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  1. A note on incomplete theory.Han Geurdes - manuscript
    In the paper it is demonstrated that Bell's theorem is unproveable.
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  2. The Logic of Counterfactuals and the Epistemology of Causal Inference.Hanti Lin - manuscript
    The 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics recognizes a type of causal model known as the Rubin causal model, or potential outcome framework, which deserves far more attention from philosophers than it currently receives. To spark philosophers' interest, I develop a dialectic connecting the Rubin causal model to the Lewis-Stalnaker debate on a logical principle of counterfactuals: Conditional Excluded Middle (CEM). I begin by playing good cop for CEM, developing a new argument in its favor---a Quine-Putnam-style indispensability argument. This argument is (...)
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  3. Jacques Lacan’s Registers of the Psychoanalytic Field, Applied using Geometric Data Analysis to Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter”.Fionn Murtagh & Giuseppe Iurato - manuscript
    In a first investigation, a Lacan-motivated template of the Poe story is fitted to the data. A segmentation of the storyline is used in order to map out the diachrony. Based on this, it will be shown how synchronous aspects, potentially related to Lacanian registers, can be sought. This demonstrates the effectiveness of an approach based on a model template of the storyline narrative. In a second and more Comprehensive investigation, we develop an approach for revealing, that is, uncovering, Lacanian (...)
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  4. Capitalizing on the Power of Mindsponge Through Bayesian Inference.Minh-Hoang Nguyen - manuscript
    I discuss how the Bayesian inference can be utilize to enable the use of Mindsponge Theory/Mindsponge Mechanism in socio-psychological research.
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  5. The mindsponge concept and the bayesvl R package by 2021.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Manh-Toan Ho, Tam-Tri Le, T. T. Huyen Nguyen & T. Hong-Kong Nguyen - manuscript
    We review the progress of the Mindsponge concept and the bayesvl R package in scientific research from 2018 to 2021.
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  6. From Enclosure to Foreclosure and Beyond: Opening AI’s Totalizing Logic.Katia Schwerzmann - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    This paper reframes the issue of appropriation, extraction, and dispossession through AI—an assemblage of machine learning models trained on big data—in terms of enclosure and foreclosure. While enclosures are the product of a well-studied set of operations pertaining to both the constitution of the sovereign State and the primitive accumulation of capital, here, I want to recover an older form of the enclosure operation to then contrast it with foreclosure to better understand the effects of current algorithmic rationality. I argue (...)
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  7. Sloppy Models, Renormalization Group Realism, and the Success of Science.David Freeborn - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (2):645-673.
    The “sloppy models” program originated in systems biology, but has seen applications across a range of fields. Sloppy models are dependent on a large number of parameters, but highly insensitive to the vast majority of parameter combinations. Sloppy models proponents claim that the program may explain the success of science. I argue that the sloppy models program can at best provide a very partial explanation. Drawing a parallel with renormalization group realism, I argue that it would only give us grounds (...)
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  8. Управління ринковою капіталізацією машинобудівних підприємств.Igor Kryvovyazyuk, Ігор Кривов’язюк & Олександр Бурбан - 2025
    У монографії поглиблено науково-методологічні підходи та запропоновано практичні рекомендації щодо удосконалення управління та застосування управлінського інструментарію підвищення ринкової капіталізації машинобудівних підприємств на основі вартісної концепції. Розкрито теоретичні основи управління ринковою капіталізацією підприємства на основі вартісної концепції. Здійснено оцінювання вартості машинобудівних підприємств України, аналіз формування ринкової капіталізації та оцінювання впливу зміни складових вартості досліджуваних підприємств на її цільове значення. Удосконалено механізм управління ринковою капіталізацією підприємств на основі вартісної концепції, оцінено вплив стимулюючих інструментів на підвищення ринкової капіталізації, запропоновано систему управлінських рішень з (...)
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  9. Scoring Individual Moral Inclination for the CNI Test.Yi Chen, Benjamin Lugu, Wenchao Ma & Hyemin Han - 2024 - Stats 7 (3):894-905.
    Item response theory (IRT) is a modern psychometric framework for estimating respondents’ latent traits (e.g., ability, attitude, and personality) based on their responses to a set of questions in psychological tests. The current study adopted an item response tree (IRTree) method, which combines the tree model with IRT models for handling the sequential process of responding to a test item, to score individual moral inclination for the CNI test—a broadly adopted model for examining humans’ moral decision-making with three parameters generated: (...)
