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  1. (3 other versions)Philosophical Investigations.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1953 - New York, NY, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe.
    Editorial preface to the fourth edition and modified translation -- The text of the Philosophische Untersuchungen -- Philosophische untersuchungen = Philosophical investigations -- Philosophie der psychologie, ein fragment = Philosophy of psychology, a fragment.
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  • Zettel.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1967 - Oxford,: Blackwell. Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe & G. H. von Wright.
    Zettel, an en face bilingual edition, collects fragments from Wittgenstein's work between 1929 and 1948 on issues of the mind, mathematics, and language.
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  • Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1956 - Oxford: Macmillan. Edited by G. E. M. Anscombe, Rush Rhees & G. H. von Wright.
    Wittgenstein's work remains, undeniably, now, that off one of those few philosophers who will be read by all future generations.
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  • The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1940 - Routledge.
    Logical Atomism is a philosophy that sought to account for the world in all its various aspects by relating it to the structure of the language in which we articulate information. In _The Philosophy of Logical Atomism,_ Bertrand Russell, with input from his young student Ludwig Wittgenstein, developed the concept and argues for a reformed language based on pure logic. Despite Russell’s own future doubts surrounding the concept, this founding and definitive work in analytical philosophy by one of the world’s (...)
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  • Naturalism in mathematics.Penelope Maddy - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Naturalism in Mathematics investigates how the most fundamental assumptions of mathematics can be justified. One prevalent philosophical approach to the problem--realism--is examined and rejected in favor of another approach--naturalism. Penelope Maddy defines this naturalism, explains the motivation for it, and shows how it can be successfully applied in set theory. Her clear, original treatment of this fundamental issue is informed by current work in both philosophy and mathematics, and will be accessible and enlightening to readers from both disciplines.
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  • The Blue and Brown Books.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1958 - Philosophy 34 (131):367-368.
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  • The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell - 1918 - In ¸ Iterussell1986. Open Court. pp. 193-210..
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  • Thinking about mathematics: the philosophy of mathematics.Stewart Shapiro - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This unique book by Stewart Shapiro looks at a range of philosophical issues and positions concerning mathematics in four comprehensive sections. Part I describes questions and issues about mathematics that have motivated philosophers since the beginning of intellectual history. Part II is an historical survey, discussing the role of mathematics in the thought of such philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. Part III covers the three major positions held throughout the twentieth century: the idea that mathematics is logic (logicism), (...)
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  • Wittgenstein on the Foundations of Mathematics.Crispin Wright - 1980 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
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  • (2 other versions)Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics.Michael Dummett - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (3):324-348.
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  • The struggle against dogmatism: Wittgenstein and the concept of philosophy.Oskari Kuusela - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Wittgenstein on philosophical problems : from one fundamental problem to particular problems -- The Tractatus on philosophical problems -- Wittgenstein's later conception of philosophical problems -- Examples of philosophical problems as based on misunderstandings -- Tendencies and inclinations of thinking : philosophy as therapy -- Wittgenstein's notion of peace in philosophy : the contrast with the Tractatus -- Two conceptions of clarification -- The Tractatus's conception of philosophy as logical analysis -- Wittgenstein's later critique of the Tractatus's notion of logical (...)
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  • Wittgenstein, finitism, and the foundations of mathematics.Mathieu Marion - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This pioneering book demonstrates the crucial importance of Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics to his philosophy as a whole. Marion traces the development of Wittgenstein's thinking in the context of the mathematical and philosophical work of the times, to make coherent sense of ideas that have too often been misunderstood because they have been presented in a disjointed and incomplete way. In particular, he illuminates the work of the neglected 'transitional period' between the Tractatus and the Investigations.
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  • Intuitions' Linguistic Sources: Stereotypes, Intuitions and Illusions.Eugen Fischer & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (1):67-103.
    Intuitive judgments elicited by verbal case-descriptions play key roles in philosophical problem-setting and argument. Experimental philosophy's ‘sources project’ seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions which help us assess our warrant for accepting them. This article develops a psycholinguistic explanation of intuitions prompted by philosophical case-descriptions. For proof of concept, we target intuitions underlying a classic paradox about perception, trace them to stereotype-driven inferences automatically executed in verb comprehension, and employ a forced-choice plausibility-ranking task to elicit the relevant (...)
