Results for 'Ivana Bianchi'

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  1. Heaven, Earth and Man: The World in the Philosophy of the Western Han Dynasty.Ivana Buljan - 2024 - Književna Smotra 56 (213):3-24.
    The Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) was the first stable, long-lasting and politically powerful Chinese empire. This meant a formative period during which the administrative structure and political and cultural patterns that were largely followed by subsequent Chinese dynasties were established. Additionally, the conception of the world was developed and systematized which influenced not only the traditional but also the contemporary Chinese understanding of the world. Although it is a key period of Chinese history, the philosophy of the (...)
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  2. Implicating.Claudia Bianchi - 2013 - In Pragmatics of Speech Actions, Handbooks of Pragmatics (HoPs) Vol. 2.
    Implicating, as it is conceived in recent pragmatics, amounts to conveying a (propositional) content without saying it – a content providing no contribution to the truth-conditions of the proposition expressed by the sentence uttered. In this sense, implicating is a notion closely related to the work of Paul Grice (1913-1988) and of his precursors, followers and critics. Hence, the task of this article is to introduce and critically examine the explicit/implicit distinction, the Gricean notion of implicature (conventional and conversational) and (...)
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  3. The Chunqiu Fanlu 春秋繁露: Research on the Text and its First Complete Western (English) Translation.Ivana Buljan - 2020 - Asian and African Studies 29 (1):1-25.
    Although the Chunqiu fanlu traditionally ascribed to Han dynasty scholar Dong Zhongshu (c. 195 − 115 BCE) is considered to be an extremely important book for the development of Chinese ethical and philosophical thought, it has been long neglected and has lacked proper non-Chinese scholarly attention. Up to the 2016 translation by Sarah A. Queen and John S. Major, only partial translations of the Chunqiu fanlu had been published in English. Part of the reason for the neglect of the study (...)
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  4. “Bao wei quan” 保位權, Chapter 20 of the Chunqiu fanlu 春秋繁露.Ivana Buljan - 2016 - Monumenta Serica 64 (1):73-100.
    This work provides an annotated translation, together with a brief commentary, of the “Bao Wei Quan” chapter, the 20th chapter of the Chunqiu fanlu. The Chunqiu fanlu is an important Chinese Confucian text. It is ascribed to a pivotal Former Han (206 BCE – 9 CE) scholar, an exegete of the Gongyang zhuan 公羊傳, Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (ca. 195–115 BCE). This text offered to readers an ideal of rulership that remained highly relevant to the development of the ethical and political (...)
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  5. Dicing with Saul Kripke.Andrea Bianchi - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (2):237 - 249.
    Everyone knows what David Lewis' possible worlds are, what role they play in his account of possibility and necessity, and Saul Kripke's criticisms. But what, instead, are Kripke's possible worlds, and what role do they play in his account of possibility and necessity? The answers are not so obvious. Recently, it has even been claimed that, contrary to what is standardly assumed, Kripke's approach to modality has not always been consistently metaphysical. In particular, an interpretation of the famous passage in (...)
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  6. Contextualism.Claudia Bianchi - 2010 - Handbook of Pragmatics Online.
    Contextualism is a view about meaning, semantic content and truth-conditions, bearing significant consequences for the characterisation of explicit and implicit content, the decoding/inferring distinction and the semantics/pragmatics interface. According to the traditional perspective in semantics (called "literalism" or "semantic minimalism"), it is possible to attribute truth-conditions to a sentence independently of any context of utterance, i.e. in virtue of its meaning alone. We must then distinguish between the proposition literally expressed by a sentence ("what is said" by the sentence, its (...)
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  7. The Interruptive Feminine: Aleatory Time and Feminist Politics.Emanuela Bianchi - 2012 - In Henriette Gunkel, Chrysanthi Nigianni & Fanny Soderback, Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  8. Problem postajanja pojedincem u djelu Sørena Kierkegaarda.Ivana Buljan - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (2):277-302.