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  10. Factors for Reducing the Global Gender Gap.Nataliya Krasnikova, Roman Ivanov, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi & Olena Dzyad - 2024 - Economic Studies (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania) 33 (5):82-99.
    Gender inequality generates negative consequences for the economy, social sphere, and often the environment at the level of individual countries and the world. In this way, inequality creates a gender gap. The issue of reducing the gender gap was highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals and drew scientists' attention from various fields and international organizations to a multifaceted study of the gender gap phenomenon at different levels. The article analyzes available indicators that measure the gender gap and the conducted earlier (...)
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  11. Chương trình máy tính Bayesvl và liên tưởng tới “OCOP” trong nghiên cứu.Nguyễn Minh Hoàng & Phí Công Thường - 2024 - Khoa Học Và Công Nghệ.
    Tháng 5/2019, Chương trình máy tính Bayesvl phục vụ tính toán khoa học bằng phương pháp thống kê Bayes [1] vượt qua tất cả các kiểm tra kỹ thuật của CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) để chính thức trở thành gói phần mềm trong thư viện tiêu chuẩn của hệ thống R - một ngôn ngữ lập trình thống kê phổ biến nhất thế giới hiện nay. Hiện Chương trình máy tính Bayesvl do các nhà khoa học Việt Nam phát (...)
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  12. Five years of the bayesvl package: A journey through Bayesian statistical analysis.Hong-Hue Thi Nguyen - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    Five years ago, on May 24, 2019, the computer program ‘bayesvl’ was officially published on R under the name “bayesvl: Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with ‘Stan’”. This program (or package) was developed by two founders of the SM3D Portal, Vuong Quan Hoang and La Viet Phuong, to improve the productivity of conducting social research. The package was designed with a pedagogical orientation, supporting users in familiarizing themselves with Bayesian statistical methods, MCMC simulation, and (...)
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  13. Inconsistent multiple testing corrections: The fallacy of using family-based error rates to make inferences about individual hypotheses.Mark Rubin - 2024 - Methods in Psychology 10.
    During multiple testing, researchers often adjust their alpha level to control the familywise error rate for a statistical inference about a joint union alternative hypothesis (e.g., “H1,1 or H1,2”). However, in some cases, they do not make this inference. Instead, they make separate inferences about each of the individual hypotheses that comprise the joint hypothesis (e.g., H1,1 and H1,2). For example, a researcher might use a Bonferroni correction to adjust their alpha level from the conventional level of 0.050 to 0.025 (...)
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  14. The number of downloads for the bayesvl program increased significantly in January 2024.A. I. S. D. L. Team - 2024 - Sm3D Portal.
    In the first month of 2024, there was a significant increase in the number of downloads for the Bayesian stats / MCMC computing program, bayesvl, developed by AISDL running on R and Stan. The following RDocumentation (CRAN) graph illustrates the noticeable leap in data for January 2024.
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  15. Assessing Quality of Life Indicators in Contemporary Buildings in Kruja, Albania: A Regression Model Approach.Klodjan Xhexhi & Almida Xhexhi - 2024 - European Journal of Management Issues 32 (3):194-205.
    Purpose: This article aims to highlight key indicators of residents' quality of life in a specific contemporary building in Kruja, Albania. -/- Design/Method/Approach: A questionnaire with 30 questions was prepared for the inhabitance, and the Binary or Tobit probabilistic models were taken into consideration as part of the methodology, to conclude. The study will further analyze the implications of the inhabitants and their behavior in a specific contemporary building in the city of Kruja. It was examined the statistical significance of (...)
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  16. Grade 12 Students’ Retention in Statistics and Probability amidst Covid-19.Cathlyn Dumale & Melanie Gurat - 2023 - American Journal of Educational Research 11 (10):670-676.
    This study aimed to assess the retention of grade 12 students in statistics and probability, along with a comparative analysis of these retentions across the distinct topics of the subject. Statistics and probability subjects were taken by the students when they were in grade 11. Employing a quantitative approach, the research used descriptive-comparative design to describe the level of retention of the students and compare the retention of the students in each topic. These encompass random variables and probability distribution, normal (...)
