Results for 'Education and Psychology'

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  1.  55
    Cybernetics, education, and psychology: Discovering potentials (yet) unearthed.Shantanu Tilak - 2023 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30 (1-2):23-44.
    This three part paper explores how the approaches of cybernetics (a field investigating how complex systems- brains, individuals, societies and machines navigate their realities) have influenced education and psychology over time. The first part recounts the establishment of first-order cybernetics, and the emergence of an observer driven approach to understanding the adaptation of living systems at the Macy Conferences. I suggest that psychology adopted the computational aspects of cybernetics models, paying attention to figure-ground relationships rather than emergent, (...)
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  2. Virtue Ethics, Positive Psychology, and a New Model of Science and Engineering Ethics Education.Hyemin Han - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):441-460.
    This essay develops a new conceptual framework of science and engineering ethics education based on virtue ethics and positive psychology. Virtue ethicists and positive psychologists have argued that current rule-based moral philosophy, psychology, and education cannot effectively promote students’ moral motivation for actual moral behavior and may even lead to negative outcomes, such as moral schizophrenia. They have suggested that their own theoretical framework of virtue ethics and positive psychology can contribute to the effective promotion (...)
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  3. Distributed learning: Educating and assessing extended cognitive systems.Richard Heersmink & Simon Knight - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (6):969-990.
    Extended and distributed cognition theories argue that human cognitive systems sometimes include non-biological objects. On these views, the physical supervenience base of cognitive systems is thus not the biological brain or even the embodied organism, but an organism-plus-artifacts. In this paper, we provide a novel account of the implications of these views for learning, education, and assessment. We start by conceptualising how we learn to assemble extended cognitive systems by internalising cultural norms and practices. Having a better grip on (...)
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  4. Philosophical Beliefs on Education and Pedagogical Practices Among Teachers in San Roque, Mabini, Bohol.Joshua Relator - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 17 (1):49-58.
    The philosophies of education serve as the guide of the teachers in handling the teaching-learning process. However, a belief will remain as a belief unless it is practiced. This study aimed to find the relationship between the philosophical beliefs and practices of the 30 teachers of the schools in San Roque, Mabini, Bohol - San Roque Elementary School and San Roque National High School, S.Y. 2019-2020. The study utilized a quantitative method descriptive survey research design. The research instrument used (...)
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    Socio-economic and Psychological Factors Affecting Clothing Consumption Among Female Undergraduates in University of Uyo, Nigeria.Ngozi U. Nwonye, Myrtle U. Ibokette & Priscilla A. Esiowu - 2024 - International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 3 (2):104-127.
    This study explores the socio-economic and psychological factors that shape clothing consumption patterns among female undergraduate students at the University of Uyo, Nigeria. While existing research has extensively examined clothing preferences in various global contexts, limited attention has been given to the unique dynamics between financial constraints and psychological motivations in low-resource settings, particularly within Nigeria. Adopting a descriptive survey design, data were gathered from 389 respondents using a structured questionnaire. The findings highlight the pivotal roles of monthly allowances, the (...)
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  6. The Relation Between Environment and Psychological Development: Unpacking Vygotsky’s Influential Concept of Perezhivanie.Ngo Cong-Lem - 2022 - Human Arenas 2022.
    In recent decades, Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (VST) has become particularly influential in the fields of education and educational psychology. Perezhivanie is an important concept in VST that stipulates a relative influence of environment on a person’s psychological development depending on their age or stage of development. However, perezhivanie has been differentially interpreted and applied in previous literature to suit the purposes of domain-specific research. The lack of a comprehensive theoretical understanding of the concept can undermine research findings and (...)
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    Health Literacy, Social Support, and Psychological Determinants on Self-Management of Patients with Chronic Diseases.Kristoffer Villareal - 2025 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 32 (7):836-846.
    Chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension are significant public health challenges globally, especially in resource-limited rural settings like Barangay Damilag. An increasing incidence of these conditions with limited accessibility to healthcare necessitates effective self-management to improve their outcomes. This study aims to determine the correlation between health literacy, social support, psychological factors, and self-management among chronic disease patients. The study employed descriptive correlational and causal research design, and data were collected from 256 samples using a survey questionnaire. Findings revealed that (...)
