Results for 'Jesús Enrique Sierra'

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  1. Basic ecclesial community and economics of compassion.Willard Enrique R. Macaraan - 2013 - Journal of Dharma 38 (2):147-166.
    The current appeal of non-standard economic alternatives is backgrounded against the vulnerability of mainstream capitalism to meltdown and crisis as shown in recent times. There is an increasing number of governments, institutions, and civil societies (NGOs) that have been advocating economic systems, structures, or dynamics that would promote the good of the human person (dignity, personhood, values, and worth). People have started to realize that doing economics is not always within the realm of rationalized judgments and mathematized calculations (highly impersonal) (...)
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  2. Intratextualidad en La ciudad y los perros con el tópico de protagonismo violento en sus obras literarias (1981-1993).Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2020 - Espergesia. Revista Literaria y de Investigación 7 (1):16-27.
    La categoría de análisis intratextual, que es desarrollada por José Enrique Martínez Fernández, basada en el hallazgo de elementos afines en la producción artística de un solo autor, suscita percatarse de tópicos consuetudinarios entre La guerra del fin del mundo (1981), La señorita de Tacna (1981), Kathie y el hipopótamo (1983), Historia de Mayta (1984), ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? (1986), La Chunga (1986), El hablador (1987), Elogio de la madrastra (1988) y Lituma en los Andes (1993) con la (...)
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    In the Light of Scripture - Thoughts and Affirmations.Enrique Martinez Esteve - 2024 - London:
    A series of phrases and thoughts inspired by and reflective of Biblical Scripture highlighting the sense of relatedness of a life lived in search of that hoped-for proximity to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to God the Father through understanding and living His Word amid contradiction, love, struggle, and peace.
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  4. Ethical Passivity between Maximal and Minimal Meanings.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2016 - Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética 16 (2):70-81.
    This paper is a critical review of the most relevant studies about the Levinasian concept of passivity. The purpose is to follow the way in which Levinas’s scholars have dealt with the following aspects: the relation between ethical passivity and the possibility of effective ethical agency, the origin of passivity, and the validity of ethical passivity in the public sphere. As a starting point for future research, I finally argue that the best way to read Levinas’s passive ethics is through (...)
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  5. Defining LFIs and LFUs in extensions of infectious logics.Szmuc Damian Enrique - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):286-314.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the peculiar case of infectious logics, a group of systems obtained generalizing the semantic behavior characteristic of the -fragment of the logics of nonsense, such as the ones due to Bochvar and Halldén, among others. Here, we extend these logics with classical negations, and we furthermore show that some of these extended systems can be properly regarded as logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness.
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  6. Bioética, saber narrativo y sentido de vida.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2017 - Investigaciones Andina 19 (34):1863-1886.
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  7. Phenomenological Objects & Meaning: A Fregean & Husserlian Discussion.Daniel Sierra - manuscript
    Gottlob Frege and Edmund Husserl are two seemingly different philosophers in their methodology. Both have significantly influenced Western philosophy in that their contributions established fields within philosophy that are of intensive study today. Still, their differences in methodology have, in certain instances, yielded similar or distinct results. Their results ranged from the distinction of sense and reference, objectivity, and the theory of mathematics: specifically, their definition of number. Frege and Husserl have such striking similarities in their theory of sense and (...)
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  8. Origen y desarrollo del iusnaturalismo en Tomás de Aquino.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2009 - Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad 4 (2):109-125.
    El presente artículo busca establecer el origen y desarrollo del concepto de ley natural en Tomás de Aquino, especialmente la relación que se establece entre razón y voluntad. Recordemos que esta relación ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios, especialmente en referencia al mismo concepto en Francisco Suárez. El artículo trata el tema de manera objetiva y como testigo de lo que nuestro teólogo pensó y estableció en sus escritos. Al calificarlo como teólogo, entendemos desde dónde está hablando, es decir, desde (...)
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  9. La responsabilidad para con el otro: Una crítica a Occidente.Manuel Losada Sierra - 2005 - Universitas Philosophica 44:39-62.
    La obra de Lévinas propone asumir la ética como Filosofía Primera. Allí convergen dos fuentes de inspiración filosófica, el pensamiento judío y la fenomenología, y la experiencia histórica de persecución, violencia y desconocimiento del otro que exigió a Lévinas criticar el totalitarismo ontológico griego con el propósito de hacer justicia a la Alteridad y dar primacía así a la Responsabilidad para con el Otro sobre la Libertad autónoma del Yo. Luego, el autor retorna la crítica de Lévinas a la fenomenología (...)