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  17. "Hasard hypostasié et hasard réprimé : pour en finir avec certains mythes".Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Philippe Quentin, Hasard et création. Actes du colloque 7 et 8 mars 2022. Presses universitaires de l'ICES. pp. 155-175.
    This is the outline : I - Quelques étapes aux avancées significatives II - La pensée chrétienne et le hasard d’ignorance III - De quelques difficultés de raisonner sur le probable IV - Téléologie et évolutionnisme V - Où est l’« étage » qui permette de parler d’indépendance ? VI. Qu’y a-t-il à la base de nos concepts d’ordre ? VII - Quelle place pour le hasard ? VIII. Le hasard appréhendé de dos ?
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  18. Pedagogical Approaches in Statistics and Probability during Pandemic.Melanie Gurat & Cathlyn Dumale - 2023 - American Journal of Educational Research 11 (6):337-347.
    The difficulty of the students in Statistics and Probability subject, and the pedagogical approaches used by the teachers, were the challenges encountered by both students and teachers due to the restrictions during the CoViD-19 pandemic. Hence, this study aimed to determine the pedagogical approaches used in teaching statistics and probability during the pandemic. The study used a qualitative approach, particularly document analysis. The main source of the data was the module in statistics and probability specifically the learning activity sheets in (...)
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  19. Digital Transformation and Innovation in Business: the Impact of Strategic Alliances and Their Success Factors.I. Kryvovyazyuk, I. Britchenko, S. Smerichevskyi, L. Kovalska, V. Dorosh & P. Kravchuk - 2023 - Ikonomicheski Izsledvania 32 (1):3-17.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific approach that substantiates the impact of the creation of strategic alliances (SA) on the digital transformation of business and the development of their innovative power based on identified success factors. The aim was achieved using the following methods: abstract logic and typification (for classification of SA's success factors), generalization (to determine the peculiarities of SA's influence on their innovation development), analytical and ranking method (to determine the relationship between the dynamics (...)
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  20. Monitoring business structures activity to predict their development under condition of martial law.Igor Kryvovyazyuk & Bohdan Kryvoviaziuk - 2023 - Economic Forum 1 (2):91-97.
    This article discloses topical issues of the need for constant monitoring of changes in the business activity in enterprise structures. The main purpose of the study is to monitor the business activity of industrial enterprise structures of Ukraine to predict their development under martial law. A critical analysis of the content of scientific publications to solve the problem of improving the management of business activity of business structures revealed the lack of attention of scientists to the problems under study. The (...)
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  21. Implementing Dempster-Shafer Theory for property similarity in Conceptual Spaces modeling.Jeremy R. Chapman, John L. Crassidis, James Llinas, Barry Smith & David Kasmier - 2022 - Sensor Systems and Information Systems IV, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SCITECH Forum 2022.
    Previous work has shown that the Complex Conceptual Spaces − Single Observation Mathematical framework is a useful tool for event characterization. This mathematical framework is developed on the basis of Conceptual Spaces and uses integer linear programming to find the needed similarity values. The work of this paper is focused primarily on space event characterization. In particular, the focus is on the ranking of threats for malicious space events such as a kinetic kill. To make the Conceptual Spaces framework work, (...)
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  22. Communication of the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory in Politico.Ruining Jin - 2022 - Mindsponge Portal.
    This marks a remarkable milestone when the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory is directly communicated through a well-known media channel like Politico.
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  23. La Estadística Neutrosófica es una extensión de la Estadística de Intervalos, mientras que la Estadística Plitogénica es la forma más general de estadística. (Cuarta versión). Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plitogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (Fourth version).Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning 23 (1):21-38.
    In this paper we show that Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, since it deals with all kinds of indeterminacy (with respect to data, inferential procedures, probability distributions, graphical representations, etc.), allows for indeterminacy reduction, and uses neutrosophic probability which is more general than imprecise and classical probabilities, and has more detailed corresponding probability density functions. Whereas Interval Statistics only deals with indeterminacy that can be represented by intervals. And we respond to the arguments of Woodall et al (...)
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  24. Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plithogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (second version).Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - International Journal of Neutrosophic Science 19 (1):148-165.