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  • (1 other version)Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1975 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by R. G. Bosanquet & Cora Diamond.
    Notes taken by these last four are the basis for the thirty-one lectures in this book.
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  • Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics.Stuart Shanker - 1987 - Routledge.
    First published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • Prose versus proof: Wittgenstein on gödel, Tarski and Truth.Juliet Floyd - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (3):280-307.
    A survey of current evidence available concerning Wittgenstein's attitude toward, and knowledge of, Gödel's first incompleteness theorem, including his discussions with Turing, Watson and others in 1937–1939, and later testimony of Goodstein and Kreisel; 2) Discussion of the philosophical and historical importance of Wittgenstein's attitude toward Gödel's and other theorems in mathematical logic, contrasting this attitude with that of, e.g., Penrose; 3) Replies to an instructive criticism of my 1995 paper by Mark Steiner which assesses the importance of Tarski's semantical (...)
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  • Mathematical proof.G. H. Hardy - 1929 - Mind 38 (149):1-25.
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  • Family resemblances: Studies in the internal structure of categories.Eleanor Rosch & Carolyn Mervis - 1975 - Cognitive Psychology 7 (4):573--605.
    Six experiments explored the hypothesis that the members of categories which are considered most prototypical are those with most attributes in common with other members of the category and least attributes in common with other categories. In probabilistic terms, the hypothesis is that prototypicality is a function of the total cue validity of the attributes of items. In Experiments 1 and 3, subjects listed attributes for members of semantic categories which had been previously rated for degree of prototypicality. High positive (...)
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  • Wittgenstein: Understanding and Meaning.P. M. S. Hacker - 2009 - Wiley.
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  • What Nonsense Might Be.Cora Diamond - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (215):5 - 22.
    There is a natural view of nonsense, which owes what attraction it has to the apparent absence of alternatives. In Frege and Wittgenstein there is a view which goes against the natural one, and the purpose of this paper is to establish that it is a possible view of nonsense.
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  • Thought's footing: a theme in Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations.Charles Travis - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thought's Footing is an enquiry into the relationship between the ways things are and the way we think and talk about them. It is also a study of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Charles Travis develops his account of certain key themes into a unified view of the work as a whole. The central question is: how does thought get its footing? How can the thought that things are a certain way be connected to things being that way?
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  • Thinking about Mathematics: The Philosophy of Mathematics.Stewart Shapiro - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (207):272-274.
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  • Wittgensteinian “quietism”.John McDowell - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):365-372.
    In his Philosophical Investigations Wittgenstein describes, and represents himself as pursuing, a way of doing philosophy without putting forward philosophical theses. I exemplify his approach with a sketch of his treatment of rule following. I focus in particular on the simple case of following a signpost, conceived as an expression of a rule for getting to a destination. Wittgenstein uncovers a threat that we will find it mysterious how one could learn from a signpost which way to go, and he (...)
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  • On Saying What You Really Want to Say: Wittgenstein, Gödel and the Trisection of the Angle.Juliet Floyd - 1995 - In Jaakko Hintikka, From Dedekind to Gödel: The Foundations of Mathematics in the Early Twentieth Century, Synthese Library Vol. 251 (Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 373-426.
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  • Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics.Mathieu Marion - 1998 - Studia Logica 66 (3):432-434.
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  • Wittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism.Peter M. S. Hacker - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 35 (1):1-17.
    It is sometimes argued that Wittgenstein's conception of grammar and the role he allocated to grammar (in his sense of the term) in philosophy changed between the Big Typescript and the Philosophical Investigations. It is also held that some of the grammatical propositions Wittgenstein asserted prior to his writing of the Philosophical Investigations are theses, doctrines, opinions or dogmatism, which he abandoned by 1936/37. The purpose of this paper is to show these claims to be misunderstandings and misinterpretations. On all (...)
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  • "A mathematical proof must be surveyable" what Wittgenstein meant by this and what it implies.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 71 (1):57-86.