    Kierkegaardovo misaono nadahnuće motivirano je dvama nezadovoljstvima: prvo se tiče spekulativne filozofije i njezine nemogućnosti da zahvati zbiljnost pojedinca u njegovoj egzistencijalnoj danosti, a drugo se tiče građansko-kršćanskog svijeta njegova doba koji je u rasulu i gdje je »individua« posve dokinuta prevlašću »gomile«. Kako postati samim sobom, »jedan jedini«, odnosno »individua« , pitanje je koje Kierkegaard postavlja u središte svog filozofskog interesa. Put od običnog opstanka do zbiljskog egzistiranja, odnosno od »gomile« do »individue« ostvaruje se kroz tri stadija. To su (...)
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  9. Political Strategies for Maintaining Power: Power and Nature in Chapter 20 of the Chunqiu fanlu.Ivana Buljan - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (4):289-305.
    'Bao wei quan' 保位權 (‘Preservation of position and power’) (hereinafter: BWQ) is an essay advising rulers on how to preserve their position of power and maintain control over the bureaucracy. It is a part of one of the most authoritative premodern Chinese texts, the Chunqiu fanlu 春秋繁露 (The Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals), which is traditionally ascribed to pivotal Han dynasty scholar Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (c. 195–115 BCE). This paper argues that the BWQ establishes a type of (...)
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  10. Filozofija psihologije i problem sučeljavanja. Implikacije za neke filozofske rasprave u medicini i pravu (Eng. Philosophy of Psychology and the Interface Problem Implications for Some Philosophical Debates in Medicine and Law).Ivana Jerolimov & Marko Jurjako - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3):567-586.
    One of the fundamental problems in the philosophy of psychology is to determine the relation between personal and subpersonal explanations of human behavior. The problem of determining the relation between the personal and subpersonal levels is called the “interface problem”. This paper has two goals. The first is to introduce the domestic reader to the interface problem from the perspective of the philosophy of psychology. The second goal is to show that insufficient focus on the interface problem and its potential (...)
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  11. Three Forms of Contextual Dependence.Claudia Bianchi - 1999 - In Paolo Bouquet, Modeling and Using Context. Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT '99, Trento, Italy, September 9-11, 1999, Proceedings. Springer.
    The paper emphasizes the inadequacy of formal semantics, the classical paradigm in semantics, in treating contextual dependence. Some phenomena of contextual dependence threaten one central assumption of the classical paradigm, namely the idea that linguistic expressions have a fixed meaning, and utterances have truth conditions well defined. It is possible to individuate three forms of contextual dependence: the one affecting pure indexicals, the one affecting demonstratives and "contextual expressions", and the one affecting all linguistic expressions. The third type of dependence (...)
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  12. How to Refer: Objective Context vs. Intentional Context.Claudia Bianchi - 2003 - In P. Blackburn, C. Ghidini, R. Turner & F. Giunchiglia, Proceedings of the Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'03), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2680. Springer.
    In "Demonstratives" Kaplan claims that the occurrence of a demonstrative must be supplemented by an act of demonstration, like a pointing (a feature of the objective context). Conversely in "After-thoughts" Kaplan argues that the occurrence of a demonstrative must be supplemented by a directing intention (a feature of the intentional con-text). I present the two theories in competition and try to identify the constraints an intention must satisfy in order to have semantic rele-vance. My claim is that the analysis of (...)
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  13. Sexual topologies in the Aristotelian cosmos: revisiting Irigaray’s physics of sexual difference.Emanuela Bianchi - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (3):373-389.
    Irigaray’s engagement with Aristotelian physics provides a specific diagnosis of women’s ontological and ethical situation under Western metaphysics: Women provide place and containership to men, but have no place of their own, rendering them uncontained and abyssal. She calls for a reconfiguration of this topological imaginary as a precondition for an ethics of sexual difference. This paper returns to Aristotelian cosmological texts to further investigate the topologies of sexual difference suggested there. In an analysis both psychoanalytic and phenomenological, the paper (...)