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  10. La Historia del nuevo milenio (¿Un nuevo pre-paradigma?).Alberto Navas-Sierra & J. Alberto Navas Sierra - 2008 - Dissertation,
    Desde la última década del siglo pasado, tras el declive de los “Annales”, el presente y futuro de la Historia como ciencia ha motivada un intensa polémica académica de orden “global” y en la que están participando no sólo historiadores sino filósofos -de la ciencia y la Historia– como también especialistas de las restantes ciencias sociales e incluso de otras disciplinas afines a la Historia, como son la genética y la biología. Más allá del debate epistemológico clásico al respecto, están (...)
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  11. La ética de Lévinas como naturalización del mesianismo judío.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2019 - Theologica Xaveriana 69 (188):1-27.
    El artículo muestra la estrecha conexión existente entre el concepto de ética y el de tiempo mesiánico en la filosofía de Emmanuel Lévinas. Esto significa que la respuesta ética se da en un tiempo discontinuo en el que –además de romper la continuidad del tiempo ininterrumpido del progreso– el sujeto se convierte en el mesías que responde al sufrimiento del otro. Para lograr este propósito, el trabajo muestra la crítica de Lévinas a la historia ontológica como olvido de lo singular; (...)
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  12. The Prophetic Reason for Religious and Cultural Understanding.Manuel Losada-Sierra & John Mandalios - 2014 - International Journal of Civic, Political, and Community Studies 11 (2):13-22.
    Interreligious and intercultural dialogue is supposed to be the best way to solve the conflicts arising from rival religious hermeneutics and different modes to conceive the ideal of a good life in contemporary multicultural and pluralistic societies. In regard to communicative or dialogical reason, respectful coexistence can be reached only by argumentative communication between interested people. In this sense, only rational arguments, strong enough to pass the test of the shared rationality can be valid at a discursive level. However, Jewish (...)
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  13. Mr. Frege, The Platonist.Daniel Sierra - 2021 - Logiko-Filosofskie Studii 2 (Vol 19):136-144.
    Even though Frege is a major figure in the history of analytic philosophy, it is not surprising that there are still issues surrounding his views, interpreting them, and labeling them. Frege’s view on numbers is typically termed as ‘Platonistic’ or at least a type of Platonism (Reck 2005). Still, the term ‘Platonism’ has views and assumptions ascribed to it that may be misleading and leads to mischaracterizations of Frege’s outlook on numbers and ideas. So, clarification of the term ‘Platonism’ is (...)
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  14. La democracia virtuosa.Enrique Morata - 2011 - Bubok.
    The vulgar democracy of the USA. Texts from Thoreau, Emerson, Whitman, Zinn.
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  15. La “revolución atlántica”; la independencia americana y la “nueva macro-historia.Alberto Navas-Sierra & J. Alberto Navas Sierra - 2009 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
    De una u otra forma, los diferentes procesos independentistas iberoamericanos de comienzos del siglo XIX suelen ser involucrados dentro de la larga cadena revolucionaria que alternativamente sacudió a ambos meridianos del mundo occidental a lo largo de no menos de cincuenta años (1774-1824), para otros ciento treinta y seis (1668-1824)3, o incluso ciento sesenta años (1645-1824). Consumado el mencionado ciclo revolucionario americano, este significó o bien la transformación —Canadá, Brasil, Cuba y Puerto Rico— o bien el derrocamiento del "Antiguo régimen (...)
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  16. A Review of Ethnic Identity in Advertising.J. J. Sierra, M. R. Hyman & R. S. Heiser (eds.) - 2010 - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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  17. La necesidad de la teología.Enrique Morata - 2019 - Scribd.
    La necesidad de la teología como una actividad humana. In Spanish.
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  18. Moses as intelligent designer.Enrique Morata - 2009 - internet archive.
    Moses deviced healthy laws to keep his people united as a nation. Moses is , alongside with Plato, Aristotle, Mahomet, Kung Fu, Lao Tse and Cicero, one of the "intelligent designers" of mankind in the last 5.000 years.
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  19. SÉNECA Y LA JET- SET.Enrique Morata - manuscript
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  20. La ética elástica.Enrique Morata - manuscript
    Is Ethics a rubber band ? Is Ethics a stretching value which goes from selfishness to altruism ?
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  21. Aristóteles y los pijos.Enrique Morata - 2011 - Bubok.
    Aristotle on the problem of the posh and twits.
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  22. Leibniz y los gnósticos.Enrique Morata (ed.) - 2015 - Bubok.
    Gnostics in old times and present. ISBN 978-84-686-6312-8.
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  23. Ramón y Cajal como filósofo.Enrique Morata (ed.) - 2015 - Bubok.
    Selection of texts from Santiago Ramón y Cajal, biologist, writer and Nobel laurate. ISBN 978 84 686 6213 8 Published by Bubok Publishing S.L., 2015.
