Results for ' Philosophy of Education'

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  1. Philosophies of Education and their futures, in South Africa.Dominic Griffiths - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    Philosophy of Education in South Africa during the latter half of the 20th century was characterised by three ideological strands. The first was known as ‘Fundamental Pedagogics’, the second ‘Liberalism’, and the third ‘Liberation Socialism’ (i.e., Marxism/Freire). When apartheid formally ended in 1994 these strands lost their impetus and faded from educational debates, arguably because of the disappearance of apartheid itself, as the locus relative to which these ideological strands positioned themselves. This paper characterises these three positions and (...)
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    Theology and Philosophy of Education or on the Meaning of Academy.Zuzana Svobodová - 2024 - Theology and Philosophy of Education 3 (2):1-4.
    The meaning of academy given in Athens in antiquity is connected with the aim of the journal Theology and Philosophy of Education. This text explains the journal's conceptual roots with methodological distinctions. Both the role of the phenomenological approach and key persons are mentioned.
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  3. Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Who Remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and Environment after the Coronavirus.Petar Jandrić, Jimmy Jaldemark, Zoe Hurley, Brendan Bartram, Adam Matthews, Michael Jopling, Julia Mañero, Alison MacKenzie, Jones Irwin, Ninette Rothmüller, Benjamin Green, Shane J. Ralston, Olli Pyyhtinen, Sarah Hayes, Jake Wright, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14):1421-1441.
    This paper explores relationships between environment and education after the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of philosophy of education in a new key developed by Michael Peters and the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. The paper is collectively written by 15 authors who responded to the question: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Their answers are classified into four main themes and corresponding sections. The first section, ‘As we bake the earth, let's try and bake it (...)
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  4. Islamic Philosophy of Education and Western Islamic Schools: points of tension.Michael Merry - 2006 - In Farideh Salili & Rumjahn Hoousain, Religion in Multicultural Education. IAP. pp. 41-70.
    In this chapter, I elaborate an idealized type of Islamic philosophy of education and epistemology. Next, I examine the crisis that Islamic schools face in Western societies. This will occur on two fronts: (1) an analysis of the relationship (if any) between the philosophy of education, the aspirations of school administration, and the actual character and practice of Islamic schools; and (2) an analysis concerning the meaning of an Islamic curriculum. To the first issue, I argue (...)
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  5. Theology of Education and Philosophy of Education in Dialogue.Zuzana Svobodová - 2022 - Theology and Philosophy of Education 1 (1).
    The first editorial of the journal Theology and Philosophy of Education.
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  6. Julius Nyerere's Philosophy of Education: Implication for Nigeria's Educational System Reforms.Diana-Abasi Ibanga - 2016 - Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies 9 (3):109-125.
    Nyerere’s philosophy of education is one of the most influential and widely studied theories of education. Policy-makers have continued to draw from it for policy re-engineering. In this paper, the Nigerian educational system is examined in the light of the philosophy. This approach is predicated on the informed belief that there are social and historical commonalities between Nigeria and the target-society of Nyerere’s philosophy. To this end, it argues that the philosophy holds some important (...)
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  7. Philosophy of Education.Ray Scott Percival - 2006 - In A. C. Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder, The Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum. pp. 954-956.
    A brief survey of British philosophy of education.
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  8. Eudaimonism” in Classical West and East as Philosophy of Education Today.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri - 2022 - Aquino Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):21-31.
    This paper is a critique of the culture, method and end of education today. It claims that education today does not aim at the integral formation and cultivation of a person. Put differently, it claims that philosophy of education critically speaking ought to be a kind of eudaimonism. Education ought to be fundamentally about the Ultimate good of the human person, and the task of philosophy of education is to critically establish and direct (...)
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  9. Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Education.Ann Sharp & Maughn Gregory - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):87-96.
    The writings of Simone Weil support a feminist philosophy of education that locates freedom in self-determined creative work within contexts of necessity. In particular, Weil’s discussion of Force, the Good, Work, Method and Time provide criteria for a feminist philosophy of education, in terms of educational ends and means. Philosophy for Children is relevant to each of these themes, in various ways.
