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  1. Truth and imprecision.Josh Armstrong - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (3):309-332.
    Our ordinary assertions are often imprecise, insofar as the way we represent things as being only approximates how things are in the actual world. The phenomenon of assertoric imprecision raises a challenge to standard accounts of both the norm of assertion and the connection between semantics and the objects of assertion. After clarifying these problems in detail, I develop a framework for resolving them. Specifically, I argue that the phenomenon of assertoric imprecision motivates a rejection of the widely held belief (...)
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  2. Combinatoriality and Compositionality in Everyday Primate Skills.Nathalie Gontier - forthcoming - International Journal of Primatology.
    Human language, hominin tool production modes, and multimodal communications systems of primates and other animals are currently well-studied for how they display compositionality or combinatoriality. In all cases, the former is defined as a kind of hierarchical nesting and the latter as a lack thereof. In this article, I extend research on combinatoriality and compositionality further to investigations of everyday primate skills. Daily locomotion modes as well as behaviors associated with subsistence practices, hygiene, or body modification rely on the hierarchical (...)
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  3. Rozwiązanie paradoksów Rossa i Priora. Klasyczny Rachunek Modalności..Jan Pociej - 2024 - Https://Doi.Org/10.6084/M9.Figshare.25196138.V1.
    Rozwiązanie paradoksów Rossa i Priora okazało się trudnym zadaniem. Jego pierwsze dwa etapy, obejmujące identyfikację prawdziwych natur implikacji i wartości logicznych, zostały opisane w artykułach "Rozwiązanie paradoksu implikacji materialnej – 2024" i "Rozwiązanie dylematu Jörgensena – 2024". Ten artykuł opisuje trzeci etap, obejmujący odkrycie brakujących funktorów modalnych i Klasycznego Rachunku Modalności. Na zakończenie zostają podane procedury rozwiązania obu paradoksów.
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  4. مجلة كراسات تربوية. العدد(08). يوليوز. 2018.مجموعة من المؤلفين - 2022 - Rabat: ROA PRINT. Edited by الصديق الصادقي العماري.
    وجدت التربية مع وجود الحياة الإنسانية، وهي ظاهرة اجتماعية بامتياز، عرفها الإنسان منذ أن وطئت قدماه الأرض، كما أنها كانت موضوع اهتمام الأديان عبر العصور والأزمنة، وهذا يدل على دورها الفاعل والهام في تطوير الأمم وتقدمها. وقد عرفت هذه الظاهرة تطورات نوعية وكيفية عميقة جنبا إلى جنب مع التحولات الاقتصادية والثقافية والاجتماعية والسياسية... إلى أن أصبحت علما بل علوما متعددة ومتنوعة، وكذلك من بين التخصصات التي تدرس في الجامعات والمعاهد العامة والخاصة. تعد التنمية من بين الأهداف الكبرى التي تسعى التربية (...)
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  5. Ancient Greek Mathematical Proofs and Metareasoning.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2024 - In Maria Zack (ed.), Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Annals of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics. pp. 15-33.
    We present an approach in which ancient Greek mathematical proofs by Hippocrates of Chios and Euclid are addressed as a form of (guided) intentional reasoning. Schematically, in a proof, we start with a sentence that works as a premise; this sentence is followed by another, the conclusion of what we might take to be an inferential step. That goes on until the last conclusion is reached. Guided by the text, we go through small inferential steps; in each one, we go (...)
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  6. (15 other versions)تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصال ودورها في التعليم والتعلم.خالد الأنصاري - 2016 - Revue Brochures Educatives مجلة كراسات تربوية 1 (2):162-182.
    فرضت التكنولوجيا الحديثة نفسها على كل فئات المجتمع، ودخلت من النوافذ قبل الأبواب، وأصبحت رمز التقدم الحضاري، وأصبح مقياس الأمية يقاس بمدى توفر البيئة الحاضنة لهذه التكنولوجيا، وبمدى استيعابها واستثمارها في مجالات الحياة التربوية واليومية، فكل تطور في المجتمع، لا بد وأن يصاحبه تطور في المجال التربوي، وهذا ما حصل بالفعل، فقد دخلت التكنولوجيا المدرسة والجامعة والمؤسسات العمومية، وأصبح العلم بالتكنولوجيا ومسايرة الركب المعلوماتي ضرورة ملحة في عصر المعرفة والمعلومات. ومما لا شك فيه أن دخول مجتمع المعرفة مجتمع التكنولوجيا، أصبح (...)
