Results for 'china'

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  1. UTILIZING CASSAVA STARCH AND POWDERED RICE BRAN IN MAKING BIODEGRADABLE STRAWS.Christine Samantha M. Collado, Mark Anthony C. Yu, Bianca China C. Labrador, Kyll Marinel P. Dasmariñas, Roshelyn D. Omictin, Alexa Gabrielle M. Tagud, Raffy S. Virtucio & Kristian T. Escasinas - 2023 - Get International Research Journal 1 (2).
    Numerous agricultural wastes are impractically discarded every day, and one of these is rice bran. This study investigated the production of a biodegradable straw made of cassava starch and powdered rice bran. It aimed to determine the effectiveness of the different treatments of Cassava Starch-Rice Bran in terms of water resistance, tensile strength, and biodegradability. An experimental design was used in conducting the study. There were three treatments made in making CSRB straws: the first, with more rice bran; the second, (...)
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  2. China Confronts Kant When University Students Experience the Angst of Freedom.Robert Keith Shaw - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (6).
    An existential interpretation of student angst in Chinese universities raises issues of autonomy and freedom. The governance arrangements in China create a conflict for Chinese students who in their coursework are urged to become critical-minded and open-minded. In this essay, Kant’s moral theory provides access to this phenomenon. His theory of duty–rationality–autonomy–freedom relates the liberty of thought to principled action. Kantian ideals still influence western business and university practice and they become relevant in China as that country modernises. (...)
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  3. China’s approach to the environmental civilization.Richard Sťahel - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (2):164-173.
    This study examines the origins and main aspects of the Chinese concept of ecological civilization. Originally a philosophical concept, it was later developed into a political and constitutional principle and became the basis of several public policies of the Chinese government. The author also draws attention to several contradictions and weaknesses in the concept, which has been seen as a Chinese version of sustainable development and ultimately as a Chinese concept of global civilization.
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  4. China's Belt and Road Initiative: Global Politics and Implications.Md Mahmudul Hoque & Riffat Ara Zannat Tama - 2020 - European Scientific Journal 16 (31):279-299.
    Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a global infrastructure development project that ambitiously aims to connect Asia with European and African continents through land and sea corridors. China adopted this gigantic game-changing master plan in 2013 and spurred much speculation among scholars and policymakers worldwide. This article investigates the development of the project through the lens of global political geography and economy. From an international relations perspective, the authors consult relevant pieces of literature and focus on the international issues (...)
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  5. La pieza china: un experimento mental con sesgo cartesiano.R. González - 2012 - Revista Chilena de Neuropsicología 7:1-6.
    Este ensayo examina un experimento mental clásico de John Searle en filosofía de la mente, cuyo argumento ha sido descalificado por Dennett y Hofstadter como una bomba de intuiciones no confiable. Lo que se defiende aquí es que este experimento mental tiene un sesgo cartesiano, pero ello no obsta a que no sea confiable. En efecto, la característica principal de la Pieza China es depender de un agente cognitivo consciente que realiza el experimento, y en particular, de quien no (...)
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  6. CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR: IMPORTANCE AND CHALLENGES FOR PAKISTAN AND CHINA.Sadaf Mustaf & Ammad Zafar - 2017 - International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research 2 (11):5059-5068.
    Pakistan and China are friends from very long time. They have trading relations through the Ancient Silk Road. Now both the countries want to increase the volume of their trade. China decided to make large investment in Pakistan under its One Belt One Road vision through CPEC project. The CPEC is a combination of infrastructure development, power generation and research and development project. China and Pakistan are equally going to benefit from the project thus they both are (...)
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  7. The Middle‐Income Kingdom: China and the Demands of International Distributive Justice.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2024 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 52 (4):430-464.
    China’s rise to global power status is set to be amongst the primary shapers of politics and life more broadly in the 21st century. Yet despite its immense significance, political philosophers have been surprisingly quiet on the normative implications of China’s rise. This, I will argue, is a mistake. Not only does China’s rise generate interesting normative questions in its own right; it also upends some basic assumptions that many of us have hitherto adopted in our thinking (...)
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  8. Values in China as Compared to Africa: Two Conceptions of Harmony.Thaddeus Metz - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (2):441-465.