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  10. The worldview of the pilgrim and the foundation of a confessional and narrative philosophy of education.Guilherme J. Braun & Ferdinand J. Potgieter - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):8.
    In this article, we explore the worldview of the pilgrim and how it relates to the drama of human existence. The worldview of the pilgrim is the starting point in our explorations of the postmodern conundrum and interrelated subjects such as epistemology, ethics, religious symbolism, hospitality and practical life strategies from a narrative and confessional perspective. These elaborations will serve the ultimate goal of this article, which is to contribute to the philosophy of education (including educators and educationists) (...)
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  11. Philosophy of Technology Assumptions in Educational Technology Leadership.Mark David Webster - 2017 - Journal of Educational Technology and Society 20 (1):25–36.
    A qualitative study using grounded theory methods was conducted to (a) examine what philosophy of technology assumptions are present in the thinking of K-12 technology leaders, (b) investigate how the assumptions may influence technology decision making, and (c) explore whether technological determinist assumptions are present. Subjects involved technology directors and instructional technology specialists from school districts, and data collection involved interviews and a written questionnaire. Three broad philosophy of technology views were widely held by participants, including an instrumental (...)
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  12. The Gap between Philosophy and the Philosophy of Education in Japanese Academia: A Statistical Survey of the Largest Competitive Research Funding Database in Japan.Koji Tachibana - 2017 - Sentanrinri Kenkyu (Studies on Advanced Ethics) (11):17-32.
    This short article is based on my special lecture entitled "Aristotle and the Philosophy of Education" at Tamagawa University Research Institute in Tokyo on September 19, 2015, through a recording of the spoken language transcribed in written form with some corrections. The lecture delivered on that day consists of two parts: referring to historical research and a statistical survey, the first half focuses on uncovering the fact that the philosophy of education has been slighted both in (...)
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    Virtue Epistemology and the Philosophy of Education (in Chinese).Cheng-Hung Tsai - 2014 - In Y. Chou, Philosophy of Education 2012. Taipei: Pro-Ed. pp. 371-386.
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  14. Philosophy of Technology Assumptions in Educational Technology Leadership: Questioning Technological Determinism.Mark David Webster - 2013 - Dissertation, Northcentral University
    Scholars have emphasized that decisions about technology can be influenced by philosophy of technology assumptions, and have argued for research that critically questions technological determinist assumptions. Empirical studies of technology management in fields other than K-12 education provided evidence that philosophy of technology assumptions, including technological determinism, can influence the practice of technology leadership. A qualitative study was conducted to a) examine what philosophy of technology assumptions are present in the thinking of K-12 technology leaders, b) (...)
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  15. Review of Barrow & Woods, An Introduction to Philosophy of Education[REVIEW]Michael Merry - 2008 - Theory and Research in Education 6 (2).
    The fourth edition of Barrow and Woods’ Introduction to Philosophy of Education reminds us that a retreat from careful thinking about the conditions under which educational practitioners operate is a mistake and that theorizing about educational practice generally is sorely needed.
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  16. The Case for a Contemplative Philosophy of Education.Rick Repetti - 2010 - New Directions for Community Colleges 151:5-15.
    I argue for the use of contemplative practices, such as meditation, journaling, reflection, etc., as an adjunct or alternative form of pedagogy that can help enrich student engagement, facilitate the creation of a philosophical mind state, and engender intrinsic curiosity and related psychological and/or motivational qualities that are supportive of educational ideals. I report on my own scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research performed in my philosophy classes, as a case study in point. I found that the more (...)
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  17. Dialectics of Education and Philosophy in the Arab Culture.Abduljaleel Alwali - 2016 - Bohuth Journal 11:522-534.
    The philosophy is an important factor of education policy like the religion, heritage, culture and customs of the society .It concerns on the mind and its implication in our daily life. Philosophy focus on Logic, Science, Epistemology, Ethics and Esthetics which are important branches of human thoughts. During the human history, philosophy organizes education and the societies revert to philosophy to regulate education policy. In ancient time, Plato and Aristotle’s educational policy was established (...)