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    Shvaćanje vlastitosti kod Kierkegaarda i Nietzschea.Ivana Majksner - 2019 - Čemu 15 (26):82-97.
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  15. Furnishing the mind.Andrea Bianchi - 2006 - Philosophical Books 47 (1):52-61.
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  16. Nebo ga je usmjerilo na taj Put: Kozmološka dimenzija Konfucijeve filozofije.Ivana Buljan (ed.) - 2022 - Zagreb: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.
    Konfucije, kao tipičan „akozmički” mislitelj, odbija govoriti o kozmološkim temama, kao što su „Put neba”. Ipak, čini se da neka njegova učenja, osobito ona koja se tiču praktične filozofije, imaju određenu kozmološku pozadinu. Ovdje se otvara pitanje: uključuje li Konfucije u svoje učenje kozmološke koncepcije, iako o njima nikada nije otvoreno raspravljao? Postoje li kozmološke pretpostavke/utemeljenje Konfucijeve praktične mudrosti? Slijedeći ta pitanja ovaj rad, analizirajući zbirku Konfucijevih izreka Analekti, razmatra kozmološku dimenziju Konfucijeve praktične filozofije. -/- .
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  17. Epistemic paternalism in times of crises.Ivana Janković & Miljan Vasić - 2021 - In Nenad Cekić, Етика и истина у доба кризе. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. pp. 193-215.
    Epistemic paternalism is the practice of interfering in the process of inquiry of another,without prior consultation and for the sake of her epistemic good. We will examine two main types of epistemic paternalism: eudaimonic and strict. In the case of eudaimonic epistemic paternalism, epistemic improvement is used only as a means to achieve non-epistemic benefits. In the case of strict epistemic paternalism, epistemic improvement is valued as a good in itself. The main objection against each type of epistemic paternalism is (...)
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  18. A quantum mechanical analysis of time and motion in relativity theory.Diederik Aerts & Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (2):165-191.
    An operational approach to quantum mechanics has been developed in the past decades in our group in Brussels. A similar approach is taken in this work, making use of the extra operational depth offered by this approach, to show that the construction of spacetime is specific to each observer. What is usually referred to as the block universe then emerges by noting that parts of the past and future are also contained in the present, but without the limitations that a (...)
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  19. How Discernment between Good and Evil shapes the Dynamics of the Human Journey: Introduction.Ondřej Fischer & Ivana Noble - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):1-7.
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  20. The semantics of common nouns and the nature of semantics.Joseph Almog & Andrea Bianchi - 2023 - In Panu Raatikainen, _Essays in the Philosophy of Language._ Acta Philosophica Fennica Vol. 100. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica. pp. 115-135.
    In “Is semantics possible?” Putnam connected two themes: the very possibility of semantics (as opposed to formal model theory) for natural languages and the proper semantic treatment of common nouns. Putnam observed that abstract semantic accounts are modeled on formal languages model theory: the substantial contribution is rules for logical connectives (given outside the models), whereas the lexicon (individual constants and predicates) is treated merely schematically by the models. This schematic treatment may be all that is needed for an account (...)
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  21. Reference and causal chains.Andrea Bianchi - 2020 - In Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: Themes from Michael Devitt. Cham: Springer. pp. 121-136.
    Around 1970, both Keith Donnellan and Saul Kripke produced powerful arguments against description theories of proper names. They also offered sketches of positive accounts of proper name reference, highlighting the crucial role played by historical facts that might be unknown to the speaker. Building on these sketches, in the following years Michael Devitt elaborated his well-known causal theory of proper names. As I have argued elsewhere, however, contrary to what is commonly assumed, Donnellan’s and Kripke’s sketches point in two rather (...)
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  22. Receptacle/ Chōra: Figuring the Errant Feminine in Plato's Timaeus.Emanuela Bianchi - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):124-146.