    In this paper, we prove that Neutrosophic Statistics is more general than Interval Statistics, since it may deal with all types of indeterminacies (with respect to the data, inferential procedures, probability distributions, graphical representations, etc.), it allows the reduction of indeterminacy, and it uses the neutrosophic probability that is more general than imprecise and classical probabilities and has more detailed corresponding probability density functions. While Interval Statistics only deals with indeterminacy that can be represented by intervals. And we respond to (...)
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  25. Bayesvl: an R package for user-friendly Bayesian regression modelling.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Manh-Toan Ho - 2022 - VMOST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 64 (1):85-96.
    Compared with traditional statistics, only a few social scientists employ Bayesian analyses. The existing software programs for implementing Bayesian analyses such as OpenBUGS, WinBUGS, JAGS, and rstanarm can be daunting given that their complex computer codes involve a steep learning curve. In contrast, this paper introduces a new open software for implementing Bayesian network modelling and analysis: the bayesvl R package. The package aims at providing an intuitive gateway for beginners of Bayesian statistics to construct and analyse mathematical models in (...)
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  26. Zastosowanie wybranych metod i narzędzi ilościowych w naukach ekonomicznych, finansach i informatyce: monografia zbiorowa.Maria Borowska, Ìgor Gennadìjovič Brìtčenko, Łukasz Jabłoński, Bogusław Kaczmarczyk, Aleksander Kasprzyk, Przemysław Leończyk, Paweł Maciaszczyk, Joanna Olszowy, Marcelina Słaba-Wiącek & Bożena Zygmunt - 2021 - Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu.
    Całość rozpoczyna teoretyczny rozdział matematyczno-statystyczny. Jego istota i charakter jest odmienny, od pozostałych dziewięciu rozdziałów praktyczno-specjalistycznych. Prezentuje on aparat matematyczno-statystyczny niezbędny do zrozumienia treści kolejnych kierunkowych już rozdziałów monografii. Treści merytoryczne tego rozdziału nie są zaprezentowane w formie systematycznego wykładu, czy prezentacji, ale przedstawiają jedynie sygnalnie i syntetycznie pojęcia, definicje, twierdzenia oraz zasady i metody, które stanowią fundament ich zastosowań w naukach ekonomicznych, finansach oraz informatyce. Rozdziały: od drugiego do dziesiątego są kierunkowymi rozdziałami specjalistycznymi i prezentują różne kierunki praktycznych zastosowań (...)
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  27. Changing use of formal methods in philosophy: late 2000s vs. late 2010s.Samuel C. Fletcher, Joshua Knobe, Gregory Wheeler & Brian Allan Woodcock - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14555-14576.
    Traditionally, logic has been the dominant formal method within philosophy. Are logical methods still dominant today, or have the types of formal methods used in philosophy changed in recent times? To address this question, we coded a sample of philosophy papers from the late 2000s and from the late 2010s for the formal methods they used. The results indicate that the proportion of papers using logical methods remained more or less constant over that time period but the proportion of papers (...)
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  28. Microethics for healthcare data science: attention to capabilities in sociotechnical systems.Mark Graves & Emanuele Ratti - 2021 - The Future of Science and Ethics 6:64-73.
    It has been argued that ethical frameworks for data science often fail to foster ethical behavior, and they can be difficult to implement due to their vague and ambiguous nature. In order to overcome these limitations of current ethical frameworks, we propose to integrate the analysis of the connections between technical choices and sociocultural factors into the data science process, and show how these connections have consequences for what data subjects can do, accomplish, and be. Using healthcare as an example, (...)
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  29. Expediency of symptomatic diagnostics application of enterprise export-import activity in the disruption conditions of world economy sustainable development.S. F. Smerichevskyi, I. V. Kryvovyazyuk, V. V. Prokhorova, W. Usarek & A. I. Ivashchenko - 2021 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 628:012040.
    The purpose of the article is to solve an important scientific problem – further development of the basics of management decisions on the implementation of export-import activities based on the results of enterprise symptomatic diagnostics in disruption conditions of sustainable development of the world economy. The essence of enterprise symptomatic diagnostics in the context of management activity is specified by the results of the critical analysis of the scientific publications. The study of the features of the symptomatic diagnostics process of (...)
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  30. Papias's Prologue and the Probability of Parallels.Nevin Climenhaga - 2020 - Journal of Biblical Literature 139 (3):591-596.