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  18. Elusive rivalry? Conceptions of the philosophy of education.John White - 2010 - Ethics and Education 5 (2):135-145.
    What is analytical philosophy of education (APE)? And what has been its place in the history of the subject over the last fifty years? In a recent essay in Ethics and Education (Vol 2, No 2 October 2007) on ‘Rival conceptions of the philosophy of education’, Paul Standish described a number of features of APE. Relying on both historical and philosophical argument, the present paper critically assesses these eight points, as well as another five points (...)
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  19. Reality is Catching Up With Me. Empirical Knowledge and Philosophy of Education.Einar Sundsdal & Torill Strand - 2011 - Nordic Studies in Education.
    In this article we argue that a positively formulated theory of education ought to take into consideration empirically based knowledge. Theories of education are normative theories, because they are mainly focused on how the world ought to be: they present ideals, they prescribe preferred repertoires of actions, and they describe valued attitudes. However, using a recent example of an ideal of cosmopolitan education, we here reveal some ways in which prevalent theories of education quickly become remote (...)
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  20. Discourses of Educational Rights in Philosophy for Children: On the Theoretical and Practical Merits of Philosophical Education for Children.Aireen Grace Andal - 2019 - AVANT. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (2).
    This article aims to put into dialogue Philosophy for Children (P4C) and education rights. Whereas rights have robust conceptualizations and have been the topic of many scholarly discussions, scholarship on P4C still has a lot to unpack for a more expansive understanding, especially when scaled up to the level of rights. This work asks whether or not the rhetoric of “rights” can be used to discuss if P4C has a rightful place to be a mandatory part of school (...)
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  21. Philosophy of Tertiary Civic Education in Hong Kong: Formation of Trans-Cultural Political Vision.Andrew T. W. Hung - 2015 - Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal 18 (2).
    This paper explores the philosophy of tertiary civic education in Hong Kong. It does not only investigate the role of tertiary education that can play in civic education, but also explores the way to achieve the aim of integrating liberal democratic citizenship and collective national identity in the context of persistent conflicts between two different identity politics in Hong Kong: politics of assimilation and politics of difference. As Hong Kong is part of China and is inevitably (...)
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  22. Humboldt's Philosophy of University Education and Implication for Autonomous Education in Vietnam Today.Trang Do - 2023 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania 62 (2):549-561.
    Introduction. Higher education plays a particularly important role in the development of a country. The goal of the article is to describe the development of concepts about education in general and higher education in particular to explain the role of education in social life. Humboldt sees higher education as a process toward freedom and the search for true truth. Humboldt's philosophy of higher education is an indispensable requirement in the context of people struggling (...)
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  23. On the Logical Form of Educational Philosophy and Theory: Herbart, Mill, Frankena, and Beyond.Berislav Žarnić - 2016 - Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory: Living Reference Work.
    The investigation into logical form and structure of natural sciences and mathematics covers a significant part of contemporary philosophy. In contrast to this, the metatheory of normative theories is a slowly developing research area in spite of its great predecessors, such as Aristotle, who discovered the sui generis character of practical logic, or Hume, who posed the “is-ought” problem. The intrinsic reason for this situation lies in the complex nature of practical logic. The metatheory of normative educational philosophy (...)
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  24. Philosophy of contemporary polyculutural education.Sophia Polyankina & Nadezhda Bulankina - 2011 - International Journal of Academic Research 3 (1):283-285.
    The goal of the article is to consider one of the urgent issues of modern school, i. e. education in the contextof multiculturalism. In the article there are compared the concepts of “multicultural education” in the USA and “polycultural education” in Russian Federation. Meanwhile it is noted that conceptual structure of modernpolycultural education is going through a syncretic phase, which means that inventory and concretization of concepts appearing in the papers on this topic are indispensable.
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  25. Pancasila's Critique of Paul Ernest's Philosophy of Mathematics Education.Syahrullah Asyari, Hamzah Upu, Muhammad Darwis M., Baso Intang Sappaile & Ikhbariaty Kautsar Qadry - 2024 - Global Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences 4 (2):122-134.