    This essay undertakes a reexamination of the notion of the receptacle/chōra in Plato's Timaeus, asking what its value may be to feminists seeking to understand the topology of the feminine in Western philosophy. As the source of cosmic motion as well as a restless figurality, labile and polyvocal, the receptacle/chōra offers a fecund zone of destabilization that allows for an immanent critique of ancient metaphysics. Engaging with Derridean, Irigarayan, and Kristevan analyses, Bianchi explores whether receptacle/chōra can exceed its reduction (...)
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  23. Is there room for reference borrowing in Donnellan’s historical explanation theory?Andrea Bianchi & Alessandro Bonanini - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (3):175-203.
    Famously, both Saul Kripke and Keith Donnellan opposed description theories and insisted on the role of history in determining the reference of a proper name token. No wonder, then, that their views on proper names have often been assimilated. By focusing on reference borrowing—an alleged phenomenon that Kripke takes to be fundamental—we argue that they should not be. In particular, we claim that according to Donnellan a proper name token never borrows its reference from preceding tokens which it is historically (...)
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  24. Kind terms and semantic uniformity.Andrea Bianchi - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (1):7-17.
    Since Saul Kripke’s and Hilary Putnam’s groundbreaking work in the Seventies, the idea has emerged that natural kind terms are semantically special among common nouns. Stephen P. Schwartz, for example, has argued that an artifactual kind term like “pencil” functions very differently from a natural kind term like “tiger.” This, however, blatantly violates a principle that I call Semantic Uniformity. In this paper, I defend the principle. In particular, I outline a picture of how natural kind terms function based on (...)
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  25. Repetition and reference.Andrea Bianchi - 2015 - In On reference. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 93-107.
    In the second lecture of "Naming and Necessity," Saul Kripke presented a new and quite convincing picture of the reference of proper names. At the same time, however, he expressed some skepticism towards the possibility of developing it into a full-blown theory by offering “more exact conditions for reference to take place.” In this paper, after discussing the reasons for his skepticism, I hint at how I think Kripke’s picture could be developed and offer an outline of a theory of (...)
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  26. Is the warm glow actually warm? An experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings.Bianchi Robin T., Cova Florian & Tieffenbach Emma - 2023 - International Journal of Wellbeing 13 (3):1-23.
    Giving money to others feels good. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? And why do people experience them? To answer these questions, we ran two studies: a recall task in which participants were asked to remember a donation they made, and a donation task in which participants were given the opportunity to make a donation before reporting their affective states. (...)
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  27. Speaker’s reference, semantic reference, and the Gricean project.Andrea Bianchi - 2019 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19 (57):423-448.
    In this paper, I focus on the alleged distinction between speaker’s reference and semantic reference. I begin by discussing Saul Kripke’s notion of speaker’s reference and the theoretical roles it is supposed to play, arguing that they do not justify the claim that reference comes in two different sorts and highlighting that Kripke’s own definition makes the notion incompatible with the nowadays widely endorsed Gricean project, which aims at explaining semantic reference in terms of speaker’s reference. I then examine an (...)
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  28. Action and Active Powers.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Philosophia 52:1399-1417.
    This paper explores the distinction between active and passive powers. Interest in the distinction has recently been revived in some quarters of the philosophy of action as some have sought to elucidate the distinction between action and passion (the changes that happen to a substance) in terms of the former (Hyman, 2015; Mayr, 2011; Lowe 2013). If there is a distinction between active and passive powers, parallel to the distinction between action and passion, what is it? In this paper, I (...)
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  29. Aristotle and the Ends of Eros, or Aristotle’s Erotic Sublime?Emanuela Bianchi - 2024 - Research in Phenomenology 54 (3):291-321.
    While Eros has a central philosophical function in the dialogues of Plato, it all but disappears as a philosophical term in the thought of Aristotle, and is replaced by the more rational and reciprocal relation of friendship, φιλία. This essay asks what becomes of Eros in Aristotle’s thinking, whether as deity, natural or cosmic force, or mode of human relation. Drawing on the ancient epithet of Eros, Ἔρως λυσιµελής, unbinder of limbs, Aristotle’s usages of both ἔρως and λύσις (loosening, unbinding), (...)
