Results for 'technologie blockchain'

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  1. La technologie blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    De par sa conception, une blockchain est "un grand livre ouvert et distribué capable d'enregistrer les transactions entre deux parties de manière efficace, vérifiable et permanente", généralement gérée par un réseau d'égal à égal adhérant à un protocole communication de nœud et validation de nouveaux blocs. Après l'enregistrement, les données de chaque bloc ne peuvent pas être modifiées de manière rétrospective sans modifier tous les blocs suivants, ce qui nécessite un consensus du réseau. La blockchain peut être considérée (...)
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  2. La technologie blockchain comme hétérotopie et système notationnel - L'ontologie.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Le concept d'hétérotopie numérique est un moyen de décrire et d'analyser la relation particulière et évolutive entre l'État contemporain et la monnaie numérique, y compris les crypto-monnaies passant par la blockchain. Les caractéristiques de l'État sont affectées par la connexion avec les monnaies numériques. Les technologies numériques peuvent également être interprétées comme des technologies notationnelles, résultant respectivement de la notation syntaxique dans un champ de référence (système notationnel). L'ontologie sociale s'intéresse à la nature du monde social, aux constituants ou (...)
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  3. La philosophie de la technologie blockchain - Ontologies.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    De la nécessité et de l'utilité de développer une philosophie spécifique pour la technologie de la blockchain, mettant l'accent sur les aspects ontologiques. Après une Introduction qui met en évidence les principales orientations philosophiques de cette technologie émergente, dans La technologie blockchain j’explique le fonctionnement de la blockchain, en analysant les directions de développement ontologique de cette technologie dans Conception et modélisation. La section suivante est consacrée à la principale application de la (...) de la blockchain, Bitcoin, avec les implications sociales de cette crypto-monnaie. Il suit une section de Philosophie dans laquelle j'identifie la technologie de la blockchain au concept d'hétérotopie développé par Michel Foucault et je l'interprète à la lumière de la technologie de notation développée par Nelson Goodman en tant que système de notation. Dans la section Ontologie, je présente deux voies de développement que j'estime importantes: une Ontologie narrative, basée sur l'idée d'ordre et de structure de l'histoire transmise à travers l'histoire narrative de Paul Ricoeur, et le système de l'Ontologie d'entreprise basé sur des concepts et des modèles d'entreprise, spécifiques au Web sémantique, que je considère comme le plus développé et qui deviendra probablement le système ontologique formel, du moins en ce qui concerne les aspects économiques et juridiques de la technologie de la blockchain. Dans Conclusions, je parle des orientations futures du développement de la philosophie de la technologie blockchain en général en tant que théorie explicative et robuste d’un point de vue phénoménologique cohérent, qui permet la testabilité et les ontologies en particulier, en plaidant pour la nécessité de l’adoption globale d’un système ontologique afin de développer des solutions transversales et de rentabiliser cette technologie. -/- SOMMAIRE: -/- Abstract Introduction La technologie blockchain - Conception - Modèles Bitcoin Philosophie Ontologies - Ontologies narratives - Ontologies d'entreprise Conclusions Bibliographie Notes -/- DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22996.14724 . (shrink)
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  4. Ontologies narratives dans la technologie blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Ricoeur a souligné l’importance de l’idée d’une identité narrative. L'argument de Ricoeur concernant l'individualisation se poursuit par une succession d'étapes. Il part de la philosophie du langage et du problème de l'identification de la référence aux personnes en tant qu'individus eux-mêmes, pas seulement aux choses. Cela amène à considérer le sujet parlant comme un agent, en passant par la sémantique de l'action que Ricoeur avait apprise de la philosophie analytique. Vient ensuite l'idée que le moi a une identité narrative. DOI: (...)
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  5. L'ontologies d'entreprise pour la technologie blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    L'ontologie d'entreprise établit une distinction claire entre le niveau de données, le niveau d'information et le niveau essentiel des transactions blockchain et des contrats intelligents. La méthodologie OntoClean analyse des ontologies basées sur des propriétés formelles, indépendantes des domaines (méta-propriétés), constituant la première tentative de formalisation des concepts d'analyse ontologique pour des systèmes informatiques. Les notions sont extraites de l'ontologie philosophique. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12557.49120 .