    Given a 21st century context of sophisticated market economies and other Western influences such as Christianity, what similarities and differences are there between characteristic indigenous values of sub-Saharan Africa and China, and how do they continue to influence everyday life in these societies? Establishing that central to both non-Western, indigenous value systems are ideals of harmonious relationships, I compare and contrast traditional African and Chinese conceptions of harmony and analyze a number of respects in which an appeal to this (...)
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  9. Netherworld Marriage in Ancient China: Its Historical Evolution and Ideological Background.Chunjun Gu & Keqian Xu - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):78-109.
    The netherworld marriage or the wedding for dead persons is a folk religious ritual in ancientChina. It is based on ancient Chinese folk belief of afterlife in the netherworld. Through a textual research and investigation based on relevant historical records and other ancient documents, as well as some archeological discoveries, this paper tries to give a brief account of the origin and development of netherworld marriage and its cultural and ideological background in ancient China. It finds that netherworld marriage (...)
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  10. Philosophy for Children in China:: A Late Preliminary Anti-Report.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2002 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 22 (1):37-49.
    At the very least, even though Chinese schools do not look very different from those in the West, China offers an opportunity for Philosophy for Children to question its basis, its methodology, its aims. It seems to be expressing a different cultural voice, and to be disposed to the kind of dialogue we are more used to claiming than practicing. Both Kunming and Shanghai provide, in their own ways, formidable contexts: the deep, strong and disciplined educators of Railway Station (...)
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  11. Islam in China and the Plight of the Uighurs.[author unknown] - 2020 - Exploring Religion in China.
    The central postulation made in this essay is that the current plight of the Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang province of China is two-pronged in its cause. The first involves a deeply-rooted historical rejection, or at least suspicion, of any religion that is not Chinese in origin and secondly involves a concerted effort on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party to gain greater control over a people group whom it sees as representing a threat to its authority and dominance (...)
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  12. Leibniz: China's Friend in Europe. [REVIEW]Paul van Els - 2006 - China Nu 31:46–47.
    van Els, Paul. "Leibniz: China's vriend in Europa" (Leibniz: China's Friend in Europe) Review of Leibniz: Over de Natuurlijke Theologie van de Chinezen, by Karel van der Leeuw. China Nu 31, no. 2 (2006): 46–47.
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  13. Will the Explosive Growth of China Continue?Leonid Grinin, Sergey Tsirel & Andrey Korotayev - 2015 - Technological Forecasting and Social Change 95:394-308.
    The role of China in the world economy is constantly growing. In particular we observe that it plays more and more important role in the support of theworld economic growth (as well as high prices of certain very important commodities). In the meantime the perspectives of the Chinese economy (as well as possible fates of the Chinese society) remain unclear, whereas respective forecasts look rather contradictory. That is why the search for new aspects and modes of analysis of possible (...)
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  14. Methodenfrage der Rechtswissenschaft in China: Rückblick und Ausblick.Wei Feng - 2016 - In Yuanshi Bu (ed.), Juristische Methodenlehre in China und Ostasien. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 45-75.
    Die Disziplin, die als „Juristische Methodenlehre“ bezeichnet wird, ist gegenwärtig chinesischen Juristen nicht fremd, sie stammt aber ursprünglich aus dem deutschen Sprachraum. In der Literatur finden sich auch verwandte Ausdrücke wie „Juristische Methodologie“, „Juristische Methodik“ bzw.„Methodenlehre der Rechtswissenschaft“. Seit Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts wurde ihre Rezeption in China durch zwei Übersetzungen gekennzeichnet, nämlich die „rechtswissenschaftliche Methodenlehre“ (faxue fangfalun) und die „rechtliche Methodenlehre“ (falü fangfalun). Neben der herkömmlichen Methodenlehre entwickelte sich auch eine jüngere Theorie der juristischen Argumentation, die die weltweite (...)
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  15. China, Nature, and the Sublime in Kant.Eric S. Nelson - 2010 - In Stephen Palmquist (ed.), Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 333--348.
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  16. Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the Coimbra Commentary on the Dialectics (1606) to the Chinese Mingli tan (1636-­1639).Thierry Meynard & Simone Guidi - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:663-683.
    Second Scholasticism greatly developed the medieval theory of continuous quantity as the Aristotelian notion for thematizing spatial extension, paving the way for the idea of space as extension in early modern natural philosophy. The article analyzes the section related to the category of continuous quantity in the Coimbra commentary on the Dialectics (1606), showing that it is indebted to the novel theory of Francisco Suárez on quantity as bestowing extension to a body in a particular sense, something which had been (...)