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  8. Elaborating Motive and Psychological Impact of Sharenting in Millennial Parents.Eva Latipah, Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro, Fitria Fauziah Hasanah & Himawan Putranta - 2020 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (10):4807-4817.
    The phenomenon of parental care shared through social media (sharenting) is increasingly widespread. This research aimed to elaborate on the motives, strategies, and psychological effects of sharenting by millennial parents. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The subjects are millennial parents who have a habit of sharing parenting on social media and are members of the professional community. Determination of the sample uses purposive sampling so that as many as ten people consisted of five females and five (...)
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  9. The effect of abstract versus concrete framing on judgments of biological and psychological bases of behavior.Kim Nancy, Samuel Johnson, Woo-Kyoung Ahn & Joshua Knobe - forthcoming - Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
    Human behavior is frequently described both in abstract, general terms and in concrete, specific terms. We asked whether these two ways of framing equivalent behaviors shift the inferences people make about the biological and psychological bases of those behaviors. In five experiments, we manipulated whether behaviors are presented concretely (i.e. with reference to a specific person, instantiated in the particular context of that person’s life) or abstractly (i.e. with reference to a category of people or behaviors across generalized contexts). People (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The psychology of virtue education.Nafsika Athanassoulis - 2016 - In From Personality to Virtue. pp. 207-228.
    In this chapter I want to take up the specific question of the relationship between moral education and empirical findings in psychology. I will argue that moral education programmes are theoretically possible and would benefit in their practical application from empirical research already in existence in psychology. I will argue that situationism does not pose a threat for moral education, properly conceived, and that, in fact, educators can and should make use of situational factors. It (...)
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  11. Inoculation Against Populism: Media Competence Education and Political Autonomy.Frodo Podschwadek - 2019 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 6 (2):211-234.
    This paper offers an analysis of the relation between political populism and mass media, and how this relation becomes problematic for democratic societies. It focuses on the fact that mass media, due to their purpose and infrastructure, can unintentionally reinforce populist messages. Research findings from communication science and political psychology are used to illustrate how, for example, a combination of mass media agenda setting and motivated reasoning can influence citizens’ political decisions and impair their political autonomy. This poses a (...)
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  12. Selective permeability, multiculturalism and affordances in education.Matthew Crippen - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1924-1947.
    Selective permeability holds that people’s distinct capacities allow them to do different things in a space, making it unequally accessible. Though mainly applied to urban geography so far, we propose selective permeability as an affordance-based approach for understanding diversity in education. This has advantages. First, it avoids dismissing lower achievements as necessarily coming from “within” students, instead locating challenges in the environment. This implies that settings (not just people) need remedial attention, also raising questions about normative judgments in disability (...)
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  13. Iranian Efl Learners’ Educational Psychology In English Language Contexts.Bahram Moghaddas & Behnaz Pooryousef - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (4):19-26.
    Abstract: There are inherently relations between English language learning education and learners’ psychology. Learners possess their individual ways of comprehending and employing the language. Speaking in front and at the presence of others make them embarrassed and petrified in language classrooms. This matter causes the learners to behave in a particular psychological way either consciously or unconsciously through repetitions of some words or phrases, reveal sentences nervously, lack of confidence and produce ungrammatical sentences while communicating with others. As (...)
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  14. How can neuroscience contribute to moral philosophy, psychology and education based on Aristotelian virtue ethics?Hyemin Han - 2016 - International Journal of Ethics Education 1 (2):201-217.
    The present essay discusses the relationship between moral philosophy, psychology and education based on virtue ethics, contemporary neuroscience, and how neuroscientific methods can contribute to studies of moral virtue and character. First, the present essay considers whether the mechanism of moral motivation and developmental model of virtue and character are well supported by neuroscientific evidence. Particularly, it examines whether the evidence provided by neuroscientific studies can support the core argument of virtue ethics, that is, motivational externalism. Second, it (...)
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  15. Review of Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology[REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2020 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 125 (6):522-24.