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  7. (19 other versions)السلطة البيداغوجية: دراسة في تمثلات المدرس للسلطة وعلاقتها بتدبير المشاكل السلوكية للتلاميذ.محمد مرشد - 2016 - Revue Brochures Educatives مجلة كراسات تربوية 1 (2):31-42.
    ينبني فعل التربية أساسا على تلك القدرة الهادفة إلى توجيه سلوكات و مواقف الأفراد، بما يتوافق و نموذج القيم الذي يتبناه مجتمع ما أو جماعة ما داخل هذا المجتمع. إنها العملية التي يتم من خلالها تشكيل ما هو جوهري في الفرد، و ذَلِك من خلال انخراطه في شبكة من العلاقات الاجتماعية. و لا يمكن أن تتم هذه العملية بطريقة فردية أو معزولة، بل تستوجب تدخل أفراد آخرين، ينعتون عادة ب"المربين" أو ب"الفاعلين التربويين". ضمن هذا البعد العلائقي يتشكل فعل التربية. غير (...)
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  8. (24 other versions)جماليات التلقي من أجل تأويل النص الأدبي.الصديق الصادقي العماري & Seddik Sadiki Amari - 2017 - مجلة وادي درعة Revue Ouadi Daraa 1 (29):54-78.
    في أواسط القرن الماضي ظهرت عدة نظريات نقدية تهتم بدراسة النص الأدبي؛ ومنها المنهج التاريخي والاجتماعي والنفسي...؛ التي تسلط الضوء على الكاتب وظروفه؛ كما ظهرت مناهج أخرى اهتمت بسلطة النص، وأكدت على دراسته دراسة داخلية؛ كما عند الشكلانيين الروس؛ وعند «رولان بارت»، الذي حث على دراسة النص ولا شيء غير النص؛ وأكد على موت المؤلف من أجل حياة النص، من خلال تفاعلاته البنيوية الداخلية. وكان لذلك الجدل والصراع القائم بين هذه المناهج النقدية والنظريات المعرفية المتباينة الأثر الواضح في ميلاد جمالية (...)
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  9. (23 other versions)نموذج الإينياجرام. تساعية أنماط الشخصية. وتوظيفه في التربية و تكوين الكفاءات وتأهيل القيادات.محمد الدريج - 2016 - Revue Brochures Educatives مجلة كراسات تربوية 1 (2):7-29.
    ينطلق نموذج/نظرية"تساعية أنماط الشخصية"(الإينياجرام)، من السعي نحو معرفة إلى أي فئة من الناس ينتمي كل واحد منا، ونوع التكوين الذي يحتاجه والأعمال والمهام والمناصب الأكثر ملاءمة لنمط شخصيته. وقد لاحظنا مؤخرا شيوع توظيفه في مجالات شتى في أمريكا الشمالية وخاصة في مجالات التواصل والتكوين والتدريب وتأهيل القيادات العاملة في مختلف القطاعات. وقبل تفصيل الحديث عن هذا النموذج وتوظيفه، سنعمل في بداية هذه الدراسة على رسم الإطار العام الذي ظهر فيه الإينياجرام Ennéagramme وانتشر، وبعدها سنفصل الحديث عن أهم أسسه ومكوناته وأوجه (...)
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  10. مجلة كراسات تربوية. العدد 09. دجنبر2022.Seddik Sadiki Amari & مجموعة من المؤلفين - 2022 - Maroc المغرب. Rabat الرباط: ROA PRINT مطبعة رؤى برينت. Edited by الصديق الصادقي العماري.
