, and education may increase a woman’s control over her pregnancy and expose women to more health education messages and campaigns, enabling them to recognize danger signs and complications and take appropriate action. (...)
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  30. Evaluation of the Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Family Income and Sustainability in Ondo City, Nigeria.Justinah O. Ogboru & Oseyemi E. Akinyotu - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (1):117-128.
    This study evaluated the impact of fuel subsidy removal on family income and sustainability in Ondo City. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Three (3) research questions guided the study. The study population was comprised of all household members in Ondo Metropolis. The total population of the study is two hundred and fifty-three thousand, four hundred and sixty-two (253,462). The sample size was one hundred and eighty-five (185) and was randomly selected using a simple random technique. A (...)
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  31. The Impact of Learning and Development Programs on the Core Competencies of Pasay City Government.Rosanie Estuche, Maria Krisna Zen Nirvana Magdasoc Valencia & Cynic Tenedero - 2024 - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation 2 (1):108- 116.
    Learning and Development (L&D) is an organizational process which helps in the development of knowledge and achievement of individual and organizational goals. This is quantitative research employed a descriptive method to determine the impact of Learning and Development Programs on the Core Competencies of Level II employees of the Pasay City Government. The respondents of this study were the two hundred forty-two (242) randomly selected PCG Level II employees of the City Government of Pasay. This research used a survey technique (...)
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    Gender bias in the classroom has become an issue of global concern. This phenomenon is evident in textbooks, pedagogy, and the hidden curriculum. Since persons of all genders can equally contribute to national development, any factor that hinders persons of a particular gender from realising their full potentials should be examined and redressed. One of the areas where gender kurtosis is evident is in communication. This study, therefore, investigated the prevalence of gender skewness in academic communication. Data came from softcopies (...)
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  33. Barriers of asthma care among asthmatic children in Saudi Arabia: Maternal perspectives.Abeer Alatawi & Meshaal Alanazi - manuscript
    Background Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic conditions among children. Despite the improvement in asthma treatment regimens, its prevalence and related morbidity are increasing, especially among underserved, minority children. There are barriers in the management of asthma, which may impact the quality of outcomes. The goal of this study is to explore these barriers. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on interview data collected through 2019 from mothers of children (aged 6 - 12 years) with asthma visiting, (...)
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  34. INVESTIGATING LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES AND LANGUAGE COMPETENCE AMONG ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS: A CONVERGENT PARALLEL STUDY.Cyril Glen Grapa & Mary Ann Ronith Libago - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 27 (9): 947-993.
    The study aimed to investigate the language learning strategies and their contribution to the language competence of English major students in the teacher education program at Kapalong College of Agriculture Sciences and Technology. The researcher utilized a mixed-method design using the convergent parallel approach. Participants were English major students across all year levels at the college institution, with 204 students randomly selected for the quantitative phase and approximately 10 students purposively selected for the qualitative phase: 5 for in-depth interviews and (...)
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  35. The Role of Vitamin D in the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome in Undergraduate Female Students in Saudi Arabia.aHala M. Abdelkarem, Aishah H. Alamri, bFadia Y. Abdel Megeid, cMervat M. Al-Sayed & Omyma K. Radwan - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 2 (11):7-12.
    Abstract: Background: Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency prevalent in all age groups across the world is common in obesity and may play an important role in the risk factors of metabolic syndrome (MS). Objectives: This cross-sectional study is to evaluate the relationship between levels of adiponectin and circulating 25(OH)D, and its effect on metabolic biomarker among overweight/obese female students. Methods: Three hundred female students; with mean age 20.9 ± 3.2 years were attending the Aljouf University, Sakaka, Saudi Arabia. They were randomly selected (...)
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  36. Qualitative probabilistic inference under varied entropy levels.Paul D. Thorn & Gerhard Schurz - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 19 (2):87-101.
    In previous work, we studied four well known systems of qualitative probabilistic inference, and presented data from computer simulations in an attempt to illustrate the performance of the systems. These simulations evaluated the four systems in terms of their tendency to license inference to accurate and informative conclusions, given incomplete information about a randomly selected probability distribution. In our earlier work, the procedure used in generating the unknown probability distribution (representing the true stochastic state of the world) tended to yield (...)
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  37. Alternatives to the self-indication assumption are doomed.Matthew Adelstein - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-17.