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  30. Causers, Causes, and Doers.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 2 (101):118-40.
    The view that to act is to cause change and that to be an agent is to be the causer of an action’s result has gained traction in the past twenty years or so. This view seems to have two significant corollaries. First, there is no distinction between doing an action and causing its result. Second, any two actions that have the same result will turn out to be identical. Ruben (2018) has recently used the first corollary to challenge the (...)
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  31. Challenging The Process View of Action.Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Manuscrito 47 (1):2024-0028.
    There is an ongoing debate in the ontology of action about whether actions are processes, events, relations, or sui generis entities. This paper focuses on the process view, the view that actions are processes. I challenge it in two ways. First, I argue that some actions are not processes because their performance need not be associated with or accompanied by a process. Second, I critically discuss three main arguments that have been advanced to support the process view. My view, the (...)
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  32. Back to the Golden Age: Saul Kripke's Naming and Necessity and twenty‐first century philosophy.Andrea Bianchi - 2021 - Theoria 88 (2):278-295.
    In this paper, I try to outline what I take to be Naming and Necessity’s fundamental legacy to my generation and those that follow, and the new perspectives it has opened up for twenty-first century philosophy. The discussion is subdivided into three sections, concerning respectively philosophy of language, metaphysics, and metaphilosophy. The general unifying theme is that Naming and Necessity is helping philosophy to recover a Golden Age, by freeing it from the strictures coming from the empiricist and Kantian traditions (...)
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  33. Causalité agentive (A).Robin T. Bianchi - 2024 - Dans Maxime Kristanek (Dir.), L'encyclopédie Philosophique.
    Considérez les énoncés suivants : « La bombe a causé la destruction du pont » ; « L’explosion de la bombe a causé la destruction du pont » ; « Booth a causé la mort de Lincoln » ; et « Le tir de Booth a causé la mort de Lincoln ». Ces énoncés suggèrent que les objets, tels que les bombes ou les personnes, font partie de la catégorie ontologique des causes, au même titre que les évènements, comme le (...)
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  34. Two ways of being a (direct) referentialist.Andrea Bianchi - 2011 - In Joseph Almog & Paolo Leonardi, Having In Mind: The Philosophy of Keith Donnellan. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 79-92.
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  35. Rewriting Difference: Irigaray and “The Greeks”. Edited by Elena Tzelepis and Athena Athanasiou. Albany: State University of New York press, 2010. [REVIEW]Emanuela Bianchi - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):455-460.
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  36. Filozofija i Zhexue: Put k drugome i natrag. [REVIEW]Ivana Buljan - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (112/ 4):986-990.
    Recenzija knjige: Wu Xiaoming Filozofija i Zhexue Put k drugome i natrag Prijevod: Zorana Baković, Mario Rebac Odjel za orijentalistiku Hrvatskoga filološkoga društva i Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 2006.
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  37. Verità e significato: Scritti di filosofia del linguaggio – By Paolo Casalegno. [REVIEW]Andrea Bianchi & Marco Santambrogio - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (2):300-303.
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  38. Words as concepts.Andrea Bianchi - 2005 - In Juan José Acero & Paolo Leonardi, Facets of Concepts. Padova: pp. 83-108.
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  39. Nature Trouble: Ancient Physis and Queer Performativity.Emanuela Bianchi - 2019 - In Emanuela Bianchi, Sara Brill & Brooke Holmes, Antiquities Beyond Humanism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 211-238.
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  40. Philosophies of Archery.Enea Bianchi - 2021 - Popular Inquiry. The Journal of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture 2:22-37.
    This article investigates how different philosophical traditions and schools of thought have understood the practice and the discipline of archery. Whereas the scholarly literature on the history, the techniques and the uses of bows and arrows is diverse and extensive, my aim is to contribute to the less developed research on the relationship between philosophy and archery. Specifically, I will explore in what terms philosophers have employed the bow as a metaphor for both their standpoints and, more generally, significant aspects (...)