    Several scholars, including Martin Hengel, R. Alan Culpepper, and Richard Bauckham, have argued that Papias had knowledge of the Gospel of John on the grounds that Papias’s prologue lists six of Jesus’s disciples in the same order that they are named in the Gospel of John: Andrew, Peter, Philip, Thomas, James, and John. In “A Note on Papias’s Knowledge of the Fourth Gospel” (JBL 129 [2010]: 793–794), Jake H. O’Connell presents a statistical analysis of this argument, according to which the (...)
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  31. Підприємництво як чинник розвитку інноваційної моделі економіки України та її регіонів.Igor Kryvovyazyuk & Ігор Кривов’язюк - 2020
    Монографія розкриває нове вирішення важливого науково-прикладного завдання, що полягає у поглибленні існуючих, розробленні й обґрунтуванні нових науково-методичних положень щодо формування інноваційної моделі розвитку України та її регіонів на основі реалізації підприємницького чиннику – активізації підприємницької ініціативи, розвитку інноваційної активності на регіональному рівні, підтримки розвитку підприємництва шляхом підвищення ефективності державної інноваційної політики. Поглиблено теоретичні засади концепцій інноватики та підприємництва, методологію дослідження підприємництва в контексті формування інноваційної моделі економіки України та її регіонів. Проаналізовано розвиток підприємництва та інноваційних процесів у регіонах України. Запропоновано (...)
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  32. The Radiocarbon Dating of the Turin Shroud: New Evidence from Raw Data.Tristan Casabianca, Emanuela Marinelli, Giuseppe Pernagallo & Benedetto Torrisi - 2019 - Archaeometry 5 (61):1223-1231.
    In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the artefact. However, the raw data were never released by the institutions. In 2017, in response to a legal request, all raw data kept by the British Museum were made accessible. A statistical analysis of the Nature article and the raw data strongly suggests that homogeneity (...)
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  33. Банкрутство як форма подолання системної кризи в економіці.Igor Kryvovyazyuk & Ігор Кривов’язюк - 2019 - Актуальні Проблеми Економіки 12:31-39.
    В статті набуло подальшого розвитку дослідження банкрутства як наукової категорії. Узагальнено результати динамізації банкрутства підприємств у різних країнах світу та визначено місце в них України. Удосконалено науковий підхід до реалізації процедур банкрутства з метою подолання системної кризи в економіці. Визначено місце санації та реструктуризації в подоланні системної кризи під час реалізації процедур банкрутства. Розкрито роль державної політики в ліквідації системної кризи в економіці через процес банкрутства.
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  34. Modelling competing legal arguments using Bayesian model comparison and averaging.Martin Neil, Norman Fenton, David Lagnado & Richard David Gill - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (4):403-430.
    Bayesian models of legal arguments generally aim to produce a single integrated model, combining each of the legal arguments under consideration. This combined approach implicitly assumes that variables and their relationships can be represented without any contradiction or misalignment, and in a way that makes sense with respect to the competing argument narratives. This paper describes a novel approach to compare and ‘average’ Bayesian models of legal arguments that have been built independently and with no attempt to make them consistent (...)
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  35. Why do we need to employ Bayesian statistics and how can we employ it in studies of moral education?: With practical guidelines to use JASP for educators and researchers.Hyemin Han - 2018 - Journal of Moral Education 47 (4):519-537.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, we discuss the benefits of Bayesian statistics and how to utilize them in studies of moral education. To demonstrate concrete examples of the applications of Bayesian statistics to studies of moral education, we reanalyzed two data sets previously collected: one small data set collected from a moral educational intervention experiment, and one big data set from a large-scale Defining Issues Test-2 survey. The results suggest that Bayesian analysis of data sets collected from moral educational studies can provide (...)
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  36. An open database of productivity in Vietnam's social sciences and humanities for public use.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Toan Ho, Hong K. T. Nguyen, Viet-Ha T. Nguyen, Hiep-Hung Pham & Manh-Tung Ho - 2018 - Scientific Data (Nature) 5 (180188):1-15.
    This study presents a description of an open database on scientific output of Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities, one that corrects for the shortcomings in current research publication databases such as data duplication, slow update, and a substantial cost of doing science. Here, using scientists’ self-reports, open online sources and cross-checking with Scopus database, we introduce a manual system and its semi-automated version of the database on the profiles of 657 Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities who (...)