    The self-indication assumption (SIA) claims that given that one exists, one should think that the universe has many people, for a universe that has more people is more likely to contain any particular person. SIA is attractive to many because it diffuses the infamous doomsday argument, and avoids the problems of its main rival, the self-sampling assumption (SSA), which instructs one to reason as if they’re randomly selected from the people in their reference class. Here, I will go further than (...)
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  38. ICT Integration in Developing Competence for Pre- Service Mathematics Teachers A Case Study from Six Universities in Vietnam.Tran Trung, Hung Anh Phan, Hong Van Le & Hung Thanh Nguyen - 2020 - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15:19-34.
    Competence structure that pre-service teachers need to develop to become a future teacher has been defined since the 1930s. For pre-service mathematics teachers, their competence has its own characteristics. ICT integration in developing competence for pre-service mathematics teachers has been been proved to be effective in many previous studies. In Vietnam, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has recommended the use of ICT to enhance teaching-learning activities in schools and universities, therefore, there have been many studies on ICT intergration (...)
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  39. Priority, Ethical Principle, and Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources. Di Wu - 2021 - Studies in Dialectics of Nature 11 (37):62-68.
    Aiming at the allocation of scarce medical resources, Immanuel and other scholars have put forward a set of influential ethical values and guiding principles. It assigns the priority of resource allocation to those whose lives can be saved and maximized, those who can bring the greatest instrumental value, and those who are the worse off. For other members of society, random selection under the same conditions is adopted. Following the Rawlsian "lexical order, lexicographical" rule, this priority arrangement requires (...)
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  40. Survey on Vietnamese teachers’ perspectives and perceived support during COVID-19.Cam-Tu Vu, Anh-Duc Hoang, Van-Quan Than, Manh-Tuan Nguyen, Viet-Hung Dinh, Quynh-Anh Thi Le, Thu-Trang Thi Le, Hiep-Hung Pham & Yen-Chi Nguyen - forthcoming - Data in Brief.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to the educational system worldwide. Besides the measurable economic impacts in the short-term and long-term, there is intangible destruction within educational institutions. In particular, teachers – the most critical intellectual resources of any schools – have to face various types of financial, physical, and mental struggles due to COVID-19. To capture the current context of more than one million Vietnamese teachers during COVID-19, we distributed an e- survey to more than 2,500 randomly selected (...)
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    Some Funding-Related Variables and Teachers’ Motivation in Public Primary Schools in Imo State, Nigeria.Iheka Jane Ekwutosi - 2024 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 3 (4):366-373.
    The study examined the relationship between some funding-related variables and Teachers’ Motivation in Public Primary schools in Owerri Metropolis, Imo state. Correlation research design was adopted for the study. A sample size of 335 teachers from a population of 2085 teachers of 263 public primary schools in the area was randomly selected and utilized for the study. Three research questions were raised, and three hypotheses were formulated for the study. The instruments for data collection were researcher-made, titled Some Funding-related variables (...)
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  42. Higher Education Students’ Disaster Awareness, Preparedness, and Resiliency Preparation.Mary Grace C. Malonecio - 2023 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 2 (2):150-159.
    Natural disaster affects everyone’s lives regardless of position and status in life but its impact can be mitigated by doing necessary preparations. This survey-correlational research design aimed to determine the disaster awareness, preparedness, and resiliency preparation of the 249 randomly selected higher education students from a state university in the province of Aklan. A 3-part researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to gather data about disaster awareness, preparedness, and resiliency preparation. The instruments were subjected to validity and reliability testing. The statistical tools (...)
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  43. Effect of Sports Participation By The Parent on Physical Fitness of Their Child.Dr Jayendra Sinh P. Thakor - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 2 (3):1-2.
    Abstract: The objective of the present study was to analyze the Influence of selected socio-economic condition factor, “sports participation by the parent” on Physical Fitness of college Female students. With the assistance and help of the experts in the field of Physical Fitness, Physical Education, Sports and previous researches on these areas, a comprehensive and suitable Physical Fitness and Socio-economic factor package was evolved. 500 Female college students were randomly selected from twenty one academic colleges of Saurashtra University. For this (...)
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  44. Operationalization of Summative Assessment in MAPEH in the New Normal: Its Challenges, Innovations and Interventions.Angeline Subang - 2022 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 3 (10).
    This mixed-method research was conducted to determine the levels of challenges, innovations and interventions in the operationalization of summative assessment in Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) of public MAPEH secondary school teachers in the Division of Iloilo for the school year 2021-2022. This study also determined whether significant relationship existed among challenges, innovations and interventions. The participants of this study were the 290 randomly selected public secondary school MAPEH teachers determined using the Slovin’s formula. The data- gathering instruments (...)