    تقديم: أضحى تعليم التفكير النقدي من أبرز أهداف التربية الحديثة في كثير من دول العالم، إذ يرى الباحثون أنه سبيل لتطوير البنية المعرفية للمتعلمين، من منطلق أنه في استطاعة كل فرد أن يتعلم كيف يفكر تفكيرا نقديا إذا ما أتيحت له فرص التدريب والممارسة الفعلية، ولن يتأتى ذلك إلا عبر استراتيجيات ومناهج منظمة وواضحة، تلائم مراحل نمو هذا الفرد، وقدرته على الاستيعاب وفق إيقاعه في التعلم. فلم يعد يُنظر إلى التعلم باعتباره حالة نهائية أو منتوجا لمعارف أو كفايات محددة فقط، (...)
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  11. Functionalism and tacit knowledge of grammar.David Balcarras - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):18-48.
    In this article, I argue that if tacit knowledge of grammar is analyzable in functional‐computational terms, then it cannot ground linguistic meaning, structure, or sound. If to know or cognize a grammar is to be in a certain computational state playing a certain functional role, there can be no unique grammar cognized. Satisfying the functional conditions for cognizing a grammar G entails satisfying those for cognizing many grammars disagreeing with G about expressions' semantic, phonetic, and syntactic values. This threatens the (...)
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  12. Languages and Other Abstract Structures.Ryan Mark Nefdt - 2018 - In Martin Neef & Christina Behme (eds.), Essays on Linguistic Realism. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 139-184.
    My aim in this chapter is to extend the Realist account of the foundations of linguistics offered by Postal, Katz and others. I first argue against the idea that naive Platonism can capture the necessary requirements on what I call a ‘mixed realist’ view of linguistics, which takes aspects of Platonism, Nominalism and Mentalism into consideration. I then advocate three desiderata for an appropriate ‘mixed realist’ account of linguistic ontology and foundations, namely (1) linguistic creativity and infinity, (2) linguistics as (...)
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  13. Information Reflection Theory Based on Information Theories, Analog Symbolism, and the Generalized Relativity Principle.Chenguang Lu - 2023 - Comput. Sci. Math. Forum 8 (1):45.
    Reflection Theory holds that our sensations reflect physical properties, whereas Empiricism believes that sense (data), presentations, and phenomena are the ultimate existence. Lenin adhered to Reflection Theory and criticized Helmholtz’s sensory symbolism for affirming the similarity between a sensation and a physical property. By using information and color vision theories, analyzing the ostensive definition with inverted qualia, and extending the relativity principle, this paper affirms the external world’s existence independent of personal sensations. Still, it denies the similarity between a sense (...)
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  14. On Philomatics and Psychomatics for Combining Philosophy and Psychology with Mathematics.Benyamin Ghojogh & Morteza Babaie - manuscript
    We propose the concepts of philomatics and psychomatics as hybrid combinations of philosophy and psychology with mathematics. We explain four motivations for this combination which are fulfilling the desire of analytical philosophy, proposing science of philosophy, justifying mathematical algorithms by philosophy, and abstraction in both philosophy and mathematics. We enumerate various examples for philomatics and psychomatics, some of which are explained in more depth. The first example is the analysis of relation between the context principle, semantic holism, and the usage (...)
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  15. Conceptual Relativism and Linguistic Anthropology: How to comprehend the incomprehensible?Julia J. Turska - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    In this thesis, the philosophical debate on conceptual relativism between Quine and Davidson is examined, along with their respective theories of interpretation. A new perspective on the issues raised by these philosophers in their theoretical accounts of linguistic comprehension is introduced through an examination of two research projects conducted in the paradigm of linguistic anthropology. The philosophical standpoints are analyzed against the background of the data these empirical projects deliver, and the question of their validity in the face of these (...)
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  16. Reasoning with Concepts: A Unifying Framework.Peter Gärdenfors & Matías Osta-Vélez - 2023 - Minds and Machines 1 (3):451-485.
    Over the past few decades, cognitive science has identified several forms of reasoning that make essential use of conceptual knowledge. Despite significant theoretical and empirical progress, there is still no unified framework for understanding how concepts are used in reasoning. This paper argues that the theory of conceptual spaces is capable of filling this gap. Our strategy is to demonstrate how various inference mechanisms which clearly rely on conceptual information—including similarity, typicality, and diagnosticity-based reasoning—can be modeled using principles derived from (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Super Linguistics: an introduction.Pritty Patel-Grosz, Salvador Mascarenhas, Emmanuel Chemla & Philippe Schlenker - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy Super Linguistics Special Issue.