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  37. Understanding Polarization: Meaning, Measures, and Model Evaluation.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, William J. Berger, Graham Sack, Steven Fisher, Carissa Flocken & Bennett Holman - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):115-159.
    Polarization is a topic of intense interest among social scientists, but there is significant disagreement regarding the character of the phenomenon and little understanding of underlying mechanics. A first problem, we argue, is that polarization appears in the literature as not one concept but many. In the first part of the article, we distinguish nine phenomena that may be considered polarization, with suggestions of appropriate measures for each. In the second part of the article, we apply this analysis to evaluate (...)
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  38. Uncertainty in Hiring Does Not Justify Affirmative Action.Thomas Mulligan - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1299-1311.
    Luc Bovens has recently advanced a novel argument for affirmative action, grounded in the plausible idea that it is hard for an employer to evaluate the qualifications of candidates from underrepresented groups. Bovens claims that this provides a profit-maximizing employer with reason to shortlist prima facie less-qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. In this paper, I illuminate three flaws in Bovens’s argument. First, it suffers from model error: A rational employer does not incur costs to scrutinize candidates when it knows their (...)
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  39. Disambiguation of Social Polarization Concepts and Measures.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, Steven Fisher, William Berger, Graham Sack & Carissa Flocken - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Sociology 40:80-111.
    ABSTRACT This article distinguishes nine senses of polarization and provides formal measures for each one to refine the methodology used to describe polarization in distributions of attitudes. Each distinct concept is explained through a definition, formal measures, examples, and references. We then apply these measures to GSS data regarding political views, opinions on abortion, and religiosity—topics described as revealing social polarization. Previous breakdowns of polarization include domain-specific assumptions and focus on a subset of the distribution’s features. This has conflated multiple, (...)
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  40. Integrating E-module as a Tool in Teaching Concepts of Significance Level in Education Statistics for Graduate Students.Melanie Gurat - 2016 - Journal for Research, Education and Management 1 (1):24-29.
    The need to understand statistics in conducting research is very important, especially when working on quantitative data. The significance level is a very important concept that needs to be fully understood, particularly in hypothesis testing. Collado (2015) found out that graduate students have a fair level of understanding of the concepts of significance level; thus she constructed an e-module on the said topic designed for use by graduate students. The e-module was used in conducting true experimental design particularly a randomized (...)
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  41. Unequal sample sizes and the use of larger control groups pertaining to power of a study.Marie Oldfield - 2016 - Dstl 1 (1).
    To date researchers planning experiments have always lived by the mantra that 'using equal sample sizes gives the best results' and although unequal groups are also used in experimentation, it is not the preferred method of many and indeed actively discouraged in literature. However, during live study planning there are other considerations that we must take into account such as availability of study participants, statistical power and, indeed, the cost of the study. These can all make allocating equal sample sizes (...)
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  42. Neonatal Diagnostics: Toward Dynamic Growth Charts of Neuromotor Control.Elizabeth B. Torres, Beth Smith, Sejal Mistry, Maria Brincker & Caroline Whyatt - 2016 - Frontiers in Pediatrics 4:121.
    The current rise of neurodevelopmental disorders poses a critical need to detect risk early in order to rapidly intervene. One of the tools pediatricians use to track development is the standard growth chart. The growth charts are somewhat limited in predicting possible neurodevelopmental issues. They rely on linear models and assumptions of normality for physical growth data – obscuring key statistical information about possible neurodevelopmental risk in growth data that actually has accelerated, non-linear rates-of-change and variability encompassing skewed distributions. Here, (...)
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  43. Philosophical controversies in the evaluation of medical treatments : With a focus on the evidential roles of randomization and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine.Alexander Mebius - 2015 - Dissertation, Kth Royal Institute of Technology
    This thesis examines philosophical controversies surrounding the evaluation of medical treatments, with a focus on the evidential roles of randomised trials and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine. Current 'best practice' usually involves excluding non-randomised trial evidence from systematic reviews in cases where randomised trials are available for inclusion in the reviews. The first paper challenges this practice and evaluates whether adding of evidence from non-randomised trials might improve the quality and precision of some systematic reviews. The second paper compares the alleged (...)