    This is a review of a book which in today's COVID 19 world takes up issues which could have been neglected as meant only for scholars when this book was published. Now with homeschooling and social distancing and race relations going for a toss all over the world; we need to relook virtue and how to cultivate that in our lives and in our children. This review looks at the philosophical, theological and psychological qualia of virtue. For instance, this reviewer (...)
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  16. (1 other version)COSMIC EDUCATION: FORMATION OF A PLANETARY AND COSMIC PERSONALITY.Oleg Bazaluk & Tamara Blazhevich - 2012 - Philosophy and Cosmology 1 (10):147-160.
    The major stages of development of cosmic pedagogy have been researched. Based on the achievements of the modern neurosciences as well as of psychology, cosmology, and philosophy, the authors provide their reasoning for the cosmic education and its outlooks for the educational systems of the world. Through the studies of how important human mind is for the Earth and the cosmos and by researching the evolution of human mind within the structure of the Universe, the authors create a (...)
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  17. Covid-19 Second Wave: Challenges for Education and Disaster Management.V. P. Singh & Prabhakar Singh - 2021 - In Verma, COVID-19 SECOND WAVE: CHALLENGES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Prayagraj: ABRF. pp. 130-132.
    Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Spreading rate of mutated corona virus (delta variant) during second wave was very fast. Most of the people infected with the COVID-19 virus experienced mild to moderate to severe respiratory illness. Although patients in the second wave were younger but the duration of hospitalization and case fatality rate were lower than those in the first wave. During first wave of Covid-19 it was observed that persons above 55 years (...)
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  18.  66
    The Psychology of Juvenile Delinquency: Understanding Causes and Solutions.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Psychology of Juvenile Delinquency: Understanding Causes and Solutions -/- Juvenile delinquency is a major societal concern, as it involves young individuals engaging in criminal or antisocial behavior. The study of its psychology seeks to understand why adolescents commit crimes, what factors influence their actions, and how society can prevent and rehabilitate them. This essay explores the psychological theories behind juvenile delinquency, the causes that contribute to it, and the possible interventions to reduce its occurrence. -/- Psychological Theories (...)
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  19. Spinoza on Ingenium and Exemplarity: Some Consequences for Educational Theory.Johan Dahlbeck - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (1):1-21.
    This article turns to the neglected pedagogical concept of ingenium in order to address some shortcomings of the admiration–emulation model of Linda Zabzebski’s influential exemplarist moral theory. I will start by introducing the problem of the admiration-emulation model by way of a fictional example. I will then briefly outline the concept of ingenium such as it appears in a Renaissance context, looking particularly at the pedagogical writings of Juan Luis Vives. This will set the stage for the next part, looking (...)
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  20. Neuroscience of morality and teacher education.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - In Michael A. Peters, Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer.
    Given that teachers become primary fundamental exemplars and models for their students and the students are likely to emulate the presented teachers’ behaviors, it is necessary to consider how to promote teachers’ abilities as potential moral educators during the course of teacher education. To achieve this ultimate aim in teacher education, as argued by moral philosophers, psychologists, and educators, teachers should be able to well understand the mechanisms of moral functioning and how to effectively promote moral development based (...)
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  21. Education, Conflict and Harmony in Book 1 of Plato's Laws.Diego Garcia Rincon - 2021 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 2 (15):29-52.
    Book 1 of Plato’s Laws, and particularly the image of the puppet introduced near its end, has been traditionally interpreted as presenting the moral psychology model that underlies the educational system delineated by the Athenian Stranger, which construes virtue as consonance between the non–rational and the rational elements of the soul. But a different and competing conception of virtue looms large in Laws 1, virtue as victory of the best part of the soul in psychic conflict. This paper argues (...)
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  22. Cognitive contours: recent work on cross-cultural psychology and its relevance for education.W. Martin Davies - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (1):13-42.
    This paper outlines new work in cross-cultural psychology largely drawn from Nisbett, Choi, and Smith (Cognition, 65, 15–32, 1997); Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, Psychological Review, 108(2), 291–310, 2001; Nisbett, The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why. New York: Free Press 2003), Ji, Zhang and Nisbett (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87(1), 57–65, 2004), Norenzayan (2000) and Peng (Naive Dialecticism and its Effects on Reasoning and Judgement about Contradiction. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Why General Education? Peters, Hirst and History.John White - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (supplement s1):123-141.