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  6. Blockchain et l'arbre causal de la référence.Sfetcu Nicolae - manuscript
    Dans un article précédent, The Philosophy of blockchain technology - Ontologies, j'ai parlé de l'application de la théorie narrative de Paul Ricœur dans le développement d'une ontologie de la technologie blockchain. Dans cette section, j'ai l'intention de mettre en évidence l'idée d'une analogie entre la technologie blockchain et les théories causales de la référence. Dans la mesure où la poursuite de l'élaboration de cette idée se révélera viable, je vais essayer de développer une théorie basée (...)
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  7. Conception et modèles de blockchain - Bitcoin.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    L'ingénierie ontologique, associé aux technologies du Web sémantique, permet la modélisation sémantique et le développement du flux opérationnel requis pour la conception de la technologie blockchain. Le système de modélisation blockchain le plus utilisé, par la représentation abstraite, la description et la définition de la structure, des processus, des informations et des ressources, est la modélisation des entreprises. La modélisation d'entreprise utilise des ontologies de domaine utilisant des langages de représentation du modèle. Bitcoin est le principal système (...)
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  8. Théories causales de la référence pour les noms propres.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2020 - Drobeta Turnu Severin: MultiMedia Publishing.
    Les principales théories causales de la référence pour les noms propres, et la proposition d'une nouvelle approche basée sur l'analogie de la chaîne des blocs de la technologie de blockchain et la théorie narrative de Paul Ricœur. Après une brève Introduction dans laquelle sont passés en revue les types de propositions du concept de mondes possibles et une vue d'ensemble de la théorie dans La théorie causale de la référence, je présente la théorie causale initiale de la référence (...)
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  9. Blockchain Technology as an Institution of Property.Georgy Ishmaev - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):666-686.
    This paper argues that the practical implementation of blockchain technology can be considered an institution of property similar to legal institutions. Invoking Penner's theory of property and Hegel's system of property rights, and using the example of bitcoin, it is possible to demonstrate that blockchain effectively implements all necessary and sufficient criteria for property without reliance on legal means. Blockchains eliminate the need for a third-party authority to enforce exclusion rights, and provide a system of universal access to (...)
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  10. Blockchain Identities: Notational Technologies for Control and Management of Abstracted Entities.Quinn Dupont - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):634-653.
    This paper argues that many so-called digital technologies can be construed as notational technologies, explored through the example of Monegraph, an art and digital asset management platform built on top of the blockchain system originally developed for the cryptocurrency bitcoin. As the paper characterizes it, a notational technology is the performance of syntactic notation within a field of reference, a technologized version of what Nelson Goodman called a “notational system.” Notational technologies produce abstracted entities through positive and reliable, or (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Blockchain Technology in the Fiscal Process of Ukraine.Igor Britchenko & Cherniavska Tetiana - 2019 - Списание «Икономически Изследвания (Economic Studies)» 28 (5):134-148.
    The problem of corruption in Ukraine has been examined, as well as Blockchain technology application feasibility in combating the phenomenon has been analyzed in the article. Blockchain instrumental features and properties, making the technology unique and determining its potential applications in many sectors of the economy, have been covered with much attention. The authors have analyzed both advantages and obstacles for a distributed data registry implementation. Analysis of benchmarks and application of the best practices of Blockchain technology (...)
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  12. Filosofia blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Conceptul de heterotopie digitală implică o modalitate de a descrie și analiza relația specială și evolutivă dintre statul contemporan și banii digitali, inclusiv criptovalutele derulate prin blockchain. Caracteristicile statului sunt afectate prin conexiunea cu monedele digitale. Sistemele sociale își creează propriile limite și se mențin în viață conform logicii lor interne, care nu derivă din mediul sistemului. Deci, sistemele sociale sunt închise din punct de vedere operațional și autonome - interacționează cu mediul lor și există o creștere generală a (...)
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  13. Tehnologia blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Blockchain, denumit inițial lanț de blocuri, este o listă în continuă creștere de înregistrări numite blocuri, care comunică între ele prin mesaje criptografiate. Fiecare bloc conține un hash criptografic al blocului anterior, un marcaj de timp și datele tranzacției. Prin proiectare, un blockchain este "un registru deschis, distribuit, care poate înregistra tranzacțiile între două părți eficient și într-un mod verificabil și permanent", de obicei gestionat de o rețea peer-to-peer care aderă la un protocol pentru comunicarea între noduri și (...)