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  41. Matter.Emanuela Bianchi - 2019 - In Robin Truth Goodman, The Bloomsbury Handbook of 21st Century Feminist Theory. New York, NY: Bloomsbury. pp. 383-398.
    Keyword essay for "Matter" providing a genealogical account of the concept, its meaning and function in Western philosophy from a feminist perspective.
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  42. Aristotelian Dunamis and Sexual Difference.Emanuela Bianchi - 2007 - Philosophy Today 51 (Supplement):89-97.
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  43. Many shades of ressentiment.Ignace Haaz & Ivana Zagorac - 2023 - In Ignace Haaz, Jakob Bühlmann Quero & Khushwant Singh, Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education. Geneva (Switzerland): Globethics Publications. pp. 33-58.
    In philosophical literature, the complex emotional state of ressentiment gained popularity through the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, ressentiment was a bad feeling that reflected the suppressed anger, the pain of impotence, and the general misery of the weak when they compared themselves to the strong and talented members of society. Max Scheler took up Nietzsche’s thesis and described ressentiment as a complex condition characterised by a thirst for revenge. Moreover, ressentiment has the annoying property of presenting itself (...)
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  44. Reipublicae administratio extraordinaria: note in margine a un passo della Bibliographia politica di Gabriel Naudé.Lorenzo Bianchi - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):40-74.
    In his Bibliographia politica Naudé reviews in about one hundred pages authors and works that have dealt with politics, from the Antiquity to the first decades of the Seventeenth Century. In few enlightened pages on the ordinary and extraordinary administration of the State, Naudé elaborates his own idea of Reason of State, including the use of an extraordinary administration in the name of the public benefit. We can find a continuity between his Bibliographia politica and his Considérations politiques sur les (...)
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  45. Reference and the election of the new Italian president.Andrea Bianchi - 2015 - OUPBlog.
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  46. The Adventures of the Thing. Mario Perniola's Sex Appeal of the Inorganic.Enea Bianchi - 2020 - AM Journal of Art Theory and Media Studies 22 (22):23-34.
    This paper explores the concept of "inorganic sexuality" in the work of Italian writer and philosopher Mario Perniola. The main objective is to develop the controversial and original aspects of Perniola's thought within his aesthetic theory of feeling. Perniola elaborates the so-called "thing that feels", namely a feeling in which the neutral and impersonal dimensions of the things flow into organic life and vice versa. This perspective, as will be clarified, by dissolving the vitalist and spiritualist drives of the subject, (...)
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  47. The language of thought as a logically perfect language.Andrea Bianchi - 2020 - In Vincenzo Idone Cassone, Jenny Ponzo & Mattia Thibault, Languagescapes. Ancient and Artificial Languages in Today's Culture. pp. 159-168.
    Between the end of the nineteenth century and the first twenty years of the twentieth century, stimulated by the impetuous development of logical studies and taking inspiration from Leibniz's idea of a characteristica universalis, the three founding fathers of the analytic tradition in philosophy, i.e., Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein, started to talk of a logically perfect language, as opposed to natural languages, all feeling that the latter were inadequate to their (different) philosophical purposes. In the second half of the twentieth (...)
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  48. Truth: Some preliminary considerations.Andrea Bianchi - 2016 - In A. Bianchi, V. Morato & G. Spolaore, The importance of being Ernesto: Reference, truth and logical form. Padova: Padova University Press. pp. 195-211.
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  49. Introduction – Michael Devitt at eighty.Andrea Bianchi - 2020 - In Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: Themes from Michael Devitt. Cham: Springer. pp. 1-3.
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  50. Speaking and thinking (Or: A more Kaplanian way to a unified account of language and thought).Andrea Bianchi - 2007 - In Carlo Penco, Michael Beaney & Massimiliano Vignolo, Explaining the mental: naturalist and non-naturalist approaches to mental acts and processes. Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 13-32.
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