    We argue that formal linguistic theory, properly extended, can provide a unifying framework for diverse phenomena beyond traditional linguistic objects. We display applications to pictorial meanings, visual narratives, music, dance, animal communication, and, more abstractly, to logical and non-logical concepts in the ‘language of thought’ and reasoning. In many of these cases, a careful analysis reveals that classic linguistic notions are pervasive across these domains, such as for instance the constituency (or grouping) core principle of syntax, the use of logical (...)
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  18. The Course of Human Development: 19th-century Comparative Linguistics from Schlegel to Schleicher.Jennifer Mensch - 2019 - International Yearbook for Hermeneutics 18 (1):140-154.
    The investigation that I am going to pursue here is part of a larger effort on my part to understand the relationship between Kant’s so-called “philosophical anthropology” and the development of early German anthropology since it is my sense that Kant had a determinate, if indirect, effect on the history of that separate field. For now this larger project has three main foci: an account of Kant’s philosophical anthropology in all its parts, an inquiry into Kant’s relationship to the theories (...)
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  19. Contextual and Structural Explanations in the Philosophy of Language: Differences Between Western and Chinese Orientations of Thought as Observed Through the Use of the Subjunctive Mood.Baoya Chen & Runnan Liu - 2017 - Journal of Human Cognition 1 (1):53-72.
    Compared with Western Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy seldom talks about "the other world". This difference can be further proved in language categories. What exists in language text is different from what exists in language structure or language categories. Language categories reflect the styles of deep thinking. The lacking of subjunctive in Chinese language reflects the indifference between facts and ultra-facts in Chinese minds. There is a pan-fact attention in Chinese culture, while an ultra-fact attention in Western culture. This difference also embodies (...)
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  20. How can the inferentialist make room for the distinction between factual and linguistic correctness?Kaluziński Bartosz - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Brandom (Citation1994) made inferentialism an intensely debated idea in the philosophy of language in the last three decades. Inferentialism is a view that associates the meaning of linguistic expression with the role said expression plays in inferences. It seems rather uncontroversial that the correct theory of meaning should distinguish between linguistic correctness and factual correctness. For instance, speaker S can be wrong in saying ‘I have arthritis’ in two distinct ways: (i) S fails to apply a word correctly to make (...)
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  21. Solving the Paradox of Material Implication - 2024 (2nd edition).Jan Pociej - forthcoming - Https://Doi.Org/10.6084/M9.Figshare.22324282.V3.
    The paradox of material implication has remained unresolved since antiquity because it was believed that the nature of implication was entailment. The article shows that this nature is opposition and therefore the name "implication" should be replaced with the name "competition". A solution to the paradox is provided along with appropriate changes in nomenclature, the addition of connectives and the postulate that the biconditional take over the role of the previous implication. In addition, changes to the nomenclature of logic gates (...)
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  22. Rozwiązanie paradoksu implikacji materialnej - 2024.Jan Pociej - 2024 - Https://Doi.Org/10.6084/M9.Figshare.22323703.V3.
    Paradoks implikacji materialnej pozostawał nierozwiązany od starożytności, ponieważ uważano, że naturą implikacji jest wynikanie. Artykuł ukazuje, że tą naturą jest przeciwstawność. Zostaje podane rozwiązanie paradoksu wraz z odpowiednimi zmianami nazewnictwa, dodaniem konektywów i postulatem przejęcia roli dotychczasowej implikacji przez równoważność. Ponadto zaproponowane zostają zmiany nazewnictwa bramek logicznych, odwzorowujących kompetycję w elektronice.
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  23. Re-Visiting the Meaning of ‘ẓann’ in the Qurʾān.Abdulla Galadari - 2022 - The Muslim World 112 (4):436-456.
    The Qurʾānic term, ‘ẓann,’ is usually understood and translated as conjecture. However, I argue that the Qurʾān uses ‘ẓann’ to mean dogmatic zeal or, in other words, being zealous to a certain belief. For conjecture, the Qurʾān uses the root ‘ḥ-s-b,’ such as, ‘ayaḥsabu.’ Although the Qurʾān may criticize some people's conjectures, it does not criticize the act of formulating opinions with the root ‘ḥ-s-b.’ However, the Qurʾān does criticize the act of ‘ẓann.’ This further emphasizes the distinction between conjecture (...)