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  14. Blockchain technology into the logistics supply chain implementation effectiveness.Igor Britchenko, Tetiana Cherniavska & Bogdan Cherniavskyi - 2018 - In Igor Britchenko & Ye Polishchuk (eds.), Development of small and medium enterprises: the EU and East-partnership countries experience: monograph. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. pp. 307 - 318.
    Technologies currently have a tremendous impact on all spheres of economy, business and a state. They integrally change people’s conception of trade, property, and market entities interaction. Artificial intelligence, additive, informationommunication, green technologies, biotechnologies, and blockchain technologies development and implementation confirm their leadership importance and inevitability in relation to the activities traditional approaches. In the modern world only the companies with flexible vision, equipment and technologies able to instantly reform, adapt to new conditions and challenges, will benefit. The point (...)
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  15. Blockchain Ontologies: OCL and REA.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Unified Modeling Language (UML) of Object Management Group, along with Object Constraint Language (OCL), are considered as the best fit for blockchain ontology. OCL is a declarative language that describes the rules applicable to UML models and is part of the UML standard. Initially, OCL was just an extension of the formal specification language for UML. Now, OCL can be used with any meta-model. Enterprise ontology is combined with the business ontology of Resources, Events, Agents (REA) to be used (...)
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  16. Blockchain dando respuesta a la contabilidad y la contabilidad dando respuesta a blockchain.Flavia M. Fernandez, Martín Núñez, Gabriel Budiño & Carolina Asuaga - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Uba)
    The 21st century is undergoing an unprecedented productivity shift due to the use of disruptive technologies, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, big data, robotics, and augmented reality, among others. The use of these technologies is expanding across all sectors of the economy, blurring the boundaries between different activities, and digital systems are permeating them, leading to a reevaluation of knowledge and techniques in various fields of study. Accounting is not exempt from this reality, and blockchain technology is (...)
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  17. Blockchain Enterprise Ontologies: TOVE and DEMO.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Enterprise ontology for blockchain transactions includes datalogical, infological and essential levels. OntoClean analyzes ontologies based on formal, domain-independent properties (metaproperties), being the first attempt to formalize the notion of ontological analysis for computer systems. The notions are extracted from the philosophical ontology. In the semantic web, a property is a binary relationship, with a subtle distinction between ownership and class. Thus, a metaproperty is a property of a property or a class. The design of ontology can be done when (...)
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  18. Postdigital Prospects for Blockchain-Disrupted Higher Education: Beyond the Theater, Memes and Marketing Hype.Shane J. Ralston - 2020 - Postdigital Science and Education 2 (1):280-288.
    With DLT’s success in driving the development of cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin), the technology bridged to a myriad of knowledge-based applications, most notably in the areas of commerce, industry and government . In the language of technology sector insiders, these areas were ‘disrupted’ by Blockchain. Some higher education analysts, technology industry insiders and futurists have claimed that Blockchain technology will inevitably disrupt higher education in a similarly dramatic fashion. The aim of this commentary is to introduce a healthy (...)
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  19. Auditable Blockchain Randomization Tool.Julio Michael Stern & Olivia Saa - 2019 - Proceedings 33 (17):1-6.
    Randomization is an integral part of well-designed statistical trials, and is also a required procedure in legal systems. Implementation of honest, unbiased, understandable, secure, traceable, auditable and collusion resistant randomization procedures is a mater of great legal, social and political importance. Given the juridical and social importance of randomization, it is important to develop procedures in full compliance with the following desiderata: (a) Statistical soundness and computational efficiency; (b) Procedural, cryptographical and computational security; (c) Complete auditability and traceability; (d) Any (...)
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  20. Filosofia tehnologiei blockchain - Ontologii.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Despre necesitatea şi utilitatea dezvoltării unei filosofii specifice tehnologiei blockchain, accentuând pe aspectele ontologice. După o Introducere în care evidenţiez principalele direcţii filosofice pentru această tehnologie emergentă, în Tehnologia blockchain explicitez modul de funcţionare al blockchain, punând în discuţie direcţiile ontologice de dezvoltare în Proiectarea şi Modelarea acestei tehnologii. Următoarea secţiune este dedicată principalei aplicaţii a tehnologiei blockchain, Bitcoin, cu implicaţiile sociale ale acestei criptovalute. Urmează o secţiune de Filosofie în care identific tehnologia blockchain cu (...)