    Richard Peters argued for a general education based largely on the study of truth-seeking subjects for its own sake. His arguments have long been acknowledged as problematic. There are also difficulties with Paul Hirst's arguments for a liberal education, which in part overlap with Peters'. Where justification fails, can historical explanation illuminate? Peters was influenced by the prevailing idea that a secondary education should be based on traditional, largely knowledge-orientated subjects, pursued for intrinsic as well as practical (...)
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  24.  49
    Exploring the potential of philosophy of mathematics and of science to enhance mathematics education from an epistemological perspective.Catalin Barboianu - manuscript
    Studies within mathematics education have shown the existence of a so-called “mathematics anxiety” among secondary and high school students as a global phenomenon and have related it to various social and psychological aspects of the processes of teaching and learning mathematics, which are responsible for the understanding of mathematics. Current research project aims at crystallizing a primary conceptual and theoretical framework necessary for the application of contributions of philosophy of mathematics and of science and epistemology of mathematics in mathematics (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Talking Monkeys: Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet - Articles and Reviews 2006-2017.Michael Starks - 2017 - Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press.
    This collection of articles was written over the last 10 years and edited to bring them up to date (2017). The copyright page has the date of the edition and new editions will be noted there as I edit old articles or add new ones. All the articles are about human behavior (as are all articles by anyone about anything), and so about the limitations of having a recent monkey ancestry (8 million years or much less depending on viewpoint) and (...)
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  26. Moral education in Slovakia and its theoretical basis.Vasil Gluchman - 2016 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 6 (1-2):79-89.
    With regard to existing concept of the moral education (ethics) in Slovakia, the questions of ethics and morals are only one of the partial sections. The dominant role is played by psychology based on Roberto Olivar’s concept with emphasis on pro–socialization and on Erickson’s concept of the psychosocial development. From the philosophy basis point of view, only Aristotle, even in reduced form and Spranger’s concept of the life forms are mentioned. Philosophy and ethics are only complements to more (...)
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  27. Barbarians at the Door: A Psychological and Historical Profile of Today's College Students.Steven James Bartlett - 1993 - Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 26 (1):18-40.
    A psychological and historical study of college students from the standpoint of the psychology and history of American higher education and of liberal arts values.
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  28. Dilemma and countermeasure of sustainable leadership in physical education development in southern rural Ningxia, China.Xiaoya Fu & Weiqiang Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:947694.
    Globally, above 1.4 billion adults did not reach the recommended level of physical education in their daily life, thus triple intendent reforms are proposed by the Ministry of Physical Education for the development of sporting leadership in schools, colleges, and universities, which are essentially important for the development of physical and mental health of the students. This article analyzes the situation of lacking sustainable sporting leadership among other factors related to Physical Education (PE) resources in the southern (...)
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  29. Improving Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Judgment Through an STS-Based Science Ethics Education Program.Hyemin Han & Changwoo Jeong - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):197-220.
    This study develops a Science–Technology–Society (STS)-based science ethics education program for high school students majoring in or planning to major in science and engineering. Our education program includes the fields of philosophy, history, sociology and ethics of science and technology, and other STS-related theories. We expected our STS-based science ethics education program to promote students’ epistemological beliefs and moral judgment development. These psychological constructs are needed to properly solve complicated moral and social dilemmas in the fields of (...)
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  30. Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education.Ignace Haaz, Jakob Bühlmann Quero & Khushwant Singh (eds.) - 2023 - Geneva (Switzerland): Globethics Publications.
    This publication articulated in three parts, and twelve chapters endeavours to engage with the complex negative emotions and consequent phenomenon of self-deceit, radicalisation and extremism. First part: Emotions as Lines of Demarcation or Guidelines to Our Self. The Psychodynamic Surrounding of our Intentional Self; second part: Case Studies of Some Concrete Societal Encapsulations of the Negative Passions; and third part: Resisting the Colonisation of Tyrannical Affections. Possible Paths of Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism. What kind of educational responses can be given (...)