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  44. Refrain from Standards? French, Cavemen and Computers. A (short) Story of Multidimensional Analysis in French Prehistoric Archaeology.Sébastien Plutniak - 2015 - In Oliver Schlaudt & Lara Huber, Standardization in Measurement. Philosophical and Sociological Issues. pp. 39-52.
    Focusing on the history of prehistoric archaeology in the 20th century, this papers shows (1) that statistical multidimensional analyses were carried out by a new kind of actors who challenged the previous common language shared by prehistorians. This fundamental change was important, considering that (2) language is a fundamental point for the epistemology of archaeology. However, a comparison of multidimensional analyses applications over time shall make clear that (3) the differences are mostly a generational matter: the transmission processes between them (...)
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  45. The Inflationary and Deflationary Trends in the Global Economy, or ‘the Japanese Disease’ is Spreading.Leonid Grinin & Andrey Korotayev - 2014 - Journal of Globalization Studies 5 (2):152-173.
    The danger of deflation has been rather frequently mentioned recently among nu-merous concerns over the European and partly American economies. Analysts cite the Japanese economy which has been suffering from deflation for the last two decades despite the large investments in economy and the government's efforts to increase inflation. Similarly, notwithstanding many trillions of dollars, euro, pounds and yen that were invested in economies over the past few years, the infla-tion in the Western countries still remains low. On the whole, (...)
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  46. Optimization Models for Reaction Networks: Information Divergence, Quadratic Programming and Kirchhoff’s Laws.Julio Michael Stern - 2014 - Axioms 109:109-118.
    This article presents a simple derivation of optimization models for reaction networks leading to a generalized form of the mass-action law, and compares the formal structure of Minimum Information Divergence, Quadratic Programming and Kirchhoff type network models. These optimization models are used in related articles to develop and illustrate the operation of ontology alignment algorithms and to discuss closely connected issues concerning the epistemological and statistical significance of sharp or precise hypotheses in empirical science.
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  47. Bayesian Test of Significance for Conditional Independence: The Multinomial Model.Julio Michael Stern, Pablo de Morais Andrade & Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira - 2014 - Entropy 16:1376-1395.
    Conditional independence tests have received special attention lately in machine learning and computational intelligence related literature as an important indicator of the relationship among the variables used by their models. In the field of probabilistic graphical models, which includes Bayesian network models, conditional independence tests are especially important for the task of learning the probabilistic graphical model structure from data. In this paper, we propose the full Bayesian significance test for tests of conditional independence for discrete datasets. The full Bayesian (...)
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  48. OBCS: The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics.Jie Zheng, Marcelline R. Harris, Anna Maria Masci, Yu Lin, Alfred Hero, Barry Smith & Yongqun He - 2014 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Biomedical Ontology 1327:65.
    Statistics play a critical role in biological and clinical research. To promote logically consistent representation and classification of statistical entities, we have developed the Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS). OBCS extends the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), an OBO Foundry ontology supported by some 20 communities. Currently, OBCS contains 686 terms, including 381 classes imported from OBI and 147 classes specific to OBCS. The goal of this paper is to present OBCS for community critique and to describe a (...)
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  49. Estimation and Model Selection in Dirichlet Regression.Julio Michael Stern - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1443:206-213.
    We study Compositional Models based on Dirichlet Regression where, given a (vector) covariate x, one considers the response variable, y, to be a positive vector with a conditional Dirichlet distribution, y | X We introduce a new method for estimating the parameters of the Dirichlet Covariate Model given a linear model on X, and also propose a Bayesian model selection approach. We present some numerical results which suggest that our proposals are more stable and robust than traditional approaches.
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  50. Non-Arbitrage In Financial Markets: A Bayesian Approach for Verification.Julio Michael Stern & Fernando Valvano Cerezetti - 2012 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1490:87-96.
    The concept of non-arbitrage plays an essential role in finance theory. Under certain regularity conditions, the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing states that, in non-arbitrage markets, prices of financial instruments are martingale processes. In this theoretical framework, the analysis of the statistical distributions of financial assets can assist in understanding how participants behave in the markets, and may or may not engender arbitrage conditions. Assuming an underlying Variance Gamma statistical model, this study aims to test, using the FBST - Full (...)
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