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  21. Blockchain Design and Modelling.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Ontology engineering, along with semantic Web technologies, allow the semantic development and modeling of the operational flow required for blockchain design. The semantic Web, in accordance with W3C, "provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries" and can be seen as an integrator for various content, applications and information systems. The most widely used blockchain modelling system, by abstract representation, description and definition of structure, processes, information and resources, (...)
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  22. Blockchain and the causal tree of reference.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    In a previous article, Philosophy of Blockchain Technology - Ontologies, I talked about applying Paul Ricœur's narrative theory in developing an ontology of blockchain technology. In this article I intend to highlight the idea of an analogy between blockchain technology and the causal theories of reference. Such a theory can be interpreted as a result of syntactic notation in a reference field, based on the narrative theory developed by Paul Ricœur in Time and Narrative. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26682.95684.
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  23. Zdrojový kód jako literární technologie? O vytváření faktů v digitálním výzkumu.Radim Hladík - 2017 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 39 (1):31-56.
    Vzrůstající využívání digitálních technologií ve vědecké práci a komunikaci vyvolává otázku, jaká je epistemologická povaha takto vytvořeného vědění. V tomto eseji využívám pojmový aparát, který vyvinuli Steven Shapin a Simon Schaffer k analýze historického sporu mezi Robertem Boylem a Thomasem Hobbesem o způsob vytváření vědění v přírodní filosofii, a aplikuji jej na problematiku digitálního výzkumu. Jejich koncepty tří technologií vytvářejících vědění – materiální, literární a sociální – se ukazují jako heuristicky užitečné koncepty i pro reflexi digitálních technologií. Ty jsou v (...)
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  24. Blockchain technology as a panacea for procurement corruption in digital era.Oyebanjo G. Ogunlela, Olabode H. Ojugbele & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2021 - International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science 10 (4):311-320.
    Corruption in public institutions is a significant problem that stifles economic, social and environmental development worldwide. This predominates when there is a lack of transparency, inadequate record-keeping, and low public accountability. Accordingly, the questions this paper intends to provide answers to are two-fold. Firstly, what are the recurring patterns of procurement corruption in the South Africa (SA) public sector? Secondly, how can digital technology deployment assist in checking this trend? Desktop method was adopted through literature examination of studies relating to (...)
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  25. Blockchain Narrative Ontologies.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Social ontology is concerned with the nature of the social world, constituents, or building blocks of social entities in general. Some theories claim that social entities are built from people's psychological states, others are built up of actions, others from practice, and other theories deny that even a distinction can be made between social and non-social. There are different philosophical views on how the ontological significance of narrative can contribute to our understanding of the social world and the way in (...)
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  26. La technologie des mégadonnées (big data).Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Le terme big data désigne l'extraction, la manipulation et l'analyse des ensembles de données trop volumineux pour être traités de manière routinière. Pour cette raison, des logiciels spéciaux sont utilisés et, dans de nombreux cas, des ordinateurs et du matériel informatiques dédiés. Généralement, ces données sont analysées de manière statistique. Les données doivent être traitées avec des outils de collecte et d'analyse avancés, basés sur des algorithmes prédéterminés, afin d'obtenir des informations pertinentes. Les algorithmes doivent également prendre en compte les (...)
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  27. Philosophy of Blockchain Technology - Ontologies.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2019 - Bucharest, Romania: MultiMedia Publishing.
    About the necessity and usefulness of developing a philosophy specific to the blockchain technology, emphasizing on the ontological aspects. After an Introduction that highlights the main philosophical directions for this emerging technology, in Blockchain Technology I explain the way the blockchain works, discussing ontological development directions of this technology in Designing and Modeling. The next section is dedicated to the main application of blockchain technology, Bitcoin, with the social implications of this cryptocurrency. There follows a section (...)
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  28. Blockchain Philosophy - Bitcoin.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    State features are affected by the connection with digital coins. Social systems create their own limits and remain alive according to their internal logic, which does not derive from the system environment. So, social systems are operationally and autonomously closed - interacting with their environment and there is a general increase in entropy, but individual systems work to maintain and preserve their internal order. Autopoietic systems (like the state, with the tendency to maintain the inner order with a remarkable degree (...)
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  29. A Thousand Blockchains: Capitalism and Tokenmania.Sebastian Cincelli - 2022 - Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy 21:8-23.