    In Part III of his Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics Wittgenstein deals with what he calls the surveyability of proofs. By this he means that mathematical proofs can be reproduced with certainty and in the manner in which we reproduce pictures. There are remarkable similarities between Wittgenstein's view of proofs and Hilbert's, but Wittgenstein, unlike Hilbert, uses his view mainly in critical intent. He tries to undermine foundational systems in mathematics, like logicist or set theoretic ones, by stressing the (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.Pasquale Frascolla - 1994 - Mind 108 (429):159-162.
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  • Particularity and Principle: The Structure of Moral Knowledge.Jay Garfield - 2000 - In Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little, Moral particularism. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  • (1 other version)Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics.S. G. Shanker - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (2):248-253.
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  • Intuitions and illusions: From explanation and experiment to assessment.Eugen Fischer, Paul E. Engelhardt & Aurelie Herbelot - 2015 - In Eugen Fischer & John Collins, Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method. London: Routledge. pp. 259-292.
    This paper pioneers the use of methods and findings from psycholinguistics in experimental philosophy’s ‘sources project’. On this basis, it clarifies the epistemological relevance of empirical findings about intuitions – a key methodological challenge to experimental philosophy. The sources project (aka ‘cognitive epistemology of intuitions’) seeks to develop psychological explanations of philosophically relevant intuitions, which help us assess their evidentiary value. One approach seeks explanations which trace relevant intuitions back to automatic cognitive processes that are generally reliable but predictably generate (...)
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  • (1 other version)Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics.S. G. Shanker - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (3):573-573.
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  • (2 other versions)Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics.Pasquale Frascolla - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (189):552-555.
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  • Pictures in Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy.David Egan - 2010 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (1):55-76.
    The word “picture” occurs pervasively in Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Not only does Wittgenstein often use literal pictures or the notion of mental pictures in his investigations, but he also frequently uses “picture” to speak about a way of conceiving of a matter (e.g. “A picture held us captive” at Philosophical Investigations§115). I argue that “picture” used in this conceptual sense is not a shorthand for an assumption or a set of propositions but is rather an expression of conceptual bedrock on (...)
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  • Particular and general: Wittgenstein, linguistic rules, and context.Daniel Whiting - 2009 - In The later Wittgenstein on language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Wittgenstein famously remarks that ‘the meaning of a word is its use’ (PI §43). Whether or not one views this as gesturing at a ‘theory’ of meaning, or instead as aiming primarily at dissuading us from certain misconceptions of language that are a source of puzzlement, it is clear that Wittgenstein held that for certain purposes the meaning of an expression could profitably be characterised as its use. Throughout his later writings, however, Wittgenstein’s appeal to the notion of use pulls (...)
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  • What's the Point of Elucidation?Phil Hutchinson - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (5):691-713.
    In this article I examine three ways in which one might interpret Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations (PI). In a partial response to Hans‐Johann Glock's article in this journal, I suggest that since publication PI has, broadly speaking, been interpreted in three ways: doctrinal; elucidatory; or therapeutic. The doctrinal interpretation is shown to be, at best, difficult to sustain textually. The elucidatory (standard) interpretation, though seemingly closer to the text, is shown both to implicate Wittgenstein in some unfortunate philosophical commitments and to (...)
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  • Wittgenstein's philosophies of mathematics.Steve Gerrard - 1991 - Synthese 87 (1):125-142.
    Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics has long been notorious. Part of the problem is that it has not been recognized that Wittgenstein, in fact, had two chief post-Tractatus conceptions of mathematics. I have labelled these the calculus conception and the language-game conception. The calculus conception forms a distinct middle period. The goal of my article is to provide a new framework for examining Wittgenstein's philosophies of mathematics and the evolution of his career as a whole. I posit the Hardyian Picture, modelled (...)
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  • A “resolute” later Wittgenstein?Genia Schönbaumsfeld - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (5):649-668.