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  31. Situations and Dispositions: How to Rescue the Military Virtues from Social Psychology.Peter Olsthoorn - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (1-2):78-93.
    In recent years, it has been argued more than once that situations determine our conduct to a much greater extent than our character does. This argument rests on the findings of social psychologists such as Stanley Milgram, who have popularized the idea that we can all be brought to harm innocent others. An increasing number of philosophers and ethicists make use of such findings, and some of them have argued that this so-called situationist challenge fatally undermines virtue ethics. As virtue (...)
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  32. Using Exemplars for Holistic Character Education: With Evidence about Embodiment and Learning from Neuroscience and Computer Science.Hyemin Han - manuscript
    In this chapter, I will discuss employing exemplars in moral and character education promoting virtue development with the involvement of embodiment. Virtue ethicists propose two phases of virtue development: early virtue habituation and later phronesis cultivation. I will overview prior research on the mechanism of habituation at the biological and neural levels to examine why embodiment is fundamental during the first phase, virtue habituation. Then, I will review recent philosophical and psychological studies about the nature of phronesis, i.e., practical (...)
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  33. Psychological variables and healthy meal consumption among first cycle students in Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria.Levi Udochukwu Akah, Valentine Joseph Owan, Godswill Andrew Uduigwomen & Stephen Ushie Akpa - 2022 - Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA) 3 (2):223-236.
    -/- INTRODUCTION: Many higher education students indulge in risky eating behaviours which tend to affect their physical, psychological and academic health. Previous studies have tried to understand the trend in students’ eating patterns without paying adequate attention to contributing factors. -/- PURPOSE: This study evaluated the influence of selected psychological variables on the consumption of balanced diets among students in two public universities in Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria. -/- METHODOLOGY: A research question was posed, and a formulated hypothesis to guide (...)
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  34. Public Value, Psychology, and Neuroscience.Hyemin Han - 2021 - Journal of Public Value 1:23-32.
    Research on public value is inevitable interdisciplinary in its nature due to its aim and purpose. Both philosophical and empirical approaches are necessary to conduct such research in a successful manner. In the present paper, I intend to discuss the importance of empirical approaches in research on public values, particularly psychological and neuroscientific approaches with concrete examples. I proposed that such empirical approaches are essential in better understanding the processes and mechanisms associated with how people address issues engaging in public (...)
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  35. Music practice and participation for psychological well-being: A review of how music influences positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.Adam M. Croom - 2015 - Musicae Scientiae: The Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 19:44-64.
    In “Flourish,” Martin Seligman maintained that the elements of well-being consist of “PERMA: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.” Although the question of what constitutes human flourishing or psychological well-being has remained a topic of continued debate among scholars, it has recently been argued in the literature that a paradigmatic or prototypical case of human psychological well-being would largely manifest most or all of the aforementioned PERMA factors. Further, in “A Neuroscientific Perspective on Music Therapy,” Stefan Koelsch also suggested (...)
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  36. Remarks on the Biology, Psychology and Politics of Religion.Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press.
    In my view all behavior is an expression of our evolved psychology and so intimately connected to religion, morals and ethics, if one knows how to look at them. -/- Many will find it strange that I spend little time discussing the topics common to most discussions of religion, but in my view it is essential to first understand the generalities of behavior and this necessitates a good understanding of biology and psychology which are mostly noticeable by their (...)
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  37. The Psychological Well-Being and Lived Experiences of LGBT Individuals with Fur Babies.Franz Cedrick Yapo, Janna Isabella Baloloy, Rey Ann Fem Plaza, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Micaiah Andrea Gumasing Lopez, Angeline Mechille Eugenio Osinaga, Ken Andrei Torrero & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):146-152.
    Pets are truly great companions. Some individuals feel that owning a pet can help them prepare for a growing family by giving them a taste of what it would be like to have children. This study also looks into the psychological well-being and life experiences of LGBT fur parents. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study were: (1) With the presence of fur babies, participants had the ease to overcome stressful events, especially the ones that affect their (...)