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  17. Political Rhetoric in Early China.Paul van Els & Elisa Sabattini - 2012 - Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident 34:5–14.
    Early Chinese thought enjoys a wide appeal, in the scholarly world as much as elsewhere, as people are keen on learning about the ideas of Confucius, Mencius, and other thinkers whose views have shaped traditional Chinese culture. In the study of early Chinese thought, emphasis has long been on what thinkers said, not on how they proffered their views. Even studies that do consider the how, tend to focus on logic and argumentation, rather than rhetoric. Fortunately, in the past few (...)
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  18. Rediscovering Republicanism in China: Beyond the Debate Between New Leftists and Liberals.Yang Xiao - 2003 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (3):18-34.
    Lack of a historical sense is the hereditary defect of philosophers. … So what is needed from now on is historical philosophizing, and with it the virtue of modesty.
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  19. The Denomination "Kyoto School” in the Work of Tsuchida Kyōson (1891-1934) Contemporary Thought of Japan and China (1926, 1927).Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2024 - The Universitat de Barcelona Digital Repository.
    This paper refutes that the first written document in which the name "Kyoto school" is found corresponds to the article written by Tosaka Jun (1900-1945) and published in 1932 with the title "The philosophy of the Kyoto school". It will be shown that it was another thinker, Tsuchida Kyōson (1891-1934), who in his Contemporary Thought of Japan and China, a book originally written in Japanese in 1926 and then in English in 1927, includes Nishida and Tanabe under the name (...)
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  20. Analyzing the narrative context of post-industrial audio-visual works in Northeast China from the absurdity in the documentary Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (2002).Yu Yang, Yuxing Chen & Yarong Zeng - 2024 - In M. F. Mohd Sharif (ed.), SHS Web of Conferences, 2024 International Conference on Language Research and Communication (ICLRC 2024). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences.
    Since 2019, Northeastern post-industrial culture has been a popular topic of discussion; the general public refers to it as the Northeastern Renaissance. Crises of identity, honor, and faith have been recurring themes in several Northeastern films released in recent years. Furthermore, these cinematic narratives frequently generate somber humor by presenting an enormous contrast between ideals and actuality. The article examines how the post-industrial narrative context of Northeast China has influenced audio-visual cultural products and contemporary Chinese popular culture. To elucidate (...)
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  21. China’s Meritocratic Examinations and the Ideal of Virtuous Talents.Chenyang Li & Hong Xiao - 2013 - In Daniel A. Bell & Chenyang Li (eds.), The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 340-362.
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  22. Translation and transmutation: the Origin of Species in China.Xiaoxing Jin - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1):117-141.
    Darwinian ideas were developed and radically transformed when they were transmitted to the alien intellectual background of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century China. The earliest references to Darwin in China appeared in the 1870s through the writings of Western missionaries who provided the Chinese with the earliest information on evolutionary doctrines. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassadors, literati and overseas students contributed to the dissemination of evolutionary ideas, with modest effect. The ‘evolutionary sensation’ in China was generated by the Chinese (...)
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    與非洲相比在中國的價值 (‘Values in China as Compared to Africa’).Thaddeus Metz - 2018 - In Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (ed.), 汉学与当代中国座谈会文集2017 (The Collected Works at the Symposium on Chinese Studies 2017). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. pp. 612-619.
    Chinese translation of an essay comparing indigenous African and Chinese values.
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  24. Self as Container? Metaphors We Lose By in Understanding Early China.Jane Geaney - 2011 - Antiquorum Philosophia 5:11-30.
    As part of a trend in modern cognitive science, cognitive linguist, George Lakoff, and philosopher, Mark Johnson claim to provide a biologically-based account of subsymbolic meaningful experiences. They argue that human beings understand objects by extrapolating from their sensory motor activities and primary perceptions. Lakoff and Johnson’s writings have generated a good deal of interest among scholars of Early China because they maintain that “our common embodiment allows for common stable truths.” Although there are many grounds on which Lakoff (...)
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  25. Estados Unidos, China y Rusia: propuestas nacionales para una ética de la IA en la nueva guerra fría.Fabio Morandín-Ahuerma - 2023 - In Principios normativos para una ética de la Inteligencia Artificial. Puebla, México: Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Puebla (Concytep). pp. 162-185.