    Indonesia has recently faced problems in various aspects of life. The results of a social media survey in Indonesia in early 2021 that the biggest threat to the Pancasila ideology is communism and other western ideologies. Communism has a dark history in the life of the Indonesian people. It shows the problem of thinking and philosophical views of the Indonesian people. This research is textbook research that aims to analyze philosophy books, namely mathematics education philosophy textbooks written (...)
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  26. Freedom as an Aim of Education.Zuzana Svobodová - 2022 - Theology and Philosophy of Education 1 (2):1-2.
    Editorial of the second issue of the journal Theology and Philosophy of Education.
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  27. The self and the sublime : a comparative study in the philosophy of education.Julian Humphreys - 2002 - Dissertation, Mcgill University
    In this thesis I discuss personal identity as it relates to authoritative contexts. I show how these contexts confer meaning on personal and cultural narratives, which in turn confer meaning on facts and knowledge claims. I outline three conceptions of the self and sublime, and address the implications of these for education. In conclusion I isolate a common product of all three perspectives---unconditional love---and recommend a 'will to positive description' as a necessary and desirable pedagogical goal.
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  28. Epistemology of Education.J. Adam Carter & Ben Kotzee - forthcoming - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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  29. The Responsibility of Educators.Zuzana Svobodová - 2023 - Theology and Philosophy of Education 2 (2):1-3.
    This text, titled The Responsibility of Educators, is the editorial of the second issue of the second volume of the journal Theology and Philosophy of Education.
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  30. Examining Philosophy of Technology Using Grounded Theory Methods.Mark David Webster - 2016 - Forum: Qualitative Social Research 17 (2).
    A qualitative study was conducted to examine the philosophy of technology of K-12 technology leaders, and explore the influence of their thinking on technology decision making. The research design aligned with CORBIN and STRAUSS grounded theory methods, and I proceeded from a research paradigm of critical realism. The subjects were school technology directors and instructional technology specialists, and data collection consisted of interviews and a written questionnaire. Data analysis involved the use of grounded theory methods including memo writing, open (...)
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    Filosofia e Educação: Investigação Dialógica e o Ensino de Filosofia / Philosophy and Education: Dialogical Investigation and Teaching of Philosophy.Matheus R. Gomes - 2019 - Notandum 1 (51):111-126.
    Dialogical Investigation (D.I.) is a teaching methodology that addresses a phenomenological epistemology such as education for the student's education and learning in relation to a learning and the accomplishment of a teaching activity the existence. Created by the philosopher and teacher of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juarez Gomes Sofiste, this article analyzes the method of D.I. with a premise of the educational methodological response exposed to the problematic of mechanistic teaching of learning in the (...)
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  32. Making Philosophy of Science Relevant for Science Students.Henrik Kragh Sørensen - 2012 - Centre for Science Studies, University of Aarhus.
    Since 2004, it has been mandated by law that all Danish undergraduate university programmes have to include a compulsory course on the philosophy of science for that particular program. At the Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, the responsibility for designing and running such courses were given to the Centre for Science Studies, where a series of courses were developed aiming at the various bachelor educations of the Faculty. Since 2005, the Centre has been running a dozen different (...)
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  33. From Ontology of Interaction to Semiotics of Education.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2013 - In Kirsi Tirri & Elina Kuusisto, Interaction in Educational Domains. Sense Publishers. pp. 52-62.
    There seems to be some movement towards an ontological turn in the philosophy of education. The purpose of this chapter is to contribute this current debate by framing what the ontology for the philosophy of education could be and what it could offer. Some current writings in this movement will shortly reviewed and criticized because of too narrow and shallow understanding of ontology and missing ontological seriousness. Then the task of ontology will be concretized to the (...)
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    The Body and the Possibility of an Ethical Experience of Education: A Perspective from South Asia.Srajana Kaikini - 2022 - In Anja Kraus & Christoph Wulf, The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning. Switzerland: Springer Nature. pp. 577-598.