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  45. Throwing Darts, Time, and the Infinite.Jeremy Gwiazda - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):971-975.
    In this paper, I present a puzzle involving special relativity and the random selection of real numbers. In a manner to be specified, darts thrown later hit reals further into a fixed well-ordering than darts thrown earlier. Special relativity is then invoked to create a puzzle. I consider four ways of responding to this puzzle which, I suggest, fail. I then propose a resolution to the puzzle, which relies on the distinction between the potential infinite and the actual (...)
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  46. Students' Economic Status and Access to Technology in Relation to Their Academic Stress on Online Learning at the University of Bohol.Kim B. Penaflor, Mae Arcely P. Acera, Esther Jay P. Melencion, Ma Ella May R. Ampac, Angela T. Toribio, Karla Mari S. Gaterin, Marian O. Agan, Glenn Lawrence P. Doloritos, Xenita Vera P. Oracion, Bonnibella L. Jamora & Kristine Mae V. Lumanas - 2023 - Academe University of Bohol, Graduate School and Professional Studies 22 (1):25-38.
    Socioeconomic status refers to the family's social and economic standing in society. It is measured by combining an individual or group's economic and social position, which is often based on income, education, and occupation. It significantly affects academic performance and even one's health status. The pandemic changed the educational system, causing a huge transition from traditional learning methods to online learning. This shift resulted in confusion, burden, and difficulty among students from different walks of life. This study was conducted to (...)
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  47. Impact of perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure on physicians’ use of liver cancer screening technology in medical alliances.Junhong Lu, Qingwen Deng, Yuehua Chen & Wenbin Liu - 2023 - Frontiers in Public Health 11:1174334.
    Background: Liver cancer is one of the malignant tumors worldwide, while the prevention and control situation is grim at present, and the diffusion of its early screening technology still faces some challenges. This study aims to investigate the influencing mechanism of perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure on hepatic early screening technologies use by physicians, so as to promote the wider use of corresponding technologies. -/- Methods: Under the theoretical guidance of technology-organization-environment framework and mindsponge (...)
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  48. “I did it my way": Learning Autonomy and Online Self-Access Skills of Students in Reading Classes in Pandemic Era in Peru Context.Mitchell Alberto Alarcón Diaz, Doris Fuster-Guillén, Jacinto Joaquin Vertiz-Osores, Jeenny Sánchez Huamán, Jessica Paola Palacios Garay, Rosa Huaraca Aparco, Joel Alanya-Beltran, Jeidy Panduro-Ramirez, Korakod Tongkachok & C. Mashraky Mustakary - 2022 - Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 6 (1):267-280.
    In order for students to succeed, especially in times of crisis like the Covid 19 Pandemic, they must be trained to be self-sufficient in their language studies. This research investigates using a self-access language learning strategy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics to improve language learners' Autonomy. It employed a descriptive correlational research design. The study involved 89 randomly selected language students in one University of Peru. Results of the study showed that the students can (...)
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  49. Quantifying the Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Delinquency.Reymond F. Julian - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2):17-30.
    This study examines social media's quantitative effect on juvenile criminality. The researcher intends to quantify how social media usage affects juvenile delinquency. The research will examine mediating elements, including peer influence, self-esteem, and antisocial content. This study may educate parents, educators, politicians, and mental health experts on adolescent social media usage hazards. This study aims to establish evidence-based social media mitigation and youth development solutions. This research employed quantitative methodologies. The target population for this study will be two hundred (200) (...)
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  50. Predicting students’ multidimensional learning outcomes in public secondary schools: The roles of school facilities, administrative expenses and curriculum.Valentine Joseph Owan, John Asuquo Ekpenyong, Usen Friday Mbon, Kingsley Bekom Abang, Nse Nkereuwen Ukpong, Maria Ofie Sunday, Samuel Okpon Ekaette, Michael Ekpenyong Asuquo, Victor Ubugha Agama, Garieth Omorobi Omorobi & John Atewhoble Undie - 2023 - Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching 6 (2):1-17.
    Previous research has assessed school facilities, administrative expenditures and curriculum and their relative contributions to students’ cognitive learning outcomes. This suggested the need to investigate further how these predictors may impact students’ affective and psychomotor outcomes. The current research studied the combined and relative prediction of school facilities, administrative expenses and curriculum on students’ overall cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning outcomes in public secondary schools. A cross-sectional research design was employed in this study, involving 87 school administrators and a randomly (...)
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