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  24. Meanings Without Species.Josh Armstrong - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I critically assess Mark Richard’s interesting and important development of the claim that linguistic meanings can be fruitfully analogized with biological species. I argue that linguistic meanings qua cluster of interpretative presuppositions need not and often do not display the population-level independence and reproductive isolation that is characteristic of the biological species concept. After developing these problems in some detail, I close with a discussion of their implications for the picture that Richard paints concerning the dangers of (...)
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  25. Analogy as a search procedure: A dimensional view.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2022 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1.
    In this paper, we outline a comprehensive approach to composed analogies based on the theory of conceptual spaces. Our algorithmic model understands analogy as a search procedure and builds upon the idea that analogical similarity depends on a conceptual phenomena called ‘dimensional salience.’ We distinguish between category-based, property-based, event-based, and part-whole analogies, and propose computationally-oriented methods for explicating them in terms of conceptual spaces.
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  26. Relational Eco linguistics and Speculative Fabulations.Rahul D. Gautam - 2022 - Research Journal Of English (RJOE) 7 (Special Issue-2):103-116.
    With rising portmanteaux such as Ecosophy and ecolinguistics, a significant trend that aims to blend ecology with multiple disciplines continues to be on the ascent since the last century. The recent challenge to the anthropocentric worldview is a crucial motivation for such blends. With the upheaval of "genetic information," the information system that formerly bolstered and maintained anthropocentrism is now challenging its tenets. The term eco refers to the critical relationships between humans and nonhumans, between microscopic and macroscopic worlds. Ecolinguistics (...)
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  27. Words on Kripke’s Puzzle.Maciej Tarnowski & Maciej Głowacki - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-21.
    In this paper we present a solution to Saul Kripke’s Puzzle About Belief Meaning and use, Dordrecht, 1979) based on Kaplan’s metaphysical picture of words. Although it is widely accepted that providing such a solution was one of the main incentives for the development of Kaplan’s theory, it was never presented by Kaplan in a systematic manner and was regarded by many as unsatisfactory. We agree with these critiques, and develop an extension of Kaplan’s theory by introducing the notion of (...)
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  28. Probabilistic semantics for epistemic modals: Normality assumptions, conditional epistemic spaces and the strength of must and might.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (4):985-1026.
    The epistemic modal auxiliaries must and might are vehicles for expressing the force with which a proposition follows from some body of evidence or information. Standard approaches model these operators using quantificational modal logic, but probabilistic approaches are becoming increasingly influential. According to a traditional view, must is a maximally strong epistemic operator and might is a bare possibility one. A competing account—popular amongst proponents of a probabilisitic turn—says that, given a body of evidence, must \ entails that \\) is (...)
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  29. A Major Challenge.Michael Joseph Winkler - 2021 - In Michael Winkler (ed.), The Image of Language. Northeast, NY: Artists Books Editions.
    This excerpted chapter of the book THE IMAGE OF LANGUAGE discusses the philosophical implications of geometric visualizations of the alphabetic patterning encoded in the orthography of words (a project showing examples of the visualizations is included). Reference pages are also included.
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  30. Exploring RoBERTa's theory of mind through textual entailment.Michael Cohen - manuscript
    Within psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science, theory of mind refers to the cognitive ability to reason about the mental states of other people, thus recognizing them as having beliefs, knowledge, intentions and emotions of their own. In this project, we construct a natural language inference (NLD) dataset that tests the ability of a state of the art language model, RoBERTa-large finetuned on the MNLI dataset, to make theory of mind inferences related to knowledge and belief. Experimental results suggest that the (...)
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  31. Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Issues in Linguistics.Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (eds.) - 2021 - Springer.
    Together with the first volume “Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics: Theoretical developments,” this book collects contributions that represent the state of the art on the interconnection between pragmatics and philosophy. While the first volume presents the philosophical dimension of pragmatics, showing the path from theoretical advances to practical uses and approaches, this second volume offers a specular view on this discipline. Instead of adopting the top-down view of the first volume, this collection of eleven chapters starts from the analysis of linguistic (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Mixed computation: grammar up and down the Chomsky Hierarchy.Diego Gabriel Krivochen - 2021 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (3):215-244.