    Philosophical traditions from South Asia conceptualised mind and body as integral entities. Embodiment of the mind as a body-mind, articulated as a sensing, thinking and acting body, is conceptually distinct from the mind-body dualism within the Cartesian framework. The case of India is further complicated from its twofold colonial heritage—British colonialism and a longstanding internal colonialism perpetuated through social categories such as caste, gender and class. Educational philosophers and social reformers such as J Krishnamurti, M K Gandhi and Savitribai and (...)
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  35. Do philosophers of education dare be inspired by forerunners such as Nietzsche? – Transformation of the mind towards an affirmative and generative awareness.Henriëtta Joosten - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1418-1419.
    What comes after postmodernism and how will this affect educational theory and, I would add, educational practices? I will take up these challenging questions by interpreting present times as a period of transformation towards a new kind of awareness. Nietzsche—for some the father of postmodernity, for me a visionary thinker who ‘presenced’ what was coming—has already explored this transformation.
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  36. Evolution and Conservative Christianity: How Philosophy of Science Pedagogy Can Begin the Conversation.Christine A. James - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):185-212.
    I teach Philosophy of Science at a four-year state university located in the southeastern United States with a strong college of education. This means that the Philosophy of Science class I teach attracts large numbers of students who will later become science teachers in Georgia junior high and high schools—the same schools that recently began including evolution "warning" stickers in science textbooks. I am also a faculty member in a department combining Religious Studies and Philosophy. This (...)
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  37. The Philosophy of Social Segregation in Israel's Democratic Schools.Arie Kizel - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (11):1042 – 1050.
    Democratic private schools in Israel are a part of the neo-liberal discourse. They champion the dialogic philosophy associated with its most prominent advocates—Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas—together with Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the humanistic psychology propounded by Carl Rogers, Nel Noddings’s pedagogy of care and concern, and even Gadamer’s integrative hermeneutic perspective. Democratic schools form one of the greatest challenges to State education and most vocal and active critique of the focus conservative education places on exams and achievement. (...)
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  38. The Educational Implications of Otherness and Responsibility in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas in Work with People with Special Needs.Arie Kizel - 2010 - Ma’Agalei Nefesh: Journal for Psychology, Psychotherapy, Emotional Development and Creative Education 3:3-11.
    Otherness was at the center of the Levinese project, and in his ethics theory. In doing so, Levinas moved his project away from ontology, epistemology, and reason, to a point where the others are confronted in all its "nudes," to the point where it is recognizable that it cannot be reduced. In this article, I will examine the concepts of responsibility and the connection of the other person's humanism from his major books.
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  39. Philosophy and the Crisis of Education and Culture at Arendt Thought.Asmaa M. Arief - 2023 - Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences 1 (2):110 - 119.
    This study aims to detect the starting point of the crises that happened in Education and Culture by the philosophical analysis which Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975) had discussed. In Arendt's account, we can understand the genesis of the crisis as a pre-strategy to fix it. In fact, thinking is the fundamental solution to these crises and to renew our common world. Prosperity in society is related genuinely to education and culture. Regarding human capability for development, education (...)
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  40. The Semiotics of Education: A new vision in an old landscape.Eetu Pikkarainen - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (10):1135-1144.
    In this article, I attempt to describe how certain theoretical constructions of semiotics could be applied in educational theoretical work. First I introduce meaning as a basic concept of semiotics, thus also touching on concepts such as action, competence and causality. I am then able to define learning as a change of competences, and also refer to the pedagogical concept of learning i.e. Bildung, which can be roughly defined as valuable human learning. I then take up the problem of (...) as pedagogical direction and communication. Finally, I conclude with some considerations on the famous Greimassian semiotic square. (shrink)
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  41. Philosophy in Education and Cognitive Development (Filosofia na Educação e o Desenvolvimento Cognitivo).L. Felipe Garcia Lucas - 2020 - Dissertation, Uninter
    First, it’s very important to rule out that the entire text below, especially topic 4, shows an evolutionary process of man, in topic number 1, we present thinkers Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson, both psychoanalysts, and focused on cognitive development, but with works that show a development of different angles, complementing each other, in the first we can see the influence of the external formation of the child according to the internal formation, whereas the second presents us the inverse, the (...)