    Abstract: “Resolute readings” initially started life as a radical new approach to Wittgenstein's early philosophy, but are now starting to take root as a way of interpreting the later writings as well—a trend exemplified by Stephen Mulhall's Wittgenstein's Private Language (2007) as well as by Phil Hutchinson's “What's the Point of Elucidation?” (2007) and Rom Harré's “Grammatical Therapy and the Third Wittgenstein” (2008). The present article shows that there are neither good philosophical nor compelling exegetical grounds for accepting a resolute (...)
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  • Wittgenstein on pure and applied mathematics.Ryan Dawson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4131-4148.
    Some interpreters have ascribed to Wittgenstein the view that mathematical statements must have an application to extra-mathematical reality in order to have use and so any statements lacking extra-mathematical applicability are not meaningful (and hence not bona fide mathematical statements). Pure mathematics is then a mere signgame of questionable objectivity, undeserving of the name mathematics. These readings bring to light that, on Wittgenstein’s offered picture of mathematical statements as rules of description, it can be difficult to see the role of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Wittgenstein on Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.Juliet Floyd - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (2):227-287.
    A survey of Wittgenstein's writings on logic and mathematics; an analytical bibliography of contemporary articles on rule-following, social constructivism, Wittgenstein, Godel, and constructivism is appended. Various historical accounts of the nature of mathematical knowledge glossed over the effects of linguistic expression on our understanding of its status and content. Initially Wittgenstein rejected Frege's and Russell's logicism, aiming to operationalize the notions of logical consequence, necessity and sense. Vienna positivists took this to place analysis of meaning at the heart of philosophy, (...)
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  • Was Wittgenstein really an anti-realist about mathematics?Hilary Putnam - 2001 - In Timothy McCarthy & Sean C. Stidd, Wittgenstein in America. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 140--194.
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  • Introduction.Crispin Wright - 1988 - In ¸ Itewright:Rmt. pp. 1--44.
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  • Wittgenstein's analysis of the paradoxes in his lectures on the foundations of mathematics.Charles S. Chihara - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (3):365-381.
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  • Wittgenstein on context and philosophical pictures.Hiroshi Ohtani - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1795-1816.
    In this paper, I will investigate Wittgenstein’s idea about the context-sensitivity of utterance. It is the idea that there is a big gap between understanding a sentence in the sense of knowing the idioms and discerning the grammar in it, and what is said by using it in a particular context. Although context-sensitivity in this moderate sense is a familiar idea in Wittgensteinian scholarship, it has mainly been studied as an idea in “Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language.” However, Wittgenstein’s interest in (...)
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  • Wittgenstein on 2, 2, 2 ...: The opening of remarks on the foundations of mathematics.Juliet Floyd - 1991 - Synthese 87 (1):143 - 180.
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  • Wittgenstein on mathematics.Michael Potter - 2011 - In Oskari Kuusela & Marie McGinn, The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  • Philosophical pictures.Eugen Fischer - 2006 - Synthese 148 (2):469 - 501.
    The paper develops a novel account of the nature and genesis of some philosophical problems, which motivates an unfamiliar form of philosophical criticism that was pioneered by the later Wittgenstein. To develop the account, the paper analyses two thematically linked sets of problems, namely problems about linguistic understanding: a set of problems Wittgenstein discusses in a core part of his Philosophical Investigations, and the ‘problem of linguistic creativity’ that is central to current philosophy of language. The paper argues that these (...)
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  • What Is Wrong with Hacker's Wittgenstein? On Grammar, Context and Sense‐Determination.Tamara Dobler - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (3):231-250.
    Peter Hacker defends an interpretation of the later Wittgenstein's notion of grammar, according to which the inherently general grammatical rules are sufficient for sense-determination. My aim is to show that this interpretation fails to account for an important contextualist shift in Wittgenstein's views on sense-determination. I argue that Hacker attributes to the later Wittgenstein a rule-based, combinatorial account of sense, which Wittgenstein puts forward in the Tractatus. I propose that this is not how we should interpret the later Wittgenstein because (...)
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  • On Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics.James Conant - 1997 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 97 (2):195–222.
    Hilary Putnam, James Conant; On Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 97, Issue 1, 1 June 1997, Pages 195–22.
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  • Riddles and Anselm's Riddle.Cora Diamond & Roger White - 1977 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 51 (1):143 - 186.
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