    Las normas nacionales y el campo de batalla tecnológico, industrial, económico e incluso militar de las aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial se enfrentarán significativamente entre las potencias mundiales a medida que avance la carrera por la supremacía geopolítica estratégica. China y Estados Unidos están considerados como las dos naciones punteras en I+D (investigación y desarrollo). Estados Unidos alberga algunas de las principales empresas e instituciones de IA, y cuenta con un sólido historial de innovación y espíritu emprendedor en el (...)
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  26. China and England: On the Structural Convergence of Political Values. [REVIEW]Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):188-195.
    At the centre of Powers' (2019) China and England is an extraordinary forgotten episode in the history of political ideas. There was a time when English radicals critiqued the corruption and injustice of the English political system by contrasting it with the superior example of China. There was a time when they advocated adopting a Chinese conceptual framework for thinking about politics. So dominant and prevalent was the English radicals' use of this framework, that their opponents took to (...)
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  27. Practising collectivity: Performing public space in everyday China.Teresa Hoskyns, Siti Balkish Roslan & Claudia Westermann - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (3):203-224.
    This article investigates the specific cultural and collaborative nature of China’s public spaces and how they are formed through performative appropriations. Collective cultural practices as political participation were encouraged during the Mao era when cultural activities played a key role in workers’ education and participation. Since the opening-up period, performance in public space has become widespread in China and creates alternative community spaces that constitute alternatives to capitalist spaces of consumption. Using Habermas’s theory of communicative action, we argue (...)
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  28. How the Seven Sociopaths Who Rule China are Winning World War Three and Three Ways to Stop Them.Michael Starks - 2019 - In Suicide by Democracy: an obituary for America and the world 4th edition 2019. Las Vegas, NV USA: reality press. pp. 54-60.
    The first thing we must keep in mind is that when saying that China says this or China does that, we are not speaking of the Chinese people, but of the Sociopaths who control the CCP -- Chinese Communist Party, i.e., the Seven Senile Sociopathic Serial Killers (SSSSK) of the Standing Committee of the CCP or the 25 members of the Politburo etc.. -/- The CCP’s plans for WW3 and total domination are laid out quite clearly in Chinese (...)
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  29. The Vienna Circle in China: The Story of Tscha Hung.Yi Jiang - 2022 - In Esther Ramharter (ed.), The Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 25. pp. 199-229.
    Tscha Hung was a member of the Vienna Circle who achieved high international academic recognition. He dedicated his entire life to spreading the philosophy of the Circle to China and developed deep insights in his criticisms to that philosophy. Hung was a witness to the encounter of Western and Chinese philosophy in the twentieth century. His debate with Fung You-lan on metaphysics reflects different understandings of the nature of philosophy and metaphysics as well as different perspectives. Hung defended the (...)
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  30. Probing Vietnam’s Legal Prospects in the South China Sea Dispute.Hong Kong To Nguyen, Manh-Tung Ho & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2021 - Asia Policy 16 (3):105-132.
    Although most Asian states are signatories to UNCLOS, which offers options for dispute resolution by either voluntary or compulsory processes, in reality fewer than a dozen Asian states have taken advantage of such an approach. The decision to adopt third-party mechanisms comes under great scrutiny and deliberation, not least because of the entailing legal procedures and the politically sensitive nature of disputes. Vietnam claims the second-largest maritime area in the South China Sea dispute after China. A comparison of (...)
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  31. The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy by Daniel A. Bell. [REVIEW]Elena Ziliotti - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67:295-298.
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  32. Public participation in China and the West.Prof Olga Gil - manuscript
    This work shows differences in public participation in China and Western countries, conceptually and empirically. To do so, the different philosophical and public administration traditions are outlined. Main contributions are tables and dashboards to allow general comparisons and to differentiate contexts in both political settings, besides being useful for other settings. The tables included are: 1) Main features of context in China, 2) Deliberative democracy, 3) Main features of context in the west, 4) The Gil Dashboard helping to (...)
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  33. US Foreign Policy and US-China Relations in a Changing World Order: the Assessment of American Think Tanks.Alireza Salehi-Nejad - 2019 - In The First International Conference on Chinese Studies. Tehran: University of Tehran.
    From the animosity of the Cold War era, the rapprochement in 1972, normalization of relations in 1979, to rising China and the current trade war, the US-China relationship has emerged and been regarded as an important relationship in global politics, and distinctively significant in the shaping of world order. The United States, a fount of modern think tanks, is home to approximately 30% of the total in the world. These think tanks were gradually embedded into American politics and (...)