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  42. Philosophy of Physics.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2012 - History and Philosophy of Science and Technology - EOLSS.
    Philosophy of Physics has emerged recently as a scholarly important subfield of philosophy of science. However outside the small community of experts it is not a well-known field. It is not clear even to experts the exact nature of the field: how much philosophical is it? What is its relation to physics? In this work it is presented an overview of philosophy of physics that tries to answer these and other questions.
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    Experimental Philosophy of Religion: Problem of Evil.Ian M. Church - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser, The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 371-392.
    While experimental philosophy has fruitfully applied the tools and resources of psychology and cognitive science to debates within epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, relatively little work has been done within philosophy of religion. And this isn’t due to a lack of need! Philosophers of religion frequently rely on empirical claims that can be either verified or disproven, but without exploring whether they are. And philosophers of religion frequently appeal to intuitions which may vary wildly according to education level, (...)
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  44. Towards a Kantian theory of philosophical education and wisdom: With the help of Hannah Arendt.Helga Varden - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (6):1081-1096.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 6, Page 1081-1096, December 2021.
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  45. The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice.Lawrence Kohlberg - 1981 - San Francisco : Harper & Row.
    Examines the theories of Socrates, Kant, Dewey, Piaget, and others to explore the implications of Socrates' question "what is a virtuous man, and what is a virtuous school and society which educates virtuous men.".
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  46. Introducing THE PHILOSOPHY OF CREATIVITY.Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman - 2014 - In Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman, The Philosophy of Creativity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-14.
    Creativity pervades human life. It is the mark of individuality, the vehicle of self-expression, and the engine of progress in every human endeavor. It also raises a wealth of neglected and yet evocative philosophical questions: What is the role of consciousness in the creative process? How does the audience for a work for art influence its creation? How can creativity emerge through childhood pretending? Do great works of literature give us insight into human nature? Can a computer program really be (...)
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  47. The Philosophy of Inquiry and Global Problems: The Intellectual Revolution Needed to Create a Better World.Nicholas Maxwell - 2024 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Bad philosophy is responsible for the climate and nature crises, and other global problems too that threaten our future. That sounds mad, but it is true. A philosophy of science, or of theatre or life is a view about what are, or ought to be, the aims and methods of science, theatre or life. It is in this entirely legitimate sense of “philosophy” that bad philosophy is responsible for the crises we face. First, and in a (...)
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, made significant contributions to the philosophy of language. His work is often divided into two periods: early and later Wittgenstein. The concept of the logic of language is central to both, though his understanding of it evolved significantly over time. Wittgenstein's exploration of the logic of language fundamentally reshaped our understanding of how language relates to the world. His early work provided a foundation for logical positivism and (...)
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  49. Single-sex education as a means of accounting gender characteristics in the process of forming planetary-cosmic personality of school pupils.Tetiana Matusevych - 2013 - In Oleg Bazaluk, The future human image: Whom and How to educate in younger generation.Book 3. ISPC.
    The philosophy of education, being an integrative and anthropologic knowledge, has to perform a prognostic and axiological function, forming a perspective of a world-view genesis of personality and provide theoretical and methodological background for the innovation processes in the education. The forming of harmonious, intellectually developed, creative, conscientious, responsible, purposeful and healthy human personality – these are all the main tasks of the educational system. There are many approaches in performing of such strategic task. One of them, (...)
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  50. Philosophy of Disability.Christine A. James - 2008 - Essays in Philosophy 9 (1):1-10.
    Disability has been a topic of heightened philosophical interest in the last 30 years. Disability theory has enriched a broad range of sub-specializations in philosophy. The call for papers for this issue welcomed papers addressing questions on normalcy, medical ethics, public health, philosophy of education, aesthetics, philosophy of sport, philosophy of religion, and theories of knowledge. This issue of Essays in Philosophy includes nine essays that approach the philosophy of disability in three distinct (...)
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