    Capitalism has become able to appropriate economically and quantitatively our “qualitative field of life” and to destroy and create social relations based on debt mechanisms. In parallel, technologies such as blockchain are expected to disrupt business practices and social interactions as they are currently conceived. For Brian Massumi, blockchain is what we need to resist capitalism and escape its pervasiveness, as it can help us “reinvent” the concept of value within broader collective arrangements. In this article, the author (...)
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  30. Chapter 7 Cryptocurrency, Distributed Ledger Technology and Blockchain Tokens.S. M. Amadae - 2023 - In Sustainable Consumption: Political Economy of Sustainable Food. Aalto University. pp. 199-241.
    This chapter discusses cryptocurrency, distributed ledger technology and blockchain tokens within the context of technological innovation, the history of money and accounting practices, and their multiple functionalities beyond those of standard currencies. This discussion is motivated by the design of cryptocurrencies for specific community needs, and to reflect anti-rival, positive sum value.
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  31. Hobbesova literární technologie závaznosti rozumu.Jan Maršálek - 2017 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 39 (1):7-26.
    Vyplývá z bezvadně provedeného důkazu také závazek počítat ve svém dalším rozvažování a jednání s jeho závěrem? V předložené studii se zabývám Hobbesovým Leviathanem coby „literární technologií“, která čtenáře staví do role autora v Leviathanu rozvíjené argumentace. V tomto smyslu kriticky navazuji jednak na interpretaci Hobbesova vědeckého stylu, kterou nabízejí S. Shapin a S. Schaffer, jednak na výklad Q. Skinnera, který se podrobně zabývá Hobbesovou rétorickou praxí. Nabízím tezi, podle níž se Hobbes v kontaktu se svým publikem nespokojuje s předvedením (...)
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    Chapter 7 Cryptocurrency, Distributed Ledger Technology and Blockchain Tokens.S. M. Amadae - 2023 - In Sustainable Consumption: Political Economy of Sustainable Food. Aalto University. pp. 199-241.
    This chapter discusses cryptocurrency, distributed ledger technology and blockchain tokens within the context of technological innovation, the history of money and accounting practices, and their multiple functionalities beyond those of standard currencies. This discussion is motivated by the design of cryptocurrencies for specific community needs, and to reflect anti-rival, positive sum value.
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  33. Proiectarea și modelarea tehnologiei blockchain - Bitcoin.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Ingineria ontologică, împreună cu tehnologiile Web semantice, permit modelarea și dezvoltarea semantică a fluxului operațional necesar pentru proiectarea TB. Cel mai utilizat sistem de modelare blockchain prin reprezentarea abstractă, descrierea și definirea structurii, a proceselor, a informațiilor și a resurselor, este modelarea intreprinderilor. Modelarea intreprinderii utilizează ontologiile de domeniu folosind limbaje de reprezentare a modelului. Bitcoin este principalul sistem de plată peer-to-peer şi monedă digitală care folosește tehnologia blockchain. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35908.99201 .
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  34. Engaging Consumers in Sustainable Behaviors Using Blockchain Applications.S. Amadae - 2024 - 15Th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems 16:1-15.
    Tracking and goal setting are popular approaches in the personal health and fitness industry. In this paper we use a similar approach to assist users in their journey for a more sustainable lifestyle, starting with food. We employ Action Design Research (ADR) methodology to develop an application and subsequently propose design principles for developing blockchain-based applications for assisting users on their path to eating environmentally friendly food. The path to a sustainable lifestyle can be hard as individuals often do (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Elections, civic trust, and digital literacy: The promise of blockchain as a basis for common knowledge.Mark Alfano - forthcoming - Northern European Journal of Philosophy.
    Few recent developments in information technology have been as hyped as blockchain, the first implementation of which was the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Such hype furnishes ample reason to be skeptical about the promise of blockchain implementations, but I contend that there’s something to the hype. In particular, I think that certain blockchain implementations, in the right material, social, and political conditions, constitute excellent bases for common knowledge. As a case study, I focus on trust in election outcomes, where (...)
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  36. Use of Blockchain in Strengthening Cybersecurity And Protecting Privacy.Arif Sari - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (12):59-66.
    Abstract—The purpose of this study is to highlight and prove the positive impact in which blockchain could have on today’s IoT environment in terms of providing Cybersecurity for not just organizations, but other individuals who share data via the internet. The current IoT environs operates on a centralized cloud based server, meanwhile block chain operates on a decentralized server. The differentiation between the both plays a major role in the level of security they both provide; whereby, decentralized systems are (...)