    Proof-theoretic models of grammar are based on the view that an explicit characterization of a language comes in the form of the recursive enumeration of strings in that language. That recur-sive enumeration is carried out by a procedure which strongly generates a set of structural de-scriptions Σ and weakly generates a set of strings S; a grammar is thus a function that pairs an element of Σ with elements of S. Structural descriptions are obtained by means of Context-Free phrase structure (...)
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  33. Words, Species, and Kinds.J. T. M. Miller - 2021 - Metaphysics 4 (1):18–31.
    It has been widely argued that words are analogous to species such that words, like species, are natural kinds. In this paper, I consider the metaphysics of word-kinds. After arguing against an essentialist approach, I argue that word-kinds are homeostatic property clusters, in line with the dominant approach to other biological and psychological kinds.
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  34. Chomsky vis-a-vis the Methodology of Science.Thomas Johnston - manuscript
    (1) In the first part of this paper, I review Chomsky's meandering journey from the formalism/mentalism of Syntactic Structures, through several methodological positions, to the minimalist theory of his latest work. Infected with mentalism from first to last, each and every position vitiates Chomsky's repeated claims that his theories will provide useful guidance to later theories in such fields as cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. With the guidance of his insights, he claims, psychologists and neuroscientists will be able to avoid (...)
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  35. Communication before communicative intentions.Josh Armstrong - 2021 - Noûs 57 (1):26-50.
    This paper explores the significance of intelligent social behavior among non-human animals for philosophical theories of communication. Using the alarm call system of vervet monkeys as a case study, I argue that interpersonal communication (or what I call “minded communication”) can and does take place in the absence of the production and recognition of communicative intentions. More generally, I argue that evolutionary theory provides good reasons for maintaining that minded communication is both temporally and explanatorily prior to the use of (...)
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  36. Introduction to Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington.Lee Walters - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
    Dorothy Edgington’s work has been at the centre of a range of ongoing debates in philosophical logic, philosophy of mind and language, metaphysics, and epistemology. This work has focused, although by no means exclusively, on the overlapping areas of conditionals, probability, and paradox. In what follows, I briefly sketch some themes from these three areas relevant to Dorothy’s work, highlighting how some of Dorothy’s work and some of the contributions of this volume fit in to these debates.
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  37. The Cognitive Sciences: A comment on 6 reviews of The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences.Robert A. Wilson - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 130 (2):223-229.
    As the pluralization in the title of MITECS suggests, and as many reviewers have noted, the stance that we adopted as general editors for this project was ecumenical. We were particularly concerned to generate a volume whose range of topics and perspectives indicated that “cognitive science” was different things to different groups of researchers, and that many even fundamental questions remain open after at least four decades of various interdisciplinary ventures. Implicit in this view is a wariness of any putative (...)
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  38. An epistemological inquiry into the ‘what is language’ question and the ‘what did language evolve for’ question.Nathalie Gontier - 2006 - In A. Cangelosi (ed.), The evolution of language: proceedings of the 6th international conference (EVOLANG 6). pp. 107-114.
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  39. On constructing a research model for historical cognitive linguistics (HCL): Some theoretical considerations.Nathalie Gontier - 2010 - In M. E. Winters (ed.), Historical Cognitive Linguistics. pp. 31-69.
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  40. What are the levels and mechanisms/processes of language evolution?Nathalie Gontier - 2017 - Language Sciences 1 (63):12-43.
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  41. Pattern similarity in biological, linguistic, and sociocultural evolution.Nathalie Gontier - 2018 - In In Cuskley, C., Flaherty, M., Little, H., McCrohon, L., Ravignani, A. & Verhoef, T. (Eds.): The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (EVOLANGXII).
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  42. “Propositions in Theatre: Theatrical Utterances as Events”.Michael Y. Bennett - 2018 - Journal of Literary Semantics 47 (2):147-152.
    Using William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the play-within-the play, The Murder of Gonzago, as a case study, this essay argues that theatrical utterances constitute a special case of language usage not previously elucidated: the utterance of a statement with propositional content in theatre functions as an event. In short, the propositional content of a particular p (e.g. p1, p2, p3 …), whether or not it is true, is only understood—and understood to be true—if p1 is uttered in a particular time, place, (...)