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  24. La monarchie d’après le modèle Inca de Francisco de Miranda: Première tentative pour imaginer une identité continentale hispano- américaine?).Alberto Navas-Sierra - 2011 - In Bicentenaire des Indépendances Amérique Latine Caraibes.
    La présentation qui suit traite de la Colombeia - legs extrêmement riche que nous devons à Francisco de Miranda - et de l’impact qu’a pu avoir à son époque la diffusion des quatre versions connues du “Plan de gouvernance pour une Amérique colombienne” élaboré par Francisco de Miranda (Caracas, 1750- Cadix, 1816) et publié tout au long de son engagement politique pour l’indépendance de l’Amérique Hispanique. Malgré les deux occasions manquées de 1801 et 1806, quand il fit la tentative de (...)
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  25. Memory and History: The Overcoming of Traditional Theodicy in Levinas and Metz.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2019 - Religions 10 (12):1-19.
    Grappling with the marginalization of the marginal in Western thinking, this paper sets up a dialogue between Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophy and Johann Baptist Metz’s political theology in order to learn from their thoughts on the suffering of victims. For both Levinas and Metz, the idea of theodicy as an explanation of suffering is linked to the ontological conception of time and history, and therefore useless and unjustifiable by nature. The essential question of this research is how to give meaning to (...)
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  26. Nietzsche el nazi.Enrique Morata (ed.) - 2015 - bubok.
    Commentary of texts from Nieztsche to show he was the father of nazism. ISBN 978 84 686 6177 3 Published by Bubok Publishing S.L., 2015.
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  27. Spanish Philosophers.Enrique Morata - 2010 - internet archive.
    Texts from the Spanish Philosophers : Vives, Unamuno, Gracian, Guevara, Santayana...
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  28. La administración científica de la educación y la condición contingente del ser humano.Manuel Losada-Sierra - 2020 - Educacao E Sociedade 41 (1):1-13.
    La administración científica de la educación ha llevado a que las instituciones educativas muestren en los últimos años un marcado interés por los rankings, la rendición de cuentas y por una educación de calidad basada en la excelencia individual. Frente a esta dinámica, el presente trabajo muestra que las exigencias de una sociedad que ha venido de experiencias conflictivas o que quiere formar ciudadanos solidarios, requieren un cambio de perspectiva desde la autonomía individual hacia la construcción de escenarios de cooperación (...)
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  29. Coherent choice functions without Archimedeanity.Enrique Miranda & Arthur Van Camp - 2022 - In Thomas Augustin, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Probability and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Teddy Seidenfeld. Springer.
    We study whether it is possible to generalise Seidenfeld et al.’s representation result for coherent choice functions in terms of sets of probability/utility pairs when we let go of Archimedeanity. We show that the convexity property is necessary but not sufficient for a choice function to be an infimum of a class of lexicographic ones. For the special case of two-dimensional option spaces, we determine the necessary and sufficient conditions by weakening the Archimedean axiom.
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  30. Ética por la Vida. Elogio de la voluntad de poder.Enrique Leff - 2006 - Polis 5 (13).
    La pregunta por la ética y la voluntad de vivir, frente a la racionalidad y la ecología utilitarista dan forma al texto de Enrique Leff. ¿Cómo se puede superar el estado actual de cosas sin recuperar una ética primigenia, la cual se hacía la pregunta por la buena vida, aquella que merece ser vivida? Siguiendo a Nietzsche, el rechazo por el sentimiento y las pulsiones están en el centro de la mirada racional e instrumental respecto de la naturaleza. La (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Máquinas y superorganismos.Enrique Morata - 2016 - Academia.
    On the Stoics and their concept of the Whole.
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  32. Entrevista a Jesús Ruiz Nestosa, miembro de la Academia Paraguaya de la Lengua Española. Requerimientos interdisciplinarios para la producción literaria.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2022 - Ñeatá 3 (1):116-123.
    Esta entrevista se realizó a través de Zoom el 13 de julio de 2021.
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  33. Los dioses de los presocráticos.Enrique Morata - 2018 - Scribd.
    The gods of the pre-socratics and their concept of Good, in Spanish.
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  34. The right covenant with God.Enrique Morata - unknown - Scribd.
    For a Post -Gnostic scope , a Skeptic vision of the idea of Goodness as AN IDEA OR INTELLIGIBLE PLATONIC FORM impossible to think.
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  35. El arte segun Bosanquet.Enrique Morata - manuscript
    Comentario de "Historia de la estetica" de Bosanquet.
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  36. Ezra Pound: musical rehearsals and Confucian harmony.Enrique Martinez - 1996 - Critical Review (University of Melbourne) 36:19.