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  38. Personal, family and societal educational needs assessment of individuals with spinal cord injury in Iran.Zahra Khazaeipour, Abolfazl Abouie, Fatemeh Zarei, Hamid Mirzaaghaie, Afsaneh Abd-Mousavi, Alireza Salehi-Nejad, Alexander Vaccaro, Rahimi-Movaghar R. & Vafa - 2018 - Neurosciences 23 (3):216--222.
    Objectives: To explore individuals’ perception of the personal, family and societal educational needs following a spinal cord injury. Methods: Sixty-one patients who sustained a traumatic SCI between March 2015 and June 2016 referred to Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Research Center were included in a cross sectional study and completed an online survey containing open-and closed-ended questions, in Iran. Participants’ responses were analyzed i using a qualitative approach with a thematic analysis. Results: Following a thematic analysis of the patient’s perceived (...)
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  39. The VIA Inventory of Strengths, Positive Youth Development, and Moral Education.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - Journal of Positive Psychology.
    The VIA Inventory of Strengths and the VIA model were originally developed to assess and study 24 character strengths. In this paper, I discuss how the VIA Inventory and its character strength model can be applied to the field of moral education with moral philosophical considerations. First, I review previous factor analysis studies that have consistently reported factors containing candidates for moral virtues, and discuss the systematic structure and organization of VIA character strengths. Second, I discuss several issues related (...)
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  40. Perceived Effects of Psychological Contract Breach on Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Academic Employees in A TVET Institution.Bonga Blessing Mdletshe & Sayed Sami Muzafary - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (4):30-39.
    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to establish how academic employees in technical, vocational education and training (TVET) College perceive the effects of psychological contract breach (PCB) in relations to job involvement and citizenship behaviour. Quantitative exploratory research design and a survey instrument were used to collect 170 samples from academic employees in a TVET College to share their perceptions of PCB. The findings confirm a significant (P-value .006) relationship between PCB and job involvement. There is a strong (...)
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  41. Friendship, self-knowledge, and core texts: a pathway for character education at university.A. Romero-Iribas - 2021 - In Edward Brooks, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz & José M. Torralba, Literature and Character Education in Universities. Theory, Method, and Text Analysis. Routledge. pp. 170-185.
    In this chapter I argue that one way in which friendship contributes to moral growth is by means of developing self-knowledge. The chapter starts out with an explanation of the privileged space that friendship offers for the cultivation of character. Next, the chapter develops the connection between friendship and self-knowledge. Here, the chapter makes a distinction between self-knowledge on the psychological level, and self-knowledge on the anthropological level. The chapter then turns to an analysis of the two proposed core texts (...)
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  42. Farmer’s Life: The Psychological Well-being, Lived Experiences, and Challenges.Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Shan Micheal Capagalan, Raina May G. Ortega, Jayra Blanco, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Jericho Balading, Liezl Fulgencio, Andrea Mae Santiago, Christian Dave Francisco, Micaiah Andrea Gumasing Lopez & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):189-201.
    With the rising poverty in the Philippines, Filipino farm workers in Agusan del Sur faced distinctive challenges in their homes and working environment. This study aimed to discuss Filipino farm workers’ lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms. Filipino farm workers shared their experiences that tapped into their psychological aspects. Mainly, the problem was stress, worry, and frustration centered on poverty and educational attainment. Some farm workers were likely unaware of the main problem that prolonged their hardships. Still, most have managed (...)
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  43. Virtue Responsibilism, Mindware, and Education.Michel Croce & Duncan Pritchard - 2022 - In Mark Alfano, Jeroen De Ridder & Colin Klein, Social Virtue Epistemology. Routledge. pp. 42-44.
    Response to Steven Bland’s ‘Interactionism, Debiasing, and the Division of Epistemic Labour’ (in Social Virtue Epistemology, (eds.) M. Alfano, C. Klein & J. de Ridder). Biased cognition is an obvious source of epistemic vice, but there is some controversy about whether cognitive biases generate reliabilist or responsibilist epistemic vices. Bland’s argument, in a nutshell, is that since the development of cognitive biases is due to the interplay of internal psychological processes and external (i.e., environmental) conditions, it cannot be expected that (...)