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  43. Language and scientific explanation: Where does semantics fit in?Eran Asoulin - 2020 - Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press.
    This book discusses the two main construals of the explanatory goals of semantic theories. The first, externalist conception, understands semantic theories in terms of a hermeneutic and interpretive explanatory project. The second, internalist conception, understands semantic theories in terms of the psychological mechanisms in virtue of which meanings are generated. It is argued that a fruitful scientific explanation is one that aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms in virtue of which the observable phenomena are made possible, and that a scientific (...)
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  44. Transcendence in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Habermas' God.Maeve Cooke - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):21-44.
    Habermas emphasizes the importance for critical thinking of ideas of truth and moral validity that are at once context-transcending and immanent to human practices. in a recent review, Peter Dews queries his distinction between metaphysically construed transcendence and transcendence from within, asking provocatively in what sense Habermas does not believe in God. I answer that his conception of “God” is resolutely postmetaphysical, a god that is constructed by way of human linguistic practices. I then give three reasons for why it (...)
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  45. Heptapod B and the Metaphysics of Time – Hybrid Interfaces of Literature, Cinema and Science.Israel A. C. Noletto & Sebastião Alves Teixeira Lopes - unknown
    In this paper, we intend to promote an analysis of the use of the artificial language Heptapod B in Story of Your Life written by Ted Chiang and in its filmic adaptation, Arrival, written by Eric Heisserer and directed by Denis Villeneuve in relation to the authors’ views on the metaphysics of time. In both literary and filmic texts, the glossopoeia is used as a plot device upon which the alien race’s time perception is constructed and explicated in connexion with (...)
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  46. (3 other versions)Natural Language Ontology (Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics).Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper gives an outline of natural language ontology as a subdiscipline of both linguistics and philosophy. It argues that part of the constructional ontology reflected in natural language is in significant respects on a par with syntax (on the generative view).
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  47. (3 other versions)Natural Language Ontology (Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics).Friederike Moltmann - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 325-338.
    This paper gives an outline of natural language ontology as a subdiscipline of both linguistics and philosophy. It argues that part of the constructional ontology reflected in natural language is in significant respects on a par with syntax (on the generative view).
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  48. Compositionality in Truth Conditional Pragmatics.Adrian Briciu - 2020 - In Tadeusz Ciecierski & Pawel Grabarczyk (eds.), The Architecture of Context and Context-Sensitivity. Springer. pp. 205-226.
    In the past decade various linguists and philosophers (e.g. Pagin, Pelletier, Recanati, Westerståhl, Lasersohn) have proposed a weakening of the standard interpretation of compositionality for propositional content. Their move is motivated by the desire to accommodate radical forms of context sensitivity within a systematic account of natural languages. In this paper I argue against weakening compositionality in the way proposed by them. I argue that weak compositionality fails to provide some of the expected benefits of compositionality. First, weak compositionality fails (...)
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  49. The evolution of (proto-)language: Focus on mechanisms.Przemyslaw Zywickzinski, Nathalie Gontier & Slawomir Wacewicz - 2017 - Language Science 63 (63):1-11.
    This article introduces a special issue on mechanisms in language evolution research. It describes processes relevant for the emergence of protolanguage and the transition thereof to modern language. Protolanguage is one of the key terms in the field of language evolution, used to designate a hypothesised intermediate stage in the emergence of language present in extinct hominins: qualitatively different from non-human primate communication in possessing some, but not all, of the features that characterise modern language. Much debate in language evolution (...)
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  50. До питання про мовну толерантність (результати опитування, проведеного у Вінницькій області).Taras Tkachuk - 2017 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 3:68-76.
    Стаття продовжує цикл опитувань, метою яких було з’ясування факторів впливу на вибір мови в білінгвальному середовищі. В аналізованому опитуванні, проведеному у Вінниці та Вінницькій області, охоплено 560 старшокласників віком 14–17 років. Результати анкетування дали змогу зробити висновки про психологічні чинники, що впливають на респондента, який перебуває в двомовному середовищі.
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