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  37. Engineering the trust machine. Aligning the concept of trust in the context of blockchain applications.Eva Pöll - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-16.
    Complex technology has become an essential aspect of everyday life. We rely on technology as part of basic infrastructure and repeatedly for tasks throughout the day. Yet, in many cases the relation surpasses mere reliance and evolves to trust in technology. A new, disruptive technology is blockchain. It claims to introduce trustless relationships among its users, aiming to eliminate the need for trust altogether—even being described as “the trust machine”. This paper presents a proposal to adjust the concept of (...)
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  38. Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến khả năng áp dụng Blockchain trong chuyển giao dữ liệu tại các ngân hàng thương mại Việt Nam.Nguyễn Thúy Anh, Lê Phương Huyền, Trần Thu Phương, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung & Nguyễn Trần Khánh Linh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu khảo sát 120 nhân viên và quản lý thuộc 31 ngân hàng thương mại (NHTM) Việt Nam, sử dụng mô hình chấp nhận và sử dụng công nghệ - UTAUT để xác định các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc áp dụng công nghệ chuỗi (Blockchain) trong việc chuyển giao dữ liệu giữa các ngân hàng. Kết quả cho thấy, Sự hỗ trợ pháp lý điều tiết sự ảnh hưởng của nhân tố Niềm tin và sự yêu (...)
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  39. Ontologii narative în tehnologia blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - manuscript
    Ricoeur a examinat o serie de forme diferite de discurs extins, începând cu discursul metaforic. Discursul narativ este una din formele investigate, configurând concepte eterogene care identifică acțiunile într-un moment în care un lucru se întâmplă nu numai după altceva, ci și din cauza altui lucru dintr-o poveste sau istorie care poate fi urmată. Reformează evenimentele fizice ca evenimente narative, care au sens deoarece spun ceea ce se întâmplă într-o poveste sau într-o istorie. Narațiunile sunt întotdeauna o sinteză a conceptelor (...)
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  40. Ontologii de intreprindere în tehnologia blockchain.Nicolae Sfetcu - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):75-87.
    Ontologia de intreprindere face o distincție clară între nivelul datalogic, infolog și esențial al tranzacțiilor cu blockchain și contractele inteligente. Metodologia OntoClean analizează ontologiile bazate pe proprietăți formale, independente de domenii ale claselor (metaproprietăți), fiind prima încercare de a formaliza noțiunile de analiză ontologică pentru sistemele informatice. Noțiunile sunt extrase din ontologia filosofică. În webul semantic, o proprietate este o relație binară. Distincția dintre proprietate și clasă este subtilă. Astfel, o metaproprietate este o proprietate a unei proprietăți sau a (...)
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  41. The opportunities and challenges of blockchain in the fight against government corruption.Nikita Aggarwal & Luciano Floridi - 2018 - 19th General Activity Report (2018) of the Council of Europe Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO).
    Broadly defined, government corruption is the abuse of public power for private gain. It can assume various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, cronyism, and electoral fraud. At root, however, government corruption is a problem of trust. Corrupt politicians abuse the powers entrusted to them by the electorate (the principal-agent problem). Politicians often resort to corruption out of a lack of trust that other politicians will abstain from it (the collective action problem). Corruption breeds greater mistrust in elected officials amongst the public. (...)
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  42. Sur les types de problèmes rencontrés en science, en technologie et dans les professions: fondements d’une politique scientifique.Luis Marone - 2020 - Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 1:105-120.
    La science, la technologie et les professions forment un système de fortes interactions. Pourtant, ces activités s’attaquent à différents types de problèmes qui nécessitent différentes solutions. Les problèmes qui aiguillonnent la recherche scientifique et technologique demeurent insuffisamment résolus ou non résolus, donc leurs possibles solutions doivent être inventées (c.-à-d. qu’elles sont partiellement ou totalement originales) et, par conséquent, elles doivent être testées contre la réalité par les chercheurs avant de les considérer comme vraies ou utiles. Par contre, les problèmes (...)
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  43. The Possibility of a Uniform Legal Language at the Interplay of Legal Discourse, Semiotics and Blockchain Networks.Pierangelo Blandino - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 1 (7):2083-2111.
    This paper explores the possibility of a standard legal language (e.g. English) for a principled evolution of law in line with technological development. In doing so, reference is made to blockchain networks and smart contracts to emphasise the discontinuity with the liberal legal tradition when it comes to decentralisation and binary code language. Methodologically, the argument is built on the underlying relation between law, semiotics and new forms of media adding to natural language; namely: code and symbols. In what (...)