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  34. The Present Situation of Non-Sino-Tibetan Languages Spoken in Northern and North-Western China I Altaic Languages I – Mongolian.Gökçe Yükselen Abdurrazak Peler - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:3301-3335.
    Mongolian is one of the languages, which Turkish has been in intensive mutual contact throughout the historical course. The interactive relation between Turkish and Mongolian has continued todate despite it has occasionally decreased and increased due to the migrations and cultural changes experienced by the speakers of these languages. Some areas in present-day People’s Republic of China are regions, where this interaction still remains intact. Turkish and Mongolian have lost ground or even are facing extinction in some of these (...)
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  35. What Makes Autocracies’ Soft Power Strategies Special? Evidence from Russia and China.Artem Patalakh - 2017 - Korean Journal of International Studies 15 (1):41-69.
    The paper problematizes the national soft power strategies of authoritarian states arguing that many of their features stem from those countries’ political regime. In particular, the author focuses on such features as actors involved in soft power policies, the public media’s international and domestic rhetoric, the presence or absence of ideological commitments, strategies’ proactiveness/reactiveness as well as their long- and short-termness. The author presents his argumentation in a fashion similar to what is called theory-building process tracing: first, he shows causal (...)
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  36. Social identity loss and reverse culture shock: Experiences of international students in China during the COVID-19 pandemic.Rameez Raja, Jianfu Ma, Miwei Zhang, Xi Yuan Li, Nayef Shabbab Almutairi & Aeshah Hamdan Almutairi - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 14:994411.
    The results revealed that students who remained in China experienced challenges which included anxiety, closure of campuses, lockdown, their parents’ concern regarding health issues, and not being able to meet with friends. On the other hand, students who had left China during the pandemic were confined to their home countries. This group of students experienced more severe problems than the students who remained in China. Since the transition to home countries was “unplanned,” they were not ready to (...)
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  37. What Is Enlightenment: Can China Answer Kant’s Question? By Wei Zhang.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (4):666-669.
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  38. John Dewey's Experience in China (1919-1921).Shane J. Ralston - 2019 - Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences) 37 (2):59-62.
    The American philosopher John Dewey is probably best known for his contributions to educational philosophy, though his writings on logic, metaphysics, epistemology and value theory are for the most part equally impressive. Before and after his death in 1952, he was lauded as “America’s philosopher” and a “public intellectual for the twentieth century.” During the early 1920s, to call Dewey an internationalist would be to state the obvious. He had travelled to Japan, Russia, Mexico, Turkey and China. Of all (...)
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  39. Towards a Re-Definition of Government Interpreters' Agency Against a Backdrop of Sociopolitical and Cultural Evolution: A Case of Premier's Press Conferences in China.Chonglong Gu - 2017 - In Olaf Immanuel Seel (ed.), Redefining Translation and Interpretation in Cultural Evolution. IGI Global. pp. 238-257.
    The sociopolitical and cultural evolution as a result of the Reform and Opening up in 1978, facilitated not least by the inexorable juggernaut of globalization and technological advancement, has revolutionized the way China engages domestically and interacts with the outside world. The need for more proactive diplomacy and open engagement witnessed the institutionalization of the interpreter-mediated premier's press conferences. Such a discursive event provides a vital platform for China to articulate its discourse and rebrand its image in tandem (...)
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    On Subjectivity and Secularity in Axial Age China.Heiner Roetz - 2020 - Working Paper Series of the Hcas “Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities”.
    The Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences “Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities” deals with topics, at least some of which I have myself dealt with throughout my sinological and philosophical life. I came to Frankfurt in autumn 1968: fascinated by Frankfurt School, I started studying sociology, but to my surprise this did not mean studying Critical Theory. Instead, it meant going through quite a conventional education in the social sciences, and moreover, it meant (...)
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  41. Democracy in the founding cultures of the USA and China.Enrique Martinez Esteve - manuscript
    Two Mosaic figures (Thomas Jefferson and Confucius) will be introduced here as a means of gauging whether Democracy is solely the child of the West and/or whether it can also be traced to a conceptual foundation in Confucianism, the practical political philosophy of ancient China. The teachings of Confucius (c. 551-479 BCE) as a source of political thought appear to be comprehensive enough to provide us with a just model for the administration of the state.