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  44. Perceiving university education as more important for men than for women: Gender differences and predictors of this perception in Muslim societies.Nur Amali Aminnuddin - 2020 - Psychological Thought 13 (1):99-126.
    Education for women in Muslim societies had been discussed widely. However, it remains unclear if the perception of the importance of university education in Muslim societies and its predictors are different between men and women. Therefore, this research examined the following misogynistic perception among both genders: university education is more important for men than for women. This research aimed to determine gender differences and predictors of this perception. Sample populations were from Malaysia (N=820), Singapore (N=320), India (N=447), (...)
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  45. Existential phenomenology and qualitative research.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2024 - In Kevin Aho, Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Existentialism. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This chapter provides an overview of how existential phenomenology has influenced qualitative research methods across a range of disciplines across the social, health, educational, and psychological sciences. It focuses specifically on how the concepts of “existential structures,” or “existentials”—such as selfhood, temporality, spatiality, affectivity, and embodiment—have been used in qualitative research. After providing a brief introduction to what qualitative research is and why philosophers should be interested in it, the chapter provides clear, straightforward examples of how qualitative researchers have used (...)
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  46. The Philosophy of Leopold Blaustein: Descriptive Psychology, Phenomenology, and Aesthetics.Witold Płotka - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    This is an open-access book which is devoted to rediscovering the early history of phenomenology in confrontation with the legacy of Franz Brentano by discussing Leopold Blaustein’s philosophy. It offers a unique perspective on the history of the phenomenological movement by presenting the development of Blaustein’s theory. Blaustein was a philosopher educated by Kazimierz Twardowski in Lvov, but he also held research stays in Freiburg im Breisgau (where he studied under Edmund Husserl) and in Berlin (where he met Carl Stumpf). (...)
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  47. Meta-learning Contributes to Cultivation of Wisdom in Moral Domains: Implications of Recent Artificial Intelligence Research and Educational Considerations.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-23.
    Meta-learning is learning to learn, which includes the development of capacities to transfer what people learned in one specific domain to other domains. It facilitates finetuning learning parameters and setting priors for effective and optimal learning in novel contexts and situations. Recent advances in research on artificial intelligence have reported meta-learning is essential in improving and optimizing the performance of trained models across different domains. In this paper, I suggest that meta-learning plays fundamental roles in practical wisdom and its cultivation (...)
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  48. The Lived Experiences and Challenges Faced by Indigenous High School Students Amidst the New Normal of Education.Nina Bettina Buenaflor, Jocelyn Adiaton, Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Jericho Balading, Aileen Kaye Bulatao Bravo & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):160-165.
    Indigenous people (IP) have faced multiple difficulties in education. Indigenous students often do worse academically than non-indigenous student peers. These stated the low enrollment rates showed a dropout rate, absenteeism, repetition rates, literacy rate, and thus the educational outcomes, with retention and completion being two significant issues. Further, this study explores the lived experiences and challenges faced by indigenous high school students amidst the new normal education. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study were: (1) (...)
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  49. Mobile Learning: Essays on Philosophy, Psychology and Education.Kristóf Nyíri (ed.) - 2003 - Passagen Verlag.
    The changing conditions for the accumulation and transmission of knowledge in the age of multimedia networks make it inevitable that old philosophical problems become formulated in a new light. Above all, the problem of the unity of knowledge is once again a topical issue. The situation-dependent acquisition of knowledge that is made possible by mobile learning transcends the boundaries of traditional disciplines, linking the domains of text, diagram, and picture. Database integration and multimedia search become central problems in the epistemology (...)
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  50. The Quality of Life and Experiences of Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) Grantees.Cristalyn Capinig, Justin Joshua Godoy, Patrisha O. Guinoo, Noemi C. Dela Cruz & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):239-246.
    In the past years, many students had problems with their finances, especially their expenses for education. Many of the students are affected by the crisis financially, emotionally, and by their wellbeing. That is why the government provides programs that will help the students with their problems with school expenses, and that is through the Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Further, the primary goal of this study is to explore the TES Grantees' (...)
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