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  44. Analysis of Cyber Security In E-Governance Utilizing Blockchain Performance.Regonda Nagaraju, Selvanayaki Shanmugam, Sivaram Rajeyyagari, Jupeth Pentang, B. Kiran Bala, Arjun Subburaj & M. Z. M. Nomani - manuscript
    E-Government refers to the administration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to the procedures and functions of the government with the objective of enhancing the transparency, efficiency and participation of the citizens. E-Government is tough systems that require distribution, protection of privacy and security and collapse of these could result in social and economic costs on a large scale. Many of the available e-government systems like electronic identity system of management (eIDs), websites are established at duplicated databases and servers. An (...)
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    De-Anonymisation Techniques for Monitoring and Tracking Illegal Cryptocurrency Using Blockchain Technology.N. Srija - 2025 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (9):1-13.
    . The Road Safety Violation Reporting System is an innovative approach to improve road safety by enabling community members to report traffic rule violations. India faces over 150,000 traffic fatalities each year due to non-compliance with laws like wearing seat belts, helmets, and avoiding mobile phone use while driving. Our platform allows citizens to report violations using photographic evidence, which includes location and timestamp data. The system automates fine generation while maintaining the anonymity of the reporters, encouraging public participation in (...)
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  46. On the Existential Basis of Self-Sovereign Identity and Soulbound Tokens: An Examination of the “Self” in the Age of Web3.Tomer Jordi Chaffer & Justin Goldston - 2022 - Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 17 (3).
    The blockchain social movement led to the emergence of Web3, a new, token-orchestrated iteration of the World Wide Web comprised of decentralized applications. With Web3, users can adopt a unique digital identity, known as a self-sovereign identity, that allows them to have access to their data and be central administrators of their transportable and interoperable identity. An inherent feature of digital identity in Web3 is that, in some cases, it can live forever. Web3 users, therefore, may accumulate digital assets, (...)
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  47. Digital Inheritance in Web3: A Case Study of Soulbound Tokens and the Social Recovery Pallet within the Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystems.Justin Goldston, Tomer Jordi Chaffer, Justyna Osowska & Charles von Goins Ii - manuscript
    In recent years discussions centered around digital inheritance have increased among social media users and across blockchain ecosystems. As a result digital assets such as social media content cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens have become increasingly valuable and widespread, leading to the need for clear and secure mechanisms for transferring these assets upon the testators death or incapacitation. This study proposes a framework for digital inheritance using soulbound tokens and the social recovery pallet as a use case in the Polkadot (...)
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  48. La personne âgée « assistée technologiquement »: quels défis éthiques?Bryn Williams-Jones, Nathalie Bier, Vincent Rialle, Abdelaziz Djellal, Miguel Jean & Christophe Brissonneau - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (5):171-183.
    Dans notre société de plus en plus digitalisée, avons-nous vraiment le choix d’adopter ou non les technologies? Comment cette digitalisation impacte-t-elle les personnes âgées en particulier et son écosystème? Quels sont les enjeux éthiques soulevés par cette digitalisation? Ce texte vise à amener des éléments de réflexions en lien avec ces enjeux selon le point de vue de divers experts des domaines de la technologie, du vieillissement et de la bioéthique. Ces experts se sont rencontrés lors d’un symposium ayant (...)
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    Secure and Efficient Data Deduplication Framework for Hybrid Cloud Architectures.M. Sheik Dawood - 2024 - Journal of Science Technology and Research (JSTAR) 5 (1):623-633.
    The exponential growth of data storage requirements has become a pressing challenge in hybrid cloud environments, necessitating efficient data deduplication methods. This research proposes a novel Smart Deduplication Framework (SDF) designed to identify and eliminate redundant data, thus optimizing storage usage and improving data retrieval speeds. The framework leverages a hybrid cloud architecture, combining the scalability of public clouds with the security of private clouds. By employing a combination of client-side hashing, metadata indexing, and machine learning-based duplicate detection, the framework (...)
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    The adoption of crypto/digital currencies - Psychosomatic implications.Enrique Martinez Esteve - manuscript
    "...the mechanism of a blockchain system itself, based on self-auditing, could create the conditions for the human being to be irrevocably chained to a hard materialism where no possible distinction is made between the human being and their possessions...".
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