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  42. Kant and china: Aesthetics, race, and nature.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (4):509-525.
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  43. Leibniz and China: Religion, Hermeneutics, and Enlightenment.Eric S. Nelson - 2009 - Religion in the Age of Enlightenment (RAE) 1: 277-300.
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  44. Early confucian principles: The potential theoretic foundation of democracy in modern china.Keqian Xu - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (2):135 – 148.
    The subtle and complex relation between Confucianism and modern democracy has long been a controversial issue, and it is now again becoming a topical issue in the process of political modernization in contemporary China. This paper argues that there are some quite basic early Confucian values and principles that are not only compatible with democracy, but also may become the theoretic foundation of modern democracy in China. Early Confucianism considers 'the people's will' as the direct representative of 'Heaven's (...)
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  45. Von Schweinen im Kraut und Läufen mit Hindernissen: Ein Versuch über die Ironie in Max Webers China-Studie (On Pigs in the Weeds and Obstacle Courses: Approaching Irony in Max Weber's Study on China. An anthropological reading).Viatcheslav Vetrov - 2016 - Saeculum: Jahrbuch Für Universalgeschichte 65 (2):321-348.
    Objectivity is one of the central themes in Max Weber's work. Weber criticizes uncontrolled mixing up of thought and feeling which is to be avoided in investigations of cultures. At the same time he is convinced that any cultural study is necessarily an expression of some "one-sided points of view" espoused by scholars. This consideration is crucial for Max Weber's method. The paper analyzes the application of Max Weber's methodology to his study on China. Special attention is paid to (...)
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  46. Cómo los siete sociópatas que gobiernan China están ganando la Tercera Guerra Mundial y tres maneras de detenerlos.Michael Starks - 2019 - In Suicidio por la Democracia - un Obituario para América y el Mundo 4ª edición. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 52-57.
    Lo primero que debemos tener en cuenta es que cuando decimos que China dice esto o China hace eso, no estamos hablando del pueblo chino, sino de los sociópatas que controlan el PCC -- Partido Comunista Chino, es decir, los Siete Asesinos En Serie Seniláticos (SSSSK) de th e Comité Permanente del PCC o de los 25 miembros del Politburó, etc. -/- Los planes del PCC para la Tercera Guerra Mundial y la dominación total están muy claro en (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Como os sete sociopaths que governam China estão ganhando a guerra de mundo três e três maneiras de pará-los.Michael Richard Starks - 2019 - In Michael Starks (ed.), Suicídio pela democracia - Um obituário para América e o mundo. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 52-56.
    The first thing we must keep in mind is that when saying that China says this or China does that, we are not speaking of the Chinese people, but of the Sociopaths who control the CCP -- Chinese Communist Party, i.e., the Seven Senile Sociopathic Serial Killers (SSSSK) of the Standing Committee of the CCP or the 25 members of the Politburo etc.. -/- The CCP’s plans for WW3 and total domination are laid out quite clearly in Chinese (...)
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  48. Welcome to Hell on Earth - Artificial Intelligence, Babies, Bitcoin, Cartels, China, Democracy, Diversity, Dysgenics, Equality, Hackers, Human Rights, Islam, Liberalism, Prosperity, The Web.Michael Starks - 2020 - Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press.
    America and the world are in the process of collapse from excessive population growth, most of it for the last century and now all of it due to 3rd world people. Consumption of resources and the addition of one or two billion more ca. 2100 will collapse industrial civilization and bring about starvation, disease, violence and war on a staggering scale. Billions will die and nuclear war is all but certain. In America this is being hugely accelerated by massive immigration (...)
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  49. Review: Translating China for Western Readers: Reflective, Critical and Practical Essays. [REVIEW]Andrew Lambert - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):589-593.
    This edited volume of twelve essays originated with a conference on translation held at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2009. A guiding hope of the conference and volume, summarized in the afterword, is that the humanities should pay greater attention to the practice of translation (301). By detailing its nuances and difficulties, the volume challenges the view, sometimes found in philosophy departments, that translation is a rather straightforward process, and significantly less important to the field than original research (...)
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  50. Eugenics in China through the lens of cultural additivity.Ruining Jin - 2022 - Sm3D Science Portal.
    It is quite strange to see Eugenics’s vitality in China, where Confucianism is deep-rooted in the people’s beliefs, influencing their thinking and behaviors.
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