    But the modelling of the Confucian gentleman or junzi type of human being under the music simile and the rules of propriety (li) 禮 needs to be brought within the perspective of the Confucian use of language and the ultimately harmonising role of this philosophy. Such considerations lead us back to a concept that Pound was always keen to produce in his expositions, and refers directly to the importance of precise language usage. Pound's first concern for 'le mot juste' and (...)
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  37. Contributions to Inclusive Economic Growth in Argentina: Integrating Design, Marketing and Entrepreneurship for Local Development in Buenos Aires Province.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & María Sol Sierra - 2016 - In Rijit Sengupta (ed.), Pursuing Competition and Regulatory Reforms for Achieving Sustainable Development GoalsPursuing Competition and Regulatory Reforms for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Jaipur: CUTS International. pp. 122-144.
    This work aims to study strategies used in Argentine local development experiences, focussing on industrial design, marketing and entrepreneurship. In order to this purpose, backgrounds are analysed with this approach adding the study of three strategic plans for national and provincial-level that are currently in force. With the analysis of the transport system in the last decade, an accelerated cost increase is evident, resulting in a relatively higher price of distributed products. This situation that was initially perceived as a disadvantage (...)
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  38. Evolución de la educación secundaria técnica. Diseño y emprendedorismo para la innovación.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, María Sol Sierra & María Victoria Vescio - 2016 - Tableros 2016 (7):65-74.
    This paper analyzes the evolution of the Professional Technical Modality in Secondary Education in Argentina since its inception. How has it been traversed by the various productive models, from the foundation of the first technical school with Fordism to local development? What were the main policy milestones throughout this process? In particular, the study incorporates the design and principles of entrepreneurship in the current educational model and the basic tools for entrepreneurial development that contribute to local technological innovation. To conclude, (...)
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  39. The fake philosophers.Enrique Morata - manuscript
    Against Hegel, Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, Darwin, Heidegger, Wittgenstein ,the postmoderns and the neopositivsts.
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  40. El Principio de Utilidad. Un Principio Peligroso‖.Enrique Bocardo - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:1-31.
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  41. Aristotle and the magnanimous.Enrique Morata - 2016 - Ed. Eride.
    Commentary of "Nicomachean Ethics" of Aristotle. Ed. Eride, 2016. ISBN 978 84 16058 - 45 - 7 D.L. M- 6343- 2016.
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  42. La democracia de Aristóteles.Enrique Morata - 2018 - US: Scribd.
    Commentary on "Politics " of Aristotle , in Spanish.
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  43. (1 other version)Nationalism and Crisis.Enrique Camacho - 2017 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:427-456.
    Nationalism seems a persistent ideology in academia as much as in politics; despite the fact that it has been shown that nationalism is deeply unjust for minorities. A case for national identity is often invoked to supplement liberalism regarding the inner difficulties that liberal theories have to explain their membership, assure stability and produce endorsement. So, it seems that national identity may also be required for justice. While this controversy continues, I argue that a different approach is available. We can (...)
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  44. El mito del yo y la experiencia consciente.Enrique Aramendia - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía Fundamental 4:19-53.
    In Consciousness Studies it is common to distinguish between subjective character and qualitative character. It is also non unusual to maintain that both can be analyzed independently. This is called the “division of conceptual labor”. This idea, however, does not match with our intuitive insight that subjective character is multiple. Here I identify the idea of the division of conceptual labor as a version of the myth of the self, and I push forward two arguments against it. After that, I (...)
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  45. Los robots médicos.Enrique Morata - 2016 - Academia Edu 1:1-12.
    Sobre los robots como mejores médicos que los humanos.
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  46. On random as a cause.Enrique Morata - 2015 - Academia.
    On absolute random and restricted random .
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  47. Hal the god.Enrique Morata - 2014
    On the 2001 theme, a very perfect computer would act like a god does.
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  48. Conservative libertarianism and ethics of borders.Enrique Camacho Beltran - 2015 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 48 (1):227-261.
    Many conservatives endorse a defence of closed borders grounded in basic liberal rights such as the basic right of association. Some conservatives also endorse libertarian principles of legitimacy. It is not clear though that this sort of defence of closed borders is somehow coherent with these libertarian ideals. I argue that conservative libertarians of this kind must reject this defence of closed borders because either it collapses into a form of statism incoherent with libertarian principles of legitimacy, or into an (...)
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  49. El subatomismo ilógico.Enrique Morata - manuscript
    Sobre las partículas subatómicas y su influencia en el hombre.In Spanish with a briefing in English.
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  50. The Figure of the Filipino Exile in the Poem “Here” by Conchitina Cruz.Jesus Emmanuel S. Villafuerte - 2016 - Mabini Review 5:90-93.
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